The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, February 28, 1873, Image 3

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    TIIK VINDK A roil.
rrßUsntn ttvttty
at $S 00 leu annum, in advance
|{.itr< *r WvcnWs;.
tv-aoe l k 4 *S‘ a iihi 'ti tie. : I V ear
1 ,nd 1 ’4O 55* 4AO TOO I IO 00
1 un. nr J at suo 6V> . ’oOO l’> ’■
s>ac*Mll OB nermt
A ik. >o oo > Ait** JStio nr. i
, . i.] ; 7 ix* Ir.l v i 7' ". . L*. iv) 60 0
i ci.; Jlo w -jo oo :voo so oO ftuo
iy A liSrnx! .U-.i-i. It: m. ie t' th
G SKMYXLLK, rti 1D AV, F fit. JoStI
>ollt i: TO TUT *l BI.JC.
Aider YET. dal’ •" t ’ .1 7.. ■ "'•■ . T
f. r the. a-unty *.! Mi ! vn iiirr. :H In' ;ml>-
lished m 1! r MlHiv. 1. 1 u; n ( i.un \ Dim
carvix JA S' XX PANNING,
11. v
A ! HINTON M.e.'.fl
. Jcdl.N AN Ui’Yl)
J4-h l>7. a tik ii
1 Term IniNtuttf* jA >>-j I-~-
iTif .) 1 HA.NMNG
|W 1 A BA iIM ' A < '
► b\ ic k*l OvitTf i M 1 {( HANI H> K
tfrwt be b U~ i U~-U
I* t L • -
tar Ju,i itu .%v. ti> t A HMLN ! > A
CO , *-*! > •)* *r
Xl *1 [jOftxi < N 1 * >'■*"
I_l hi t t.v • \i ? up*
33n&u kPi tu< ( H- -s
3*M lit*:* I x iI * 1 V K to
' l’• X -u j
*• (c. ti M ; l
K- * Mkle Ml !b :is* -ti i>" j *t s "ii ! islif*
19 f A HAUM> v I<> Sr.", <• -
a-. * - .... .-’lit : T.C.,
}' .—; • ' I! •!••>■ •> ■ K.'i
-- • - ■ o: im. .
floi .4 - •!. • rs r Ilic- • !'< c *1 :!”• ?*
• c w ■ **•<..•* k* *.*.< ;ftU* • to ‘' 1
ij. X* • I • **•*• ‘-J **• v
ONftA • .!*,r • !■ wMI U
• - UlOl<| ft w &>•!'&• •'*!■ t f OftA m*•
fki iMft •' •'*• oft'**# '* •<( . • <•*■♦*;'
WX.fMNN 4 t<nh *> Attjrr***. •
Nojmt All fit lU|U iWitX •
t > >yfiU Mt U.< \\ :t| >i .‘>j *I * Hi <• f Hi
l.rM \ li*! h! i> f *M *.< ’ ) -’4< • * *Ullt4*il If.r I v
. \ M*- 4* V-l M*4- .1 - IUI . I ,1. I? **• "• I
J s w .: Ik :t‘i * In < • ..
•.* In nj !’ '! m wtMt, Agt
'1 ti : * T.’ C~Ti.. 7!7T~rv. TT ,r nn, 'irr
llftf ln,, ij.'i T i• ' <• . f**rwr: ar?o
I*.ti** •**n? = jS# ■ a '* I al*u !”'
birtf !**!■■'>> >4t i'-* 1 .- t.attila S A jLutt Vi*! 1 llii
I l* l!i Ml I. -J* II
f-*.**M H ,! C’ I fvi- t A<t?.
; • • *T\ I
• • . . .• I \ 1 f! ■ ■ l r ■ ■ f II . !
A ■ Uli HU. Ud. !.•.!.*' . ’ ;i v ' ,T *‘l’]*'
.81 .■^.-tift-tAiT? s-* . .r fVvt
I■ 7*• Hit"}''? : •:**•’ I< - {Hit' VAC k '-‘W f|| ,
• - - . ♦ • 1 -* 1 * •■.4 •- : I uul
-i r w*< jM **’.' am. . :#-tn th'ti
m** ' * ' ’ h* Ji . * i h j;'!*)'!
<* *‘h?ar t* V * t* a tv- 11. h*
•m* Uft il , . v
|rrl ( | < 11! > ar / fU4c i i jjl Ut
|.s*nt Wfc■ i < *•* • ♦* Mil* *
!i y Jre 4 **!• * *O' ;**#*i< Ij u lint
cjbttrtlj ’ • Q£|t rvci* utii
WtMT YWt LfAfHiM Tviffi OX ► A
< ; 'u > U#tf) M fc h *
•lV Ol*t l||Cif * V# * At ft Ift ! f tT*4'l
with lb* V f Yf*ir ay h > > T *if a b*
*fi r U* tht *h*
woyhj y lO'ty witif two oollif
w'/rth'•tt rikbrn*, A* , riU/rr thu
idimi our wftjft-ii'jr v!n‘ W* nr* tru^v
to. hear tn*j the is-,.*-* 'iiif'k *ii of life
VimVt' Sloe. *D'i l|n|X-Piever d* *erV'; til' t
Oi ice *tid *ppro>a?.on.
T** WE*T*v.n.~- Tb* bud weather
Do**eed in w last i*( .till confirm*# with
(I* prn|i(:t of m ir jr chs'igc fof,th be*
teg. Our *UneU are ff ] I'“>J 10 a Ml .•> of
fisd b*J. wi; '■ tb* • .!"* nk t*T'-*enl no
il'rtc'i'ini to tidy pedestrians, Jf our
Chy Padier* * i - 'hit our >wn'k>
and crossing* or*- j. am 4 in good of >r,
w think om 't pn)er wool*! meet the
expense* of tk estne ijntM'jfro'jfiiiir y
TUj might a!so have shade tree* planted
on ail the principal at resits. Lei * ptaoe our
towp in potrim to fwwtrr Tti* ft —ftr
we hope to have at an ftjf 'Jay What
pay imiauit awakr r otimilait-n.*
Sinn* ihe *•>ove wa written the cloud*
have disappeared and old Ho! i* tx-am i r.g a>
bnghiJy a* if he bad kart no time recently
Let ail imitate hi* example by going to
work instead of over the late
bod weather.
An old inhabitant, weatherwiae. aaya the
enoon chang**'! the other day, and we oiay
expect a opeii of rood weather. We are
•ore, thank* to oar ialormaot, that a!! ~i'S
rejoice at ihi* annoiincenient.
Owe of oar young men who bat a few
night since became an intoxicated "O > iiv
bob fully bob ’/ that he threatened to whip
the Coort Hme, and undertook to cot hi*
throat wrin a mackerel, it in a fsir way 0}
recovery we learn.
I^SC— Xy* Tt"? morntrtg of -he2Bd -swat,
Of cooeuraption. Mo Eut* Drxov Balic
wim, wife of A M Htidwia. aged 2f year*.
A cowpfe is Sorerota, aged respectively
@8 sad hi, mourn the advent of twins.
Two little Georgia bora, aged 11 and 18.
made t bale* of cotton and 80 bwehela of
*en !*s ****<-e
W n uttH tr,~? spT?r:n l tyC
->ur rtAvlt-Ta tv *ke u ;ir* l Uiv >
w M*rh?nr, wfcirh npjie.-irv in wi
vrUPviO*; ' aiUOk HS? h > lUt* i'TTVtU'AXx >
?.,C'.tltrU:*sh lVu’% v\ ili T lUr‘-
aj u. ! tr. nil. \ . • :• c ‘>i tl
Singer an i cun . \ \ 1> : ciuha- mc>: is
I Mine. Min H wmihl Ik* |ih*i’i* J to ti *v
lb.vac tirM.iri! a :'h< hiV'-', U t \
’ atuisft 1 iho Suvgcr In !.c J’UicUhm i r>. -
I w litre.
It •> Mi i th.r a sun.c tiiu*
nilr’ llit* \>!t l , MTH f iiu* tt’.Ml I Ullto Vh u .
tcjillv , :h-!t Of. '■’( 'Z r '-at to a>
htttt fl** ! i;' **v W l.i r*
U;? 1 uiiuiia.:a ?
5; Mu i \±\t xinnr/’ was hut
rt-rtrfi:n wlu-ii <' a v* tUt.tnl % “ ifttuiuci*
xb i*v’.* r ' li.rt’ilH’! k mn.Ui
I< U -lIV •■ liu r.f V I hi .".it
rln tbr- VI Vr; .Tt*.; * 1 • WUmIO smli
tttt'T r "Trrrn wh 4 r~vrr* Oi —heal ■
| the it Mil xv ;s n' . nit: n.>- luhvrnu .i
; lawcr triiila c*u uttilnu-ni Uiltrr vh w, ano
ti.exh vv refusers to n-turn it, can iiit*fuc
; 1 i-Ylf mi x S gu! u*ii ' f
An in.lix iJw O c nb-rttl 1 j t hhuttU*’ e.-.
■*" T mrvnrnrtr 1 rfnr inui xllci jit; —
* v. (. .Tv C T7.t• I M i. m, ti \ f •.’ -xcsa .t
TTa'Ll pi :ililJa - xU
• ’vsu in, “he x* i- a> well and 1
11Ati ♦,*•’* *1 lu
1.a.l i‘l h* l *• - 4 * J * : me *1 \\ **
• tbM li h> *t' •. ; vtti’ ~u. : Ulttß rs‘ •'
. h.'Uit ' \S v tli, j ‘ixc r.
linll M A1 .’ M S Mn In Tls* htiOki*
Vi rrtrr jrTr,Tt ,TTt nr - ■, ■ a ui—^ —b- -
ir. h I**.*tl c. ininV-.n, htul In *>t I H w
l\ .1 the turn f.r xv In li thr contriu 1
ht agrH*o h; k c’|* \i tins !***t yc*l !
ritiitctl, h. liAv I*4 ci. hi i: n.ll tin
Aili lUKM) ft tlu i'ut;Ut\ t .'lliillhM’-mii* <4i
the tbit tier, STjytiit thry tv\v hP- m, :
thru acvtt-iir m il 4* ImVe thr I
iict t !*'itry it |*iUiJ* ni t. nt iiu <
A ( iiAii.te.NoK Or lUn.tii utul 11 ih\ !
_ . _ .. • V’XX-V ■“ “ ,
, , ~ . , wii. .-r ,r f •*'•* ••:. . . : - .
It |f' I ‘ ■‘i i lu’ T** <'• I*.-—' * *■' B? •.• { • ..iilii .-
irrrd'?*'~-Y>f nir vTpnir r * ; * -*-yf 4* >■*■
Vf . !' i.i y l At : i< -!• nil ii lest 111*'
< tUttUt i McftMih Itaia* A IliuiWvul<l Ih
j. 'r.'iftnl In Imvc 111 *ll cali I'lttul Blit! laK*
i ijiiula! in t!ic ( it.iiin 0 • Aft w c 1
iiC i Ail htnii lnn;l > levtw**nl)
five tniif* I’NtcntteX Hu x n!m*l <ill* 1 luin
ctitO ! t a <; r fli.l hit-ini- They throw
io** li (in i/hwihX l< ).) otTir-Twn
i-ciieti hi iit la <ji (lit oS.t worltj We tbhik
; I. i >.i' if* t I •lure will .o v no j -hah® wllAhVt-1
Hty uu-h iUKr
A Nc'iMtut I'iimim l, hi Hi*lurly eve
in;- M n A Iftjr ;vft|t| tI 1 >t.ff Hie lh<Mot
■ him h Au-Ut i of biltrh (J‘TieAt itm uw ai
JUnI * lilt ltOft V i\t ll.t Xt t'Uf m*s *• ii l IIA
Ain ny \Ut f- .. • i thiip 4 klum*h itT, xa e
hot ft t V M 1 4 Hl.ll* 0 I't.ttlllN, JtiillA, tVt .
j yenrs Witter Me lon I'i.-m ivi-s iUIIU
: mt * h l , **n4 u luiliie lIL
1 ilia* Htu'irv Wine. nnth‘ u IM7I l*h*M
,vmu I* '.f xnileti- k'li ) *> \ ifj.Mi'tJ I V
4 Afrr ATaU^-Uur 1 1|_ vt ho •"tr •( lh tin Hit
.*.Uhl JrMi .xiv<N lu n!| H,<- iafitt.
] ' ' . Ii .• ’ • ’ *_t ’ ( |
V. N * HM- in -li—rt- trw'|Mj*M
ill'll .still . if I* .It In Ofl
tili'i*: th-tr £? t* ■ • ■••-.* -w. fie. iun*
1 'pAl. if ut •• ir| i■•/ • * n.i n xv h*. I< ’A* 1 *
—“*f* mo>—'■( or ■> ■■* ||| t. .
i i
I!• jr •/( H *)j. . • * I, cm ViTrrn AW
(AVOID fliemlte, wt It!' Ill.lJll v> ho J
! •’Hit hoi if t‘> * op* w til* f“i .A * '.‘f> ‘Ah.
mi.'i wotiTiriit l#: Hli tcVltof *
j f 111 th' T •* t itßl f M lO'l lut Iftf l*#W ,
Oil y < vyi kro.w #
I n* joy that drivo dull n v#Hy
M*ko* life Ht t mi *#n‘ ytAi.d ynhi t*y
!#*■ f m* 1 fear*,
1* i(• to fit h aIIIa jh'* V, h>•■ Atuf | "in
r> • -;f i.t*ft n)i |A***>iot* mid y tetril*;
I* f tUfl'J ih edjtorud life
TIAt iiriMn i rmi.
Hrrift* lime *yi th*- "New*, with
rrtl. k(. J**f tolllf: fl'Kirik*; H' k C * t.< A
inn were to mini soui'lh ’if ill 1 ' In cal
two or tb*iee I ir>‘* a we* k like the city dsi
• !h>* what then would we do * We re*(ond
w) liv r-ju*Mi ng oui city friend* lo w nd u*
something of the nicewt they had and w* and
.el 'em know W< 11, lari mail day we re
'tived a atrnnge looking pai kic, mailed
! at Griffin, and wr*pi*"l in a copy of the
Wk!y New* Gjfeninr it, vre found some
thing “ very like” hard ta< k aid boil'd ha
Ifm, What did we do* Well, you ee (
the prntinkei hail been to emie extent and *
j ordered in course of Iramj'prtatlon, and
ha/1. doubt!era. le-en some tim< on the road,
• Dial we—we—finally threw the pick age
iold Jowier W'edt, he et.iffed about it a
! little and with a growl turned away in die
darn, and, unlike Col. Avery in regard to
*”t fje ’ ie'.'caTle*i'' lb gti> Tl' .i.d*. list rnw- dog
reftiae*! t/i “ inveatiga<e further " We men
1 iofi the. fact with regret, hut the truth in,
we get ttj many nice thinr* we really cou Id
not force down a ro'ruUiful of that food.—
. Hereafter our friend* naed not tell u* oi
: their uplendid least* They may eat ’em
11, aa it i* Ue> far to send over a part Pi tip
Oaf devil farther add*, that if the Griffin
people are compelled to aubaiat on what
was contained in that package, there ia ItP
tle wonder that they are so sorely infested
with the nkipprrvno'/iic.
A man by the name of Jlower*, who has
been ‘ir/iog btiaineaa out on the hock y
Branch fir *ome time part, left for South
| Carolina last week, leaving several partie*
; with claim* against him unsatisfied fie
i/<ok with Litn a horse BehmginfTO Cap*
Bid Hartoeit, botthia genilvtaan atruck bia
rail and ,ca>ight him j Ist aa be was in the
j act of crossing the hr el e at Assarts, on
' his way to Soatb Carolina. The Captain
recovered bi rae, sod from the personal
appeal* made him by Bower* and bia wife.
, be let ibeai go.
Jort fool Bill Hirtoett if you can.— [Grif
K-f tile J
To l.ittic Hi-llr.
'.i.tfr nirrr, thrm art (HI At.vf.p,
!. k. ,it i.i. tl.r ma-an thrown ;
Kail.ri a li.! mother Un-n hast.none —
.VU-' lx.Ui to the havr ({on,..
A tv<.isiij\ frown .-n never l*t,
I'l.-Mhivvl'k airuiAv ,r.* quickly |v*t ,
V.ot r klooid wili n* the cloti.). of eve :
t iii'l i.i ton!, Aii.l in Him Im Ik vo
Mah lu’ w ho- Uw'in* tl.v infant mirul
it. ar Will, ll.v lanlla tw- ever ki l t
Make life I ke tin lu .tiu i alkvc,
All.jfrti;!. ness, toiuinoa n.t love.
Mai ;.!l thal's troo.l of earth he lliine
M.) .1 tu> enjoy love divine—
vtrf! y rAn' rrfmtivr jarn.
Win ;e ttieu’s no m>rrov., jjrid nor pain
S 11.
II .v'.'iv exiiieiueil very cold amt rainy
vv. a.lier i > aeetiou lor some 11111’* paat.
ot.r it. vi! In., ui'livnl at ttie eon
1 tied wih delight lie says i 11. finds
th it the i rtliurnt and proximate liv|wtlu i>
o' tin nvcnl frijfui comliiuui.>l
tie at noSpliers wta umplfslloll
atv'y atinhiitahie to numerous eorreajamd
1-0 ordinate climatic convitlsiona-nl in
u rstHiieftHal tines raiitaling from
•iu .OUr right angles will,
lu J li.uiu Ot it,r Atom ami 'enverg •
iiil' ( .1 poiius upon the earth's stir'
t i.. ’" lls.i Kl.lir iutovm.’il its ofthia tie 7
foie, the rutile unpleasantness miglit liavc
1 tM'rtl avoided.
Aliitnitt I.Hler.
li is vvilh pleasure that wr lav lieftyfe our 1
u nder* the Irltei below Oqr corret|amd
rri opporltiiinms lor gaming information
a r < xoelleul, and our trader* ran r<‘ly Ujxm
till m(A(t*llU*lliS
A 11.ANTA, Krh 50, 'Til
Mu Eimoti Tin l*gis‘ttm> lia ad
] liirned, and many nolle too soon lot
the nitric Is of flic tstata.
Tlu holder* 1.1 ill. lluli.M k H nds were
t.M-i • tiling more eonfi.lout-every day XX*'
tear tin .... k jisSA't Hie Aynl.U''-Nwi* *■<*/?
th murrain could tn'-tiOrl-ghl an Tfl as UatU
Mowey vi tcr ■ treeV-iis.-it-m tin* WWS
tutor.Sl l hrai that IC.'v 11. paid tin mull
|.*.st go the pnhllcatiuU "I hi*.- famous
and itoicty loiter IT* in a g.Tod.managei,
and 111 hl Us. s money , eaorpt, as Ante*
aayn, where lie llltuk tt will do good. In
dr.Jt, 'I s said thr last Itiglil ot the session
small.i Ja■ vis Inli.fduvWl i. solution tn
l!,r Senate, snl.t I*. have been in tiu tiund
~i fiaaaioi Jaiuca Drown, (dov.
j„ a brother) Imfiriiif *' tonUiromtac
Will, the bondholders It was auppoaed
n,,i H - .... .id Banalow had gone home,
tlx lonolutloll might la* passed. It InlUd,
however. Von law the nanus of qfl ol' .40
nirinlHls who ii.plfh'rd <loV llm.wii t.i
w rnr alrlVrv tru ffi* Uourt rumpr"tr>'^. —
On that list woe some names who up to
tlial tune wile thought, like ( ifsar's wile,
io lu .. 1... v.* auspn ion I leal a'.l "I 'hem
may rountetl *n an s*l|qioilets of th.’ Itond
| inn .-at Olrinpois, O’lii'.n and \Vlnfin
',,11 n, trust * 'I lirae H~> hn in s vny hand
i . ,i|,. iiiu leiia around whtolr to h.rm a Ihnid
"■|'any J was pleased tn sec the Vimu. a
,i .ii i, a 1,111,1 aland against • *>.n
. '"tiitne. X our iiioU.f 1* a good .iiu
M . ~ O,all’ll lion* sl debts, lioi/mr ,-rnt fot
.. uisnom si i oinprumui " AVdttth +4-4C+ng*
,tn , iii il.i Isn.ti si I edit oil Wall sl i*. If
l a.i t wr,as o, J .John li vo.tolph sal I, p.)
•w w. go f
- el—aj. an 1 vv 1 1 ,1 > t■ ■ fly
e v\ . ..n a luli. alt aid ol *i* -V < 77fl t 7 s ’
\v< hope, how* v*f, tiial thong if Jh.i .1
111, k. iy |s iJOlUlpf naeiil, tr_wlll • 111 Jlain v.
mi tin ■ .fiinijMilrni <il horn sly
W l.y JSi. ( kl. y was not up|.o!nlr.l t.Hi.i
(suprcMw: Couit IJOnrh was a mallei ol on
liiim Ui all 1 Im: CJoveruor'a duty was so
plain that it la passing wnmlrr/itl that hr
made a,mistake. “
Your Heprsaeutativoa wine in tlicit seats
wslrhing vigilantly your luterusls alii the
in let.*sls ol the slate.
May you go on and prosper
Tt*‘ < r>'4tl Itrpnrl.
Th* Telegraphic Wwtiln(tnn correafion
den** of i|* Courier Journal of the li
aaya*— -
"F. **'y boor of-refleetlon and mmpari
win of opinion by nieniliera Imre w tli*.
''>n>l* • r>n*>'>r> of Hi* report On lb* |)[I0
>rati* aide tli* view entertained of H>* nor
jam* of tlm document in Hint Meaar* <Jr
fit-I'l. Bingham, Kelley, Dte, .Heofbld,
hiiiJ ffoo|*r have linen )*t off *ay tim.aiine
’ |i**y *iti- (hi- |*ad*r of important Commit
tern and ol tli* Ke|<ub!ic*t majority of the
Hot}**, and that A nun la picked out tor
daughter beraua* li* hw no poll!i**l mo
w uo*n**, arid |* going out ol Conprea#
Tit**'* leader* were too potent *<l too
prominent to It* (brown overboard, and to
p'inMh them involved * Ilk* fate for Henry
Wi|v>n. OJfa*. A 111*0*1, of [own, Pat'er
Ante* *it(l Jfrook* tt< m*k* ifiem U>* c*f>e
K'.+U Tli*u. on Hi* HepublicaiLaid*, *uch
aw Kb*llaWg*i r -of .
Ohio; Hoar, of Mnanarhoaetl*; WiUon, of
Indiana. and Batler, of Maaaachuaetta, are
r*ported s* being dlagoated with lb* report. j
The report will Iw riddlod *1! around wlien <
it come* op on Toeaday next Meaar* j
Morgan, Beck, Randall, Vorhee* sod Kerr,
are expected to aaaall it Dofititlra* mo
tji/n will lie made Vo add tli* nam** of. tin.
f red it Moliili *r Corigrewmnn to timae of
An.ew *nd Brreik* in the resolution ol ex
pulvion, and. If tbi* fail* of twodliird*, then
the re*, lotion to expel tboae two a* *ca(e
goal* will voted down. Some of the mere
*P rv ol the coin mill** are already diap<aed
Uj shuffle 011 the responsibility lor lbi doc
ument upon Judge Poland. Gen. Bank*
has been preeen' very little In the commit
tee-room, ami ha* taken the report protia
bly on tratt McCsry ia chairman of a
House committee, and aa such probably
does not wish aocb important offlcisls dis
graced. Met rick la a pretentious B *urb >n
..I sfnail and leairues. Mr. black
the other Democrat, i the same gentleman
who upholds the infamous Urdical wty
ring in their raids on the Federal Treasu
ry. ,
The Democrats are Unlav very ahart'iy
criticised by their po itical friend*. The
course of the cow mi* tee ia, however, di
gusting to both Kepubiican aud Demo
—Publius, in the M-hui Telecmph snd
Messi’nger, gives Uie lo’dnwntg n ii.'e of t in-
Judge* of live riU(W:h.e iVtirt a- now cm
stHuted : \
The Su| re ne Court has now a full llet el.
-and the usual number of aitoriH’va-in he
('hstivlw’r with bids sud brief*. Yhe old
Obiel Jnsltee Wstner l.s.ks a* flinty and
grim fts h and and qu.rter of a eenturv ago
! Wjtaw silling with 1 ':o.e loved and liotiored
.•dtciniaifaiie*. Lumpkin and Nidiet; and
| if sny liii"). is to bo predieted trom mere
siviwaranee, he bids lair to serve tin- ;uiblio
at least another quarter of a oenHyry—and
to be ib It ering diesrn’iifs; opinions tc eve
'Y departure from the nteiooiyiwd ti.’lions
ol his Civil yhe Hit vonr eor r.s|n mden I
does not romi-mbrt to have aeon him sleep
on the tw’neli in thosedsys diiriug tiu- pirni
giens ot atgu nenl lie has lUlaiued to tint
gilt —sii'l t-.tisii Hu.;; thr short period tn
which lie has pruoluod il. h is made won
d.T progress stdl tisnos gn ot age or in
flnnity lor the AsMieiai,. Justice M, Kav
j who hi ever w at. hliil who is a first rate
j tlatenil is we.l as, i, . i.., gHd inlefriyga
. ft’" 1 ’ Hho ,a ts 11 ,4 jjj he ..1.1
tbeie are living nun will know when he
came lo the bat- and who is in the vigor
■ t in uthoo l and health, orriini 'ii illy nods
a little— tliougii 1 hn.* not let sia-n hint
sound asleep Would ii not be aw ful if a
Judge <>l the S tpr. me C nit were nddlobsi
to the habit ol sliming ’
The newly itpi-eit ltd J uslioe Tripp. ;
liMign i leaii and n.-st, in ol portly,' well |
JliUinlt'il fitnit, ttU-Tl HI ln* ab ive av: 1.111 i l lll - j
oapaoity tor a judge of a:iy 0.-nrt l|.iw i
luoehl of ll:e spiirrds l .kt e, 11 p by tlesTfTiTnT
hone, I am not Anatomist or phrenologist
enough to decide. Hut the eye, which is a
good index generally, h lln ol a hrain tlial
is both strong ami active. And 1 should
Judge, if his habits ot tnitnsrry art oairsl to
ilia capacity, that tiii> ..t.T tVmnu.nweslth
has a good judge in store in Itoli Tl ippe.
That lie has a big lieajl, tlie |.e<,|.le every
where have always known, am! no in h;
win. ever lies oltl, and or social conlacl with
him. need ever tear any discount on Ids
courtesy; anil the attribute* of a true
(leorgla gentlcm iu And the fiiendsol tin
general church hope that Id* ChrUllan
virtue* will adorn the arniiue, a* .they did
the (it Ivatg spUfle h„ tilled in the old town
o! his home We can nay this much s'
least ; those 1 have iuel who belong to the
Hti.f y;;vh”**n.!i with him ill speak vvi ((
ol his lo ad and heart.
fins *. i’k Tii c bill t< p if(ipl hy < *nrpcn
ii fi• fin At hi *•-• ).*i <u*mmlttSS 55 IBS
Jv'l SilillW mRtIM- 1 4 1 XI H 111#* Hrx tifU) ill
ibll Hi itlc, licit! .tn ♦(,.* 1. iirtll"uf ln>( N"
vciiilmt, Io In* null anl voit mut ivluulHir
ill tll<‘ Shkl' nivrN 411(1 1 jt'X In| r I lll'c
who held | Kirill ion t (lint time II fiillhci
r<|uir**i h in*w *l<iioii to lw* lnli lor
StHIC ortU'Hm uml in* fithciri of tho I.flijiiilu
1 lift* on Ihn **•< olid Trrcsdnv of licit M'4V,
tout <lir#*ctu Wm H W*hh|** i Hohi-h
l 'll ♦UU Uu Lotii •!• l" •< O 1"
tlmt Hlh’i ami hj point txxo ?*]!•*• ns of 'HI
ten nt politics to-hr Stntc Ucirttetmni, who
shall x h nr vv r.xUoit to hd nirtdi
f all h>oilty <pi xhfli-'t votrra ot tiir Htitr
< timmciK ing M xk Ii IMii and n
daVM pilot to lh( !alr -f Ihe e'xetioH
Tin r S' at*’ rr-jfUtcai suit: lo iippotnl two
■Up i v lift' *ti 1' ill I'H 101 l I *x< I. p;ii l I
Ihrt rej'lstrnr* are to In* r|fv4*i*Th jvllth -
'I Im* I'i* ulilenl is i nip" h *<l t Miip'-o) j
thr niilitaf \ Dli'l naval l<o if"" rij.plixHt •*' |
,of ttnvirrmrr- 4ktf I'nitcl K'aii ‘ i M
to ( 4 prnk i:..ioi a *•' illiw
I art, and to piildk ii 4li* iilxiirial profew,
| and I xx o htlinU’rit thoiiMXf.il4ri-ppi‘ 'pH, •
ta 'i* hay th*' t’xpi Ij •h "1 ‘i* rut ion |Od
—W tt jrr Hft —'l'Ur. H- inti (‘mmim
rid! ina-U h* 1“ *n taking a df iv** If to th
country! I'pfirt" tlte MMilt **f hl oh
K *f V .1 MO •' Ml I U -NX '
A diivi* Into thr fountrv y trrUy nlfonl
• r<l til fl profit -H;*rcc ol plexaUH to XA it IH** *1
thr rrri nil tit 1 ineaM and rh an i(M BM of
> ihrfftiMi'? ht-. nr* * w,,rr
xTo-tfi. : hm►4Ka--rai.itu; nut Innl r _ IVUILI*.
n*f h pttWiiijr fen* itiy, humlnir *oiiai anil
jrr nor .il (!*a/Ini/up arrl r* t v lo
talt** nilvHnta;p. ut Hii* fit t nea-oii lo pu'
, I■, iground From irvprwil h
with MVrrnl farmern wp Irani Hint farm
fi dk is faflirr advaurni tliHfi |(Mt y* nr at
the Harm* wiidori, nn*! that thr *ujci r*M a
trrifiinjf n few fannrnx from *l* ep plowing
and well pr#*partt'i laniln loo* ifi'luf *l nr
ulinont iitifr<*rMnl a/lofition of *!•- |* plowing
W** h*w jftfrAt hrnjHi roMon v*l *n 'lnn <)
a 9 ><l iifiH*#l<V, r It tohl it* own talr no
ilet;t* to f it on the innrkrt.
I* Util War Tb* Waalilngton It*
publican aava lint Frank lllnir ia an fii bli
aa (o r*quire tb* alatanrn of n wrraid <>r
n friend while walking around Hi* Capitol
i I|ia df'*aa*. wld*li ia partial purely*!* <d Hi*
aplnal column, ia of a kind Hurt gradually
weara away-the pliyalcal airength ol Hi*
viillu, and, un!*aa cheeked liy aklllful
rnedn at tr*a'rn*nt, aid*d by careful nura
ing, i eiowdliigly dangerona.
Tb* Fi rnandina IF* ) Oba*rv* languid
ly remark*, “We ar* not afraid of Afrb an
i/.ation If we can rid Florida of acoundrcli
V/ imiutiivr,
Under ODD rVA.U) Wit’ II ALL,
*! rnw o*.
on hand a full line of DKUUH
patknt mkdicinkh, window
tiias*, Paint*, Oila,*Cbemlcala, and
Itecei[H for C'/ru|e>iin'lirig Gu
ano’*, equal Pi oth -r Orta
mer' ial Pertilixera,
and a*, lews than half their cost, farmaheil in
any uuantiitea
ty. The Htoek fxiwdera are one of the
very l<e*t remedies for the prevailing bone,
El iii dye -1/
M C W'oHTUV. g, n Jt STICK
SAN!) TOWN, tiA ,
• I. for past favor,>r*pn<-tfnl
I Iy si li. it a coniiiinatica ot pairon .ge
r un their fdenn*, in and around Hand
town They will be found at their old
stand, and will keep ninMataly on hand,
hill nuppitea of everything needed iu the
family, and promise to aril as rtieap a* any
one 4'al! ami examine our flue ot
Kionr, Meat. Syrup, Sugar, t offee, Motes
••*. ( heese, Candies, Haiaina, Nuts, Ac, Ac.
XX'e hav. flue I.lytdKS of all soils at
our HAU Also, a flue H11.1.t A HI) TA
ril.K In our Sa'ism. vvhefr our friends can
amuse themselves in that noble and aeden
rtfli 1 game.
Mr Worthy can tie found at the store at
all times, vv tiling nnd anxious to wail on
his customers, both old.amt new
tWdtown, January It lHfd tf
Nil’l. XV. XV tr.TOX A VO.
Disti 1 i e r
Wholesale Liquor Dealers,
Office v% XVatehouae l?ft, 177 >X- 170 Sjca
mnri Htrect,
NT Ucpresumed Xu U. orgka. Alabama und
- 4Vvhv* My -W-4‘, U)VVr r.
■lanlll dm.
! J . i : ■ f * .j ■. ° * x;
dealers in
I‘[ I : jU- ! | I ,
Dry Goods. Drees Goods, Clothing, ats. Boots. rShoes.
’ : .OTIONS. Etc, Etc
■' * , | . ; | ;i
J. C. POPE iiiTitea h;s frieod* to ckL t a him. • Dee o-3 m
J II WHITK, of tJfimn, On ,
Neils, You III* A Boys
Clothing at Wholesale.
:t7fl A;a?H BUoxbwxr,
— XT * **- New York.
Wiieos (I He*T. I h
iix.mi Urniisi i. 1 14 * "f ’r
... -
Change of Baso.
■•* thlH I have
having doted out my llry flood* Httainea*,
it It* old uliiiid on llm noiilli klde of III*
I'libli* hi|imr*, I wlull *ll pittllea Indebted
io in* to *oinn foiwurd *( tin: aland I now
iMi tijiy, llm
on ili* Homiliw**! I'orner of I’obll* Hipinr*
and Kettle. either by not*or eaidi **b pre
bn ml wlmin tli*y wdl find me wllli a
. full kbii.k of
Li'i'iora, of all kind*,
Boots and Klioe*,
and almost any and every thing for u*e. to
f.r to HELL KOII CAHIf, a* cheap or
cheaiier than can lie pnrchase'l at re’ail In
Hogs, Hogs.
| WILL keep the market regularly tup
pile.] during the winter with FINE IP-MiM,
wliich I will sell low.
IfflT I will buy Fat Cattle, and give the
highest market price.
8m Griffin, Ga.
Come to the Rescue t
rpillH notifies all and every one indebted
I to mm, that I am compelled to jiay
what leg!*, afld to do mi, I murt hare wha
is dve me ; thercbm, I now say in po*itlre
term*, that you’ must com* up and settle
NOW, or you will find vour accounts and
notes in the hat'd* of collecting officer# I'M
collect bin. Come up and save coat, inime
diately JgIIN E. MUUTTLEH.
j*nl7'7B2m .
J. .
wiii put their book* our for collection aoou.
Cell and pay 1 hew NOMtfeTAKE-
TUB -•
<).' I.aOrnigr, tieotgia.
NA7- NOW, nnd will keep alvrars no
tiau.l at I.i. old stand, Last side of
tlte public sipi .r.-, a gia-.l and
Consisting, in part, of
nr GOLD and SILVER Wstchea, jn
Stent ami Key w inder*, of the heal make
Splendid Gold and Silver XX’atch Chains,
of all sites, makers and prices
Cold Pens and al) kind* of holders; 0..1 )
Stiver A ale. | S|K-daides A Eye-Olss*es.
Silver Pleted’Ware.
~ ““ * ~ v
.if all kinds and styles;
I* or lx el. -l tthlr Cutlery, * Kusors
From .'hr n ry renowned makers, JOSEPH
_ I am si ill repairing all goods In my line.
Too many cilUnna .if Xleriwether and ad
joining n, unties havn t. sled my work to
require a wor.t.Oom me M to fhe.idtaracter
of’ tf £” will,' however, warrant all my, aa 1 have always
done, and respect I idly ask a r.mtinuance of
tin* itationage I have received from many
It lends iu Meriwether.
W . T. GO I) W I N
Dealer in
Upper, Bole Sc Harnett
Leather, Shorn Find*
lngt oto.
—* ■-
Lovelace’* cdcbraled Home made dime*.
f tONNKCrKI) with Hi* ahoy* b‘i*lieaa,
\ / la a • :*ip*l and f.'urlam DepartmeiH.
win-re I* k*(*i oonalanily a flint flock of
Ctriirti, Ouftaltn, OoriiiM, Oil Hug"
India Hlraw Malting and eyerylblng naual
ly kept In a flratdaa* Kurnlaliing Ilouae.
Mi laaac Wla* i* connected with the
Hoi.a* and will atlen lto all ordar* prompt
ly. - Mill If
uKirru, uk.
A lao, the celebrated Woodrufi
All •ixex of the WESTERN TIIIMBL3
KKEIN WAOON, and all sixes of Paler t
Wheel Buggies, with a fine assortment of
Special orddra filled promptly, and ap