The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, July 02, 1914, Image 7

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OUR BUSINESS IS BANKING I f Our effort is to attend to that business, I Our aim is to please. Our wish, to succeed. Y our patronage will be appreciated. Your interest will be cared for. Tni Os and you'll ic pleased j —.—■ I STATE BANKING CO., T. E. ATKINS, W. R. WINBURN President. Cashier. J. SANDERS, Vice-Pres. Simmons’ Sood Corn " r'' '""1 j’ "t.’ '' ' ■ &3 ■-• • 3 For Sale Samples of Seed Corn and Irish Junipers can be seen a the Piedmont Drug Store. Also FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPEVINES, FTC For prices phone or write— P. B. Simmons, PHONE 2704 GAINESVILLE, GA. ■I LMSJ 1 | L£AiJ 11 Ua| —. r-r.7—y 1 mifftOßl Sg wl i fRfHWI IgW*®! I; " “There I] Goes That |i ' g| jphone Bell!” | PT And more than likely you’re busy with M 2** callers or right in the midst of some important M task. W But you’ve got to go to that telephone,—and the stairs vl ' have got to be climbed, whether you like it or not. M \ Now you don’t try to get along with one water faucet,— M / why with one telephone? Why not have an Extension Wall W / Telephone to bring the calls to you? M ; Save the wearing tramp up stairs, or down. Have a Bell M $ Telephone at your elbow, always. pl / SI.OO per month in residences. M \ SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE || AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY || i ( XvO //ib J JpK jwf Xi a I A A- ;\\ Vs [>' life M < ,/wk \ rM i OSf w O\X it If it’s a McCormick it’s the Best. Have both the Mower and Rake in stock, and can deliver them to you any day. PRUITT-BARRETT HDW. CO. LIME! LIME! LIME. Having purchased the Deal Lime Quar ries, we are now prepared to furnish Lime in any quantity, for agricultural and for building purposes, at cheaper prices than it has ever heretofore been sold. Our Kilns are running night and day. Everybody knows and wants DEAL’S HALL COUNTY LIME Address Deal Lime Development Company, Gainesville, Ga. Phone 422 The Modern Method of Finishing Walls irgimn iw—■ m vkks i wi —Mn r TiTJg£HKfeg3CCijaEuawsas axjsx® If you are building or (Z X ’- redecorating your home you siaou Id nave this M interesting book Mt It is free for the asking '/ and teds all about Z thc a ~ eß ° f PEE GEE n FLATKOATT W W]T JfPfy M I s now extensively used instead of old- S /4 " ftC S 5 S S / fashioned wall paper and other antiquated A JMk JL 11 A and unsanitary material. Pee Gee Flatkoatt is a very durable hygienic interior decorative ! THE SO HOY, DOABLE FLAT Oil FINISH oil paint that imparts a velvety-like effect. The ! delicate and harmonious tints do not fade, The beautifully illustrated kook,*‘The Modern Method and are both restful and pleasing to the eye. i of Finishing'Walls,” contains practical suggestions . • for the artistic decoration of walls and ceilings. It Aside from its artistic beauty, Pee Gee j shows reproductions of a number of rooms finished Flatkoatt is the most economic wall-finish effectively with Pee Gee Flatkoatt, and gives other on the market. It is very durable, and should i valuable information and many harmonious color it become soiled it can easily and quickly be combinations, US for this book or write direct to restored to its original beauty and clearness PEASLEE-GAULBERT CO. fef s P ong ;> with "( at « and ««>p- Gee • ■» incorporated rIatKO at t saves the expense and incon- Jr'" '"■ ** 1 " ’TTfik LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY vience of frequent repapering or redecorating MANUFACTURERS OF ' and assures the fullest measure of satisfaction. Tra-n n PEE GEE FLATKOATT fMitt ALLEN BKOS. CO., Giinesville, Ga. Plan Your Summer Vacation FOR THE LAND OF THE SKY Appropriate and popular name for the glorious mountains of Western North Carolina America’s foremost Summer resort section embracing such famous resorts as, Asheville, Tryon, Hendersonville, Waynesville, Hor Springs, Brevard, Flat Rock, Saluda. Low Round-Trip Summer Tourist Fares. Luxurious Hotels, Attractive Bungalows, Home-Like Boarding Houses. Quickly and easily reached by through service of Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South For complete information and illustrated literature communi cate with J. C. BEAM, AGP A. R. L. BAYLOR, DPA. Atlanta, Georgia. GAINESVILLE RAILWAY AND POWER CO OWNED, LOC ALLY Furnish Street Car Service, Electric Lights and Power Reduced Rate c on Cars by Purchase of Street Car Tickets. Schedule and Prices Fuim.hed at Office f ( J/ y , J— Li - ~ Have Your Pianos Tuned! lam now at your service. I have just graduated in a strenuous first class course in piano tuning at S. C. I. and S. M., Dayton, Va. T offer my professional services to piano owners in Gainesville and sur rounding country. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, E. S. PE K , Route 8 Gainesville. Ga. New Bill. Georgia, Hall county. Notice is hereby given that a bill will be introduced at the next session of the Georgia Legislature to amend the charter of the City of Gainesville so as to create a form of Commission Government for said City, and for other purposes, said charter to be submitted to the people before becoming operative. City Property for Sale. My home place at No. 85 west Washington street. Gainesville, Ga.. 9-room house; large lot; 125 feet frontage; nice lawn and shade; garden, orchard and pasture; tiled sidewalk; citv water convenient. This place is only a short walk from public square; healthful loca tion. and good neighbors. Special price for prompt acceptance. $3,750. Terms. $2,000 cash, balance on easy payments in one and two years. Applv at once to A. R. BAKER. Gainesville, Ga. Care of State Bank. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR STATE TREASURER. To the People of Georgia. I am a candidate to succeed my self as State Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. My candidacy is based strictly upon my record and experience in this office, which are well known to the people of Georgia, and which I trust has been satisfactory. If, in your opinion, the management of the State's finances under my ad ministration for the past several years has been faithful and effi cient, I would greatly appreciate your endorsement at the polls in the coming primary. Thanking you lor the support and confidence extended inr heretofore I earnestly solicit your further kind consideration of my candidacy in the present campaign. Respectfully. W. J. SPEER. I'OR CONGRESS 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for Representa tive in the Sixty Fourth Congress from the Ninth Congressional Dis trict. subject to the Democratic Pri mary to be held on August 19, 1914. W. A. CHARTERS. STATE SENATOR. I am a candidate for State Senator from the Thirty-third District, sub ject to - the action of the Democratic primary to be held August 19. S. K. CHRISTOPHER. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for Representative of Hall County in the General Assembly, and ask the people for their support in the Democratic Primary of August 19, 1914. Very respectfully, WILLIAM F. CONNER. To the voters of Hall County, Geor gia: I hereby announce myself a can didate to represent Hall County in the next Legislature of Georgia, subject to the Democratic primary of August 19. 1914. REV. J. V. STOVER. FO R SO LI C1 T() R-GENER AL. I am a candidate for Solicitor- General of the Northeastern Circuit, subject to the action of the State Democratic primary. Your support will be deeply appreciated. Respectfully, WILLIAM M. JOHNSON. To the voters of the Northeastern Circuit: 1 hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to me office of Solici tor-General. subject to the action of the Democratic Party. It has been customary for this offi cer to be elected for the second term without opposition, and I trust that my past conduct in fulfilling the du ties devolving upon me has been such that I will receive the hearty endorsement of all. The i roper fulfilling the duties of the office is dependent largely upon experience, and consequently I be lieve that my first term’s experience will enable me to belter perform the duties in the future. Inasmuch as a good portion of my time is now taken up in the courts, it will be an impossibility for me to see all the voters personally, and so I take tliis method of soliciting the support of all. Faithfully yours, Robert McMillan. |F()R PRISON COMMISSIONER. To the Citizens of Georgia: I beg to make formal announce ment of my candidacy for Prison Commissioner of Georgia, against the present incumbent. Hon. E. L. Rainey. Believing that my experi ence in the Legislature of Georgia in 1909-12, and my connection with Leg islative work, and my experience in dealing with the penitentiary system of Georgia, while serving in the General Assembly, gives me a gen eral information of the business, and management of the Convict system of Georgia. If lam elected to this important office, I shall favor an economical government of the State’s business, which shall come under the supervision of the Georgia Prison Commission. In this race there are no special issues involved. While serving the citizens of my county and State, I always voted for and advocated those measures which tended to the better moral development and finanicial interests of the citizens of Georgia, and if elected to the important office to which I now aspire, f shall, with the same fidelity and courage, serve the people of the State, to the best of my abilitv. Obediently Yours. G. B. TIPPINS. Baxley. Georgia. Farmers Hall and Forsyth Counties. Insure your Homes. Barns, Live stock, and Farming 'Fools in the Farmers’ Co-operative Fire Insur ance Co. George Lathem, Agt., Gainesville, Ga. CHICHESTER S PILLS V THE DIAMOND BRANB. Ladle?! Awk your („ Clil-ek.-8-ter’H Pills in Red and Gold metallic\\ry —T*}** bo»es. sealed with Blue Ribbon. I’l Take other. Buy of your V | / “ rtf Druggist. AskforClH.Cires.TEß’S If* Jr PIAVoND BRAND PILLS, A“ A? J r D*nasßest,Safest,A! vaysßeliaUa SOLD ay DEISTS BW WHERfi