The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, August 27, 1914, Image 8

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TP,, v Better Babies Contest. I / A Woman’s Home Companion Better Babies Contest was held un der the auspices of the Woman’s Civic Club, August 17-22, at Brenau College. Children under live years of age underwent a scientific, med ical examination, for physical and mental development. The judges were physicians who passed on the babies’ condition. Sturdy limbs, firm tiesh. steady nerves, good digestion—these and not pink cheeks, soft hair and dim ples, make a better baby and a prize winner. Such a baby is of incalcu lable value to parents and the coun try, for a healthy, normal baby means a healthy, desirable citizen. During the week of the Contest nearly one hundred babies were ex amined by the following physicians and specialists: Drs. H. L. Rudolph, J. H. Downey, A. D. White. E. T. Gibbs, C. D. Whel chel, L. R. Bryson, E. P. Ham, J. J. Powell. J. L. Harrison, E. O. Ham, Gus Clark and J. H. McClure. Rec ords were entered on Better Babies Standard Score Cards, and averages, were computed by the Scoring com mittee, Misses Gunther and Mur phy, and Messrs. Johnson and Ru dolph. To each child examined will be awarded an attractive certificate of examination; to the highest Scores will be given gold-seal diplo mas, bearing blue ribbons. To the Boy and Girl making the very highest percent will be awarded lovely bronze medals, all comph ments of the Woman’s Home Com panion. Surely no right thinking mother could covet for her baby a greater prize than this guarantee of perfec tion, under the signature of seven physicians. These medals and diplomas will be awarded Friday afternoon, Aug. 28, at 4 o’clock in Brenau Audito rium, when a delightful program of practical talks by physicians will be given for not only mothers but all who are interested in child welfare, and the work which the Better Ba bies Contest is trying to accomplish. To the People of Hall County. - I am deeply grateful for the. loyal HUpjiort given me in my race for the •-> State'Senate. !t shall bg my highest aim to'do all in my power to cause you regret your choice. 3To, thos’e whp voted for me, I de sir£ so expresk jhe highest apprecia tion pnd gramilde. And for those'wfio voted against me, T desire to, say, I have the kindest feelings, and it shall be my earnest endeavbV to serve ALL the people of the Senatorial District. J. O. ADAMS. Better Babies Medals, ■C : Certificates and Diplomas X % - A WARDED— - FRIDAY, AUGUST 2STH AT 4 P. M. Delightful Program; Short Talks by Physicians; Songs by Mrs. Oliver MISBIELLA POWELL WILL TALK TO MOTHERS All are Welcome. Vole for Solicitor-General Following is the vote for Solicitor- General at the primary throughout the Northeastern circuit las Wednes day : McMillan Johnson Habersham It 90 365 Lumpkin 551 333 Rabun 705 137 Stephens 942 • 275 Union 396 209 White 677 231 Hall 1435 2075 Dawson 316 337 An election was held in Towns county, but we have been unable to get the returns, except that Char ters carried county 149. Caught Big Muskrat. Mr. Forrest Smallwood caught a large musktat on the public square Tuesday night. When the rat was first seen it was emerging from a sewerpipe, which perhaps accounts for its being so far from a water course. It was taken alive, but had to be killed later on account of a broken leg and other wounds sus tained before it was captured. It would have done us good while we were on the farm and the muskrats were cutting down our bottomland corn, to have had rhe pleasure of catching this gentleman ourselves. If any reader of the Eagle doubts our veracity as to rats cutting down corn and dragging it into the creek or river, just ask some farmer who has corn on the banks of the Chatta hoochee. $67,000,000 Increase in Taxes. With only four county digests mis sing, the total gain to date over 1913 is $67,000,000. It is probable now that the grand total will be around $85,000,000, ex clusive of corporation gains of about five millions. Fulton county gained something more than ten millions. It was ex pected that this gain would be near fifteen millions, but the gain did not come up to the forecast. To date only two counties have shown losses—Washington and Mil ton —in both of which there was such opposition that it resulted in losses instead of gain. Grace Church. 66 E. Washington St. will have the following services next Sunday: Holy communion at 8 o’clock ; morn ing prayer and sermon at 11.30 o’clock, and evening prayer and in struction at 8.15 o’clock. Sunday School at 10a. m. Morning subject: “The Two Ministrations, the Law and the Gospel.” Evening instruc tion, from the lesson of the evening. Flowery Branch Mis. Talley of Temple. Tex., who has been spending some time with her -isters. Misses Rachel and Rilla Porter, was called home last week, to her son, who was very ill. Mrs. A. F. Newman and Miss Bonnie Roberts spent Tuesday in Gainesville. Mr. Clarence Roark has entered Young Harris College. Miss Estell Pounds of Tallapoosa accompanied Miss Belle Stevenson home Saturday. Mr. Mage Woodliff and family at tended camp meeting Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Cobb of Hazelhurst visited friends here last week. Miss Inez Spencer has been visit ing her grandfather, Mr. C. Spencer. Dr. W. W. Lile attended Antioch camp meeting Sunday. Miss Beulah Bagwell spent part of last week in Gainesville. Mary Pickford About three years ago the Imp Company produced some dramas of the lighter vein which instantly made the Imp pictures in great de mand. The reason for this was the charming acting of little Mary Pick ford. “Little Mary,” as she is now called, though still a mere child, her rise in the profession has been rapid. She recently starred in New York under the direction of David Belasco. On next Wednesday she will be seen with Kingßaggot at the Alamo Theater in “The Sultan’s Garden.” GEORGIA, Hall county. In person appeared W. A. Char ters, who being duly sworn says the following is a correct statement of campaign expenses incurred by him in his candidacy for Congress from the Ninth Congressional District of Georgia in the primary election held on the 19th day of August, 1914. to-wit: For travelling expenses and organizations2,l46 00 Announcements and adver- tising 612 00 Assessments 433 25 Clerical work 508 30 Music 94 00 Postage 190 00 Total 3,983 55 All of said expenses were paid out of my private funds aim J received no contribution from any source. W. A. Charters. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of August, 1914. G. P. Charters. N. P. for Hall Co. Ga. Visiting Father and Mother. Mrs. Min ie. Tolliver oi Nashville. Tennessee, i- a guest of her paiwn>. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sepaugh. on Pine street for sometime. Mrs. Tol’iver had not returned home since leaving here over six year" ago. zcs Old Sores, Cthei Rcrci.c’j V,:r.’i 2: worst cases, no matter oi r.c ••• W •e cured by the wonderful, o'.t re’i.ible ' xrter’s Antiseptic Healing- C ■" It relie -. ?..:n and Heai'-st’’-ie same tir. . Statement of Expences incurred by Wm. M. Johnson, Candidate for Solicitor General of the Northeast ern Circuit, in Primary held August 19th. 1914. Assessments for primary ... sll7 00 Announcements 80 00 Livery and hotel bills, and railroad fare 134 80 Stamps, stationery, mailing lists, etc. ... 54 60 Total -. 386 40 GEORGIA. Hall County. Personally before me, the under signed officer, came Wm. M. John son, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing is a true and correct statement of the money expended by him in the race for Solicitor General of the North eastern Circuit, and that all said money was furnished by himself. Wm. M. Johnson. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 22 day of August, 1914. C. E. Smith, N. P.. Hall Co., Ga. TAKE DODSON’S AND STAY ON YOUR FEET L Taking Calomel means staying home for the day—-fake Dodson’s Liver Tone and save a day’s work. If an attack of constipation or i biliousness hits you, there’s no need to take a dose of calomel and spend at least a day getting over the effects of it. Dr. J. B. George sells Liver Tone, which he guarantees takes the place of calomel and starts a lazy liver without bad after-effects. Dodson's Liver Tone does all the good that calomel can do, yet it is absolutely harmless to young people and old. It is a pleasant tasting vegetable liquid that will relieve constipation or sour stomach or other troubles that go along with a lazy liver, without restriction of habit or diet. You don’t leave off any oi the things you regularly do when you take Liver Tone. A large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone sells for 50 cents. Get the genuine and if you are not pleased wii.ii i. the uruggist from whom you bought it will givo your money back with a smile. Visiting Aunt. Miss Ruth. Chamblee i" vising her aunt, Mrs. R. I. Abernathy, in At lanta. Before returning home she 1 will visit friends and relatives in Norcross. Deafness Ca .zct be Cured by local applicatio as they cannot reach 1 th< (list as -.! poition of •he <ar. There is ■ only one way tv cure <!eafn- ss, and that i« Iby constitutional remedies. I'ealn’-ss is , caused by an infiann d condition of theniu* : cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When .this tube is inflamed you havoa rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is I entirely closed. I’eafness is the result.and ; unless the inf.ammation can be taker. < at and this tub-- r< stored toils normal condi- I tion, hearing will be de>tr<>yed forever: nine ' cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which ; is nothing but an inflamed condition of the . mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for i any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh* I ‘ hat cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, | Send for circulars, free. F. J. CH ENY CO., Toledo, O. 1 Sold by druggists, 75c. | Take Hall s Family Pills for constitution* Still on the Job. 1 The jury revisers are still on the ■ job. having again taken up the work ■ Monday morning, but it is thought ; they will get through by tonight, i both of drawing the grand jurors ! and the traverse jurors. I* " * Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a ! General Tonic because it contains the ' well known tonic properties of QUININE ; and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. For Sale One pair of Wagon Scales, complete; nearly new. Carter Grocery Co.. Gainesville, Ga. For Rent. Six room house with modern con veniences 2 doors from Brenau; ! large well shaded yard; good garden. 58 Brenau Ave. 2or 3 furnished rooms for rent at ;17 N. Green street. Phone 121-J. Notice. I hereby forbid any one hiring or ! harboring my son, Telford Hatcher, j under penalty of the law. because i he left me without a cause. Mrs. Fannie Maxwell. Land for Sale A tract of 85 acres, in Tadmore : District, miles from Gainesville; | good 4-room dwelling, good tenant 1 house; good out-buildings; about 60 i acres in cultivation, balance in ; woodland and old fields, plenty run- I ning water; good pasture; on road ! leading to Commerce. For particu- ■ lars, write or see E. F. Collins, ■ Gillsville, Ga., Route One. Wanted to Rent : Five or six room house, good loca- I tion. Address, R. 8., care Eagle. DANGER IN DELAY Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous For Gainesville People to Neglect. The great danger of kidney troubles is that they so often get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them. Health will be gradually under mined. Backache, headache, nerv ousness, lameness, soreness, lum bago, urinary’ troubles, dropsy, gravel ami Bright’s disease may’ follow as the kidneys get worse. Don’t neglect your kidneys. Help the kidneys with Doan’s Kidney’ Pills, which are so strongly recom mended right here in Gainesville. Mrs. W. T. Loden, 27 West Ave., Gainesville says: “One of the family suffered greatly from pains in his back and sides and he often got so bad that he couldn't stoop or straighten up. His kidneys acted irregularly. Dizzy spells and head aches were common. He began using Doan's Kidney Pills ami they helped him so much that he got another supply at the Robertson Drug Co. Doan's Kidney' Pills bene fitted his back and kidneys greatly." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mrs. Loden recommends. Fos ter-Milburn Co.. Prop".. Buffalo. N. Y. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE DIAMOND BRAND. Jk Ltidic-sJ Ai>k your 11.-ugrtst for t,•< Clit-ck •i-ter’a f mis -r. Red an< Gold T-v boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take r.o other. Buy of yonr » I I ~ flf IfrujrrtM. AskforCin-tireS-TEB'S (J* DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for Y* 1 C yraisKucwnas Best. Safest, Always Relialle r som Bi DRUOGISIS EVERiBHERE I Are You a Woman ? I The Woman’s Tonic FOR SILE AT ALL BJW6SKTS