The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, April 30, 1914, Image 3

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*KI isj 1 1iw hOG iLiy ; ÜBiana W‘ W J Telephone to Glazier IWISH you would get a glazier to come up and set that pane of glass the chil dren broke yesterday. The house is as cold as a barn,” said the surburban house wife, as her husband was about to go to business. , “Haven’t time this morning,” replied her hus band. “Just look in the Telephone Directory— you’ll find several there. Give the order to tha one who says he will send a man right up.” M Its the man with the telephone who gets the hurry orders every time. When you telephone—smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ’fAj AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY C. H. MARTIN, ... Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. • Hauling, Draying, Grading Done Promptly. r Nice line of Carriages, Buggies and Riding Horses. A Carriages for Funerals N. Bradford St. Near Square SKALSHIPT Oysters TN ice and Fresh HOME-MADE LARD The Best of Everything! Byron Mitchell Gainesville Roller Mill The above concern is now in new hands, H. A. Terrell, M. M. Ham, J. H. Martin and W. N. Oliver having the entire property, and are now putting it; first-class order throughout. New bolting cloths are being added to the flour mill, and the best flour is being turned out. A machine to clean corn of rotten and faulty grains, etc., has been installed. There is no pellagra in meal from this mill. Itftastes like corn bread your mother used to make when you were a boy. Best Flour, Corn Meal, Bran and Shorts Are kept on hand for sale at all times. Delivery Wagon will deliver all orders promptly any where in the city. Patronize this home institution; get the. best and enjoy health and long life. Gainesville Roller Mill Co. PHONE 269 H, A. TERRELL, Manager. DR. J. A. LATHEM, Oakwood, Ga. Treats Especially Chronic Diseases, Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers. Terms; SIO.OO per Month, by Mail. CONSULTATION FREE. Some Cures: A. G. Bowman, ulcer sub-maxillary gland, Buford. Ga. F. C. Dover, cancer temple, Cumming, Ga. J. F. Jones, cancer cheek, Lula, Ga. R. M. Loggins, cancer forehead, Leaf, Ga. W. A. Jennings, ulcer of lip, Oakwood, Ga. Walter Reed, tumor of neck, Oakwood. Ga. O. W. Gilstrap, cancer of hand, Gainesville, Ga., R. 6. Mrs. John Gilstrap, cancer eye. Gainesville. Ga.. R. 6. ALL KIINOS OF Garden and Flower Seed The best that can be bought! When you need anything in the Drug Line Call or Telephone 44 and I will send it out. DeLAC Y LAW, Druggist Simmons’ Seed Com For Sale Samples of Seed Corn and Irish Junipers can be seen at theTiedmont Drug Store. Also FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPEVINES, ETC. For prices phone or write— P. B. Simmons, PHONE 2704 GAINESVILLE, GA. Very Low Round Trip Fares to Jacksonville, Florida, account Confederate Veterans Reunion. $8.55 Round-Trip Fare from Gainesville Through Special cars will be handled on Trains No. 17 passing Gainesville at 7.08 a. m., May sth, arriving Jackson ville 7 25 p. m. without change. TICKETS ON SALE: May 3rd to Bth. FINAL LIMIT: May 15th, with privilege of extending limit until June 4, 1914. SIDE TRIP TICKETS: On sale from Jacksonville to points in Florida on May 6th to 10th at a very low round-trip fare. For full information call on tickets agents or address: J. C. BEAM, AGPA R. L. BAYLOR, DPA. Atlanta, Georgia. Va/w’ Great as to Numbers ig —-Magnificent as to | Detail— Miles in Length. I One Hundred Shrine Patrols in Fancy Costume. i One Hundred Bands of Music. f High Dignitaries of the Order. | Thousands of Shriners Afoot and Camei-Back. & Most Spectacular Event of Its Kind $ Ever Witnessed in the Sctzth. The public is not only cordially invited but ” r ill be greatly ® interested and entertained in witnessing this superb event, j'i Reduced Fares From All Point'-. Greatly Augmented Service. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, | Premier Carrier of the South. B For Cample** particulars as to fares and schedules, ocmmunicatc with 2 SOUTHERN RAILWAY TICKET AGENT. ■ » SMOTHERINCSPELLS Sour Stomach, Heart Burn Msafr.- xrsSy&l ••• • Ji.. In October, 1910, we received a letter from Mrs. Hall, from which we make the following ex tracts: “About twelve years ago my health began to I fail. I couldn’t eat anything without suffering for it. I had MRS. JAMES A. HAU. Btomßch, palpi* _ _ __ # tat ion of the Box 36 |i£,oT* C ’ ty * heart, smother ing spells, pains in my sides and back. In fact, I suffered all over, and a cough almost like consump tion. Doctors failed to relieve me; In fact, they didn’t seem to know what ailed me. I continued to grow worse until I was able to sit up only a part of the time. I had almost lost all hopes of ever being any better. “But one day some one threw some books in at my door. I read them and found them to be Peruna books. “They described my feeling so truly I sent at once and got a bottle and began taking it. You pronounced my ailment systemic catarrh, and gave me some advice. “When I had taken two and one half bottles I began to eat without suffering. I continued to improve. “When I had taken eight I was like a new person. That was nine years ago. “I think Peruna the greatest fam ily remedy there is, for so many ail ments are due to catarrhal trouble. I would advise any one afflicted with catarrh to take Peruna and I am sure it will leave.” In the Revised “Ills of Life” we have many similar testimonials which should interest sick people every where. Sent free by the Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. People who object to liquid medi cines can now obtain Peruna Tablets. Does four Stomach Trouble You? MayPs Wonderful Stomach Remedy Is Successfully Taken in Cases of Stomach, Liver and In testinal Ailments And One Dose Has Often Dispelled Years of Suffering fMAYRS Wonderful Stomadißemedy will change that Lon£ race! Mayr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy can really be termed a wonderful remedy and the benefits that it gives in many of the most chronic rases of Stomach Trouble has spread its fame from one end of the country to the other. No matter where you live —you will find people who have suffered with Stomach, Liver and Intes tinal Ailments, etc., and have been restored to health and are loud in their praise of this rem edy. There is not a day but what one hears of the wonderful results obtained from this remedy and the benefits are entirely natural, as it acts on the source and foundation of these ailments, removing the poisonous catarrh and bile accre tions, taking out the inflammation from the in testinal tract and assists in rendering the same antiseptic. Sufferers are urged to try one dose—- which alone should relieve your suffering and convince you that Mayr’s Wonderful Stomach Remedy should restore you to good health. Put it to a test today—the results will be a revelation to you and you will rejoice over your quick re covery and once again know the joys of living. Send for booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo, H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, 156 Whiting St., Chicago; »JT better still, obtain a bottle from your druggist. For Sale by Dr. J. B. George, Gainesville, Ga C. A. DOZIER Real Estate Hod Insurance No. 1 State Bank Bldg Will be glad to sell to you, or for you, and will insure your property in the very best Companies at the lowest rates possible. COME TO SEE ME - WOMEN ! Women of the highest type, : women of superior education and : refinement, whose discernment; and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages of woman’s life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood to the declining yean, there is no safer or more reliable med icine. Chamberlain’s Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c a box. LEM M. PARK FOR STATE TREASURER Never 3efore a Candidate for Any Pub lic Office—Salesman, Old Soldier and Farmer—Ben F. Perry, Chief Clerk. Lem 11. Park, who has announced his candidacy for Treasurer of the state of Georgia, subject to the Democratic pri mary on Wednesday, August 19, 1914, is making a personal canvass of the state in an automobile. <v. Colonel Lem M. Park is the youngest brother of the late Captain Robert E. Park, who was State Treasurer at th® time of his death from an old war wound. He was born in Meriwether county, and lived in that and Troup county until recently, when he be came a resident of Atlanta. Colonel Park has farming and other interests in both Meriwether and Troup counties, and is a life member of the State Agricultural society. For sixteen years he traveled over Georgia as a salesman for New York houses, and will be remembered pleasantly by the older merchants of the state. While yet but a boy, he left school to enter the Confederate service. H® Is enthusiastic in his devotion to th® “Lost Cause," and never misses th® annual U. C. V. reunions, nor any gath ering of old soldiers when possible far him to attend. He was captain ®n th® staff of Gen. de Vaughn of Montezu ma; a major on the staff of General J. H. Martin of Hawkinsville, and aleW a major on the staff of General Davea* port of Americus, and is now colondl on the staff of the U. C. V. commando®* in-chlef. Colonel Park has never before born® a candidate for any public office, aaAf now comes before the people of hi® aative state asking their vote and l®r fluence tor State Treasurer, promising faithful, conscientious service. Ben F. Perry, Chief Clerk. Ben F. Perry, Editor Jonesbor® News, will serve as Chief Clerk, which, position he satisfactorily filled for nearly four years, retiring from the of fice In 1910. Check Your April Cough. Thawing frost and April rains chill you to the very marrow, you catch cold —head and lungs stuffed —you are feverish —cough continu ally and feel miserable —you need Dr. King’s New Discovery. It soothes inflamed and irritated throat and lungs, stops cough, your head clears up, fever leaves, and you feel fine. Mr. J. T. Davis, of Stickney Corner, Me., “ Was cured of a dread ful cough after doctor’s treatinento and all other remedies failed.” Re lief or money back. Pleasant—- Children like it. Get a bottle today. 50c. and |I.OO at your druggist. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for all sores. Progress. “Thirty years ago,” said a woma® of middle age, “it was the custom Os demure girls to sit in public convey ances with their silk-gloved wrist® crossed. It is now the custom of de mure girls to sit in public conveyance® with their silk-stockinged ankles cross ed.” — New York Sun. 1 BEAUTIFUL HAIR-A CLEAN COOL SCALP Use Parisian. It Makes the Hair Fluffy and Abundant. It is needless for you to have hair that is anything short of perfect. If it is falling out. losing color, split ting. or if the scalp burns and itches, immediately get from Dr. J. B. George or any drug counter a 50- cent bottle of Parisian Sage—use it frequently—the first application re moves dandruff, invigorates the scalp, and beautifies the hair until it is gloriously radiant. Parisian Sage supplies hair needs —is perfectly harmless. It contains the exact elements required to make the hair soft, wavy, glossy and to make it grow thick and beautiful. You will surely like Parisian Sage. It is one of the best and most de lightful hair tonics known. CHICHESTER S PILLS , THE DIAMOND BRAND™ "T* Ladle*! Aak year XJCQSA Di Pill* In Red and ttold metJmJvOz E?t® g:£i, SOiJBt DRUGGISTS EVFKYWM