The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, February 16, 1877, Image 3

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T H i: EAGLE. : 'i’ 7~~ I M S . Friday Morning, February 16, 1877. ilr. George W. Norman, our geueral agent, will call ou the friends and pa trons of the Eagle, and we hope to receive through him quite a number of new subscribers and a liberal re sponse in the way of payment from those who are in arrears. We do hope that our subscribers will not fail to supply us with the “one thing need ful,” and we again promise to still furnish a paper worth far more than the subscription price. Drink pure cold water. Fish and oysters on ice. Clean up you premises. Who stoic Cohen’s goose? .Make ready lor the Convention. l'he knife swappers are disconcerted. The burnt shade trees have all boon cut down. Dvcho is get ting along finely grading the college hill. Very few people from the country in town this week. I)r. Green moves things up lively on t he street railroad. The Gower springs will be a favorite resort next summer. W e haven’t heard the toot of a brass horn in a week. Dr. Bradley keeps the colebrated Merck truss. Searchers after the precious metals a o still numerous in our country. We notice a good deal of improve ment going on iu the city. If you need a good tonic, try Brad ley’s American Plant Bitters. If you desire to enjoy sound and re freshing sleep, advertise in the Eagle Why th e Jews do not eat hog meat, can bn explained by Henry Cohen. Alnj. Wooodall is boss on making tlovver gardens. We understand the Presbyterian Church is to have anew coat of paint. The fumes of Guano salute the olfac tories. I’i nscriptions for whiskey are plen tiful on Sundays. Lillie children should not. play with knives. The nominating convention meets in this city on the iiStli. Have you been houey-fuggled by the lightning rod man ! ■Judge Wiuburn is improving and beautifying his residence. J. (t. Trammell, of Buford, was in the city this week. You will find it at K. L. Boone’s— it is a hoy, and weighs P 2 pounds. This is the month for setting out fruit, shade and ornamental trees. Messrs. Webb A Oliver’s store is the perfect embodiment of neatness and order. Are you going to paint? If so call on Dr. Bradley, and examine his stock of painter’s material. Our city is quiet almost to a fault— not even a dog light has occurred to break the monotony. The cold east wiud, which prevailed on Tuesday, upset the calculation of the glass cutter man. If you want to hoar ditt'oreut opinions expressed, ask what the time is, and listen at each man praise his watch. A. D. Candler, J. N. Dorsey, and J. F. Langston, are prominently men tioned in connection with the Ben Hill vacancy. Judging l>y tlio dust on tlio ladies drosses, last Sabbath, the sexton of flu; Methodist church has boon negli gent of his duty. Our Mayor and Council have applied for a charter for our College; also to incorporate the board of trustees with power to confer degrees. The season for the farmer to give his note, with good security for pro visions to live on while he makes the other crop of cotton, draws nigh. Sam Catch’s spirit didn’t come when called for by the scissor’s sharpen* r, and those old gentlemen are yet wait ing to feel the electric shock. We learn that the stables of Mr. A. S, Whelchel, were burned last Sunday nighf. Ono of his horses was burned to death, and two mules badly burned also. The lire was evidently the work of and incendiary. “And he shall gnaw a tile and shall lice to the mountains of hepsidam.” That is what Barnet thought, so he took a lile and cut the hinges off the calaboose door, and bis shadow falloth no more on the streets of Gainesville. During the past week our city has been enlivened with the rattling elo quence of the auction man, the loud mouthed oratory of the ticket seller, and the glib and oily tongued glass cutter man. “You pays your money and you takes your choice*. We direct special attention to the call of Dr. H. S. Bradley, Chairman, for a County Convention to be held on Saturday, the 24th instant, to select delegates to represent (his County in the District Convention Let all who can do so attend on that day and par ticipate in the proceedings of the meeting. Mr. John Pierson is in town with his Giant Cement for mending crock ery, china and glass ware, and also, all kinds of wood ware, furniture, etc. Any of these articles will be mended free of charge to the owner, for the next week, at J. N. Loden’s Jewelry Store. Call and have your brokon ware made as good as new. Dr. Swet Cox, of Homer, Ga., com mitted suicide on the 7th, by taking I morphine and strychnia. He had been j absent two days and his wife supposed j he was absent on professional busi- I ness. He was found in his office with | his nose and lips eaten by mice—sev- I oral of which were lying dead near him. They were doubtless killed by the poison on his lips. — - Council Proceedings. Council Chamber, } City ok Gainesville, Eeb. 12, 1877. f Council met. Present—His Honor Mayor Candler, and Aldermen Smith, Clements, Bradley, Alexander and Banks. Minutes read and confirmed. Petition of Early liogers received and read. Petition for side walk from Public Square, on oast side of Main street, referred to Street committee. Petition of It. A. Griffis, for retail spirituous liquors, corner of Bradford and Lawrenceville street. Granted. Ou motion, the Chairman of Public Property bo instructed to have gutter ing and roof of College building re paired. The rules were suspended and the following Ordinance read twice and passed: Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Gainesville, That from and after the passage of this Or dinance, the annual license tax on pic ture frame manufactures, where the business of framing pictures consists in simply joining the moulding, and where such picture framing shall bo carried on in connection with a photo graph gallery, shall be two dollars and fifty cents per year. ■See. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the above be and the same aro hereby repealed. The following accounts approved and ordered paid: A. H. B;iye, work on calabooso 75 A. 11. Brown, cleaning well and repairing college pump $5 00 J. It. Dye be, street work 6 00 Rolling, street work 75 B. H. Wright, expenses (Heury Winters) 5 75 Referred to Finance committee: K. L. Boone, blankets $1 50 By Alderman Banks: That the Council make application to Superior Court to have board of trustees of Gainesville College incor porated. Carried. On motion Council adjourned. D. O. Candler, Mayor. A. B. C. Dorsey, Clerk. Editors Eagle: By the promotion of Mr. Hill to the Senate, a necessity exists of holding an election in the Ninth, to fill his place in Congress. I take the liberty, in this mode, of di recting public attention to a young man of the district, who is, in the estimation of many friends, well quali fied for the position. No one who visits the courts in that part of the district in which he practices, can fail to observe the estimation in which he is held by the people and business men, both as a lawyer and a man. It does no injustice to any one t lse to say that he has the confidence and esteem of the entire community—is deservedly a rising man— truthful, faithful and of irreproachable morals; of conspicuous ability in his profes sion, aud the peer of any man in the State. The Ninth Congressional District has other worthy and capable men, but none of them surpass Marshall L. Smith, of Dawsonville. At this time, when virtue in public positions and integrity in our political administration are so much needed, Georgia must call to her service hor most trusty sons. A native of the ninth district; reared among its people; identified with them; understanding their condition and their wants, he would make them and the State a faithful and able representative in the Congress of tlio United States. _ _ * * H. Cohen has determined to close out his entire stock at first cost Jar cash, as he is desirious of making some alter ation in his business, lie also requests his friends and customers not only to coiue and buy, but to settle for what they have bought. Ho wishes to pay his debts and cannot do so without others pay him. So walk up, run up, tumble up or any way to get up and help me i these hard times. it A case of assault aud battery was tried in the Mayor’s Court, Tuesday. Otis slung brick at Dave, in the dark, and David drew forth his deadly der ringer aud proceeded to shoot in the direction from whence the brick came, but no damage was done. Remember that Saturday, the 24th, is the day for holding the primary meeting, to select delegates to the Dis trict Convention, which meets on the 28th of this month. Dr. Lytic’s Address. Gainesville, Ga., Feb. 15, 1877. I am a candidate to represent the Ninth Congressional District in the United States Congress. The election is to come off on March lJth, 1877. I declare myself a eand ; date for the express purpose of having the revenue taken off spirits and tobacco. I look upon this thing as a curse on the peo ple. from which no profit has resulted to the government in this district; but in addition a loss, for beside all the fines collected out of the people, the government has had to advance one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to pay expenses in this distriot Nobody benefited except a set of officers; some who cannot speak English. The Judges get a pull; the United States attorneys get a pull; the United States marshals get a pull; the store keepers get a pull; the guagers get a pull; the little pimps who go around spying out and informing on their neighbors gets a mite also, and the hearts of the people have been pulled out nearly. Were it not for this revenue the peo ple in this district could get along. Ist. the coppersmith has to pay fifty dollars license—then forty dollars on a still, thereby taxing a man on his own trade. The stiller has to turn his still house, ground and all over to the govern ment; the tubs has to be measured; his meal has to be weighed, and he has to vouch for so much out of each bushel, and he is watched like a thief. He has to pay ninety cents on the gal lon, or it is dead capital on his hands. If he were to move one of his own barrels he would be sent to the peni tentiary. Let a man dare to put up a little still and distill his'own peaches to keep them from rotting on the ground, and he is hunted down worse than a mur derer or a robber, for they don’t gather up the United States enlisted soldiers when they go to take such men. Voters of the Ninth Congressional District of Georgia, if you elect me, I will stop all this, and you shall make your own brandy, whisky and tobacco without all this trouble, as you used to do in old times. And when this im position is removed and the fetters all taken off, I will open out my copper shop again, and furnish yon with more complete stills on better terms and for less money than you have ever paid before. Respectfully, A. T. W. Lytle, M. D. IS*ad wliat ll< v. Or. Loviek i’ierci; Says of T lira sit's consumptive Cure. Macon, January 8, 1870. Dear Brother Davies: Excuse me for writ ing only when lam deeply interested. Hiave been speechless about two months. Could not read and pray in a family. Had tried many things. Got no benefit from any. Since Conference someone sent mo from Americas a bottle of Thrash’s Consumptive Cure and filing Restorer, which I have been taking now, this is the 9lh day, and I can tall: now with some ease. I came here, among other things, to supply myself with this medicine. No drug gist here has it on sale. 1 must have it. 1 want you to go in person to Thrasli & Cos., show them this letter and make them send me by express to Sparta, Ga., two, three or four bottles, with hill. lam getting on finely. li. I’lEltCE. For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradley, Gainesville, Ga. May 19-1 y A Card. To all who arc suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you, free of charge. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a sold-dressed envelope to the Rev Jo seph T. Inman, Station D. Bible House, New York. JNEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Fresh Lager Beer. / '01515 LAW will keep Fresh Cincinnati Beer to serve his customers from this date. This Beer is transported lrom Cincinnati to Atlanta in ice car refrigerators, therefore it cannot get stale. Como and see me. fohlG tf MARBLE! (treat Reduction iu Prices of MONU.UK>' rs AND TOMB STONES. Specimens of Work always on hand for sale. Money saved by buying from A.'ll. ROBERTSON, febl6-3tn Athens, Ga. ~ T j 0 g LMIOM AND AFTER THIS DATE, the Justices Courts in and for the 385ih (Morgan’s) District, will be held at the old usual court ground, on the first aud third Sat .rdavs of each month. , M. B. SIMPSON, J. P. feblG-tf C. C. BELL, N. P. & J. P. Notiro to Debtors anil Creditors. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Notice is hereby given to all persons having de mands against the estate of Geotge Haines, late of said county, deceased, to present them to the'Executors, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character aud amount; and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment. ARCHIBALD HAINES, W. 11. DEATON, feblG-7t Executors of Ge?. Haines. Notice to Debtors anil Creditors. (GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Notice is V " hereby given to all persons having de mands against Josiah Prater, Sr., late of said county, deceased, to present them to me pro perly made out, within the time prescribed bv law, si as to show their character aud amount; and all persons indebted are hereby required' to make immediate payment. JOSIAII PRATER, Jit., febJ6-7t Executor of Josiah Prater, Sr. Georgia, white county.-whereas, William Nix, Administrator, and Rebecca Smith, Administratrix of Asa Smith, deceased applys to me for letters of dismission: Therefore, all persons concerned, are here by required to show cause (if any they can) why said administrators should not be dis missed on the first Monday in June next from the administration of said estate. Given under my hand and official signature February 5, 1877. feblh .hu ISAAC OAKES, Ordinary. GEORGIA, HALL Les ser, of said county, applies to me for exemption of realty and personalty, and I will pass upon the same at. 10 o’clock a. w. on Friday, March 9, 1877, at’ruy office. ' ’ J. B. M. WINBTJRN, Ordinary. feblG-2t to s9(l SU, day at Samples worth WO * u Q4U $1 free. STINSON & CO., marlo-1 y Portland. Maine i Weekto Agent*. Samples ehee PUI IV <4p. o. YIdLEBY C 0.7 Augusta M * me - aug2s-ly Application f r Charter. To the Honorable Superior Court of Said County. (' LOKGIA, HALL COUNTY.—The petition of H. S. Bradley, C. C. Sanders, J. E. Redwine, J. B. M. Winburn, 11. E. Green, J. K. Boone and A. D. Candler respectfully show that they and their successors iu office desire to be incorporated under the name, and style of, GAINESVILLE MALE AND FEMALE COLLEGE. That said Trustees and their successors in office, under the name and style aforesiad, may use a common seal, and shall be capable of sueingand being sued, plead and be impleaded, and also to [Oisesr, accept or acquire by gift, grant, purchase or otherwise, all manner of property, both real and personal, to have and to hold the same for the proper benefit and behoof of said College. That said Trustees, and their successors in office, may have power to make all such laws, rules and regulations, for the government of said College, as they may deem fit and proper: provided, nothing in said rules and regula tions be repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, and the United States. That said Trustees may have power to ap point a President, Professors and such other officers as they may deem necessary for said College, and the same, or any of them to re move: provided, a majority of the board of Trustees concur in such removal. That said Trustees (with and by the advice of Faculty,) may prescribe the course of stud ies to be pursued in said College, and that the President of the College or in his absence the Senior Professor, by and with the concur rence of the Trustees, shall hare power to confer all such degrees and honors as are usually conferred in other Colleges and Uni versities, and shall preside at all public exer cise of the College. That said Trustees in their corporate char acter and name, may have perpetual succes sion, and when any vacancy shall occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, the remain iag Trustees, or majority of them, shall have power to till such vacancy, and that said cor poration continue for twenty years, with the privilege of renewal. And petitionere pray that after citation aod publication had, that the Court grant an order incorporating the said Trustees under the name and style aforesaid, and have the sam duly entered upon the minutes of said Court according tp the statute in such cases made and provided. And for this as in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray &c. W. F. FINDLEY, Petitioners Attorney. Filed iu Office this 13th February, 1877. W. S. PICKRELL, D. C. S. C. Georgia, Hall County.— This petition is Recorded in the Cierks Office of Hall Superi or Court, Record of Deeds, Book “L” pag6 338. This February 13th 1877. W. S. PICKRELL, febl6-tf Deputy Clerk S. C. M. FERRY !t CO., Detroit, Mich. VEGETINE —IS— Tlie (rreat FAMILY MEDICINE —AND— HEALTH-RESTORER. General Debility. Debility is a term used to denote deficiency of blood. The nutritive constituents of the blood are in less than their regular proportion, while the watery part is in excess. Debility is of fre quent occurrence. It is incident to a variety of diseases. The lower limbs are apt to be swollen. The patient is feeble, and cannot bear much exertion. The circulation is irregular, but al most always weak. Palpitation of the heart is a very common symptom. Violent emotion often throws the heart into the most tumultuous ac tion. The vital functions are languidly per formed. The muscular strength is diminished; fatigue follows moderate or slight exercise. The breathing, though quiet when at rest, becomes hurried and even painfully agitated under ex ertion, as in running, ascending heights, etc. The nervous system is often greatly disordered. Vertigo, dizziness, and a feeling of faintness aro very common. Violent and obstinate neu ralgic pains in the head, side, breast, or other parts of the body, are also frequeut attendants upon the disease. The secretions are sometimes diminished. In females the menses are almost always either suspended or very partially per formed. The bile is scanty, and costiveness, with unhealthy evacuations from the bowels and dyspeptic state of the stomach, aro extremely common symptoms. MARVELLOUS EFFECT. li. R. Stevens : Dear Sir —I have used Vegetine, and feel it k duty to acknowledge the great benefit it has done me. In the Spring of the year 1862 I was lick from general debility, caused by overwork, Want of sleep and proper rest. 1 was very weak and much emaciated. I tried many remedies, without receiving any benefit from any of them, until I was persuaded to try Vegetine. Be fore I had taken this one week my improved Condition gave me renewed hope and courage. I continued to take it every day, gaining more Strength until I was completely restored to health. The effect of this Remedy, in case of general de bility, is indeed marvellous. ELIZABETH A. FOLEY, 21 Webster street, Charlestown, Mass. SWOLLEN LIMBS. Lebanon, N. H., Jan. 29, 1870. Mr. Stevens : Dear Sir —I write this note to inform you of the effect of your “Blood Purifier” upon my system. When I commenced taking it, a year ago, i was very much debilitated. My limbs were swollen so that it was impossible for me to get into or out from a carriage, and very painful to go up or down stairs. Indeed, I could scarcely stand on my feet. My appetite was gone, my strength failing rapidly. After using your med icine for a few weeksY began to improve. My appetite improved and my strength returned. I can now perform my duties as a nurse with my wonted ease ; and 1 feel I owe it to Vegetine. Yours gratefully, Mrs. C. A. H. TILDEN. A PERFECT CURE. Charlestown, June 11,1861. Mr. H. R. Stevens : Dear Sir —This is to certify that Vegetine made a perfect cure of me when my attending physician had pronounced my case consumption, anil said I could not survive many days. Mrs. Ledston, 35 Cook street. The facts stated by 51 rs. Ledston are personally known by me, and they are true. A. I). HAYNES. Would not be Without VEGETINE FOB TEN TIMES ITS COST. The great benelit I have received from the use of VEGETINE induces me to give my testimony in its favor. I believe it to be not only of great value for restoring the health, hut a preventive of diseases peculiar to the spring and summer seasons. I would not be without it for ten times its cost. EDWIN TILDEN, Attorney and General Agent for Massachusetts of the Oraftmen’s Life Assurance Company, No. 49 Sears’ Building, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all Druggists* A. J. COMER Has on hand aud is conslautly receiving a large assortment of DRY GOODS, Which he will sell for cas li oix i Or Country Produce. "WHEAT THRESHING STEAM ENGINES” Frepaied to mount on any ordinary wagon -4 Horse Power Engine Complete $350,00. 6 “ “ “ “ $475,00. 8 “ “ “ “ $G50,00. S> nd for illustrated circnlar. Schofield Iron Works, macon, ga. Application for Charter. To the Honorable Siqieiior Court of Said Comity. (GEORGIA. HALL COUNTY.—The peti tion of J. F Lilley, C. A. Lilley, George Rakestraw, -James Leckie and B. F. Morton, in behalf of themselves, their associates and successors, respectfully sheweth that they de sire to be incorporated under the name and style of the J. F. LILLEY& s*OIV CO-OPERATIVE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURING COMPANY. The object and business of said company will be the manufacture of Boots, Shoes and other articles of like kind, the said business to be conducted ou the co-operative system. They desire to establish a Factory for the manufacture of said articles in the city of Gainesville, of said County and State, and in connection with said Factory to conduct a Provision Stour for the mutual benefit of the shareholders in said company, and for the purpose of disposing of the products of their manufacture, and of supplying the operatives of said company with provisions and necessary supplies of all kinds. The said city of Gainesville will be their place of business, and the place of their chief office. The amount of capital stock to be employed by said company is Ten Thousand Dollars which they desire to have the privilege of in creasing to Fifty Thousand Dollars should the business of the company require it. They desire that said capital stock be divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, which shares shall be transferable only on the books of said company. That each stockholder shall at any meeting of said company, be al lowed one vote for each share he holds provi ded he shall have paid all installments called in by the said officers of said company. They desire to have power to manufacture Boots Shoes and other articles of like kind, aud to buy and sell the same ; to buy, own and sell such real estate and other property as is necessary and proper for carrying on their business ; to hire and bind such laborers and apprentices for such length of time as may be proper, and as may be necessary to carry on said business ; to appoint from the stockhold ers of said company proper officers to manage said business, aud control their operatives ; to make all necessary by-laws and regulations for the government of said company, and con trol of said operatives, and all employees of said company, which may not be inconsistent with the Constitution and Laws of this State, and of the United States ; to carry on a Store in connection with said manufacturing busi ness for the mutual benefit of the sharehold ers of said company ; to buy and sell in such Store, such a tides as they may manufacture, and all necessary supplies for carrying on said manufacturing business, or for the use of the employees of said company—and to have the power to sue and be sued—contract and be contracted with under their corporate name—and all other powers usual and proper for carrying on their business. They therefore make this application in order that they may be made a body corpo rate for the purposes aforesaid, and with the powers and privileges aforesaid, aud with the power of continuous succession for Twenty Years with privilege of renewal thereafter, and that after complying with the require ments of the Law, the Court may pass an order declaring their application granted. MAULER & PERRY, Petitioners Attorneys, Filed in Office January 23rd 1877. W. S. PICKRELL, Deputy Clerk. Georgia, Hall County. —Recorded in the Clerks Office Hall Superior Court, Record of Deeds Book “L” page 297, January 23rd 1877. W. S. PICKRELL, jan2fi-tdc Deputy Clerk S. C. ttjtt’s HEED THE pills TUTT’S XIXIXIW XXIX. PILLS TUTT’S ■■■ ■ a a • PILLS s;? Words of Advice, stfi TUTT’S PILLS TCTT’S T? ESPECTFULLY offered by ILLLS TUTT’S IV. H. Tutt, M.P., tor many ptLLS 'riTTT'it years Demonstrator of Anatomy in ~,, T X ttttt’l the Medical College of Georgia. ify t a Thirty years’ experience in the PILLS A . practice of medicine, together with FI.L L?> TUTT’S fifteen years’ test of Tutt’s Pills, PILLS TUTT’S amt the thousands of testimonials PI TjLS TUTT’S Riven of their- efficacy, warrant me pills that they -will positively ptt.LS cure all diseases that result from a prn q rri’tr'riS diseased liver. They are not reo- nirrS iiommended for all the ills that afflict ‘ lUTT S humanity, hut for Dyspepsia, Jaun- PILLS TUTT’S dice, Constipation, Piles Skin Dis- PILLS TUTT’S eases, Bilious Colic. Rheumatism, PILLS TUTT’S Palpitation of the Heart, Kidney PILLS TUTT’S Affections, Female Complaints, &c„ pills TTTTT’S ,111 w l*icli result from a derange- I , TT T tttttw ment of the Liver, no medicine lias J,Tr t 2 mwrmmiever proven so successful as DR. 11LLS TILT’S TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS TUTT’S PILLS. PILLS TUTT’S : : PILLS TCTT’S I TUTT’S PI I. US | PILLS TUTT’S ■ CURE SICK HEADACHE. : PILLS TUTT’S : j PILLS TUTT’S i PILLS TUTT’S I TUTT’S PIUUS : PILLS TUTT’S : REQUIRE No CHANGE OF j PILLS TUTT’S = DIET. i : PILLS TUTT’S • : PILLS TUTT’S PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PIUUS • PILLS TUTT’S • ARE PURELY VEGETABLE.- PILLS TUTT’S • I PILLS TUTT’S i PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PIUUS • PILLS TUTT’S : NEVER GRIPE OR NAUSE- : PILLS TUTT’S : ATE. : PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S I PILLS TUTT’S : THE DEMAND FOR TUTT’S: PILLS TUTT’S • PILLS is not confined to this; PILLS TUTT’S -country, hut extends to all parts'- PILLS TUTT’S ioftlio world. i PILLS TUTT’S I j PILLS TUTT’S • PILLS TUTT’S I A CLEAR HEAD,elastic limbs,: PILLS TUTT’S -good digestion, sound sleep,; PILLS TUTT'S -buoyant spirits, fine appetite,; PILLS TUTT’S -are some of the results of the: PIUUS TUTT’S ;use of TUTT’S PILLS. : PILLS TUTT’S ; : PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S : AS A FAMILY MEDICINE : PILLS TUTT’S : TUTT’S PILLS ARE THE : PILLS TUTT’S ; BEST—PERFECTLY HARM- ': PILLS TUTT’S : LESS. : PILLS TUTT’S • 1 PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S I SOLD EVERYWHERE. : PILLS TUTT’S ■ PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CTS.: PILLS TUTT’S : ....: PILLS TUTT’S : PILLS TUTT’S : PRINCIPAL OFFTC E : PILLS TUTT’S 18 MURRAY STREET, PILLS TUTT’S : NEW YORK. : PILLS TUTT’S ; PILLS DR. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT. This unrivaled preparation has per formed some of the most astonishing cures that are recorded in the annals of history. Patients suffering for years from the various diseases of the Lungs, after trying different remedies, spending thou sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles, entirely recovered their health. “WON’T 00 TO FLORIDA.” New York, AuguSt 30,1872. D R. TUTT; Dear Sir When in Aiken, last winter, I used your Expectorant for my cough, and realized more benefit from it than anything I ever took. Xam ao well that I will not go to Florida next winter as I intended. Bend me one dozen bottles, by express, for some friends. ALFRED CUSHING, 123 West Thirty-first Street. Boston, January 11,1874. This certifies that I have recommended the use of Dr. Tutt’s Expectorant for diseases of the lung, for the past two years, and to my knowledge many bottlea have been used by my patients with the hap piest results. In two eases where it was thought con firmed consumption had taken place the Expectorant effected a cure. H. H. SPRAGUE, M.D. "We oan not speak too highly of Dr. Tutt’s Ex pectorant, and for the sake of suffering humanity hope it may become more generally known.”—Chris tian Advocate. Sold by Druggists. Price 81.00 Blacksmith and Wood Shop. The undersigued have opered a Blacksmith anil Wood Shop At Howser’s Mills, Dawson county, and are prepared to do all kinds of work at short notice, and at the lowest prices for cash. Give ns a trial. IIENRY HOVVSER. feb9-tf W. L. D. BOND. NOTI V E . \ LL PERSONS indebted to the firm of Lesser & Cos. are notified not to settle said indebtedness only by the books, which books aie iu my possession; and all persons so indeb'ed are requested to como forward aud settle at once with the undersigned. Fail not. SAMUEL LESSER. nov24-lf E. N. FKESHMAN & BK()S~ Advertising Agents, lUO %V. Fourths., CINCINNATI, 0., Are authorized to contract for advertising in this > paper. Estimates furnished free. Send for a circular. OUR COUNTRY! What -Will IBeoome or it? . Is a question now agitating the public mind. The grave issues before Congress; the final settle ment of the late Presidential election; the incoming Congress; the new President; the Policy of the next Administration; and future welfare of he country and people, are matters of great interest to each andevery individual, buch a crisis has not been presented since the Declaration of independence. A Truthful History of events, and doings of Con gress will be given with impartiality and fairness in the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, a public spirited paper echoing the wishes of the peo ple, advocating submisseon to the Laws, good Gov ernment, and the Rights of the People to he heard upon all matters that portain to the country's welfare. The Tricky Politicians, always ready to organize trouble, but who never participate in danger, will be shown up in the'r true characters. By subscribing for the Enquirer, you will get a faithful record of events as they transpire, without Party Coloring and unbiased by Party feelings, as the true mer t in a newspaper is its ability and willingness to give tho NEWS AS IT COMES, and not as it is prepared by party demagogues to mis lead the people. Specimen copies free. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. FOB WEEKLY. Single Copy, one year s■> CO Five Copies “ $1 75 each 8 75 Ten “ “ 1 60 “ ....± 16 011 Twenty “ *• 150 • 30 00 Without Sunday Issue. With Sunday Issue. By Mail, one year sl2 00 IBy Mail. 1 year...sU 00 Six Mouths 6 O.v | Six Mouths...™.. 700 three Months 825 I Throe Months.... 800 One Month 1 25 | One Mouth 2 50 Most liberal terms to club ugents. Send for speci men copies and agents' outfit. Agent wanted at every post-office. Address all letters to FARAN A McLEAN, Publishers, Cincinnati, Ohio. AMERICAN AID FOREIGN PATENTS /"N ILMORE & CO., successors to Chipman, Hosnter VJT A Cos., solicitors. Patents procured in all coun tries. No fees in advance. No charge unless the pateut is granted. No fees for making preliminary examina tions. No additional fees for obtaining and conduct ing a rehearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner all rejected applications may be revived. Spe cial attention given to Interference Cases before the Pateut Office, Extensions before Congress, Infringe ment Suits in different States, aud all litigation apper taining to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp to GILMORE A CO., for pamphlet of sixty pages. Land Cases, Laud Warrants anti Scrip. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the United States General Laud Office aud Department of the In terior. Private Land Claims, Mining aud Pre-emption Claims, and Homestead Cases attended to. I,and Scrip in 40, 80 and 160 acre pieces tor sale. This Scrip is assignable, aud can be located in the name of the pur chaser upon any Government Land subject to private entry, at $1.25 per acre. It is of oqual value with Bounty Land Warrants. Send stamp to UILMtytE A CO. for pamphlet of instituction. Arrears of Pity aul Bounty. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, are in many cases entitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of nay aud bounty received. Enclose stamp to GILMORE A CO., and ft full reply, alter examination, will be given you free. Pensions. Ail Officers, Soldiers and Sailors wounded, ruptured or injured in the late war, however slightly, can ob tain a pension by addressing GILMORE A CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORE A CO. before tbs Supreme Court of tbe United Slates, the Court of Claims, and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted in a separate bureau, under charge of tiio same experi enced parties employed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to GILMORE A Cos. is tlius secured. We desire to wan success by deserving it. GILMORE A 00., No. 629 F Stieet, near Patent and Post oa.ces, jan‘2l-tf Washington, D. O. M. W. RIDER’S Law and Claim Agency. TO THE rUI3t.TO. Having trustworthy correspondents in Washiiigt 'n, 1). 0., 1 am prepared with better than ordinary facilities to proseoute beiore auy and all the several departments of the Government, the Southern Claims Commission, Court of Claims, Pa tent, Land and Pension OiUees, any and all claims growing out of, or incident to, tiie late war or other wise, 1 will collect or purchase Government Vouchers given during or since tbe war. 1 will endeavor to collect fr ,m the Government the Proceeds of Sales of Captured or Aband ned Proper ty, where the money has been paid into the Treasury; and will collect pay for Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc., impressed for tho use of tile Government, and not returned. Address, with stamp for reply, MASTIN W. KIDEN, Attorney at Law aud Claim Agent, marl 7 tf Gainesville, Hall county, Ga. A. M. OOCHRAN, Ortiticat/illo, G-a., REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL LAUD AGENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF MINERAL & FARMING LANDS in Hail and other counties of North-east Georgia, Mineral Ores Tested, and Titles Fully Investigated. Special Attention Given to I'nrrhase, Sale anti Itt tiling uf . CITY PROPERTY. Those who wish to sell property would do wed to cornu aud register the same. Samples of Ores of all Kinils Wanted at my Oilice. A. M.CUIHKAN. J. N. V, Attorney. maylfi TO OWNBRB OF (Mineral Properly THE UNDERSIGNED in now pmi ami to test Mineral Ore of any description. Owners of Mineral Property and others in terested, can now have their ore tested and the value of their property determiud at a small cost by sending a sample of their ore to the undersigned, an old experienced assay er. In this way some of the best mines in Georgia have been discovered and found to be rich, when tho owner of the property did not know that ho had anything but rocks on his farm. We advise every farmer in North Georgia to gather a sack of the rocks on his place, and bring them in for examination. We give our opinion at onco gratis; then it thought advisable to make a chemical lest, the charge will be light. Call on or address S. W.BULLOCK, Assavist, sept29-tf Atlanta, Georgia. HENRY WRIG-HT Has opened a First-class Eating - Saloon, IN GAINESVILLE, ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER of Lnwreucevlllo and Main streets, to which place he cordially invites all his white friends, when lie will politely serve them with Refreshments, consist ing of Found Cake, Tea Cakes, Lemonade, Ice Cream, Boiled Custard and numerous other dainties, at rea sonable rates. Call and satisfy the inner man. mays-tf FOR SAIjB. A NICE TWO-ItOOM COTTAGE and a -vA- five or six acre Lot, in the city of Gainesville, Ga.; about live acres in a high state of cultivation; good well-water, out buildings, two acres in choice fruit trees, etc. It is just one-half mile from the Public Hquare and oil one of the most public streets in the city. Titles undisputed. Will be sold at a bargain, for cash, to an early applicant. For further particulars, apply at this office Oct. 13th, 1876. a. M. O W 10 IN, riEAi.r.K in Dry Gtds, Groceries, Hardware, and General Merchandise, BELjI/POM, Or a., He sells Goods cheap for CASH, and furnishes the traveliug public with a good, square meal at his Hotel ou living terms. Call on him. api IH-tf. SEND 35e. to GEO. F. ROWELL & CO., New York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertis ing. marlo-ly T. A. PANEL (Successor) To JRaiiel A Cos., Steam Planing Mills -A_ 3NT ID M it ii it fa e t o i* y , GAINEBVILLE, (iA , WILL FURNISH DOORS, SASH, Blinds, Moulding, Brackets, Etc., at Atlanta puces. Will Plane aud Match Lumber at their old prices. Lumber Yard at the Mill. W ill turuish Bevelled Weatherboarding, Dressed, at the same price of the old style m the rough. Agent tor all kiuds of Mill Machinery, Etc. He respectfully invites all of his old trieuds and customers to call on him before purchas ing elsewhere. " jaus-(f MRS. H. N. WARE, (Henderson Building, over A., J. Comer’s Store,) Begs leave to inform the public and her Fi'ieudH generally, that she is now receiving her Fall Stock of R/CIT-tX-iIISrjDXR.'Yr, HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUFFLING, LACES, Hamburg Edgings, Insertions, Collar* aitd Cults, Collaretts, Neckties, Gloves, Combs, Etc., Etc., All ot which she is selling to suit the times. She also keeps Machine Needles, Oil aud Attach uieotK. Heptf'J ilni RXXX.J X_.I2MBRY AND— FAN CY GOO DS. MRS. E, O. SHOCKLEY \\ ISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO HER MANY Friends and Customers, that she now occupies the Henderson house, opposite the post office, and formerly kept by Rich L. Johnson as a hotel, where she will sell Millin ery cheaper than ever. She is also prepared to cut, lit and make both Ladies’ aud Gentle men's Clothing, at now prices. Also keeps on hand readymade Gingham and Lawu Bonnets. jaul9-if Remov al of 3XI. X7VII_.Ii] Y TO THE RED N*CKF. HOUSE - ON GREEN STREET. I AM NOW TO SERVE MY * Customers on more reasonable terms than ever. Having a well selected stock, I offer them very low for cash or barter. X have a first-class Wagon Yard, aud will furnish wagoners house, stalls aud wood on reasonable terms. A supply of corn and fodder always on hand. janl9-tf January, 1877. Out of the Aslies ! ! A. WHELCHEL, QLNOE THE FIRE, can be found at the Candler Hall Building, at the old stand of E. S. Wylie. He proposes to se'l goods at short profits for cash or barter. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a con tinuation of the same. All persons indebted to me by note or ac count, will please come forward and pay, as I am compelled to have tho money. janl‘2 Im Mt. Airy Institute FOR YOUNG- LADIES! A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOHNU xjL LAIMISS ami < IIIJLIIKHtt will bo opeued at Mt. Airy, tia., September 20th, 1876. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Deau, principals, assisted by an efficient Corps of Teachers in English, Ancient and Modern Languages, Music, (Vocal and Instrumental, Drawing, Painting, etc. For terms, etc., apply to the Pi incipals. M. (>. WILCOX, Business Agent, aug2s-tf Mt. Airy, Ga. E. mTcobbT —PROPRIETOR OF Livery, Feed & Sale Stables, TOCCOA, G-.A..' WILL keep the best Homes and Carriages, and careful hands will attend to the transient stock. Nafifarlion Guaranteed lo Patrons. mayj-i-(f THE OLD RELIABLE STORE —OF M. MENKO & BID., Wholesale and .Retail -Dealers in Clothing;, Dry Goods, AND Furnishing Goods. —o We are now daily receiving our Large and Elegant NEW STOCK OF GOODS, Just from Market. We shall expect all of our old customers to trade with us, and many new ones. We will make it to the interest of the pub lic to deal with us. M. MENKO & BRO., Corner Whitehall aud Alabama streets, oct 12 tf Opposite James’ Bank. A Rare Chance. V OW is your time to buy your Furniture. 1 ’ As we propose changing our busiuess, will our stock of FTTHNITITRB At Cost for the next thirty days. All who are indebted to us for Coffins or Furniture, will please come forward and settle at once. By so doing they will save cost,. Come along’ we mean business. jans-tf DAVIS & COX. A BARGAIN. TWO ACRE LOT IN CULTIVATION. Good water. Nice orchard of selected fruits. House lias seven rooms aud five fire-places. Two minutes walk of street cars. Will be sold LOW DOW'N, or exchanged for a small farm. A. M. COCHRAN, I july!4-if Real Estate Agent. ESTEY ORGANS! MESSRS. ESTEY; & CO, Did a Business Last Year of over ONE MILLION DOLLARS J OUCH FIGURES are eloquent, aud facts are infinitely move significant than fiction in Orgau manufacture. THE ESTEY ORGAN Stands upon its own intrinsic merit, and through this has won its way to the popular heart. The Estey Heed Organ Manufactory Is the largest and most complete in the world. They consist of Elglit Main Factories, Besides packing s!ore, gas and engine houses, dry houses, etc. This manufactory gives em ployment to more than Five Huutlred Workmen. No other Organ has gained an equal popu larity, or been produced on such an extensive scale. It is sold at the Lowest Possible Price consistent with a fair aud remunerative profit. For catalogues, terms, etc., address >V. E. LODES, Music Dealer, Guinesville, Ga. oet*2o-3m Augusta Constitutionalist. OLDEST DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN THE STATE. Published Daily, Tri-weekly aud Weekly, At Augusta, Ga. Cheapest Daily in the South i Daily, one year $6 00 Daily, six months 3 00 Daily, three months 1 50 Tri-weekly, one year X 00 Tri-weekly, six months 2 00 Weekly, one year 2 00 Weekly, six months 1 00 (lash; in all cases. Full Telegraphic Dispatches from all points Latest aud most accurate Market Reports, In teresting and Reliable Correspondence from all parts of Georgia, South Carolina and Washington. Georgia and Carolina aud Local News a specialty. Address, THE CONSTITUTIONALIST, dec22-tf Augusta, Ga. li. L. BOONE, SUCCESSOR TO BOONE & CO., Take pleasure in announcing to his Friendß aud Customers, that he has on hand aud is receiving al the OLD STAND a large aud well as sorted St ck of Genera! Merchandise consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Factory Goods, Etc. All of which will be sold at a very smalt advance on first cost for cash. Is Ageut for the sale of ATHENS FACTORY, and will sell Goods by thb i>ale at Factory prices for cash, aprlf-tf S. L. SOLOM ON SON, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER!! Jeweler and Optician! DEALER IN AND IMPORTER OF Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. Spectacles to Suit atl Sights. 4iaf All work warranted to give satisfaction. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. july2B-tt Mrs, IYI. Persons (Over A. J. Comer’s Store,) IS NOW RECEIVING THE FINEST STOCK OF Mi LLIN lull V GOODS ever brought to HALL COUNTY. In the various lines the Stock is large, aud has been selected with great care. The Ladies are Invited to examine my assortment of or* 'JBSH cxooos, THIMMIIVGS, LACES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Etc. Will give also to my past omtomers a nice present. Call and see me before purchasing e'sewhere. MRS. M. PERSONS. I also have a branch store at Dahlonega well sup plied with Millinery Goods. oct27-3m TANARUS) A mTpTVTmej Obtained for mecliani- I A I. JLi\ 1 O c “‘ deviceß . medical or other compounds, or uameutal designs, trade-marks aud labels.— Caveats, Assignments, luterferences, etc., promptly attended to. Inventions that have been Rejected by the Pateut Office may still, in most cases, be secured by ns. Being opposite tbe Patent Office, we can make closer searches, and secure Patents more promptly and with broader claims than those who are remote from Washington. INVENTORS device; we make examinations free of charge, aud advise as to patentability. All correspondence strictly confidential. Prices low. We refer to officials in the Patent Office, and to inventors in every State in the Union, Address, LOUIS BAGGER & CO., Opposite Pateut Office, Washington. D. C. Wagons and Buggies! JOHN 0. KAUWELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Wagons and Buggies, SIX MILES WEST OF O-fcci rxeffcs ville, Oat, KEEP CONSTANTLY on baud a supply of First. _ class Two-Horse Wagons at lrom $75 t. $5. First-Class One-Horse Wagons at from SSO to S6O, First-Glass Buggies from sllO up. Orders solicited, to which prompt attention wiil be given. ,jan2B-tf blacksmith Shop. fFHE UNDERSIGNED has established a Shop on i- Laurence ville street, a little back of Alvah Smith's livery stable, where he is prep, red to do a’l hinds of work in his line. He guarantees satisfaction in all cases, aud solicits a share of patronage. Prices suited to the times. marl7-tf W. J. GRIFFIEB. J. C. S, TIM BERLAKE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Candler Hall Building, PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES; feblS-tf ( ity Residences. r HAVE SEVERAL WELL IMPROVED CITY X Residences. Everything complete, which I will exchange for goods Farms. a. M. COCHRAN, julyl4-tf Beal Estate Agent. Notice ! Notice ! I 4 LL PARTIES WANTING FIRST-CLaSS LUMBER *4 at row figubes, will call on Clemente A Whet stone, who are our only agents. Lumber warrant-d hrst-oiass. sep ts-tf CAAEP B ARRET X.