The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, March 16, 1877, Image 3

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r r ii i : ea(r ee . o ± y XT? IE I'.-l £=s Friday Morning, March 1(>, 1877. Butter is now plentiful. Eggs are getting cheaper. It is a girl at Tom Merck’s. ♦ Wednesdaj’ was a lovely day. - - Dor t ask why such sadness. 1 lie shade trees have been boxed. Ii you made any bets, pay them. “And the revenues gone away.” A load oi apples in town last week. Another election to come off in June For kidney disease, use Bradley’s Buchu. I ho merchants are getting ready for tho court week trade. We didn’t have a spike tail blue coat in the field this time. J hat grape vine dispatch from the Glade was characteristic, very. Ihe farmers are looking cheerful, they anticipate a good crop year. * hie case of assault and battery as the sequel of election day. “Three to one over the field.’’ Where is Mercellus Thornton ? J lie Odd Follows aro preparing for their annual excursion. ihe days and nights are now about of equal length. Notwithstanding the clear Veather, some folks look cloudy. ice formed rapidly in this section yesterday morning. Wrestling lias become a favorite amusement in tho city. Garden seeds at Bradley’s scts a paper, fresh and reliable. Tho command now is, “go and sin no more.” Wo have had moro cold, rainy and disagreeable weather. A jury box has boon provided for the the city court. Some men cannot be disgraced.” We accept the amendmeiat. - Three of the candidates wore in the city on election day. Gainesville gamin whistle, “that bad Atlanta jail.” The hotel at tho Gower Spring is nearing completion. l'lio recent rains have retarded gar dening operations. tguite a small vote polled in this county on Tuesday. You will soon be called upon to say convention or no convention. The Gainesville brass band are keep ing up their organization. “Well, wo beat you in the county,” seems to afford them consolation. Jackson county redeemed herself. We raise our hat to that 239 majority, May it please the court aud gentle men of the Jury, begins Monday next. Gainesville is the centre of attrac tion in political contests in the Ninth. Judge Winburn, our Ordinary, keeps the neatest book? we ever saw. Several young men in town making prodigious efforts at mustache raising. The revenue boys on their return from Atlanta are generally very mel low. Col. J. F. Langston has removed his office up stairs over Dr. Bradley’s drug store. As the season for green sass ap proaches, shucks, fodder and such like got cheap. Some of the enthusiastic made their throats sore whooping for “Emory Spee-yah.” * The extensive planing mills Mr. Tom Panel is erecting on Main street are rapidly approaching completion. What can bo more eloquent, than the street corner politician, when he gets on a full load of free whiskey. -pa4i ‘fftl 'Aigdf The city en route for At lanta to plead guilty and be discharged. The finest stock of toilet soaps,drugs, medicines, paints, oils, Ac., ever brought to this market at Bradley’s drug store. The boys couldn’t believe that Dr. Lytle was in earnest, in his opposition to the revenue laws, while he wore that white hat. Dr. It. B. Adair, who has been absent for the last two or thee weeks will be at home again by Saturday and ready for business. We heard a mau say, on Tuesday, that ho was sorry election days didn’t come every day,—it was so good to have free whiskey to drink. If you are troubled with headache of any kind, or from whatever cause, go to Bradley’s and get a box of Ben son’s celery and chamomile pills. Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Sunday morning last, Mr. John H. Parks to Miss Rebecca McCurry—all of this county. We earnestly request our friends and patrons in the county, who are indebted to the Eagle Office, to call during Court and settle. It was amusing to see that spiritu ouslv enthused fellah, as he zig-zagged along the crossiug, waving a dirty handkerchief up and veiling hurrah for Spee-arre H. Atkins & Cos. are receiving a fresh lot of Bradley Fertilizers. These gu anos were decided at the Centennial to be the best in the country. It Six years experience and trial, have proved beyond a doubt, that the Brad ley guanos sold by H. Atkins & Cos. are far the best for North-East Ga. It Grangers, go to see W. H. Camp bell, he will sell you good Guano, and will make it to your interest. Prices are lower. It. I will sell a lot of good bacon until the Ist of September next, with collat eral or good security. My prices will be low. J. Carter. Tom Merck showed us a gold Tring the other day, made by himself out of Hall county gold, which cannot be ex celled for beauty of finish and style of workmanship. If you want a genuine black writing ink, call at .J. N. Loden’s Watch, Clock and Jewelry establishment and Book Store, and you will find it. We have used it, and know it to be good. Farmers, if you want to buy the best Guano, and for the least money, go to see W. H. Campbell, Agent, at W. F. Moor’s store. Pacific Guano is $65,00 and $70,00 per ton, cotton 15 cents. It S. C. Dunlap, (Att. for Currier, Sher wood & Cos. N. Y.) has turned over to W. S. Williams, a stock of goods, which he is closing out at COST at J. F. Law’s old stand. 2t. ■ —. We notice that several of our mer chants are receiving spring goods.— AV ould it not be well for them to let their customers know more about the matter through the columns of the Eagle? If you will look in at the co-opera tive boot and shoe factory a few min utes, see tho leather, smell the leather, look at the machinery cut the leather, and the men put together the leather, you will go away whistling leather breeches. Mr. Josiah H. Woodliff, of Forsyth county, died last Saturday morning. He was buried at Mt. Zion church, on Sunday last, with Masonic honors. There were present at least 1,000 peo ple. He was a man much beloved in this and his own county. The splendid hotel Mr. Gower is building at tio spring, near the northern limit of the city, is pro gressing finely, aud already presents an imposing appearance. We predict that this will be one of the best patron ized watering places in the State. Marshal Hunter, of Bellton, in at tempting to arrest a man named Evans, who resisted the arrest, drew his pistol and attempted to shoot Hun ter, whereupon Hunter shot and killed Evans. We are not in possession of all the particulars, and hence forbear comment. The trio sought the shady side to discuss the situation. The principal of that trio looked more gloomy than like 11. W. Beecher—things were not altogether as lovely as they might have been. That three hundred majority in Hall; that three to one over the field had dwindled to ninty-four. Oh, Jupiter. Oh, Em-o-ri. Think of it! Western meat brought to as fine grain growing and hog rais ing a country as this for sale. This is what comes of raising cotton at fifteen cents per pound to sell at nine and ten cents, and neglecting to raise meat at a cost of not more than five or six cents per pound, and paying specula tors fifteen cents a pound for it, on four mouths time. Is it uot about time this kind of management should cease ? A good hot dinner will be furnished at a convenient point on the public square each day during the approach ing term of our Superior Court, by the ladies of the M. E. Church. A square meal for 25 cents. Proceeds to be applied to the payment of the indebt edness of tho ATLtIiA. 1 Or iire Oiurch are requested to aid with contributions of provisions Ac. All contributions should be sent to the stre house formerly occupied by J. I. Law, by 10 o’clock in the fore noon of each day. We learn that a personal difficulty occurred in Pickens county on Wednes day of last week between Newton Boze man and Pinckney Arwood, in which the former was killed and the latter severely wounded. It seems that the parties had met at a neighbors, when a dispute aroso abeut a settlement; but they afterward separated, Arwood going to his homo. Subsequently, Bozeman, in company with one or two others, followed him, and on arriving at Arwood s field, where he was at work, renewed the quarrel, and ad vancing, drew his pistol. Just as. Bozeman was in the act of firing, Ar wood struck him with a pitchfork and diverting the range—the ball striking him in the hip. He then struck Bose man on the head, breaking the skull and producing death almost instantly. Spring goods in large quantities at lowest prices, at J. Cartels. Up to the hour of going to press the returns from the different counties are meagre, but enough is known to assure us that our nominee, Hon. H. P. Bell, is elected by a handsome majority in the district. The following are the returns so far as we have been able to gather them. We hope in our next issue to give a complete statement of the poll in every county: Bell. Speer. Archer. Hall county 143 537 111 Jackson 558 319 241 Clark 322 3G7 462 Gwinnett 389 447 61 Delegates and correspondents who expect to attend the Baptist Conven tion at Gainesville, in April next, will please notify the undersigned commit tee of arrangements, or any one of them, as early as practicable, that suitable arrangements may be made for their accommodation. W. T. Thoknton, W. L. Gordon, M. D. Hudson, A. J. Kelly, Committee. Tribute of Respect In memory of our brother, James W. Davis, who joined the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Jane 21, 1871, died March 6, 1877—aged fifty-three years, three months and six days. Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, in the dispensation of His All wise and inscrutable Providence, to remove from our midst our Brother James AV. Davis, aud as we trust has transplanted him in the Grand Lodge on High, where they shall no more say ‘I am sick,’ where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. Therefore be it Resolved Ist, That while we bow with humble submission to the will of Him who does all things well, enter taining as we do the fond hope that while we miss him here and deeply deplore his loss, we trust that his spirit is happy with its Maker, and is to-day on the banks of sweet deliver ance. Resolved 2d, That in the death of Brother Davis, tho church has lost a consistent member, the community an upright and honest citizen, and our Lodge a brother of genuine integrity and moral worth—possessing as he did traits of character that endeared him to all with whom he associated, both in the Lodge room and in the common walks of life. Resolved 3d, That the sympathy and condolence of our Lodge are due and hereby tendered his bereaved family in remembrance of the esteem and high regard in which we held him while in life, and in token of our grief at his untimely loss, which we feel cannot easily be repaired. Resolved 4th, That a page of the minute book of the Lodge be draped in appropriate mourning and inscribed to the memory of Brother Davis, with the date of his birthuage and tmtr dj<; 1 and his rank and standing in the same. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Lodge furnish the family with a copy of these resolutions, and that they be printed in the city papers. All of which is most respectfully submitted. AV. B. Clements, John A. Morrison, A. H. Save, Jesse S. Davis, E. Skinner, Committee. H. S. Bradley, R. Sec. W. B. Clements, P. G. A. B. C. Dorsey, N. G. Council Proceedings. Council Chamber, ) City of Gainesville, March 12,1877. [ Council met. Present—Bis Honor Mayor Candler, and Aldermen Smith, Clements, Bradley, Banks and Green. Minutes read and adopted. The following accounts approved and ordered paid: Boone & lludolph, sundries s2l 15 Thoiims Wilson, one month’s rent for truck house 5 00 •T. It. Dyche, street work 7 25 Wm. Barrett, shade trees G 5 Referred to Finance committee: A. H. Saye, fixing jury box and lock. .$ 50 It. Palmour, lock, etc., for hook and ladder 1 40 Webb & Oliver, tin work for college 13 11 On motion of Alderman Banks, the petition to reinstate Mr. Huling, was rejected, as Council deem the office unnecessary. Carried. Alderman Alexander appeared and took his seat. The Mayor and Council, according to requirement of new city charter, deposited iu the jury box the names of all persons in the city subject to jury duty. The rules were suspended and the oilj itELurnoy icmr-tuo new raq uiui nances, and on motion Aldermen Green, Bradley and Alexander, were appointed to negotiate for the print ing of the same. Carried. An Ordinance to adopt the compi lation of the city Ordinance, and for other purposes. Sec. Ist. Be it ordained by the May or and Council of the city of Gaines ville, and it is hereby ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the forego ing revised laws and Ordinances, from section Ist. to section 179th inclusive, compiled by W. F. Findley, city Attor nep, be and they are hereby adopted and declared to be in full force and effect, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the same be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2nd. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, that the rules of Council from section 180th to 198th inclusive are hereby adopted. On motion Council adjourned. D. G. Candler, Mayor. A. B. C. Dorsey, Clerk. A complete Job Printing Office for sale, at the lowest figures that have ever been offered in this or any other country, consisting of presses and a large amount of job type too numerous to mention here. For further partic ulars apply at this office. AYe publish the announcements in our advertising columns for pay, and seldom trouble ourselves to enquire as to the qualities or merits of the wares advertised, further than to assure ourselves that they are legitimate and respectable. But when an article per forms miracles in our midst, transform ing the old to young, in appearance at least, we cannot pass it by unnoticed. We know of people who, years ago, were gray-headed and who now wear dark and glossy hair. How is this ? It evidently is not colered, for it has a perfectly natural appearance instead of the harsh, dry, 6taring look of hair stained with nitrate of silver or other common hair dyes. No! it has been restored to its youthful color, lustre and vitality by the use ef that wonder of wonders, Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian. Hair Renewer. It has many imitators, but there is nothing like it. The test of years only increases its, fame, while its imitators die and are forgotton.— Boston Daily Globe. The corporators of the Gainesville and Blairsville Turnpike Company are urgently requested to meet at Cleve land, AVhite county, on Tuesday, the first day of May next, for organization and the transaction of such business as may be deemed best for the success of the enterprise. C. J. Wellborn, T. J. Haralson, J. S. Fain, A. D. Candler, F. Logan, J. E. Redwine. Massey & Cape, at Lula City, will keep on hand & supply of Eureka guano for supplying parties in all that section, and will furnish it on the most liberal terms. 3t Head wliat Key. Or. Lovick fierce Says of Thrash’s consumptive Cure. Macon, January 8, 1876. Dear Brother Davies: Excuse me for writ ing only when lam deeply interested. I nave been speechless about two months. Could not read aud pray iu a family. Had tried many things. Got no benefit from any. Since Conference someone sent me from Americus a bottle of Thrash’s Consumptive Cure aud Lung Restorer, which I have been taking now, this is the 9th day, and I can talk now with some ease. I came here, among other things, to supply myself with this medicine. No drug gist here has it on sale. I must have it. I want you to go in person to Thrash & Cos., show them this letter and make them send me by express to Sparta, Ga., two, three or four bottles, with bill. lam getting on finely. L. Pierce. For sale by Dr. H. S. Bradley, Gainesville, Ga- May 19-ly A. C. MOSS, Attorney at Law, Homer, Banks County, Georgia. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to all busi vv ness intrusted to his care. mar9-ly Mrs. Jennie Brannon T> ESPECTFULLY’ informs the citizens of Gainesville, that she has opened a first class Dress Making JGstablishme— _ t T His In the large front rooms over A store, and on the same floa>iu.uged the bat Millinery departmeiit >om glorious victoi patronage, and wot* ® past customers and into a epnaplete rout, were treating dp. Though he was Gents’ clotli*qy before Richmond, it wi notice. MJlellan’s army had I GENERAL I 3 For Northeast G-eorgit,* fia i W. F. HOOKER, Agent, Gainesville, Ga. TANARUS epresents the Home Insurance Com pany ot New York. GEN. JOSEPH E. JOHNSON A CO. Managers Southern Department. The strongest Fire Company on the continent Assetts ) o.’>o MS. THE OLD RELIABLE Georgia Home Insurance Company Always pays. Never fails, and their assetts are all iu the State. Afsisett-H #520,000 00. Galveston Insurance Association, composed of three strong companies in one. Policy perfectly secure, reliable, and very liberal in rates. Assetts $’741,709 79. Marshal’s Sale. YfflLL be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Gainesville, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu April next, the following property, to-wit: One vacant lot at the corner of High aud Chestnut streets. Levied on as the property of Davis & Lesser, by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa for city tax, the city council of Gaines ville vs Davis & Lesser. Also, at the same time and place, one city lot on the northeast side of Oak street, boun ded west by J. M. Towery, east by \V. P. Biuitb. Levied on as the property of defend ant by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa for city tax, the city council of Gainesville vs I. V. Clements. Also, at the same time and place, one bouse on the north side of Washington street, ad joining lands of J. B. M. WiDburn and S. H. Saye. Levied on to satisfy afi la for city tax for the year 1876, the city council vs 11. W. Saye. Also, at the same time and place, one vacant lot in the city of Gainesville, adjoining lands ef W. P. Smith. Levied on as the property of the neiEntnnnr ro Satisfy a fi fa for city tax tor the year 1876, the city council of Gaiues ville vs Thomas Little. J. A. MORRISON, mar2-td Marshal. BE SOLD, before the Court House " door, in the city of Gainesville, iu said county, withiu the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu April next, the following prop erty, to-wit: One house and two lots, Nos. 1 and 2, front ing 74 feet on Chestnut street and 100 feet on Gainesville street, in the town of Flowery Branch, known as the L. B. Huckaby house aud lots as the property of saidL.B. Huck aby—sold for purchase moniy. Also lot No. 1 iu block 13, fronting 50 feet and running back on Martin street 118 teet, as the property of defendant. Pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me'by J. D. Morgan L - c - JOHN L. GAINES, marO-td Sheriff. NO TICE. rPHIS is to give notice that a certain prom issorv Note, made by Leonard Fuller and payable to the undersigned, for one hundred dollars, dated sometime in November, 1875 and due on the 25th day of December’ therel after, has been lost or mislaid. All persons are warned not to trade for the same, as steps will be taken to establish a copy of the note J. R. WHALEY. march 2-30d. For Sale. QNE FIFTEEN HORSE POWER STA w tionary Engine and Boiler, with steam gauge, whistle and pumps, all complete and ready for use—all as good as new, and will be sold on reasonable terms. For fnrther in formation, apply to T. A. PANEL, mar2-td Gainesville, Ga. FITS EPILEPSY, UR 5 FALLING SICKNESS. Perm.uei.tly ture,l-„„ hujubue-by one munUi’e usage of He. Ooul.rlV. brated Infallible Fit Powte’ Tcaui J sufferers tli.t these powder* wid do all we ctaim ““ them, we wifi send them by mail, post pa and I free ' r ‘ al *ox. As Dr. Goulard is the only phyaT cum that has ever made this disease a special study and as to our knowledge thousands have 1 een ner manently cured by the use of these Powders we will guarantee a permanent Ture Tn every case, or refund you all money exyend- f l !’, All sufferers should give these Powders an early trial, and be corn meed ot their curative powers. Price, tor large box, $3.00 or i boxes for SIO,OO £ ada on receipt of price, or by express C. 0. D Address ASH & IVOUUVXS mar2-ly 300 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. CON SUM PT ION POSITIVELY QURED. All sufferers fro u this disease that are anxious to be cu ed should try Dr. Ktssuer’s celebrated Consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consump tion and all diseases of the Throat and Luncs indeed, so strong is our faith in them, aud also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will lor ward to every sufferer, by mail post paiu. a free Trial box. We don’t want your money until you are perfectly satihett of their curative powoers. If your lile is worth saving, don’t delay in giving these Powders a trial, as thoy will surely cure you Price, for large bov, $3,00 sent to any part of the United States or Canada by mail on receipt of price Address. 1 ASH A. UOUUIYS, mar2-ly 300 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Removal of* OBJ. S. WILEY TO THE RED STORE HOUSE ON GREEN STREET. T AM NOW PREPARED TO SERVE MY A Customers on more reasonable terms than ever. Having a well selected stock, I offer them very low for cash or barter. I have a first-class Wagon Yard, and will furnish wagoners house, stalls and wood on reasonable terms. A supply ot corn and fodder always on hand. janl9-tf (GEORGIA, BANKS COUNTyT—To all whom it may concern.—H. C. Daniel having in proper form applied to me lor Let ters of Administration, de bonos non, on the estate of Obe Brown, late of said county, de ceased: This is to cite all aud singular the creditors and next of kin of Obe Brown, to be aud ap pear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration de bonos non should not be granted to H. C. Daniel on Obe Brown’s estate. Witness my hand aud official signature, March 5, 1877. THOMAS F. HILL, mar9-td Ordinary. Headache and Neuralgia Cured. A Valuahle Discovery. Celery Celery Dr. C. W. Benson, a Practicing ,\ Ir I „ Celery Celery Physician, at No.IOG North Eutaw p ILL _ Celery Pills Celery street, Baltimore, Mil., [ who has p ILLS Celery pills Celery paid much attention to nervous !,. rru Celery Celery disease, ] has discovered that Ex- ; |> ILr ‘ s Celery: Pms Celery tract of Celery and Chamomile Celery Celery combined, in a certain proper- p, LI S Celery Pills Celery tiou, invariably cure headache, j> lLr)S Celery Pills Celery either bilious, dyspeptic, ner- p ILLS Celery Pilts Celery vous or sick headache, neu- p IILS Celery | p Pills Celery iri!";! and nervousness. This is p EiLS Celfryi -rvJfflce IOC North Etewa St. | Pills Bv. 11. S. HviuYYry, Agt. feb23-0m \ GAINESVILLE, GA. NO T I CE. A LL PERSONS indebted to the firm of Lesser.& Cos. are notified not to settle snid indebtedness only by the books, which books aie in my possession; and all persons so iudeb'ed are requested to come forward and settle at once with the undersigned. Fail not. SAMUEL LESSER. uov24 tf Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral IFor Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, || Whooping Cough, |t Bronchitis, Asthma, > and Consumption. The reputation it has attained, in consequence of the marvellous cures it has produced during the last half century, is a sufficient assurance to the public thatitwill continue to realize the happiest results thaican be desired. In almost every section of Country there are persons, publicly known ,wh) have been restored from alarming and even despivate diseases of the lungs, by its use. All who havf tried it,acknowledge its superiority; and where fjs virtues are known, no one hesitates as to what liedicinc to employ to relieve the dis tress and suffering peculiar to pulmonary affec tions. CnqißY Pectoral always affords in stant relie,| and performs rapid cures of the milder vanities of bronchial disorder, as well as the more foiuidable diseases of the lungs. Asa safeguard to children, amid the distress ing disease which beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, t> is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multitudes.ave rescued and restored to health. This medttine gains friends at every trial, as the cures it s constantly producing are too re markable t< be forgotten. No family should be without it, ud those who have once used it never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe itjand Clergymen often recommend it from their knowledge of its effects. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C.WER& CO., Lowell, Mass, Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY 4LL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. K. L. BOONE, Agent, Gainesville, Ga. Wagons and Buggies! JOHN 1). BAGWELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Wagons and Buggies, SIX MILES WEST OF C3-£*,i:nes'V"±ll©, G-st. KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand a supply of First , 2, 8 Two-Horse Wagons at from $75 t > $95. tirst-Class One-Horse Wagons at from SSO to SOO. First-Ular s Buggies from sllO up. Orders i elicited, to which prompt attention will be G iT en. jan2B-tf Jkfvja t ifc 77 A Week to Agents. Samples ebee • P. O. VICKERY & CO., Augusta Maine. sug26-ly Tlie Markets. Fiiiancia.l. CORRECTED BY BANKS k BRO. GOLD—buying 6 „ Selling 6 SlLVEß—Buying par Selling par Cotton Iv£st:rlsL©t- CORRECTED BY C. A. LILLY. Middling, ll>K@U Ordinary 9 to 10 Stains to 9 Total receipts to date 4 528 Market dull. Comm f>T*r-.1 | CORRECTED WEEKLY BY K. L. BOONE. COFFEE—java lb 371,® “ fio “ .... 25® 95 SUGAR—'fI ib, Ex. C., “ “ “ A 18H “ “ “ Crushed 14 “ “ “ Yellow C 12 “ “ “ Brown 10® 121. SYRUP—if* gal 40 ®BO MOLASSES—%> gal. 86 “ “ bybbl 82 MACKEREL—kit 1 25(511 30 CHEESE 20® TEAS—imperial 90@1 25 “ byson 75@1 00 CANDLES lb 25 SALT—SI sack @175 CORN—white bushel 65 to 65 NEW CORN 60 to 60 MEAL—bushel 60 to 70 FLOUR—sup<rfine—per lb 3>j@ 04}; “ extra “ 3>„@ 4); “ family “ 3>*@ 4)4 “ ex family “ 3},® 4‘.j “ fancy • 4q®s HAY—clover 100 lbs “ timothy “ none WHEAT—white—new 140 “ red 140 BACON—hams—s lb @lB BACON—clear sides—lb 12®12,V, BACON—shoulders—lb... lofto ink BACON—C R lb 15 to 16 BULK MEAT—clear sides 12>; HAMS (sugar cured) canvassed 16® 17 BUTTER 16—dull CHlCKENS—spring 15—drtll “ grown 15 DRIED PEACHES—unpealed $ lb 6 pealed “ @ 10 DRIED APPLES—pealed lb 31; SWEET “ <• ONIONS—dry *• 50 SODA CRACKERS, (fresh) 12 15 LEMON “ “ 15 @ 20 SUGAR “ “ 20(a) GINGER 25(a) SO SPICE 25(u) 30 PEPPER 30@ 35 CLOVES (fl oz) 6 NUTMEG “ @ 20 STARCH 10 BROOMS each 25@ 60 BUCKETS (painted) “ 25 PEARL lb 05® WELL ROPE—S lb 15® 25 AXLE GREASE— $) box 10 AXES 1 00® AXE HANDLES 10® 20 PLOW LlNES—pair (32 feet) 25® STICK CANDY—Ib 25® 30 FANCY CANDY— $ lb 40@ 50 SOAPS—various kinds 8® 10 RAISINS—f) lb 25 APPLES—bushel ]00@125 lb 35(a) 40 SHOT— $ lb 12'.,® W. PROOF CAPS-"# box 10® TOBACCO—# lb 65® 1 00 CIGARS 05® 10 RICE # lb 10 BEESWAX# lb 26 CABBAGE—# lb 2 @ 3 BAGGlNG—standard-2lb # yd 14® 17 TIES- s‘,@U a SHOVELS—Ames’ No. 0 1 20® “ “ “ 1 1 29® IKON—Sweed # lb 8® 9 SHIRTING—7-8 7 @8 “ 3-4 SHEETING—4-4 B‘,@lo DRILLING 10 FACTORY THREAD 1 10 CHECKS 12 Application for Charter. To the Honorable Supei ior Court of Said County. IIALL COUNTY. The peti- tion of J. F Lilley, C. A. Lilley, George Rakestraw, and B. F. Morton, in behalf of themselves, their associates and successors, respectfully sheweth that they desire to be in corporated under the name and style of the .1. F. LILLEY& HON CO-OPERATIVE BOOT AND SHOE * MANUFACTURING COMPANY. The object and business of said company will be the manufacture of Boots, Shoes and other articles of like kind, the said business to wductedrm the co-operative.system. The} „Y#to establish a Factor,k manufacture of articles nr “he city of Cfailiesvillo, of ald County and State, and in .connection with said Factory to conduct a "Provision Store for the mutual benefit of the shareholders in said company, and for the purpose of disposing of the products of their manufacture, and of supplying the operatives of said company with provisions and necessary supplies of all kinds. The said city of Gainesville will be their place of business, and the place of their chief office. The amount of capital stock to be employed by said company is Ten Thousand Dollars which they desire to have the privilege of in creasing to Fifty Thousand Dollars should the business of the company require it. They desire that said capital stock be divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, which shares shall be transferable only on the books of said company. That each stockholder shall at any meeting of said company, be al lowed one vote for each share he holds provi ded he shall have paid all installments called in by the said officers of said company. They desire to have power to manufacture Boots Shoes and other articles of like kind, and to buy and sell the same ; to buy, own and sell such real estate and other property as is necessary and proper for carrying on their business ; to hire and bind such laborers and apprentices for such length of time as may he proper, and as may be necessary to carry on said business ; to appoint from the stockhold ers of said company proper officers to manage said business, and control their operatives ; to make all necessary by-laws and regulations for the government of said company, and cou trol of said operatives, and all employees of said company, which may not be inconsistent with the Constitution and Laws of this State, and of the United States ; to carry on a Store in connection with said manufacturing busi ness for the mutual benefit of the sharehold ers of said company ; to buy and sell in such Store, such a tides as they may manufacture, and all necessary supplies for carrying on said manufacturing business, or for the use of the employees of said company—and to have the power to sue and be sued—contract and be contracted with under their corporate name—and all other powers usual and proper for carrying on their business. They therefore make this application in order that they may be made a body corpo rate for the purposes aforesaid, and with the powers and privileges aforesaid, and with the power of continuous succession for Twenty Y’ears with privilege of renewal thereafter, and that after complying with the require ments of the Law, the Court may pass an order declaring their application granted. MARLER &■ FERRY, Petitioners Attorneys, Filed in Office January 23rd 1877. W. S. PICKRELL, Deputy Clerk. Georgia, Hall County. —Recorded in the Clerks Office Hall Superior Court, Record of Deeds Book “L” page 297, January 23rd 1877. W. S. PICKRELL, jan2o-tdc Deputy Cierk S. C. The Brightest Little Paper Out! Neat, Sparkling, Newsy !! Send in Your Subscriptions at Once ! IVTISS ANNIE MARIA BARNES, (‘'Cousin Annie,”) who has until recently had charge of the “Children's Corner” in the Sunny South, will issue about the first of March a little paper to be devoted to the amusement and instruction of the young, as well as to the entertainment of those who are older. Everybody, from grandmother down to “Little Tot,” will find something in it especially for them. It will be neatly gotten up, beautifully printed—a perfect little gem throughout. The subscription price is only 75 cents a year, or 50 cents for six months. Let every little boy and girl get 75 cents at once, and send for “Cousin Annie’s” paper, or get a club of four subscribers and $3, and receive a copy free for one year. A beautiful picture is offered to the little boy or girl who sends in the first subscription. Be quick little folks. Address, MISS ANNIE M. BARNES, feb23-tf Atlanta, Ga. DISSOLUTION. copartnership existing between Drs. *- Shaffer & Ham has been dissolved. All persons indebted will please call and settle by money or note. feb23 5t A|Aa day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms free. TRUE & CO., marlfr-ly Augusta, Maine. Application for Charter. To the Honorable Superior Court of Said County. / 8 EORGIA, HALL COUNTY’.- The petition VJ of H. S. Bradley, C. C. Sanders, J. E. Redwiue, J. B. M. Winburn, li. E. Green, J. R. Boone and A. D. Candler respectfully show that they and their successors in office desire to be incorporated under the name, and style of, GAINESVILLE MALE AND FEMALE COLLEGE. That said Trustees aud their successors in office, under the name and style aforesiad, may use a common seal, aud shall be capable of sueingand being sued, plead and be impleaded, and also to possess, accept or acquire by gift, grant, purchase or otherwise, all manner of properly, both real aud personal, to have and to hold the same or the proper benefit and behoof of said College. That said Trustees, aud their successors in office, may have power to make all such laws, roles and regulations, for the government of said College, as they may deem fit aud proper: provided, nothing in said rules aud regula tions be repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia, and the United States. ■ That said Trustees may have power to ap point a President, Professors and such other officers as they may deem necessary for said College, and the same, or any of them to re move: provided, a majority of the board of Trustees concur in such removal. That said Trustees (with and by the advice of Faculty,) may prescribe the course of stud ies to be pursued in said College, aud that the President of the College or in his absence the Senior Professor, by and with the concur rence of the Trustees, shall have power to confer all such degrees and honors as are usually conferred in other Colleges and Uni versities, and shall preside at all public exer cise of the College. That said Trustees in their corporate char acter and name, may have perpetual succes sion, and when any vacancy shall occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, the remain ing Trustees, or majority of them, shall have power to fill such vacancy, and that said cor poration continue lor twenty years, with the privilege of renewal. And petitioners pray that after citation and publication bad, that the Court grant an order incorporating the said Trustees under the name and style aforesaid, aud have the same duly entered upon the minutes ol said Court according to the statute in such cases made and provided. And for ibis as in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray fc<\ W. F. FINDLEY, Petitioners Attorney. Filed in Office this 13th February, 1877. W. S. PICKRELL, D. C. S. C. Georgia, Hall County. —This petition is Recorded in the Clerks Office of Hall Superi or Court, Record of Deeds, Book “L” page 338. This February 13th 1877. W. S. PICKRELL, feblG-tf Deputy Clerk !S. C. HI A RBLE! Great Reduction in Prices of MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES. Specimens of Work always on hand for sale. Money saved by buying from A. R. ROBERTSON, febl6-3m Athens, Ga, NO T I CE. LMiOM AND AFTER THIS DATE, the x Justices Courts in and for the 385th (Morgan’s) District, will be held at the old usual court ground, on the first aud third Saturdays of each month. M. B. SIMPSON, J. P. febl6 tf C. C. BELL, N. P. & J. P. JVolioe to Debtors ami Creditors, /"2J.EORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Notice is hereby given to all persons having de mands against Josiah Prater, Sr., late of said county, deceased, to present them to me pro perly made out, within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; aud all persons indebted are hereby required to make Jr febl 6-71 Executor of Josiah Prater, Sr. A. J. COMER Has on band and is constantly receiving a large assortment of DRY GOODS, Which he will sell for Oasli Only ? - <>' Country Produce. feb2-tf "WHEAT THRESHING STEAM ENCINS” Prepared to mount on any ordinary wagon -4 Horse Power Engine Complete $350,00. 6 “ $475,00. 8 “ “ “ “ $650,00. Send for illustrated circular. SttliotleWt Iron Works, MACON, GA. TO O-WISTIZSTI.^ OF Mineral Property THE UNDERSIGNED is now prepared to test Mineral Ore of any description. Owners of Mineral Property aud others in terested, can now have their ore tested aud the value of their property determind at a small cost by sending a sample of their ore to the undersigned, an old experienced assay er. In this way some of the best mines in Georgia have been discovered aud found to be rich, when the owner of the property did not know that be had anything but rocks on bis farm. We advise every farmer in North Georgia to gather a sack of the locks on bis place, and bring them in for examination. We give our opinion at onee gratis; then it thought advisable to make a chemical test, the charge will he light. Call on or address N. W.HULLOCK, Assayist, sej)t29-ll Atlanta, Georgia. HENRY WRIG-HT lias opened a First-class Eating Saloon, JN GAINESVILLE, ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER L ol' Liiwrencevillo and Main afreets, to which place he cordially invites all his white friends, when he will politely serve them with Refreshments, consist ing of Pound (lake, Tea Cakes, Lemonade, lee Cream, Boiled Custard and numerous other dainties, at rea sonable rates. Call and satisfy the inner man. mays -tl' poh. 8A.L113, A NICE TWO-BOOM COTTAGE and a live or six acre Lot, in the city of Gainesville, Ga.; abont five acres iu a high state of' cultivation; good well-water, out buildings, two acres iu choice fruit trees, etc. It is just one-half mile from the Public Square and on one of the most public streets in the city. Titles undisputed. Will be sold at a bargain, for cash, to an early applicant. For further particulars, apply at this oftiee Oct. 13tb, 1876. J. M. OWEN, DEALER IS Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, and General merchandise, BBLLTON, HE sells Goods cheap for CASH, and furnishes the traveling public with agood, square meal at his Hotel on living terms. Call on him. >apr 18-tf. Blacksmith and Wood Shop. The undersigned have opened a Blacksmith and Wood Shop At Howser’s Mills, Dawson county, and are prepared to do all kinds of work at short notice, and at the lowest prices for cash. Give us a trial. HENRY HOWSER. feb9-tf W. L. D. BOND. ESTEY ORGA NS MESSRS. ESTEY3& CO, Did a Business Last Year of over ONE MILLION DOLLARS ! QUCH 4 IGURES are eloquent, and facts are infinitely more significant than fiction in Organ manufacture. the ESTEY ORGAN Stands upon its own intrinsic merit, and through this has won its way to the popular heart. The Estey Heed Organ Manufactory* Is the largast and most complete in the world. They consist of Eight Main Factories, Besides packing slore, gas and engine houses, dry houses, etc. This manufactory gives em ployment to more than Five Ilinidreil Workmen- No other Organ has gained aD equal popu larity, or been produced on such an extensive scale. It is sold at the Lowest Possible Price consistent, with a fair and remunerative profit. For catalogues, terms, etc., address TV. E. I,ODEN, Music Dealer, Gainesville, Ga. oct2o-3m Augusta Constitutionalist. OLDEST DEMOCRATIC PAPER ISI THE STATE. Published Daily, Tri-weekly and Weekly. At Augusta, Ga. Cheapest Daily in the South! Daily, one year $6 00 Dally, six months 3 00 Daily, three mouths ] 30 Tri-weekly, one year 4 ou Tri-weokly, six mouths 2 00 Weekly, one year 2 00 Weekly, six months 1 00 Cash, in all cases. Full Telegraphic Dispatches from all points Latest and most accurate Market Reports, In teresting and Reliable Correspondence from all parts of Georgia, South Carolina and Washington. Georgia and Carolina and Local News a specialty. Address, THE CONSTITUTIONALIST, deo22-tf Augusta, Ga. K. L. BOONE, SUCCESSOR TO BOONE * CO., riTAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO HIS A Friends and Customers, that lie has on hand aud is receiving a: the OLD STAND a large and well as sorted St els ol' Merchandise CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Notions, Hats, Hoots and Shoes, Factory Goods, Etc. All of which will be sold at a very am&lt advance on first cost for cash. Is Agent for the sale of ATHENS FACTORY, and will sell Goods by the bale at Factory prices for oaeh aprU-tf S. L. SGLOMONSON, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER!! Jeweler and Optician! DEALER IN AND IMPORTER OF Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. Spectacles to Suit all Sights, All work warranted to give satisfaction. 43 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. july2B-tt Nlrs, ]\i. Persons (Over A. J. Comer’s Store,) IS NOW RECEIVING THE FINEST STOCK OF MlbLllVfelltV ivOODS ever brought to HALL COUNTY. In the various lines the Stock is large, and has been selected with great care. The Ladies are invited to examine my assortment of GOOT3S, TRIMMINGS, LACKS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDKRIK*. Ktc. Will give also to rny past customers a nice present. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. MRS. M. PERSONS. I also have a branch store at Dahlonega well muu plied with Millinery Goods. oct27-3m TANARUS) A HP I.P TV TQJ obtained for mechani -1 J\ JTj j_\ J(J cal devices, medical or other compounds, or namental designs, trade-marks aud labels. Caveats, Assignments, Interferences, etc , promptly attended to. Inventions that liiA*e been II ejected by the Paten Office may still, in most cases, be secured b- : us. Beiug opposite the Patent Office, we eau make closer searches, and secure Patenis more promptly and with broader claims than those who are remote from Washington. mVENTOBS device; we make examinations free of charge, and advise as to patentability. Ail correspondence strictly confidential. Prices low. We refer to officials in the Patent Office, aud to inventors in every State in the Union. Address, LOUIS BAGGER & 00., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, I). C. ■—f wish, (gin I, MiiTwi'irianivMinriwhib , Blacksmith Shop. fJVHE UNDERSIGNED has established a Shop on JL Lanrenoeville street, a little back of Alvah Smith's livery stable, where he is prep- red to do a'l hinds of work in his line. He guarantees satisfaction iu all cases, and solicits a share of patronage. Prices suited to the times. marl7-tf W. J. GRIFFIES. J. O. S. TIMBERLAKE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Candler Hall Building, PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES; f el.lß-tf City Residences. rHAVE SEVER\L WELL IMPROVED CITY Residences. Everything complete, which I will exchange for goods Farms. A. M, OOCHRAN, julyl4-tl Real Estate Agent. Notice ! Notice ! ! * LL PARTIES WANTING FIRST-CLaSS LUMBER j A. at low FKitTBES, will call on Permo G. Booue, who is our only agent. Lumber warranted drst-class. septS-tf CAMP k B ARBETT.