The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, January 26, 1905, Image 2

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ROYAL Baking Powder Mackes Cleeurk Breecd With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the “ Royal Baker and Pastry Cook” book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. He Got His License but Couldn’t Use It Judge Ross had a novel experi ence about a marriage license a few days ago. A gentleman told Judge Ross not to issue a marriage license for his daughter, who is not 18 years old. If forbidden by parents, it is a SSOO fine on the ordinary to issue license to a boy under 17 ora girl under 18 years. If not forbidden, the ordi nary has a right to issue for a girl more than 14 and a boy more than 17. The Judge failed to tell his assis tant that this certain citizen of the county had notified him not to issue license for his (citizen’s) daughter. So, late one afternoon a young man went into the ordinary’s office and bought a license for himself and this young lady whose father ob jected to the marriage. A few mo ments after the license was issued, the Judge returned to the office, looked at the license book and saw what had been done. He went down in town looking for the young man, who had left for home. He Jiad been gone* P n<s X a short while, .nd Judge Mj|jjjjnnking fie could overtake him/hacra horse saddled and started in hot pursuit. The young man drove rapidly, and the Judge did not overtake him. So he went to the home of the young la dy’s father, told him what had hap pened, and said: “You keep the young lady until I can find the young man, and I will get the li cense from him or he and I will fight.” The father seemed to be amused. It was then night, and the father said: “Get off your horse and eat supper with us, and I will look after my girl; you need not hunt tfie young man.” The Judge declined the invitation, and returned home. The father has kept close vigi lance over his daughter, and the young man still has an unused li cense in his pocket. —Jackson Herald. A Success. Our readers recall that recently the Eagle announced that Miss Clara Mae Smith would open a studio of music at the residence of Mr. John Carter, on Main street. We are pleased to know that her enterprise is meeting with so much success. Her class is constantly growing in numbers and interest. Quite a number of new pupils were enrolled this week. It gives us pleasure to publish an extract from a recent letter regarding her suc cessful work, from Judge Geo. W. Warren of Louisville, Ga., as fol lows: “We all regret very much your decision to leave us. You could have counted on our two girls as your pupils as long as you taught here. We never knew them to take so much interest in their mu sic before. You seemed to have in spired them, for formerly prac ticing seemed to them an irksome task, but now a real pleasure.” A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn’t it send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, Jan. 11, 1905. Council met m regular session, Mayor Howard Thompson presid ing. Aidermen Hudson, Allen, Bell, Simmons, White, and Strick land present. Minutes of Jan. 14 read and confirmed. The following resolution was read and adopted: “Resolved, that hereafter plumbers and property owners of the City of Gainesville be requested to comply with the sewer ordinance, and where failure to do so in the future, be punished as provided for m section 68 of the City Code.” Upon second reading, the follow ing amendment to license tax or dinance, was passed after rules were suspended: Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Gainesville, and it is hereby or dered by the authority of the same, that the ordinance of Jan. 3, 1905, to fix the annual and specific taxes of the City of Gainesville on busi ness occupations for the year foyovide &>r collection»of the occupations' be amended, and same is hereby amended by strik ing out S2O in item 19 of Sec. 1, of said ordinance and substituting $lO instead of said S2O, so that said ordinance Sec. 1, item 19, when so amended shall read as follows: Cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, cigar ette paper, sold or furnished, whether alone or in connection with other business, payable whole year in advance $lO. Sec. 2. Be it ordained by au thority aforesaid that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the above ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Petition of sundry citizens for lights to be placed at corner of east Washington and Sycamore streets, and High and Grove streets, was read with report of Committee on Lights; said committee reported that for the present petition could not be granted. The following occounts were put un first reading: Gainesville News, $9.40; Moore & Co., $1.00; W. R. Moss, $17.69. The following accounts, being ap proved by the Finance Committee, were read second time and ordered paid: B. D. Langford, $2.40; J. C. Collins, $2 25; C. L. Deal, $18.33; M. C. Brown, $1.65; R. D. Mitch ell & Son, $3.90; Palmour Hard ware Co., $1.05; Towery & Owen, $20.00; Brice & Co., $3.10; M. D. Hudson, $1.35; Gainesville Iron Works, $11.25; Parks Bros., $8.85; G. W. Walker,* $16.20; Dr. J. B. George, $4.95; Geo. P. Estes, $23.16; E. P. Chambers, $15.30, insurance; W. J. & E. C. Palmour, $3 .00; Hardie & Son, 80c; John son & Castleberry, $19.30; A. Wheeler & Son, $3.00; Davidson & Pruitt Hardware Col, $12.50; Palmour Hardware Co., $83.04. On motion, Council adjourned Howard Thompson, J. H. White, Mayor- Clerk Spoiled Her Beuaty. Harriet Howard, of 208 W. 34th St. New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with sain trouble. She writes; “I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing would cure it, until I.used Bucklin’s Arnica Salve.” A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns, and sores. 25c at M. C. Brown's and Dr. J. B. George’s drug stores. THE GAINESVILLE EAGLE, JANUARY 26 1905. Organized Band Os Burglars Supposed to be Working Gainesville and Neighborhood. Last Friday night unknown par ties entered the offices at the Gainesville Midland Railway sta tion and opened the safe, obtaining about $25 in cash. The burglar, from all obtainable evidence, must have been in the depot in the late afternoon and concealed himself, remaining bid until after the agent and other office employes left. He then opened the door from the de pot into the ticket agent’s office and opened the safe, cut into the boxes which contained the cash on hand, mutilated and cut the windows so as to leave the impression that he had broken in from the outside and left with what plunder he had se cured. There is no clew to the perpetrators. The same place was robbed sev eral years ago and the cash drawer was rifled, the thieves getting only a few coppers, and carrying the drawer to the lot in the rear of Mrs.;Dunnie Banks’ home on Broad street. In view of the fact that a num ber of houses have been opened or attempted within the past few weeks in Gainesville it has been strongly suggested that there may be a gang of thieves well organized hereabout and that they ing not only in this city but in other sections as well. It will be remembered that two suspects were arrested by the local police last week and were held be cause they tallied in description with two members of a burglars’ gang in Texas, who had robbed a store of about $2,000 worth of goods and afterward murdered the sheriff who apprehended them. About the same day two pick pockets were arrested in Atlanta giving names almost identically with the names given by the linen arrested here. This is purely cir cumstantial evidence, but it lends an additional color to the story. It is to be hoped that the gang will be broken up. And if there is a place in the country where the breaking-up can be as neatly done as in Gainesville the citizens and officers of this city will be pleased to know of it. 4 nHE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mark of Scott’s Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It‘is sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of the globe. If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide calam ity, because the oil thht comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott’s Emul sion found away of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott’s Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and k t strength. 1 Send for ffee sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS 409-AIC YKABX. BTSBST, SBW TOBK Be.andflM. AU druggist* Coming Men of America. A chapter of the popular order of Uoming Men of America has been organized in Gainesville. They have an office in the old Eagle building and meet every Friday night, up-stairs oyer the Pierce and Francisco plumbing establishment. The organization is a strictly secret one and the fee for admission is 50 cents. Those between the ages of 12 and 20 only are admitted to membership. The object of the fraternity is to provide a public library for the boys of the city and other laudable ends. The officers are: Ray Gould, president; Ernest Deal, secretary; John Harbison, treasurer. -A - DISFIGURED WITHECZEMA Under Physicians Five Months. Went from Bad to Worse. CURED BY CUTICURA Wonderful Change in One Night. In a Month Face Was Clean as Ever. •• I was troubled with eczema on the face for five months, during which time I was in the care of physicians.* My face was in such a condition that I could not go out. It was going from bad to worse and I gave up all hope, when a friend of mine highly recommended Cuticura remedies. The first night after I washed my face with Cuticura Soap and used Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Resolvent it changed wonderfully, and continuing the treatment it removed all scales and scabs. From that day I was able to go out, and in a month my face was as clean as ever.” THOMAS J. SOTH, 317 Stagg St., Brooklyn, N. Y. THE AGONIZING Itching and Burning of the Skin As in eczema; the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of hair and crust ing of scalp, as in scalled head; the facial disfigurement, as in pimples and ringworm; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety of wornoß par ents, as in milk crust, tetter anti salt rheum—all demand a remedy of al most superhuman virtues to success* fully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Fills are such stands proven beyond all doubt. The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy have made them the standard skin cures of the civilized world. Abso lutely pure. Sold throughout the world. Cuticura Resolvent, 50c. (in form of Chocolate Coated Pills, 25c. per vial of 60), Ointment, 50c., Soap, 25e. Depots: London, 27 Charter house Sq.; Paris, 5 Hue de la Paix; Boston, 137 Columba, Ave. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Proprietor*. ‘ Cut Prices At Charley Lum’s Laundry Begins Jan. 20. Shirts, newloc Shirts old (plaited or fancy)loc Shirts, negligeeßc Collars Cuffs, per pair.. 3c Ties 3 to 5c Undershirts 5c Drawerssc Socks, per pair 3c Handkerchiefs Silk handkerchiefs 3c Ladies’ waistsls to 35c White vestslsc White pants2s to 50c Napkins Towels Sheetsloc Family washing done. Notice of Dissolution. The firm heretofore existing under the name of Morton & Thompson, liv ery, feed and sale stables, has been dis solved by mutual consent. All parties indebted to the firm are hereby notified that settlement MUST BE MADE AT ONCE. Mr. B. H. Morton is at the old stand and will collect all accounts due said firm. This Nov. 30th, 1904. DR. A. E. MERRITT. DHNTIHT. Hudson House Building. Rooms 1 and 2. All work guar anteed, and done i in the most artis tic manner. Treating and regulating chil dren’s teeth a specialty. Elberta and Carman Peach Trees. The two great market varieties. 2to 3 feet, $8 per hundred; 3 to 4 feet, $lO per hundred. If 1,000 or more trees are wanted, write for wholesale prices. Place your order with us now for fall delivery. Can furnish all kinds of nur sery stock at reasonable prices. COLUMBIA NURSERIES, P. B. Simmons, Prop. Gainesville R. F. D. No. 3. • I The New Form of ■ T 'lllV.l Cod Liver Oil I As delicious as a Fresh Orange ■ Supersedes old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil and Emulsions g|| Guaranteed to contain all the medicinal elements <4 8S Cod Liver Oil, actually taken from genuine fresh cods’ livers, with organic iron and other body-building in- mH gredients, but no oil cr grease, making the greatest Q strength and flesh creator known to medicine. lor mH old people, puny children, weak, pale women, nursing mothers, chronic co’ds, hacking coughs, throat and lung troubles, incipient consumption nothing equals \iaol. Try it —if you don’t like it we will return money J. B. George, Druggist. Farmers, Attention. We have established in Gainesville a Fertilizer Mixing Plant, and are pre pared to supply the Farmers of Hall and adjoining counties with HIGH-GRADE FERTILIZERS At a considerable saving in cost. We have employed an expert in Fertilizer manufacturing, and we guarantee every sack of goods put up by us to be of first quality. It will be to your in terest to see us early and make ar rangements for your Spring goods. Yours for business, Sniiili-Tlwiiiis ('♦. / We are offering a line of implements that are unsurpassed as labor savers. It is not guess work or speculation, but an absolute fact that a man mu^e ’ same amount of walking and Ilk pulling with a Planet Jr. can, in a day, do just vBL twice the work he can s j n g| e or d ou |)| e foot plows, thus reducing the cost very considerably. Every thoughtful Farmer will be interested in New Implements that will help him in his business. . These things are on | exhibition at our store. We will take pleasure in explaining their work ings to you. Don’t forget we sell STOVES, and sell ’em cheap. PALMOUR HARDWARE GO. Fmr. STOW & HELL, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS, Gainesville, Georgia. Coffins, Caskets, and Burial Robes. Open Day and Night. Phone 224. 15 and 17 E, Spring St.