The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, January 31, 1873, Image 4

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Poultry' kUc|Mn farr W*rfc Then are many wfeo. c*t*-<l?Iy wfafa *-* !af half d*-z*:U year* while the |*!o "1 •m* fe* ***** ,o iU, (5 ,, "*"y **-** j*ler by imujkm Pshqt lbtu> -Ly-*s*im? Ii ! •• <n**ip*lion e*l * >a! y tiffed to wo a<tn Iksiww it pw*i-M*tw4 cm*- M&9t altc-istloM to detat.i, r*ib t s .*<> strength. Tima again Ums barded thiwy for ot*iy me Ut >n . j ritl** / poultry iff tew-a, i si, It * mny tlinM are kill arm Iwy*, tnd rnett silk nu wore tonic U.uu Wy*, -Jerk-fee*-* r***ttiy from tfeeir*, enter the pen**-'? **4, abruptly freight**! •! <* * fipM*>*b they nub in a. SitUeting iw.s th. farlhtat c/rfM*, mini k*B Ah* p"loy **> iituuMy 1® conafant nd dial r* * Rut *ll (fermeatb *fii*i* ppr b*te amcner* of woitun aUMiduhU alien tiny wru (vffmafe timwtit iu.iA.xiutA. kii fey Ifeetn, Not that *b* r gardner* nod Aortal l.<* fey i ..ti,iirf-bd*hie *u4 l/BnliMa* (pudltfe-a feat": (fedm to ‘■ml uentu Ui tfeoae odlhugn, •*<! whi-c on* of (be most rwt (A* o*i *uo* *** fat fern-tMcp*i'* lit lsm who!* ewbtty * w <4/I*ll, w* feop* to to*s oilier* glv* poahry more etirnihn/ ilitn it ha* blilrffto r<" i* td. AMt frtii p*-*i *■*> h—) '“if of Ww poultry for fancy I* an *Dfit p*time ■. <> popular wliU KngUah ladle#, wmt o .or W reason why tfe* faablott a hot; id not Ui ad ffftfdbar*, j.foii>ni ofUi Farm IV rm* Tim lut Ugldatur# of Georgia p***d MBcttxptrr wtncti tfew termor* of *r.y cooniy wfen d*iri* It, m*y ** <1 of rov Inf alorfe and of h-opii# planted Tl act nay 1m found nu page* mb, few*, mU**of f?*r wrot ir m tHlsd “An Art to fi?n *nd tlook wnd U>t tlie protection of (-rr>y*w, 'flit* u t (InetgrM th tioon<lry lltu of every lot or. imrcsl of lMd a lawful ten*, *ol pfoI.P for tb ImjKrtiiuJiuf; of * f l rutmn fi-'. 'n wliicb may in tp*** Ui*r<ori. and •!> ' Iretlon of damiifrs frurn 11* ownet* .!! talk iltd ifiry counTyrarifT iiio fiU..wJof i-o unadlntt* fiwte la in bid, whirh rhati n, >a thn law otierntlre In tljal (ouniy. f'Uiy frnboUl*rtsJ.ll |*4Hlo tlm Ordltmry lor lb* fetor-ft) (it till- net. Upon the rrrefpt n* Urn peiltlon tin* Ordbmry i. rKpurnl lo mnVttw fijf'tfer.f.Wii fey po*ili>if—r dv< r tnnmliM’ uviT.’y day*. U w~vrr^~< -Iluti lirur*.-—<-*- < uiiK i i~ fiffy fnrlio7<ii'r, olmll lw fll<-<l In 111* oO’ l (In- Ordinary thalf | rom>d nr* fiirllo f Hilt II no counlnr ptll!ort Ik fib*!, <u II not mot by aitolbtrpn'ltlontlfm and by twenty lira frrwboldnr*, the Ordinary proceed to order an eled lon In aucli wratiiy on Ihe ftrtt Monday In July following, In wfaUili lfee tjUetlion of "fmoti or No ftnee" thall lie mthntlllr and to ll> Inwlul triHef* of the rmwly, and If Urn majority Khali declare for "No Fence;' tin- act thall take effect In titeh wntnly wlfhin al* nw>n tin lUercafter. -|Tle*Jph, Doarr CAM. A at A* a mail KfforifWfn of s feßßWlo® |nnil Inn. Never talisman that he is n Hr unle** ym are coftaln you can llr-k him; for ns n gstieral rtahi when you y tfeW, mean* fight i have arrived at tfala oonclualmi through ••4 #*pert*r.*w. J hmtw that It t* ivt Mfe_ V> gift thl!f> to a museu'ar c!n isllau. _ Idklmtv*. Itn aorry tor it now, aa I never grieved tor anything else In the whale course of 111*. W* were Handing on the able walk t froki of thaclub, when I 4* the Mate meal. We had been talking politic*, ami man who talk politic*, and get over It are to put It wildly—lunatics, or elaa want ufflee. Till* roan made an assertion, touch lag the fair naina of my favorite candidate, which 1 believed to be untrue. It Is pr>di able that had It br*i aa r;e aa H-wm false, 1 should have taken the same Gourde, tic wum you understand a man ha* no aeo -e who talks politic* anyhow. I think I said that before, but It i* all the Mine I want to make it strong and get you to under stand how I got ray ornamental eye. I mildly suggested, that a man who would make such a atatemwt u that, was kwt to all irnM of shame, and would t> guilty ol any haw crtmn. He disagreed with me upon tint t>!nf As for mmsrit, he never mn.le a atm.- ■„t Mcept upon the most ample proof My candidate waa the meanest wan un hung. Mold him he Ihsl. 1 have horn kicked by a mule; have hi ten „ot of a second atory window on a hard pavement; eaten green persimmons ; heard Miaa Illow read poetry lor two hours and a half; skated; hunted; rod* a sharp hacked horse of mustang parentage, an adept In the art ot “bucking," suffered grid of various kinds, and still clung hi lfle— but all these are feathers in the balance, as compared with that little won!, liar! Immediately after ravine It I sat down— not in the way people usually sit down. I sat on tht rim of my right ear, about ten lest from the spot where I had been stamina when 1 made use ot the expres aMk qttuted above. lam not used to sitting I have heard of people who “get np on iMr •nr*' and walked oil. I wish I knew bow to do It, I would have propelled my selftnvqy from that spot immediately if I had possessed this happy fhculty. I pro seeded to bring myseir to s peraemlSclar, fbity Intending to use the mr*u*pf loromo Hob Which nature ksd given ms; but when 1 cams right (Ms up, something heavy ran against my ansa, and aa I felt very bred, I sat down upon lbs other ear. I like a change—it k 100 monotonous doing the mbs thiaa over and over again. Somebody took my large Inend away, hsfore I givs him the lie again. Mv eye is in my hose swelled to the *■ of a ettra wilh tbs color ot a Mush ruse, and nay ab* clothes look aa II they had bsewWW throogh a patent sausage m achins. I would not have that man'a temper for r MODEL JEWSPiPKR VAV. MJLVAHJiJir DIiVe. NRWb Tfe !U>*s*.a lr*Of Harr-it*#'** *Sa*l *•> ta uttut but JPy* t n 'hr * t sjAa-,*ii* 'a i<!iir: c<j r.,0 nr*- < UJ / UI *~a u. m* rer.xrtxi’y '.T *H(*. t L*- at ti* But *U„,U( ..I f'-etk uJs-*e * %* u( st.i !*tKM *uO trakrtt Km- )u nliOrM tt*_f M ItllfcK *wr wins >;*=*,, r,l, -T0 ' (■-. i. i* - I is >.*r I*l4, of >t**. <•*>“, **ul f, / ~i U* 'W t -.iv *' * (.i.-.- V - ttlMrm'i ,! #a iwi' tor# J •>*/jpjl w 4 M e ii'tr ra* *,tOrrtu/ ,n-:-* t>nu it (run l f-B<tK Tlr< C-* ; nr 7-T *7-*r: ami*. S fitßl l* ryK-iKi U * ltn> r *.. M to &*■■> ll*/S*t4 n/U.^ K<,, m. 4 -.i 'i ■' -r, trss; •-" rr*K4/T , j M ..**"*4 ?• . Tfc t*f4-y*i.b ' 4rr*{4i*t,T.tji >( line-' **• **t taw tt ~i ■ a*. w* ase*' pniiM sf'-'t' O" |/'-' c-*4 '* : n.oyT- 4l>rt* T — a *ow nty. ja* usr Jr IT. 4 Sir, t tuUrtfti t /. ' ifcsrt} .4 • -iurfai. M4t ou , bewt ! *t(r*. *'4,l, *> . *4-1 / On, t Of IhO'r t Hit :r,u uro i tlk 4.,<1b14 liMr’J't A'*. >-. u • P. r . *'. ,■' !*.* (rr-e. *■ . tb lvltr I.'tnlro.o Ir.lA 4 i4ir tJj, •■ ■; wtU' f|. ,/■ <is tin. 't Pl, fhijir, !o;r Jle M H*|f itf tfas ■ -p*r4t-r? ot TffcW 4 T- >t y ,-.; t. wj riuiitofc'i, BUAim At t*sli*.nwnt • • si' i.* tm* a fKpr-wTit iire tt.uibcru pi; or, so,I funivDitt lone to sfrc-pr.-n-'.i. <n j*H eoijjo-u tnn KT,#k "uniftivut fy twl per : sioetif-y 111* 1,-sore *1 b-mortalv; Mates 1 ltl,‘l,U. priw an i Ute.rtd, wife *> i strlor and (lotoil-ro Ural know no aferu. | Ui pt* ooru- and pr t* rye the .uo.-r*.-®u I 4ii*l itou**r of the Houth Tfee tpeefetl feature* of the M-,rro*, k • wbi twrrc'aified awl fpro**•*! op n during the year. *wi w.rofai new attro-Jlon* will Ire adited Th# <* <U*i iiew* |IOW, Hh thrrT rpiawe and plrTUMtot horuor, and (t,oo;.,*'’ -a.' lit Fh.r da Altai... irt tar conn filial if ini.p ir,#: |bwT. Tie trlr4tMl4.rfertau.-Mt w.Stl I*-, * It l.tu hsfcw prf iis past yj-a#! 4fe“ trorf oonipl' lif and rlliifel to ho found > it sojr Harsowah Irsiw-f soil the .un, tf.tri.inU Oon iiion will lie Inn and si r inlf The pile* of the daily ft fe!o Wl |>or an ooriiy s,* Oft f(<r i* otoii'i,*, V for ,:hreo ifltltlto; (I 00 p>) ,n; *aml* 'flic Tii Wer kTy Nrw*. Thia i..of *r-e fetornTioi -TT* o. , ■ r(ri-(tIly rtViitnioeinled K*!i, -e Wlnrhai* ti(*l the fm lhlliw id s dally irorit Ktiry llltllg Ill*il ht lii’eti tr.lilpd the l< r< l *||*r<l Or the ifaily CtllUoii Ui iv lie re ja-nt* (I of tin. 11l Wwkly Hi* Oiaije o|, ttd*h K f * *l (.‘lie, nod * oriiain* the Ho (d* < (niti lo t and otmkei ii j,'o ! t- Thu (.* -i *i* loonth*. SJEI $1 hh Uu tUfK*r mumtat. The *Vt i'-kly New* TlucWoWr tl.wnirrg Nwi' and oUrC lei litrilberida Ut t>,- (uririfT and tlo>i>e Wlto live oft ii, tines >.f f**Hfrl li i owe of tie- lust Jamil* puj*** ht- Ttiunffy,- Slid IK- .' f,. ni-'. ■ toil..<> o - H" I'Umcli id I !•' 10,4.,,, ~ tnii jy . f.olnimi- if ' rr ■ -iry-m-r-rr ,50; son* in rrurti s-;n, (In* fltttKisf jH’Moji<■>n |i ii <* <.,. aiiir hlir>.rti,ajily edited ■ -ti,j „m,4 u>> ni i,,, , of the a( k, sod t ■ tit tins, Ih addition, -ax* brikritr vsrfrrjf of *•;,. rlioo,' tuntier Editorial* on all tin Ia of men, inniiw t* nod fn-lil<ii=, ir, ,j, , ry, biography, ptingi'i f p,.i . i > ( , *, WMidcnae.J tClegfHOK *>ir i inf. ill ind> np, ft rtrrnatni ilitVTiii .i i< it *r>t*>.i- tit ; pntrio-s and mfk' r- 1* if> up l< ilo |, of f"ing to pjitss. and U, to *4 -rexjTrt*, r, ln ll“]'n<iblii ndj nif tto everv home Prlre Ono vi-iir, |j t.ii; t \ n,0i,u,.. $i tfO ; Uireo llioiillis, Vtii o s. HitWf ipllor* for either edition of Iji, .Morning -amsemfty t*e w-w-fry- -capfiwr 1 f itin risk and e*x>eit*r;ol the prop* ieUi Ad ;ri .1 II ESTIhh, - l V 10.1 lb, 1 I I W. W. WOODRUFF’S (litltlA?.*: REJ’QSITOM Y. mmnv <^t. Kvr:u\ -i ii e <>r - HACKS AND JERSEY WAGONS. | Also, die celebrated Woodruff CONlT>m> IU GUY and IT, AXT AT !ON YV AG OX3. All sixes of the WESTEIiX THIMItLE SKEIN WAGON, and all sire* of Puicnt Wheel lloc/ies, >y|Si a fine assortment ot HAHN ESS. Special order* filled promptly, and all WORK QtfAHANTEED. , tf The Weed Family Favorite QEWISfO MACHINE. o r" SALK BT W. C. ROBINSON, Agent, ;tm With J. Ellis A Cos. BLACKSMITH’** NOTICE. NATIIAN FIIII.I.IFS lIfOULD inform his friend* in the VV neighborhood of Barnes’ Croat Roads, that he is prepared to execute pro nplly all work la his line. IN HOUSE SHOEING, he hs* no SU pe rir; ail work of that kind guarantied. Those indebted for work done in I?T2, are urgently requested to c-une forward and settle. ■ JanlOif NATHAN PHILLIPS lfw is the Tine tft Par roar Debts A LL indebted to the firm of Blalock A ZY. Brother, are requested to come for ward and settle their accounts and notes, now due over fm mart, Books and papers they will find in Ike hands ot T. H Bla'eck at this time —very asm they will find them in the bands of Attorneys for collection Save money by settling "up now. janITTS-im BL.\LOCK A BRO. DRUGSTORE GRIFFIN. GEO. I wo; un rs-v scWaUj wk r* the ir.dtnrpaMl a share at Uir patronsga. tustna ua ssad s fall pytg 1 nC*P hMTiiil. Paigta, ) , i t titaas. Patty. Uaapa. Kwrmtaa. Ovoktns SitrvU. and ttfOan.. Furnas**? and Toilet Ovwi*. and av •rOIUBg assstly kept in sSrst-a-aaa Pros Mora, and which t propcaa to scil at to* owtm Market ratsa, CW~ PR. KD R ANTtWKT M with am. sad wU: taka it u a acetal tavur te hat whia Cr.eaitt mg se | I *airSdir ** J.N.HAtfr*. I James L Beeb>, teRIFPIV,, ~ .GEORGIA. j have Wow in stohr, and w-o AiMfiU Urn rnmmua, t^wnl I.ABGEaad WELL AfiftORTEB fiT <JVB. of Foil utul Winter flood*. ZW Tb-hklut for Om fyrNG and LIE EKAL PATRONAGE ei'.tudad to me I /cape*.-i ;u!l r (fistic a wmtihaaisee of ifet . .V / Jiii&i'r ■t/C’xtamtXM. uUtUX*? tut- tW’S‘/rt< i’.. ~&i pentmt it. ii-.t tor titbfDr art rrnfmrtiuHji rt<sue-*i Pi i u-riic Aii ikirfa are o rued*/ id dwr, fey (irtlliu iswrcfeaipa, tarty is the fail s < </t!- can bfe 4A A fed Ifc jf;*e UOti'U to A 1,1., <fet f MS <?o*BpWifel to have money to pay toy het* lhat FAhf. and jylSl FH, awl *ih-irM*.t *♦*; jr*rt nm.iher jur J. A BfeKKa, [ Wa*ii*TOhr<- tH*fit :—-—-—-t iyi all fyil 1 NH-t Vt*f 1 ! HKf < aInUJ, liiiiAi AUfjT QttA *A TOO Aft 't M.KH, oxi*jr set f. H< fry'lL lloErt, No*, tti - fr,3 C;. *IT .*4 tfuii>.j> f I' -* t*e*k f%-J'. .•jr -f. < H a. I9amJ , -i, ' , - ii tLtsmt. ■ : * -t <er On If.iittl had To Arriyei -Hoe. , -- > r■■ p-r ~—" ‘ ... h a > n.!T.U TfTi'i mfovtfr', •■t’srjf X HIKEI*, 1 *, -+l lul'i!|l 1 i UN !|o\'r,f.-! fffe.Kfi I'l.T-t. tpdrw, —— y- '' t IV t' N Arar.rfe t *! -o_ n- 1,-*t a#„J fo„, A *rr> '-(-!■* • -i*h- ir nt 4V fit f. * _lo.U iid-1— Ff.Mftffe-Mte-efttt — - -01 U H S tel 4N<, 1 4 N< *V A mil VINO AT HU HA * BQXJD'S N: iy ,v . Pi: e IN —- ' rrrr - > * J laidci nr Mil l ,bi well l* t,4S o* li.rur a*-*iice and leave their ■ r kr*. a* th*y wapeet * —■ — very heavy trade ia that article ihs coming SjuUg ty r |*HK GREAT AiASsiiW Corn & Cotton Manures. JOHN MERRY MAN'S \m (uouiaictl DfcsoU <*tl Boaev, t PRICE PER TON, fni. K PRANK Cos EH SUPERPHOSPHATE Price, |?O.(W. ETI WAN DIB. BONES, Pi iee per too, (time) f.V2 00 MAGNUM BONUM, Price ITO.OO. RALSTON A Price, gTO.GO, i—l- giae-eVdee- -to— PriMfoN,' id payTa atia j ney or COttOli, at T 5 gf*. |a>r pound, when due. The unrivaled success ul these nut j sure* should indites every pisnter in Meri ; we.her county to try them. The I*V>NY PLOW *tsstill growing in i favor as to the Best Plow made I can furnish anything in the line of Ag j riculturai Implement*. Machinery and : Seeds, desired at Manufacturer's price, the i freight added. Cb.*tcs set of .-teed Wheat |on hand. RUA P. JOHNSON, Sin Gnffin, Ga. Come to the Rescue ! notifies ail and every one indebted I to nte, that I am compelled to W what luv, and to do so, J mart have w hat is f# me ; therefore, I now lay in positive terms, that you muM come up end set tie NOW, or you will find your accounts and the hands ot collecting officer* tor collection. Coine up anti wave rre<. imme diahtlT JOHN E SHUTWiIix j JsnITTS ?m " I 1873. 1873. T ■< a TffE MERIWETHER COl NTV X'LMJiCATUK A i'"' r v Jr •' ' ; / .§L■ : - ~■- " ■ IS MJW IN FULL BLAST ! - >r • ; r * ■ ■* '//7 * W'V r f f „ — : OJCLY $2 A YEAH s\ mvnwwtmwn p^pkh Fvrrv man In Xrriwedler I It vhnntS *•!*•.( riCe for {he TIADIf tTOII HI Bee * Only $2 a Year In ADVANCE, :v :• '\ . *•? —- i . Hem ft or Ml the l,e~M adver* tblmr of Meriwether raemy j vaiWetppenr Is iWt |U)irr. I ' • I sustain us is the enterprise. The oaper is only TWO DOLLARS A YEAR and every family in the county shoo id have it - Address, or eat: and w WET. REV ILL. Editor, Greenville, Ga. IMPORTANT TO _ - t : ' :;>• "• ...11.: - • t . 4 1 ■ _ jri. AXTEK I > r ■ “■ ~ * J. C. King's Circular ' rpflE REASON fea* ai^peuad-a - ~ ■•*"'' ~~ife— PE-aNTEU> Hl* iLU> BEG IN TOteOOf 1 To THEiK I STKITSIN MAK I.N , ARRANGEMENT!* FoM IjIEIR -l Fill tx for , ANOTHER TEAIL j i]Ui v -aao r* it tfeWUßf th ** Ctr(Uttar ivt ’ UAJ tX-Atfekab .. i* tf. -igii WMfla* a*ui pcu**. u. trr.-f.r. ptrr.rTlwSuXS. UitlK'%- Hlr,-r i t A H.E UH i orr'l-h Mr) Ii ,! Y ii't.a Hl' ’ ' .• .V * - ' ■ j.- SJ jHE MUKAAb TEUMwOhmi I TZWT* vTrT T - r ~* : F ?T * ~ &** ® • i < ukS, UA< oN. , ‘ ----- - BULK MEATS , rt*r\;n nt.'-lAWf and ( ‘oti ?efs XKW ORLEANS STRVPawA Molasses, a* wed aa a firm ei* stock *4 _ V "'S Hea?r Domestic Goods. These G ods hare all been BOUGHT tiiEif’. add I am determined to sell them as LOW #* ;■ !m- can he BOUGHT is npy other market this sec'.V aof the country tW~ T > those wl.o desire to boy Good* BY THE PACKAGE, (or at Wholesale) Isay candidly, that I will famish them as LOW AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN ATLANTA or MACON, adding the di' ferecce in freights. - —. I have made arrsfigrmrj.-g io.cfctnin-m—- DIRECTLY PROM HEADQUARTERS, and there is no reason why these Goods cannot be SOLD AS LOW IS GRIFFIN as in any city ia the Stole. I also receive freqaent shipments of TC BACCO, dint! tram <ke Factories, aaaear eiler extra indocetnento in this article. I win also be prepared during the Par*- iag Season, to furnish to all respoesibii parties inch 'goods as they may need, ot Time, at as LOW PRICES, as they can b had elsewhere. To convince the people that I am IS EARNEST. 1 sunpiy &ek aa examiantioc ] u! my stock apd prices. JL C. KING, j Griffis, Gs.. Dec. IX, VT.X. i SOLU BI*E PACUTO GUA M O \ ft . jT / is CM As taj l tke WatM. = — ■ -- ✓’’* ’ . ’. - A.XD y ‘ —- ' , J / * (femper Am •< tle IW tfartmi Iraafit. M * --■ " ■ ' V i , — : ' -J I*. Tfeti TOSON TIME A'rAlur CASH. if if* GOOD T<ii! oxi toN t nji !,.■ h>a I* u -u '>'• it t-ut ton r h w ; u: \ t I r 'is UISUi i-xx-C 4+v I I i: ts cjisip mm h uii.t 4 HJ* Jftrii T rrT ■ iU.’.tff FUHCJ,UVKK‘ m IT I?.Cl'<| r>K m.t h GRA >II it i* cnt foH f t rxira i rrT- Goon k*it i*urTTuhH G ** <>--J Yn ad V EG fiTMII.EH f A SI f; w a ro-*dWit.T G H*t A M ftpngiH* f C Has**. C, T. William*. Henry Widisnarn*, R*tW J*b*r/Ti, and llu* tmb Otbar* who hart triad K It <• Good fr* everyo!eg tliat grow ! It has rained a rival Earsaide Repot*. Isa la Ihii Swiss f It ha* bee* riandered • It ha* prove* that the** Sla, Jerrr* knew nothing of its fj'taktk*! It ha* prrren t y a years trial that the “oid Work' *u bet let than any other kind of Guano ! . - j - It b* proven it Equality, if not superl ■, ority. as ewwpnred witb mKf kinds* It has proven that it is to the kraer's } interest to use It! It has proven that it is to the Gardener’s : Interest to use h ! It has proven tbst H is to the Fl /riicuitu rist’* Interest to use U! i • proven that it is to the isine grow j er * Interest Jo nse h I L CT-hty f mri Jixtht, -that t: r<&. vA be excelled! . .'.i4 • ' tr THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPA NY hm a Mil Hon DoHws Capital inverted in the manufacture of .the SOLUBLE px~ CIFIC GUANO—and says that it h coaid afford it, not one too would be shipped from tbs works under a year after it* pro. daction—because it grown better with age therefem. ail this cry about old stock ia frwftshmm. besides, imt wms , Lu faHy proven it Agents for Griffin amf Surround* iag country, griffin banking company i, . n _ ir¥ GLARKft COLE. ’ At A. M. NALL ft CXT3 OU Stand, have it taßtore, at their Warehouse, and wiU also fill orders for their frienda