The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, June 11, 1914, Image 5

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CLOSING OUT ooing Out Os The Clothing Business 300 Suits To Close Out At Once! All New clean stock and bought since the tariff reduction. The last chance you will have to buy Clothing at Wholesale prices, don’t forget this. _ ' Also will go in this Sale all ■_ — ow-Cut Shoes, Straw Hats, Summer Dress Goods, Laces and Embroideries, Notions, All at a Big Reduction. Sale now on. Clothing Prices: All $7.50 Suits = . . $4.00 All 10.00 Suits - . 7.50 All 12.50 Suits ... 8.50 All 15.00 Suits - - - - 9.50 All 20.00 Suits - - 11.50 One Thousand Pairs Odd Pants in This Sale In fact the Big Knife has been used to cut the prices of the entire Stock, consisting of $20,000.00 worth of Staple Merchandise. Bring this Bill and See. Sale Now Going On. Respectfully D. D. JACKSON, GAINESVILLE - GEORGIA Card of Thanks. To those dear ones of Bellton and surrounding commun.ty who so kindly assisted during the sickness and death of my father. Cicero Rogers, I wish to express my heart felt thanks. My feeling of gratitude to you is far beyond expression. No one knows what such <i••kness means except those who have passed through such an ordeal. After the death angel came to him, and hi' eyes were closed in the long deep ‘deep (hat knows no waking here, your presence at the Bedside and expressions of sympa thy will remain a cherished memory as long as I live. Faithful physician, kind and at tentive. and those who helped to wait upon him, will ever have a warm place in my heart, and I ever trust that God’s richest blessings will abide with you forever. Mrs. Hester Carter. B. Y. P. U. Last Tuesday evening the Baptist Young People’s Union of the First Church held their regular monthly business meeting in the church as sembly rooms. New enthusiasm and interest was awakened in the work by the reports of the delegates to the District Institute recently held in Atlanta. Following the de votional and business session, the social committee served resresh ments. Letters Uncalled For Remaining on hand in the Gaines ville post-ottice for the week ended J line 6, 1914: ladies; Ollie Brown, Mrs. .Jim Morris, Mrs. Ida Rose, Eva Foote. GENTLEMEN; E. J). Byrs. E. E. Bishop. Rev. G. F. Cuthrell, M. I. Campbell. F. C. I Cooper, .J. L. Davis, Henry Donner,! W. G. Donehoo, Silver City, Ga. Will Freeman, G. S. Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Higgins, R. k. Little, Thomas Lipcomb, Erank Moore, J. J. Martin, B. D. Oliver, J. T. Reed, Charlie Tolbot. Persons calling for same should say advertised, and give date. One cent due on each letter. Mrs. H. W. J. Ham, P. M. For Clean New Groceries, Cal! on Bud Smith —north side Square—next to Parker Book Store. A Card of Thanks. We take this method of thanking our many kind friends for their kindness to us in our sore trouble and bereavement in the loss of our dear husband, and father, and our loving son and brother, and the sweet. loving. cheering letters of condolence that have come to us in the darkest hours of our life from dear iriends that we have known and lowed ail along, and from dear ones that are and will be our friends always because (hey were Charlie's friends. Family of R. C. Green. Bud Smith —Phone 196 — Is putting in a tine stock of new, clean Fancy and Staple Groceries at the store room next to Parker Book Store. Will open bright and early Saturday morning. You’ll Always Find the Best Tn the way of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc., at Bud Smith’s new Store, on north side Square. For the Big Eats, Sunday, Monday, and every other day in the week, phope 196. That is the address of Bud Smith's new Fancy Grocery. He keeps only the best. Next Parker Book Store. Phone 196 When you want something good to eat in the way of Groceries. 196 means Bud Smith —and you know j Bud keeps the best and cleanest. - -nr - Revenue Seizure. The following described property: seized of Ollie Turner ami Albert! Turner under Sec. 3450, R. S., 10! miles North of Dahlonega, Ga., on ' .June 4th, 1914. will be sold on the i public square at Gainesville, Ga., i on July 13th. 1914, at 12 m., as pro-j vided 'in Sec. 3460. R. S.. unless ; claim bond is tiled for same: One! bay mare mule about six years old. j one blue horse mule about eight • years old; one two-horse wagon; one i set double harness. A. O; BLALOCK, Collector. New Bill. Georgia. Hall County. Notice is hereby given that a bill , will be introduced at the next session j of the Georgia Legislature to amend | the charter of the City of Gainesville i so as to create a form of Commission 1 Government and for said City, and j for other purposes, said charter to i be submitted to the people before i becoming operative. Vacation Trunks AN? Leather Baggage ’ISBo-Stt ,f you are going on a trip th ' s sum ‘ mer, you will want the best traveling equipment you can buy; the kind that will H f go with you and come back with you; ours is shat kind. You should investigate , iJpRB? ,he insurance polic y we 9 /ve y° u wish ° ur trunks; one that guarantees the safe ar- USSBISPy r i va l y° ur baggage or a new trunk, if WjF # we are unable to locate the lost one. ' Trunks $2.00 to $35.00 jg|§SsS|| Suitcases SI.OO to $15.00 Hand Bags SI.OO to $16.50 j See oor Stock before buying. Pilgrim-Estes Furniture Co. CLOTHING Shoe Prices: All $2.00 Shoes - - $1.25 AU 2.50 Shoes - - - 1.75 All 3.00 Shoes - - , 2.25 All 3.50 Shoes .... 2.85 All 4.00 Shoes . . 2.98 All 5.00 Shoes .... 3.85 • : 2