The Gainesville eagle. (Gainesville, Ga.) 18??-1947, September 17, 1914, Image 6

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17-1 CONSTRUCTION OF CITY BRIDGES Lack of Artistic Talent Shown In Design. NO AESTHETIC EFFECT. To Achieve the Proper Result the Bridge Engineer Should Co-operate With the Architect In the Design of the Bridge and Its Approaches. By FRANK KOESTER. Author of •'Modern City Planning and Maintenance.” One very striking defect in oui bridge construction is the lack of artis tic talent shown in the design. For the most part our bridges ure like skyscrap ers, masterpieces of ugliness and purely utilitarian in every sense. In the pres sure to get enough bridges built to ac commodate rhe traffic they have been built with little or no sense of aesthetic effect and are accordingly without beauty or individuality. The engineers have been wholly con tent to erect bridges that would stand up. but while successful in this the ap pearance of the bridge has been utterly neglected, for the great majority ol bridges are of not too good engineering design, containing far more meta) than Is necessary in certain parts, while oth er parts too little. This is proved by the frequent strengthening of and ad ditions to existing bridges, the removal of tracks and their unnecessarily high cost. Thus our engineers can only be credited with the roughest kind ot ■work, which is not to be wondered at. since the mind that would be satisfied Z.. ; I -ll si** Sift*~ TWO SPECIMEN PARK BRIDGES with au aesthetically ugly bridge can not be expected to avoid imperfections in the practical side of the bridge's de sign. the great importance thus of the bridge, both m the practical and aesthetic life of the city, demands that its design and construction receive the utmost care and attention. No single part of the plan of a city, with the ex ception of the civic center, is of great er importance than its bridges. The civic center may be likened to the main ballway of a building and the bridges to the portals. Often the first impression of a city and frequently the most lasting one is gained from a bridge, and as the entrance to the city it should be treated with the dignity it deserves and be made a feature of the city’s plan rather than a mere en croachment of a utilitarian nature. A bridge should be considered aes thetically from three principal points of view: The bridge itself, the bridge in its relation to its approaches, and the whole effect of the bridge and its approaches in relation to its environ mem. In its design it should be regarded as an integral part of the city’s plan, and it should be located in reference to the whole plan of the city in such a way as to produce the most efficient and pleasing result. A bridge may for example serve as a terminal or focal of an important avenue or for several converging avenues, full advantage thus being taken of its architectural importance. Its location having been determined, the bridge itself should be of such a design as to meet in the most direct and practicable manner the conditions it will be called upon to fulfill, and its approaches should be of such a char acter as to enhance its value rather than, as is often the case, of such a character as to detract if not ruin its entire effect. In order to achieve the proper result it is necessary for the bridge engineer to cooperate with the architect in the design of the bridge and its approaches and with the city planner or civic architect in its relations to the plan of the city as a whole. Unless this is done, bridges will continue to be ugly, misplaced and ill suited to their pur poses. In the aesthetic design of a bridge It should be remembered that the bridge is a work of architectural art and that as such it should conform in its own field with the general principles of ar tistic design wffich have been noted as being the rules of city planning in gen era I The first principle is that of unity. The bridge with its approaches should impression of being a sis fcie hoinGpWnecus structure. VC COULD SCARCELY WALK ABOUT 4nd For Three Summers Mrs. Vin- cent Was Unable to Attend to Any of Her Housework Pleasant Hill, N. C.—“l suffered for ;hree summers,” writes Mrs. Walter Vincent, of this town, “and the third and last time, was my worst. I had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any of my housework. 1 also had dreadful pains in my back and sides and when one of those weak, sinking spells would come on me, I would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of nealth, when 1 finally decided to try Cardui, the woman’s tonic, and I firmly i ’W I F 11 MJsIfS Speeded up the Factory A BIRMINGHAM Selling House re ceived a rush order for machinery. The sales manager called the factory at Pittsburg on the telephone, and was assured that the order would be shipped as desired. Bell Telephone service is an essential link between the selling house and the factory. When you telephone—smile SOUTHED BELL TELEPHONE J|Q AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY FOR QUICK SALE The Cochran Home Place $6,300 Think of this nice 14-room house on one of the best streets in Gainesville, and a corner lot at that, for the price we are asking. Nice, Large rooms with all modern convenience, including bath-room upstairs and down, on a beautiful elevated lot; corner South Main street and College avenue; with lot running through block to Bradford street Now is your opportunity to buy a nice home for less than you can build it, if you had the lot. Mrs. Cochran has moved away to make her home in Florida, and that is why you can buy a home like this at this price. Roper & Washington. P. S. —We write all kinds of Insurance and will appreciate your business. THE TENDEREST MEAT In Gainesville. Fiice and HOME-MADE LARD \ The Best of Everything! Byron Mitchell believe 1 would have died if I hadr.E taken it. After I began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and ail three bottles re lieved me entirely. I fattened up, and grew sc much stronger in three months, I felt like an other person altogether.” Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for you, what it has done for them. Try Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladies’ Ad visory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions on your case and 64-page book. "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrappar. J-65 The First Touch of Fall ■ Should start your preparations for Winter, Don't wait for the frost or snow-storm. GET RFADY now. ■ GRATES. I M ’ fllffl I Extra Grate Basil f J. I Zl 111 i 11111 II ' ■ I Call on us. If we havenfl II ’ - Ml 111 i| hG~~~' 11 ~w ! ! v? what you want we will <fl T 1 ,a fl ’' 'I J ih 111 5 I ! s| 1 y° u neec * a ncw Heater, fl rffli I! II II II II h II Fll Ml f I I<-| -IULLIU|- JJULH M or if your old Heater r.eßg IO! pairs, we will do our bfl ®you. I JHBHfI I / fl z >','/■ ■iun 1! r f 1 »v v v \ I COOK STOVES, / | From the Great Majestic to tire Little Camping ■ Miv ■ Outm. vi I PALMOUR HAREWARE J illl I JZ’iVL'.Tr 3? ’UTZ. ~ saw : Wil i Ww Fit >®r mn 11"''- ii--'’ r~ "N'.' '-77ZT T. ■■■■■ I ■ ’ . I of the Home— ’• S Beautifully Finished Floors ' .-•■'''O’" Il TN these days of rugs, beautiful, smooth, an J highly poi i?d Z ished Boors are very essential. It is an easy matter td afik ?V I keep your floors always in perfect condition when you haw * I them finished with Pee Gee Specification Floor Garnish. I lb / d° es n °t show Scratches, Mars nor ISrWW ai L MwO I ——— ™———— ■——- ——■ -’X k ''"'Zw I Heel Marks. Resists Hardest Wear B TTT producea s mirror-like, smooth sur- ITT dries hard sad Dust-Proof within S |Z>Z b H face, penetrates and fillsthe pores of the | few hours. ? * Specification 1 100 S a ' $ - wood. Pee Gee Specification Floor Varnish car i »ne used xvitfi perfec S Varnish is elastic, yet extremely tough and results on Lino eisn and wni c-ouble its nt DBs3 durable, will not crack or ttin white, i and keep the coloring hnght and rean. I ■■ Write PEASLEE-GAULBERT CO. Inc., Louisville, Ky- for FREE WOOD PANEL 15 v V1 '"W 11 showing the splendid finish obtained with Pee Gee Specification Floor /arnish. 4«|| VISIT THIS STORE AND ASK FOP DESCRIP T *VE M 4T t !:R 4 ND FULL Allen Bros. Co., Gainesville, Ga. CHICHESTER ; F LLS I w . THE DIAMOND BRAND. a f'X tndieM Ask your ih-aegist for < hl-eh. s-ter’s L :.mond !!ri»i<i//X I*lll.. in Red and Gold metallic vbF. boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. » Taka no other. Buy of your * /Jf Druggist. Askfor< iH-< IfES-TEF - Jr DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 20 jS years known as Best, Safest. Alwavs Reliable r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE C. A. DOZIER Rsal Vnd insurance No. 1 State Bank Bldg Wil’ be glad to sell to you, or forvou,and will insure youri property in the very best Companies at the lowest rates possible. COME TO SEE ME i You’ll find it on the tcp of each j genuine E CORTRIGHT Metal Shingle It is put there to protect you as well • - Lt as us from the imitator. Roofs covered with these shingles 27 years ago are J X ' good today, and have never needed re- ' pairs. That’s why they’re imitated. Therefore, look for this stamp. ’ /V 2 For Sale by > A • • f OsJ A. H. O’SHIELDS, Gainesville, Ga. | . Cleaning and Dyeing. | The business of C. B. CHEEK, Cleaner and Dyer, is und I new management and in a new, clean building, and offers same good service to its old customers, and solicits the ronage of the new ones. Goods called for and delivered promptly. ESTEN HOWiXGTON. i