The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, June 04, 1914, Image 5

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STATE SENATOR. I am a candidate for State Senator from the Thirty-third District, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held August 19. S. K. CHRISTOPHER. We Send Our Rupture Appliance On one week’s trial before asking for any pay. If satisfactory, remit 75c, or return it. It makes every Truss satisfactory. You forget you are ruptured. Soft, cool and com fortable. Holds rupture. Cures large per cent of cases. Order today. Jos. Tindall, Macon, Ga. For Sale Young and Gentle Jersey Cow Apply to N. C. White, Photographer, No. 40 Main St.. City. Week-End Rates. * Round trip week-end rates from Gainesville, to all Gainesville Mid land Railway Stations. Two trains daily, tickets sold every Saturday and Sunday, limited to following Monday. Two connections daily via Monroe for Augusta, Ga., and va rious points. Connections at Athens with Seaboard, Central and Georgia R. R. R. L. Mobley, T. P. A., W. B. yeazey, Traffic Manager. Gaines ville, Ga. Anderson Making Winning Campaign J. Randolph Anderson —Stands for a business administration of State affairs. —Urges improvement of educational system. —Seeks advancement of State institutions. —Urges improvement of public highways. —. Advocates drainage of overflow and swamp lands. —Stands for equal rights of property and labor. —Favors introduction of vital statistics —Urges safe system of rural credits. —Advocates protection of the public health. —Believes in public regulation of corporations. —Stands for laws to benefit agriculture. —Would lease Western and Atlantic Railroad to yield maximum return to State, and give proper service and protection to people on its line. SUCH favorable reception has been given the announcement for governor of J. Randolph Anderson of Savannah, in every section of the State, as to indicate his probable election. Georgia voters are rapidly learning that Mr. Anderson is not only a business candidate, but that he is really the only candidate thoroughly fa miliar with Georgia’s affairs through long connection with and persistent study of them. There are few men in Georgia who have more inti mate knowledge of the State’s finances than Mr. Anderson. Born in Savannah, Ga., September 4, 1861, Mr. Anderson was admitted to the practice of law in 1885. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a vestryman in Christ Church, Savannah; a member of Georgia Chapter No. 3, Royal Arch Masons; member of Landrum Lodge, No. 48, Free and Accepted Masons; member Forest City Lodge, No. 1, Knights of Pythias, and member of Savannah Lodge No. 183, B. P. O. Elks. Mr. Anderson served Chatham county three terms in the house of repre sentatives, 1905-06, 1909-10 and 1911-12; and in the senate of 1913-14, being unanimously elected president of that body. In 1908-09 he was a mem ber of the State Democratic executive committee, and in 1912 went as delegate from the State at large to the national Democratic convenltion. RANDOLPH ANDERSON AS HE IS KNOWN AT HOME. The best estimate of a man is gathered from the opinion of those among whom he lives. At a largely attended and enthusiastic meeting of the business men of Savannah, on April 8, resolutions were unanimously adopted strongly indorsing Mr. Anderson and urging his election. In those resolutions the Savannah business men said in part: “Randolph Anderson has never betrayed a trust nor disappointed a friend or associate who placed their confidence in him. His business record among the people at home is one of unsullied integrity; his public record has been one of marked activity for the best interests of progressive Georgia. “He is broad, he is big and he is capable. He is fitted in every way to give to Georgia the benefit of his wide experience. Chatham county’s Democratic executive committee, in unanimously in dorsing him, said: “The people of this county know him to be a man of fine education and ability, of the strictest integrity and of exemplary character; a man who as governor would reflect the best traditions of the state.” WIDELY INDORSED BY STATE PRESS. Mr. Anderson has been widely indorsed by the State press in every section. “A fine business man and will make a good governor,” says the Marietta Journal. Others say: “Will make a most acceptable governor.”—Athens Banner. “Up to us to get behind him and elect him.” —Millen News. “Will get a good vote in Southwest Georgia.”—Bainbridge Searchlight. “Southeast Georgia papers are all outspoken for him.” —Lyons Progress. “Foremost man of the present legislature.”—Macon Telegraph. “Anderson will distance all hands.” —Augusta Chronicle. “Will carry Southeast Georgia practically solid.” —Statesboro News. “Would make capable and faithful governor.”—Jonesboro News. “Equal of any man who has filled the governor’s chair in the past twenty years.”—Tifton Gazette. And there are many others. (Adv.) Fly Time is Screen Time. Screen your doors with adjusta ble screens. If you make a change you can carry your screens with you. All sizes in Screen doors. Telephone 100. PRUITT-BARRETT HDW. CO. House for Rent Seven rooms; on Hudson street. H. L. Gaines. Have Your Pianos Tuned! lam now at your service. I have just graduated in a strenuous first class course in piano tuning at S. C. I. and S. M., Dayton, Ya. I offer my professional services to piano , owners in Gainesville and sur rounding country. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, E. S. PECK, Route 8 Gainesville, Ga. Lumber and Shingles ' For sale byß. A. Parks, Murrayville; Ga., Rute 1. Made at my saw mill, Write, or Phone 2503. Final City Tax Notice. I _ I j The city tax books will pos itively close June 10th, 1914. All who have not given in i their tax on that date will be double taxed. By order of the Mayor and Council. J. B. Rudolph, Mayor, j C. B. Stovall, Clerk. V acation Trunks T Leather Baggage MM If you are going on a trip this sum mer > y° u Wl ll wan l ihe best traveling equipment you can buy; the kind that will IF I N m go with you and come back with you; ours is that kind. You should investigate ,nsurance Poli c Y we give you with our IK trunks; one that guarantees the safe ar- Hval y° ur baggage or a new trunk, if JM we are unable to locate the lost one. . Trunks $2.00 to $55.00 Suit Cases SI.OO to $15.00 Hand Bags SI.OO to $16.50 V See oor Stock before buying. PILGRIM-ESTES FURNITURE COMPANY | Are You a Woman ? | i»‘! Cardui The Woman’s Tonic I FOB SALE AT ALL DRU6SISTS F 4 | | WOMEN Women of the highest type, women of superior education and refinement, whose discernment and judgment give weight and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages of woman’s life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood to the declining years, there is no safer or more reliable med icine. Chamberlain’s Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c a box. Sleep that Refreshes Depends largely on the mattress I, ||l .1 | i iT/i | you buy. The mattress must be of li • J ! I uniform thickness, gently elastic to M /SIPnW I conform to the body lines, at the T same time supporting the sleeper I ?!i without pressure. BJ ft® The Princess Mattress -iM/i is made of cotton woven by our specially designed machinery into layers of light fluffy felt, one layer /tT ill placed upon the other to insure uniformity of Xz . X/I thickness. It weighs full 50 pounds, and is en- T '/fl cased in ticking artistic in design—plain stripe or /i 0 Viilimm v// f /if fancy—of durable quality. m r . Ours is the oldest ’ largest and best equipped I ill 1 11 If/ If C 7 |l| factory in the south for the manufacture of mat- Hnnftf iMnJnrn I ! vlffil tresses. «THE PRINCESS is our specialty. We ft’H ’Il I ililiiihV' I ' \ 'II sell itunder a6O ni S ht ’ s trial * promisingto refund ** 118 SO Ilin // I I your money if you are not satisfied. We are safe •o ,„ . M'l l ,1 iq lli in doing this because we employ none but expert onuggy. mamma. |!| workmen of long experience who make THE I PRINCESS by hand in a large, well lighted. No 4 thoroughly ventilated factory. Ask your dealer. He should be able to supply you. If not, pV JIIV O wr ite direct to us. Be sure you are informed before you buy. * Gholstin-Cunningham Co. pJ? J Manufacturers ATLANTA, GA. MATTRESS C : 4/'