The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, April 30, 1903, Image 7

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Dr. W. F. Quillian, Pastor of the First Methodist church, returned last Saturday from a two weeks absence from the city and filled bis pulpit Sunday morning. Dr. Quillian assisted Rev. Henry Quillian in revival services in Atlanta, and last week attended the “Quillian Lectures,” given by several bishops and other eminent men of his denomina tion to the student body of Emory College, Oxford, and a large number of visiting preachers who attend them from all parts of the State. At Dr. Quillian’s church the presiding elder, Rev. W. L. Pierce, preached in the evening and will hold a quarterly meet ing tomorrow (Friday) evening. A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation in Lessville, Ind., when W. H. Brown of that place, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. He writes: “I endured insufferable agonies from Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure.” Similar cures of Con sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It’s the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c, and SI.OO. Guaranteed by •Js[ C. Brown and Dr. J. B. George, druggists. Trial bottles free. Some Lumpkinites Shy. A railroad will be built to Pyrites mine in this county, but Dahlonega will never get one unless all her citizens put their shoulders to the wheel and help to push. Quit charging unreasonable amounts for damages. When this is done we will get a railroad, and not be fore. Remember that railroads are the life of any country, for they bring about prosperity and help everybody. —Nugget. Purify the blood and put the system in order for summer work by using at this time a short course of Prickly Ash Bitters; it is the greatest blood purifier on earth. Special agent, Dr. J. B. George. Odd-Fellow Celebrations Were inorder last Saturday in many country lodges, these occasions being in observance of the 84th anniversary of the founding of the fraternity. There were great celebrations at Candler and Poplar Springs and Silver City at which most enjoyable times were experiened. Mr. J. N. Twitty was orator of the day at Poplar Springs. Messrs. R. N. Majors, T. H. Robertson and W. B. Smith entertained and inter ested a big crowd at Candler. Mr. W. B. Sloan made a live speech at Silver City. A number from town visited these several places. The town lodge celebrated Sunday at the Auditorium, Dr. J. A. Wynne preaching a fine sermon to a large con gregation—a sermon full of apt and helpful thought. Want Good Roads. The grand jury this week had before it the question of levying a tax to keep up the public roads. Although our time of working roads has almost expired and we have always performed road duty since 16 years of age, we would vote for it. Those opposing it refer to Hall county. Hall is no criterion to go by, simply because those in power there do not perform their duty. Good roads are the life of any country. Farmers can bring more to town and those taking only a pleasure ride can do so with much more ease and comfort. By all means let us have better roads.—Dahlonega Nugget. A Pocketful of Rocks. Carter Tate’s marble quarry is a great advantage to him in holding on to his job of Congressman. Those who covet his seat are afraid of his rocks. —Canton Advance. Cop Palled Oat. Mr. W. S. Brand resigned the position as city marshal yesterday. He will leave for Osteen, Florida, next Tuesday where he will accept a position with A. T. Patillo formerly of this city. His parents Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Brand go with him also. They will not make That place their permanent home but will spend the winters there and sum mers here. —Lawrenceville Journal. ANTI-ITCH is not a cure-all. but it certainly does cure Itch. 50 cents at Drug Stores. For Rent. Store-house, 22x50 ft. Factory Hill. Apply to B. G. Parks. Bring me your Prescriptions—prompt ness, purity, and accuracy, and very reasonable prices. J. B. George. As successor to the firm of Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co., I offer to the people of Gainesville and surrounding country probably the best stock of Drugs in Northeast Georgia. A cordial invita tion is extended. Low prices and cour teous treatment to all. J. B. George.’ MONEY TO LOAN. I am prepared to negotiate loans on real estate at 6 and 7 per cent interest. W. F. FINDLEY. For Garden Seeds, Grass Seeds, Mil let, Etc., Etc. J. B. George. Lincoln's Wit Won. \\ hen Joseph Jefferson was a boy, he used to tramp from town to town in the United States as a small member of his father's traveling company. They once struck the town of Springfield, 111., at a time when a great religious revival was in full swing. In the hope of preventing any play acting at such a period the town council demanded a heavy fee for permission. This was a serious matter for the strollers, who had to earn their daily bread, and a locall lawyer took up their case out of good will. So persuasively did he; plead that the fee was not insisted on, and the performance took place. The lawyer whose wit and humor served the players so well afterward became president of his native coun try and is known to fame as Abra ham Lincoln.—Kansas City Jour nal. The Nick In a Man’s Coat Collar. The little V shaped nick at the juncture of the coat collar and lapel is said to have had its origin as fol lows: When the first Napoleon gave way to his ambition, he tried to im plicate General Moreau in Piche gru’s conspiracy. Moreau had been! Napoleon's superior and was very! popular, but under the circum stances it was not safe to express publicly any sympathy with Moreau, so his admirers agreed to nick their coat lapels to show who they were., It shows the outline of the letter M upside down. The Thief... ...of Beevuty Is Captured by Bradfield’s Regulator. Thousands of young women are awaking to the fact that inherited comliness has been stolen away and instead of glowing cheeks, bright eyes and smoofcbrows, the tell-tale wrinkles of pain have takert the place of these former charms. These are the warning feelings! Weak, tired and exhausted in the morning, no life, no ambi tion to enter upon their former pleasures, irrit able, cross, discouraged, dull headaches, general dispirited feeling, sleepless nights, cold feet, poor circulation, “bearing down’’ pains. AH these symptoms indicate deranged and weakened or gans. Shattered nerves and exhausted energies follow the weakened condition of the female organs as surely as night follows day. Save yourself from more terrible results, redeem your youth by taking 11 11111 11 1 ■■■■' Bradfield’s Female Rejjulator The most strengthening, invigorating, men strual regulator in the world. It relieves painful menstruation, profuse men struation, obstructed menstruation, inflamma tion of the vagina, displacement, membranol catarrh, nervousness, headaches, et cetera. Beauty of face and symmetry of form are the result of the use of these health drops. Os druggists SI.OO. Our book, Perfect Health for Women, mailed free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, GA. DR. A. E. MERRIffT DENTIST. Hudson House Rooms 1 and 2. All work guar ' anteed, and done in the most artis t*c manner - Treating and regulating chil dren’s teeth a " w ' 4j ' specialty. TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT. GEORGIA—sHaII County. Ordinary’s Office. April 9, 1903. Notice to all concerned: The appraisers appointed to ap praise and set apart a twelve months support to Lucinda E. Williams, widow of Lindsey Williams, deceased, and her three chil dren, and minor Henry B. Williams, out of the estate of said deceased, have filed their report in this office, and unless some valid objection be made to the Court on or before the first Monday in May, 1903, the same will then be approved and made the judgment of the Court. W. N. DYER, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA —Hall County. Ordinary’s Office, April 8, 1903. To all persons concerned: This is to give notice that I. C. King and A. Hulsey have in due form of law filed their petition to be appointed administra tors upon the estate of W. W. King, late of said county, deceased. This application will be con sidered and passed upon on the first Monday in May, 1903. W. N. DYER, Ordinary. Tax Notice—Second Round. I will be at the places mentioned be low, at the time specified, for the pur pose of of taking State and County Tax Returns for the year 1903: Fork, May I—lo1 —10 a. m. Gainesville, May 2—one day. Whelchels, May 4—forenoon. Note.—All property held on the 15th day of March must be returned for tax ation at its true market value. JOHN W. COX, Tax Receiver. ATTENTION, YOUNG MEN! The State has established at Dahlonega the best educational plant in North Georgia. Tuition is free and board is only SS a month in the Dormitory. One Hundred Dollars will cover actual cost of college expenses for 9 months A diploma from this State college is a high honor and stands for work, for scholarship, for character. The State wants to help you help yourself. An invest ment in brain power pays the best dividends. Will you not accept the State’s offer? The college holds the State championship in oratory. For particulars as to courses of study, ex penses, equipment, etc., write to Jos. S. S ewart, President, Dahlonega, Ga. THE GAINESVILLE EAGLE, APRIL 30, 1903. New Spring Lowest Prices B. F. TBRHEft CO. te , We come to the trading public this time with the fullest store, the best selected stock, the prettiest things, the lowest prices, and the best values it has ever been our pleasure to show. See below only a few of the bargains we are offering now: Bargains in Domestics. 5,000 yds. of yard-wide Sheeting, same as other merchahts try to get to sell at 5c.; we bought before the advance, I a and can sell now at T’V* Dress Ginghams. One lot of beautiful striped and checked Ginghams in all all the new colorings and styles for Spring, the very thing the ladies want now lor Shirt Waists and chil dren’s dresses. Other stores get 10c. for these goods; gin our price Vgv* White Waistings—Mercerized Goods. Lot No. 1. Beautiful quality heavy Pique, l2|c. quality, Lot. No. 2. Better quality Pique, kind the ladies are want- I“L ing so much now for Shirt Waists, 25c. value at ’« 2V« Lot No. 3. Mercerized Waistings, 30c. value, at Lot No. 4. Better quality Mercerized Goods, some stores QOn get 35c. for this quality; our price mOu» Ladies’ Wrappers. We bought these goods at reduced prices—sample lot—and will sell them now at less than the cloth to make them would cost. You save the making: Lot No. 1. worth SI.OO, at 69c. Lot No. 2, worth $1.25, at 89c. Lot No. 3, worth $1.50, a"_* 98e. Lot No. 4, worth $1,711, at sl.2s Belts. We have everything that’s new in Ladies’ Belts, at prices from sc. apiece up to SI.OO. Millinery! Millinery! Millinery! Don’t fail to see our line of Millinery this season. If you need a niue*Hat for yourself, your daughter, or your child, you can get it here, and save money in doing so. Bargains in Clothing. Our Clothing Department this season is larger and better than ever. We have beaten ourselves in getting together the newest things in patterns, style, and make. We have been encouraged to make a special effort ia this particular line because our sales from season to season have continued to grow larger, and now we carry the largest stock and sell more clothing than any house in this section of the country. We do this because we give a better fit and more wear for the same amount of money than any other house in this section of the country. Men’s Spring Suits. One lot Dark Cassimeres and Black Cheviot Suits, worth 0 0 A0 $4.00 each; our priceiJu.uO 25 Suits, including nearly every style of goods, made up well and in all sizes. This is a job lot, bought at just about half price; not a suit worth less than $7.50; KA A long as they last at th vv In our finer line of Men’s Suits the $lO, $12.50, and sls suits we will give you a better fit and more durability than you can get anywhere at the price. 8 . Ilgg A I ** AP Y j< /ii l||| Only one house in town allowed sell these goods. Waterman, Burnett & Co. G. F. TURNER CO. 2,000 yds. Calicoes, including all the best makes in Turkey Reds, Indigo Blues, Shirtings, and the Fancies, every A a yard worth 6c., but our price will be Dress Plaids. A nice line of Plaid Dress Goods, splendid article for chil dren’s school dresses, goods we have beed selling all L along at 12fc., 15c., and 20c., to close now for Check Nainsooks. Big lot Check Nainsooks, in different styles, good value at L 7|c.; we make the price now India Linens. 2,000 yds. 40-inch White Lawns, beautiful sheer quality, II a worth 15c.; now at J Ju. Black Dress Goods Beautiful line Black Dress Goods, ranging in prices from 25c. to $1.50 per yd. One lot 44-inch Storm Serge and Black Cheuiots, the very best thing now fora nice Dress Skirt at a moderate price; worth 65c.; now at *0 A nice line of all the inner Blach goods, including such popular things now as the Voiles, Etimines, Melba, Tamise, Silk Warp Henrietta, etc. Ladies’ Skirts. A nice Walking Skirt, well made, stitched at bottom, and 0,1 KA made full, worth $2.00; our priceijl.tJv Another Walking Skirt, in all-wool materialr tailor-stitched 00 A0 and perfect hanging, a good $4.00 Skirt, now at A nice line of Dress Skirts, m Broadcloths, Etimines, and other nice materials, tastily trimmed and finished, with 0 K AA drop skirt; others get $7.00 for this kind; our price ijtl.u" Boys’ Suits. One lot Boys’ Suits, about fifty in all. They come m Black Cheviots, Cassimeres, and Fancy Worsteds. They are 010 worth from $1.50 to $2.00. Our price will be « Another lot Boys’ Suits, big variety styles, all sizes, good 0 KA value at $3, to go at u.dv We show these Boys’ Suits, in all the latest styles, same as KA A the men’s suits, up to u»vv 10 dozen Boys’ Knee Pantslsc. 10 dozen Boys’ Knee Pants2sc. 10 dozen Boys’ Knee Pants39c. 10 dozen Boys’ Knee Pantssoc. 10 dozen Boys’ Knee Pants7sc. Dr. W. 31. Dr. JOSIK OSTEOPATHS. Graduates ot Southern School of Osteopathy, Franklin, Ky. Office and residence corner Seminary Avenue and Sycamore street. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Consultation and examination without charge. Phone 171.