The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, April 30, 1914, Image 5

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Tomorrow, ONLY $ 1 puts this NEW HOOSIER in your home on the famous Hoosier Plan. You may choose between the celebrated “White Beauty,” whose picture is shown here, and one of the other Hoosiers, finished inside in oak. The terms of the Hoosier Plan are these: 1. $1 puts the cabinet you choose in your home. 2. $1 weekly quickly pays for it. 3. The Low Cash Price fixed by the factory prevails strictly. 4. No interest. No extra fees. 5. This sale is under direct super vision of the Hoosier Company. 6. Your money back if you are not delighted with your Hoosier. Only those women who grasp this opportunity tomor row can be sure of getting one of these cabinets on this liberal Hoooier Plan. You realize of course that these terms could not be offered except on a very limited num ber of cabinets. After this sale — 1. The ‘HoosierPlan” termswill be withdrawn. 2. Oar regular furniture terms will then prevail. -3 S* HOOSIE.-d. -A- - .. .-v J WOW 4 " '- L ' ; ' A‘J ndBfeELJ tJ.JKhaLzxlig ■ ffl. BRtaKaO Sa iwßlg Mil gL. .‘Jggal > ilSil [Owl WW IB r / w/H I*3 ft IlSrU' Hoosier “White Beauty" Pilgrim-Estes Furniture Co. Gainesville, - Georgia OUR BUSINESS IS BANKING I Our effort is to attend to that business. Our aim is to please. Our wish, to succeed. Your patronage will be appreciated. Your interest will be cared for. I ITn l’s Ynn’ll h Slid I i hotiihi* <imi mrwiMnirawnn —■■■ n j»g»—i Mll ,|||||Bin— *" wl " ITW—IBIIIIIBB STATE BANKING CO., T. E. ATKINS. • W. R. WINBURN President. Cashier. R. J. SANDERS, Vice-Pres. Cleaning and Dyeing. The business of C. B. CHEEK, Cleaner and Dyer, is under a new management and in a new, clean building, and offers the same good service to its old customers, and pat ronage of the new ones. Goods called for and delivered promptly. HOWINGTON. 3 S. Bradford street. THE IMMEDIATE CLOSING °/ this sale may • be caused tomor- row by the number of women who enroll on this Hoosier Plan. If all the women who need Hoosiers should come tomorrow, our allotment would be taken before night and the sale would close. This has happened in many similar sales throughout the country. On the other hand, it women delay, the sale may last all week. This too has happened. Which now is best for you—to delay and take the chances of missing this opportunity or to come down tomorrow and find out about this cabinet so you can decide before it is too late? It cannot take you ten minutes to decide, once for all, whether you intend to purchase now or later —And you are deciding, remember, whether or not you will save miles of unnecessary steps you now take. But unless you at once decide, you may decide too late to own this greatest of all Hoosier cabinets on this liberal Hoosier Plan. 700,000 women already have Hoosiers. Thousands are buying this New Hoosier every week. You should without fail grasp your opportunity and see this cabinet tomorrow. Al ; 11 Ms / Z Z (u Ik r Vl The time is here for Gewhiz, Spring Tooth I Riding, and Walking Cultivators. We have the one for you. Come and get it. PRUITT-BARRETT HDW. CO. INSURANCE Strongest and Best Companies on Earth We have M Attractive and New Proposition on Insurance HAM & THOMAS PHONE 302 ’ - 8-9 GRANITE BLDG Read About these conveniences that have made the HOOSIER necessary to over 700,000 Women /1\ Mrs. Christine Frederick’s famous x x / “Housekeepers’Food Guide’’—on the upper left door—answers every wo man’s eternally perplexing problem “What shall we have for dinner?’’ You turn the dial to the meat you want and a complete outline of a perfectly bal anced meal is before you—an exclusive Hoosier feature that is an invaluable help. The Cook-book Holder on the mid x / die upper door holds your cook book securely when not in use. When you are cooking, simply open up the book to the proper page behind the holder. It is on a level with your eye, always clean, never in the way. ■■ ■■ - I There are 40 special conveni ences in the NEW HOOSIER l7 are entirely NEW. The Hoosier Metal Flour Bid holds V*) fifty pounds. It is low and easy to fill. The sliding glass front enables you to clean the entire bin easily. The in side is entirely of metal with no corners to hold flour. First flour in is always out first. The New Shaker Flour Sifter is the x*z most wonderful of all the New Hoosier inventions. It is the only flour sifter ever made on a kitchen cabinet that shakes flour through instead of grinding it through. It cannot wear out and cannot grind through any grit or foreign substance that might be in the flour. 3 Twenty of these features are described IN OUR WIN DOW DISPLAY which will be the talk of the town next week —come in and find out about the others. /E\ A Big, Extra Roomy Drawer in the base is made entirely of metal for the proper storage of all kitchen linen, towels, dish cloths, etc. The drawer is noiseless, rustless, and easy to keep clean. //2\ A new feature in the Base Cupboard xV/ is a narrow shelf conveniently located for the storage of canned articles. Most women will find this a great con venience as an “emergency shelf.’’ It will save many trips to the cellar or pantry. TOMORROW YOU may examine all the new features. You incur no obligation. But you should come early so you can study them all carefully. Our stock of White Beauty patterns is limited. You may be too late to get one on the HOOSIER PLAN if you delay. Come and SEE this remarkable NEW Hoosier tomorrow. L C <..J i \ / 7/ 'y Letters Uncalled For Remaining on hand in the Gaines ville post-oftiee for the week ended April 27, 1914: ladies: Mrs. J. W. Crum. Miss E Cres ent. Miss Louie Edwards, Miss Em ma E. Faison. Mrs. Mamie Gathrite, Miss Tiney Gibbs, Miss Gracie Greiffey, Miss Pearl Head, Mrs. C. S. Joyner, Miss Constance Muller, Mrs. W. T. Pond. Mrs. Ella Roberts, Miss Florence M. Rohr, Miss R. E. AVilder. GENTLEMEN: Robert Lee Barker, C. H. Bur gess, J. H. Brown, Ross V. Buser, L. M. Bond. Seneca Burr, W. D. Bennett, Moses Bennett, Eugene Deßay, Ernest Donehue, Wm. Fowler, James T. Ford, W. W. Findley, William Horway, Z. A. Kennimer, J. F. Kennedy, A. D. Mayors, B. D. Oliver (2,) C. ’ C. Robinson, J. G. Sullivan, Carey Sofold, B. E. Whelchel. Persons calling for same should say advertised, and give date. One cent due on each letter. Mrs. H. W. J. Ham, P. M. Petition For Charter. GEORGIA, Hall County. To the Superior Court of said County. The petition of A. H. Staton, J. M. Head, R. L. Blackwell, J. S. Black well, 6. V. Keith. J. M. Chambers, J. N. Chambers, W. M. Chambers, W. C. Nix, J. F. Staton, J. M. Gear in, R. C. Smith, Frank Head, C. C. Staton, Jr., and A. G. Nix, respect fully shows: 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates and succes sors, to-be incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of THE WALKA MOUNTAIN TELEPHONE COMPANY, for a period of twenty years. 2. The object of said corporation is to construct and maintain a rural telephone line, leading from Cler mont, in said county, to the homes of petitioners; and inorder to do this, petitioners desire the right to erect poles, stretch wire, secure by guy wires, and in short, to do any and all things that may be necessary or expedient in order to attain the ends for which said corporation was or ganized. Said telephone line is to be con structed and maintained for the common convenience of petitioners and for others, and is not to be op erated for gain. 3. The capital stock of said cor poration shall be Four Hundred and Fifty ($450.00) Dollars, divided into shares of S3O each, and more than 10 per cent of said capital stock has al ready been paid in. However, peti tioners desire the right to increase said capital stock not to exceed SIOOO, by a majority vote of the stock holders. 4. Petitioners desire the right to sue and to be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a com mon seal, to make all necessary by laws and regulations, and to do all things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said corporation, including the right to buy and sell all things that may be necessary for the construction and maintainance of said telephone line. 5. The principal office of said cor poration will be either at Clermont, Georgia, or at the residence of some one of petitioners, as may be most convenient to those interested in said telephone line. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, are now, or may hereafter be, allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. WM. M. JOHNSON, Petitioners’ Attorney. GEORGIA, Hall County. I, R. W. Smith, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the appli cation for charter of the Walka Mountain Telephone Company, as the same appears on file in this office. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court, this 10th day of April, 1914. R. W. SMITH, Clerk Superior Court, Hall Co., Ga. Revenue Seizures. The following described property seized of Corbin Ash, Jim Helton, and Riley Helton under section 3450 R. S. (» » mile west of N. Helen, Ga., on April 11, 1914, will be sold on the public square at Gainesville, Ga., on May 18, 1914, at 12 m., as provided in section 3460 R. S., un less claim bond is filed for same. One Clay Bank Horse about 15 years old. One Single Wagon. One set of Harness. A. O. BLALOCK, Collector. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fafla In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme twmedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KmRSYJjyCWAMD STOMACH TSOUBLB k It Si»' b"* •*" •b* 4 •$3 K obkr ■ How Mr. Getit Got It. Felix Getit returned to his home at Gary. Ind., with the rather peev ish inquiry as to why his wife had “not got the supper ready.” Then so it is told, she got it from Getit. who got quite perturbed be cause she was get ting what one might term fresh. Then, so the police were told, he remarked:“Get the supper, Mrs. Getit. and get it quick. I got to eat. Get me?” Mrs. Getit. it appears, didn’t get up the proper speed in getting it. and thereupon got it upon the jaw. nose and other places where prize fighters sometimes get it, so she got out. As for the supper,she left Getit to get it. She told the desk sergeant she got it from her husband, and the sergeant told two detectives to get Getit. They got Getit, and Getit got 60 days for getting too fresh with Mrs. Getit. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you haven rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of tenure caused byCatarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot becuredby Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free. F. .1. CHENY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipaion’ Talmo High School. Commencement program of the Talmo High Schcof begins the night of May Ist, and closes May 3rd. Friday, 8 p. m. —Play, drills and exercises by the primary depart ment. Saturday, 10,30 a. m. Literary address by Hon. John N. Holder of Jefferson. Saturday, 8 p. m. —Debate. Sunday, 11 a. m.—Commencement sermon by Rev. M. D. Collins of Oakwood, Clears Complexion—Removes Skin Blemishes. Why go through life embarrassed and disfigured with pimples, erup tions, blackheads, red rough skin, or suffering.the tortures of Eczema, itch, tetter, salt rheum? Just ask your druggist for Dr. Hobson’s Ec zema Ointment. Follow the simple suggestions and your skin worries are over. Mild, soothing, effective. Excellent for babies and delicate, tender skin. Always helps. Relief or money back. 50c. at your drug gists. Mi-OJU FOR All BAD STOMACHS Why suffer with that uncomforta ble feeling of fullness, headache, dizziness, sour, gassy, upset stom ach, or heartburn? Get relief at once —delays are dangerous. Buy today from your druggist a fifty cent box of Mi-o-na Tablets. They are not a cure-all or an ex periment, but a scientific remedy recommended to regulate out-of order stomachs and end indigestion distress. There is no more effective stomach remedy than Mi-o-na. Besides quickly stopping the distress Mi-o na soothes the irritated walls of the stomach, strenghtens and builds up the digestive organs and increases the flow of gastric juices. Y’our en tire system is benefited —you will enjoy good health. Do not suffer another day —get a box of Mi-o-na Tablets from Dr. J. B. George. You will be surprised and delighted with the quick relief. CONSTIPATION SAFELY AND EASILY OVERCOME No Need to Risk Unpleasant, Often Dangerous Calomei—Dodson’s Liver Tone Takes its Place- You can now profit if you wish by the experience of many people who have found au easy, pleasant remedy to take the place of calomel for con stipation, sluggish liver, etc. Dodson’s Liver Tone is best to take instead of calomel and has brought the brightness of health into many households. It has none of the disagreeable and often danger ous after-effects of calomel. Dr. J. B. George, and all reputable local druggists, positively guaran tee to refund purchase price (60c.) of Dodson’s Liver Tone in case yon are not entirely satisfied after using it and as they will recommend thia remedy as a strictly vegetable liquid, containing nothing harmful, yon run no risks of any kind in trying it now. Dodson’s Liver Tone never leaves bad after-effects, but works easily and naturally, without pain or gripe and without intefering at all with your regular habits, diet or occupa tion.