The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, September 28, 1877, Image 4

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THE E V O LE . Friday Morning, September 2-S, 1877. CAREY W. STVI/IOH lfiditor. THE BALL AH OF KEY. I am a Christian soldier boy, And knavishness despise; But then, you bet, I know jnst where My bread and butter lies. I am a quiet, simple youth, Though anything but green; And in the interest of Hayes • I work the old machine. Around his feet rejected curs May still keep up their snarling, But to the highly favored few, Bold Ttuthy is a darling. W <-’re bound to him in every way, Our ties we would not sever; And for him we would shake the shirt Forever and forever. We do his will with cheerful hearts, Ilis policy sustaining; And though ho jokes at my expense, I think not of complaining. I have a mission to fulfil, And do not mind his chaffing; For Tis at him, and not at me, That every one is laughing. . . —New York Run. HOUSEHOLD KELT PER. Pop Overs —One cup of sweet milk, two eggs, one and cups of flour, and a pinch of salt. Pour into gem pans when they are hot. No soda or cream of tartar. Ginger Cakes. —One and one-half cups of molasses, one cup rich sour > shell the’ \vO ospoonful of soda, and lonists. little stiff, and drop j.-T ays I mai really deficient-] police ir q, triotism. are some, em went men. You all had hr* ' t-a g*fNit of going 'f "'7, - Btlff batteF|> Vh ■ fop from the spoon. AHowCj rise a few hours. Breakfast Relish. —To one well beaten egg add one spoonful of sweet milk, and in a buttered spider, rolling up as it coooks. They look much bettor cooked separately,and are very nice. Season when done. Mississippi Corn Bread.— One pint of boiled rice, mashed fine, one pint of cornmeal (sifted), one teaspoonful of butter or lard; mix with sour milk,add last a teaspoonful of warm water; bake in a pan like a pound cake, in a hot oven. To Preserve Gum Solutions. —A few drops of oil of cloves, alcohol, or acid will preserve a quart of the mucUago of gum arabio or gum tragacantk from turning sour. A small quantity of dissolved alum will preserve flour paste. German Waffles. —Half pound but ter, stirred to a cream, the yolks of five eggs mixed with one-half pound of flour, one-half pint of milk gradually stirred in, and lastly tho whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth and beaten in the butter. Rice Waffles.— To one and a half cupfuls of boiled rice add two cupfuls of flour; mix it with milk. The batter must be rather thicker than pancake batter. Add a little salt; then beat two eggs very light, and stir them in the last thing, giving it a good beating. Bake in waffle-irons. Brown Bread.— One pint of corn meal, one pint of rye meal, two-thirds cup of molasses, one large spoonful of vinegar, one heaping teaspoouful sale- in a liHHto warm Water,' ohe-half teaspoonful of salt, mix well with warm water, quite soft, and steam three hours. Put in the oven fifteen minutes and brown. Graham Cakes. —Take a piece of raised dough about the size o f a coffee cup, put in one quart of sweet milk, beat it up smooth, then add graham enough to make a stiff' batter, then put in your gem pans for breakfast and put the rest in a loaf for broad. You have something very nice if done right. Cottage Pudding —One cup of su ') gar, one tablespoonful of butter, two eggs, one cup of sweet milk, three cups of flour, one-half teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar sifted with the flour, one teaspoonful of salt. Bake in a buttered mould, * turn out upon a dish, cut in slices, and eat with liquid sauce. This is a simple but very nice pudding. r Valuable Fiuends. —Cultivate frogs, and lizards. Put them in your gardens, and as the evening approach es they will hop from their hiding- N places and snuggle down in some con venient spot near the gutter, or where \ they know their food will come plenty. ants, roaches, mosquitoes, etc., consume in a night is marvellous, and thus they keep down the insect pests. Home-Made Vinegar.—A cheap and 7 wholesome article of vinegar may be made of water, molasses, and yeast, say twenty-five gallons of water, four of molasses, and one of yeast. This, when it ferments, will yield very good vinegar. A fair imitation of white l wine vinegar of gashed raisins and yepC-' ~ . e for a month * H-Qlcoiobe. -Joules in j boricriff Buscuit. —For a large tin of sour milk one teas witj;. of saleratus, one-half teaspoon salt, and enough flour to make mtegiuj /nIUO n biscuits, then roll out Theitjtfft is about one-fourth of an inch chick; now spread butter over it, then ■- sprinkle plenty of sugar over it, and roll it as you would jelly cake, then cut Loff the size of biscuit. Bake in a quick oven. Sweet Apple Pudding. —One pint of scalded milk, half a pint of Indian meal, one teaspoonful of salt, six sweet apples cut in small pieces, one tea y cupful of finely chopped suet, two great spoonfuls of molasses, half a tea spoonful of ginger, nutmeg or cinna \ mon, —whichever is most desirable, - two eggs well beaten, and half a tea spoonful of soda. Beat well together, put into a pudding-mould and boil two hours. Apple Jelly. — Pare and cut in slices eighteen large acid apples; boil them in as much water as will cover them; when quite soft dip a coarse cloth in hot water, wring dry and strain the apples through it. To one pint of juice allow fourteen ounces of sugar. Add the peel of one lemon. Boil twenty minutes, take out the peel and put in jars. Take three eggs, the same weight in ground rice, with su gar enough to* sweeten, mixed and thoroughly beaten. Bake quickly in a mold. This makes a rich, nutritious and easily digested cake. Goo. H. Pendleton and Garfield stump jointly in the Ohio canvass. TO jr'.-ffiai^NTS! S? averse to j all open V He has r Youb ctmen inside' u av ps’ vo mß J r “ e ? !e did Dot " AAOIDBItL j> reS g to preside ’ " ■ wau | CROCKERY, EURE, LAIM —FROM — M BRIDE & CO., Atlanta., Ga. Yon need not buy hard stock or unsettle goods to get what you want. McBRIDF, & CO. sell every article squarely ON ITS OWN MERITS* If you need Creckery, Cutlery, Glassware, Ac , make out list, let Mcßride A Cos. price it, compare with priee of any house in the United States, and you will give the order to Mcßride A Cos., for they will certainly save you the freight- , sepl4-24m G. 11. MILLER CO., Pryor Street, Under the Kimball House, ATLANTA, GA./ . SOUTHERN SALESROOM FOR THE CELHRRATED v ( the F mdent’s a '■‘Silver Plated Ware, Bronzes, &c. At YVholcsalejand Retail. Prices the same as at the Company’s Ware rooms in New York. The largest, most complete, and elegant assortment to be found in the South. m ALSO, Gold Jewelry, Celluloid, Coral Jewelry, Etc.,';Ete. New Goods constantly being received fram the Factory and' shipped to all parts of the country. ' julvl3 tf . * The Commercial Reporter, A SEMI-MONTHLY lOMMIAUIAU .UHIVWU IT GIVES IN EACH ISSUE A WHOLESALE MAR kat Report of Atlanta. Merchants who wish to keep posted should sub scribe for it. Torniis- For Anmim- Address, W. T. CHRISTOPHER, Editor and Proprietor, 32 Broad Street, (np stairs) Atlanta, Ga. nimxiM; w.xvs PRIZE STORIES!! THE WEEKLY NEWS of Wednesday, September 19th, contains the first chapters of an intensely interesting and well written story, The Marable Family, BY S. G. HILLYEK, JR., Of Cuthbert, Oa„ To which was awarded the B'irst Prize of One Hun dred Dollars, offered for the best story founded on the incidents of the late war. The Weekly News, in addition to the Agricultural and Literary Departments recently introduced, still maintains its distinctive features as a medium for State, Political and General News, and every effort will be devoted to making it a comprehensive medium of information for the people. Its Market Reporis are complete and reliable. PRICES.—Weekly News, 0 months, SI.OO ; 1 year, $2.00; postage free. Daily, fi months, $5.00; 1 year, $10.00; postage free. Remittances can be made by Post Office Order, Registered Letter, or Express, at my risk. Letters should be addressed, J. H. EBTILL, Savannah, Ga. Take the Best ! 1877-1878. THE CHRONICLE & CONSTITUTIONALIST, pONSOLIDATED March 17th, 1877; is the ' oldest and best newspaper published in the South. It is the only Newspaper pub lished in the City of Augusta—the leading Railway and Manufacturing centre of the South —and the only Newspaper published in Eastern Georgia. The Chronicle & Constitu tionalist has a very large and daily increasing circulation in the States of Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, and reaches every elass of readers—merchant, farmers, professional men and working men, and is a most valuable advertising medium. The Daily Chronicle & Constitutionalist pub lishes all the current news of the day, receives all the reports of the Associated Press, and special dispatches from Washington, Atlanta, Columbia, and all other points of interest, supplemented by correspondence. It gives full commercial reports of domestic and for eign markets, of all local and Southern mat ters, and editorial comment upon public affairs. Terms: $lO for 12 months, $5 for 6, $2.50 for 3, and $1 for 1 month, postage paid by us. I The Tri-weekly Chronicle & Constitutional ist contains two day’s news of the Daily, alliueici: $5 for 12 months, $2.50 for 6, postage Chronicle & Constitutionalist is a mammoth sheet, and the largest and handsomest Weekly published in the South. It oontains all the news of the week—tele graphic, local, editorial, miscellaneous—and carefully prepared reviews of themarket. This edition is gotten up for circulation among planters and others living in the country.— Terms : $2 for 12 months, $1 for six months, postage paid by us. The Chroniole and Constitutionalist is the paper for the merchant, the planter, the law yer, the mechanic, the politician. It is a pa per for the office, the counting room and the lamily circle. Specimen copies sent free. Address WALSH & WRIGHT, Managers, Augusta, Ga. NEAT AND NEWSY. THE OLD CAPITAL, 4 THIRTY-TWO COLUMN NEWSPAPER, J -*- 28x42 inches, published at Milledgevillt, Ga., tne old Capital of the Empire State, every Saturday morning, at $2 per annum, postage free. SPEER & HAM, Editors and Proprietors. Bright, Breezy and Piquant, The typography is second to no Journal in the country; while itsuonatter and make up make it a paper that should find a place in every home. Table of Contents. Stories and Sketches for the family circle; Hints to the Farmer; Valuable information to the Housewife; Special correspondence from points of interest; Timely and vigorous edito rials; Wit and Humor; Latest Georgia News; Local affairs—the freshest and best in every department The Capital is a live nineteenth centurg newspaper. Treats of men and measures atr it finds them. Talks ©ut in meeting and calls things by their right names. Send us your name, and make up a club. Address THE CAPITAL, aug3l-tf Milledgeville, Ga. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. HALL COUNTY. Administrator’s Sale. YUTLL BE SOLD, before the Court House .** door, in Gainesville, Hall county? Ga., < Olii~i e first Tuesday in October next, within ■al hours of sale: The lot, or parcel of > ihiftted in Gainesville, on Summit street, Adjoining lands of E. W. Merritt, John Merck and others, containing three- acres, more or less, being 'he old name*-cad of the late Maj. John E. Caldwell, idfeceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of deceased. Terms cash. M. P. CALDWELL, Adm’r. de bonis norj r witfl the will annexed. aug24-td Notice! 7 OamxAtf Office, - Hall County, Ga -PS anoi 1877. WILL be let, to the T- ("jible ” bidder, on the first Tl . next, at the Court House andi aI 3for feeding the paupers of tb .ud calm, sp'.,- e lve months, from the first oL a S plen- latuV he successful’bidder to taf , ;e:l the paupers for the /$ eB aS 0 f Jol P er month per-head. 1 sep 14-3 t J> r(? ‘ the Eagle U-. (GEORGIA HALL Co.o? 1 lts readers. AJ Office, September an a K is. D. Brooks, administrator of Ajjug 9 ,/j|, , dec’d, applies to'me for leave to fieri zfrjpti&s of the estate of said deceased. TherppS, all per jSns concerned ahe hereby that said leave wifi be granted the appftcant at the No vember term, next,.of the Court of Ordinary of said county, unless good cause to tho con trary be then shown. J. B. MwYfVBURN, sep2l-5t „ gitnes 0 GEORGIA— HALL C/_- ’ whU6 ” Office, Sept. l r f of the country rece*. and W. H. Deaton, VC , Wtaed. applies fo|*° reCeiVe the nloßt care of said dtfhe Editorial mauagem Therefore, all perA . ~. , . °J’ iJH 1 Manuta/viir be grfiV^ i kJS2; su November term of the “ J lJmTnary of said county, un less good cause to the contrary be shown, sep 14-5 t J. B. M. WINBURN, Ord’y. FORSYTH COUNTY. Administrator’s Sale. T>£ VIRTUE of an order of the Court of -* ' Ordinary of Forsyth county, Ga., I will sell, to the, highest and best bidder, on tho fir§t Tuesday in October next, before the Court House door, in the town of Cumming, Forsyth county, Ga., the following property: The property belonging to tke estate of John M. Henderson, late of said county, which is known as the Home place of said deceased, containing four hundred and forty acres, more or less, consisting of Lots of Land Nos. 186, 187, 244, 245, 246, 247, 258, 259, 260, 317 and 318, in the third district and first section. Also, the Samuel Julian old place, contain ing in all five hundred and sixty acres, more or less, consisting of Lots Nos. 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 4j*7, 458, 459 and 479, in the third district and first section. Also, Lot No. 315, in the third district and first section; and also Lot No. 20, in the I2th district and Ist section, in Lumpkin county, each of these two last lots containing forty acres, more or less. All sold for the beuefrfrof 'the ffeirs and creditors of the said J. M. Henderson, There is on the Homanlace of said deceased about one hundred ajtas&ftv acres cleared, seventy-five acres of wH|Hs good bottom land, lying on SettingdowrCreek; the bal ance is woodland land, well timbered. The place is well improved, with a comfortable dwelling and kitchen, with good out build ings and fences. The Julian place has two hundred acres cleared land, one hundred and seventy acres of good bottom, on Settingdown Creek. This land is well timbered, with good fences, a comfortable dwelling and out buildings. Both places have good orchards, gardens and excellent wells of water. The Jnlian place will make two very good farms, and can be divided so that the value of the land will not be injured. This property all lies about eight miles north of Cumming—the Julian place imme diately on the old Federal road, and the homo place about ono mile from said road, with a good outlet to the public roads in every direc tion; and both are about sixteen miles from Flowery Branch, on the A. &R. A. L. R. R. Titles perfect. Terms, payable iu three installments—One third due first day of January, 1878; one-third due first day of January, 1879, with teu per cent interest frqm day of sale; the remaining third due the first day of January, 1880, with ten per cent interest from day of sale. Bond for titles given, and deeds executed when the last payment Is made, with the privilege of the purchaser to pay the full amount in cash. W. F. WOFFORD, Adm’r. of J. M. Henderson, dec’d. aug3l-td BANKS COUNTY. Administrator’s Sale. TT7TLL BE SOLD, before the Court House vv door, in the town of Homer, Banks county, Ga., within the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October next, pur suant to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Banks county, all the lands belonging to the estate of Daniel Sanders, deceased, in said comity, (except the widow’s dower,) contain 218f acres, more or less. Said lands will be sold in three separate lots : T _ i \T . 1 a r-r A i v Lot No. I—Containing 74J acres ; about one-half in old field, the remainder in original forest. Lot No. 2—Containing 75J acres, ail of which is in original forest, except about 10 acres. Lot No. S—Containing 68| acres ; about 10 acres in cultivatioa, and the remainder in original forest. All of said lots join each other, and are bounded by John A. Walker, J. Owen, Wm. Brewer, and others. All sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on day of sale. T. C. CHANDLER, M. R. SANDERS, sep7-4w Administrators. Administrators Sale. GCILL be sold, before the Court House ’’ door, in the Homer, Banks coun ty, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, pursuant to an order from the flpi-y/of Ordinary cYprovk/, county, all that tract or parcel c.* longing to the estate of Willianjtron King Stc ceased, adjoining lands of ThoSmmend it as John Wslliams, John S. Means';. Cooks containing two hundred acres,.' Said laud is in a high state off ai there is aboui 15 or 20 acres of good boft, I r 60 acres in original forest, thfe remainder* in old field pines. Said land will be sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs and creditors. Terms: One-half cash, < £he balance on time until the first of January ' next, with note and approved security. JAMES A. DAILEY, sept2l-td Administrator. Notice ! Notice ! QJSORGIA-BANKSCOUNTY— All persons v are hereby warned not to trade for a cer tain note, given by me to Clackston Mize, signed with my name and Mark, Made, and witnessed by T. F. Hill about the last of June or the first of July last, for'fifty dollars, and due the Ist of November, 1877. Said note was obtained by fraud and given without a valuable consideration, and I will not pay it. MARY S. JORDAN. septl4-4t* GEORGIA— BANKS COUNTY—Whereas, J. W. Parker applies to me for permanent letters of admiaistrafion on the estate of Aeh lsv Nunnally, deceased. Therefore all per sons concerned are hereby notified that said letters will be granted to the applicant at the October Term, 1877, ef the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Mon day in said month, unj#ss good cause to the contrary be then shown. T. F. HILL, sep7-td. Ordinary. (GEORGIA— BANKS COUNTY William Y* Acre and James Acre, administrators of the estate of Allen Acre, late of said county, deceased, applies to me in due form for leave to sell all the real estate of said deceased. • Therefore, all person* are notified to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the regular term of my Court, to be held on the first Monday in October. sep7-4t T. F, HILL, Ordinary. DAWSON COUNTY, Dawson Count V Slierifi Sale. p EORGIA, DAWSON COUNTY.—WiII be D sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Dawsonville, in said county, on the first Tuesday iu October next, betvve n the legal hours of sale, the following described lands, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 677, 614, 675, 674, 687 and 688, all iu the filth district and first sec tion'of said Dawgon county, Ga. Levied on as the property Of Peter Heward, to satisfy a fi fa from 830th district G. M. of said county, in favor of John Turner vs Peter Howard. Levy made and returned to ae by A. A. Waters, L. C. R. lj BURT. aug3l-td Sheriff. GEORGIA, DAWSON COUNTY.—Whereas James J. Burt, adminiatodor of the estate of Benjamin Barker, deceased, appFes to me by written petition, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of said deceased; These are, therefore, to gits notice to all persons concerned, that an order will issue on the first Monday iu October next, granting leave to said applicant, unless a valid objec tion is filed and sustained. Give® under mv band and official signature, August 18, 1877. ‘ H. B. SMi'h H, au g 24 ~ td °/foTve P. EORGIA, DAWSON COUNT £ tde Jv ? s Pollard Kelley, administ? if', A y 0 estate of Henry Taiiey, late Q'y,, deceased, applies-’to me, in fl;c/ D . eli ' T t ' Y -’, leave to sell the-Jands belonr, Levy, mi of the said deceased: a . n T ldl^ These are,-therefore, toJf ghfl concerned, that an orde,’"' “ # first Monday in October n&tors Sale, j to said wpplicant unless s iorderof the Court are filed and sustained. m Given under mv hand *.£”?& ™ ! S °’ d August 18, 1877. ' l a Gamesville on o, A next, withiu _ 824 and W land wher EORGIA, time * fjvJ EuockE. Barker av£ parts of lots Nt. ier ' .m, for permanent lette'wtrict of Hall q on fon the jstate. of James J n the 2nd Disf -tf, cow., t- lV) deceased-St Jug iu the whole ! These therefore, tone sold iu parts to s persons conceit.-.ri that IAH sold as the pr appoint the said Enoca li. Ka-rased, for tor on said estate, on the fills. Term- O October next, unless a valid object: -until Jf/* and sustained. Given under my hand and official sign'-®-.;, August 18, 1877. H. B SMI' ’rut*. a.ug24-td . ju ß hels. p EORGIA, DAWSON CC ) - ess . John Hookenhull, Adm. st-Ji jCStote of Isaac McGehee, deceaklsli- nO m i fin. my office his petition, stating that fiMy discharged all his duties as such adaF istfator, aiid pi'aying that an order be pas® 1 discharging him Horn b.l,,;aid trust: ” Therefore all persons concerned are required to show cause against the granting of said dis charge at the regular term of the Court of Or dinary, to be held iu and for said county, aeit after this citation shall have been published three months. Given under my hand and official signature this the 22d day of June, 1877. H. B. SMITH Ordinary july6-3m and ex-officio clerk " WHITE COUNTY. White County Sheriff Sales. UJ.EORGIA, WHITE COUNTY.—WiII .e '-I sold before the Court House door in fee town of Cleveland, in said County, within the lawful hours of sale, en the first Tuesday ia October next, the following property, to-wit: Part of lot of land Ns. 75, in the 3d district of originally Habersham, now White county, containing fifty acres, more or less ; bounds i on the East by E. P. Williams, on the Sonin by James H. Williams, on the North and West by Dr. Cunningham. Land well improved. Levied on as the property of Joseph J. arid Mary E. Green, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Justioo Court of the 427th Dish, G M.. in favor of G. W. Cason vs. Joseph J. and Mary E. Green. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. .Levy made and retnrned to me by A. N. Vandiver, L. C. * Also, at same time and place, Lot *f laud No, 153, in 8d district of originally Haber sham, now White county. Levied on as the. property of Win. A. Merritt, fo satisfy two fi. fas. issued from the Justice Court of the S6lst Dist., G M., in favor of C. L. Williams vs. Wm. A. Merritt, as administrator of estate >i James Merritt, deceased. Property pointed 1 out by defendant. Levy made and returns'* to me by Joel Potts, L. C. W. J. PAYNE, Dep. Shff. aug3l-td. Wliite County Sheriff Sale. Georgia, white county.— wm be sold, before the House deor, in the town of Cleveland, White county, Ga., on the first "Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, the following described proper ty, to wit: Parts of lots land Nos. 69, 76 and 77, in the 2d dist. of originally Habersham, now White county, formerly known as the Dunogan part of the Wiley Warwick possessions, containing 170 acres, more or less, except 21 acres sold to Mr. Davidson. Levied on as the property of Thomas J, Hooper to satisfy an attachment fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county of White, in ftivor of James B. Boyd vs Thomas J. Hooper. Property pointed out in the fi fa * Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No. 67, in the 3d district of originally Haber sham, now White county, bounded on the east by the West property; on th* west by the Ash property—known as the Boswort'a place—on which he now lives. Levied on as the proper ty of S. N. Boswerth, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Justices Court of the 558th district G. M. of said county, in favor of W. H. Logan vs S. N. Bosworth, principal, and James Glen, security. Levy made and returned to me by L. R. Allison, L. C. Property pointed out by defendant. [postponed sales.] Also, at the same time and place, part of lot of land No. 44, in the 3d district ef originally Habersham, now White county, known as the Ilarshaw farm, containing 140 acres, more or less, 75 acres of bottom land. Levied on as the property of E. P. Williams, to satisfy two fi fas issued from the Superior Court of White county, in favor of Thomas J. Hughes as trus tee, etc., to the use of the officers of conrt vs. E. P. Williams. Property pointed out by de fendant. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot of land No. 38, in the 6th district of originally Habersham, now White county, all the inter est that E. P. Williams has in and ta said lot. No. 28, joining lands of J. D. Leonard anil. Thomas McClure. Levied on as the prop/ of E. P. Williams to satisfy a fi fa issue'’' the Justices Court of the 427th distriijf Count iu said county, in favor of W. J. E. st distric E. P. Williams. Levy made and re. this offict ' '■"‘ by A. N. Yandivere, L. C. jscriptiou >ve I u f? r if defendant. w v Odom i’ J J?iantjhe saim time and place, all by 1 D> 7alvp YY?' Wfllimns has in and to*#- *1 J - weive,f Nos. 14 aß( j 28, in the 6th distiifAii crivv-nginally Habersham, now White coin on aiso lots and parts of lots Nos. 11,*12, Small w 42, 43, 85, 86 and 78, in the third dist;; shoe: originally Habersham, now White cd ‘J. H containing about 2,000 acres. Levied omd a the property E. P. Williams, to satisfy * rs .” issued from the Justices Court of the 45, rope district G. M. of said county, in favor b e James M. Dean vs E. P. Williams, principle b A. P. Williams, J. R. Lumsden and F. Log t i j securities, and T. W. Fain security on tteh stay; Levy made and returned to me by i Robert Heath, L. C. Property pointed by E. P. Williams. T. C. HAMILTON, aug3l-td . Sheriff. pEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY.—M. M. '- r Dean having applied to me for Letters o| Administration with the will annexed of Wi ley Dean, deceased, this is to cite all person! concerned to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in November next, at the Court of Ordinary for said county, to shov cause, if any they can, why Letters of Admin istration, as aforesaid, should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this September 12, 1877. sept2l-td ISAAC OAKES, Ordinary WHITE COUNTY.-Crlvin H '-'Stover having applied to be appintei guardian of the property of John C. Stover, son of Joseph Stover deceased, and Suel, I P., and Martin U. Stover, children of Martin Stover, deceased, minors, under the age if fourteen years, which property is in the sai ! county of White, bufrthe said minors are non residents; this is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in November next, to show’ cause, if any they can, why the applicant should not be appointed guardian of the property of the said minors. W itness my hand and official signature September 12, 1877. ISAAC OAKES, septl2-td Ordinary. ffiUiy BI!G ILLS: T. PANEL, (Successor) To Panel A Cos., Steam Planing Mills _A_ JsT XT) M ti n ii fa e t o r y, GAINESVILLE, OA., TNFORMS HIS CUSTOMERS AND THE public generally, that he iHILU FURNISH DOORS, SASH, ~~ 'Blinds, Moulding, Brackets, ■aL Etc., at Atlanta prices. be Will Plane and Match Lumber at their old theVces. tb'- 'Lumber Yard at the Mill. Will furnish Bevelled Weather bearding, Dressed, at the same price of fke old style in the rough. Agent- for all kinds of Machinery, Etc. dfc'sspectfully invito all of his old friends 3uu od|> tomers to dl on him before purchas :uit ft( . apr27-tf op- 1 T JERAL INSURANCE AGENCY or For Northeast G-eorgia. W. F. HOOKER, Agrexxt, Oainesviile, Ga. ’O cpresenfs the Home Insurance JL ~ pany of New York. HEN. JOSEPH E. JOHNSON & CO. Managers Southern Department. Th strongest Fire Company on the continent Assetts #0,104,050 J-irJ. THE OLD RELIABLE Georgia Home Insurance Company;’ Always pays. Never fails, and their assetts are all in the State. Assetts 00. Galveston InHirance Association, composed of three strong companies in one. Policy perfect^fcsecure, reliable, and veiy liberal in rates. Assetts $741,709 79. M!o W 7 RIDEN’S Law and Claim Agency. TO TjSSI r*USL,IC. TTAVING TRUSTWORTHY CORRESPONDENTS IX iu Washington, D. 0., I am prepared with better than ordinanyi'acilitieß to prosecute before any and all tW several departments of the Government, the Southern Claims Commission, Court of Claims, Pa : joi, Land and Pension Offices, any and all claims growing out of, or incident to, the late war or otber " Linn collect'or purchase Government Vouchors given during or since the war. I will endeavor to collect from the Government the Proceeds of Sales of Captured or Abandoned Proper ly, where the money has been paid into the Treasury; and will collect pay for Horses, Mules, Wagons, etc., impressed for tlio use of the Government, and not returned. Address, with stamp for reply, MASTIN W. RIDEN, Attorney at Law and Claim Agent, marlf -tf Gainesville, Hall county, Ga. A. j 7 comer Has on hand and is constantly receiving a large assortment of DRY GOOI3B, Which he will sell for G Jf. S iHE ONLY, Or Country Produce. feb2-tlst jan. Caskets and Burial Cases. fjpHE undersigned will keep constantly on hand a L supply of CASKETS and BURIAL CASES, and will also supply COFFINS of all sizes and descrip tions, at short notice. H. W. RICH, may 23, 1873-tf] Davis Street, Gainesville, Ga. D.BURFORD T. J. YOUNG. u D BURFORD & CO., •C Flowery Branch, Air-Line R. R., Dealers in ky Goods, compose* Polio ~>ODS AND NOTIONS, JgfELY GROCERIES, -•* ■ - auntry Produce, Etc., Etc. VaF FOR CASH OR COUNTRY F, I . rOr. Young has a full stock of plaints, Oils, Varnishes, I r., f h.- lurpentine, Etc. a to** I . Give us a trial is all that we ask. I All—tf Southern Mail. /CONTRACTORS who carried the Mail in 1859, 1860 and 1801, can now get their pay without proof of loyalty. Address, M. W. RIDEN, mar 23 Claim Agent, Gainesville, Ga. SOUTHERN Masonic Female College, Covington, Ga. "PALL TERM opens on Wednesday, the sth j of September. Administration unchanged anj the best of teachers employed. The German Language to be taught by fiift-class instructors, making as full a course of Studies as offered in any School of the Skite. Biard Reduced to sls Per Month. Washing and towels extra, with regular tuition. Past club rates will be given, for ni nthly payments in advance, where music is nken, viz: Board, tuition in College classes an t towels only excepted, for $27 per in nth. Whole cost in College per annum SSTO. Success to good students guaranteed. Send for Catalogue. 4 N. BRADSHAW, *ng3l-ltn President. The RUSSO- TIT nt to j TURKISH!! Ail: AGENTS WANTED! For this Comprehensive, Superbly Illustrated His ory of the present momentous st-uggle in the East. Its accurate Maps, Plausand many elegant Engravings are a special feature. It gives a Graphic History of each Country, with History and Descriptive Sketches of the primitive manners, picturesque customs and domestic life of the Contestants. Describes the Dreadful lilussaere of Christians in Bulga ria ; the Frightful Turkish Atrocities in other places ; the uprising of the masses in Herzegovinia. It gives the Stirring Battles and Thrilling Incidents of the war, and is the most fascinating and exciting work of the age. Agents are sure of prompt and ready sales. Prospectus Books now ready. Also Agents Wanted on our Crand Combination Prospectus, representing ISO DISTINCT BOOKS of Universal Interest. It includes Agricultural, Bio graphical, Historical, Religious and Miscellaneous Works, with Size, Title and Description of each 800 , Specimen Pages and Specimen Illustrations. Sales made from this Prospectus when all single Books fail. Also on our fill IAMILY SIIS, E cerm”i?, 3Protesta,nt cft? Oatliolic, With Invaluable Illustrated Aids and Superb Bind ings. Nearly 100 Styles. Superior to all others and indispensible in every Family. Particulars free. Address JOHN E. POTTER & CO., Publishers, aug 17- PHIL.A UKbPHIA. TEA AGENTS WAlfffi We wish an Agent, Male or Female, in each town of this country, to get up Clubs among families, liot-ls, factories, etc., for toe sale of our Teas, and will offer very liberal commissions to such. We have been importers of Teas for over twenty years, and can afford to.send, and will send a better article for the money than any 7 other house in New York. Our Teas are put up in one pound packages, with the name and price printed upon each. Address, with references, for terms and blank form for Clubs, or send us an order for a sample lot, which we w 7 ili forward at lowest Club price, C. O. D. London, New York and China Tea Co s, 520 Clnmk Street, june22-4m Or. P. O. Box 674, N. Y. PIANOS & ORCANS I “S6OO Pianos for $175. | “S2OO Organs for $65.8 “Strictly First-class.’’! “The Best Made.” 1 Is it true ? NO! Those who so advertise, offer Inferior Instruments, priced at three times their value. Buy from Responsible Home Dealers, and avoid Imposition. As Whole sale Dealers, having no agents: pay ing no Commissions, we sell Reli able Instruments from Best Mak ers, direct to purchasers at Factory Prices. New Pianos, [with staol ami cover,] 7 oct., $180: 7 1-3 oct., $280; 7 1-3 oct., Square Grand, S2BO. Mason & Mamtin Organs, [with stool,] 3 stops, S9O: 7 stops, $100; 9 stops, SHO. Other Organs, 4 stops, 855; 7 stops, 65; 9 stops, $75. Fifteen days trial written. guarantee. Deduction to Teachers, Schools and Churches. Fair and square deal ing. Refer to any Savannah Bank or Mer • chant. Send for Catalogues and Special offers September 1, 1877. LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga., Wholesale Piano aocr Organ Dealers. aug3l-lm 1 ’* ■WINSHIPIRONWORKS SAWMILLS GRISTMILLS Lwjpy sAftiSimsc. HORSE POKERS SORGHUM Mills THE CELEBRATED WINSHIP COTTON GIN. THE WiMSHIPCOTTON PRESS FOR STEAM,HORSE,OR HAND POWER ADDRESS WINSHIP 2* B R o7' ' UNO FOR CIRCULARS ATLANTA GA. DOCTOR! Tlie Atlanta Meclieal ansi Surgical Jour nal, the oldest and best Medical Publication in th*Soutli, will be sent to you one year for $2.50, if you send in your subscription, HSf accompanied by 1 the money, before the first of September. The Journal is ably edited, and furnishes sixty-four eota\ o ■ pages'oi fresh medical literature every month. Don’t delay, but aauU ........ -■ .1. - --*7-**—in ati once. Printing at “Bottom” prices. Send forTSDI 4t§“ Estimates. Address *^£Bl H. H. DICKSON, Proprietor, june22-3m 32 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Ayer’s Hair Vigor , For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Noth ing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of foul ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling oft’, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those jpeleterious substances which make some preparations dan gerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir able. Containing neither oil nor j dvo At does not soil white cambric, nMlasts long on the hair, giving NG. fronL glossy lustre and a grateful and ard , Prep&njv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Practical and Analytical Chemists, DOWELL, MASS. K. L. BOONE, Agent, Gainesville, Ga. Atlanta and Charlotte AIR-IjIN JK, OFFICE GENERAL MANAGER, Atlanta, Ga., Jtme 8,1877. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, To Take Effect Sunday, June 10. GOING E^ST. Leave Atlanta 4.00 p. m. Arrive at Gainesville 6.24 p. m. New Holland 6.2’J p. jn. Lula 6.55 p. m. Bellton (Supper) 7.60 p.m. Mt. Airy 7.50 p. m. Toccoa 8.21 p. m. Greenville 11.18 p. m. Spartanburg 12 52 a. m. Charlotte 4.12 a.m. Charlotte (Railroad) Junction 4.20 a. m. GOING WEST. Leave Charlotte (Railroad | Junction 7.n0 p. m. Charlotte 7.10 p. m. Arrive at Spartanburg 10 42 p! m. Greenville 11.30 a. m. Toecoa 3.47 a . m. Mt. Airy 4.28 a.m. Lula S.ES a. 111. New Holland 3.13 a. m. Gainesville'. 5.43 a. m. Buford (Breakfast) 6.33 ;i . m. Atlanta 3,45 hi. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave 7.15 a. m Atlanta Arrive 5.13 p. m . Sundays excepted. G. J. FOREACRE, Goneral Manager. W. J. HODSTON, General Pass, and Ticket Agent. GAINESVILLE COLLEGE, GAINEBYILLE, 1 87 ' 7 - IS'TT^. *A lm T % ; This School, nnder th* • -JY’-'V/fr M fostering care of the City idvi’ti w i ■ briday , as Council, is devoted to the July bt h—24 weeks. ( /T thorough co-education Commences Mom™, Sep Wmeh TANARUS" T the , pl f _ , , - ’ 'T jr* o ' the best modern schools tVZi’ ? nd ' oSes Fn * of Europe and America, day December 3d-sixteen M The intention is to make ’ Y . t m . ** fc k 0 leading schools Stuatiits should enter Wt of Georgia, and the Preei '"ft™ *■*.*> | -%%5,->& O.eot of the institution ear advance, the remainder at fsHg§£ > - : kind, impartial and strict. No deduction for lost rim - Jfer Faithful study and thorl nor occasional absent except in cases of sickness dent to retail! connwtfon protracted over one month with the College . I* BSff A. 3U TIE S . ° ' , 1. Reproof. 2. The Rod. 3. Suspension. 4. Expulsion. V- || . XORV. O. 15. LaHATTE, PREBIDF t v to IV oi The Teachers of the Different Schools of the College-will be Carefully Selected. 33 s: 3>XDVjS£iS. Tuition. Per Month. Spring Term. Full Ti Primary School SI.OO $ 6.00 $ 4 A Common School 2.00 12.00 8 '(t 01 High School 4.00 24.00 ieoo College Classes 5. 00 80.00 20 00 Music 5.00 so.oo . v 20 00 Rent of Instrument 50 3.00 ... "; 2. 00 Board $lO to sl2 Per Month. TTToicLesYitstl Fefts SI 3P<st- Tox-m, in a n -y,, . 0 COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. ph l ;, R '“ ai ” g - Wri “” 8 ’ ***** “ a a***- .io„, C S ™“f Hlsto r, Primal, Hoop 3. High School Coursb.— Geography, Arithmetic, Grammar, History, Composition Dicta tion, Elocution, Elementary Algebra and Geometry, Slate and Blackboard Exercises. 4. CollegeiCodrsb.—Elocution, History, Geometry, Latin, Greek, Freneh, Trigonometry Surveying and Engineering, Chemistry, Botany, Physiology, Geology, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithl metre, (most advanced), Algebra, (most advanced), Evidences of Christianity, Etc., Etc 5. Extra.—Book-keeping by Double Entry, Drafting, Coloring, Eto., $30.00 per course mcoocheFhigh school MALE AND FEMALE, NACOOCHEE, GEORGIA. 18 T? 8 7 7. Fall Term Opens First Monday in September, To Continue Four Months. TUITION CHARGED FROM TIME OF ENTRANCEf^j^ Tuition Free to oung Men Preparing for tl*e Ministry, and to Children of Ministers who Lire hy the Ministry. DISCIPLINE: KIND, IMPARTIAL, STRICT. ■. y ■_ * • Taitj.oll $1.50, $2.00, S3.OD-and-$4.0*0 Month. Music $5.00 Per LNTorith. Bo .rd #B.OO to #IO.OO Per Month. JJOOMS NEAR ACADEMY WILL BE FURNISHED PUPILS WISHING TO BOARD o„;S e .”tab£,X *“ lißMi h “ ltb> ' Assistant Teachers carefully selected. For particulars, address •HA -J a NHL r I^I IVIN, Principal, ‘ tta BRADLEY’S DRUG STORE, •e . / * / East Side Public Row,) * i T A . y . / X S THE PLACE FOR YOU TO ifflY f a ■// DRUGS, Mfesii-CIWES, PAINTS, ] Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Mo'LmS,' p *. r Tooth, Nail, Hair, Paint,f-aifih Whitewash. Brushes, 4 /f j 0 Strictly Pure St. Louis White, Laa.d, f Ready Mixed Paifys, -and- Painters’ Articles G-enerally m* Physicians’ Prescriptions Skillfully Filled, " J MR. CHARLIE- CHESHIRE J” * A j, l i ft, e t Is permanently located in this Establishment, and will Ip* pleased to see h e ' friends and the public generally. ' 4^ sep7-ly ’ ' * F. VV.REDWIXE. W. M. RED WINE. REDWJSME BROTHERS, STAPLE J±JSn3' &ROCERIEB, Etc., Etc. GAINESVILLE, O-JL. JulyG-tf * * w. gTasbiet," (SUCCESSOR TO JENNINGS & ASHLEY,) 33 fSosftj ls-"l Srosiii Street, Atlanta, Ga. Keeps constantly on hand at Wholesale and Retail the largest and cheapest stock of White Pine Poors, Sash and Blinds in Georgia. Also Mantels, Monldings, Brackets, Balusters, Stair Rail, Newels, Window Glass, Putty and all kinds of Builders’Hardware. Our Sash are primed with Pure White Lc-ad and Oil Paint, and filled with best quality of American Glass. I take special care in packing all goods, so there is no danger of breakago in shipping, and guarantee satisfaction in quality and prices. Jp%' Write me for price list, agencies and special discounts. may 18 Gm maylß-0m