The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, May 30, 1873, Image 2

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THE VINDICATOR. W*. T. KBVILL, Karros tPwniiHUL GREENVILLE, PHI DAT, MAT. 08, uW ■■jjfoi.wgaftT nirTm.Mr.rri. Tfe*. mrnSrnm Vm 9 t ammmnmm Thi hriaut nnw Im (tot m*< of our bring* Ihv drtuftori the pop* urn acid ***- Uring of llri< fwciJW fadlsn tribe. C*p. Jtah, asMtory amt ahem, taape <*• M- Imm Hifw, to Ua InlmKuMu Hfc of irinat Jmfemi rid pTarnTTelriUh. "SfluZ if Omani Ml 0. Daria aw only Mm a Jack la Mm Im Mi Ma aHfcury rapwto ttou ought rurtstoly to rival UM of do gallant Captain of th* “Tallapoosa Vufun tssaa." What a apfendid aptapb 'fwmdd ta far Bofrar Maseru! Daria, that wtoh m many tfeswauod V. A add ten, aad tha a*- * tikagrifest Want Syria** la dtaaa ho, wtMr tta abort spam of two Tat, lot tbtogaltast npintt beboeksd with tbo raM of tha aaSaafr bacale dead*. *TMa country bo* barf, wo think, but tv* Chief Justice* of tba Supreme Court of the UaMad Stataa, Thiaa awn. Aiat: John Jay, of 51* w York, appointed by Washington la INI, aa tba orgaolaalbm of tba government uo dar tha boot constitution. Amend: Olver Ellsworth, of Cowoedl eat. by Washington la 1704. oo tbo reeig, aatbai of Jay. whan bo Mmepterf tba eafru trtMaacy athafoa to Ftaooo ThtaL jeba Marshall, of Virginia, ly Jha Adana, m tha rsetgnsHoo of KIU worth uyoa btoemapUMNie of another Ilka aairaordtaary mtaatoa to Praao* In 1790 Mari*. Bngar B. Tamp, of Maryland by Andrew Jackson, upon tba daatb of XSrtaahtaN|i % lAfl| v lb# drethof Tasty la I Mi. la as mm la oar Musty, as wa under aaar baas appointed te Ms Cbhd Justiceship Sfegß—hat f Wa Mtewteg IM a# CM# ****** T.H.1788. BPte. Owhtag, of Man January 97, im OMvet tow firth, nfCnai Nimbi, ttML Jam Jap ,• af * T. Dm It, MM. Jae. Marshall, af Ys. Jab. 81, IBM. R. ILTaagy, af Maryland, March 18,1889 a fflaa QMa Oat, ja JM4> Upn wpartat S taro MM Me toltew teggberapenclre wM W noted? lai, It I* steinl that Juba Jay accepted la mtotehan ban. Jay was' minister to B*ai, aad aagottatad tba famous treaty that BHt wttb sunk apportion la tha Banal*. M. ITBAwatight be la Mud tear Vt Btophwir ■MmmMMM la MM, Mr. Maaabaß be lag BwsUiy af Btaia hHM Agate, Mt. ■towaath vat aot appihrtnd apoa "a Mia epbwaadlaary minion to Franc*,” bat waa appointed aa savoy la that country la ooa- Jwnuttaw wttb Mr. Marray aad Pat rich Mteay. Wa qaala ton tba Btatanaa’a W Inn ton a trteud that Jaba G. JiH of Meriwether county, aad Jaaaaa JiaHn, of rtb enly vara arraated on Wainaadap, b f *• United Stain Marabal, charged with Illicit diatilllng-tOrlffin Babg tba only Wn. Sard la Meriwether wa wan aaanwbat astonished at drat aee- Igg Wa abort notice among the clipping* **■ lliaata taa DarldCrockett once, upon bMag told by a tlaad that the paper* bat ] -—* hi* death, replied, that be feat aaaa tba aaaoancemeot hut knew It waa Minn aaaa n be read iv-So we wan feaalhnt U pronounce tba armt wMta npathlaa at tba atory; tba Star wttb •anngtM anriym w*gtol ii.mnde Sj^SSS^wfetS^mmTm •* * — A t, pedal in Utc Haw York Tribune of Tuesday toys: Tba Puetoaaator General said to day that be intend* at once to fo-girt improvements looking to tbe feroiriting of tba propfe of the Hutt'b with fo-ltor tuuil ffo-iliifos than ovar before. To tb* <-ati hr wiil endeavor to make tba ptntal car *errtrc fi/vt ( a*s, and to* increase, and ia wmie <•• to dootrfa, tbe cerrie to the ttoultoru Oar paopU woe Id do writ to apt* this Ham, and take aarly measures to increa-e ear mail fsuilltisa, Lot rite** ho no delay tbb time in tba aiatter. HteriTi AdrcrtMof. Mow Ural t bora to a food deal of levying of rid claim* being (bate, It may not ba amts* to call tbaatteatioe of partise to tba bet that tba laet Icyblucn pasted a law requiring pUltttiff* in A. laa to pay tba ■dvwttriuf faaa before they can demand of tba Bhenffto make a lory or la raapncrihfa In tha aewapapa* for thk ba, aad It tsanaot baacpectod that Im abaittota tbsebaammuf making euttoetlona, when and hi ifefeofc thereof, pay them faaa out of bla own poritri, whan there am an many (tribute* •rt op In thaoa rid claims. and ao many ruH.!e aft il inf loL, IHi file t .it rf <v w(I e-r r - *♦* ' *rnrrn J tIT'TTT TeTT are mad*. People froubl do writ to bear In- mind that tba Hberlff ba* a right to demand tbe advertising lee, and If they are not paid, be cairn not be forced to proceed wkb a 0, la. Oar recollection t, that not evaa an affi davit AM that tba plaintiff la suable to pay tbe faaa, ia aufflcleirt to make tba Sbor iff proceed, and nothing abort of aa actual payment of them will do.—(Oriffia Hew*. “Orth," tbe Chicago Tribune’* corn* poudeef, bea beea an eutfmvev on tba of counterfeit money. Arid tbia gentleman ; * “I am am. t sblxt tmgttrm in rim ooentry. There la aa Invertlgathm one oay to br mate into the uunreacy of (he count ry which will Marti* you aad yoar news papers aad ail their reader*. There la a gift MU. Taka It—look at It Do you mm aaytbtef enable about Itf* 1 looked We MH otter aad tbea tba ana ail orar, ant aam aatbtag ta aaattna ranarh ia either "Then la nothing paritoular about It* Mil," he aaM, "eacopt that it M a *muter- Mt. Thera are rightoan distinct enaumt fc— thatjtnr ngwnaMlgbiua tMana. af Untied Mam bonds, aat about the quantity af aaaatar- M rarip afloat. If you, n a newspaper nan, ware to go to Gen Splnaee, aad to the Traaaary, aad aak bow mmk master Ml Barm ay waa fa* NmNnßmb, they waaW MPe Bwn m lone tool there la IBjm jant* or ana* quarter of the whole amount af tba atampa aarrent la tbla country, whieb an treudu tant “ ‘ Do you know sir, that the postal cnrreu ey to renewed six Umax errry yearf Thwi la lha case, and an the poaalhlHtln he it* Increased duplication aad oootitor totting- Wo coaid better aford to pay M per coot, premium, and im geld, that hate to deal nwe do With a tot of papal which I* he yoad tha ooatrol, to a great talent, af tbe flitwaenmnret Wku *.taa*aMn aatl W WOVwWMWH UHWUft IMW •* *1 ■rapWl'J high prion and tba aomptlea la oar pot itics aad KB* hinge apoa tbe currency The duplication of tha Uelted Btata* bond* will aoan day bo (band aack aa alarming matter that It will bring tbe whole country to its hot. Tba crime began In the trenu ry n few hack a* Chan*** time. John Outrode and other* in Ooagrrn* mad* strea near efforts to eapan It; bat they wen gagged by the gar*! aad tba party major! ty. Aa official who at that time wn oon necked with the printing had la tom* way get a a grip upon the Secretory, and could aot be budged horn hie place by any power la tbe country. Hl* accounts were short on* year BMOOO, aad be could not tell where the money wn gooe. They kept alter him, howarar, aad on one occasion he appeared belore the examiner* with hi* ana* (tall of bond*, and throwing them down, eaty: “There are yew BBB.OOOV Now, than wn a press used tor printing at that time, aad It ran repeatedly la tbe sight. Tba odtoial Uianatf waa nan to onargo altar dark, on two .3 onset one, with a great tia box ia his band, which be pad lain bis buggy and carried away. Mow, bow mask dupHcatloa af bonds do yea Snppon It aa quirad ta malm BMW! worth of onpoaa,ao It took betwaea IMJMMM and IMBM- OOSoi boada; aad aferefi that Mm* bappn ad tbe Int dupHoattea." I teabadeaddealy well-kaowa drcoa gbm, *U the and It jo* b agf ■ * * thatßrory Ctoy "wmi drivfoginattheMHMttea. I bTOOght op Ao Im 1 tarnod wmj tea to item’Mi mime ate: ‘H*i ar* LLijL+ ' rim mrn Z *e tern I mo* M • mh. h tetak I odetedhtetoto MMri tteUatad eight to am to* • book of ite Ami wine I **er tasted, wKh his map li watt, spy ing : Prom the poors* fool to tte to* down io the United State*.’ Ah, *r, there wtta (not moo tor 700.’ On Maw, There are quite * number of rid rialms which have beea dormant for aecae time, by rt;h*,ti (A Stale tegtoUtiow, bet which | have ter a revived by tb recent decking of : the Supreme Court am the Hnmerteed and Heilri lawn Of oourae, the owncm of thorn that they have beea greatly wiengod In be ing time Ilept out of their money, aad aom* lof them are proceeding I* pram fhdr ciaitna It atrfkee m> it would he a good } Idea for them to bold MiH for awhile, aa there to ns money in the eouatry, aad it U impoMibie to rake any on tha very hart of crilaterala, aad indeed, we few* been told it would betaapumSrf* to grt giuanbarin by pawning grid. Wifh auch ariatot of af- Ura, bto not pomttfe to> mfea mean ■ to meet thme obHgatiooa, and an rifert rtevi tortfef tfeun at thto trim, would tame the debtor* into Bankruptcy, wham bia turner tala about realizing anything. •* it to held by tbe Begtotem that tha Stef* ilunutrel will be allowed, and vary few pen pit have | more than that.—By wafemg vwtrffed and] compromtoteg ou a Huai* of what people i am actually abte to pay* crodtonr* might get a good deal of (hem rid dolma, when otborwtoeibey might be aaaMa to rentoca a bHhyferpeoptarfr pa dobtari thfepruano of the year, and aa ■ll*rtpt to feari ferflnt thin* at tbto lime will drive many of them into bankruptcy.—{Oriffia Jfewa AHw Yrk Irttvr wya: Moatuf your reader* have ami aad tba “Madam* Jamal cam," which baa bam jp litigation an long in tbe L'nitad State* Oporto. Out many uf them may ori ba aware that thto Madame Jamal wa one Hum the wife af Aaron Burr. Ah* hacama hto wife Iw a vary as tramdtoary way Aiut bto rafarn fen Europe In bto uirf aga, a rftagraead and dreaded man, Marfaam Jemd, then per Hap* Ally year* of aga, catted at Bm office uo Itaaaan apturt. In g*s *=r ‘lay*, with her rarrlaga and Mvartad am is Mew Yark. concarnhig her rani aatntv, which waa vary aatnadua. Burt iraataii Her with enurtaay. of whluh bo waa a par feet master, and pried to Hi* wtanoaf Hto art* if i —■ pliant*! and flattery, through which tlutea, bad ban vary mparfbifeHy adwoatad, and waatha uumaanriy lupai ly aa A a man a* Bun. Sho was awnaapanM by buMtoiphew, hi wheat Irtaraut Bar atunaa two wa* flattered aad feaoiadad Alter a few wsaha Burr, though ibai nnarty a gotta eighty years of age, mad* g proposal Scat km* af a jilted aerate, bat meat an wHh hie suit nlf eotblM Mi happraii 1 Nklaom Juidil wm fuNwkfcid utiff bt - wlldarad at raeh tore ha drove op ta bar door one Inmam ulug, a. —* _ * .. . . i . BfW|Mf * CMflfHUn WH* Uim MP4 ed that he had onto to be married Madame waa directed to prepare hreulf without any unnecessary delay at the to! ct, nnd fairly oTtrbnrna by retag tad fj.ur U-sirs and commands. rite at last stood up by 'hr rids of her ancient beau and spoke the total word*, while averj dtiur and win dow waa crow led with the tocce of the wondering brenwhold rerrsnis Burr thtu became master of an Immense amount of property, with a lady thrown In. They started at nan on a wedding trip to Ifert ford, Connecticut. Madams wn the ow er of necral shares In a bridge, which wn then regarded a wonderful lareetmeat, Tbe •tork wn iu gran drmad. Burr persuaded her t* sell H, ami when the proceed* were brought to her she said, with true wifely submission: Glee it to my bushudd 1 Tha tradition la that Barr stufl ad the bulky package of Wile into hie poobet and sewed them ta, or got his wM* to. On Me rwiarn to Mew York be coolly deposited | the money i.j bis owe account is tbe bank, end soon after lurested k In the locality of bia early dreams of treason aad conquest, the &o h west. Of eoum tbe money waa never beard e( agate. Ha dlapond </ large mm* subacquently ia the same man ner, till at last Madame Joatai, to nee tha remainder of her furtuaa, was seatpaitad to sue for aditrorce oa tha ground oi taA daNty. ▲ Brautifcl Rmi.- S i plow old mao WNOMihjf walk log totto sooctooty with • oov Tsstamnt ia tfo toad, whoa • I Head who ml hte aaid : -Good morning, Hr. Price." “Ahl good morning,” to replied; -I are ~Wi4wteltoAtoMt yoo!" atoThfo - “Why te tea teonrettod ate * bandied told bow foUriaKie, and In the world to Thto pleasing though slightly pereono) ■Mtafoo 10 Coogporenren Havana, of the BUU Mireoori District, is published io Ite aompapmof that Store: Hoeooa smaudLfV Be Wiohtat pay it bach ; It te*l cteah yoo look. ' A white OrngTonaan ia Virginia tea appointed another colored or * * to Weal Feint Thnee who are diet aad at this span hearing that the two colored an in Sooth Carolina have oppolotoi two white boys to the Militey Icaitmy. A Catlaua Mery. Tbe fete of Stater team to bang upon a very atoadtor thread in Waabiagtoo-ui cun , ftnoatiou whereof a very coriou* atery., i related by a correspondent of the Mew i York World, in connection with the min aims of Gem. Dick Taylor last winter, ia be ing freriy circulated, and fen the authori ty ob which K mats I* received with mart credence. It will be remembered that Gen oral Taylor tad aevemi iriarriowa wish the Prwddent os Lours**na taaUen, and tfeu be ezpraaked'bimaeif a* encouraged by tbe result Tha statement now made to that daw Taylor** acnnnf of the ritaat’-oa waa, by the Prato rfiafa reqaeat, refMprijhu&j** tha Cabinet; that H produced aarii anfe. p -mates that S waa determined thrt tfer Oovarnmant had no ariaraative but to re cognfecMcßnwy • thm tha Pneshfeot pre pared a maasaga to Oaugiwaa aanouecing tiki* fart ; that Bauator Morton haariag of it bnuivdlataiy went to the White Bouse Iffrfj pfOtllfld gjgjt MCll lOtJ aa tha smalt of Hto paraaorioa tnc Protiduot ebanged bto miamga and determined to adhere to Kellogg. The esubmue In {asm of tikis tfataiaanf to such that it would ] tamo *0 it aume uflfeUl notice iou 4be Ink an af IL—l ine. Man*, IJSfrALAtiVKtoTfSKftKHTii ißMttyt KAT.W. r \ KOMOtA Mertwathm County. V r W ill He tori before the Ojuii House dour In the tows of ttmcnviito, n the togaJ b.Mif. of saie.ow tbr girt Twa*l*y m July osv u*< t or body at lend ij tug u i totaad ia the middle V'.h Dtoirirt Boar the Phto-Bhiitals, know* a* the pmpmy -d Tt<. C Man toy end Mr* T. C Ain* toy, aririn tag tiks land* of Cvf. Ham Hatley. ). C Pranmas and other*, nunrimrs aw known Levied am tomttofy a A (a toaned Wy th ui catleufor of Mertwmhor oath ** said T C. Ittoria* J W. ri’IXKM. mffiMdfN HhertA M. C. PoStjKHIMI SHERIFF BALE Gmmuu Nutvsms* Ocsrt. Wy ta arid hnAuw th. Court House tfov iu the tows of Uremititte uo the Amu Ton*rfny In Jely nasi, on* hundred end on* ftiurih ww ot land. fotlM ttonafnd I* the fewer Vth rfhtict fe Meriwether tkmnty. levied us m the property ri Va H. Mur tan, in satisfy ail* tossed tom feriv superior Court lu fhvar <rf Warn J *ffa M Kfmu II • vm vW MU A*- WumS, rtnyffit J. W-FCU,KRSh* f c mum at the same Wn aad ateaa will be aoM 'em tot of toad aun’m 818 lying la tba artddia Mh Marin of Meriwether County, tor led on aa the prapart* of Turner & Godfrey, dan, to satisfy a A to mood bum Martwetto r Buyer! w Own b Invar bf kmauael flu If tMTamn X Godfrwe. ALSO at Urn *ama tten and pin n xrßt be sold 11 touted on n the property of Turner B O -d trey, dm, to relief) sundry • to Issued from Mariwf&ar tomerf'* !>jwj la firyor <A Rto Boyd r Turner B (helfrrqr. f*4 l>r i*T May Btod. JW. rvu.en W.IT 1 M. * —— ; j Ct EoHrilA Mortwrthar Cooe'.y. X Mre. Mstibla ll.rt n applies tor let ter# * adwioistratton upon th - eaiatr uf i M Hnn 'lecd. Thto is ttorchws in rttr #nd edm*e to'. *1! ewapswl to abaw if nay extol, why said totter, sieoikl not be granted In said applicant na or before the t Monday ia Jane tarn. Given under my hand aad eftb-ial torn* mm May *h TANARUS J. W BANNING, At f4 MM AJLL VMI IT MAT ITS* GROBGIA Meriwether County Ariel in^Uga SO* km aftt mt the pethtea ef enid aak Marti tod as Ad nrtatteg te tosees aad stock aad for tha ptaimlpu af crops. Under, aad by •aid Ast, If a ewaatar pellrtoa of free holders la Bind amounting te M parnaa, then tbe Oadtowry tel praaiad a* ftwlber. It the petition of Bae holder*, for tin benefit of atid Act,!* supported ire* petftiou of additional Man holdna, man tba Ordinary teal proceed at ones to have aa Maetiaa, bald te said county, on tba Ist Monthly te July, alter tba petition to filed ta the 6rd> nary’* office, to which tha question shall ha aabwtittea to tbe lawM yoters of mid county, offence or no fence, and alre an to be pnbMtead*Bo'daya. Am w. banning, oTk c. May Mh *7S gT EOROU Mariwether Coaaty. te*twiw*iitoya!te?yteii wbjr lm A l *3llraiM<foTit C. lay Ate’Ußtgf Q BORGIA Matiwether County. nr te’tite^teS 1 yy the tomai boars of aate, oa the fiiat Taaedaw la Jaws two tern af tend lying te tbe Mb Dtemteh Mote BB wad Bfi. Leriadtmn tha rnupnty af L. M. Tarn** teaattofy a 9 te bmn nonsn pictomb? FOUR tor fl er TWO tor BBcaatt T Teat at OwwavMa, oa the Marik Stea of the Public Square near Mr. A. IL Freeman’s office, aad ia pre- Pictarn to tba bat style. TY Plctveot tbemaalvca. J. W. ENGLAND, NOT A BENE. j lIEBEBY NOTIFY ALL TAIHILM ‘ ± -—: 1 that 1 have CHANGED BASK from nty old stand r debit, aide of the uptare to tike Wert ski*- oo the thmtbwert corner of public Mittam store 1 am ready and *niv>M* to receive all that to due me tana thrt 1 have waited on tons and patiently, Cumc now an i Mdtte nr toil wit! to comittenoed against p* SAVE CXWT% **s**. 1 have a spkudtd stuck uf DOMESTIC floors. COMPffrnoHKftlßH. NOffTßiri SHOES, tih KDWAMK. TCBH. WILLOW WAKE. PAINTS, Of IA HATH. CAPS TOBAOOO, pNurr hi tiAfts orPTEE run H, . L\RD feC., AC. AC Aleuts* any aad everything that y>m oar. wish to wear or rut )f0 IJiQXJOBM AH f whtah l dt£r u, . htoJTSr I'bnper fnrOAMTB that, tan tw buitobi ly JOHN f. HHUTTI.ES, GitKENVII.f.E. UA, May l. 1573 “IME HATTER, i. ... —*——-- _-' ——j * ft. WnlKwewwW * j no. • wwrw aba. *rrr.tT, Georgia, WHOUWaLE aad RE l. RAIL * Eitregritaary krutim n Maws' and Boys* Hate and Capa of atari description ; Lutes’ and lKan’ Trimmed sod Untrimmcd ißats of every ’.Variety. Aad all kinds of MTr.LOTEBT GOODS. ALSO TRCMTB,v valises, UMBRELLAS and CANO, Ito ** ai) of tba LAT EST NOVELTIES. a r^sss*- 1 -. Fur Skins, - im —- OLD JEWELRY and FaNCY UTOiIE O t LaGiange, Georgia. ALBXBT LZHKIV I i j T t AS NOW. and writ keep always o* 1 1 Laod at bis tdd etaod. Kart tide i l iUc j'uU:ic Kjttarv, a good mm! • ' WILL —I.MT,Tnn STOCK uV JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS Cuorirttag, ia part, of OT GOLD and SILVER Stem and Key wia*k>r, of the bort maka. Sjitoadid Grid aad Stiver Watch, JUhauu CLOCKS , T of alt wzm, maker* ami prices Gobi iVu* and alt ktu>! ut fodder*; (roll Sile A rteei K t siO**•!* A Eye-Ulaart*. I [ SOLID SILVER TABLE WAUIi Silver Plffitod Ware of all kinds aad My MS, rsrltrt, Tnltlc Cuilrrf. ARatvrf <K fnss lh* very renowned <iisken>.JOSEPH KO‘iVOH nad GEORGE WOBTEH kttOLM REPAIRINGH I am still refminag all g<eela te my tine T<e> tunny c’fiMas <d Meriwether and a.l - ■ tin teg omtrtin a*v kflM. aut wwb te '* ,lrr • eWti f.a me ** l" the I •A it I vM h*wew, warrant all my ■ mk. if pwniwriy ue,l. a- I luyl- aivti;; bwm, *twf wf<er*i*4ly A s *d tb* |>> I Itee* .... ...J town many ■i ,„ m htowiwmhft ly A I, It KM T I, Ell M A X. •Sttll*M <;i no, j J ft M >W ARHIVING AT V ~M RHEA A BOYD 8 NEW WAREHOUSE, IM J 'Wtirrui,. ..*4, Planter* would do well to call ea them at once aad lea re tteh order*, aa they aspect a 1 ■ jfihiisvy trade that* article the onariog Spring. iy " SAJTL W. WALTAR dk CO. I> is ii 1 1e r s AMD Wholmlt Liquor Dettori, o®ca A Werehoare 175, 177* 17 Syce * more “Street, ClNcm HATUO. CRepraaroted lo Oenrgia, A Inhere* a •• by W. P. UJVKTT and Am. ELUB * KOOIX, DEALCM IB AND FANCY DRY GOODS Clothing, Boots, Shoe* and Hats, Hardware, SotioM, Ac. Propose to sell a* low a* nine qualities can be bought in sny railroad rown.