The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, August 06, 1914, Image 6

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ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR -STATE TREASURER. To the People of Georgia. I am a candidate to succeed my self as State Treasurer, subject to the action of the pri mary. My candidacy is based strictly upon my record and experience in this office, which are well known to the people of Georgia, and which I trust has been satisfactory. If, in your opinion, the management of the State's finances under my ad ministration for the past several years has been faithful and effi cient. I would greatly appreciate your endorsement at the polls in the coming primary. Thanking you for the support and confidence extended me heretofore T earnestly solicit your further kind consideration of my candidacy in the present campaign. Respectfully. W. J. SPEER. FOR CONGRESS I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for Representa tive in the Sixty Fourth Congress from the Ninth Congressional Dis trict, subject to the Democratic Pri mary to be held on August 19, 1914. W. A. CHARTERS. I STATE SENATOR. I am a candidate for State Senator from the Thirty-third District, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held August 19. S. K. CHRISTOPHER. T hereby announce my candidacy for State Senator from the JThirty third district, subject to the pri mary of August 19, 1914. ERNEST PALMOUR. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Senator from the Thirty-third District of Georgia, subject to the action of the Demo cratic party. J. O. ADAMS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for Representative of Hall County in the General Assembly, and ask the people for their support in the Democratic Primary of August 19, 1914. Very respectfully, WILLIAM F. CONNER. To the voters of Hall County, Geor gia: I hereby announce myself a can didate to represent Hall County in the next Legislature of Georgia, subject to the Democratic primary of August 19. 1914. REV. J. V. STOVER. I hereby announce my candidacy for one of the nominations for Rep resentative for Hall County in the next General Assembly, subject to the Democratic primary to be held August 19th, 1914. LUTHER ROBERTS. I hereby announce my candidacy for the lower house of the General Assembly, subject to the action of the primary of August 19, 1914. DR.'CLIFTON NEWTON. I hereby announce my candidacy for the House of Representatives in the Georgia Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary of August 19th, 1914. RICHARD MARTIN. Lula, Ga. I hereby announce as a candidate for one of the Representatives from Hall county to the Legislature, sub ject to the Democratic primary to be held August 19. Respectfully, H. H. Stephens. I hereby announce myself a candi date for representative of Hall coun ty, subject to the Democratic pri mary of August 19, 1914. .1. F. WEST. FOR SO LICI TOR-GEN ER AL. I am a candidate for Solicitor- General of the Northeastern Circuit., subject to the action of the State Democratic primary. Your support will be deeply appreciated. Respectfully, WILLIAM M. .JOHNSON. To the voters of the Northeastern Circuit: I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to me office of Solici tor-General, subject to the action of the Democratic Party. It has been customary for this offi cer to be elected for the second term without opposition, and I trust that my past conduct in fulfilling the du ties devolving upon me has been such that I will receive the hearty endorsement of all. The proper fulfilling the duties of the office is dependent largely upon experience, and consequently I be- ! lieve that my first term's experience will enable me to belter perform the duties in the future. Inasmuch as a good portion of my time is now taken up in the courts, it will be an impossibility for me to see all the voters personally, and so I take this method of soliciting the support of all. Faithfully yours, ROBERT MCMILLAN Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesef QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Commissioners Proceedings Gainesville, Ga , July 6, 1914. At a call meeting of the Board, seal ed bids for repairs and fixtures at jail were received from Pierce & Francisco and J. H. Hunt Plumbing Co., were op ened. Bids were as follows: Pierce & Francisco $143.76. J. H. Hunt Plumbing Co. $91.50. The bid of J. H. Hunt Plumbing Co. for $91.50 was accepted. It was decided by the Board to take up the matter of settlement with J. J. Hudgins and A. E. Fuller, tax collect ors, and employ an expert accountant to audit the books of these officers. There being no further business, Board adjourned. T. S. Campbell, Clerk. Gainesville, Ga., July 13, 1914. Board met, all members present-. The following warrants were issued: Officers Salaries. Jno. A. Smith SIOO, B. H. Whelchel 25, D. T. Quillian 25, T. S. Campbell 25. City Court. Geo. K. Looper $75, A. C. Wheeler 83.34, H. L. Richardson 8. Superior Court. The Herald $8.40, E. A. Spencer, sheriff, 17.50. Jail. Goforth Bros. 75c, City of Gainesville $27.82, H. M. Wright & Son 2.60, Pal mour Hdw. Co. 3 75, Ga. Rwy. & Power Co. 3.63, Dr. J. E. Whelchel 48.00, E. A. Spencer, sheriff, 257.80, E. A. Spencer, sheriff, 5-20. Pauper Home. Carter Grocery Co. $30.09, Brice & Co. 4.50, G. C. Reed 2, Dr. J. E. Whel chel 15. Public Buildings. Gainesville Brokerage & Commission Co. 35, J. H. Hunt Plumbing Co. 93, Arnold Puckett 27. County Farm. K. J. Fuller $25, F. W. Whitmire 8.10 K. J. Fuller 12.90, J. J. Martin 28, Jack Fuller 21.75, Reed Bros. 1.10, Gaines ville Baggage & Cab Co. 1.50, C. J. Con ner 15 80, R. A. Stow 12.55, Hosch Bros. Co. 6.88, Singleton & Co. 30.75, Palmour Hdw. Co. 9.18, Hardeman & Terrell 1.05 Geo. Lathem, treas., 6. Incidentals. Ga. Rwy. & Power Co. 1.44, So. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. $8.50, Collies Macy Co. 7.10, Chas. Vater 9, The Worrell Mfg. Co. 60, Bosch Bros. Co. 1, Foote & Da vies Co. 4.17, Peoples Ice Co. 7, Sou. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. 40c, Parker Book Store 50c, Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills 6, and 41.60, and 56.70, The Herald 1.50, and 8.90, City of Gainesville 19.40, Hosch Bros. 2.05, Mrs.’H. E. Banks 36, H. E. Mundy 4, J. B. Gaston 4, C. A. Dozier 4, M. C. Brown 6.50, W. N. Skin ner 30c, Geo. Lathem, treas. 30, and 120.25, E. A. Spencer, sheriff. 26. The following warrants on account of Tax Epualizers: R. C. Free $1.40, H. S. Walker, L. C. 4, Jno. D. Deaton, L. C. 1.40, C. R. Faulkner 100, T. N. Hulsey 100, B. F. Hanie, L. C, 11.20, T. S. Campbell 75. Paupers Out of Home. Polly Bennett, J. H. Crow, Henry Carter, col., Martha Carlisle, Annie Douglas, col., Mrs. Mary N. Ellis, Lou ise Fowler, col., Emily Griffin, Jerry Harris, col., John Hawkins, Margaret Mathis, Asbury Parks, col., Martha Peeler, Nettie Stringer, col., Matilda Smallwood, Early Wingo, col. $2 each; Thorton Brown, col., 3; Pri mus Buffington, col., $2; Leonard Brown, 3; John Camp, 3; L. M. Mc- Cormouse, 3; Emily Parks, col., $5; Mary Shular, 3; Wm. Sears, 3; Carr Scroggs, 3; Mrs. S. E. Smith, 3; Mrs. Rachel Walden, 3; Nancy Young, col., $3; R. C. Dowdy, Abbie Hulsey, Whales Kennup, R. A. Phagans, Frank Rowland, A. R. Warren. Belzona Warren, $4 each; John Fraser.col., 6; J. W. Casey, $5; Stow Bell <fc Co., $5.35, Public Ro ad 8- Reed Bros., $1.30; DeLacy Law, $3.85; W. M. Hayes, $3.60; J. C. Gower, M. D., $32; Palmour Hdw. Co. 40c; Joe Thompson $8; Hughes Bros. $97.12; Pruitt-Barrett Hdw. Co. $9.38; Bagwell Mfg. Co. $5.48; DeLacy Law 50c; B. A. Kogers &Co. $8.00; Hosch Bros. Co. $9.70: R. A. Stow, $8; B. H. Merck. $231.83; A. L. Carlin, S3O; R. T. Mays, $35; Sid Early, S2O; A. B. Kirby. $32.50; Rledger Thompson, 20; Abe Barks dale, 26; Oscar Gilstrap, 40.07; A. M. Aiken, $35;*A- C. jStringer, SBO, G. C. Reed, 37.50; C. R. Jones. S4O; J. W. W. Simmons, 21.96; Gainesville Roller Mill. $9; Peter Martin, 1.05; H<ma Allen 22.50; Miller <fc. Crow, 3.15; R. I). Mitchell & Son, 52.48; John Quillian 82.35; Geo. Lathem, Treas., 68.19; W. J- &E. C. Pal mour, 7.75; Smith Grocery Co., 6.06. Roads and Bridges. Hughes Bros., 16.50; Pruitt-Bar rett Hdw. Co., 2.35; Gould-Scoggins Co., 2.75; Chapman Bros., 11.20; Walter Martin $9; Bagwell Mfg. Co. i $8; Ford Motor Co., 7.55; Gainesville Baggage & Cab Co., $4; Bibb Sewer j Pipe Co., 95.75; Reed Bros.. 4.30: The Herald $3: The Austin Western J Road Machinery Co., 228.90; K. L Holland 14.16, A. J. Chapman. sls: Gainesville Brokerage & Commis ' sion Co, $64: Ellis Bros.. 27.71; , George Gower, 12.90; T. H. Griffin. sls: Ellis Bros, 27.12: T. J. Bennett. $10; Geo. Lathem, Treas., 27.97. Report of Geo. Lathem, County Treasurer. ironi June 1. 1914. to J une 30, 1914: J.r.; 1 By .-.1. ui hand $21,161.84. June 30, am’r rec’d for June $1,101.90 Total, $22,263.74. June 30, to am t paid out on proper vouchers, $4,181.01. By bal. on hand, $18,079.73. There being no further business, Board adjourned. T. S. Campbell, Clerk. How To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRILINE is the trade-mark name given to an improved Quinine. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never knew it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor cause nervousness nor ringing in the head. Try • t the next time you need Quinine for any pur pose. Ask for 2-ounc<. ■'riginal package. The xame FEBRILINE is blown iti bottle. 25 cents. Summer Constipation Danger ous. Constipation in Summer-time is more dangerous than in the fall, winter or spring. The food you eat is often contaminated and is more likely to ferment in your stomach. Then you are apt to drink much cold water during the hot weather, thus injuring your stomach. Colic, Fever, Ptomaine Poisoning and other ills are natural results. Po- Do-Lax will keep you well, as it in creases the Bile, the natural laxa tive, which rids the bowels of the congested poisonous waste. Po-Do- Lax will make you feel better. Take a dose to-night. 59c. at your Drug gist’s. Middle Ace Mortality. Insurance men are noting an in creasing middle-age mortality. In this country it has increased 20 per cent in thirty years. In England It has been very much less. Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous. Mosquitoes, flies and other insects, which breed quickly in garbage pails, ponds of stagnant water, barns, musty places, etc., are car riers of disease. Every time they bite you, they inject poison into your system from which some dread disease may result. Get a bottle of Sloan’s Liniment. It is antiseptic' and a few drops will neutralize the infection caused by the insect bites or rusty nails. Sloan's Liniment disinfects Cuts, Bruises and Sores. You cannot afford to be without it in your home. Money back if not satisfied. Only 25c. at your Druggist. 0S WL-X j V#", x Got the Florist MRS. PRESCOTT had just heard ofX the illness of a dear friend. She was about to leave town that morning for an extended trip. There was no time to call. Turning to the telephone, she got the florist and ordered a choice selection of roses sent with her card to the address of the invalid. . p l "' Without the telephone she would have been unable to do this little act of kindness. When you telephone—smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE H AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Simmons’ Seed Com For Sale Samples of Seed iCorn and Irish Junipers can be seen at the Piedmont Drug Store. Also FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPEVINES, ETC. For prices phone or write — P. B; Simmons, PHONE 2704 GAINESVILLE, GA. A WOMAN’S BACK The Advice of This Gainesville Woman is of Certain Value. i I I Many a woman's back has many aches ami pains. | Ofttimes 'tis the kidneys’ fault. That’s why Doan's Kidney Pills are so effective. I Many Gainesville women know this. Read what one has to say about it. Mrs. J. Spain. 38 O:tk St.. Gaines ville. says: ■•Some years ago I gave Doan's Kidney Pills my endorse ment in return for the good results they brought one of the family. All I then said still holds good. I had a severe sickness and after I was able to get about my back began to hurt me. I was nervous and languid and my kidneys didn’t act as they should. I used one box of Doan's Kidney Pills, and they strengthened my back and relieved the other symptoms of kidney disease.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Spain had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo. N. Y. DON’T TAKE CALOMEL HERE’S A BETTER REMEDY Taking calomel is mighty risky and often times dangerous. You ought to get along without taking calomel yourself or giving it to your family, when you can get a remedy that takes its place. Dod son’s Liver Tone is an agreeable veg etable liquid that starts the liver to action just as surely as calomel does. But, unlike calomel, Dodson's Liver Tone does not stimulate the liver too much. It gives relief gently. Calomel acts so strongly that it may leave you worse than you were at first, and calomel also sometimes causes sali vation. Dodson’s Liver Tone works well and never harms. A large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone is sold for fifty cents by Dr. J. B. George. It always has given such perfect satisfaction that your money will be given back to you with a smile if you buy a bottle and are not perfectly satisfied with it in every way. THE TENDEREST MEAT In Gainesville. IN ice tm< I ITresli HOME-MADE LARD The Best of Everything! Byron Mitchell Chronic Diseases Cured. AFTER THIRTY-FIVE YEARS of successful practice and study of Chronic Diseases, for the last seven years I have cured every case where patients have followed my in structions, in the following diseases* Cancer, Tumor, I leer, and Dropsy. If interested, send me description of your ailment, with SIO.OO, and I will send you one month’s treatment by return mail. Address — J. A. LATHEM, M. D., Oakwood, Ga. Some Cures: G. G. Bowman, ulcer sub-maxillary gland, Buford. Ga W. F. Dover, cancer temple. Cumming, Ga. J. F. Jones, cancer cheek. Lula. Ga. R. M. Loggins, cancer forehead. Leaf. Ga. W. A. Jennings, ulcer of lip, Oakwood. Ga. Walter Reed, tumor of neck, Oakwood. Ga. O. W. Gilstrap, cancer of hand, Gainesville. Ga., R. 6. Mrs. John Gilstrap, cancer eye, Gainesville. Ga.. R. 6. Worthy Martin, cancer tongue; and mother cancer face, Dougherty. Ga., Route 1. Sallie Graham, cancer head. Dougherty. Ga.. Route 1. Mrs. Mary McKinney, Dropsy. FARMS TIMBER J. D. COBB Hazlehurst, - Georgia. South Georgia Farms in any size, im proved or unimproved, on easy terms. Correspondence Invited PHONE No. ¥ Hughes Bros. Automobile Company Gainesville. Ga. Automobile Repairing and Overhauling— First-Class work; reasonable charges! also sell gasoline and oil. Rent cars for city or country trips; good careful drivers. Agents for famous OVERLAND CARS Give us a call at No. 11 E. Broad Street, by City Hall, or Call Phone 9 G. FRANK HUGHES. ————————n Gainesville & Northwestern Railroad Co Arrive Gainesville. „ , . - 9.15 a. m - Leave Gainesville.