The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, September 05, 1873, Image 1

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The Meriwether County Vindicator. VOL. 1. THE VINDICATOR. rßßi.iamo bvkry kkiday, BY WM, X. EEVILL AT si>oo IF.H ANNUM. IN ADVANCE *1 44 frllslH*. Spar* Iwk I 4 wk! a m-> :6mo j I v**r 1 inch i l *k> a .VJ 1 450*700 j 12 Ort 3 inches! 150 500 650 10 M 15 00 3 ini‘hM : 2 OOi and flfi jlO (k)' 15.00; 8 Qo . icm | 5 OM‘ WOO i *OOO SflOO! #5 00 ! oc' ; 2 .X) 15 00 ;250085 00 4<i • 0 f-< jIOOOI2O 00 i 55.00 i 80® SIOO j X liberal Mooiioa made to those j advertising by Ike wwlk or yew. — NOTICE TO THE Pl IILIC. After tUis Tate. *ll legal advcrttien.enU [ tor the county of Meriwether, will he pub lathed IU the MfeKIWKIHEW (jOVKTT Vaw (-ATOH JAS. W. BANNING, * Ordinary. JONES W. FULLER, Sheriff. A. J HINTON, _ Jiu 4Hi. isra. Clerk Sup'r Court BUSINESS -CARDS OK HIDE L. HEAVY, * ttornev A T LAW. /\ Obkwiviuk. <•* | A. LOWER, JJ% D* l*r ti II Es, CLOCKS A JEWELRY j —;?;tt .? r: ; T i Ii A DO fcti AND RINGS ni limit! nil Made to Order, ami engraved u' li irt notice Also, a lull topply ul 'he re < ttialcd 'Diatnouil * M,.< t '• iff' ilwt, a on baud, ottiFftK,. 91 W Repairing lAjrii.kmdi UC*Uy CMfU —Jod and warranted ly Camp House, (iHimrt . < XOIKiU =-~ one m'NTTRcn Tsims: .Palaei gel lAv '.. Mcala. 80 ncnia-I/mlg lg W eettta. — ~t. it rA-Mt- . rrrrr ~r... rrnprwrrer Byingtoo’s Hotel, UKUrriN ~ GKORUIA Y au parlor aoeoraraodaikrat to ,r ~t*iwwmifc- ~Niiki4eTHKw^4rtT r Jliw<liiy aef grewl a’Umti.'ti to *t';k guaranteed Tb* people ol Mel Ivi ctbu. iuvilid tu : gum tn* a nail------ lf j 41*11 N VV I‘AHK, ATTORNEY AT LAW’. OhKK*<V!I,I,K i O* Wi 1 prai i ff in M t.wtitlof and tile ad v+tHfiu*** ■ •Sc-hn uliS G a 11‘ *ry (iiiOiu (ia. \HI*K< 1A I/I V miwb of flue Photo graph* ol all air,* - * and kind* Oiliet kindSpf picture* ol < very description Old picture* "i|ni i. enlarged and fm-ffi’ <’• m oi M i Vf eila eiiiff Iru'iid* are rc|H'i;i fti'ljr iotitcd Uj call api4 If i -. i I DKUOHTOItE 1 GRIFFIN. GEO. iW'r>ULl>,fep*ctlullir ark ul the trailing public a shun if their pstrotisge, liav - -r.f on hand a full nwatnianl of Drug* and Cb'nncs- Paint*, Oils, Dias*. Putty. ; Lair p*. Kcr'*Mi' (!<>okm* ExtraOs and Hp, s . perfumery and T/ilet Good*, an<l ivirvth ng ii.ually kept in —a first elaa* D-ng Hit,re and wl.-eh I pro|*M: to aell a< , the lowest market rale* f* DR KD It ANTHONY ia with me j and will lake u aa a .je-cisl favor to hav hi* Irien l* ar.d in<,uaui tames call on him , J. N HAHRIh. _ r j, , i J H. WHITE, of Orifflo, Os., wrrif - . ' : ' -A HENRY&JOHNPARET .HfiM. l octh A lleji Clothing at Wholesale r > A 373 Broadwftj ——r ' “ ' TOE. W JUTE AT . New York, <? o . 4 Wi! 0.-GHIJIT. iVLoKfit OPTMEA Kn*r*. GREENVILLE, MERIWETHER COTNTTy IGA., SEPTEMBER 5, 187?. A Wedlff Feli* sctllt by a hole. Intents alae, cum mnni *oul Premiere rnts ; Mice ci'cummt over the floor In nuMicro duo tres or more Obliti cats. I'- Us saw IboSt Mi; . 11l have llicin, iuqnit sin', 1 guess— j Hum hiihnit : Tunc ilia ere, l uiwarda the group, lUbesm. dixit, gtKid rat aoup— Pißgoea sour." Mice t-onumtrd all I micro, ^ T G autlculei, Tunc ruitnil tuc fetta uuio ibkiu, El tore them otuuu*, limb limn loub, V kslenter, ——Mowai. - Mores, ttninea n a.c be shy Li sure in prstbc airs milii, Henigne; • 1 tei Imc facta, vet bum am,' Avoid a huge and hungry cat, Stndioii I arm ItUlwr Is llnaunihlc It t a shame that such larg ■ propor tion ol the young mon of our uouuiry ran be satisrtt and with pultul clerkahips and other vocstloua-, oi which the mind ia.dwarfed Slid heaiiii Itn’p*t>e'l, *Wd tn wiiTrtlf* Aiiiy’a aiihaialcnoe can be made, win!*! an many aim no of profilahie cinploynicnl arc in vi ing them to an honest and honorable in dep< udence Wo long to sec the day when U will be difficult to find occupants for 'fSfTty (TfiknliipiTol evoiy character, inatoitiT of having appliranta by the hundreds for every vacancy, as ia now the case If such a result can be reached, and our |>e< plr taught to w ork for thulusclves, instead ol •uiK'rinlending the work of others, the cry about the scarcity of labor wtl) not be Ucaiil In the land, and every barren bill will MtfOtt WiM> pf waving grrtp... The diapoailiou to look u|xm Urm labor at ungeiitcid is too prevsleut througout the Sotithcru coontiv Agi kulture ia no longer a dull routine of dally work, but a acienoe, which.affords lull fa lln develop merit *>l the intellect. Progreaa In thia de lm turn slfiasg-Ts-: credible, rtclcuce hsa guided tlf far pug oot eultlvitfon of ihe soil, fast iu the manufacture u| implements, and the result is a wonderful lncrea- hi thy yield of tbs soil, sod s labor, which a few year* •go, not dreamed routd ever be attained.— The agricultural College, Honietlea sou ih* Burwette mveblMied tint iwontrv. will irmituslty elevate farm tabor io its pjoper standard ul litguity and g,' tility, anti there will not then lie ailrh an i-*odns ot y<rrn>( fnfln from flieToStilfy To the ciuea iu scar oh ol ica|jcUbic employ ment Th’. Value gLgArwimggr, 'The toiniwifg .. Uie <*j rletice of u me • IttMtur 'itm *' mug lb* ircatrtlt ol a new* (IftpCl . Ten yeats ago I lived in a low n in ludi ana On returning bonne uiiw iiighl, lor I hin a carpenter l*y trade. I aw a little girl leave my door, and I asked my wile who she was. Hite aaht, Mia il* ns had scut hyr after their new;aiM‘i; w hich my w ife had borrowed. As we aat down to tea ray wife sshl to me by name; “J w lab you woahl aulawrihc for the news (taper, it ia much oomf it to me when you are away fiutn home. ' ‘ I o#H lik<* to do so, sub! i, but you kn> w 1 owe h payment on tins ho>Me and ' lot It will In- u!t I can do to —■— Bbfi replied , "It you will take tbia paper, ; 1 will new for tlie tailor to pay lor it." j I auliscribed for tlie paper ; It cante lb due time to tbe shop. While ret'ing one noon and looking uvi r it, 1 *uw en edver j 'iaemeut of the County ComrntMbnners io i let e bridge that was Pi lye built I put In • bid for the bridge, end the Job wan award ed to tne, on winch I dented %BW, which enabled me to py for my hotue eod lot, eeeiiy, end for the paper. If I had not; subscribed lor the newepeper I should not' here known anything about the contract,; and could not have met my payment on my bouae and lot. A mechanic never 1 j loaea anything by taking a newspaper. A Vote* ro* tuk Btcmp.—The lion. Wm Allen, Democratic candidate in Oov emor of Ohio, wm lamoua in hie younger ! days lor his tremendous voice Among , the many stories concerning his vocal pot* ers is one that while speak og at Pbiladel phis from the deck of a suauut r to a crowd , ed assemblage on the wharf, tbe pi oprietor of a rival steamer, who was also a political ’ I oppooent. aouahi to sitauoa him by blowing ■ ‘ his whistle. Tbe steam organ screeched < its loudest, hut tbe story goes that tbs or , a tor not only spoke no loud as completely : to drowo the noise of the whistle but was distinctly beard in ai! parts of tlie city. If - tbe latter assertion be tine, which It )ut( a '.ittle doubtful, tbe coining campaign in Ohio will be a pretty noisy one if Mr. Al inn takes the stomp j ■ - ■ ■ Axqthe* Cos err Fnouc.—Our genial . Pi wident 1U no opportunity for a frolic ' pass unimproved. To night be celebrates 1 bis silver wedding at Long Branch, on which (cession there will be present not only immediate relatives, bat several mem bers of the Cabinet and a boat of nobby friends from sew Tort It is not under stood that any colored dtirens will be In ' -• “V ! Hew 44taupe\v4etr 4s Made. .V UOL'SK VV UtUIE MK\ KEVKII LA COB. llow do you think you would like * ttve fearing every moment to be bhiwn Oj unmi daring to apeak aloud to jar anythin, for fear of afartiug .ut explosion that would scud you in ah iualaut to the other world t j You don't think R W aid be‘ ant Wall, it Isn't, yet hundred* of men live in,just that Siam —work, receive pay and five year after year tu the very sight ti death, a< U were—all, that the world may have guii Mrwdor You can easily guuaa these man go about qnlclly and uevef laugh. —g |. —4 You know tint gunijowdiw is vary dan grrons m a irtnr or near a ftrn, but psrtnps yon don't k iow that it i* equally danger bus Simirouigh the process oi making X powder mill i a fearful plane to visit, aa‘l slrangrr. ar very seldom allowed Wgo Sa to one- They me butU lar from any town, In ths woods. * >'. rail branch at the work ! iadoneio a separate buildhuj These hojur * urc ,vM 11 distance tr im each other,ao that liL iup it won’t ii ow up the reet, I I'hrjpia lower pirts ot the building are umde very strong, while the roots are very tightly mi on, a i that if It ex plod** only the root will suiiti Hut, in spi’.e of ovry oarc, sometime* a whole fclllemcnt of the powder mill* will go > IT almost iu an in stant, and evifi y vestige of Ihe toil of year* will be swept away in second. Hut, though you toel hko holding ybur breath to look at It, Ills really a very Inter- 1 1 -sting process to ace. It i ■ made, perhaps f you kiiowTld chat coal, saii|Htio sno biliil j *tonc. Bteltof thc*i aulcie* i lrotJted ; in a house by h-ieTT, but Xk* HoU*r wharr | tlir-y mix It is the U ft Siriblc oue. In Oil* building was an Immense ihUl*ione, rolling around and around In an Iron bed, ad un der the stone are put the three ffiarlh! in- I gradient* of gunpowdar. Thar* they ara I ihprpnglily nixed nd ground TUU I* * vary dangerou* operation, bemtua* If the won* wine* in contact wllli It* iron ld it U very apt to strike Atc, merest auspicious of a spark would act ob the w h..te The taalerL*'* •t >r " fc d i.Hf** or tour inchrn In the bed ; Urn wholo, which gwew .y wwjgyim man loaves the place. The duue gaffii anti lUe majciiloery ls Tvft iojdo U* leitWt wort alone. Whan the mill I* shipped, and the man vocaM timU Tbie operation leaffa the 'powder In hard lumps or csskea Tha i)6*l bduithi .wjagL^J^gtap 1 tlmlaS rtna* ' the men enu’t go away tio'ii tills, tbey are obHged to *ilcud to it every moment, *d you may jbe sure not a faugh or w j-*k is ever heard within Its walls i Every one who gm-s iu has In take oil hi* : I-.,;, put MU tuUtrnx, huosuae one glain . ilu whTiTc in an instant qtir ttour of rtrra house-ft*- eoveteil will' ( leather, and is oia-ie |ieifeeily black by the !,j u ,t,d the powder, H contains a set ol t reives, each otic smaller than the last, thko'iKh which the (towder la tilled, aud an Imwicnae round *nd hilxirmg mill, where it i. ground up while man shovel it in woodeu shovela. The inachiiu-ry makes a ! great deal ol noise, hut the men arc alien! mu ho houses. The ns kles crashing ol i the machinery even seems to give grcatci , U'uroi, and one laglad to get out of that ; ItOUaC, ] The aloving ro< m la next on the lit*, and there tin powder i h’ite<l oil wooden -mrys It <y h' t.and no workmen at y there. Kioin there it goe* to the packing ! | raM ., where it is |Mit in barrels, kegs an ! rriibteri. lastly, through all .these hou*e, H goes it last to the storehouse. <trie feel* like drawing a long breaib to sec thfearful stuff aalely peeked away out of the hand* of the men in this curious hotiae You’ve heard of thing* h-ing m dry as • powder h.iuae, but you would not think thi* house very dry. It 1* almost imbed.- dod In water Did*' you ever bear pf * i water root loatnul of step* tog • there are shallow tanks <1 water, thiougn * which every one rnnut walk to the dxir. j J,, none ol the* house# ia any light ever allowed except sunlight The w#g<a are [good, the day a wort la rtort, coding ai waya at three or four o’clock. But the men have a *erloo look that makes one think every moment of the danger, and glad to get away.—(Amer. Sportsman. A Railboali Ttcekt But* a Seat. A | fgrdict lias just been given by *n Indiana rjury wbKK gittW MIHWmr tb rret. jog public M well ** o *l* r*ilro/l companies A passenger hi Indiana lately ref need to give tbe conductor his ticket until be we* *pplted with * re*t. The trein being crowded the conductor oiuld not v .nply with hi* requeat end pot the passenger off the nr, throwing hie baggage eftrr bins. Tbe !*ttr entered ault agaiosi the < ompany nod wee awarded $3,000 by yfrejury that tried the esaa. _ ' lacli' HM, tbe noted ex chief oi polk* of Got. Daria, of Texaa, and lately the •berfff off Da Witt ooanty, in that Bute, waa abot and killed a few daya since while riding along the highway. Hla body waa completely riddled with Ma a, i* ~~ r We with etary Fanner to Sobacrlbe for the Vindicator. * Ti* iMfeute of MtaUtrieta- The first law providing lor the com pen I Attrta tf memb*ra of the Senate and House I Representative* was paoswi by thyj'nst ongr***, Septibhbor ”, V ‘tv,r*cd -• up IO Mwrt 4, I?si t S .i . j meat her receive |afo- ,-v* -y day . ,u >. I .nee, and the miiiiaur i ‘of the estimated dlsiam >■% tn. nu h-usu isd frtWß hie place of ii'iui ict 't.T! the rent of Co#{frewiwith a [imvl.-iou thai j 11 delaiflnd 0* T.ts journey nr tmm any ; aetudoß Iqr sfaftkuess Ids daily allowaucc j should be wadaTiolwiihsUiuliiig. Auotbcr tcoton of thtipSaw provided that after March 4, 1793,'fkeh Senator shall receive $7 a <Hy." and tu, sum-mi n forevuryj twenty tiravel; thus makliig a <’ilTer cuce in ootapeuapiou between memlmra of the two buthwir Tlnj cunvpetiaattoir proTl dud by thw will be seen, applied to tiioao who vu, 4TVeew.iv, Tuia law uLjl i ig by iu terma on M treb 4. 175, * new act wa> pasiunl Mac h 10 TTpti, which WU*t reuoa liveeffuci al owed c uupouaauon to membui* ot both houses ui the rate t and the aamn au-n toi evuty iwetuy iUMUkuitravcl, liom March 3, 1787. ■KiJfekY '■ Ou July 0,17|7, the i’redthmi approved anothvr law pt,.viding'Thai *t Hi. prosen extraordinary ImwNlttg and tosv.m ui V mgrtias UlO members ol (ip. Seuatu and of ty fiouateb Reproaeuutivc shall be ontlibgrte feeelva u full aWowinc | til mi lea go, ..aijL.,, taw to the comrarv iiotwlthatawlin*," The ot ihl* aeuhin evUletitlf wee to obtain mileage lor . i he rfl ro ;awm.-4hq- Wm4isr+-h wpr* dearlygo’Vn tuUm.c who voted l H The 0< xt It'ifri.wti.m on (he suhjecl was M nob 18, ItMA wnlch dlrsc'.cd that inalc id ol Ul* daily collikfosatinn then altowtad by law there ahull tk> paid annually to tn. member* of boffihouses lor that aud uv *ry luturu Oongres* th* sum of $1,400 annual wthiry Tlrt* StTffinßWfm* tpplkvfti. the membora of ifrrCo.tgresi which enacted it to be a tow. If Was, however, rt peal, i Fchuaryß, IttL- •-v- -#• —— The neat togHtotlM VU January 22,1*1* mMS WRTWat evy-wv,*l -u <>i t frees, and Attesting of ths ifoiiatr in the tmernrrtfv'^m *iwrlttaih 3 1817 J same sunt for *• ary I weoty mile. <d <*'. jtttiried dJatewertM-towyii”. TMa; law wr virt#4..| lAtßraf fill oftba Flltrni.ii I Oangresi, wb hegao its aeaston In L> [ gstfttofrrt^t Ojf Its terms rsUurd hut I The n.'kt subtanilal changs In the ohm pensttlAb oT F.'dira! lug'sUtors w* Augue*, IW, I.SJMI, wlf .i-lu Ji vui urovhhsd j "that the compi . , i liprc*eiitatlv a.. ! I *hiill*b<j ffl.O )0 !, t I mileage as now prov. J.-i t N;!'jui uniy " Tl,n tfrlf-l *■■,,. of trio law jirovxlud In torin* thqi II ‘vitall apply to the present Gongrens,* and that each peraon shall fw entitled to receive tiro .111 fercnc b - ween their compioiiatioii alre.vjy received under iho law now iu force and tin: c:oi!i;>.-nwHllon provided by ttiu now act. The iioxi act of congrra* increasing llie conipensaii'.n of memlrera wa passed July G, Iflfffl ft provi led "that the coinpeuas in ofHM'li Menu tor, RepreaculaVlve and 1 Doloyn'c Io (. Illgro S -lmll be $/i,OOO p. r | i.urniui, to lie computed from the fir'd day i of the prew-nt Dojsgrmi." The Aral day -if | i hat < ‘bugres* was (be 4th ul March. IWT, | nearly n ywr and a half before Uact w . I>u-*ed Ifll.o r"*ull of our somowhel hawty ex a uniat lon * H.e stales Imi • .rrect, il will j he seen that every time Ho* Vomperinttlnn j 'rt the members of the two F- leral bouan* ban leen increased tl oae who voted I rr ih<- Increase have been given to themanlvo- end received the benefits of aocb Incrf-aae, whatever it was The historical fort is not mentioned, either by way of praise or co •ure. of tlioxe who have recent y followed in ihe ham.- oath, but only as a fair luaitei of comment Here i* wyiy t Detroit man dov etui < and i sorrow ud nlwbctiN Isim one *noth< r wnen bt teinen'ad but I mured wife depart ed. Writing h 'be insursace company be aay; “Dear sir: I take my pen in band Jo let you know tn t am well, but that my deal wife, in*gred lor 000 In your cam ■ !ny, i* no more. Biie died to day. Her policy bi No. . I cau truly asy that tbe wm a fond wife an Ia good mother, I have the doctor* certificate, so that there will be no trouble about tbe policy. She waa tick only a abort time, but stiller cd much, DoyowgtEelcSecStaadrarii'e. or must I watt sixty day* lor the money? Tour*, etc. 1 * Who shall say that Hie in surance la not a good consoler?—[Macon Telegraph. AxTKCUDKST* OW THU C’USTTS Fa UII.T - Hon. Henry B Foote, fa nk reminiscences, now being pubisbed in tbe Washington Chronicle, says; George Washington Parke Curtis, in ad dltion pi being tbe adopted ma of General Washington, grandson of his wife, and father of Mrs. R. E Lee waa 1 descendant of tbe celebrated Lord b.: litr. re, mi . wboaa auspices the bi-e. oi Marybsnd *>, colonized sad the first l> rrnal edict of in' venal relig oua toleration adopted aud pio mulgaleJ. Tbe maiden name of this lady waa Calvert (B. 11. HI I at the Clayton County Fair j AuimriiTiH: and iomti<*. tVtiul tlio kouilirrn Fcoplr must IH> New, 1 eS'rm, tl Is cheaper for you t, '-.iM-yotti .wn ptttvtimns than to hav t i. b ought Amin the West, and given t ■“i i- ihr- nearest depot tree ot all com an chilly, a! Hiw is 1 1 le V In the (lift plsee, i we raUc five milltioiia ot hale* of cottm we w Hat no more money tor them th*. we would gel for hall (hat number. I hen . out y_f Hie same amount realised you pat fur raising ilie live millon, Jual doulila eosi of pr.aluciiou ! Hail the labor and supplies empl iycd in raising live million bales ofont toil could Ihi employed iu raifingsupplies with nut reducing the value of Itie enthm crop ouo dollar, lint half Uilr labor would r iic more thuu you needed for supplius. You could employ much of it, also, in eu 'idling your lauds, uuil improving your property iu many way*. Then you ,ivould ' come to Hie cud ol the year with your erib ! full ul corn, your smoke hoiiaas full of meat i iULLL liuujiy full ul ainilus, yourselves fuP-j of iudiioniii ueu, aud your pocket* full of I mont-.v to. investment. And how would ion iuvmi.ii)! Iu cotton doioriM on the wal r.all* which God sent all turuugh your ootm iy to run kpintHes Thia would IDnlis you vatlepcndenk ot Old Kurland.aud N;n> EoglH iJ. Then, also, you would mine your own iron and make your own itnplo m n< of husbandry, and thin w ould make vou Independent ol IViiiisylvania fouudiic* au l M it—ichu oil* workshops In a word, every would he buTIT up In your own country. and all the profit* of tu Mfltmpr'Yciuouu would go inio your owu pock oi a. Go on ua you are now going, making cotton your chief-crop ami slavery Is the doom of your children and Jour childrens’ children loruver I A people w'or depend on Other people for tlmlr fond and clothing are an I must he slaves. _ Make unit ui your uirplur crop, aud your weal'll, In lepende on and power will mul • iply a -etr-ly a# rim years inemtao. Tint -on miv ill re Is a great leistado In lie way ot rsfsm,four supplies. The freed men will destroy them before they can be gaiTieieiT TiidUHi nic f ill lorc'o of thi obvntctirr Tno nogro, m a race, prntur to live by idleness and theft rather tbsu by latror. £—= — When the pnennt generation of nrgmea wlro acquired ihuir diaclplmary babba in slavery—shall pass away, the troubled al luded to will Increase with every luiure reucratlon THIS bringa n floeto iaos with a great problem And I any here now, If Hu in Is mil nulllclent slat smauslllp in Oils country to devise laws whldi aball compel 'lie negro to q ill atculiiig an Igo to work, i tb.i bust thin we cau do ia to pick uj o i cliddri n and built another country. 1 wo i l g;vn ihe nearo every right to which i in n i-iiiiUrl unde: trie awS, hut he ia en titled under it- 1 lww t i tna-. ime Uie destroy - cr ul hi* u uglileiis' properly, nor to keep the white race of the Houth iu poverty ami I bondage. The firaUbiitg to be done is to secure If nc Go eminent lor iloure Affairs. This ia our tight aid our necessity. Wo must get control of our own labor and regulate •ir own Industry. MaasachuaetU and New York cannot do thuae things tor ua wisely or well. With Hub) Government* for Bute affairs every other good will 10l 'd w. Wit trout thi* every evil Is inevlta -1 b'n Well, go on and letl bow we are bi have Him gr nt bmri of self government for our own iflnr*. I will. It can only Ire ob Ini'n and by sicurivg a proper interpretation ol ibe (,'onstitotlon til the Uniuid Btales as n ■ n amended, fixing tire [irojMsr liinlta ol me Fed-ral ami Hute govurn'Oent*. This is iii gii nt w- rk ot the country, and It must b* done In lire next tour years; and it must Ire done at Washiugiou. Now, my friends, taka breath aud liatsn Ui iif, for 1 waul you Ur 'comprehend the dicbigir'-sl idea of lire age and one which If Id* injte k<-<-ping the future ol yourself rud of your child) en for weel or for woe W .al doe* the 14th Amendment mean f D e it mean that citizenship ol the Unilerl H la the primaiy citrzeualrip In this c-iumry ; or does It mean that clHzr-nthlp aa It heretofore existed, I* only exiended to •he emancipated race? Doe* It mean (bat a man In a cii x;n of aHi ate b cause be is first a citizen of Hie Uuiied Btaie* because lie la a citizen of someone of the Mlalea t Prou-ctlorirto the citizen it the duty of he Government. Tuat protection mut extend ui all civb rig ts, Mich as, to bold proiicr y, mase contracts, sue, give evi lenec. umarii. -t-fciproaib-:- and— i.'VtJ-ytltblg - which pertains to th- security and enjoy 1 meat ol life, liberty and properly. Now the government of w hich a person is pri marlly a citizen, is bound proudly to ex tend‘in* piotectinn, and must have tbe prt mary Jndiwliction to that end If, lben,lbc Fourteenth • metidment u* made citizen ship of tbe Unit'd KUie* the primary c'ti zem-hip, *tien tlui primaiy protection ol that , itiz nship is with 'be Federal Government and the primary Jniladk-flim to extend that protection is Iri the Federal Govermnoul, Hut if this primary jurisdiction la subordi iiate to, and upder the supervision of tbe F deral Government. * lif t.iese few brief words 1 have faeb.J • , room ed U.e question 'f all questions lor i ihe pe pie o the United B'*i, and tbe ~-ie on die solut’oft ol wbi b hang* all poasiolc hopefin the In ure for tbe Southern State* and people. It will aettle ’ whether you shall bs pauper* and slaves, or inde pendent freemen' ■ Itln* i* Bill Shitb A Yankee, arriving in Horton with iit mouev and williout friends, wu* icvolvisg u his nfiml some plan whereby he could raise jl.e clifrib, * he etpressed it. J ma j i>n Ii iJ never vi iu-da city IWVrre iu hi* i He ll*- Mridted info a shtM-reakcr’s where an i IvcillseimuK-," Wwnitcil—rdrsrclasx letup ■inker,''apjiesrr-tl on the wiurlow, and ac ualcil the “Pt von want# biii-claa* hooMnukm here*’* "Y’e*.'' “Whet 1 to yen pay?'* “Thai depend* on your ca i parity Have you worked nt cuatona work?" “I reckon. You just try me captain, 1 ain't sk-eretl a bit at trym’." The proprietor gave Itie new hand a bench and msirrta!*, and bade him noikc a' a pair a( liclm-' tiiiili-PM. Hum niter hr left the store bh Imainoa*. .Tonathuii m ulo a shoe, but •Utib a ItorrkUki ndstr that, eahamed to show it; lo bid it in the leather shefffigt; just aa 1m coiupluted- hi* mb:ond' Gtoe Ihe pioprlnlor raturued. Ge-tiew -in'o a pat j Sibil at beholding, lilt hotuhed shoe. Wotr* j coiitiiundud riiavail, wrbad' i* show as that ] tic exclaimed. “W'Htldyoq Wk* to bet on that; strangei?" ‘‘Hot! Yoa I wiH hot b-n dullant no suck wuakas hms! wee ever done In thia store.” J oiallum walked b> the tltaviugs, >t agged t'nrth bi* firat shoe, and coolly p. eketing hi* ten dottar*, walk* mi off. Looeino Out roll uia tion i-Law.>-A gentleman ol ftostoa had a sou-in-law whu was a preacher. T<e assurwi to* aetsiaman* over one of the city church*** He wee • feeble preacher, and the ccßgracetiea won t tiled ol him, and a parish meeting wee culled for a change The pariah vetod by pews, and there was clip ra>tfiarlir ffir iw lalnlng the pastor. Upon luttußy B Bee ascertained that th thrifty iwMNMw* n I bought up all the ehwp pewe to tow gallery ami else where, ami hull •topretl aintjorily ol vtrt**. A cemmlttee walu-J upon Mr. A,, aad remonstrated with nim <>n keeping a prracher in UU psripft to dtatssli-lul to the tiongregatlon. He replied . “0 Mlleurcn, I know my- son in-law is poi much of a preacher, hut my poshk/B 1* purely a Imahmae ew), I here got hind on my hand i with rny daughter <mJ ftMt sup port him. All ihe assistance 1 shall get qqt of you, gentlemen, I* clear gala "—Hoov *c Valley Newe. (From Haieiteafr NrVfv.f vh umdmu Krti i 1 The harbingers of the Opening of tiMf ' bwlness tows, to the aiispe ot ue ftiat hales ol the new ciop ol cotton, have ttadd tbi Ir appearance, and their receipt has paientiy awakened Bay .afreet to the tact that Urn new year ol ihe staple l about to i-in-Ov Tlie-otjtlook for a prospßrow aad profitable business season Iu Bavanoah was never more promising. A nuntber of mar ch ant Iron. Homhorn Georgia and Florida have already put tn an appearance for the purpose ol making preparations for lh fall trade, and the coming fortnight wilj bring lrtVgo accessions to their ranks. The aver age character "f Ute trap report* whisk wc have received up to ua iCh .Tor* pr*M (slug Ilian that of any yrar since the war The ravage* of the Caterpillar, oow that the panic has rutmlded, are found not to Imre been very grievous, and although the worm Is refMiried in many sectiona, ilia Mr 'o prmumc that ihe planters will not km slow to avail ihcmaelvca of ihe various aa* lid .let that have had such timely discovery, faking everything into consideration, Um incoming cotton crop may Ire *a(elye*Uma tod at son .uhi.y above the figures of the pre-.-nt season Tno provision crops are also excel lent In all portions of this and Florida. Tb# ac-aaoa ha* been sepaaial* ly favorable for corn and from every pot dsn ol ih is und neighboring Htales, rejiorts at* ol the moat BaMeririg character. Thy area planted la this Important cereal thia season, is also eocstderaMy larger lie Georgia hvv the moat fertile counties show fanner* have been much more pankd to the sulwtantlal pro|mcu of the field than sever.l years, and the result ts that to many coiinbea the area In corn k much larger than that in cotton, while In all the approximation I* decidedly ch#r:g. U conaerpience tn* com crop ot Georgia than be ampin for home consumption, with do ibuaa# some to |mre. Upon the whole the outlook i* mm# than favorable* As n general thing the finances of the (srmiai are in a ueatthler condition, tad with fall corn cribs to fall beck on, they need ban no fer of “torf’ speetriotioos wr ao ,4maant an'k-ipa'lont In regard to crop j*. One planter wri'e* up that he ha* made enough provisions to supply his fore* neat was that he b k pid off hi* labor ers evsry month with the money tor which be *ld hi* cotton thi* year, aud that the receipt* of hi* present crop will be a dear profit. With each cheering prospects we anticipate a brisk business season for Savaa nb, a season that will All the Bay With the him and Natter of prosperity, drive Herk to deaperathm and give our ntorchoat - and business men, the complacency that •nrlega from t'e conicmplaiion of large orders an I pro Arable trade —Tier. New*. Forward aid Loquacious Tenth—“By Jove, yon fchow, upon my wogd, now—lf 1 were to see a *hoat. yon know, I should be a cbattcrlog Idiot for the real of my Ilfs 1* Ingenious Maiden MreetnfV*—“Hve yrg aeen a ghrrrt ?" N0.34