The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, July 11, 1873, Image 2

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TDK VtNPK^tm Wm. T. RBVfLL. Exrr.t*Pii>/*wer<Mt gbKgavtu,K. raiD.vy julv tt.iwra rrMk Iflworth who kU’ed kk fotfaer la New York stew week* riw ha* I****’ tried and KiiUraiayl U prison for life. —I ■ m ■— ■ We learn fifum the Ncwusx Iternd ru*t three prisoner* escaped hoar the >ll in thet plane hat week The editor cwnplai.e that the >, effbongb • new *. to *Mlf •aeete, much of UM Umber being rotten. Tbe follow teg enggetofoiu ot Dr. Boring la regar' U eholrre ere worth/ of iten tioo m 'beeoumry **a **r I mm fterfecOy aatMhe) frow roach obeer Tktioa that beeMee general *ad local clean 11 seat, Mm following rale* ought to be strict Yj übeerred by alt, and If ummmty en forced hy athorlty, aad If thU be dona, ad will lM wdHt AvoW aM Male regelnblrs. all freak fntlte,a*peelnMy injured or unsound Iroh, apff Hi iwor* tmper- tolly frMa wbtoli haa boa* tone gathered, melon* of every hied, eieaeibira, green ' nora, teed wafer. pmrttrmanjr m quinuttni, imi wna water, lea cream, pastry, w uod m*u eapeetatty fob, which bare town wme fe.ur* out of (he water Nothing k wore# lhao unsound ffh Avoid the me ndirraady end other ethw ulaate for the purpiee of heaping off choi era. ! bar# Itaowti wverel raw* of cholera hrooght ok, ae we* to4tov4, Ly drlnhtog lienor “to keep It off" Once ward’ Dwt*i he faking medfolnea lo prevent ebetero. They will damage in mow caeca. Line prudently. B*t e plenty, not et oeeeineiy, of jopd, sound food, good bacon, beef, mutton, map be*t, baft** ttewongh ly done with heron, rtoe, ate Avoid et reeaM of ail Wade. Keep " l r t,,e ‘t ol ton and Right air. fro* WTreic*KTO VMI m TMmUm ('raftUi Tml INN nMtlHfi n- w# ** * * • OnmcKvii .*, U., July "lit, I*7*. !>■* VurmeAtifH. -You have I j mlhm) mn *rH# r! MHmilkiHi ihe kind otter be* wombicd neglected op the pwwtit. I hrtll however this morning, to give mv otwrvßtimi* oi Talbot county, ft* ! hw It upon the rood leading from"(Jiwn vHle to Talbot'<, ami my reflection* itp Talboiton, geographl tally, aoclally, morally and educationally and farther, the relative merlta of Talbot county With Meriwether. ll K customary for paper* fa larger tonm to turn letters from immt Upr* it* *tna of l lie eotrerr* tfrrnOfh wtdcti they tear*! anti If time art biorik lei to thalr large ebeto o( reader*, a letter af abnllar character In the * Vindicator" will produce it* baneftta The farmer*, nliO are ynnr reader* In the main, uriah to know about the crop* cereal and Mot, twlnty raUay preeenta a bfatmiln! country ter terming, 'he land* are good, the popfiTitt* Oimty Md energetic Jvwt a* you olltnb slowly and lexlly over the steep, rocky aid* of the mountain, growing PtfM [ n**, whorUnberry an.l atubhed pine, and pn** down the *hort we-u r.i side, the eye meet* whi Said tiler i!*M of cot tas and cent, reaching for many mile* up as flw Tight and talk, and in front, until the admam J flkslftwted by the hold ak prom nstory, and the Imftreeal.m la pleasing In * high degree, t found the valley road good, the gunniyon pieced It very wisely upon thn bechbon* ol the northern and aouthern ▼alley, Mid eHhongh U baa but one work isg a yew, it doee not week and cut up like range tkat are neglected generally. My tint obeeryntton wae that cotton flelda mul tiplied upon the light and Ml until they el n— ba|M arithmetic while oorn patcktt, tag they could sot aaeume the dignity ol though numerous In that extended ■ran, occupied a territory which wan alarm- ISrtjyff However, the little 1 aaw waa of oom of Dr. WHMnm Bersee upon the rttUtMnwl, five miles from Green- tSTirrtir — UM than any Other tU^Lji 'Of*. or *- mr the CM|Uiu Springs. wanttßgia TWbot ooooty, wore fkmkb* km mi VhHM; “> - tMtMliMtt khnpt rin try scarce, not °m2m*s*2 It Matte*. Bare* Minever we* weh __ |uini m ihn -* Mtela a* u hMsrin i~hi —• Talbot etmnrie* MM height and the larger - nmrn. Om oUmt remark 1 will make be fot 1 Imw this port of the subject On my trip between Greenville nod a point one mlleef Mbetton, I mot only two persona. •howtat wMmily thu lk jMopte *rer^ k TaMMh ImSuitwo non ■ In* cy y Lor Upon the M aMr oi the Hit* ycu can If iclroductU to Mr. Harvey the WhUM )!.[•!iet'rf of ltit IBSgBifICCDt -TnkrihMe- hdtete—Stay with Ihw g'-uttemen an J Paten to tint dull autmn k'ic tU'itn.M of hie finger-nails age net tbe <h J Itmxti tend hk dally poper*, or hear niiti i rlnte 'Hto scrap* of loot! btoL-ry tore, eating lo tlx lover of by foa ee and e peat Hepubik. anti, the turn boar of fwatre o'clock n, and eet down to hie groaning table load and with •ebteken, frfed and in pie, lx* I ben* briefed end boiled corn, toiuu> * and po ' i.tea, end every other miaor vegetable, end ImAfe you nee from your comfortable tent you will affirm, aeriouMy tad awcereiy, tbal tbe uiodeet boet of the Talbotton Howf eur peeeei ia liberality end variety the foeetiou* caterer of tbe btauwte “Kimball llouae."— . f deliberately afflrui that the .Hlale of Or'* | gta cart boeet of no to mine brwt of he •''fallxtHoti SJ.XeI," arid I have yet Vo ; meet hi* erjiial. ! Tbe las Vert College catae owler rny no- I ittm became lie OmMaenceoMtnt we* in pro greet Title acbooi aeema to be >T>ing very well, it M patronised very liberally by he trwn eounly peo,de -nefebixrrfog erototie*, 100, fond itMrre or leae reprcaenUtivn* Memra Mange.t amt Wright aectn to be en ergell. tliorr.ngb -going tnor The prill cl pa I Indicated during hie eerckee a ra loaifiiaUc palnmfce amt on-ttwi*., amt hie mild, bind face, a lieu be. would reprove , hie noiey eadienrw, never mirrored a ripple | lie impneeed me a* a very aultalne man in ’ 1 the |xitiou of a tamale educator. The community regard line College u liioir on ly eurviving hofie, and to he deprived of It, nure cm High her Imat eainrprlM would be gone. Tbe young men, ae I hoOeeil lhea ( aeemerl to let very plain, practical men t they in their evening rldea aenrned to dfo ragar4 the raltilng notoe of their boggle*, or the town aide* of their Uoreea In their genu hie part leipatlim in Medal pleaeuree. Before bukbug adieu lit thia pteumn! place, | wtolr to |iay a jia*iiig tri'ml* in 'b< •paaclr <i( Mr (i. It libmn, of (Idumtma, Georgia. 1 regard him a* a gentleman of line point* lit* *|wkcli wtilcti ha<l about genuine culture creebid for him in hi* *n rlience a high opinion and a ph:a*aut re trfwbbraiire. . „ tts.-SfSSSS*9 h -nicwa* fohdn by way-'if the Übeiyticale Spring*, I found there only a* yet a tew vtoitoi*. flv.i i ahtn* occupied , hut biMpitality, good diner, inotlidnal wa lira, diveraiftod tih*, and lovely ceuery in pruluaion, lo riuuiw aud curUdi Uo> Uun hlood 1,1 Invellila; atut litu the lergnet g*r dan that I ever tew, for the healthy, and ravenou* pleamre eeclter. Mr. Porter, the trreecat prnprioi tr tale* prUle iu hi* eur rounding farm, especially to In a Add of corn ixmligumr* to the f'ampti* OK of It he lia* (men told that bn would gather forty hualicle to the acre, which amount though largeia’morn moderate than our fel'ow townaman wbo e*t>cnt the *arne ylek.l off ,f three- right* of an acre Mr Porter'* corn to by for the flntet that I taw upon rny trip I met at the Hprlny* liev Mr. Weaver, a ytmfrg Daptint preacher, who ito Rtoo a teacher at the Spring*. The wpect of Meriwether compared with ‘FaifeH exhibit a tcur cridmce* in favnr rrf the former Fuhlfo aptrlt ami entnrprian in both countie* are t a shamefully low ebb. The public highway*, tin true index of the material prrwperity of a people, and the ef letency of the hmwi uutgtotf aey, to itarely paaenhle, The geography of Meriwether does not xbow an many HUH* and ia not to broken ae Talbot county, ami mote than Ik to, the laud! are stronger, aud there to more of the native timber Handing In all other reaped* they are eitufler—the crops here about the mine division end have attained to about the Ntae *iae. The email grain eoweil and reapwl of our coun ty was much larger, 1 am *ali*fled ( than that of Talbot oounty I will relate a dfefegue, Mr. Editor, and then close. One mile from the base of the mountain, my horee, (faithful “Orelto"), after having pulled me over rocke and hills, plaord me afengeide of a while maa plow log cotton. I stopped for two purgoeee, to let my home blow, and Vo aek name qnee lioas. What easued I repeat tot eubatanc* Sir, I have the curieeity to koow if you people haul corn over them roads. 1 eee flue corn among you wherever pleated, aad 1 have concluded that surely you make your corn. Ho, air, we buy core bare too; my home will ehow you that WeM, do you go to Geneva for it 7 No, to Lagrange —to Abraham's. Tea, to the ‘old Cap tkln.’* Very truly, r J. LR ▲ Dmnt or m Modoco.— The Her eld’s Washington correspondent says that the non. 3. SL Luttmil, Congressmen elect iron the Third Calllbnta district, writes to CommMoaer Smith, of the Indian Bures', an aooooat of his recent visit to the scene of the Modoc war, and says that he km bean able to arms at only one conclusion la raJorence to H, namely; That it was caused by the wroagM sets oi bad while men. He was informed on what seemed to him reliable authority that the Modocs were compelled to slaughter their bocaee for food oa the Klamath Reservation, and having exhausted this means ot subsistence were compelled by hunger to seek the tak ing and boating grounds on their old reeer ration <n Lost river. Mr. LnttMll ftrgee an investigation of the cenees of the Modoe war. and regrets to say that never wee these a time since the osgantetba ot the gov ernment when them wb so wench coemp tion and swindling—not only against the ■ intfoment and the people, hat again* the Indiana—as is to-day being practised on the Indian regarvatioos on the Pacific coast. loot. Thunder from the west may bf * ected etxc. (icne-at t ram'* . tj—abfi j*t. : aay * be biuke "the CooeervaMve party ea maHc ought Ur go over to Grant. There wa* one* a fb* erbo got hie toil cut of by a trap, ead be thereupon rb-ciered that u* .bought that all the other to sen ea duel i ought to go ead have tbetr tag* cut off e trap too. But history teste ae that that fox wiib the loft tali inroad out to be the only member of tba atm eomprm varaety among ail tbe foie*.—[Courier-Journal. The keterteu* ffadkai. J u-ige l adei wo-nl. of Virginia, baa writ ten a toiler to * ft tood in that Stale, ia la vor rd' tbe uowination of ileery A Wiae by the llfepabl.ieene far Governor Ha aaye that alien Wtee drove him from hie home ; ami property m !, be thought be obi never forgive bun lie hue learned eiure, be wy, to reject Hie enemy for Ht* irpftt . ty to bte own convictiowe ne writ a> for <J>* great* be ha* rendered tn the can**: of popular education end govermnenr, nad caw never f./rget tuit be wee the ehampton of the eileneton rr the etart*re fraocbinc to poor white men in Virgtoia, euoae twenty fire year* ago, witn*H* dtatiwuon o> creed ut coarliUrtn, or piece ut butk Judge >■'- , derwot/d up that be further know* ii> J be ** hereafter e fuvliy deforo.ra*d •et ve tbe gariM IraochiM b> ell mew in 9* iftafr fit aurttnCee tbe ItefmhlMau vfeto 'ry ta.Vtrgtafe Uat fell, trial to Heary A ! VVtw, and eayti: __ _ - "A* well migi.t Ute Ini ( brauen* bar* refuaed to roougula* the~aeUir>l. Touffeteh *p of I'aul beeauee he bud been a pemwiorting Maul, en for a* to tar oppowui tor bub he eauae they one* oppoaed u The umm* flea ly would bafu withheld trout the world the •ervfeee ot many of tba unirteef reformer* in trstj sgc from it Faui b* Martin Luther. : and from Marlin leither lo Henry A Wtm | Tba m*> and frtaals adults ia North Carolina, who are unable to road of write number about the moo; a* the ItoMMUUtk viHe is the State—• toga*fleer,t far* wfctoh nr* Party easi assy lUxfcmt&mMer ' ctal, (Grant <Wg*M ) And the mole and female adults ia fuU> • 'afoiina who ere uttable to read or Wffo.. oumtr )u*t aisiut the name a* the Gfat>t vote in the htala—Strother ttgaifteaM iwtt 'w B(k the * <rant party ran dvny ST It vilak u end If it llonk* the chera<Aertotie Wtok will do U any gotxi. (Macon TcUgrapf, V**, aoti t( ffflyTlwoieawd o gruee, m*to and ftatMle adult*, who emtd neither read nor write, were added to the fopul*lto M Kentucky or any utber Hi air. the Demo cratlc vole would not be latere*ed there l *y - r[| - Ow<H* •> rue W-,ao "IjaHy.''—#tw uwuly, la Bag laud, whoa the affluent lived ail the year rouud at their manehme tot the country, the lady of th mmru,i 4i*!rlbwt*d to for pw i*‘ghhrr*, with hor owa han't* once a week, or ultruer,a certain kuflhUtf of hrearl, and, and *h<* w* c*BW M Left Say,” that i*, In ti* toe*or, the lr*aA giver The** two wot-* *fr* lu ton* cor mptfd, and the IB catling i* mifa litVit known a* the pra ik whirl' gvo ftoe to lit , yetitto fnmt l„x,(.ltahTe i inflow that, to thi* day, the I,.|*** of 'hat fongth ni ah-ne nerve tt,e m, at t th* tr own t itdce. Thomp*on. O 1 * it C >. 1 til I tt I I Hi lt* or AMD DEALERS IX Furniture, S U C 11 AS Bedttrade, But few, Choir* MattreearaJEte Afeulliclfcitf r! and How wood C'oflu* aAw ob Hand, XJEWJTAIV aA. Bevbiffft rrsll^#l with carriages at reasonable price*, june3o-tf ODER'S 61 A NO, J 8 NOW ARRIVING AT RHEA Sr BOYD’S MEW WAREHOUSE, IN w> ni 'ml. Plantere woU do well to caß ess them at once and leave their ovists, as they .expect • my heavy trade fa the. article the eiwning Spring. It ISTS ! 1673 MERCHANT ! U- : \HL r- mi rine.l 'bat I low hav* iS toTOKfc large ->'re k<n GMUCKftO^and Vi Er-ThKN PRoDLC'E abxi. 1 will \at pr c* eod •>* seriii* a* fororahfe u* any bout*' in tb* city RmpeeUtilly, A. K SHAGO, A Important to Planter*. —SernTT T t~r'~:TV~ —i wff anw bot-rau to-! Fer.iitxer*, met u If Ed AFB tiif.." ’ • ►BiIGH • HAIV DOME FID '*PD A 1 Y. aad Jf.O dEFKVMAM A U'e AMMfrMAI t li Dkm .**i IH>E i tff* f*m< t *> •> f’r <p L' dj* y..r*ia S*ti Planbrr* wii'- eUo Lid euppliml ci fUd'" two* with Huie JNtout. Mast*, Y j4. L*/rn ‘Jm, Hut. F'”r. To wetn. Cotl.K, Mng.r Molar*** fiyrup; lb C. M***r. and rum Herd*, etr k a*c Tu* < A>*4 THADI. Wtii ufoo rereive •fieri*/ *i!*ohni Aid*** A K fEA<M> A'laata W K ST P 01 NT FEMALE COLLHOr CoaauMMßt Ei*roi. jrt.t 13 -ahuU'il Ugv e • O Lovvtce*, Auboru, Ate Mamdiy. J*ily li’b.9 . mg of Al'iinnw Al'imiw Ka*aj Mr ftiltlii 1T Itigrftjflfo* rirabw w# A U. ffortingt**). Atlanta. Ueria O * Frtow Handing A-t*lrw ty W f <’• * er and, o< Afolwme b r m C< m *rt W -at Faint t/OCnet land Tomday. July l/Hir, to .< • . V ‘ w nbw KihfhPion A Wr*vr F F “wiHh Let}.. *i**|a/' • M Annua. Aatsu tA t'fd. J ii. :.mllnt‘-_*-;RC* ,\Viilneaduv. I’ifr < <•**.n.•.****•. Gay. Annual a mre** A*v. tmwnl Wtfr* Atieut'a. Wa Hr* Acuna H*urs*wi J i ■ uTllf Jt A F M -'r. l’r*i :*•' • * ALi Ut.A 1 E 'i :| jifMJ \ *rthn < atal r. fbtoyb ••(* I ih*' i(.r|>li'n'd company Jma 1, t“* ■ The trmri* and ’-<yrT9 i>**r lx-*a f~H • thortxigb rct*arr,m; tar* ety rcluruwte<l. *• forrllng amide ntv oamwmaitoa* ftr FIVE lit NJHiBD gmrt*. J L. MarWtaß. of Macttoi. tnV'Waoty haown Vo tb*> >-1 , Georgia and to the travelißg pubitr, for If* superior ahflity ia bote) managrrmnt, h** *rriTH engaged, end wfll hare endr* rhtrr* 1 •f tbe tube euppties od culinary depart went anaieteri Ify •# id hit bee* cook* ami waiter* fr-nu Browu't and tbe Spot* ( wood Hotel*, regard torn of coat. Mm L j L Lcnre bae ki< tv ooownred to am tat, ewd | wit) be bap -y t rmet her triewffe ut the Spring* A haud h-e been enured ftw the : Ft r **rietv ot htneoent amn*r , me n* will I in tr and > 'ed and no tremble or expenw *twrel " make all conifo'tehle and happy wti > may foot u* r-’ T ®~ $9 90 per fUj, 90 per w*. #BS per month. ChiUraw and •arrant* half from Genera, Thottiat ai and LaOroage du White Sulphur and Warm Spring* For circular or ftmher partfouhtm call on or address J. C MACLKLLAN. Spota wood Hotel Macon, ontlt Junafftb, or C. P** **&aVhSvSr-. mayTT-tf Progwfetor b. dibwbbt, BBIOOIST, JR Under ODD FMLLOWS HALL oßtrrtw 04 | * V E£P> * b%ad •Ml line of DBUG * PATCHT MEDIA IKES, TAIXDOW Ofom, Painta, 00a. Chtmlrato, and Mandpi for oompoundlog Go aud at iem than halt timir coat, fumiabed in anygwMtiHeu. MT DKMWBT S VTOCK POWDEMB mi SHJKKKILL'S UKIMXMT, • epecauT ty. The Block puwduw are owe of the very beat ruordiev for prtvaSfef hone malady. lr LA GEAHGK STOVE STORE •W % ■ ,w i W. B. JCNES. ■ fSuccnferfo Ja n. f. rTrvcghtrr j Manuiadurcr ot and Vl |. j 1 a if .1 I Egtf ■ i lL*ai**r i m “ w*yii "!* -r utw! J fft ••! tFtwvrt a Ptum, Stamped and iapaoed TJ M WARE. ' i XiHlSii ANU i!K \ ! I.<G STuVES Or •.cry Aaert*-' <•' */••*• ***** aad miC A* ib h, a* tbe *SJJ of S OI can U j.d..auyvncre For aoy Kfove now made, a HTIonT 50TH K To Merohjuat*. Mncbanla can have aoy Atlanta bUt of Tm u cr* tupticaicrt wrfa irwtgirl- adSrd- H -4 — : LAMP OOODB .V t :-,!sspi" '* A* •rtrj.eo' ! f A Mfo 4NG I IMF -G*"'(to * ITVm'T VTT * fl o>aa* *•,*.'-> r*~f v> 1 -■ i 4* **—* •-f - • * feS7 ly W ii dr>> L'A MOORE MARSH A CO. W tiolf rnul *’ DEALERS IN Dry O fxxis, NTotioiiH, BOOTS, SHOES Ao Decatur A Pryor St'*., Atlanta. Oa. WE WOULD reepectiully iavtta all marc ban to, before i y elm where, to call aad examine oar stock, the largest in the South, which having been bought BTRIVILT MOR CASH we con sell at price* that will comport fcvorohiy with ANY MARKET Corefo? attention given to ordeeu Beepectlallr, Wrßfffon MOORR MARSH A 00. XJ ni versa 1 life lumranre CmkpHy OF NEW YORE. nrtieipaAfoa m profits with Mock rates, ftotes of Cbenpw The undenigned to special agent for Troup, Meriwether and adjoining counties V. L HOPSON, jeiy4 Hogaamrilie, Go. FOR SAFE. VfT Residence in tbe town of Gceen ilL ville, Meriwether Connty, a good dwelkng containing rune comfortable, wefl fintefaed room*, with x good firwptea, •tobtea, cow-eheda, fox, An, to for ante. A kilete dTpfem "to* *?* Trri tram and Onpe vkaae. The team yard to tonmfcgrtoH aeteet tLwn^Ww^ peamfimu^ Don'taß apffiy at marchli-Sa D U. GRE?HAM. “IHE H AITER, ’ John M. Holbrook, so. w BunxHiLL rtfit Atlanta. Georgiff 1&:f0 si W livH*B&ALS ftfttl UJ HJiIL - r . f i ; Kilradriiatry ftargate* -i Mra* and Boyv ~ Hat* and Ca* uf ev y giatr'ptUMj , Ladle*' and Mum*' l'nmrued aud Uatruumed II *l* i *Vt-f; * Variety. And at! fcmda of MUalalirCKY GOODS. A! DU i in riK* 5 Al.lrtL* _ 1 Mb til Li \s __ _ d< A NE* _ Tin Heir'S etubrariM a.l <>( iue J.VI I I S< ■ V ELTIfcH .eiOM*** < log and .Ft k a* 1 w * lb ** .and \ i* V.,,b T* O ll,at bet pi MW Mill t* | ■I) l'A‘*lCl>'< J-Hi* k iiih, GREAT BARGAINS — -yv - t >ry (i< mls 4 . DAVID ELLIS C OJVBJS TIN (Jr OF it pnn*~e Silk* hy (be pattern or yard, FAM Y DKEtoh GOOD*, KIBIFfNS and iJiCfti, GINGIIA Me, baad**Mne and cheap, CALIOOB fo wilt all, BkAlTifl'L Bow*. CoiUre Ac H*tr Goteie, Fuff*. I'iaita, Ac. Beta, Hoop *kin*. Delta G' -ree Ac , Ac. Hat* for bore girls utd ladle* of aii rylea, SHOES For Ladie* Genu, Tnnihe end Chddreo. ALSO A Large Led of Striped Osna burgs. 1 here also on hand a supply of GROCERIES Sugar, Coffee. Flour, Meal, Bacon, Lord-Belt, Wi'h f oody and Koto For the Little cneo. j§ |h DAVID ELLIS. SAI’L W. WALTM A C®. Distillers OK> Wtotoeeto . axuixam,*,. • üBl Sm