The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, January 31, 1873, Image 2
THE VINIM/ATOK. •nfiTtExiUX, X KIAYr./ Vr> ■:;, i-7 Ww_ t. UKVJU, Af'rvr,—r^Tlr aBBaMMMMMPHMWtiBMWaaaw' <| a*w | w‘ > a |ll,l>ll|,l, " > '■■ 1 --Hi—— i qn** WMk * graat agwtber >4 Bill I fnfrtMiarxt in tl*a {m*eut TyrMat- r< w* h** Mttml fitll b:t ilf &ruxt*\ i: U,-< t nw reader*. The tth/wmy are it# t • * Mt^nUnL : L _, A Mg t ff*K hi fraud im riet:ii/js ;■ • ■ ■ *ad In for a <0 raitr* te tha *vsr*l tvntm.ct <rt Tbi Hilt a*,, mg (Ain't phr*i*i-tm f<<( amcb rater \t, Ida mo;- regktr*ti'4i litlme -t, i ... A f. It\f fci I.'. U . A Jfdl Hart* ■ - . *O,l fUfTpOifti *ll y. . ■*; 1 7 X* fit' id .rle-,,;i OJ| !;*■;< say :■ ; - ; *Mktam Z prafmfty TR tiiitry n|st. r /•* AI-HWell. r.cMu.jy <*■/. A 14*ft 1 full 'i <;"> r .n.'ii>T- i , ■. r • i n •. atTCIi. W* l !.*,•.! J tl. •■':„K . -- }/*4iJw, from • ' ’ M••< :i V: I I r vi W* T f£ 11,1. 17-t, fill. t T r, ,•<:< (*,?.?; T . jWpSf tft rvir #-tr,My ft H'Ciui. link li_.! ttrrtt#f trwri|r-rn nr-! fdi IVS* 1 Wiry*?HTfrcm R To; f irtir troai ft in ty j \ 1...‘ i. , ~' jrwir oh# U. \ , i fii u,xu wirti I- ■> eifcry b4ti4<yf ttrrmrr t-Rt=fjmrr f . ff art to tmtalAMt it pajW Utonr hyfh* t'l!f/B-irf alii MutUt'-lfr-t idom 4 frrf .in j lw*nit prlrfn. Kftrf fate tty jXimhl. Ws- i rcriUc, ttit'l i*iry fur it Till* l:l Hi..'- ■ jrß I4 gfyo tfir>m (*('< r tliHt w;|iW In wrrrthy rtf il rt.itltc, *lt<t (rim '• M< i *.< tl.' ttitntig Mmfronrixr r'.'ifiiV rtf tf,. x , c —Bum! mu ft.iu pprTT •f ■ TArriTT] mn**y wlim f *<■'■ J.nm ‘Mitf —| T*iA", •* • <i I'-, It W? lllMill <*r Mil fr im! ht. kutj <-• } pM nalvtM llr regard U ltt V 1 Vl' s I < >l4, t<* tijlis..luul lit It .. bk kitu, liaro m>l lut.i m. 8 L"jpjl Uf'feSf’PTn?,Ural iiiiTiTtn. I.ii i tr • •*i ( i||>it'il tfiDi t||.- ijitll • i.t tlm tjili’-i-l UiW wn Imvit ¥mi iml htr jrivin: t..rTl,n j. ¥#**!* hifl'tftjr <tir frit'i'ula, Tim 0f Ihe 0(0(4 U< thjl I'iilllily ni w to ii n>i hnv*i;/l (<> (wrmcttti wit It jjiyiry I’ifTnii. j tloa l Ifni mjui’l, wr Imw li.kl t i inly ,t #int oiilffpfy ujhiii till. kiiii]tii. < n| <iii i trlrmla fur itii tli .iu.i - *.( . .. - rrpt m w Ttl'i'P Unit uur in i|'p.iiiilniit ■ . iir j RraMlotKi Alii), Indrnl, m VI ly |tft df iln rmtntjf m m.t, f.r minm'iii Im that w* hav fijrgirtti n itn ui We im fttbermtv ( that, ovety well wkln . #f <•*; *ntarprir> will Cottniilm lilm. 11 an ; h . i tftr tl ikitd m;l wtir.lin/jy-' at aura, w<r@ any jnhu M awtifnn wii or<riirtriiloi( it %> atis.uia tiifwilt it a j Wail * 1 * u- w li ftn tbemiefeaof Ota pap., Tt uur f>nml*T wllttak# that lu*rwtt fffftm faun mu taMlihincnt of lln lr county orpin wt.ulij iit bar eoiitillm hire la it kali Thd aitW rlptl ui pi !o i< *. ton , tlmt do ou 4mm oiij.H, to tha fmjp-f nfrffin' uunuiui. Tin* pfo|ni,-toi- w ill Ihy Tmrrrr'.'r, ' ahrr till *mh to the artinol room nd Tviii j lhapk all frl 'ii4* to prrwnt thn i:Ww <•! j tbr*lr paper •> all prop j u. u rkina. caitpot Irtup, tliittk of n;Hli# itcmn wlUtulil tituinu of our ti***!- — The HP ouF ITTki tl IX t nu l i>ym __ I*| , r > - . ' tfltjf after ituv ! t ti'! -v ■ ‘ii■ For thin the elk the ctiltc, oi l the (o’*, Daily ilie hour away in T.i|a. t’ . <!. , , Fuf tliU tho gopaip Vahea her daily rMti\ Aotl W*H yuttrllireyli .lUau lyoui |m' t>f rj out j For Ui wo l av, the patoon in the Inn A[ih| patlav I>> pfaltls on tin' Wty i • vii null, Krett whuat aomu cottluM hi,ml we gaStiv. round, Wu ask "What nun* !"—thi n lay lum in ■ the ground. Then let - * publish nur news n> Inuu ■ T. r. ount'lvea, aud let all mu puhlis’ier m tdaeing aald uews tu the bauda or every | family In Utc oonpty So mote it! Our Latest Sms Jrmcr*t. Arrotvntiurr* ksk O nkjh MtTHmi The Sdyfrjjw yesterday tv coimiiemfed, and the tk-nale CouOnned the tbltnwta* appointment*: Col John L. lla.ri*, Judge of the Bran awtek Oirrntt. Obi. W. D. KMdA, Judge of the Pktaula Circuit. . Albert H. Co*, Sallciuir-Geucral of th<- Tallapoosa Circuit W. A. Little, Solicitor-General of iU>- Chattahoochee Circuit. J. T. FlewelUn, S >lk!tH>r(it;i'.cr*! of the: Pktaula Circuit. .G.J. .On* Statu School Cos mini n. lower- ; N. J. Hammond, as Attorney Qyutml of j the State.—[Atlanta Constitution. irk reported that Han. John l. Hall ha* been appointed Judge of the Flint Circuit, A reebltnitto mince Abe nay ef toem ben of the legislature has been referred to the ConaaltteeßiHmistte ssybim! ‘A fiJtan Truck roR Mr. Blttßm-i n see ting of Senators. Representatives and pflaent elthtcf.s ot the'English Cotigres •tonal Mairiet was held at the K'mbalt BWMfttl* eteninr—tten Toonth* in liie ctflf,kDd Henry Moore, Secretary. 6 was onanio ottsiy requested that Mr. Staph— it and for Congress. All the cnncHdatrs hare declined In faror of Mr. Stephens, which leave* hint a cioar waQt nynr the track. IT ira* decided that there should be no Wknmshm r n * - Sirilnwoiy/ V; ’. !l M>, .. te ti.. i In- ,•. . -'.'o*o ill > ;■ <>li,’.. . ; ' / '* 6 *jay *. tiifMi la fw AitiuccrUSti, stoi li t ■* so •' ■ ' Tf - . ' ■ %l i r -? > : V ‘3 i ~*V’s A:■ ' V. i * l. ■tj' :l 1% ; . • : / : ' 4 | '* ' i/' 1 **' *•' ,r a , . 5 •-% r •• '-Uvffj <■ y■\ cl - j . if * ■■• •-< - rrr*r T- 7." T^irr*? T ' 5 jnn ■' t * , ■'l'll >4 o ■; 1 t ' ' K' ' . ski* - ISm t | * 34?f' | r fcaijiy, i U yi-t- , J fV 11-al^r frftm—A ■ ' —t*r —■nr' jvol t* ‘ "TT• :I* • * <1 Mif f'* rH-.f i>t‘ ffi- / If:.. I fit < >■' vi -it jy( -t It- i #• it ff 'J/I vfv i —~t— Ajt fl ? i-*4* l*'*Tf '-Y;• ' 4-l'/ 4 / ti' * • of't.i? to W : • .• ill : t i f ' •. , ~, ■; InAe HV' ■' ■ - - - r •h fif&kjlf}' ~~ plffii .'}•' i t) < * t ' M■; '' i In 1 4p ■ i raitlkini <jI ,*-i— >—-r- ——; ~.;r r !'. ‘-i i' , .if {(ft wi | frnr„t ** r, , . i ' ill Ill'll- an Inn si-i n I it* • t Ilf tof HO) -4 • ilto'Hi ••< V in i.■ -i i.s ■■ ufm t, l ' J .tun ■ 1 fen w nntr nro. t'i; t’ ' ■,r'i -r ... 1 r*t :■ I I r-l ! vtlii:m4 4*l fr-OUH .** -T ! r , '7 I ll' II t ■ ,'llf V >l'l.t -int ill',', n'r I 1' ■ .'■ tr - ry il4i,| Oi ■ k -yrt r. ... r T_; V- ■ ‘it- : . I 7Vuy,' hi Ti ■ lll ii t ■ h rauilrL'' m. n *o lir-i t'i. , ija liiimi-i Orv Ult", 1 • tn *i" • ! r, 1 ■ ! . <■; : , t -:■■! f - •. - , aaf o nljt ii itjiou a i);ii r ' |i loin-> ~ ■. Ii 1 iivr. is 1 ''. ini: ti 'i* ■ Qrvnh i•< ’ t I ' ' ' ' ■ u:■; , , ; JHaLftjp*X H £~-t~f~rr It* v I>n l.*vt*n r.rr T>• _li._ Irtn V ’irj t -4— —n —’—' (‘hnf--tt v ..r*'rrr' : ..v, -t? ?U* ' inn ri| t*r Thv i *:t ‘t ; Wt' \* tt-V? . !'•“*' '■ >UI '1 ' :••*>'•'• ; : ■ ,Vi>-'■ ili J'■ I -' ' , •'■ '•• • • i ii*\ 4ni fr 1!v uN-vo *1 ?*nl as k. I I !)w:trrr, wlrt' i * < tilUiiH 4 itr4 w •cu ■ A wt'ir Ufv.w-I *•> *< , pi >f * 4 wr 1 , 4 . • ' !h*Sl' VtUi txui A ' ft ! iiM Villi l t'* ?•* hr I’lt* * 'it ot i ixynw ill© tititii. 4 d.tntv Ann *, Iha oldest oi-p-U. : 1 . • tighter aipA... AidUlb rof tin* f t'A.<•. i tv!)mi the and- I lm* been p,• nt'v w . fttnaouarter t*l anc ilttry, i* (till Its? ji - on to (he la :tt*e thread lu-ti a.I <(’* tap. cord; a ol to. I*4 n:evruts La turned up in Jf-w tiih m<. n v s.o-1 pr diah’v by Pi kor I> t■ 'l < L-• •VUle 1 . In trk Link I>f Pit I'nrri >a.—A Correspondent ot tin* B wum Glebe ' i that- It is md at all unlikely that Mr. Ik e jamtn, e s-Con It > Urate Attorney G.r.rsL will he derated t ’ a Judgeship, iso*>uer or later. IT-- is at this moment one of the most luccil< < \it odVoc ri“ at the Eng's ha with au enormous snd growing pra'tice, I The appoint in nl of a barrister of 'lot g; descent to so high an dice would lie vetv i u lustl, if not unprveedeoted in Grear i Britain. j ‘ „and • t'vT Irc t ,ixP /V,- ktl-.,*, , .raw i-i-r-"*- aMAXB v Ll~ * *U,U jklMlllll llt 1 l \ s s i ent yesierday reported the lnlr*iocthin of \ a Util pro. ;d ilg < ir i le is: lie's cud to n ’ 1 ol the 800 ts of <ii Atlantic and Gtrlf R ii! r.Ni-t to (ha amount of Vtp.iah) Completion id the na*d to the Gulf. Per- U>*p U any State aiJ pri.J et were nscepi ? - (JbTil UcTfsiCff Ibii' nutriii —be imr. —Tb—- State is already a pr >pri.-;or of ttie r ad *•> the amount of a million of dollar*, which i sald to.he practically lust as su hiTrstWn nr if the ro*d is not extewk-d to a Quit Ca n-elion. But the State had better stop siaKVvkefe, and tUyt pUr® is jwobabty jur ; here and now. toil day when \ si:* quit her legit mate bnin css and t**k t* ' building rwi'.nvads, ;k1 it she doe* no! rj'ii' ' it short olf, alw i* eertain of bankruptcy as die atm is of rising tMnorrow. lea tin ; State etnpowor th' itndtl-tif ItiiT” , road to hypothecate her suck to secure • _ _ _ ‘ . j£*VUli f iry . 0,1? :tl 't ' dirfl'; •ei'.-L.-e-' - • . i- ■- ■ .. .. .. v, hf*rrjo_ t~ 3 ■ i, u.|t r*Hrsr**e.: .. f ,0.; , . ~: • fwr%iwjf re. ,j',, wi, ~ ,*.*ian ■.—. fVi . V :■ ’jp'iow'n ■ ( : M .. ■ I*ll .. .•• Sty'i- ■ - •. a > 1 ' : *j 1 I ' ,r r~ ■ - aeiplMsA - r-:. ' r ■ -■ . m.-i ■, i L ■ I /. . it. •• .. •< ' ■ ■ I 4*s : U> AH . I rtf L: r . . ... I.*. . * <!■ 11-j Sl-i-ttli' "I j f* : j- .8 ■j ~ " " _ f; , .i t .. '4* tv..: ■> " ' Uti ' ■' • V-* ■ • - L f um t m*; "** t-.-t’*. ‘Bwfep - | •• . - : | till ■ ' - . . . .. 5 ’ i ’• I : '' jy * VU'W) V ' -*T v-ry t-T’’-*J 3* r 1 •’ m. •• M *V; V ■ *- h Ift i '• ' ' t*- M - * * _ Vj.Lilfi-*- j - T 1 . hi'l’jly T i <'*!>'•’ •' ’ fare rotsUrtr’Wl ' ± ; hi i men ime,"tni rear lie 1 r° ! . * tho nc. :,o r,- kid no !• nMe • ; tb J ,> s w; lr shot !*af.ward ie.l f• if.* l*r tie key ii we*-r, tie atsi'.u n’vtVn of n -'.vatij/ seenritk s It! I ale *rt! I, •• ; ’ <) l an<l the fs eroa'ing pffl <n • -f t te’p<' |e mcati hii g • arid imp: -oreng ti-.eiklar* e lie >■: .. ; nal c a*e, 'ei rriu.lua's t 1 - ;■ ingenuity ot the hck pi. k- >* <o fai thr 1 wi* At tn ke-< t. • >- !.■••* ► langhed -at lu-km*!hs for r oot- r*e’r* ' wflhont Ttnf'fov op-*; : '• -T > r>- *•* f i ; .ed it.i.vni ■ :• ■pat lof ]T-t . iiueiile, bm.v I r :>Tir rae? It keen t-k ! maker and Uwk-pk krrs has been v ty h that i:-> bxMriicc nil? take the p'are of bore.' witt bftilrs. I though it may greatly aid the rovtafkcs i j • u r an, . A dock designed taa that each ‘ o r:n be ;■ r.ea! r’t with its own key. bh : nerr and rfea-.t:f*etnr rgpr. cews,<lot< set 'Com to have la-sni vet contrived. Olf Of the n->s{ ‘ ing. ni. -t cor.tHvarees ivr prevent!t*a Ick pk-kieg hr th-K invintiaf A 1 Ss"t. tv!, vh raoscs Ibe Irk t*t*pe-*r the fiuw-s to which eho-k w-t *; : at. A it .wot r, whew rrre c! •>?, lock* wi'l *i* onenj ba matter how prrsdr.z the ciwefgtatiy, till the b njr set, and as a mis .tnlu. in c ! .iicg th--=w ea*i'r sn tr, asd re swfta in opening at unexpected *"d danger ous tones, mi* de i cannot !=e octerisiT.- !y aj'plied. The ouly pba whl Ji seat* to ' ■■■■ ~ jtetj: to i -.c tin: l, Banw—ii llmt-t" Astprefrif I#' k: MUWM V h alii- * Sim ietarwriw of pltrjftjlycersue aal -U ir>tf - r- ,-;y *4 -t-t -■■ - 7- &* vahoaMtd* -aaw '<4:|r tr-,•!,:ow • ' . —f V{ .■ J,y. - - I -TUB MATTEIif • • : ■'*■-■■ - * • John M- Holbrook ’o>. Sit \V :s •, s ; ‘ 1 v AUtiuti v^-k-a --4 a ’ . ■ : —“7 U't' f 't " f . . / .. ,-V - •S* ** * :> i .V. yTTrTuTfarvßY g6oi>S. T * • |T ' 8 ~ - T~~i —l’l* riltc "lir ~t -•-- t t;% i ..y>- < . . .-.7 - 1 ' / ' '** ••'■■- * i —-—jM ii t j j “>! v * ** - * B 1 NKBUS , I ; v ‘ ) > . f . o s ‘ -\ WK 11 1: r. r o u ;. ; 1 1 . A Tv A.. fM I. 1....-X ll 1 V--e •- 1* -W ii .... * ‘-V • v * * - t 0 tfi i•• -. ? ' * of 0 f.-- t T-- ’ * ■jf ( i- ’ |i“ X ■ ■V' - , * . r _•' ■ \ '.**■' 1 s .* . . ■>'. f* ro.' - t.ti.o ' .*!v Jit: •’e <-.n f' >*.“:• . ■ • BL&CSSSiITH'S. NOTlcfe. % vTi? w rtuun^ l\ '"OVTf*n ’fj.'a M'S ttkrvis in' t!s. , •W i . i ->f Bern - I Roads, tiist he w pfefwed to etmtu# or-• rj■. ■ t.K ■- j IN IlOßftEiftllOElNvJ, it*:- its* n *of*i trior; !■ work *4 tirot feta! gevstttie*). Those iii.St icml ftr <1 * l3*3. H;' tint" =y r -rj : >*-e f NATH AX PHILLIPS. \ew is Ifep Ti? i Paj joar Dfbh VLL ;.iHc lirm of B stock a Htiv> er, *?e retroe*ii to ft-c r<l anJ *■ tito their roe mitU S't* a now JaecsT less j/mri It•* C < estd p-tperv they wii! tiad in isse fesn-too! T II L.* • si this timo — ne:'y sushj w;i,‘ Se*i theto* to the hsluls of Attorneys tor eoiiecTtoa Ssre ft'iiw tr art: ir np row. Jsr.tT73-Ini lii.AoU- f. A Bli.t. Tite W ced Family Favorite , JEWING >1 ArmNE, O you save et • . T \V. C. Ti-.i. .i NTs IN', Agent, 3m W nil J. to Cos. CARFENTER'S NOTICE^ N Mtrcn to *n'orm tosThends and the piildia thst •• H_£*e-’H-e ’ ’ * kLb4s.4 CtoU i'LNTEIi WORK wita eestneT* finish :ni dapttcA R fers tt Dr. Aa'inay -Lrfk C'Tcrwdcr atui Tlroi.Li.slle- i*al63at Tom 77“ r * “**• T t 11/' w ‘ 1 ' v JViei'cliaut - ATLAifIIA. CA.. J ." - ■ : ;—— *■ 1 " 1 ■■ 1 s V' . > \ ' - 1* ' ’ V 't, li-~ I Lt^K'*,v; •? s•• -7. .: v.r fl Ui-i ■ ). :nno( : )ics , z. I I.i ii uni if a) Si.H f*r< • ■/-_ ——- ■ New A 1 Vdt tttemeut*. • - C.T-Tt -itit, fl,'3 y ;hrf‘- 4b Cts.,'! i*IUM i:S - ! i.n M :*f ri.iii? , W _ . ,L T r- 8.8 L < . .oTi 1 . •w - ; i'.B 1 ' "j_ ' • i ! ~ y r "" - - ' - T ZHZL'UJiU -'v 4# m: f A liTMEN'T, ..vo/‘ \ t : < * I. '* , M I 'TUI>!,I A I ?>, . • . . ■;.... _ w • a i >hirk <\r ( Vi* *, ii.- TANARUS A. >s MLi.iP'J ■ ' it *;A •“•'tor It • ! iv' Tv lfl€ ft], A N**3. K r ff.-S 'r* t Ta* . - ** ’T*" l *a?s ;!T ><V 3 V* * <lf rr; fr:;-. r*J*’ ** t-i Too -U s-*rz *vr-Vv* frw r*yttoe who hsre i.±-v y\ * Gasao. w* Ai *<il h**i UJ# -- tee n-r sit to "o r fr leads M brine •-r -*f t.;a iof **a (its>4*ols Fend k amt t c cntTincAtfik S&OB'Tjß't.'Pts.s ( vryTT, Km 8, - Si r. C'srk A <>>**. OnflSs. Oft.—Dev ' - T . M n rbatpAile f>E nl ■ ts “>-t f:-! *a th* rate of in • ■4> m-i* . j>. h u -Uirrm * well v* I < >' ( j , ~*k. It ftTT i qj_ jC It**'- >r wnt M, r- - -st Mer f'litn ti V.oO ■ em: ).<• o.’.' ffT : • i fHu*r <uat.o j •I■:: •:; ft 4**.:iub!e mttoaeai' a&d *isn.ii Mr o othrr. o -t* nos ectfoily. J. X POPE, j T’ -.e. t.o. N o 2, 3*C.3—M*-o-rv CtorA j A tv —tvenu; la aoser lo roar iMjsi ] I toft ->vt ' M*j*s Gqaoo,” I -ftifl atawi : -■ Ofiir> i ove ti r ftaed riceto ii j i- aw K ia ibe ftutjre. A ft. ALLEN. f'fms 36, I^ *. vyw Moipto Ga*a. I lire to say it*t the Hip* <*a. i **> L ivjrv *r -c3 too iftM vpntf per ;■ ■: vaii-tVti-.n and 1 peeter it |ti *ni i P- *>'*■■♦* M*CTTTcsel , Y->'x r. v. T. 3. TEA.VIft. M ot* Clark & C*>ie. Gri/Ba. Gft—G* n ,’ht> en : I par* :,el of y*>a teat ;?+■<! p. uic.l* ol •• AUpea 'Phvephete* enn I uca ;glt *cn- of eoti*xt. cftthered *-i bsits at cotien, 9t to. er*Y ■ and ft!n*ut IW*/ .Ui. oKta.lltm tiL ; p er.sri ■aitii it, mn-'t t*a ny it paid me h4s>Jicaaij. ii-r-fotlaitr, , R P. Mr WILLIAMS, t At*o Ajest tor i’oiisc Gaaao. 1873. IST *s —•!.' " —— — —' : '■ •i •* —'■ . 1 * ■ i vi ■■ v, :rit!::-: ■■ orxfT 1X U 1 r.VTQ^- t £4. L—tA— ti NOW IN POLL BLAST ! /.r k ONLY $2 A TEAR. tx - • v r l*i* -Hi Uur i*it \TI F\PLB -■•v.-V.v.W.oV.. _ * : r "T rl rtl)i Cl' . rr* * ■***•• fl*> fr lift t t'V): tTfvl-t ot ttflfr ! J f y 4 '3F ■A C ly $2 aTaar In ADV ANCE L. . • :• . ■: j *v ■ * _ _ - ‘ t im*i of X<riwrttor €■■! wttl appear In this pepf ‘ | "■■■?. . * I j • . rTTo* •*’ 1 > ■ ‘ 1 .. ’. ' L *l7 L 9 Now frtearj*. we ask one aad TI. . atnteift oto Ht* eQierfnsfc The eepcr _ TWO I*LLAHS A TttAR. erery fsmiiy in the i-wootT should bare Address, m enß m} see W3LT.RBYILL. &trtar. GreearnOe.O