The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, March 19, 1914, Image 4

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The Gainesville Eagle. w. H. CRAIG, Editor ano Business Manager Entered at Gair>-'srillr. Ga., ‘oost-ofic.e as second-class matter. Bagle Call: Bell Phone No. 56 Thursday, March 19, 1914. A Spring Cleaning for Gaines ville. Editor Eagle: It is gratifying to know there is a Civic League in our town,for a band of good and industrious women can and will do much for the improve ment of a place. They must have the co-operation of every resident in town, and, above all, every prop erty owner, for in many instances it is the vacant property that is most repulsive to the eye. And while no doubt the Civic League would be glad to clean up and improve the looks of such places, they could not do so without the consent of the owners. The Council should lend a hand and enforce laws to fight the flies, and insure better health conditions. We pose as a summer resort, and have organized a Chamber of Com merce to seek investments and in vite people here for rest, recreation, and comfortable living during the summer months. And what do we do to insure these conditions? Let our most prominent vacant lots be incumbered with unsightly, and un sanitary ramshacks, to be gazed upon by every visitor to our college and city? Also the markets to ex pose their meats and vegetables to the flies and filth, and our town peo ple to tin cans and filth piled on premises to breed flies and mos quitoes? These are just a few of the many evils that all of us who suffer such conditions to exist are guilty of. Atlanta has a cleaning day; so has Birmingham. Why not Gainesville? Let ours be a cleaning week or month; let everybody paint their houses, mend the fence (if fence it must be) and cover it with vines, shrubs, or something lovely, and see if by June our city will not be the cleanest and most beautiful in the State. How many will second this mo tion by getting busy? A Citizen. THE THIRD BIG SALE! . ===== T Just Received another $5,000.00 Stock, one of the Nicest yet Bought THIS STOCK WE WILL PUT ON SALE, Thursday, March 19, at Less than 1-2 Wholesale Costl Why do we sell Cheaper that other merchants? Because we buy at Wholesale Cost and then get 50c. off on every dollar. Also, we have been telling you about buying these stocks cheap; we will now give you some prices that you have never heard* of before in Gainesville. Don t take our word, nor anyone else’s* All we want is for you to come and see for yourself. T Dress Goods All $1 Goods 49c All 75c goods 39 c All 50c goods 29 c All 35c goods 19 c All 25c goods .. 16c All Calicoes 5c All Checks 5c All 10c Ginghams .. .. 7 e All Fruit of Loom Bleaching 8c All 10c Outing 7c All Kinds of Silks Half Price Ladies Dresses $25 Silk Dresses S 9 98 20 Silk Dresses 6 98 15 Silk Dresses 5.98 10 Silk Dresses 4.48 7.50 Silk Dresses 3.98 Thanking you for your past patronage, and hoping to serve you in the future. People’s Bargain Store, WHIPS HUSBAND’S AFFINITY AND DOESN’T GET FINED. __ Mary Reeder Resolves on Own means to Stop Husband from Visiting His Affinity. ; Lula Johnson and Minnie Johnson, colored, were arraigned Mondays afternoon charged with disorderly conduct down on Myrtle street Sun day, and Mary Reeder was brought up as a witness against the two. From what Mary testified, it seem i ed that the two defendants were not kicking up much racket, but the witness was doing some little shuffle herself. The Mayor asked Mary about the difficulty, and she replied: “I jest went down dar’ and whipped Lula ’bout my husband, that was all dar’ was to it.” It seems that Mary’s Husband has been a pretty frequent caller upon the Johnson women, and Mary thought they were about to take him away from her, so she lit £out down there bright and early Sunday morning and licked the stuffin’ out of both of them before the police were notified. Mayor Rudolph didn’t fine Mary for her part of the combat, but the other two negroes were fined $2 and costs. Mary said that she got lammed with a brick in the fracas but out side of that, and nearly losing her husband, she came out all to the mustard. Grace Church. Special Lenten services will be conducted next Sunday, it being Mid-Lent or Refreshment Sunday. Holy communion at 8 and 11.30 o’clock, and evening prayer with instruction at 8 o’clock. Bible class and Sunday School at 10 a. m. At the mid-day service Miss Laura Lou Bosworth and Miss Eunice Johns will sing a duet. Members of the choir requested to attend Friday afternoon for Easter music rehearsal. St. Mary’s chapter will meet Mon day afternoon at three o’clock in the choir room. Special work. Next Wednesday will be the Feast of the Annunciation, commonly called Ladymass Day; holy com munion will be admistered at 10 o’clock. Chamber Commerce Meets Tonight. The regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at the City Hall tonight at 8.30 o’clock in the Council room. ‘7oai6Of Arc.” ™ SMM&y sBMf \ I Bilk , KPI ..... »- r The wonderfully, thrilling and dramatic life of this famous Histori cal figure is being presented at the Alamo Theatre to-day. ■ 1 ■ ■ ,|| !!■!.« Wanted, One second-hand Lathe, not less than 12x8; also one Drill Press; must be cheap and in good condi tion. H. S. Jefferson, Ga. P. O. Box 174. For Sale or Rent. 4-room house on Simmons street; one block from Green street car line. R. Smith. Strawberry arid Himalaya Berry plants at greatly reduced priwa, at 12 College avenue. Discharge in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In re. Forrest Additon, Bankrupt. No. 3625 in Bankruptcy. A petition for discharge having been filed I in conformity with law by above-named bankrupt and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on April 4th, 1914, at ten o’clock a. m. at the United States District Court ro*m, in the city of Atlanta, Ga., notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the bankrubt for discharge should not be granted. O. C. FULLER, Clerk. By F. L. Beers, Deputy Clerk. Ladies’ Skirts $3.00 Skirts 98c 4.00 Skirts $1.48 5.00 Skirts 1.98 6.00 Skirts 2.19 7.50 Skirts 2.98 8.00 Skirts 3 39 10.00 Skirts 4.98 SHOES All $5.00 Shoes.. : Ail 4.50 Shoes 248 AH 4.00 Shoes. 2.19 All 3.50 Shoes I*9B All 3.00 Shoes i 79 All 200 Shoes > 39 All 1.50 Shoes 98c $1 Overalls 79.. 50c Work Shirts . . ... 3r P $2 Work Pants 9g c Back to Old Virginia. Mr. H. H. Grigg left yesterday afternoon for Richmond, Virginia, where he will be a guest of his mother, Mrs. R. D. Grigg, for sev eral days. He will also visit his brother, who is residing in Virginia, before returning to the city. Mr. Grigg will be away for about ten d ays. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf jump, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition-of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipaion. For Sale. One three-room house, with base ment; lot 90x238; city water; light in front of house. 77 Oak street. Apply to J. D. Lokey. Mens’ Hats All John B. Stetson Hats $2.69 All 3.00 Hats 1.98 All 2.50 Hats 1.49 All 2.00 Hats 1.19 All 1.50 Hats . 98c All 1.00 Hats 69c Boys Hats 39c Rain Coats $7.50 Coats $4.98 6.00 Goats 3.48 5.00 Coats 2.79 — Sewing Machines $35 Sewing Machines $14.98 $25 Sewing Machine 11.98 S2O Sewing Machine ... 8.98 SPECIAL PATTERN PICTORIAL REVIEW The “Minaret” Lady Doll FREE! We will give a pattern of this beautiful doll’s dress to every l\ul I ./jA child at ca ® B at our f* attern Department, accompanied by an ijjreF CTjs WROr adult, during the coming week. //LL tjWWw, Get one for your little girl j to-day. It’s FREE. XST vlu.l i If In addition to this free pat- W/ ■ HI i k\ j I tem, we have an extensive 1\ : : 11 assortment of Wil i 1 / pictorial review Wf DOLL PATTERNS in ail styles and sizes at* cur SIZE IB inches pattern Counter. W. J. & E. C. Palmour. AI.I . 1.1 > I>S OF Garden and Flower Seed The best that can be bought! When you need anything in the Drug Line Call or Telephone 44 and I will send it out. < DeLACY LAW, Druggist Ladies’ Ready-to-wear All Ladies’ Petticoats, Waists, White Silks, Etc., to go at Wholesale Cost. Don't forget the Day MARCH 10th And dont forget the Place People’s Bargain Store 9 We want to say to the public we have what we advertise, and we seH at the advertised prices. We are fooling anybody nor not trying to dt/ so, as some of our competitors have told our customers. Come and see for yourself.