Newspaper Page Text
A C( it 3P^
A MM WlfMtb fclfoW ;.• •
in ■aC'llrtojnfadtfeK fa jMtt BWW pkMiilVy
iiMOpF lyjwi *
: ■'•* ywpwf .Yfre for
umm mmfwmtdtf, fp
wawinetmw by striking kb kmftfgpldft •
linn to bto bar*. IU
ud mo serfage, drifoftltttm® jteitftHtd fru#
the Injury ap to vlihU ib part tow day*.
Shortly altar the wridwi Hr Hall m
fi<<4 to foe meaaaatfie barinemta Bereft'
tow, Pa, u|WM<thither with bta fam
tty. Om day la#f week b* vaw obiiged fa
fee** hi* ttnM add go borne, oa fag to a
Mtt and peculiar pain to bin hand. After
ranching Mv writ!***® ha to# <**f **
violent spasms, which eoeflaaad at short
Interval* until to* t/tbmk at night, whan
they toft Mw, end Us mm k tot* * gutat
reettbg well at sfebL Vym ew*b
tog to Itwr monjtog, feta act JOB# wars srfsJa
guiarJMftit wit A tofti ttai* hefof w
friends conlA aaftate the mass. H waa
nn*tly Ham—jil that bla memory, from
**-- r/lb* itoila* to aii ■. *
a aww nwtayw 1 ■
tlraly gun*. Everythin* iimi had oertirvd
dor tog Dm past three year*, aw) 'faring
(bat tlm* many Important ajl* ha<l Iran
spired to bl* Ufa, waa a* blank to blin aa it
ba bad bean to a •*<*> lor all that lima
It* recognised hi* with aid other* ha
had known before the ercideni, bat two
children born daring tba paet tbraa year*
warn entire *t/ang*r to him. Ilia old**!
child, five yaara ytf, ht lctnb*r*>l mmtf
aa aba waa wke* but (ir. fit* mind anam
*4 waa ft, bad Ma trtonda hoped that with
tha return to hi* uaoal good baaith hla
memory would ba —oral la a day r
two, boweyer, both hta mental *<l |byl
eat rigor returned, but tba atogolar gap to
hi* memory rtmatoarL Hla partner to bn
slneaa, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Hall had known Us
yaart. Mf. Pratt, at tha lima of tha Injury
to Mr, Haifa haad, waa principal of a
school at Daarillr, Pmnaytoanla. and Mr.
Hall ranamtwrtMto n|y ga thab Ha an
tarad tba latter'* room allay or an aftar be
waa takan akk, and Mr. Hall waa ysry
much anrpriaad le aaa Mm, and atom! him
a boot bla acbmAand Aland# to Itonrtlto.
Mr. HaUotmUhardly Ira brought to belter*
bla pra**nl condition, but be Anally (aw
that It ooukt not be trtherwbe. Krary
effort bd been made by hi* family, by
bringing up.nld (aanclat Irma, the daath* of
(rlaoda (ud ImpDrihnl af*au
to bta ltto for Me peal tome y*am,3B
awaken aome algn trl receoltociton of that
tlna, Hut to val*. He waa greatly surprised
to'bear that ba had been doing bustneaa to
Scranton for two yaara aad In a dries
through that city a day or two *lnea he ra
rvigvleed none of tba bualnaa* Anna which
ba baa bad dealing* during that time Ha
la aow In thla city, visiting old soena* and
M ito. to hope* that he owy Ax bl* mind
m, *nm*t* fttirh will lend It beck over
the (brew year* that are blank In him and
remit to entirely reatorlng bl* memory.
rfti Iwk Mmt'i OM IfwX
There wre a wy tpicy debate la the
Twntwie (treats me day leal week, over
a b U eaempUng Ike individual property of
husband* end wire* from eale on account
of debt* contracted by ttther be tore mar
riant, end the Hon. K A. June*, Senator
from Chattanooga, who chewipioned the
Mil, made Iketa point*:
lie laid that he came vary near get tiny
married at owe that, and would hare done
ao bailor Ike fact that when ba proponed,
the young lady begged to ba eicuaed, and
being nature) y a vary gvneroun hearted
man, ba eteared bar. Ha aald be * da
ride tty la Ikvor of tba Mil under ditcuaelon,
aa ba waa retorted It would bring about a
greet deal of oonuobial happineaa. Under
ha levied upon to pay a hunhand’s I O U'a
Thla la all wroag. It la a vary ember
ratal og than tor a young mao poaaeaaed of
reran* torejrto tba belovedol Waeoul, af
ter re-living a favorable anawar to hi*
•Umatef ing proposal, “aid mw Arabella,
there la another Important question to ba
answered. Hare yoa aay old debts hang
log over you ec account of Mil* tor back
kair or beetle* r It la equally trylaf upon
tka yjreng lady of wealth, after accepting
Ike Hi.*et| Mrf aaptofe “There I* ewe:
wkiok Ml he tailed upoa to settle after
awhile r Thla Mil la jet* what la aeaded
wuTTffroJSlT prevent irotortpaOoa be
tween maniad, parties borealte. lor tWa
Neither cae *ay to tka other, “There, I
told yoe ms! toardh • let ef peer eld
Übrt lor the <Mdreo re* wretar.
. The bill pawed by aa overwheimleg ma
jor! .y. —• * m .#*’* * • " i, ‘-
Wa tokatka lutowteg from the Waab
lagtoa Capital: Wa had a drunken doctor
by the mm at Tad dm*, wfco, from hie
of oer woe try aid*. People mid old Todd
a— mJ.Jmm* emUkll
wtcier bmq
r?<woauJthesrS2r "Ho*
womfetfefJt* wnHldtw it ba wrf( anfaw.”
The tort waa, tbc only woadar waatotbelto
uoc. II if tha aaan baa* aabw btwaald
pr. -trabiy hart inaynl nottea.
Otto Toddy waa aaMarf to, or rather he
wae ftoAed up druak at tba uvara *#*
night, alawM iaaaaeitda, to for a
man to tba grawleat aguay. Tba doctor
jtaggered lata tba ro*a, aad tot) unau the
Soot. H waa tbafom op. aad a mage mu*
of ihe dworder roared lavn hi* tar. AH
that could ba got boat him waa tba nee
word “otob*. A pot waa hurriedly put ff
<m Uu* Are, aad at aoon aa U amid b* made
an atojttg aa bofy writ, a pk*t wae pmw*d
iA* tba pnttowt übo only foatad lb* fond
*r Agnis tha doctor w* appealed to, aad
Btgtuvtd “oulk, Til inliitf
irtonda aad retotim laaaaedtotriy foteed
down tb throat at the • offerer eardber
do**. A third attempt waa being mods.
• he* the doctor Oiaggefed to the Otriride,
aid wiring the cop drained tba tkpud fora
He then rolled out to tba pump, aad put
■tog foa medical bead under the epoul, Wd
water pumped ueef b to r aarne aduuto*.
Alter tbt* be returned, tomewbat aotwrau,
to the bedrid* i foa paiieat, frit hie pwtoa,
iwoked at hie u*fctte,e*d priced tba pour
h Mow to the momma
*• ilow’re aw am* fbe cebad. "</h| 1
am to'ter; tba airibe M *" A awrry
twinkle xturt the inAaaaerl i y <>t tfo
totoekatad prectftiooer, toil be *atd no
thing 'ben tfobwotueatly ha' let the j-fc*
out u*a to other pfaytuftoa “ | waatwd tba
coffee myeelf. to aotow aw up THtofc H
!tey did'nt glr ii to tba fatfow i* the e*4b
<nrxl though.” AtmlUm doctor* tAaakfoii
toeifby. . - ”
Am ClmemnlMtto (awdai* *f ftowto
aad Jeff. Hath.
MsehTill* Oor l>'i*rtlle rwir Jour ]
Pome new! Her ># wean to ftwigto** to'lk,
(while Tuylof and Caw Were candidate* for
tM! l*T>wi'li-*ry i and uri iii Had • to
getl.w at tha wiMaad ftoe arentog,
ariited by the aatae toed*, Mr, llnria read
aloud from • poiiticnl ietlar of (ean. Taylor,
and maria ftwaiag tawtoio for Mr. f V
dalnr tnilon. which tba latter llodgftl were
ratlter too friendly Us a Imowa-ratie Mao*
mbs to grmj..~. ’ v.'Apid trf *
laoraea In toot, he torimatad >t*fta atrtMg
ly Utat he thought M Itorto a* heart, ***
a Taylor ta*u , tbdf ajplie of hie profeaetd
aapport of Out ! tamoerstfo aotntoee (a
wwuhl retaly rejotee wear (fee Taylor’*
eldieioa Mr iHria hart married a daagh
ter of (i"i> T , and thie liMie elicuawtoara.
Mr Foote ettggratad, Wta |( IM KttUom <d
hi* colleegutCr- rT~lhe letter,
artdiag. la hie impetuow* way, that it
would be a rery aka thing, atter ait, to be
a *oa to law ,f tba Pnaidant--are* a Whig
Preahleot. Mr OaVle out Id not brook tbt*
Mrnaattc Intimation of traaelmry am bta fiart,
and rriwrterl In wear* language, oua wot*
bring lag on anotker, until tk# • gfafa aad
reraraad'’ came to Mow* Tba nolm of (h*
Aatlr af arouaed other Uongreatunan, who
rnabed Into the room aad keparated tha
rauntmlanta, atmonlatoing them of the
abante that would attach to Iwo dMingulah
ad HaMtlr>ra from the name Mate Indulging
to a dl*grace(ut knock down Tbmriew
of the tnattar naturally brought the two to
term*, like lb# mau and wife who ”argoetl‘
the qaeettoa of rat or annum," they abook
hand* and made frfemfe.
” jfeallr," arid Mr Foote, after a!•
11l afouau : " I ahould not bare thought of
Mtrh * thing aa Mrlkmg Mr. Ittia If be
bad’ot )mmmhhT the Aret blow.”
” At# you not ndriahak about their
urged Mr. Pay I* aptiJogattnall r
8 Indeed I aaa not,” raturta.l the Its petit ;
“ It I* toy Imprmelon yn* struck ftr**,*'
pleaded Mr. D.
■HMt no, It waa you.”
“Hut I II ewcar it waa you ”
u A’td I woutd *we*r it wasn't.”
“You did atriba ma Am
*T dltl not ririke first"
-Yoa and d."
"I diPt”
•a *' YOU did."
J “I dkl'at”
“Well,” arid Ft* at W, rtring hastily
front hi* Mat' “there ritan'l be *ny dfeptjtr
aa to wbo struck first ltd* tone" -and *hr
spoke dealt Mr. Daskt a stinging Mow on
the cheek, which resulted la another re
nr on ir* that, bet for tha Interference of
mutual Mend* might kata beoo going on
until now, fiw both are “game" all orer
The (iUNtioo aa to who struck first being
settled ( nothing serin** grew out of the
metier; especially a*either party preferred
to have the matter hurited ap as speedily
as puaribto.
Tea HmaU- Pm—A PMana ann Paa
rarr FYuionvoß. -We ropy the follow
Ing from the Ileatoo Herald- The method
of fumigation might be adopted In Rich
ia rod with profit:
Borne year* ago Mr. Palter, who new
hat charge of the Maolla Harden* at &-
hanf, waa living In Batten iad had a
bouee toll ef young and eld people *
boarder* and lodgera All of a Mddre a
yowng Mi la the boe*e wa* ukaa dowa
with the regular black email pox Of
course there Wa* great consternation la
that house, bet poeetWj nothing llhe what
there would be to-day uader toe mate
circumstances Mr. Porter, though be had
aaver had Uj*di*eae himaalf, neither had
aay of the other inw tore of the houe*
took entire charge of the young man. He
pet Mm la a roam oa the ground door, and
camfelly nursed Mm with kto owe head*,
The dbe are to-dt a strong hold of the
prong t*an, md medical nmngaT<hi a*
•ay Ing that treats Id not lire; but Mr. Par
tar thought differently, and still carefully
weracd Mol la the mean Sue aoea of
to* boarder* left the house, while during
Ota yooagmtn'* sleknere Mr. Porter went
dally toaad Area kW hewaa ettosuttag to
hfe hmfasai, aad treats ally the vouag
maa recovered. Mo other -yaraaa m the
the diarese outaidVthe
them?? preeaation that 7a Med
about the hires to pwaaat toakaaif ar
direare jrea^to*
toMtol] ftlafM ml rereraa mrelft m*4 rnmgm fAL.
■alt he aadv aoared about a large apnewful
of the oil or vitriol. TMa created a vapor
which permeated the ethrp* hem It
area a pettoMfea%atoOad to atfemfcc
ieavlaf the sack room, always thorough
ly tamgatad himaalf wfth this vapor, aad
tom dtf ha prevent the spread of the to
ease, whß* he iambs cowl diet tout M also
mm wafts breadcwdto the tick mm; aad
to day ha i* coaddaM It Mb nwa mlad that
wjare pareomam aick with the aatali sax
th. tyre- M to.
Of Lad mage, Oeorjyi*
r> aw
I I MOW. sod will, keep always oa
I 1 band at kta >rid suusd. East aMa of
Us fwUic wtoare. spsdkfo
WXIJ. muUTtta sroca ,jg
Coasietiag, to parr, of
or 001.0 and StfLVKfl Watokas, JU
Afttom sod Key winders, of rba bwnri*
bpbradO <i’M and fttlvcar Watch < kato*.
of all , maker* aad preas
(Arid I’tmt and all ktnde of hfihtar*, Gold
Siirer A atari fipertirim A
MUwer W*.
</( all fond* aad riytos,
TifSri, Taisia f Mlery, A Maser.
From Ike very rssnstri maker*. jObttf'li
Hix-ttlo aiid UEUMUE AuriTlWt- ■
*HEi>Amrtra t
t am will reimtrte* ait gnwd* to my Una
Ton maay rtpaewa of IfenwsSkrr and ad j
Joining nonetfe* have le*S*d toy Wwrk In;
r{ litre a *<d from me M to Um* tisUmrtmt
>4 a. I will, kowerer. warrant at! my
nukrU wiiferlf “mi, aad hare always'
•ion*, and rmfmet/ully aak a smUsUMsk s< j
Use paboaag* t kata ssetosed from mwy ,
Irtomt* i* Jferiwether
feh 14 ty ALItEKT I.EHMAK
W . T. GO I) WIN
!Sealer i*
Upper, Sole 4 Hatsmm
Leathnr,ll>o— TIM*
lass ate.
HI Ufr - - " 7
fo>rel*ce * celebrated Home made fthoe*
/ iOMNECTED Mth 'he above totsinees,
V. I* a Carpet and Curtain Department,
where hi kept constantly a fine Hock of
Carpets, Curtain*, Cornice, Oil Cloth*.-Rug*
India Straw Matting ami everything usual
ly kept I* a Amt clam Furnishing firman.
Mr Isaac Wta* I* connected rritb lbe
Hocm and will attend to a!: orders prompt
ly, , ” feblfotf
uiurnn, ga.
.. „ i j
Atofe tba caiebrated Woodrat
* n
_ top-
' Au *U*a of (be WESTERN THIMBLE
SKEIN WAGON, and aA atom of Patent
■pratol orMn Med and all
Johat ML Holbrook,
AtltoatA, Oaorgla.
f H aSrrrag c WHOLESALE and IU
hlniflfiiry IsrfaiM
1 Mens' and Brers' Ham **4 Cape <4 rrsri
dmeriprtoa. La***’ and If warn'
Trimmed end I nnaaed
Hat* of every
. And ii kinds af
I- ;
and CANES.
Tk* stock <n*hmc*s afi of tW LaT
TetvagjMimsQflKgtodriflag.and. F*n*
a* tfomt of Moo York
The high*#, warkm arm ota be paid
to CAJML tor
J* >4 iML
WOULD inform' kb Mamfo to tba
miriirt<s.t nf form* Os.**
few - ... .* - tt . k*ig * tm i i n*mi I . mm mtole
penneriv *a w*h to kb tom.
tstPrtsW, helmet
ton* nb-wue* rd-tfem fori fcvoraid
TV-a* tmtatand for ewh dßase to I*7l
are ergently rsa*m4 b* am fovsri
feeital NATHAN miLUJhI
Raw l> iRa TtoftefttiHgiAii
A LL uwiakted In ike firm of Mtnknfc A
/ \ Ib-skar. nHjimtoart t* *• for
ward and *ewfe tbagf annmnto and ntont.
ms .to# eear Smr pto** fondle and psomn
Ike, wto fond in Ifen at T H tbswna
a! tki* tuna Vrty a t-m tke* nil! font 'kern
in tfca kanda uf Attorney* B* mrileriea*
*a*a n>nry by srtlilag ate n*w
)a. !m uT.jJj* * A MHO
I? It o K K It S
- A*—
* !
T s tine a stva**. * t •’*•
T. ▲ BARNES. BRO. *. C®
| .
■mmk nf Eirhaagr msstl PryneM.
anrota. . x _ uomu
provide* I ou real res with a
Fire-Proof Safe,
ate ntsw pmarrilo (in BaaMng
on D*n mb. by jackal agseetarat. We bay
aad sell Kicks age an AUanae, Bavaanab
and New Turk at mrrsnl mea
Liberal advances made an Urifon Stared
Cotton bought and Self an F—re Can
tract*. Jaa foil
For Sale.
SOUTH BEND on Flint River la the
lower fob District b far mfe. 1 will
take codon or money in fenr payment*.
Then am atom MS acrea In the tract. I
groan Thleegood. Coma and fook, mid
we vriß trade. BEK. GAJUIETT.
Rave dbaolvad aa nagtnagvbip. They wan*
money. Call on fltmftatna A Son. They
wa nerive it —~
Imoortoxit ITotio®.
THOSE who ora triring for Good* at (be
Venn Soring* Store, bnnght dm lag
1770,1871 and irj wflf pfonm aa— fat*
THE MONEY NEEDED***** ** mm ‘~
Jan 341 m.
TV* Seraaaak Dai tj Narsfeg **** *
•fya* b; toa pmm an* SaafWvfe to mskemmtly
• mow &oots* g| Lmmmrtlm aaA |m( of Rav Oriott
• eiyw vitk k tk* *•>** •* >a*alHy tosga.
i kae aB Ik* is*" mt k*y agyonm. aa* *y m
-ha van* a*(auka*im to to* pak-tc
tvri*k to y*nr ITU. aa m**‘< to tone ktow
MMI nub J tot to *r to tom to# Mstofoglfonn
Jjeto ef afl etaounn*** w wmgt,
**i if*** U,M ""-: i *-^-" r -s^
. arek to to* torn* ktotagatoa. lae-toto**a to*
krm mg Moo*. *k# *M*ivnfc ia**v toilito
to* |-| — mMd Uhal to* aa I via** w.*a by to.
a -*(* *•*• am wt**t** and stofeiA
SlriJ u msnn-r safer, aad -ka* tom* ■*•
■ninkaa.idf. aamjtoSag to MHiitoW toa*
• laarfena to tto 4- tortto * tatwatam. it Mnn
rmlit kMkxkto, aad feaaaaal tantofemr*-. to*
u>( w (to nadar tom* sad toau* *lg*aud mtokr
i toavs*} uUwr yarns i* #a Wat*.
It is. jwrfcapa. noedlcs* So *,wnk of Ik#
- putokw f iwcbbvvtog KewaFor^w*
! -u to* a reprasentauv* font* hem
paper, aad from into Um U> the ptaaaat, in
all eusttottiim. n has cuasitoently awl F
riatacty msmintnad Denemndfe tfastos
fowktd pna*3|dto, aaj tatawe*. A aa
iMuT and deeutfem that knnnt no abate
n.sat to* and pnmrse the totaresl*
and bon-.* af tito fond k
Tk# sfitoini imaswnr n# tfar Movmng
New* nB! be untamed and baprangd aye
daifog Th enridng'ynsr. nsri' sevnmi new
lUUf'tnlH <j|B tw
Tk* U- urgia near* Mam*, wttk thtov
quajed and pi——* humor, and tb*pfeamr
<4 F;.<ra* tfon, niii Uenenunnad daring
tm you T— UM*i dnpenmeut will kv.aa
U hv* bean '’far tk* pud year. Use u. ait
otanpl* stud rriswuie feu tat fontiti in any
Ttavnaa** (*,<<, wad Ole umtttodrctto dw
m<i vU| Ut futi and occurtr
wTim for
(bras mow'b', fl W for on* awmW.
Th TwWeaßiy Nava
TVn mlmum to lb* Mnrntng Mew* u
tope* tolly ra ian 'a endnf to Utoen *h< bee*
to, *wdn% —C. E*toj
'king ikai ba* tara atodjfa Or’forvg"*ng'
id ragard to the -folly ejHkto may be re
gntond uf On Tn MTeekly It fe nmriv wp
•Hk great tvsn, sad to'rtags.t UM foanto dn*
sabin and toa'kti nptu Tbs prwv tit
ik> ad. ■a. Is fo <N tm —am. feu M
n anni-to. ar 1 fit HI fat llttrr mnwtkto -
Tut Weekly Raw*
Tba Weekly Mnrnfog Nvw* pu Wulariy
lematftk Maatf to Ik* lerater and (<>
Jhua* *k> nv* ta( kto tines uf ralMtsnd it
b uwe ut tk* tang InmUy fmiar* in tto
rtwo-ry, g*Ks e* rteapami kttaga M wnkta
:J* rant ti nf tot fe t salefo* tkiriy sis
w<hd WHMtoaa ef raa.iag matier, nnd Is
maitod au an tv intofo valnaetkav* wHk Iks
i'bm ptLlptosto hk* nsfotty I —*
•tawatwriy edhad te.anmndkia to the new*
.g Ito aek, mariasms, hi addHk* an
.*fih* variety to etke* iwni vndiag
utatssr Liik—k *<n a If*, ritatafea*
fopgiTi n oioOQOf Ute, joptß
ry, i. .g**cky, pvbgsnt paragraph* and
• ■ ).wt! i'.|t< #vtf Into Hs *ak*
p li (Mtatea lb* fosait tottftnrkir d*v
Mtkttoe aad vttft pyttl ep in Ike toms
uf g-tog **. ami ta. ta aH rvaprts, as.
;.rit*rt.v*tda adjnturt t.. every bums
Pri*e *>•* year, fl 00, *>* a aa’ka, t>
*k} ; tkm astmtbk,' 5u reSKA
ftofengtastoe* few nfow Maine f tto
M's—eg Nvara may kw*et by *'
Ito risk amt >*paw *d to pr<A'w*''” *•* J iVKSTttS. fermask, On
t,i vrgln. Nrrtaatba* ammapt
I vtll apply *<• tb* ft***aata# Cuac f
• rniiaary, la and fed *ato wseatt wfvw
ffea First M today la Karri* few taav.
•0 •*’! all 'to Land* i* tori o**nty tolowg
ng my a irdn Edward W- t‘l Lk*.
M •!*. Miatam fbr w danasry Sfok
ftestrgfea. Nrriwribrr I vwnty:
f AS F JONES apfdfea for pwnmnea'
• ) Letter* to AdtnbMr*kto apnei the *•
late to Cvtberww R ferny , tor an-to.
TV* K itosekwa. v. e le and admwbk
•II om erneal to file 'tow yldarimaa, if any
, itoy have, am or before the fbd Monday
, in Marrk wit
Olvea under nty band and Mb rignn
tarn lota Jaamerv (fob, WO*.
1 Jaa 31 ft.
P*dtpM4 l4*JMklr*l#r’ tele.
BY virtue of aa order from tk* Honor*
Me Court to Ordinary, ta and for mid
O wa'y. vW ba soM tofewa the Omrt
Hoove door, in the town to Or—vißn, om
the I*l Tecaday in March, 1873. batwaae
the legal boor* of mle. (85) KrhtJ Fir
acres, more or hem. of Iy*t No (4TI rnrtjr
Two—middle part to mid lot bfrwvgtag w>
Use eetata to Noah Rowe, deed ; dwriliag
aad on* bonera ca tba same, *bowt(B) eight
acre* of timberad fond. Jen. . lTt
Term* Caafo lERMOCA ROWE
Jan *l4l. Ex—trig.
GEORGIA Meriwatbnr Connlf.
F. M. MARTIN ***** to me far intwmerf
Guards*oafaip f the p—*l property of
ta IL and Ila BranwaC. miner, aad
orphan* to WE Braewriltort fe
ta show cane*, if any asM, why mfd let
tervvbotod not be gttotlad to Oe afm&aat
onto before (be (rat Monday ta Yfafech
aesL Ofrrasy band^andjdtcila
“mKaT O-MIC-
U -ILUU a'lL’T lil I '-. 111 i'JIU J —!—
that I am compelled in pay
what I ewe, and to de no, I awl have what
a— at; tbwebur. I nww my tapomdvv
collection. ComemadwKraakimara
fan 17*73-fan
Moss & W illiarruß
SHOES, 800
wm be prepared to forntab Farmarv' Sap
pitaa an time for tba year 1878. 3m-
will pot tbe : r boobs oto faranßoctiun aotm.
Cbll aad pay them. 50 MISTAKE
1873. 18TH
. _ ~a
is now nr foil blast i
■ ... ■. .
OgflsY Aa A YRARt
birroiT Tr m m Ptfß
F.very man hi WeMwegfoey Cwmm* 1
Only $2 Tear In AD7AHCE.
> OrawriQ*. G#4