The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, April 09, 1914, Image 8

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Lottie Porter The eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Porter of Tadmore district, died at the residence of the parents Monday afternoon. The funeral and interment occurred at Harmony church Tuesday morning, Rev. Collins conducting the funeral services of the little one in a most touching manner. Left Home. Fred D. Van Hook has left home and all people are hereby forbid hireing or harboring him. He is a boy of 16, brown of complect ion, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high. If anyone sends him to home they will be rewarded. His father, J. F. Van Hook. Mrs. H. C. Ellard Aged 68 years, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Myers, on the New Holland car line, Monday afternoon from paralysis. The funeral and interment oc curred from the residence Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock and the re mains were interred in Alta Vista, Rev. Brownlow conducting the funeral services. Strawberry and Himalaya Berry plants at greatly reduced prices, at 12 College avenue. TEN MONTHS OLD TODAY. April 3, 1914. Statement of the Condition of THE CITIZENS BANK, Located at Gainesville, Ga., at the close of business April 3, 1914. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and Discounts $110,145 99 Capital Stock $50,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,043 36 Undivided Profits- 6,886 65 Cash on hand 37,168 74 DEPOSIT'S 91,471 44 148,358 09 148,358 09 The above showing made with an average paid-in capital for the first six months of only $29,000. OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IS A LIVE ONE Many are adopting a regular plan of saving and STICKING TO IT. WHY NOT YOU? All savings deposits made on or before April 10th will draw interest from April Ist at 4 per cent, compounded quarterly. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. Deposits at close of business April Bth, 1914, $100,694.64. Easter Clothes ft&Aulu/A YA \/tk for HEN. VOONfi MEN, And BOYS! i “> > ra H i® Hr - - ■ 1 ,\nS i E ’?4p Jbl B 1 ■■'■■"*"" ' . »»■*. M ,„,„„” ..i.t, Ar / I |3 HI A W fig A |||| 'T'hose who seek correct attire backed by our guarantee of quality should visit this 8 KEs fH x 01 R pga M Dg| |H 1 store. It is a pleasure for us to show this splendid assortment of new clothes we have assembled for Spring and Summer —models which present a distinct variety of Hickey■ Freonan>Quality handsome and rare fabrics, tailored into crisp new effects—in short, the most up-to- the minute; smartest creations of this season. You do not have to seek the best— we have it here for you. Garments that are made on honor and sold to you because you Know it. Men’s and Young Men’s Suits, $7.50 to $30.00 WIT API We have all the newest and best things for Boys. Stylish Summer Suits, Straw Hats, Wash Suits, Washable Hats, Neckwear, A O W ILil IV • Etc, Etc. In making our spring selection we have kept the boy in mind. We can completely outfit any boy from 2 1-2 to 18 1 years of age. Boys Suits, $2.50 to SIO.OO Gents Furnishings! We have the most complete stock of furnishings for your inspection— $ Ties, Shirts, Collars, Underwear, and Inttrwoven Sox /j V> \ Infact, everything that good taste dictates. We think the Summer Furnishings here reflect the spirit of the season. We want ( ft " y you to see them. \ *. ' —— ! < * ;. ci AM ewest Shapes in Felt and Straw flats you J A Q j -X will find here. Ll/l 1U- > 1 • / I A **-«i "■MaiMiMB'ML «U*IJLII<J-W«iiriiii mwiiar;ir3ra%i<rr.i« ' ’ • W. J. &E. C. Palmour | P - “Where Quality is Supreme. 9 ’ (. 91 /? The Old Field School And Spelling Bee which was to have been at the City llnll on Tues day night, April 7th, haw been post poned two wicks. All be mire and I'ontc on Tuesday night April 21. HEAITY HAIR—NiI MOKE DANDRUFF Use Parisian Sage It’s entirely needless to have un sightly, matted, thin or faded hair. A little care is i.II that is needed to make it thick, soft pretty, perfectly healthy and free from dandruff. Use Parisian Sage—it supplies hair needs ami is absolutely harmless. It quickly stops itching head and falling hair, and is one of the best tonics to invigorate the scalp and make the hair grow long and beau tiful. Get a bottle of Parisian Sage to day from Dr. J. B. George or at any drug counter. It costs but 50 cents. Rub it into the scalp—all dandruff disappears—your head feels fine— the hair is pretty and perfectly i healthy. The Social Meeting Os tiie Civic Club will be at the Library Hall Friday, April 17th. Deafness Cannot be Cured by h;cal applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous llnintt of the Eustachian Tube. When lids tube Is intlamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, ami when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored toils normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of tenare caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot lie cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. E. J. CH ENY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constlpaion. Electric.’ ■ Bitters; a Succeed when everything else fails ffl In nervous prostration and female P I weaknesses they are the supreme, •i & remedy, ar thousands have testified. | a FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND I 1 STOMACH TROUBLE | j h is the best medicine ever sold I <4 over a druggist’s c« .r<er. j! orwwi uni, Special Election Year Offer % OwF Tri- Weekly Constitution Ow I I will send the TRI WEEKLY CONSTITUTION from date I get subscription until September 15, 1914, for only 25<£. Now remember this Means you get the Constitution from the time you subscribe until September 15th, so the ear lier you subscribe, the longer you get the paper If you wait a month you get the paper just one month shorter time than if you subscribe to-day. Also remember this is election year. The pri mary is August 19th, and there will be big doings in Georgia for the next four or five months. Do you want to know what's happening? If so, let me have your subscription now? Don’t wait! Send all orders and make all payments to O. B. ATKINSON, SPECIAL AGENT CONSTITUTION, P. 0. Box 285 Gainesville, Ga