The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, March 19, 1914, Image 2

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PRINb-11ME. —— — : ~ -r-- --t ■■■■■ L_— ■■——■— i^_t After weeks and months of diligent labor this Store now announces ready in every Department to supply its customers their full wants for Spring. We believe that we have the most beautiful and attractive array of Spring Materials and Ready to-Wear Garments that has ever been shown in this city. But be that as it may, we request your presence here tor a l thorough inspection, feeling highly confident of both your approbation and delight, and that the remarkably low prices we are able to make will greatly appeal to you. £ r r- '■ <: I A'£j<l U ; * wj! <a aJ .■ = jwCw ; 5 fin RBjJm- L Wtt /Br-W viH ®.i v OA‘ agw LB /Boiflon * These types of CORSETS are just winning their way into the heart of every fashionable woman. The striking feature is the gentle curve of the nature poise clasp which permits the wearer to assume that modish slouchy appearance. Average figure, free hip bone, flush clasp pad- EASTER SPECIALS. New Bags 50® to $5.00 New Beads lO<£ to 1.00 New Hair Pins 15C to 1.00 New Collars 25® to 1.50 New Ribbons, yd IO to 750 j New Hosiery, all colors and qualities. New Gloves, dress and evening. New Pins for Easter. J Samples Sent by Request. We Mail You Anything by Parcel Post C. A DOZIEB Real Estate And Insurance No. 1 State Bank Bldg Will be glad to sell to you, o for you, and will insure your property in the very best Companies at the lowest rates possible. COME TO SEE ME W. J. & E. C PALMOUR <3raine«ville, . Oeorgia OHHB 41 fejMMsHOE POLISHES Black—Tan—White 1 Oc SILKS! SILKS! We have just received a large quantity of the new Spring Silks —Cheneys, Shower-proof Foulards, Crepe Meteor, Crepe de Chine, Canton, Crepe Poplins, Moires, Messalines, and Wash Silks; the new shades; we have them. We received by express yesterday a big lot of new Laces from 3to 27 inch wide. We want to show them to you. SUITS—SPRING BEAUTIES. There are numbers of reasons why our Suits and Dresses appeal to everybody. Every Suit and Dress is bought with an idea of filling some special want. 1 Every occasion has been looked after, and our buy ers ever on the alert to secure styles at prices that are surprising. You will be saved loads of trouble if you visit our big Suit Department. You can find anything you want here just different from others, from SIO.OO to $40.00. Ask to see our $15.00 and $20.00 Suits. PRETTY EASTER GOODS. By far the largest and most varied stock of Wash Ma terials ever shown in Gainesville. Wash Materials continue to improve, and the new goods are re ceived as fast as they appear in the market. New arrivals during the past week: New Ratine, all shades from 25c up; Windsor Mercerized Pliss 25® Supreme Cord, looks like silk 25® Olympic Crepe, all colors 12V2C Spider Mull, soft and sheer 15<£ Colonial Tissue —ask to see it lO® Krepe Krinkle, new wears y25<E Z AX ]« l(X- / IHWA Ml I A mi lon i L i \ x-ray view oi CORSETS < \ INVISIBLE XBUCKLEX z/ LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Never was our stock in Laces more complete. We have center table in rare bargains for you to select your Trimmings from. 500 yds Lace worth 8c for, yd 3<£ 500 yds Lace worth 10c for, yd 50 500 yds Lace worth 15c for; yd 7*-h0 500 yds Lace worth 20c for, yd lO® Sheer Embroidery Flouncing, 27 inch wide, for infants’ and children’s dresses, from 25 to $1.50 yard; worth double what we ask for it. Now on display. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. We are ready now to show you the newest styles in Hats for Easter. Buy your Hat now and you will be done with the bother, and Easter will not catch you unprepared. Buy early. Use and enjoy your Spring outfit longer. Anything that is correct will be found here, any price that you want, and any style Hat you want, and any shape and color you want. Special Attention Given to k. Mail Orders—Give Us a Trial