The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, August 22, 1873, Image 2

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TdlV VINDI ( A TOR. Wm T. Revii.i., Editoi nd Propreto aHKEMVCTE, ntID.V Y ~AUO. -u ■W rouic. Goternor Smith has f<-ry promptly P pointed Cal 11 U. I'oUk ■***• " f ,u * Northern Circuit, held by Judf Andrews, Ju.t dtu-.ueil The appointment is one *#B*f*etb. Judge Fft“ tl possess** *Ml!ryvjM#ffrty **+*>jn* flats'* flue lawyer it * most rtceifknt gentleman y . .■ ....t ku l ir. WtfoongrsloUte lb* Governor, the Ui cult snd the judge on the appointment. letter frowi I*rf, Orr, vr. r. r TfcttM, a nvr Dkjik Hlb: It bay been out of rny power Uj teply to youri oi the fidi lost e.arllec There w*s apportioned te Mrirv* Uicr c-mnty, of till* year* acbool tend 4tt, ©f which your county Treasurer ,*.ei**=d prompt gtrtiflcitlie* in * circular hated the ifitb alt. ~ I.. IV—~u~ )jrt | } the —* eetufl to hi the dfclri vl 1!?71 ** ■•*•• and MariTrtt'f’* nota uX thus was fflM 7% There be* been no further apportion maid of thlaHet named fuiffirbut there will >w I Ibirtfc, la * Mwffl lime Yov**; Q J. Orr Acting apoe the ebote mlermetion. the Board of Education for HarlwaOmr county, bays deeJSed to rstalilisb Public Hi.hools tn each euh dtetrict for three month*, aeld school* to go Into operation at once. AH teachers dashing to take charge -d eald school* who hare not bain iaainlftainiar#- tnfore, are notified to appear lafor* inf Hoard on HattirAsy the ftnlt r.f Aiii;ti'. Wtn. T. Havit.t., Hart * '• *'• 'g y , {from Mm Karly County New* KtlrftcM W*"* gianhatt Mmntrm I —: 1) (ho Aral pine#, 1 do not think tb* Islattir* has a tight, under the CouMltullon, la grent the la** l * w * ty Hoard of Education. The friends of lit* Mcstui'e think that Art. I, Bee, XXVIII <l (ho Cotttkutlcn, which l n* lollaws "Tho Oooor* 1 Ay tody Bjy gHH JSWW9 IxU(%io olid municipal corporation to bo exorcised within tttllr Mineral territorial limi* ” con fern tho right. Hot It moot bo roowmbrnri oil tbot lo iid In tho Constitution an lh subject of education lo costalned in An VI, whkdt rektve exclusively tborotn, onr) contains *ll thot tbn ftawors <( tbot inolnt rnimrltithCdSd Would ipfdy UTU It con ulmnWhiito tnitnicltotUi, is to tho Stole fVhiml Commissioner, and point* out the source*, from which the educational fund In lo be derived, sad it torloinl* nnntami ’otto iiw ny coiiuly nr municipal anthorltlo*. I contend thot the Legislature hoi no. power on this subject not specifically (ritca In this A l l clo. I Airthni nteml tbot the County Board 6fTCdiicotlouTo hot s county nutlcr ty, ok rtmtemplaled In Art, 1, Sec. 2ft— Tht* sect ton In vny Optnbin, only gives the Legislature Ihc right to grant the pow to regnfkrly established county outboritlcw. fin. uMiciiy county purposes. And X.think, farther, that the system wwrid work lo tho Inlurv nl the pour sud sparsely populated section* of thr State, - It will coel much less per csplte to csrry on sehoole in o dense, than In n sparsely populated section, for the reason that many more children can be brought together and taught In one school And again, t sen no good reason lor raising one-half of the school fund ty tho State and one-half by tho county; If the people hose the tax to pay, It will certainly bo less eipcnrive, le*a complicated and more satisfactory to them, to Imre but one proceoe. Let the Bute do what the Constitution clearly makes it he> duty to do, vti: provide for the expense by • taxation or otherwise,” and distribute the money when so raised, among the Counties, In proportion to Um number of children ot school ago. 1 do not wish to to understood u oppos ing tto Public School eystsm, but mi op poring the policy ot reining the necessary of coy pert of the MOM, by locjl Uxntion. 11 Ihi* iymtcni it once inaugura te'!, no one cut foteeee to wlmt extent i will be carried. Every county will oon went a school system of to own; already moves in that direction have been mads by *■ feral countie*. We here too much local or private legislation In Georgia. Nearly every mister of t’ae legislature baa one or tnOrC bi**t of this character, which he par rictentYy urge* upon the attention of tbe IxHly, to the axoiurion, ami delay of the burinem ef the PuWa By rriarecce to Ueoggia Lews, 187*, ft Will be seen tha< 407 ante wars pasted, only 79 of which were Public Laws I favor the doctrine oi **b*e*e Rights," or as new termed, “loaai sell government," but it it carrying this a little too Ihr, for every county in the State to here a code of iu own Respectfully, REUBEN JONES. The principal of au academy, who was very unpopular with the young ladies, on the approach of a thunder storm very cart hslly laaulatad his chair on four pieces of glass, laid then politely asked one of tbe fcirfc to sit In bla lap for safety. “Wall, no," said the; *1 think Pd rather be struck by lightning.” If your friend asks you lor a chew of to toco,ay to him that the revenue laws turbid you to tel! or dispose of tolacco in any form without paying a license. IN>ath *f t agh Jahn C. ■’laut,- ban> We ropy from the Griffin Mew* the fo!- ’owing notice of a gentleman well known to the older citizens of Meriwether : Our reede<* bare been adriead ol the fct that Cape jMsngham wa* altacked tome tee day* ago or more with paraly*i and that he soon recotrcred vt far ** to lie able to ride aWMI, when strong bop-- were entertained of hie speedy retttrery On Tuesday last after returning from his faim. J Jtl after he got out of hi* buggy, he *s attacked sioUntlf, and in a few hour# itertnt eneonsceitss, and after apparently nd doubt!ess great suffering died on Thursday morning at half past ibrtreioek We hare but lilt!* data from which to write , but from what we cao gu'ber n learn that Capt Maugbaai was boro In Jasper county la the year 17&7, and * therefore in thfcTfKfe year of hi* age. In *rf)r life be remored to Bbidwin county, afterward* to Columbttt, then to Mariwath- w, from to Pikeand finally came W Hi la city some twenty Are years ago in early I.fa be frorpitatiy bid offices of boner anil traet, end at one tfti# wp psny gir*t term a ill La of firaror - who tun UatfXtrfMUi acwtiTa. Ta iir^f thaao < apadltie# L#*hib.t*d tboaa stroag trait* ol tbaremjli and ua*a<fUb desotion to that marksd hie CT'Ursa in *fry reta tlon of lift. Whit* he may hafe baa* con ildetxf somewhat arxaolric hy many jiao pie, still fl Guer, and more honorsble man or Utter cii /JlPthan ha. aaaar liaed. Ilia, ofßclal position* and calling* m JtU threw him in contact with most of the prominent men of the past age, and one, too, r. <m|>o ad of bonaat and pure men, and tlrey were u. fast friend#. He hail a aaal fund of lu- Tumation anil iaeldant, and M wu* a rare piece of good An tune h f stcli lieu froiii biisints* and tlstan to the recital* of his 'l’wrs'iiiai knowffeiig* thd 'tv#*'*# men and measure* In day* goo# by. H* jio***#*eil s Wrong and figorou* in tehee.', •PpimmperrrjTTirru ini ready -am;“and r though without tboaa aiJ*aKlg#* of early cdui Ulon, which College* aad am pi* means afford, yet ha was thoroughly edn rat sent with Urn .political history of the Country . as well a* haeing a'stor# of In for mstloit ou most *utd<?cia To lus family urn! friends he waa tandarly at lat hed, and BOOfhrr r-ndehco orhlsjp'odni-sii of I'tri w ihrdfnirojTi'liirlOTißfir'Bsrfr srrsyr esbibbed towards him, and In hU last hours they gathned around him with dr monotratlons of unfeigned grief for o*r who bad been and wai itlHtbclr besladvls er and friend • Kaw ituni were Itettor km.wu than Ospi. Uaugham or morn unlvctiaTTy * TSQUMUI, WittP! tnayoo a largo nrmibef %t ratattrorw taburn hf* toss. Wherever the nows of his death may reach, U will touch writ Wed Te* Of silent grief over the memory of the good citizen, true friend and hooeet man Peace to Till ShesT While a thunder rl"td win rising the other day, and the electric flasher woe ho coming very vtvU. At,. Jmue* Qua*, a **U' to do larm'T, was si.mdiug In bis yard noticing an Immense number of buasrdi flying circtutiitisiy, dose ul a very hfrWti' di-ukft>ge jrierrwd iheir m'dst liter filly, canainfl them to flutter w4—fly—<rft frantically In every direction, while two fill to the eerlh like chunks, dead As sooa as the cloud passed over, Mr. o<>**, iticom pony with some others, went to the spot where they fell, sml frond them torn and terribly lacerated The ele.d icily took efler.t upon the right leg of each, divtsting the tames of all the flesh and integument leaving only the large quill leathers adhet ing to the wing bone by small ligaments, Ths twines of eel did not nppe ir to be bro ken, while those of the others were broken to pieces. Buoh * phenomenon hat seldom been witnessed. —[OwinneU Tt* i aid. Just before one o’clock yesterday morn ing Judge Wm. Lundy, whose form is about sevan mils# from Macon, waa startled by the alarming cry of Bre. On going out he discovered that hi t gin house waa on fire, and the flames bad gained such headway that be found it neeless tc attempt to save anything. In a short time bis gin hotter gin, iron pros, hoi w power, sod everyth'uj were in ruins Ha had the best gin bouse within fl.iy miles ot Macon. -It was bnilt of the very beat material, sod was large enough to have all his machinery order the same roof. The fire was, without doubt, tbs woik of an incendiary, and though there may he reasonable grounds for sus pecting who was gcilty of the crime, theis is not sufficient proof to warrant tbs arrest of any oar. It is a heavy blow upon the Jedge, com:ag at the very sraeon of the year when the property destroyed was likely to to of moot aw to him.— {Te\ BbSWICIAXT PcnoLAKSHTV vo* Maot cat. Stcdsuts -The Trustees of the Louis vilie (Ky.) Medical College have created .quite & number at Beneficiary Scholarship*, for the benefit of poor but deserving young men seeking a first-clas* medical education. One Beneficiary student is received trotn each Senatorial District of any State, and one Drum each Congressional District of the different States. Any one desiring the scholarship for the i 30th Senatorial district would do well to call on Hon. Geo. I* Peary at Greenville, who will toetow it upon the Aral deearring young man applying. Will papers in the district copy I The father ot titty children at Waco. Texaa, makes a handsome living by playing poker with hi* boys [F oui tlie fdonslitutioc ) Ihc Death of tlae Mon. Darnctt iadrewa lo'*!!ii'i'.c wa* prlyaUly ra*i*ed yc (erday of the death of this diitjagwished jut Ist of Georgia. He died night before , .t *t hi* iiosidcacein Waahlngioxo Wiikti county. The newt will be r* weired with ad tress and sorrow by thousands, not on'y in tfeia but adjoining State*. Jj! <■ Andrews was in the *eswuty~.V '• ; eur of li age, and treVnged to that ges t.ii.un v! iuen who hfo rapid ; y p£ae ; ag away from a.non,; ar* correctly iiilot iued, in KiW.and Wi?hs v we fieliese, was hi* uiSae’COiin'y Hi* ucstiira was conSncd to an academ c o >ur>e He studied law in.the office of Coi. Don can G Campbell, of Warhingb/n, the fat: <■• /_ JI jc J, A. CainpGea, late A 4M• Justice of the Supreme Court of the Cm ted Btates. Co*. C*mr*ll W* fhen rsa*e! among the ablest and neat eiooueut !*w yer* in Georgia, and a* soon as young Amh it are was admittedi_io the bar be took hTm to partnership with him. When Col. Campbtt4lwi ft 1, An drews for seed a pastaenbip with Daniel nrshdifr, who had atAHlea Oft daftgbtsi 6TTSI .Campbell, iid~who auhaequantiy “atuilSaa - SoHrucS'iltisiActSi in Mof/da, ’ The Arm of Andrews A Chandler rrm Unuad noUf the al*#aiiw f Arsdt'es** *• the Bench of the itoMhaffl Circuit in Aap tamtiar, I&M, oa lire death of tb* distla girishsd Winiam H. Crawford, This posi i-m i It*'!* w tlh g ,Mt diiiinrtirm. untt-- IHV, whan ha was debated in n Jwirty coo the Legislature, by lloa. W C Sayre of H, ala. In tflflft, Judge Andrew* wm pot ta a m inatlon for .lira office of Uoyernnr of the M.*i> by what was then known *4 tbs AiuerCmh psrty, irnt WM dafeateil by the J fins. Ileiscbel V J-.hnena, who was tbs fiftsbir-™**** nd C*ft,.M||'‘-‘ai i' 4 . p •'/ In lhflO, Judge Andrew* took a eery prom inent poeMlon agaleat aacashm. >*t after The action ol Use Bud* WM sotbonU'ively declared, be cordially cast h*e Mta with her. In 1 HOB, he arqnlneecd laths r* msl/u' ildrr policy of Congress, *d *ee g*“ p (minted Judge of the Nm thorn Circuit, which position he *u atitl ftll'ng t 'he time of hU death. Time will ni now allow a furthrr rbeteh of til* Tile <7T “ffil# 'mßmT eiuaeo w "Hri public services, .- dßte it to any tlust as a Jodge b* ww SDt and upiTgb'. It is lulegrlif w.i al mittf.d to be of I lie htghrstftrder. Asa lawyer bn racked with Campbell, the eider Thomse Cobb, Ohmrr, Vpson, < >ntr, Dawson, Htatef* fafr*, IlsrOswen- Tubnibs, and the kto'CEEf Juiiw? inr , Asa writer he was fry vigorous and As* man. he wjOaAJu- a pttr;ms sml Im ornpM pd hi j ri"ipV A• * he* bind sn l fs'in r. lie I'T ■ nle-l a sfainh t cr ample. - Though not ftf* hr wii t cnniplrOOvi* inmlrl oTi.r-iiby. pi bis lai'er days became a fa'jhf-tl rnd rtrv I*e t member of the rime I. A II f* Hi* es-4 Viat when ! rK paese* ovsr -Cnion -psfi'e Haiirnnd r cut off a Chi' TSgO cifTTb" ass ,Q Bsn jfiaei Wo 'uvealfrti -tioa lilf Ctiific*, 1 lie now iIW TiiTil* wife that ks bae r4e-itofed to ws k home for the lienelU of Ins liver and, h ipe to anive bitline to celebrate'heir wooden wedding in tH74 Mr Wd'* ms Glass, Jr, cnight two hun dred am! flitf fish at on# haul the other day in Whitewater Creek, small fish not counted Flow is that for luck *—fftenoia Journal. "W iii ter Oja ts* 500 BkiSH ELS for Bale rpME PEBT WINTER OATS l hare X ever sown is the Prince 11 ward tsianfl They are Rnnt Proof, k**°d ‘he Winter, have a stout straw, good head and grow we ! l on poor land Price QSO Dollar pee bushel; either weight or measurement given. A J. BNELBON. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS CT EOROIA Meriwether County. X Will be sold on tbe let Twerdsy fn October, before the Court Howie door in the town of Greenville, within tbe legal hours of sale the east half of kit of laud No. *94, situated in the 11th P'slrict of said county. Levied ou to aatisfy a fl fa from the Superior Court ot said county, In flavor of G. V Boddle va David Wood roof and Enoch C. Woodroof security. Tenant in possession nop fled nreordl.ic to law. Prop erty pointed out by Plaintiff ALSO al the same time and place will be acrid lots of land Noa, 238, 933, 254 St 25 situate, lying and being in the 10? b District ot orig inally Troup now Meriwether County; each lot containing 302 1 acres levied on a* Ilia property of Aotoine'te Ector aJmini? iraUix_un.dhc estate of. W -fetor dre'dr. toealWy all fa issued fiom the Meriwethar (tupei ior Coi r in favor of James Long'and his Wife va Autoinette Ector administra trix of tbe estate ot Walton Ector dec’d. Said land sold, subject to the widow’s dower. Tenant in possession notified in terms of the law. at-82-41 J. W. FULLER, S. M. C. ♦H per levy Ordinary’s Office, Met is elltei Couuty, ACg ffOTTFfST Mrs.' Amanda Ligon, widow of Thcs Ligon, deed, applies tor Homestead of Reality and Personalty eui of the estate of said deed. 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock a. k. on the Ist Monday in Sep ember next at mv office in Greenville f-’i 1 W BANNING, O. M C-l Crdiaary's Office. GKO KOI A Meriwether County. Wbcrenu, east# of J. C. Wt - iMtwitwaM • ; therefore, to cTsiTan i adionTili *Ti cbnoe-ued to ahow c*ase, if any exist, on or beftsre the fi st Moodav in fcep'eoiber next, why let’ers of AdurfuintisV/1. abouU ,aA be gtamwal.AU Clerk of the fcapeiior Court, < some other fit and proper person Giren under my 1 littrid o f cfihuAl sigfiature. this J uty SlthM ■ $4 Jas. VTBANMI-NG, O M C. Jpplitatftfl fur L#u \t to beit l4iad. / ■ TTOTtGIA Meiiwether Coua'y V _J, -Thirty days after jJatt. os the :l Monday is be; leather, I will apfly to tu> <'• ft of Ordinary in and for t*;c ci,(3!:ly (< f leave toaaii a- ; ! the land be!o mg to the eaute* of J. A- Header, dec* .: Uiis August 4th I^f7B K H RKMDCH, Aterr Wfolise to Debtor* * < rrailsrs i HKHKHV notify all pi i ing t claims aga nat the estate of J*, A, iSender to present them duiy authani i.atc, aroordmg tp law, aad atf ;sdtbte.i t# ,-t enisle to come forward and settle the same This AagtrrC 4th it"3. 7t *5 K If RItSfDER, Admi Apptsranun rat tauers f Ad- p ——— ■afaaMrxiilwM. / i KoltOIA M*riwether Omn'y V I J**. V Me Lane apfdtt* for tetter* <H aiiuinoal tif<Mo the eeiatr of Htaiofi. H. Fuller late of said therefore, to cite and adnsotiiau *H com. cm wf to stiow came Jf any Uiay hare any said letters attouliJ otA be granted on or he Ua*. th# let Monday m BcpUauimr -rrr.feu uPOci my batm snd officA. nigoa tore Aagust 4th 1*73 5t ft J W Bamsing, O M C. SHERIFFS SALE. / ( KOKGiA McrtwetUer Oulty V f Will Im sold I while the Court H> ihwif l Hw town of Grccurtile; bttwn Die legal hours of sals, o# the first 'I nc* in ffwplsnilwir next. <1 nciu more or ftaa VShf.' US i>| M . t ; co iuty on winch 1 r Wpliiers -or■ i 1 cd t-feamo* o nu .totl, on as ihc.. property ol W C il, ay Is *udj s II la irotn Meriwether ffciparbir * <njrt In f*- r of Monro* DssVtwm y* C V WpiltoCs I’rlfi* Ipsi aml W C I,lr*y twwuiity J W. Ft U.KJI, afl td|;i, Sheriff M 0. SHERIFF’S SALES. OEfTItCIA Meriwether C. vVidu'i/TkfbebT*thcourttrfiuae In the town of Dreruvitle, the 'ego' hour* of eaie, rt th* first Tuesday in Bsptrmber o**l 835 seres ol land, more at le, cssnsltrflng of parts ol kh Nh* 3.:t, 3SA and 23®, bciu# the tdeou -,n which l! fr Rear I now rsslde*, situated In thr l't-' dt trict of said touslv. levied >n at !ha prop stfy a ft H Metl wether Bupenm Court In t*7i,r of K II 'Worii I vs rC CampbellTTvoperty pen I *-' "out bjTtt-'HTTir TewSht SLjSfasbiirawiOU uu ttfied according to la*. at lb s*o 5 S *-d an,; f of .’fort!.west COTACI (I lot No, ti to tl>* Ist ifistricl of said county, IfTied on * thr pfnpsrte >,f At—i* t'rfinr-;- to satisfy sfl fa .**’.'<{ ffbm Mctirtll.c; Swp*i|.-‘ P*wt in tweor rrf f, f.‘ tfarrfy VT -H P -Ctisiwel Piofierty yrnirngt MW hi PiaiuUfl'aAt"' 1 wy Ti'or To posasueSTn notified according to law. ALKr at !,e a: -.r •’me sod e w <• • and • qe lot or panel of land jJtua'-rd In the IC-A district ol sftkl rnunly, wlmomi- W il Robinson r,<>w r JaTieil T i..;t ta .r-c prupeny of W ii fwb•••%' feLsakfcjr * 8 la ’•sued from Mcriwethr? Superior C ! ;'t fTw* ot —W let ('(•amt'rr Et - Mr TT Robinson ihrfendsnv notified ia cote pi mice with ■,*. J. W FI LLER, a** $3 per levy Sbcr'fi —• *tr— _ ( 1 EOKOIA Mcfieetber Cu ’ ... VJ Whereas Mra Alman widow of M >ses Aim*n deed, applies for letter* of Administration upon the a*UU of said decM, this ie therefore to -die an 1 adm m'sh all concerned to file oMrctione if nrr they have on or before the first Monday in Hep tender neit why said letters should oot be granted (Jive under my hand and off! e signature Aug 4,‘TJ At #4 J W BANNING O M.C / * t EOftOI A M*ri wether Couoty. vT I will apply to the Hon.J Coatt cf ordinary in amt fw said county for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Jae. Seay dec d.oa the first Monday in Sc/ temher next Aag4 TS (d>|4 Wo. A SEAY > AdKir. ffriice to DrMcrtand CreriMoru GEORGIA MERIWETHER County. All persona having claims against the es tate o! Joo. P NtckoU, deed, are hereby notified to present them immediately, au thenticated accord lug to law. All persons indebted to said estate are also notified to make immediate payment. jo*3-7w 5 IF. McLANE^Ailmr. Eetke *• Prb(r<is4frc4ifri. ALL PERSONS holding claims against the estate of Andrew Park deed, are hereby notified to present them immediate ly, authenticated according to law. AH peoM indebted to said estate by account, note, or in fl fa, are also notified to make immediate payment, or coma forward and reason tbe matter in regard to compromise or sett foment June *tf "T3. J. B. JACKSON A Jdo. W. PARK. Administrators de bon it non Ustamento tannoir - • '' “ "''‘Vtrf# $26 REWARD. TOE undersigned will pay the above amount lor the apprehension anti de livery to them at Rockv Mount of a negro man named Dempsey Findley, who broke into tbe houresof M-wsrs, Clark and Teagle, on the night of the ltth, and escaped from custody after arrest. F rid negro is abom 47 years old, weigns ahoat 150 pounds, has a scar on, we think, the right side of his forehead t of * n inch long, is medium height, stoops a little, teeth wide apart, speaks slowly, is neither black nor mulatto, but a cross between the two, feet turning out considerably, was formerly the slave of Riley Findley. JNO. A. OTLL. augls- THOS EDWARDS. C J REEVED COLU 4S. Hobbs’ INDIAN BITTERS. When I mmre i to Po a Couaty las' Boring i ot.ce-1 a grea drijiand tor apu ent rntdiciue : i L HrnflU DHMAM HTTIBL - -t was eur-ag a great mo ay oaua* fd ■ TScfeol Tisaase* ' My‘wTSTlwiß* afflicted .•!, a throat aad stomach dwaast, I prs railed oc oai to buy a Uribe and =1 enurmy •.ans her, T'tasasd taker cases :odi,c*d ui# to ptm-hase tu* right tojwabs and *r,. the'tncdicine ia this county. l* putuog wether County. 1 lee. seemed that 1 am aot pntw.og of a* stui offer or, false adui, for with a lan trial and a close ed.i-.-eni * to the proecriptloe*, it w-!-. • -.-a ths ofehitss tvl ferer, to loaHcr of how ioeg standing, and rasnovc *jj ii* effe. is atUaJibg Iho same II w care Ayphitis, tu r fats, DierrUss, Drops y A>ti ( fofc* 'Af' r dße'ft*'* ; is nrth-yFdAa W. TJrer lief ulaior* now in use, st. 4 will Frit)ale Diecasee such as i/Tagoisr Mao struaUaw, L'lrwratiou of tbs Womb, WhiU Dwelling of lb* leg* and teat, BlcX Heed sTus, General Wessnsw, Ac Th<*r B.t teUjrrre paiautsd in June, 13*51, and hats itryni the lest if the last rwsif* y*ar*. both ami •irgltg* ~ wtetriur/, y 3T"!f| 7 f~S9 MBf* I *'! - istiUi'w/ of years amotg ths ,Ci*auba in di* Thry may tak*w UL iinpufirtT under any r.m .. t% n< . tenog composed *;,• f*'y of nerfs aad barks Tbw ms tliJa* W:”, b* d*pos.tad al sttr public ; see ie the couair IMrectton* s; j; rei ofiTK* iaW wkiek w :;; acwsfr>"jr .., h. b}le * bat If tb M Lcim s, (•> lioi -l fduc.S ths U.-KS h. s*4. ..ftt i.i,;-., UKl*a* tea o’e il Mv’lle more tan id• ie oce er twh s s Jay fi~’ t-fruiad my isaumia vary Wi ~• • tjiTT>sJ s tofij'poo.oo ot hr ■ git • ■'•w me moaths, frerprer-i y ca>.fg ia Dr T<*r" Tk* ■ "mnirai et nsing M 'iiuj Bn igrr-T" sad before me escil one hottie was res’st'o to good health I *haii give mil/ two i-’ tificatee at preeeot -one Irons a praehclai, physician sad one from a widow lady C. J. REEVES. V jnWT, Pot.l Cos., 6i, 1 October I, id 73. J I do hereby certify that I bar*) used Hours' Ihoiam and I an satisfied it will come nearer curing what it profess** to cure than any patent medic?os now iu use. Hundred* in Polk and adjoining countiea can testify to the same. It Is pur* ly vegetable—l know every root and bark in it, and they are so combined as to move morbid and diseased matter, strengthen the stomach, create purs and healthy blood Lad foe should use it *two or three weeks previous to condemn Ml; they w9i And it Wieflciai. H. W ALLEN. M. D ~~ ’Bawtow OorTrT.'TT*!, f Bept If 197*. f I certify that my son, 13 year.'ohi, was cured of Fever and Ague of over one year’s standing fry the use of Hobbs’ Isdia* Bit TKRS. I in htd * tlx* same time, hardly able to be up I used one bol* tie which restored me to good health. I feel proud to be called on for a certificate. want the afflicted to know tbe good of the Bitters. Mrs S A JOHNSON. 1873. IS 73 THE MEHIWETfIEH COCiX PY VIKDIfATOR. IS NQW TW Fm.l, BLAST ONLY A YEAR m rei >n Fir Kk Airy men In lerlwHhrr Oun t y should kiilririilip far the tIAIItt tTOR hi sner 1 Only $2 Tear In ADVANCE Utrrafarr H the Xeyni Ml*r using *4 Meriwether Isast/ will appear la this paper Now friend?, we ask one and ail to sustain us in tbe enterprise The paper in only TWO DOLLARS A YEAR and Every family in tbe county should have i adress, or cal’, sad see WM.T. REYILL, Edito . Greenville (is.