The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, April 23, 1914, Image 3

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Wg.lf X? > D M , "• , E ”■' fX ) i rr G 1 J • e VWHb ■ Got the Florist % MRS. PRESCOTT had just heard of the illness of a dear friend. She was about to leave town that mornin for an extended trip. There was no time to call. Turning to the telephone, she got the florist and ordered a choice selection of roses sent with her card to the address of the invalid. Without the telephone she would have been unable to do this little act of kindness. When you telephone—smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE fA | AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY C. H. MARTIN, Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Hauling, Draying, Grading V,,.- w | Done Promptly. ‘ Nice line of Carriages, Buggies and Riding Horses. Carriages for Funerals XJz N. Bradford St. Near Square SEAIXHIPT Oysters INiee and F'resh HOME-MADE LARD The Best of Everything! Byron Mitchell Gainesville Roller Mill The above concern is now in new hands, H. A. Terrell, M. M. Ham, J. H. Martin and W. N. Oliver having the entire property, and are now putting*: it| first-class order throughout. New bolting cloths are being added to the flour mill, and the best flour is being turned out. A machine to clean corn of rotten and faulty grains, etc., has been installed. There is no pellagra in meal from this mill. Itltastes like corn bread your mother used to make when you were a boy. Best Flour? Corn Meal, Bran and Shorts Are kept on hand for sale at all times. Delivery Wagon will deliver all orders promptly any where in the city. Patronize this home institution; get the. best and enjoy health and long life. Gainesville Roller Mill Co. PHONE 269 H. A. TERRELL, Manager. DR. J. A. LATHEM, Oakwood, Ga. Treats Especially Chronic Diseases, Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers. Terms; SIO.OO per Month, by Mail. CONSULTATION FREE. Some Cures: A. G. Bowman, ulcer sub-maxillary gland, Buford, Ga. F. C. Dover, cancer temple, Cumming, Ga. J. F. Jones, cancer cheek. Lula. Ga. R. M. Loggins, cancer forehead, Leaf. Ga. W. A. Jennings, ulcer of lip, Oakwood. Ga. ' Walter Reed, tumor of neck, Oakwood, Ga. O. W. Gilstrap, cancer of hand, Gainesville, Ga.. R. 6. Mrs. John Gilstrap, cancer eye, Gainesville. Ga., R. 6. A 41 u K I Garden and Flower Seen The best that can be bought! When you need anything in the Drug Line Call or Telephone 44 and I will send it out. DeL AC Y LAW, Druggist Simmons’ Seed Corn For Sale Samples of Seed Corn and Irish Junipers can be seen at the Piedmont Drug Store. Also FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPEVINES, ETC. For prices phone or write— P. B. Simmons, PHONE 2704 GAINESVILLE, GA. Very Low Round Trip Fares to Jacksonville, Florida, account Confederate Veterans Reunion. $8.35 Round-Trip Fare fnm Gainesville Through Special cars will be handled on Trains No. 17 passing Gainesville at 7.08 a. m., May sth, arriving Jackson ville 7 25 p. m. without change. TICKETS ON SALE: May 3rd to Bth. FINAL LIMIT: May 15th, with privilege of extending limit until June 4, 1914. SIDE TRIP TICKETS: On sale from Jacksonville to ' points in Florida on May 6th to 10th at a very low round-trip fare. For full information call on tickets agents or address: J. C. BEAM, AGPA R. L. BAYLOR, DPA. Atlanta, Georgia. Our Southern Friends are Proud of Mexican Mustang Liniment | because it has saved them from so much suffering. It soothes ■ ■ and relieves pain soon as applied. Is made of oils, without ■ 5 any Alcohol and cannot burn of gting the flesh. Hundreds I of people write us that Mustang —g Liniment cured them when all other remedies failed. __ I MEXICAN i Mustang I Liniment j The Great Family Remedy for Sore Throat, Colds, S , a’W'. | Mumps, Lameness, •rl Cuts, Burns, Backache, A '‘W ‘ Rheumatism, Scalds, ’’ s Sprains, Bruises and the ailments cf your y-_ L’ U’-T 7 - , Mules, Horses, V/. Cattle, Sheep. and Fowl. Since / 848 the foremost * tpain ‘Reliever of the South. | Price 25c., 50c. and $1 a bottle. | I Take this to your dealer and say you want ' i | Mexican Mustang Liniment. | Don’t Shep Well No Good Reason Just Can’t Sleep J Some people can’t sleep. There seems to be no special reason. They have no disease of the nervous sys tem. Digestion is fairly good. Their habits are pretty good. They may smoke a little or drink a little, yet their habits are fair. Still they can’t sleep well. Just a little unbalanced in the nerve centers. That is all. They should have a little “righting up.” A tonic will generally do this. The right sort of a tonic. Peruna is ex actly the tonic. Digestion is hurried by Peruna. The stomach is empty and ready to rest for the night. The circulation is equalized. The brain is relieved of all congestions and irri tations. The Peruna acts on every blood vessel in the system. It acts on all the nerve centers. One begins to sleep and hardly knows why. Take a teaspoonful to one table spoonful of Peruna before each meal. Sometimes another tablespoonful at bedtime is necessary, where the sleep lessness is very pronounced. Just try it, neighbor. You will be glad if you do. One bottle will con vince you. Peruna is no sleep medi cine. It is not a nervine. It contains no narcotics. It is nothing of that sort. It is simply a regulative tonic. Every home should be provided with the last edition of the “Ills of Life,” sent free by the Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. Your Stomach Bad? JUST TRY ONE DOSE of Ma yr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy and Be Convinced That You Can Be Restored to Health J "Wonderfcl H (Stomach. Remedy For Sale. Hero M £|Kgl 4 L |U| -JJW; You are not asked to take Mayr*s Wonder ful Stomach Remedy for weeks and month! before you receive any benefit—one dose is usu ally required to convince the most skeptica, sufferer of Stomach Ailments that this great temedy should restore anyone so afflicted t« good health. Mayr’s Wonderful Stomaci Remedy has been taken by many thousands cl people throughout the land. It has brought health and happiness to sufferers who had de& paired of ever being restored and who now pro claim it a Wonderful Remedy and are urging Others who may be suffering with Stomach Liver and Intestinal Ailments to try it. Mini you, Mayr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy i< so different than most medicines that are put ot the market for the various stomach ailment; >—it is really in' a class by itself, and one dos. Will do more to convince the most Sufferer than tons of other medicines. Result: from one dose will amaze and the benefit; are entirely natural, as it acts on the sourcj and foundation of these ailments, removing th; poisonous catarrh and bile accretions, and allay ing the underlying chronic inflammation in th, alimentary and intestinal tract, rendering th( same antiseptic. Just try one dose of Mayr’i Wonderful Stomach Remedy—put it to a tesl today—you will be overjoyed with your quid recovery and will highly praise it as thousand; •f others are constantly doing. Send for bookie on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg Chemist, 154-156 Whiting St., Chicago, 111. For Sale by Dr. J. B. George, Gainesville, Ga Kind of Boy He Liked. Mother — Is James a nice boy for you to play marbles with, sonnie? Sonnie •—Sure. I can beat him every time. Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser. Flush out the accumulated waste and poisons of the winter months: cleans your stomach, liver and kid neys of all impurities. Take Dr. King’s New Life Pills; nothing bet ter for purifying the blood. Mild, non-griping laxative. Cures consti pation; makes you feel fine. Take no other. 25c at your Druggist. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for All Hurts. Daily Thought. Keep well thine tongue and keep thy friend. —Chaucer. wealtFoflair Parisian Sage Makes Thin Lifeless Hair Soft and Abundant. Beautiful hair, thick, ««ft. fluffy, lustrous, and free from dandruff, is one of woman’s greatest charms, yet so many have streaked, thin and life less hair and think there is no rem edy. Pretty hair is largely a matter of care. Frequent applications of Parisian Sage well rubbed into the scalp is all that is needed—it acts like magic. Try it to night—you will really be suprised with the result. Not only will the hair become soft, fluffy, ra diant with life and really doubly beautifully, but all dandruff disap pears. falling hair and itching scalp cease —your head feels fine, All druggist sell a large bottle of Parisian Sage for fifty cents. Get it from Dr. J. B. George, he will refund the money if you are not satisfied. KALEIDOSCOPE. Th silbscrii o 'for the parsonage and organ an.l to pay our church <ut < t de.n i- eo-.nhig along splen didly. Our church cannot afford to stand still. We must go forward and these interests are vital to the life and progress of our church and people. Get your name on the honor roll and help to liquidate this sum for the benefit of yourself and future generations. The greatest thing in this world is to be a child of God. Do you real ize the magnitude of such a life? So live that when you are called to meet him you will go as a true child of £>od going home to that city pre pared for you from the foundation of the world. The word Easter means goddess and is from the Anglo Saxon, out of the East. Christ was *he great Light as the sun is the great light in the material world. He came into the world that we might have life and light. Follow that light. Check Your April Cough. Thawing frost and April rains chill you to the very marrow, you catch cold —head and lungs stuffed —you are feverish—cough continu ally and feel miserable—you need Dr. King’s New Discovery. It soothes inflamed and irritated throat and lungs, stops cough, your head clears up, feve’r leaves, and you feel fine. Mr. J. T. Davis, of Stickney Corner, Me., "Was cured of a dread ful cough after doctor’s treatment and all other remedies failed.’’ Re lief or money back. Pleasant— Children like it. Get a bottle today. 50c. and SI.OO at your druggist. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for all sores. Only Perfect Baby. The idea of picking out the perfect baby by means of a tape measure Is all tommyrot. Might as well try to locate virtue by using a divining rod. Every baby is perfect. Its mother will tell you so. —Philadelphia Inr quirer. Daily Thought. True dignity comes only of humflfc ty. Pride is the ruin of dignity, sos it is a worshiping of self, and that Involves a continuous sinking.— George MacDonald. Clears Complexion —Removes KSgiY Skin Blemishes. go through life"embarrassed and disfigured with pimples, erup tions, blackheads, red rough skin, or suffering the tortures of Eczema, itch, tetter, salt rheum? Just ask yourjdruggist forJDr. Hobson’s Ec zema Ointment.” Follow the simple suggestions and your skin worries are over. Mild, soothing, effective. Excellent for babies and delicate, tender skin.lfAlways helps. Relief or money back. 50c. at your drug gists. ANNOUNCEMENTS. t» ■ 1 11 STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Senator from the Thirty-third District of Georgia, subject to the action of the Demo cratic party- J. O. ADAMS. FOR SOLICITOR-GENERAL. I am a candidate for Solicitor- General of the Northeastern Circuit, subject to the action of the State Democratic primary. Your support will be deeply appreciated. Respectfully, WILLIAM M. JOHNSON. To the voters of the Northeastern Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Solici tor-General, subject to the action of the Democratic Party. It has been customary for this offi cer to be elected for the second term without opposition, and I trust that my past conduct in fulfilling the du ties devolving upon me has been such that I will receive the hearty endorsement of all. The proper fulfilling the duties of the office is dependent largely upon experience, and consequently I be lieve that my first term’s experience will enable me to better perform the duties in the future. , Inasmuch as a good portion of my time is now taken up in the courts, it will be an impossibility for me to see all the voters personally, and so I take this method of soliciting the support of all. Faithfully yours, BOBERT MCM ILLAN. Give in Your Taxes The time for giving in taxes will positively close May Ist. Therefore but a short time will elapse before it will be too late. If you have not given in your state and county taxes please do so without further delay. I will be at the court house from Mon day, April 20, until May Ist. W. B. BUFFINGTON, Tax Receiver.