The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, April 11, 1912, Image 6

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UNDERWOOD 10 (El 80 PER CENT. OF VOTE Prominent South Georgian Gives His Views. Hon. A. T. Woodward, one of the most prominent lawyers in south Georgia, who is well known and liked by a host of friends, writes from Valdosta to the L’nderwood headquar ters in Atlanta: ‘‘Underwood will get whatever vote is polled in Echols county. He has the support of such men as Judge T. C. Ham, Hon. W. C. Howell, Hon. J. F. Nall, Hon. Bryant Corbett and oth ers there and in that section. I am jiot exaggerating, but it is my opinion and the opinion of others that .Lowndes county will go for Under wood if a full vote is polled by at least 400 or 500 majority. It looks to me like almost every man I see is for Underwood. The judge of the supe rior court, the judge of the city court, clerk, ordinary, tax receiver, sheriff, about three-fourths of the lawyers, nearly every prominent business man in town (Valdosta) and in the coun ty; every bank president, three out of four cashiers of the banks, all the doctors, and it is the same way from every section of the counties I can hear from. It looks to me like we will get 75 per cent. I heard a prominent man say on the street that he had just returned from Thomas county, that Judge Charles Hansell said, in his opinion, Thomas county would vote 75 per cent, of her votes for Underwood. " heard a gentleman from Berrien cotuty say that Under wood would earn that county and would also ca *v Tift and Clinch.” T. H. Quinn, 17 Gameroti St., Atlanta Ga., writes: “I have used Foley Kidney Pills for over twelve months, and they have given me more relief than other medicines used by me. 1 cheerfully recommend them to others. They gave great help by relieving the bad effects of an ulcerated sore.” Dr. J. B. George. Don’t be surprised if you have an at tack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub the affected parts freely with Chamberlain’s Liniment and it will soon disappear. Sold by all dealers. DRIFT IS NOW ALL FAVORING UNDERWOOD STRAWS SHOWING THE WINDS AS EXPRESSED JUST BEFORE THE CAMPAIGN BEGAN. Atlanta, Ga. —As an evidence of the unanimity with which Georgians are supporting Oscar Underwood for pres ident, Manager Hutchens gave out at headquarters four incidents, which he declares are significant. “The Democratic executive commit tee of Worth county met the other day to determine on plans for the presidential primary. A vote was ta ken and it was found that the com mittee stood 29 for l’nderwood and 1 for Wilson. This report was sent to me from three different sources. "During the primary held on the 27th in Pike county, those who voted in the second district were asked t.o write down their preference for pres ident and when the vote was count ed it was found that it was Under wood 72. Wilson 4, Clark 1. This in formation comes from the justice of the peace who presided at the elec tion. “In Waynesboro recently there was held a mass meeting of citizens to select a new Democratic executive committee. After the new commit tee was chosen, the mass meeting en dorsed Mr. Underwood without a dis senting vote. "J'he organizers of the Underwood club at Wellston in Houston county, report that there are 106 voters in the district and that 103 have signed their names in the Underwood club. "We haven’t given up hope of get ting the other three,” the county adds. To Break Up Cold. Some Advice That Will Save Time and Money. Strong drink and quinine may relieve a cold, but it usually does more harm than good. To break up a hard cold in either head or chest thousands are using this sensible treatment First of all look after your bowels; if they need attention use any reliable cathartic. Then pour a scant tea spoonful of HO OMEI into a bowl of boiling water, cover iiead and bowl with a towel and breathe for 5 or 10 minutes the plea-ant, soothing, healing vapor. Do this just before going t> bed: your head will feel tine and clear ;ycu ll awake from a refreshing sleep minus a cold in the morning. For colds, coughs, catarrh, asthma and croup HYOMEI is guaranteed. A fifty cent bottle is all you need to break up a cold and this can be obtained at Dr. J. B. George’s and druggists every where. Murder will out, is a trite saying. Bui it nevertheless bobs up nearly every day that crime follows its author through time and space and usually makes him suffer in the end. The man who killed the sheriff of Haralson county in 1876 in the Court House has just been arrested in Texas. A thousand miles away from the scene of the killing and thirty-six years later he faces the charge of murder. A few days ago a big ship steamed into New York harbor from London with a cargo of 6,000 tons of pota toes. The customs men collected $.50,000 for the shipment, which with the freight rates from Europe will, of course, all be added to the price paid by the consumer for the potatoes. Is there any better argu ment in the world for increasing the supply of home grown potatoes? Almost a Miracle One of the most startling changes ever seen in any man, according to W. B. Holsclaw, Clarendon, Texas, was effected years ago in his brother. ‘‘He had such a dreadful cough,” he writes, ‘‘that all our family thought he was going into consumption, but he began to use Dr. King’s Mew Discovery, and was completely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 pounds. For many years our fam ily has used this wonderful remedy for coughs and colds with excellent re sults.” It’s quick, safe reliable and guaranteed. Price 50 cents and sl. Trial bottle FREE at Dr. J. B. George’s and M. C. Brown’s drug stores. I “Cardui Cured Me” I For nearly ten years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks O I of Treadway, Tenn., suffered with womanly troubles. She IS B says: “At last, I took down and thought I would die. I B ■ could not sleep. I couldn’t eat I had pains all over. The B B doctors gave me up. I read that Cardui had helped so B B many, and I began to take it, and it cured me. Cardui B B saved my life! Now, I can do anything.’* B | Cardu i Woman’s Tonic I If you are weak, tired, worn-out, or suffer from any of B B the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, B I backache, dragging-down feelings, pains in arm, side, hip |S . I or limbs, and other symptoms of womanly trouble, you B 1 should try Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Prepared from per- I 1 fectly harmless, vegetable ingredients, Cardui is the best B H remedy for you to use, as it can do you nothing but good. B B It contains no dangerous drugs. It has no bad after-effects. B H Ask your druggist. He sells and recommends Cardui. B Wrfte to: Ladies’ Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term., HE for Special Instructions, and C4-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent free. J 54 |||| J. W, R. Spain Liver y- F eo d an( * Stables. _ BAGGAGE TRANSFER : DOW MARTIN, Manager. PHONE 41 - 80 S. MAIN ST AWW \ Z » r a§r BIGGER. PROFITS WsfS ' hi. Are assured through a liberal use of high- ; grade, guaranteed brands of fertilizer, ft L costs as much to cultivate an acre, poorly ' ert as ’ l does the acre well fertilized. Your profit depends upon your crop, and your crop depends upon your liberal use of !•*- FERTILIZERS fc • * '■ -•'-*?«« To get the best results from the liberal use .■ •■&.< ° l icruiizer, tiie brand should be suited to ■ ’die land. We mix fertilizers, especially suited to the different grades of Georgia soil. d' your lands are gray or loamy use our ? GRAh LAND !■ ERTILIZER; if vour land is w ' vxj dii day ur red, use our RED LAND FF.R -■tITLIZER. Our brands are machine-mixed, a .frjM which insures uniformity, from the best con- ■ nir.i a-s; our fertilizers arc dry and drilia- ''- c - :i 'i the time; our deliveries prompt; our yO’nw® pi 1 . es , :ght and our customers pleased. ** Manufactured by ?uRTER FERTILIZER €O., Atlanta, €a. 'hJKjlp FOR SALE BY V HUDGINS & THOMPSON The simplest, lightest running, fast est cutting saw mill ever built—a mill that you can buy at the right price and with which you can make big money. It’s all in the Taylor Feed Every mill fitted with wire cable drive, set - out attachments and adjustable idler. Improved carriage-backing de vice is quick acting and a time saver. Made in all sizes, portable and sta tionary. We manufacture Engines, Boilers, Shingle Machines, Cut-Off Saws,Wood Splitters, etc., and do Foundry Work. Write for information and prices on anything you need. Mallary & Taylor Iron Works MACON, GA. O Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—HaII County. By virtue of an order granted at the Novmber term, 1910, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry, at the court house door of said c< unty on the first Tuesuay in May, 1912, within the legal hours of sale, all the following property be longing to the estate of F. A. Watkins, de ceased, to wit: ( ne tract or lot of land situated, lying and being in said State and county, and in the city or Gainesville, being lot No. Three (3) in block No. two (2) of Oak Grove Heights, according to a plat ot said subdivision made by M B. Trog don, Jr. March 24, 1909, fronting sixty feet on Bradford street and running back one hundred and fifty (150) feet on each side, 67.5 at the back. To be sold as the property of F. A. Watkins, deceased Said property sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs of said de ceased and paving the debts of said deceased. Terms cash. * A. R. WATKINS, \ Administrator. Presidential Campaign Offer. Tri-Weekly Constitution Three times every week—almost a daily. With all the news, all the time, from receipt of your order to October 10th, 1912, so as to include the entire campaign and the news to Octo ber 10th, only 25 Cents. This covers the most interesting and important months of our history. During this time will be fought out one of the most critical battles in our national history. It is the struggle of the Titans, the giants of greed and corruption against the Giants of Democracy that stand for a reduction of the tariff, the liberties of the people, and the protection of the nation. Upon One Side We Have Taft, Roosevelt or LaFollette, Upon the Other Underwood, Wilson, Hannon or Clark. Whom will the Republicans nominate? Whom will the Democrats nominate? These are vital questions to you; both are vital to you, no matter what political affilia tions you may now hold. How are you to act intelligently unless you know the men and their records? It is nor a mere jumble of names to be drawn at random from Uncle Sam’s beaver. It is not mere politics.” The interests of the country and of the individual are at stake. The people must decide, and to do so they must know. Both conventions will be held in June; both the candidates will be named, and the struggle for ballots will be the dominant subject in all the papers for months to come. THE CONSTITUTION, as a newspaper, performs a great public duty in giving all the news, ail the details, all the facts, the whole purview of events, regardless of the views of its editor and the political preferences of its readers. The people may read and act; the peo ple must read and act. No greater offer has been made than this. Tri-Weekly Constitution from receipt of your order now till October 10th, 1912, for only 25 Cents. Address all orders and remittances to — 0. B. ATKINSON, Gainesville, Ga. BIG SALE Os Art Squares & Rugs « The unusually large shipments of Rugs and Art Squares re ceived in the past ten days, added to our already large stock, enables us to show the largest stock and greatest variety of patterns that we have ever shown. The prices are the lowest we have ever seen. We found a big Rug distributor who, owing to the backward season, had an overloaded stock of ART SQUARES and RUGS, and we bought heavily —bought cheaper than ever before, and will give our customers th<e advantage of this purchase by selling them Rugs cheaper than they ever bought them. Below we quote a few of the many values: 9x12 Brussels Art Squares, our $12.50 seller - Sale price, $9*75 9x12 Brussels Art Squares, our 15.00 seller - Sale price, 11.95 9x12 Velvet Art Squares, our 17.56 seller - Sale price, 12.50 9x12 Brussels Art Squares, our 20.00 seller - Sale price, 15.00 9x12 Axminster Art Squares, our 22.50 seller - Sale price, 16.50 9x12 Velvet Art Squares, our 25.00 seller - Sale price, 17.50 Have big stock of small Rugs at correspondingly low prices. Sale begins today. If you are in need of a Rug or Art Square attend this sale, as it means money to you. phone 277 G. E. Pilgrim Gainesville, Ga