Newspaper Page Text
"Rie Meriwether County Vindicator.
VOL. 1.
ri'mu*HVP tmi muimt,
11 wkj 4 wka! 3miß mo ; 1 rear
linck U * 4*| 4 t
lachea!l! BOb • lt OO
*c*l ,TOO OO'MOO 00j *0 0
la hetw *4 on sftt.ot flttw
ttr A liberal deduction made to tbone
ittwtMiai hr the month nr year.
Attorney at law.
Will practice in the District Courts mJ
Ordtaarv'a Conrt ol Meriwether County.
a at! tirr (WU Of th* WKII
con|WMH( the Tal!apoea Cwwnt.
Colle iiom proa# >Uy * tmwte I to.
OrtMßc* fin* door south of Brining
Office >s
Omkkatiu.k. a a i
J\.. Gk**> it.tje, Qa
WJ'I practh'*' in Mi-mrrther .run! the a.l
t-uri mg counuew •
gfalain Sl MOORE,
NtttHlU IK
t" 1
t'lothltij.;, It lot a, Hh'.es and Hats,
Hardware Notions. Ac i
|’m|.w to Mill m low as Mini qualities vn
’ *1 STfJUfT 0 * ’flTfrr*-
A Now Broom Swoop*
Ate ttttitinr
< heap -for citl- Give them raft
<< t Ut~n k 1* in
firiw-erict, Pmvlton*, A<
% MSBSft
If HEWING ha* HIM? at
g§gp~— A tsn,
niMMMir O* .
Brinston’* Bot!,
tt t j ttrttt i | a
_ | , Prr** s ni'Jum'.nitU’jni ti
• v*v,-iw# Si „1W f■ ,< i< ii'iff' v !"<*** '1
n<l j-..l #’<> fill' ll 1‘ ll It '.*mil•<)
Tk* •* M-ri r li<ilfil to
ylw mr t ia!l- 1 Y
Cnmp Houst,
liKfFFH Q9*pmi\A
i'—mnzn te-nfo <•
I rig .70 rt lit*.
J R fA Ml* .. f’r'mrWW.
lirAL'n IV
/ * MOCBBR PttODU’l K, Ac.
\ J
WHI furn b Bt’fTLIES nl year m>
iKUBd. . **•
© Vb. Kttm A
oaten* ... <**.—■
GOODS,ifrltfLlftf £a%T*.
•m Westsid* Hill for***
-^Y' r,t sid * mUj vTHtxrr >
warm ... oa.
Wbol)e and Retail Dealer In
AD kinda of Plain and Japanned Tin
ware. aad Gutteria* at Bkort
Katiee— Work Warranted.
_fW~ l oan compete witkany Atlanta nr
Sfci-m Home la qaalHy of Good* or prime
a ten Sand Made to Order, and engraved
. at Mart notice. AJeo, aMI aepply
of Ike celebrated ‘Diamond
SpadcHc*" alweya on
Wg~ RepaMng of all kin da neatly e**ra
Wand warm mad. 1 r
AM ; rMt^VMRQv,
Mw M*7 tap* i*
aLr*“ 1 -r-ggjm'r w *
f &swesSKraasK
lenaane -at ee kfn.
f.'n:— T’ a. haihot.
iHtk in (AMf.
Ten antiiet covered hill and |d*in
Wham Rappwhanaoek’* *>*<
Han deeply crimsoned with the ataln
Of battle't recant slaughter*.
The 1 — efonda lay pftcfcvd Nkt tenia.
)n n<a>lt of beavruly aaura;
And each dread put <w the atetuen**
Ssfopt in Its hid embrasure.
TW foveas ao softly WeaJK mad*
N- forest leave* to quiver.
And the smoke of tin random cannonade
lUted steely from the river
And now where cdrcling foil* Uvihetl down
With cannon grimly planted,
l) etc Im'taw* camp and aileol lowa
The golden sunset alanted.
When on iha Art Id air that cam*
A ttrwtn, m>e rich, now trader,
The toaaic teemed ttaetf a lUrue
WHh day'* departing splendor,
A rsMsrnl hand, which ere and naom
Placed measure* brve and nimble.
Had juai struck up WHh ht*d h""'
And llrely crash Me/*wtm I
Down flocked the soldiers to the Itauk
oJKHK&StSft -Mud
Aii one waa gtsy with " UcUela."
Then all w*t atill; and then the band
With movement light nod trl. k.y,
Mada at ream sad lrc*f. hill and lA*d,
It. verbs**** with " W*H> *
Tlimaripu**lre*ei-aFb bUMrtl*l glow
Hut tin died throughout it* deepest flow
With yelling of the Rebels.
Again a pange, gad ihatt again .
The trhwpet ftealnl aonorrma
And Yanks* lhaalta Wa the strain
J4t laughing ripple shoreward flew
Tn kiaa the shining pettltlea
l.d aliriaka.l the crowding U) in Blue
Deftauo ly the IWhalA
A lid yet once More U** (mghr sang -
A Imre the aUurny not,
No about upon the araninir rang
There reigned a holy piin
lona alraam. ila uotaelcaa trend
Simsad o'ar the glhuepiug pelihita,
And at lent now M># YahfcfM *■(>•.
Aofl atiarrt atood the lirl'ela
K.w each rratrit* 1 -” aoul had heard
That rdamlra note's aiwmaimg.
Ho dwply ” ltonir. He l ll"ine hadatlrr’d
The hula >ua founts of leellng
tl Wu* gr gmy. list soldier mm.
Am by tho wand of fidty,
l itv outage ’nealh ilia live onk triWia,
T%* SQttge t<y tU< [Wftirie.
Or odd <r wriaAta n|titw •flle*
Ih ad In htr baanlf o'er him;
•C •■ling the t mist 111 hi* *>#•—
Tie dual waneabMtdJtt&uJtiafo
At fades Ihe iri* after rain
In April's tearful weather.
Ti>‘ flanin Tanlahed ad lit* at fain
And daylight died ingwthef.
Bui mei-wy, wkl by musST* *vt
Kiiinaat-'l in lmplt numlw-r*,
, Su!-U*! the sternest Vink*.; 1*,
Mad* Hgbl ih ll<br, slumber*
: Aud fail liis form of YLnsii shines,
i its! IM-irhi nw'sMtrw,
WiutMtH Tind Wstti ridlSttWl itn—
Gsvt* • lii* on* touch of nuif
! 1V Wan wb Umli Ito* I'rteef
* I. ■
1 Tbe man who chaste rt. f-deter
Out of a eicgi* rent,
Wl'l tcrfi r*-s<li the beavrwly laud
Win re old Elijah went,
H in nmt fain adtaMun Übere.
By devil• ball be dr Wen,
And *•%•!* te t—• Ml Wl WWt
•Sulstgr the walls at heaven,
Without a uaaa In greet him,
W about a pleasant grin,
: The haiv—tfo that he wU reap
Wil Me almighty win,
IUII bare Ur eat the tbiatle
*M mwMV aad regret;
He'll bare to back anMH right an*art
mm aa-sflo*, “you Mat r
mr nfnrTWMs trri iti--**
Tke Mobile Register, of Snadaf. print* a
irsnaletian rtf a laticr to a cninen af Mew
BOf uaenllnf IT tke Semi Tke tertow
ing wii be read with Manat:
Mjr partiality fur DanaucMia far me of
raoMaalSsetfban Mdd*to*Amrtea
>o4 mw ml iMr JKiyis^Ly—.
iton of tke head in and ckarmo af antnr
aal mirage. Tke T.tjMWM MM by
tke tat of J edge Derail ie nannonad In
aeitkar MM write, Mmjwn
and tepaiade few |gM Mf *•
enact inwa Mr LeaMaaa. Wkct Wly and
arc BtaMMT Aaacnnm UMen. and wkct ia
tke Kortk fbrahutWSM p drpwfni *4
ailarafVn wna worthleaa. “What, air, ad-.
oration fa wortkkaa! It fa the most price
lent Rwo man can d#y, and without if
no man can aeake a fund altiaeu,* waa Ms
reply. “Well, wry deaf sir, jay itnnnffc waa
suggaated by ay hat itg looked in on Judge
Dumrli’a IxgtalaWrat, which -la griooHadlT
compoaad of nagwaa daaohl at at a t the
rudilhettta at educartoo and utterly unfitted
for the genre duties of leglslatlou. This
atDgla foct either demonstmtes the useless
neat of education, or tha wortklaasnrsa ol
your political machinery. If eduoailoiii
study. In fur me thru and onpsricuco, bn os
*aiial lafltfatora, how eonra ft your
tnat do not make thaw indi*|H)oeebic nual
“ruder your present system, uo qua i,l
I cation of inlrlligstu'e being essential, the
intelligent and wall informed ctliscnt, tin
men of profteny and character, are cxrlud
ed from ofßce, and a set of ignorant nogroos
arc thrust into tatportant poaltVma Tha
cousequeeces most he disastrous in tha ea
t route to y.rnr omnlrj, and 1 am*spni*hl
you V blind to (hem. Ton cannot meape
trout this dilemma; you must admit either
that u L a waste of time and tuouey t>
educate people, or tha assn I who can
neither nri or wrlta, who are gmmly
ignorant of the C.malHutloo and laws of
your .-ountry, of commerce and of finance
are wotoHy out. of place in a IsgtstaUTa
*1 never looked a the mailer In tbit
light before, and I admit the force of youl,
argutneui It is ladand unanswerabU.—
Ret what remedy would yon apply f*
Why, luuserikn auah qunUAealhma ot
intelligence a* will exclude the Ignorant,"
ii .-piled. •
“Ah t llicra is Ute nth. We should alle
uau the ucgr.sM from our parly,” be an
“Ho you would Inflict a dcatlj Wow on
your couniry rather than endanger lb*-
future succces of you party. WbaJ will
your y arty ju Md^ryV
pnw|>erHy baa been rained, and her liber
uc* hare been destroyed; when agrarian
ism and entumuakm mn riot; when tin
|mmw pleader tL* rich; when (be
• sr< <il Ihe law* Wlrtdttba Ignorant havn
made, and life and property depend up the
pleasure ol a Oiob led by designing men f"
“Well, you see my personal Influence U
aa nothing in these mailers 1 must follow
whore my party leads, and the heads of
my parly must shape Its course. I eeaun.e
no reapoueiUlily at all. It would lie rank
i [>r>*u(npGoa In me lo set up my Judgment
.gainst the opinion of my patty and lis
: itwlift, and 1 nevei do so"
This la the notion aad feeling nfthvwas*
ol Northern Republluena They allow
their party to think for them, and (hat I*
aa uid of it. Brilevs we tb*r* is a harvest
of trouble end commotion In store for this
country, yet the people are too InratuaGO
to eae It. , .
I m! Uul one loop bull! of swap* l<>r till-
South horn i)ie “sen of UvxihW' roaring
around her mi teariuily, aiul |irui*t*< nt
among which la the teadsncy te AfHcsnla*
lion Well I a Bout turner, toy cry, “111
e.| *nit of aiawnti," •hntil ) be “In
vile aud atlrarl Kuiopeuu iiiinigiaiioo .
•end ageuta, on good aalartea, In Oiafloen
•aJ Kumjui, aad aupply Hm-im wMU fund*
with ehkli to puUlab acixMiuU or ou
l and |irad<Jta, In live <ieuiai,
EiowW and Biredlab langtiage; doonti
iheflra* iueialm>:nt of liuailgraoU Irattla
Unda, and help tbetu aloe* b>r tba flrai
few yearn” . I would urge farmer* aad
•Haobante to organize State and ootlnty
immigration aociettea, aad raUa funda by
▼tduntary eoatrlMaUoaaia pat U> macbl
nery In operaUoa. Nut tba Southern lead
era aoern In overtook door pi muape
aad to ImaftaAo labor will anewer —re
argro labor. Tba/ arc wadad to tba aagro
tod loath to gtva him up, though Urey ad
mil. alt the lalerart—urea aT the torn raeaa
to be oat at tba qtwUoa. By retaining
the negruea, the South will at ah Into the
miwraWy tangwWbiag aongiOoa mi irnma iaa,
Uetarrara, etw Tbeghrath might, with eat
teconrenieonx, ml— tan mil lion* at dollar*,
by voluntary contribution*, aad tba— ea—a
ten million*, Judhdeaely ea goaded, would
lotrodo— late the ■math a million of I—t
grant* tha epaoe of tee yaara. The tide,
<moa eurtad, would low la with a Heady
a *try*
immigration lt (be S*i*h naadad to *akc
h the ye—dim of Iba world, aad (be grew*
ry at Europe. Be— are anal and Jroa In
wetm power
the* ai army iadoHriour
tor faropaao mimjg—it than tba nartiero
pmtiaa at <ha Amerfcaa Unkm. Load#
am ahragur, lab— ip la gwim demrad,
aad toe M—nm adatoe H ooNbrnr labor
lha paw moad. At the Berth to flnld
labor W —p ended tom lUeeeetor WApfS.
<nd farmer* and labo—rt are townad uHire
2m—temvSd—are—hm. *° 10 **“ * wor
twSm wwhlwhmhTihTtd-T
lag— of thi m—mid newt cometry, who—
.emma— Mr da—danad, aad ff
eartniaiy aa* appr—ialoddppa by UteS-mih
—— ■ i' 1
£t3Tsi—rtwto iad^ae^MTi—a^
* Jdhj
ad bar list of aerpaislancei wufbe^leTl
in tuture.
From the Mew York Hun J
A W— 1 Mil Fra.'smlse
Oa the 4ih of March coming the tolie*
inf talqniad and high tnuod umuaeaWu will
proceed d*>Wo fo the Caidtol ah pa <>l Wash
ington. aad oHm* appropriate music, by the
MSrioe Baud, he dispensed to various parts
Colfax, of South
Hon. Jnmiu W. Patterson, of Dart
mouth Donato. H. H
The Hon. Charles Harlan, ot the Wash
iftet.TO CitnwWe ewapat*r.
The U<Ut aotsmei C. I’omcroy, u! Atcli
in tom, Ktiuui.
014 4nma '
The ps> eenelnu will halt a the foot ol
the aeenun and be adtlrmseJ by Mr. Ctri
i, with Ike following remarks, socotupa
nhsl with n turtle :
“ Neither Oakes Ames nor any other per
son ever gaea at aflered t<> give me I share,
or HO share*, Of 4H shares, ta Ihe Ciwdit
Mobil ter or nnr other raUr*d stock; an and
uufortunately 1 here never seen or received
the value of h forthig ont ol the 17* per
Mil fiiThHnrti ta wmK Mflek Aad lofidi
you ham renjjrtxmi every day for (be past
uumsh, nor W per dew., nor 1 per osnl,
mat the the tensfowf-l (teecsue 1 '
Mr. C. will t)Mn repeal the following
challenge, uttered nud puhltsued In the
W<Mh o< Um wbote WOI id a South Bend In
said Iha 1 Would tike to buy 20
shares at par, tt Attainable, In tha Htudeba
ker Wagon DWByany gr the B rdsell Cm~
ear RepSrltor Dwmpany here; aod 1 chal
leoge either oue of the two Ust cm|>aitles
to give he sock an opportunity bow or
Ue will be foftoere.l by Frol, Falteraou,
Who by apodal request will repeat for pot
twvely the taw time fats umchtug farewell
u> public life ht the lot to srlng beautiful lan-
tbi* outrage done to tbe fair 'erne or
men who beta twed whnout reproach for
wait a eaatatr by driving them Into tbe
gsaii of the public with a aeuarga of epi
thui* whicb itt—dd be UM ep.m ito towuH
orlmiest with oagtkxi; of the lortur* iuSb:t
ad Upon man —native of their good nuutee
by *uU}ctiagtbmn to legieleilv* UiuuWitlou
•uOiciuNi leawm, l
Won to hpeak et-wben-i but here I oboe,
•imply remark lag’. If tiob tbiug* are to on
uuu, all dOvnt nien will leave jmblic lile.
ea i tut, with pie—uie end not wbh rugiet “
Tbe IleV. Mr, Hrln, bofor* prououu
ctg the betted lotion, wl:l bold up to poblli
•corn aad nanpOßion iwu cheek* <>l IH
llureel and tS.UM eneb, with the lollowing
per ti treat diwwarke:
" Tba rzpoadUui* of money et eiection*
ie a growing evil. The apology im doing
It ou lb* one *Uf U Ibai it W douv ou the
oiber, and the parll grow* out oi the bet
that It i* often hmdled by unvcrupulou*
egt aw, übo make tom m It not content
pTatad by Utoaa Wbo fureUb It. A public
MUtiinvut that will make it pel bout tu a
. undid**# tu el low the expenditure ot mo
ney to oiliucuae eimion. wit bom rwtrtct
ingdte ueee wkdMa ebutrly prattwilicd limit*
|, oae Ibat Baud* etraagibenlng by nil (he
•n£uui<-at, owr bpH amt purem Journali can
a* ■ ftutotldy t*om,**
will folbiw Brother ilxrien, bearing on nt*
m*uty boutder a trsnejiwreiiey bavins one
•ideioteribed with the billowing ran ideal -
oi character, uuhigy *ud oimusiy, f*on 'be
lien ol the emisrnl miut w bo |recede< binj:
“We ate utterly el a I,m* to itfemmt lor
*ucb • reprmwmUtioa Hr I’omeroy.—
I lues wbo know blot Inltiosiely *nd well
believe bou t<> lw one oi Die truest slid PU
icst oi out pulille men, ss tb*y know bon
pi im until the most genurous 111* bone
1 Villon* bsve in vie hundred* '>l worthy
f oidie* rejob-e Tltnwi Who ought to know
nun thoroughly regard him a* *lngulsrly
OOSe g*li, enrlng only lor Money be on
o*e It, uni pi sggiaatba* bbusrll, but to
sepompiieh amue gotKl "
< ii in* oppo*ik; able uf tbe lrsn|>srency
e reieesentsUmi of tbe “ truest and purest
and inol generotm of <nar public inea'' oi
terms In hi* “ ilngularly uiinelttab way"
fll QbU In greenback* to Mute Senator Y'irk
of Manas*, “ not to aggrandize bliuasll, but
to aiiompiUb some good, 4 aud make
“bundled ot Worthy (siuilbo rejo.ce"
Tbe deaiardly condurt of York In turning
over Ike whole von to tbe Speaker ol the
Kan*u Wegislatme, and ibue ob*lactb>g
and defeat Inga lienWactlon wblcli
have made hundred* of worthy families
rqJohML will be only remote!/ referred to
ta tbe laecrlptlo*. 1 Maa's inhumanity to
a— ■> A— count le— iboueende merm"
Old Am— **y or may B'd make emna
raa—rfc* tie W a mas uf laiermioeui mrm
ary aad epaetnodk utto—oee. If* will be
aouimpacted by aa army wagon contain
lag vouober* and memotaada.
Jim it ft would Ilka to aocom|iaay tba
prwseaekML but being a man of profane die
noarae and having threeWraed to lead Pr<d
PaMwreua over to tbe Palma OOtoe and dm
,’uwit him —a “ modad of a damned fool,"
it—been barred out.
Aside from tbe geademaa aamad, bo
wtod i—trumente wdl be allowed ie tbe
Uaa. Maaator Paa-tof. beiag m earemt
adrooß—af Ufßor pca—bMoa, Met Ibai
ao one evea In tba Vaad (ball lake a burn
<mjba occeebm. .
a* baH meet on the——eioa aftbedepari
£' not tbatj^wuii*So2wH b Celmer<m. and
Cbaadler already. Inike Senate, and Pab
tenon, oi South Caralina. iooea, at Vevada,
jwd Ailtson, of lowa, nomine In, tba oat
going —iota will not be mimed maob.
Lwi Y(aii Hon LwhuwTlw Chicago
Commercial Bulletlo. or Saturday last •
nuMtob—a report of the bog* padtisg la
•He— Stole• Ham tbe mtam vammmari
ton—M-ntod total pedrtag tor tbs maeow
tat tba — —e potato b ee* Aon at gJWjMd
—atom a toStaat - af4.7W.4T4~
Tha rateoi increase over lam eeaeoe'* park
lag laT M MOperaenl Tba—are— la
boat that oi tarn year, tboagb the aggregate
yield win be gveator. Tbe —mbarjmHmd
ta— ye— at puiato a— yet baard Sam Me
east iAssrsirssJs
Imd year.
iiibetollii for tba Vumcxtam.
Advcrthc is 'be ViMrtCATor.
iUross Uk WaSaiWl IHsustsh )
fosaHs of Gesuasedere Maury.
It wiH l>e palafol news In the State
wherever it gore that Commodore Mm
toew V Matuyiedead. Ue died a Lei
ingteu on SJatiif.Uy last, alter a severe Ul
new of con.hleritt.le duration. He was
born Ht ftpot.ylranis county, In this State,
ou the 14th January, lflpfl, end had there
hire lust peered hi* sixty seventh year.
White Cowmod.ire Maury was still
yoitug bis (Hirent* moved lo Tenneasce. In
lSflB be entemd the aaral service ns mid
abipman, and waa applnted lo the Rmwdy
wfoe, then fl-rteg ot h eonvry ttrmrat
Lafayett o France. Ha toon ftcrwnrd,
went on the Vlnci-nnex, which circumnevj.
gated the gt,>h. Her i-raise occupied four
years; and although then not a passe! mid
ahiptaan, he In-gau bis treaties ou usvlga
tkm, which has passed through auvctal
clltfona, and la ■till used aa a text biaik la
the navy. He was alter wards on the ahi|w
FhlmmUh aad Fotomer; aad in I*W waa
promoted to a Lleutcnautcy In the navy.
In tfW, ”WhlTe UierTTn| on profoasTonal
duty, he met with an accident which re
sotted to permeoent lemi-waaa end nnflned
him for active service afloat Commodore
Maury was llieu made the custodian of the
hydritgraphleal office ht Washington, and
ia IM4 a pointed snpertnlendent of the
National Observatory. He bad prior In
Uda begun a eerie* of inveetigatloue ia
wha Hujuboldl styled the “physical goo
graphy of the sea,' and gathered s number
at übsemtlews hf the ocean wind* and
.turves* Irom the rreneds of uaval and
merchant veaeela. Tluwe war* mad* the
basis ol study, and faultier obeervalion*
were obtained through a system of tog
books devised by him, used by naval aiid
marine ships, and from the observations
taken by vousels sent out for the purpose.
la 18*4 be made known Ida conclusion •
reapecilng the Gulf stream, ocean currents,
ami great circle tailing, lu a paper feed be
fore the National Institute la IMM a
maritime conform ee, at ik< auggesthm of
the Federal Uoveruuu-niiu.miu tie uetlilon
of then Lieutenant Maury,) was held At
ftraaseia: and i eciunmeridi’d form
* tract big to be kept on board eliips, In
which war* to tie rvcordod Uct* whn ref
ib winds and waiea. Great Ur It but ,
-*>iipk*bff 4n tit— prob et, did
lb* Ifoyal Moclety of London sod th*
fkitlab AaeorieUnn. Tim results we— sl
ier ward etulaidUd in the wtad sud our
ruhtcbarU and in Dm popular wojk "Phy
aicitl Geography of lltu Sea” They have
proved invaluable to navigation.
Among tiro-practical result* of tiioac ex
ploraiiunt sis ulamio l to be the shorten
ing oi tbe passage from the Allan tic to the
Pacific portaof ine United Mi ale* by lolly
days, *mi ot voyage* from America to
Kuro|ie In the same nroporil ui ; the die.
cover/ of th* Ulwgrspli ocean plateau, and
ib<- lodloallou • f whaling erouud.
In 1M5.1 the then Uleuiennm Maury wm
profliWiiil tot he rank of commander, lie
Im-i om.. a wuinlier oi many of tint |uinui|ial
acientitlu u*.u.iation* of Euriu! and Amor
lea, end received limn foreign government
vat.mill.- Itwlmi iiilai* ol Hut appieciation ol
hi* servlet * No compliment of prnlae he
ever received was more valued by him than
a commendatory toiler Irani tbe great
Basblee til* other work* be Was tbe au
thor of “Leiuoa on Hie Amazon end the
Allan 1 k: slopes or Mouth America," “Reis
ilon lietwscri Mig 11*11 nt and ibet.'trcula
lion "I the A'inoepl'Cre," 111 lb* “appendix
V, W**blrtgtott A* Olisri rations
lor IH4M," “Airooondcl Oltservsilnne"
(IMAM), aud “IxUtvr* Concerning Lana* for
liie Mti-.iuier* Crosidng the Allanllc."
loUiemidi.l ol bla arduous cbmllAe ie
b*r* be hHonl time i wrlie many essay*
relating to Motithorn coimnmce, sud
through hi* sgvmcjrs ship yard WsidJUltr
M MmutdiU U* ww* snlently devoted
him—lf nthu*ls*ilcsliy to the ways sad
nicsu* to enlarge her commerce lie wrote
a grcsi deal concerning ill.- resource* of tbe
Moiitli— **fVuliir*l end mloeret.* ■*
When •b Moiilh areadad Commodore
Maury laaieeud bis oftjoa under Ib* Peder- 1
si Ooverntiirat ami Joined Ibe Cuntoderecy,
receiving the ep|xlntment ol Commodore
in lb* Confederate navy. He wm of great
service to the cause In many wny*.
At tbe close oi tiie war lie wa* appointed
V) lb* Chair of J'liysic* of Ibe Virginia
Mllliery iMiltme, Mid bad charge of (be
physical survey or tile M*ftta Of Virginia
undertaken by ilia* bisUitttbm.
Comm."l<>re M. devoted biiuactf a**idu
oust/ to hi* new duties* He prepared Mm*
work* lor M-boota, which were fmbtUneri
by tbe Unlv*rt*y I'uhlUMng Company—
tba principal one of which was bit pbyelcal
gaograptiy. He w— engaged on anoilier,
upon Mtronomy, gt Ibe time at bis daalb.
Hi* Indumrlim* pen wg* actively mnpt>w
ri at every Interval of hi* dniie* In tbe pw
motbm of tbe welfare ofbto tmtoved Vlrgla
la, by ealliug public ail— Uoa to bar weal
colaMe mineral wealth and general ad ran
tag—, and <>n the subject of Immigration,
Hie exerUoaetn ihtoreepaet were greet, aad
be ttataad never le tire in M* tgbov ai toe*.
Commodore Maury baa laA Aaring
wn* behind him. aad b— b—gd Jkto na
tive land by the proud achiev-meni* which
gave bW a world*wide reputaMoa.
la bin social aad 4m—to —laiian* to*
With tair d*ep gvtof *i M—lrt—4 ava—fa-<
gtad tore yas natal— and rea—toafa In—
of frbouU ‘fi the timrr avert who spprenared
wall hie (*e a—at worth —Me great aato
eniiflc aHaiuaieoto.
It can't be pi—rent tor aarvn— pwpto
•ravel by rail to Hwgt— 4 If setae et ata
ri ten nt rveently paMtobai of th# spaed aV
tained be Une Ttoe arerwg* rato of spaed
wbiek ib* gnickeet eaprese irslna travel
la forty —van aad tkr— quarter —ito* M
traia —the Grant IforUMVB Read rwaeb—
PewutiiHagb half a— at— $ tbe
diefon— la ——y fog a— aguariar adtofo
tarn —ak— ttra ram gw—, aeveaty
eeven aad a g—Her mil— with—t Mop
and a qaartar —U— aad bo—. There are
a nw— bw of eft— read* whieb make not
——a —oaf go— forty Ire to flHyear*
mb—an boar; battb*>mraey fop— Lre
doa to Bsib by tba quarter to twelve irate
l* tbe qutafc*4l to fb* wartd. The dietaa—
is ewe baeteed aad—M— —Hag,—d k it
do— to tew to— nad —a -tea—*, j
Swiotoo. TbaaSeSTifm# la tnieSteg In]
two boors aad time —iaa*—, soroMbteg I
orer flflr two aide* ae hour.
One leadlni lbilere of lb* grad dag of
reckoning— tbe oue, perhaps, mo** the*
any other pressed upon nor regard fat Holy
Writ— shall tie Me swldtanc**, lu unexpect
edness lb* worlgTa aapreparedoesa for It
It 1* to com* a* * thfof ia the night- It la
to take the woM IF wsrpriaw Oue uusasi
help often to what a sharp, aWapG
and swfhl doe* tbe boay usovsuseats of tbu
bury world shall then ht brought The day
before Hs last eHail at* them afl going eu
u usual. Ovn ouu-kalf the gb>b* Ha lu*
habitants shall he eailng and drinking,
buying and setting, marrying aad giving la
marriage; tha merchant In tbe market
place nalculat lag Wagalp* j tha echolnr a
his desk poring over the auchmt gage; the
reapers In the field ptytug their kar*fi_
task. And there la tha quia cbtwck-ywd
rymag shall hw* gatlmred rauadUfolaa
gravs, the coffin (hall haws keen lawmsd
down Into ft, and tbe grav* tßgpf ha**
grasped tbe shovel to never a the fold.
Over the other half of hrttabL
UMS shall hare Wd tbruHvefodoirik, la
wt; and the merchant ibaU ha drsiartag
there of the gain* tha ta manuals calm
are to realise; awi she pmiHekm shaft be
In the seuate boaaa, he U fan peupaea, at tfos
oration that to morrow be 4* lu daftver;
and bright vUlutie of many dappy dag* to
come shall be baaallssg many a jmuthfol
slumlierer'e fancy j aad the baMrouatasM
b.inquet room akatl hue* hung cut IMF
glittering lights, aad spread their hwMfog
tables, aad thu auslla, aad the gaums tha
ringing laugh, aad the }*vta) eon* sfeail alt
be there. J net then, wHkosd a heeaU eeat,
or note uf warning gfoea, the gnu adman
slialT deaoend from bearen whk a (kaat,
Ub the vote* at <l awb —gal, aad tea
trumpofOod. Th— tea—pet— ofto—wa
tbe —a— —r—eat sHber pate At Ito
so m mow* the mllHoo deepen of tbe earth
• .all start up from their brnt rvpoae, tbeit
dreaming* ol earthly to morrows all cut
short, A ibtvertßg terror, like that which
lilted IMtbszzir'a bull, Iball run through
the ball room and Hie banquet room and
Jsat bait ottered, tba mg bail rang, they
shall sure upon ooe another there U pH*
affright. In the busy market-pie— foe
buyer shall forget tba price be <dared—tba
seller the price b* asked. At hto desk foe
pen shall drop from tb* writer's ksad. Th*
reaper* shall Bing- tba gathered shear—
from tliair hand* Aad la that quiet church
yard that group around tbe grave shall Im
convulsed with wonder, thscoflln burete
a td the dead man spring* to Ilf* aad Maude
up by tbelr tide.
For foal tre—pet eall of b—v—aball
more than wake* qli igg riaaplgf aad mb
rest ell the Itviof InUabUanU of tbe glob*
ft shall go where sound never wool before
-It •hall do What —end never dUL It
shall plero# the etoay nmaumeot; It atoll
penetrate the grassy area ml-- for down
through many a fluho— of tba ebbing wat
ers shall It auk* It* way—ova* the deep
bed of oo**a sun ft rod—god tbs —a atoll
give ep at on— tba dead that era ia Ik —d
the earth th# dead that are there Aad ad
the deed, smalt end greet, shall artee. Aad
In a moment, la the twinkling of— eye,
by the forthgoiag of o— flat af the Ore
nip it—t, over all foe vest ooagragaU— tt
the dead U to mlnfU—over ad the bodt—
of the living a change shall pa- that atoll
make foam Ilk# to a*w bodl— of fog raind.
And all atoll be caught up laguttor hi to
cloud* to nseat th* Lord la the ak, Mtote
rartfy uplifted above those flrv* by tektob
tbe worid that now ie, and all foe— Ito
preesnt Work* are to be bur— up. Add
tba vast aoapeny a* It rise* from ibe —rth
•hell meat aaofoar, ptetop* vaster comp— a
d—ndtegfro* Ito fhite Far He k*
(toll that dtyooase la foe cloud* of k—vre
wuk power e*d gf—l glory, HteH —MM
wtlb aM Me tody teg* wttb Mj frfg
•tore too shall be tba— t§mAt foul to—
their 0 ret eauie, gqd who todlgp —py.
ud to evert—lag chatec aud— flaring—
auto tba Judgment gf fog great fofoj
h—v—, earth, bed——tag fo— tar f—
together—ibat out ef that tgrtigtogre
earth, b—van and bail might pftor uft
that aaab aoatd atel—— to —M, uad gtofo
lag part fovvv—-/toadgy fokwifoA
‘-TBW SMy TaA <***•%.
My nan. and naaMiSuMfSv
f*d HaraM tafia na wket MJMhnmmmi
It: “ Laat ear of ear raalart atldbt tfcfak
tke eUna auWy a naan ManiWHne wilt
anwtias yaan\d fcia IHb: aad dk*en|kh
jjknf *to Sin^yßaMb^yi
•*.?“ S3 hSHSC
finXm pair I alffcOewadtkafi wan?
pie ikara wnald not Mao week aekeppt
ooat reeaHag Iron harfy otanlagm.
NO. 10.