The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, May 10, 1906, Image 4

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“A Beautiful' Entertainment ” Mrs. R. H. Smith entertained the So cial Club last Thursday afternoon at one of the most enjoyable functions of the season. Progressive euchre was played. The color scheme on the lower floor, which was artistically carrie*d out in white and pink, was in harmony with the balmy day and gave the house the fragrant odor of May time. The punch bowl surrounded by immense snow balls had decidedly a cool and refreshing effect. Cut glass candelabras shaded •with soft, rosy lights and a quantity of natural spring butterflies suspended in visibly in the air, combined with a profusion of white and pink blossoms, and the light airy toilettes of the ladies completed the charm of this spring like picture. Dainty pink fans were used as score cards. The first prize was a beautiful white parasol, the second a white embroidered hand purse, and the consolation a pink and white gauze fan. A delicious collation of ices in pink and white was prettily served in pink spun candy baskets. Mrs, Smith, who is al ways a delightful hostess, was partic ularly altractive in a fetching gown of lavendar liberty crepe. This artistic en tertainment was indeed a pretty com pliment to the club. King’s Daughters Honor Gainesville- Miss Hattie Mitchell attended the tenth annual convention of the King’s Daughters which was held in Way cross last week. The meeting was a very interesting one and when it ad journed Miss Mitchell visited Jack sonville, Fla., before returning home. Os the three responsible official posi tions at the disposal of the convention one was given to a Gainesville member without her being present or her knowledge that her name would be suggested. The following officers were elected: Miss Mary E. Campbell, Augusta, state secretary; Mrs. J. D. Jarding, Waycross, recording secretary; Miss Claud Law, Gainesville, treasurer. Mrs. O. W. Billars, Atlanta; Miss Mary Cuthbert, Augusta, and Miss Katherine Latham, Savannah, executive board. The next meeting of the King’s Daughters will he held in Brunswick. The selection of Miss Law as treasurer was quite a surprise to her and' she ap preciates the honor very highly. For Boy and Girl Farmers. The Macon Central Fair offers any boy or girl under 18 years of age the fol lowing prizes: For two dozen of the largest and best ears of corn on stalk, $100; second, SSO; third, S2O. For half dozen largest and best stalks of cotton, $100; second, SSO; third, S2O. Best pig not over 12 months old, SSO; second, $25; third, $lO. Best calf not over 12 months old, SSO; second $25; third, $lO. These prizes are offered to encourage boys and girls to take an interest in the products of the farm, and is in keeping with a work that is being encouraged by the County Board of Education- There might be money in the-experi ment for some of our school boys and girls. Epidemic of Courts. Two w.eeks ago a special term of court was held in Rabun county to try Chub Wall, who was found guilty and sen tenced to four years in the penitentiary. During that term of court a man named Giles killed a man and another special term of court has been called to convene on the 17th instant to try this man. Rabun county must like courts, or doesn’t like to feed prisoners. Do You Suffer from Kidney Trouble? We guarantee one bottle of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure to benefit or cure, or your druggist will refund your money. Price 50 cents at Piedmont Drug Co’s. Dorsey Gives Himself Up. John T. Dorsey, charged with the murder of Curtis Twitty, surrendered to Sheriff Crow at the jail last Friday morning at 10 o’clock. When seen at the jail a short time after he arrived he volunteered the remark that he came in just as soon as he was able. The fight which resulted in Twitty’s death took place Saturday night after 12 o’clock the week before, and the swelling in Dorsey’s face had somewhat subsided. He said that any bones that had been broken in his face were knit ting together. He said he did not know •whether his cheek bone had been broken or not. He was not asked for any state ment as to the fight. His attorneys, H. H. Dean and Thompson & Bell, have given out no statement as to whether a com mitment trial will be held or what ef fort, if any, will be made to have him released on bond. Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. The only guaranteed kidney remedy. Buy it—try it—it costs you nothing if it fails. Price 50c at Piedmont Drug Co.’s The Ease and Comfort ot It Will be delightfully realized when you have your barber work done at our place. Everytldng first-class, clean, and neat. Polite attention. We want your trade. Parnell & Burford. Wanted. Rye straw; ail we can get. Gainesville Harness Co. TAKE TIME TO EAT. Hurry at Meals Will Send You to Dr. George for Mi-o-na stomach Tablets. “Eat in haste and repent at leisure” is an old saying brought up to date. Hurry at breakfast means a bad start for the day, and if you hurry also at the other meals, you will soon suffer with loss of appetite, sleeplessness, nervous ness, furred tongue, specks before the eyes, headaches, back-aches, weakness and debility, indigestion, or other ills that are caused by an abused stomach. Here in Gainesville, as in thousands of other places over the country, hurry at meals increases the druggist’s business. Not a day passes that Dr. George does not sell several packages of Mi-o-na stomach tablets to those who have ruined their digestion by not taking time to eat. Os course indigestion has many other causes, but whatever the cause, the rem edy is the same, Mi-o-na. It cures any acidity there may be, increases the flow of the gastric juices, and actually gives strength and tone to the whole digestive system, so that you can soon eat any thing at any time without fear of indi gestion. Dr. George has seen so many cures made by Mi-o-na that he will sell it under an absolute guarantee that it will be successful in every case where it is used in accordance with directions, that is, one tablet before each meal, and will refund the money to anyone whom it does not help. A large box of Mi-o-na tablets costs but 50 cents if it cures; nothing if it fails. First Term in Stephens. The first term of superior court held in Stephens county convened Monday in Toccoa. A great many cases on the docket in Habersham county have been transferred to Stephens county and this made it necessary for several Gaines ville lawyers to attend this term of the court. To the Trustees of Gainesville Presby terian Church. Gentlemen: We take the liberty of telling you that every church will be given a lib eral quantity of L. & M. Paint when ever they paint. 4 gallons L. &M. mixed with 3 gal lons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized house. Actual cost L. & M. about $1.20 per gallon. L. &. M. Zinc hardens L. & M. White Lead and makes the paint w'ear like iron. Largest mills in the world use L. & M. Arnold Print Works, North Adams, Mass., used nearly 17,000 gallons L. & M. Paint made with 10,000 gallons L. & M. and 7,000 gallons pure Linseed Oil. Sold by M. C. Brown, Gainesville, Ga. o • Elijah and the Ravens. Our old friend and comrade in the 60’s, J. B. Byers, has our thanks for a years subscription paid in this -week. War Against Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the “white plague” that clai s so many victims each year. Foley’s Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some unknown preparation when Foley’s Honey and Tar is safe and certain in re sults. Ask for Foley’s Honey and Tar and insist upon having it. Dr. J. B. George. I II Rest His Soul. The death of Col. P. F. Lawshe of Atlanta will bring sadness to many of his old friends in Jackson county. He was one of the leading figures in the congressional races of Judge Emory Speer, way back in the early eighties, being editor and proprietor of the Gainesville Southron at that time. There have been few stronger and more forceful writers in the state, and he was always as true as steel to his friends, tie had many noble traits and was fear less as a lion. We trust that his soul is now resting in a purer and brighter at mosphere, free from the many reverses and struggles through which he passed in this world, and where there will be no newspaper controversies and political wrangles to mar his endless and eternal pleasure.—Winder Economist. A Mountain of Gold Could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., as did one 25c box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a run ning sore on her leg, which had tortured her 23 long years. Greatest antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores. 25c. at M. C. Brown’s and Dr. J. B. George’s Drug Stores, Gainesville, Ga. Put His Enemy Down. The other day a rattlesnake’s pilot crawled out from under the house down at Billie Davis’, who lives on Cane creek. It was killed and thrown out into the road. In a short while a king snake made its appearance from the stump of a tree which seized the pilot by the throat and swallowed it. So it seems that Billy has a variety of snakes down his way.—Dahlonega Nugget. THE GAINESVILLE EAGLE, MAY 10, 1906. Governor Candler May Yet See. Some months ago the Eagle mentioned the fact that ex-Governor Candler was about to lose the sight of the only eye left him after the civil war. Everyone keenly sympathized with him when this sad misfortune was brought to their no tice, even those who opposed him politi cally expressing a deep sense of regret. This was genuine, for openly they op posed him politically. It is now more than gratifying to know that this eye has been operated on and it is highly probable that the op eration will prove successful and that Governor Candler’s eye-sight will be re stored to him and spared him during the evening of his illustrious life. The historical work he is doing for the state has been in progress all the while, as he has had able assistants to do all work -where eye-sight was neces sary. Was Wasting Away, “I had been troubled with kidney dis ease for the last five years,” writes Robert K. Watts, of Salem, Mo. “I lost flesh and never felt well and doc tored with leading physicians and tried all remedies suggested without relief. Finally I tried Foley’s Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and lam now sound and well.” During the summer kidney irregulari ties are often caused by excessive drink ing or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley’s Kid ney Cure. Dr. J. B. George. On the Gainesville Midland. The work of grading .the Gainesville Midland between Athens and Jefferson is progressing with all rapidity now. The contractors have experienced very little trouble in carrying on the work, and they are getting along very much better than they even anticipated before starting upon the contract. The work is now being pushed right along towards Jefferson, and it is be lieved that by July Ist the grading of the road will be completed. The work of laying the ties and rails will be fin ished and ready for operation by the early fall. The exact route over which the com pany will come into Athens has not yet been determined. A number of routes have been surveyed, but none have been decided upon as yet. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE’S signa ture is on each box. 25c. Improving Residence. Mr. B. F. Simmons is making some additions to his home on Green street, which will add much to its comfort and attractiveness. The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cure Is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Your druggist will refund your money if after taking one bottle you are not satisfied with results. 50 cents by Piedmont Drug Co. Teamster Got Shot. As stated last week, a teamster liked to have been poisoned to death by some of that liquor sold down about Thomp son’s bridge in Hall county. Within the next few days his son w r ent down and tried it and it also laid him up on the cooling board until Dr. Castleberry could give him relief. We are surprised at people drinking this stuff when they know that it is liable to kill them. —Dahlonega Nugget. it Paint le Start i Lead and Pure Lin ild always be used for riming coat. No other same affini for the surface— marrying and becoming a part of the wood. Yellow ochre, barytes, zinc or any other substance than Pure White Lead fails to unite with the wood and serves only to form a cushion, which will prevent even Pure White Lead from attaching itself when finally applied. Satisfactory results can nevef '/ 1 be obtained so long as a surface / > is coated with a veneering (for D / 1 that is all it is) of yellow ochre, barytes, zinc, etc. Such a coating is bound to crumble, crack and peel, and must be burned < r scraped off,_ down to the wood itself t before a good job can be done—an ex pensive process, and not without danger of fire. A house owner can scarcely make a more costly mistake than to use a substi tute for Pure White Lead in the pruning coat. Avoid all risk by using .RED SEAL 'y— Pure White Lead (Made by the Old Dutch Process) Send for a booklet containing several handacTna reproductions of actual houses, offering valuable suggestions for a color scheme in painting your house. A test for paint purity is also given. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY Freeman Ave. dL 7th St., Cincinnati, O. For Sale, by All Dealers. Methodists to Revise Creed. The Southern Methodist Conference, the law making body of the church,is in session at Birmingham, Ala. Rev. B. F Fraser is attending, as a visitor, this week but will return before Sunday. An effort will be made to prepare a new statement of their faith and doc trine, such as will unite the different branches of the Methodist church or bring about their co-operation and meet the demands of the day. Omitting the preamble that reaffirms their absolute faith in their present articles of re ligion, the following is the resolution introduced to revise its form to meet present day demands: “Resolved, That the college of bish ops be requested to appoint a commis sion of five members, one of whom shall be a bishop, which shall invite other branches of Methodism to unite with us in the preparation of such a statement of our faith and such an ex pression of our doctrinal system as is called for in our day, and this commis sion shall represent our church in the preparation of the same.” FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofula; in adults, consumption. Both have poor blood; both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean ness. Fat is the best means of overcoming them; cod liver oil makes the best and healthiest fat and SCOTT’S EMULSION is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that shows why Scott’s Emulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, moie nourish ment, that’s why. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, New York 50c. and SI.OO :: :: :: :: All druggists i pyrarl | New Discovery. Best Cure For CATARRH, RHEUMATISM, INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS, KIDNEY, LIVER AND BLOOD DISEASES. SI.OO, □HYNE’S Quick Relief. Best tor all ACHES and PAINS-Prlco 25c. PAYNE’S MEDICATED SOAP--10C. DRUGGISTS. Piedmont Dfuii Go. C. A. DOZIER, ~~ Real Estate and Insurance, “There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the Hood, leads on to fortune.” The tide is now flowing our way. We have everything needful for the health, comfort, and happiness of mankind. Pure invigorating air, not too hoc in summer nor too cold in winter; nights that give refreshing sleep, good appe tites; and we have plenty to eat. We put out fires with better water than the people of other towns in Georgia have to drink. Our town is well lighted with the latest improved electric system, and our sewerage is perfect. Our electric car lines are as well equipped and as well run as those of the largest cities. The Chattahoochee Park line is the prettiest in Georgia, on top of a ridge for two or three miles in full view of 100 miles or more of the Blue Ridge mountains; a ride upon it is intoxi cating, and at the end is the park, with its walks, boating”, fishing, springs, flowers, etc.; Brenau College, new school for boys to be built this summer, poblic schools in good buildings, new churches being erected, various manu factories, two big cotton mills just out side, farmers prosperous, and smiling merchants. We don’t need a thing that we haven’t got. We have more of all these blessings than we can use our selves, and I am telling about them so that you may come here and enjoy them with us. I have all sorts of real estate that I can sell you. Residences, building lots, unimproved tracts which you can sub-divide, farms and mines, too, if you want to risk a thing of that sort. None of these properties are offered because the owners want to move away, but we just simply have more than we need for our own use. If you are wise and want to come in with us write me, or come to see me, and I will do what I can to supply you with what you like. You will not grow sud denly rich, but all our people who are not too well satisfied with, and too in tent upon enjoying, what they have, accumulate more. I also represent sev eral of the best fire insurance companies, and will protect your property after you get it. Cail upon me or write. <J. A. DOZIER, Real Estate and Insurance, No. 1 State Bank Building, GAINESVILLE, GA BREEN PEAS should be treated with a fertilizer containing a high percentage of Potash, in order to get the healthiest, fullest pods. “Truck Farming” and “Plant Food” are two practical books for the farmer, which we mail free of any cost or ob ligation to those who write for them. They contain valuable facts about truck-gardening as a profitable business. Address, GERMAN .KALI WORKS. New York—93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta. Ga. —225a So. Broad Street. We have on hand ready for immediate delivery Montevallo Coal, The Best Jellico. Send us your orders and save money, and I get the best coal the market affords. Respectfully, H. V. JOHNSON. “High-Art” Integrity. Now=a=days when the cry, • “Quality,” is shouted on every hand by a hundred brazen throats, it is hard to distinguish ’ between the false and the true f in clothes. It is the part of wisdom, then, / Hb J j to put your faith in a house of feISWBW • recognized standing and unchah poV’W! 11 |v A lenged repute. Such a house V M cannot, as a mere matter of bus= I Wf \ 'iXOr iness policy, afford to play its IM j 'w ' customers false. ■=, ■ Coats and Trousers, slo.oo to s 2o - o ° Suits, $12.50 to $20.00 f | Shirts, Underwear, Hats » and // >1 Neckwear Just In. Waterman, Burnett & Co. We Never Disappoint Our Patients. • nd Hold Ort False Hopes. the knife °r bougie end Varicocele without ***■ •Wllb P a,n OT aetentioa from businessi Contagious Blood Polson cured never to return, without mercury or mineral mixture; Loss of Manly ’ jF or T’ositively enred; no stimulant but permanent. T)r. King Medical Ce. Is an institution organized under the 'J j law * the state of Georgia for the treatment and cure of all \ 1 nervous and chronic diseases. Dr. N. K. K ng. the founder of \ th’* I n *tltutlon, is the chief consulting sseoialiet, being assisted \ . hf a staff of eminent physicians and surgeons. C’ur success in the treatment of chronic diseases la unsurpas- S >ea; we use both medical and electrical agencies. WBpI v. _) . Our offices are equipped with ail the galvanic, fm-adis batter- K WSM violet ray, and rinses ray; in fact, every electrical ’3F W contrivanoe known to the medical profession. Our sanitarium is m l modern in every respect, and we employ none but the best /k trained and efficient attendants, regnlarly qusliaed graduates A and licensed physicians being in charge. ' Ve employ no misleading means to a-c ts patledts and Patronage—no C. O. D.’s nr unasked for literature aru- sent Our terms for treatment average frem M * to MC.OO per month, (medicines luc.udesj and vs give rhe aasur- C. ance of a cure within a specified thr.*, Qj «"IWI»CPISEASES. I W*' UNTIL COPED. Diseases, Tumors and malignant troubles. Catarrh of tbs H Nose, Throat. Head and Lungs. Diseases of Kye and Ear, R N. K. KINO, M D. Chronic Diseases of Women, such as Displacements, H Chisf Consulting Physician. Unnatural Discharges, and such weaknesses of women. VAJm.Aa q s to-day regarding your condition if you are sick or afflicted. On request wo ■ ww I llw send you our literature, including symptom blanks for home treatmenc. |q "■■■l CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION AND ADVICE FRKB B DR. KING MEDICAL CO.. Atlanta, 6s. |