The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, August 01, 1873, Image 4

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t POfeTitY. [Froin the Carroll Cottoiy Time# MB i. •*. 7bU Utb soldier' hortoi Bnl he dras not bear yoar ftiouup eoad, Tbo' kbriU and load the bugle Mow*, ft due* not wshe his deop repose. Tbl* l* tbc field of nttl *G f. 7 hot filled their bn lor cup of Ufa- Mode orphan* poor end widow* loos, And darkened many a bright hearthstone Bore iLey ase*. tbs flash of Ugbl, tft .1 fail frnm filtilM krtfil) 1|1(1 2 Cat ICti liww 1 P 1 And proudly, coldy, led tbo way Amid tbo battle's Wild n*y llre brr# heteo* k to ht 0 ret- pled ill deßltf* >M WBj** ( A Wot up tbo trad, toad well Of l*i" Tbe front nnd email toyltd# by oide rma*n wM tko Mtdnlprtdo. While other* foegU alone' for tern*, Thotngo* m^mmtsmwa*. Full many • gallsot aoldier foil, Who toft bo frtooda boblnd to Ull Boor brarab# mot tbo charging M, Aad 101 l beneath thoir rolbloao Wow. Bor too tlitir beaners streaming high, Whan comrade* about the battle cry. 7b*B treed light tbia hallowed epot, Tbo’ dead loldlrro boar yoa not lien #BTy,atrifo and pern cm ceaae, Obi tot thoir aebea reat lo peace. Tto BUM* of Jaikeoa. A convention la to bo bold at Jackson, Tenneaaee, on the Wlh instant, for the pur pnaa of prumotlog tbo organization of a now StatoKom part# W UleiWlpjH ah3 XipT-itt Tbo mailer ha* elided much discussion to the territory mod Interested, amt H ivMMpmklMimfaflWL l ** 9*. the eouotlo* embraced in tb echetne will bo roproooated by delegate* at the con ran tloa. It to proposed to arm** to vV#t Tmnes tree tbnec counting ot Ml*at*tppi north of the Tallahatchie rtrer. ThT* would take from tbo latter Stale the counties of Tunlr" f Do Soto, Panola, Marshall, Demon, Union. Tippah. Alcorn, Pron Urn, Tlslimlngo, and perhapo otbe.s. Everybody in Mississippi •oeou to favor the project The white* in Northern Mtooiaslppt an to a man for U became it will retie re thorn ol a negro dim lialton that protnlae* to groW WSHHTHaSBr than bettor. And tbo blanks, or more ac - cMhtofoitkßto WWMbbag maelpo totem, aw agreeable, because thorn would then h* • ,i r * • *rwv Wholo territory afire*ed, with the except ion of what would be tod of Tennerne#, to a* wlUta’a# Bprkto oyer wa* lo giro tbo new lo this matter we here tba outcropping* of a moTament _that la dlamotrically op poood to Beauregard'* dtoma) project ot fraternization. If the Bute of Jackeon reaction a consummation, It mean* a segre gation, and not an nniflcslion, of the two raoeo. (t mean* that Jackson will be a Blato governed by the white*, and that Mi* atoalppi ia to be banded hopelessly orer to the epoller. The Memphl* Appeal, in • recrut toeua, fire* a rery careful atatomrnt of thto aagrtgalloti of race* and It* rfisulu The tendency of the African* la lb the low land*, and ot the white* to tbo hUI*. The whites, U eapfo Anok to the rillagee and cittoa and build new town* among the bill* while the negro** pour eteadily Into the lowland*, where their toll to moat profita ble, and where they will ultimately monop •Uae the cottoa and eugar-growlng plant* Uooa Where they concent rate the Uzea for the rapport of negro achoolt and office holder* are to onerou* that real eaUte be oomma burden, and the white* are virtual ly forced out. The nioewteate neesMry to produce thli Hyi the Bt Lotiii Repobltean, mts. simpler than khm pifht Uaactoe. A withdrawal ct the while. boot Florida and the lower part. <H Plahaaaa, MMutppi and LotrtiUn*, ao* the withdrawal of the Mankato* Mm appac part. of the* Buuw ph|MHM4MMtkk It, YlWed W till MfM the effort to otpaise the aew IP.taJ| cwaofdaep lateww^oUm Sm^imlpplVrn i2eraed,V MgtegKtioa, 11 wee a caahwrd •rehard thiefL Once, when ptektaf an •Ml.n4Meueetahi.oire orchPd, be vu .eeeeted by .0 urchin or th neifh bdrtxwd, who, a<* rvanpetaiac hip a. the apple. than thoea.” “Bot," mM the hoy, “we meat take care the old mao doaao’t ee. m" “I r - > ■ mmpitmww Hm,. . “ CM Mortality afooacchftlren at thi. •OUMU efUMjear to hbhoSutfly WgMtal ia tm^MS^e^Muad^f* that number Isf aWher-N-Jaiy w ** re'eaH j ffkiomttra*; ffluir" OH : -* Mr. Bartholomew Lynch, who preside* vr Eetfofigto Pearth District Court. *■<! who he* woo such uoea viable notoriety la the trial fif the Plcayooe libel oae*. i* • *ra of old Brin, and speaba the Eogitab wiltk a broad broga*. There le s humoroa* u well man trae- I cibie phene to Lynch’* character. It i* re toted of him that ot krng mw * lawyer— who to also a *oo of the tiroes I*le— w# arguiag * somewhat tedious ewe before him, when Lynch haring satisfied bioweil a* lo the utertu of the earn, and dre* ting * tongtby spcach, said quite abruptly to the Toisbi* attorney, whrr* we shall k*m* HL gazi i "Muter Hsgsti, *it dowu, sir ' The attorney, with a coolncMi that wa* refreshing. paid not th* slighlwt attriiiion -to ilia erimiriaad, ami proceeded a lb hi argument "Mliter llagan,' 1 >ii4 Lynch, rutncr wn- “take yoor onto, sir 1" In* lawyer scarcely eeUcnd Hf mpthm, but plunged ahead a* rl|orou*i> a* rer. Lynch wa* now ezeited, and turaiog U the sheriff he “Mr Hiieriff, sale Mr. li***n f* Xh sheriff hesitated * '*" n' to we ll til* *gpe' illr warm carnr*. *tm iTvtimiy the lr*t*> ra(/! r*to, with aroinpt to wire, Mctoiiaod. "Mi*<w Ilngau, go <>u thiu t" and after whispering •omthiog t the clerk, be relapsed into * Itoteuiug *ol tude, rernairring jmrfocrly quiet for aeon, hour and a half, at which time lb* lawyer baring *ahau*t*d the subject, end bring quite ezhaiisird blmseit *a'ih Int-i a chair and atural*d an n*trriiT livid kerchlrf with the copious penplratloo tbst beaded hi* legal brow. .Lynch gMsedJhlmaetf slowly in hi* i hair, and Inquired rery mildly, “Are ye through, Mister Hagan f" Tcs, sir." , *(.s aure sipu'r* Ihroyghf "Yea, sir," quit# sura." ••Wall,air,” remarked Lynch, “your er. gurnant has had no more effect Up*Ka the court thsn a epoooful of water a the hack of a duck. There'* beet* Judgment entered up again*! ye for an hour and awe." ignite Earayh Married. Ad Inoideol of crowing the plain* In the early day* woe loW by a defer lady at the breakfast table one morning at Frisco. A Dutchman end'ht* wife trzrelrrt Wsst and arrived at Balt Lake, where tuey halted for a few weeks. The KormoM got around the old Dutchman and coaled him to Join • • IA- • -*•.* I llielr canra* corerert wagon bed, the good fb ti/ih m■ w linika I Ism ntaltotr >** team Irailw* tffnfl’t tft'rnw illc ItiTttri l" nn IffiUll * halC hinting to her that the Mormons told Dim he Jtad belter stay, settle amoug them, ztn) take some morn “ffow msny rltee you link* you ranis f” asked Ksihri ta. The Dutclimßn thought "file more rould make a hall dozen already ; where* upon the old wife got down her bixldh-i-, and allppiag from It- what the Dotch man called the "prttotlwftd. vlchnn made from Vlaomatn hickory rae r< ry tough." andelie laid the hickory fierce and (*; on tu > *4o man, who ahufll'-d out <it the wagon n 1 fell in a ditch. The old man got up tai l hi* “etomacb It vat ary fold, but ki track vas rery rarm " Ilia wife cried out * How msny rives you link you ratita now nul l loo) V’ Hut the Dutchman felt, and ezpre* led that one wa* etvutgh. The l\fgro‘ V| n le. Til* negro snd mule (write* frier> I In Clint'<n, La.,) arc in< parsble cmrpt>ii.n In the Southern cotton fli-lils. end, like the HiawaUian string and bow, uncle ts each without the other. The laiy in.tiffereure and careleaa cruelty o' the one, and won dertul powers of endurance of serere labor, bad treatment and neglect of the other e. mpleft- the compstibilitv of thetwornree necessary for the production of four mil - lion* of bales. A characteristic anecdote may be relished by those who hare had ex perience of the two. T e- spectator had taken refuge from the aun’s perpendicular rays under the ah ads of a spreading beech, tub tagmine fVgi and lay recumbent, enjoy ing the fitful breeces and the sombre froth! ness ot the country newspaper* Along the duaty road which pasts d by this retreat csmc jogging a negro, moentsd on a male, both apparently (hat aaieep As tin som nolent pair approached the spot, Amo wicked sprite of the place gare the paper a dirt which waa ao sooner seta and heard, than the mule, as mules oaly know how Instantly 'swapped ends,’ and leasing the aegro sprawling in the dirt, took hie depar ture, under Ml anil. Yha negro, half rais ing himself, aad wiping the dost front eyes and mouth, watched the retreating mule tor some time in ail,-nee, hut at length, un-j eoasciousof -an auditor, gMtwpiMlM tr this philosophic soliloquy: “Oat’s what make ate ’aptsn a male I" PmsatDsirr Oun an rna Saunar I* onnan —A Washington dispatch to the Bt Louie Republican says, partiea who hare visited Long Branch recently, aad who hare concerned with the Presided, atom that he k considerably exercised ufer the criticisms that have beea made by th public press upon tha Ongrsestonsl stftarj increase, Tbqy assert that the Presaleut will taror a repeal of the hw A the next station of Congrats. Whatever Congress may de the salary of the President onnao* he changed ae the Oemstlieshm (Wiki that the coespeesahen of the President sht il sM be changed during fcb term of PnrauiW -A* low* edttor roeeaUy' la heap *Mt tto aiytoA nm MRifi mttk a> other saaae wtfc. J ia *4, 0* ** • aaatij, kowreer, aa ha toa*gkratf fee wuato Tba maa Wtodtoa and orartook ih* Urjast pair, The editor gut MUtod the wemaa. aad prepared to mil bto.Bfe m dearly a. poasfhist Be wa* useartafo aa to whether the outraged knekead would *boo him, or murder him with a earring kubr. He suxsi there, !dur the boy wa the txznstag dock, and awaited the remit The outrag ed husband came up whhin about two fo * of the editor, sod said: "Cuss your impu drnce, I want you m stop tuj paper *— That wa# all. Tlw editor recovered htm aeli and I mi he WOO and buv., •, ma ter at j trailed t.i at ime* xtutiag ail the I scene the woman stuck to the editor Uk a ; •and burr to a girl's stocking. H*. ne pro . lihrgm mvj gi-d stop ilsrlr p*f>er for a m a nothing—it U-ats all. The li >iomghsa p fet t* sever* in it* 0.-atea/d the wanner to which the **- gf t* S' l lowsr '* Mw4r o nju-r who V IST a TirsßHitr-' Ta Ur 8 m;/. : •the Nyss t): • F‘/t arar- <wo sz*j ihe aegi.s-i of il.riiuegbsui bars kesm dr j lag lik< sheep with tbs rot ’ In *u meteour nasa bto<k wo abowwi ktu to use, symrut | thy or toeiiag for <o#of kto safir:-j ing tnsthfi e. W hare eeaa aegrom lying j on iU si reel riylug, and hare fnodia per ! • uade tbose who w#e well to aid b;y refuse." (Ly the Democrat; “W# bar* received * t(om a female eoud/i now ! going to school at V**r Oof eg*, **d the eptoife cotstato* Iwformatlosi of a. start hag character, it U tfomgkt best te pukltob a part of It. After * request to send k* down a fro* a *oft tlau pencil* and gum drop* to tat, she say* w# do bars such fun here AH the girl* are made to per lidpaisTn out Suur eiertStoa, aid, w* raw oa the lake, rtoc horseback, tors hand springs, run foot races, and ksre heap* of ton Bell# Hastings can < limb a thirty ford emocisi -poW tw f# v moa-ime ■ ?#• Vivian (yoa rsmemhwr her) cm furti s head spring and not maka* wrinkle in for dram l put a keaulitol bead we Mary Dudgw yesterday to the bozfng room.’ ” The Bsehvtlto Banaer toil* oa that Mr, Q. A Newsom, ot tket city, “km tars*lad • itt/uM . - tmaakimgi mmdtklrnA '' ’ f'We ItV'fwi l*— wmWtwg' toWßißw. heat washing mackiao w# ersr raw wa# ha vaotod thousands of yam* ago, sod acid before the tot* war for eight or eto* ko. dred dollars, hot om rtf Uaooia’s prod*- mastoaa bsahe ike main sprtog at A, and to bp own ruiff m wunviTwm ptwom w chlnery rer since A man in Pori.month, N. ft-, bar lag tfvseto* pw fowtmr* - c. e^ r o*^% alarm at bis friend*. snddr .*r cam* b*w and helug asked where be bad Wn. mere ty nqdted. "Dent vf tf I bn-w “ Hr *k mi l do as ftf i Sfth Willienw. -if Datr <O. win haring been a three day*' bender in ff. ¥, stroiled btn sn Intribgrace office and ashed. "I* this an InttMllgrncg officer "To*" ibid the keener ‘What's ynur toef iliqnfred A*‘r, *nr opos being Informed he threw down a ifottor "V#'!" ** and the ..ropfl-t it r riT rtiui>n li mw Tit’ T'vsnry-imo ir" *iavrrer war ‘V "Ce Tin- m.n t* vtware ms* n o no to mo 4 czcellenl in wh* he un Imakm. It ui better to sw wood Weil, than to plead law poorly; ' The laboring m*q hoids ths same roto tion to the merchant, manufacturer, attor ney, physician and minister, that the loro ujn’ire doe* to a train and elegant and we'l fil'ed car* tticr w ihld stand stlf r nr evsr If lb* engine did not m*v* fo r. ii ii Dll better to eat oae msxT Y Jky sad Ply lor It, than to eat three and bar* two of them charged A toll purse and a broody bottle rarely occupy opposite pocket* to the ram# corn. XJni versa 1 ’ to OF NBW TOOL participation a proflu with Mock rata*. Rate* of Premium* 39 per cant Cheaper tkaa Mutua: Compaotoa. The ■Bfiawimud to aseesai gpmt for Troop, Meriwethar inti idJn<B>n wmßltoa T. L. HOPfiON, Sb_ FOR SALE. Tk JTY fkaHrnc- in the P wn ot Ocreo- JjQl vßie, M-"nw*V>-r C- u *•••, • ■ ■•■*>•l dwelling coosaiastig B -v. oet <>. i •*>' *e*i finiskstd rooms. rtih sis good fire |4ee. excellent wsrk-hoaae and cztrs om stable* cow-ehuda. Ac, Ac, is for sale. A well ol pure water • cooretJent to the kjfohcn and he- T*e g*r**'B cowmir-- nearly aa acre ar.J i- caret lent soil, Oa tbs Ware *• i odtrt w i<-tj of P-uP .ÜBB* B< U J ' a The It -t r a • lastefbily Liu oil s.- 'ta. o well ad aorubb'-ry—si' >tu; -r . g,vd *• -jo* ut ; The pesos lonian L-,ivu acres luor# ' fosa, wuh # large fi u hrsarb nutuing thrmigk the pc-wai-m. Ifcat ail apidy>t ' oocc tc*n±l4-6m D. C GRLBBAJL W. w. WOOMIfiPhS I fliiliflt RE FOSI TO R Y, i * 1 Mifru. oa, I •’ i l - 7 . - - J ______ timmii <f ;is j y~iid tl ATM * B-frU&t PHsaTOSffi Bit fc#- A. k i>;KUtefct WAiOoiia _ I— 1 j Also, ths coiefemwl Woodrof! I . _J OOBCORD BUOGY. and - ■ ■ - - - j • plantatios waoobb All wzc* of the W BHTKHN THIMBLE j HKBIM WAOOM, and aH wssaot Patent Wheel Huggt**, with a fine assortment of HAftßEfWi Bps Mal orders filled promptly and %u WOKS OL ARABTCKD * *f JNO. N. COOPER . * Grocer and Comm Union Kcrokaat. ULRA .SUE. BA o ' Xn Vi 7TTRT ret anted from New York end *m bow *bte to show my trirade s isltoad tm H'r.. nt at tirocei*e Doo>e* •ic, Staple and F||B(.y Dry Good*, all of whir.b I shall sell at rery low figures.— "itch s* Grain. Floor. Bulk Meata, Ooflsa, Sugar, Tobacco aad Hard warn, f I STAPLE Aim .■ . _ 5. . Fancy *7 6 coda —-■me I wfl! be gi ici t a call from aB my -*rtwd urr U wnua Yoa w.ll find me at Oh. Bufiefo’a H'Ttl Fair warning. 1 48 10 tpiriimm* Ltquon u JL/ Mcrfether C--OB.y are requestor u, v > uui * w rtf-os SM, 500, SSB, 1433, fifi Asto a-u lto7 u IrmiM PTrl i7l : fit Take dm mgfoa aad gat poor hmmra Mr order ot dm board ot cmeatar Ocraaumm ra. R. TC-TtwikOte HA-4* <3fc mat, am-Mtad by euta* of kto beA coaka *i*A wsitssrs fom Bo#wa’ ami tha wt**l Hot-U, <rf eoC Mr*. L L Ls>vr ksa kindly eonsratad to **toet,ad •ili be htgxpr te greet her friends at Uw Springs. A band has luma aeowad for the season. Every variety of innocent amuso rtirtit will be totrudneud. and no trouble or *iprune apared to make all comfortsbto sod happy who may foroc us with tbmr patronage. Terso, -$£ 5u per tisy, fl* 5o per week, fifij per month CUUdm* and •erranta half price Daily coach*# u> ami | ffotu Gewcva, Th-mt-too* aod Lafimagr . : ti* Whim Saiphur and Warm prtog* : 1 For cu tutor ux f unbar nartict'.Urs o*U on . tor sddrum J. C. MAOLKLLAN. Spwv 1 i wood Hotel. Macon, ontfl June 6th. or C T. PORTER, care boz MS* I* O- Talbot- | vn. CHA& T. PORTER. msyfitHtf Proprietor Thompson. Oslo Jfc o®> mtrtfTtiaiM mt AMD DEALERS IK \ ' -■ Kurnituro* KU A S B-sdstaa-'A. Jtoatoto, Ctoio MstaUto Burto t **** ami Boaawood C dßo* Always oa (Land. “S JSEWNAH OA. Babin* F eroli Mod a Mb cart >age* *Z rraauaabto pvia j JoatoO -4f f1 M 7IJ \HTA T--‘ : ; ; L MERCHANT ! ! Vn% r.mtu-i stiU iwf-www-4 ifcat t-> bar- IN SfoRK a Ltirt s , 't GKOCERLBSand WKSTfcUS PRODUCE which I will set! at price* and oa Uro.t as avorable as any honae in the my Respect tolly, A- K ’SEAGO. I Important to PUntfin, dead for Circular I sail name hat lb* Mem Fknllißen, sack as HBSAPBAEE," “BUBXKA," “BAUGH'S RAW BON* PHOSPHATE, aad JAO. MXRRYMAN * Oo.'e AMMOXIATED Diraoired BONE HF~ Team* do* Fin* Plan taro wifi atoo he rappitod ca crap towfjto Balk Meat. Becxm- Cram, OatA Bay. Flear, Taka cm, Code*. Sagar, Motoseea, Bytwjt, Mlea, AS* tL'caM TRADE sriU atoo recosr* speciau atteoboa. Addroas A A SEA GO, Altoata. ILTL W. WlLTfid * CO. Distillers I - - -•-- - 4KD ? • Whokstla LifOfir finlm, Office A Warrtoone TTfi, 177 A lit fiyrn , ♦ ■ 'Ji ■— ; . v ' , Kjiir / w:p;i^r|rt i * i,-. i'fo' :%a m yrm :3• * f ? ORXFfTNT - ~ ~ * ww^ j HAVE NOW i.N dfoMA AX* \ * wdl keep through lb* *- ■ J M3r l H * ■ "M? . : X . LARQEaaJ WELL Afobrfl f ti>iTOCK k L —1 1 -I_- Full mad W'mtfs tlmodf —..'i*Ww. * ■■■■■• totswumsaa-ww. > — l| - 1| Tl f tW Tksakfal for tU* i JNG aad MR ARAL PAYMONdPT IfiltTfidW 11 Ml 1 ta*iiaaafiT tar to* * csMiaaeaa* of tb •*m*. aad ptodgt mya*-i fo muks a to im UUMRMSTaf Ct**Am • MVT >/ MM . t ...... . r . ! I— - - ' - -- • m~N GT ICE - All tsd^■f^t| , *: **/ ai* tor U‘ OOS, aro tmpm -tfoifo regasaivd to col) aad settle AH deb s •••u aabf* • and dur, by Grittn merrhtt.o euriyiatl.s toll a* Cottua can be add And Ia v gtr* notice lo ALL, ths I sot oompriu I tc bar* mamaf to pay w ibto Fa i r, rua wnmu. *O/ srITT mo< wait for • - 1 part aaathor year J t BLCIr, 13711 l j~ ~—" ‘ i . : OLD JEW BUST aad i'aNcT Slot ,■ ; - Of I ill'll ge. l’|Sl| . I i ■ j— — ———— ~y r z. —z —i | .r ALBERT LEU VAN I J AS NOW, aad w I I bead a* hie otg st* V hr. (, , jqnur. a #. 1 . j wku. *ki > ■ rt,i s ■ ■f —— IM' llli i AM/ i ' T k t. ~ ' •' j.W G 'LO aad U-t -U W*..>*• f | Hum aad Ery *in ' • •%.... the baetm .* ; Go 4 and i vr WicV t- ’ { o> CLOCALS. at all escee. asak/rs sal p- i.r Gold Pen* and a!) k-r-f* vf tw- t*T> SHrr A steel Swotlaciro A I'M. SOLIDSaVER TABLE UI Silver Plal4 Wtr af *U blade ami sty es . (S__ From tbe eery reaaarwad eaakrrv. 1 ,>fl_ -fOOGJifI aad GEORGE WC^T-A HOLMt * REP AIRIH Gi tIT—vSiS ktoinr m mat toe In — —t~* my w-v •