The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, September 05, 1873, Image 2

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THE VINDICATOR ssasgs- wi.: 1 :."- YYm. T Bn vim., Editor md Proprietor. """ *' *7-" "*1""!^"' 1 "*-~ ■- fT'ER'IYf LS, FRIDAY SEPT. 5.1*79 MiMmi •( Pr>piwy. Dknvisf W i<ii ol old pipf-r* the PtH* /tpy we. *Kf/.nnli tKI a specie l e Ufa of Qov. Jner ;>b E Brown, wbku w* j sent to the legislature ri Ihe Tth of So j veaober ItftX), betora the molt of tto ’ PluHet,rtajngta: lou of that year waau*!c ! known. la 1. at ast"*if ai-peur* iue tittle yi'ij •))<•<} ." “(So A'rOi* *• *!•? Oovt r..,5. at * v *ii i [HIT"( Into Bei*bil<:ito~-.h*uJ. a I jpviftfcm of ur riiti/.r-na, must, it poudrie, ho bribed into iretu Uory lo <Mr owu tact tea, try tin* allurement* of ofli *, or a Unlit'v •*u of abolition emissaries, rr.uat to laf'rttd awiug >w t 'M<m UoUler*. to eat out wr euiwUuc*, Insult a* with their mug +*tooy • * * * _ ryl e ihy In i the rvwjtry with mLt. v Itu'ii ranit. do a l—t llteif pri Out, to r.'-r pc H . I, • aui* of i totolG v-V'-ii M 1.1 till..u.nUr/ to. anmte-pt ] i‘.f ul * i-min t o 'niweeu the whi'e —ol b*j'*rvh -ace- 1 . J ~ Wall.Ua government p*o I In'o Qia k Rfh'riioan toad*, aa>l a portion of otir ilftiffßa ’’were bribed Into treachery o' tlw-lr owa aectloa hj tho allurement* of ofltca." tat 4<4 tba prop banc governor aptoeer am mg thaae Jeda#l Let 'be II ring an swer. Ht*tory w'll toll the atory Uu bftt - ly, ntfT tenorll lh tad —ta-i <n one —etro •mated once to glory in n"gbt my* the right* aa4 liberty of hit own Her,'too Tba BaooU Journal ha- thi to tay re specting our (Mr* psburg vM' i I *pt Mul Dug* toll mm 'ale* “out ol acb x.i” lot ! wbiah wa aball coll him to a ati tot ac -V fc*■ . .y - [ Cal 8. K Ham , oar abb C } who la aa aeetompiUbw! gentiemaa a* #ti ea practical larniar wa tba neat apeaker j Bkrmttnaa wia iun of prartu.ii tnought • sad waa wall <lalivred. Ue wa* * little g)emr w the labor qtatomi Raya, n ■a BOV gat nothing dona at the light Miue , W Ib tba litbt war. IW W.T. RevU! Ml .we I Col. Uerrl*. ! Ib VB apeocb, which wm qmtn a baggy aflUn All who heard nla felt batter. Tba frafaaanr U Uta Tory riuim it PMWWpHCIMnMf. Be aaW aom tinngt to tba lad tea watch ha tlhi not want Mr#. Refill to baew. Wa wool My what. Mra. R. aaay peed tba Joamei a* ailjMt .pl* ou f ht laiß ; ~~ Bawariciaßr Hcaoi.AMittr rn Mn.i CAL STCDWrra —Tba Tiaeteee of the Ix.ui* elite (Ky.) Heillcal College have created quite a number of Boaefldary (St bolanhlpe for tbabaoeflt of poor t*t deaarvlng young mao laabtag Aral darn medical education One Beoaficinry etudenl la received from •acb Banatovtal Dtatrlcl of any Htate and one bom each Gongnaaloaoi Diatriet of the dlVarant Btataa. Twaaafy TRamoßiai I<ottore Bpea- The corruption that ptrvadca every breach of tba dr II ter vim l bect.mlng monotonou*. We wonld like a change if only for variety * *alt Among tba meat doraiopniema are the aynoinaiic ami inng contlnaed emhw* * of Uryae Mc~ Ullaa, uatll raeonUy chief poaul clerk batwaoo New York and Washington. Cos) Foraqy’a Philadelphia Prana—one of the BMMI loyal hind—state* that hit theft. amt.ttßf to #40,000. Ha (tola this oonald •mUa atm, any* the Preaa, In earn* of not orw|lor #8 each, from latter* tent by Bootbam mbacribar* to Northern pubiieh **B Room 18,000 or 80,000 *uhscrlben lor Moithm papers and mag*tines are, there fore, BOtifled to retail again if they find that they cannot gat along with such imei -1 ectoal food. Than la n .thing vary at range In t robbe ry of Un mailt—oot by any Brans, bm the vigoroa* way iu which ib thi.f was Ibrratad oat and pumsbed ia what we ad mire. Tba Preaa say*, “he wa- peached upoa by oag of hla nccomplicm, who *tlli Prtalaa hi* place la the department.” At tba (tom of hia detection—ior be was never armated—forty letters purloined Irma the BMdlB vara found in hla poaaeaeion; and yat be vaa (Mowed to resign, and for anght va know, may be biding hit time hi some otoar to—ah of the service for another ohnmo to raise a Stake. Thia I* quite iu aaaaadamaa with tba ofilclai spirit of the totk Tba truth compels ue to add, that •hare wan attn or extenuating circumMan Mto#* lave* ; be ilole the money Iroui SouUma pcepto, who have no rig iu that tba truly loyal an bound to respect, and Oba thief la allowed to resign, but uis •OOOmpilea atUl baa charge of Vbt Southern maflal Road m yoar money, gentlemen ; toe anil an onto. Don’t grumble because tall tofiStatov* c,tne ' *** ~ RtoP*b* h aHp bf Ue thievea, and yon are j aaee more made happy by the sight of the daariy laved paper* and magaxiaca.—fEx. Two Irishmen, on a sultry night, took nfbga Bader Ue bedclothes from a party of anoaquitoea. At lapt one of them, gasping from heal, ventured to peep beyond ibe “and aP*ed a Ore Oy which bad. tonga* toto the room. Aroosiag | companfoa wIU a punch, be aakL, ‘’Tergua. PMgia,iti so use. Ye might a* waU come eat. Htnk one of the craytben aarebiag Oar aa wfd a lantern P The ore rarer, of the poor in a Vermont town *et ddwn ia an annual report a charge af #• for “ thblßg. paupercto the men gwto.” W atotoea* Ktobct* f tto* r •'*?' RtovMmwma The 'arme of ibe WV*> ),ve ti'A < o ' lythru<h 'heir ”* o ■' :i ' fgßih* A for mid ib. pdUn - ' p > ■ ! *><e •' j eoing b. tilt- * • .'■•iv > oi't<A. of tba | eteei.*.eß ia th*> *-•> yft)r ! a prae icai dir < •>** ■> l*' H ’ •' (*•'**•, ! wiiUdi ia iKgumln* l m; fdt by r .dr id land ta*<nsVcri '*• •.- f ! '*< ’b*y have Bader tic & -• bw <: u<<- Btate authoruiuz tbo c*tsbl rirn tu o( Cj pOii*,-tO'M. a S-'O Ji tuiu . .uy r * i-r ■ 1 .*• ' rJraag'- Srop'-.'-.f A ■** ■> i.u <>f i•. lo,' j the <>!>)• and [>J >••• o * ■ - tba bu* ■■ of -ir: -fill Pi w ' j Hieir land om t. on mem Thwobrpora'y.■> i“* , hr.'.• • prac'lcvl ojM-fii<i t and for -j, l ij Indteatcl by the telegram w iijrc p“biu . ' this nursing, is whfcb it an.i -m -ai j in a thipmenl Of niMtC a '■*< lo*<l'- of p-Mlf6* tO T-4o*P. * T-tYMg of te t to twenty fwsr <*t a(M.v*r the u*<ul j>v Ut ha* turn acoxni di-bed fc ic I by lhi* result, tba *:al . at. mr* tja ns, aa I are going lub> me t> natwria Pt"* I—i.iji.m* — nu n Ufg^r—■*■*!* By ; aa .iber if •* Y ok dij.u;b i will <m vr. a Usat a deduction of twemy ftre per cent, er one Cent per tulle, ha* alw* iaen detr ml.c'd oi. by 'U" feiding fel'nitd* and Ibe Wmt t urn ih-d t< im Is ‘ { ttta'.l* IO lb<- tlfl'O'i r ■ . ' it! II: jr - - Which will. It I* bell vwl i <• ori(,.j the frelgtii clwrie. doh.. t- r> ' * • ; , •ible ft 4ore. Thera I* ia tne Dr og* mova.nen! Let u* U'ipr. t’.!i It may po'ent in the *crotapllbrj>ent ol the jM* reform so muchntwlwl.— [‘a-' Na* Prevehlag <* **rvti< H-r to Amzrr, *- A Siii'Ww .'JUMBL* • • : w itiuiok* a certain j/reachrr U< r, sr.d be urbb-r ' look the task Iu the following mapnm: _'•Sl*," said h*. r ’*l know lltal," ** 1 tb" prearber, h sad k-iw it wa dime '<■ tin f m men j llonad It t*> in . *' 1 / '>!| nib l,;ll'' ‘ “ “1 know hal, an ! hsve Iw-rn irjlng to j In* clear Iron, it by learub.g lo know my Mlf." "Vi.u arc nos 111 to j.rescli,” —S|U*—-Uw*- . rbiCv wowdev that 4+mf f should hb mi luairun.rnt *o unlit for •ueh n liujM.t ml wok " You Mgbi to lj* can;, 1 oat of town u. have j iNlbw (Tone you ‘J_k!io*JJial, nttiJUsaadiug g-*- out r the world, Inn, for Ii nr > liiJoj fell • ed my lifo.” ♦•You are got worthy the ! uy , reepcctable obir.ei'r r'i. " "I know the*, a-. 1 ■•' 1 oe ' only character* wh> iak. . , i e not ha of ma." "You are n. i worth tstking to nr with." ”1 know that, Mht R isetngu'or -rprt T'C ahould acktit.wledgv it, and thin ipcud your tlma in acting contrary to what you any b. tmw” "I never saw §rhj.penmn a* you arc." “I"know Hint; Inn 1 raoTFPrtsy •" tiiucb of you, ftr your father’* i lid dreu arc tin mcrou* and tncro is ("indy iikruess thmughnin the whutr “ The ajtv+tt wiy thing* to the point. It has l tcly attacked that gi gantic and growing erl), fMirnicl'.ii*, de moralising, ItglH i '-rature that I* flooding, ibe coi ntrv, and doing incalculable harm. Its words are to >ne nd well pointed th il we are lempied to extract them; This literature if flan alec in our (ace* on th* stiMt corners, thrust under our rye* in the rail can, insidiously oflerod to ourchll dren by companion lea* gullet*** than them •elves, brought Into our house* wrapped round packages from the shoemaker*, the tail 'ra, thr gr 'cers. It i- lik the nv)smv In inla*inatic country,thi 'e !■< m> iildiug o( tho bouse tight enough to axdu-ie- it. It It like lk- poison that lin ks in III* air in ctioif'rh-timer; we imbibe it, our children imotbe it, *nd the ftret intiraatiou we have of it* pretence is the disease it generate*. In mllJer, *ub< Icr, but not less dangeroue (arms, It creep* Into book* that bear tke Im print ol respectable publishers, and journal* whose name gives them uu*usp> cled cur rency evrywhere. It U sometime* mtwk- Lh, sometimes morbid, sometime teusa tionsl sometimes covertly, sometimes open ly vicious. It di-tarts life, deprave* the Imagination, portrays pas-ion for love, p tints hideous crime iu fascinating, if oot attractive prerb. and tu it very mildest form destroys ail deriie lor healthful food by cre ating an appetite for the intoxication of ■eulimeotalism. Even the Sabbath school library is not free fr->nr this-form oTIt, and" many a pup?) w taught to read the dime novel by the dollar sad a quarter novelette lust bis Sabbath School ftirsishea him for hi* Sunday reading. What arc we going to do about ft f ATI the Northern papers, f-om the Herald dow.) are pi'ching heaviiy into President DavL’ left, speech *nd toaet- lie is of coarse, misrepro'O'ntci'. It would have been all the Mine had he read the sermon on the Mount. Mra F N. Smith, wife oi P F. H. Smith, of thr Uclver*: y of Virginia, ha* I wen awarded 'he prta •, • g.kX) '.y the Southern M. thadiai nr writing ihc best book for Sunday seboois. entitled “Heirs of the Kingdom.” Make no Christ lan living your standard of what ia right ia (kith sad practice, how ever high htShMtno, Ids bank, or hla leant lag. Let Tour creed be the Bible, and your -rampie Christ, red notl-ieg short of him Am Aged tin*, A few morning* *gp awTi" abort i v*- { graph, n the -e name ;Ui news of the A'a-i.iog'oo Chrouicie, that recorded the, efcwe of a roog and Ow toTTIfe tpent'in the ( government i ffl-wtt. Th* subject of the j uuU* wae-Gwhwtef Tftoma* Moa in, who waest the time ot hie death s ■ Ink in ibe Treasury Department, in wnxh ht Lad coetinaousty served for a*i ty three consecutive years) He began work I . fore ibe last war with Great Britain- le the Fifth AsnHhor’a ofic* ahxre be bod st-rve'* (I'ty "lx J**rf, having enured ft at 1 . ofj/.. !■ r-. 11140 iu 1817, andto whotv bar n tf* Ur liil'i. For ibtnjr-tLrve year* bj Wi# chief clerk, and at ' Aetiog Aedt TO’. Ad oTlßii* aged sgfvanl, abo iuui aocite 1 •. .Wi s-toticu alfM*’- Loui ibe naiion’s birth ti>-journdieterfy say*. *U wm at alt Urn. * eoted for hi* Jbooe*y. ! ability -nd energy.” Tht* do we pass i VB/ ud ar* ijohify Inry Uq,ao matter bow long sod fon it (hi or Mgvirean*/ have been f I tppfly, (nere to Oa who note* the j •parrots'* fU, | k§** —j A Baatonut Hcsaeau— Athen--, Ga, baa a husband whoa* head* ia decidedly level Ae evfeettg* eeye oflMtor Hecently bis wife got lo liking another Lo_i* Ihe two etude as mpnagenieSt te r wbk h ti.e nnihand ffovreml ft* -'b'l :-vT • - T Oiv*W>, UOfTtoy to CKrUMBb m ■ f'-. m_ani ui lito wgbaart **id. • f.-Mik i.cie, tw'i "cum of year .stop- ! ■a 1; • ''-I ft to yatf going. I'd Wteto up the h<*M *od tab* yon to the rati road depift, and I'll give y oat wo hundred dollars lo Start in ItCs with.” fl was as gosel as h a WOVd, and did *ver> ihiog in hie power to aW the tsoupto to tnatr tjwedy Jeptwiaen'A* be shook i-amle with the brevet baetnmd, h* tst-i. • 'V‘I W-‘‘*r vty.,..ww luik tbau joo’il get with tbttwoman. Be m- bnppy ss happy M 'JttU aha wHb hr, ‘ sod Ifien you Won’t thin* yworwii Itt IV adis* " 51 " -'77 _ NEW GOODS UUI lIKt) IIOMR-PU*. HbfV i H-'irn ifrmatfmf, HKA Island Brown Homespun, While and Colonsl C'BMt Jean*, Wi ter Prtnti, ? Mnuriilu* Piluljk Flue VYfou. Fuaav.*, FmsHl'k Fifoah Rlk. Alpneea JUXt i'eceTve'd rroliTTsew Ytdlhhw sale by *A-TT ILL IB infooftE Tu* undersigned takes this aaMafoa ef mnrutug bis thanks t<> (lid cfifljma of Mri wc'har wouaty for b*i ffttoMPpeimnag* hi TT<i post, sod of Inviting a coutiunalioo ui I!;; ss.,vr for tlsrTnttirs We shall have In store ty lb* IjLul a iu.Mi. ur-TK '( well assure : Mvn bsad'ee, which we pii*poe lu sell K<>K CABH \T A suttnuinn thV.V'K v‘N wT. We have adopted lb'’i vsm sfsrr'*, no* alonelwcausc it is Imjveraiivcly demsu led , by lhea<* peculiar Mme", and sreras to be 1 growing in public favor, hut for the addi lions! retsou that we conceive it to he the WMBBX and nnar roa norn sxllkh akh nr van Cal on us al the old stood of Harris A Adams examine our stock anti learn our Csaa Pnicas, Customers will fiud our clerks, Messrs. Arthur and Clarence Rot ituon, courleou*. prompt and reliable. *i u a a HARRLd I KU.VL ADVERTISEMENTS. -i—- —EJ... 1 F.ORCIA Meriwether County. VJ W ;:i be sold on th* Ist Tuesday in October, before the Court Room door in the town of Greenville, within the legal hours of sale the east ball of lot ol land No. >4 situated in tb* li'h D strict of said county. Levied on b> satisfy a fl fa from th* Superior Coart of *M county, in foror ot O V ft iWie vs David Woodreef and Eutali C. Wood roof security. Tenant in ptoaession notifle-' accordine to law. Prop erty pointed out by Plaintiff. ALSO at lb* same time ami place will b* sold lota of land No* , BM, 853, 254 A <to situate, lying and being ia the 10th UfcMiet oiorig inally Troup now Meriwether County; each lot centaining SUBf acres levied on as the property of Antoine'te Ector adminis tratrix on the estate of Walton Ector dec'd. to Mttofy afl ia tosued Bom tbeMMwetber Superior Coon in fovor of Jneae* Long end hi- Wife va Antoinette Ector administra trix of the estate of Walton Ector ctoc'd. Said land sold, '-übjrct to the widow’s dower. Tenant in pomemioa not Mod to terms of the law. ALSO at the same time and place wtft bo add * acre* of land, more or lr*-, oawdating of tot N>> 215: 70 acre* uf lot 84?, me -■- being on the North aide of ike ditch or creek, Montgomery creek being the line; 50 acre* of the Southeast corner of lot No 803, all situated, tying and being in the 11th district of originally Troup, now Meriweth er county. Levied on as the property of James noodroot, to satisty a fl ia bom Troup county Superior Court in favor of G V. Bod die vs. James Wood roof of Meri wether county and David Woodraof of Tr up county. Tenant in rmiiiniuii not! - s^wSa c ,, ‘ u *- ***** p *‘ M A1.30 at thc'aaiac time ad place will be eold 30S| acres of land, more or lam conatotioe of l( No. 188. and the Weet tolf ef Nfo lflA lying and being in the Htb district of ■aid county, levied on to satisfy a fl to toeu ri from Men wether Superior Court to favor of Gregory Grant va GC Worthy omfl-4t AW. FULLER, S. M. C #54 r*r levy r rdisfltx7*B (Mke. ! /"(EOHmIa MmwUtorCetWA. \ \jT Oo the let MomUy in October next' f * ill apply to the Hon, Court of Ordinary n end for said county for leave to sell ai! ■ ii * Lnd* Wonciag to the esuu of Jo*. 11 ; Ktith tUed. Tbie September Ist 18TJ 1 4< #s* W*. T. PRAVY, Adm. G 1 E'-iRGIA Meriwether County. T On the Ist Mosday to October next we will apply to the Hoc. Court of Ordisa ry to and for t*id county for leave to e!l ail the lands belonging to the estate of-An drew Pima deed Thi* (September it Jno B. ROPER. . $Si A R BROW N, ; Ajiur*. EOROIA Meriwether Couo:y. VI Ou the It M -iiday iu Ocioiser ne*' lui ! apply to the Hoe- Court<>i Oriiittan ib and for saH ooun" > fo* leave to s*Ji jail the l*"d# ■ - the H*J# ol Btepheu Tbothas <iec*t- To * S-ttemtwf Ist 11573 #h-4t ALEXANDER THOMAS, Adair GEORGIA Meriwether County. B’lisrs** r 1. Reeve* apt b-t fo-t 4et — ;er* of Adm-bVrattob up/u the el*te c: Tyr# Reevce deccd. Thi* i* thetet-rft u. Ot and adasobiah ail conoouetl to file oh jecitofti. if any they fou, on ot Ufore the Ist Monday to ffoi bet oxt, why *W let ter* shorn oot h xOMed. #4 tVbANNIK'I. o M t / ( EORGIA Mr i teh a Ctoucty. 1 I Wkwsiw, Wte M Man hmajj *(>piow tor letter* of Gu.r<i>au*hip of 'he tew* and property ot A'fwd (tort Meediweu, j minor oi Pusan A Marebmao deed Tht* i* Iberrtir* to u*e and Mfttrontdk ai! con Mttmti U> fi r their objection*, il *Dy they , he*i on-( to'fort till I*l Moa tay —tc~OsA ~ next, why said tetuna *h"U'd oot be granted ‘ v #4 J W BANNING OMC. (( Tr Rt/i A M-Vtwvlhrf VtMUty JT Ry tl'tur. t,f an ofitor from the !!>m Court of Grdinstry ie at:d for eafd ooueiy will tot sold 'tfort the Court House <to<f tu the loon of Grumivilfo on the Ist Ttseaduy , in o*l tour Belt lb* remeiodef toJowrr to j longing Ui the e*t'S af ino. hec deni, now nor-upfotl by Ttouuas MHi-mirk, the me h.'itig *H arm* uo* or l**a off the •iWfceaaf Stows# df tot m fund R-v4O. 'for.. ■*v •'■ Ihe fvt-drgnrr or aat-r—,aty war ' tto court gfound about oae ha'f "f sail land Umbered One Half acv rewryud for j fwrtfy burial gr aind Uoou the place art. twe snt.jemrnls With dwe-l'ng n-i out; houses. Term* f-'eah Jno bEE, A tori OraUxuhrjr’a ORce, Meriwether County, Aug 80, 1*73. ALcaAmaod* Lagoa, vrtriow of The* l-igofi, derd. appltoa for fl'wuestead of Ren)by sad Personally out of (be eetele ol arid deed 1 will pern upon the s*a> at iff n'rpwk t. JL un the Ist St-—toy to 'ember weal at my nfflee la Ureeuvlito #3i . LI. UANNINto, oM < OKfjRGIA, Meriwether Cuuaty. Ry virtue trf an rtrirt fri.m il - ll<>n Court of Ordinary hi aed for mb! mow? will iieenid before ibe Cunrt House tt like lows of Oreewvtile between the legs! ] b-*ur of *wb\ on the Ist Tuesday le Get. j anti nU 'he land* tolunginf to ibe estate of. Tbomw Ctmflef, 4®:d., conriatiag <d Bi J M. xsesiv tom. fc* * >y-u bJ U-1 SgTa this iCM* dfotrirt of said coactf. ITT ] arrea off of loi No* CS.owi 9!L And ItAj acres od ol lot Ho 75. There i vtomt 900 acre* of open lend, leaving stout 117 acres: 111 Ibe wood, good dwalbwg end out tonssrs well watered, i a gouj sertion of about l*" miles North ol R wky Mount on the F*v<-iteviile rad, roiivrnieot to • rhtirrhw and Rho"Ta Now Is tbe time teJ nweehste s g>d tsrm. Term* n*b JOHN KEY, > Aoinini*'nl"t Dt JJh iu aeacj ,<a P*r->*— i *awrt> |IO AIJ?0 at the samqjisne arid place bH (he lands belonging to Ihc estate uf Allah C 'onpr, deed, vftt, 50 acres off Northeast corner pi lot No 75 in the 10th district of Mid countr only two acre* open laud, Ibe other 4* well sod heavily umbered, piw land lying only a few Steps frem a steam saw mill. Raid j land being on the FsyetlevHle road about mite* North of Ricky Mount. Term* Cseh JOHN KEY, aog 99 #5 Admd. i Xttioß to Debtor* and Creditor*. < GEORGIA, Meriwether County. All persons having claim* sgamat the estates of Thomas Conner and Ztliah Coo tier, deed., are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated, aad all persons iadebiud to mid estates ant requested to come forward aad make immediate pay ment. August 94, 1873. #3 JOHN KEY, Adm. Notice te Brkten 4k CndMen. I HEREBY notify all person* holding claim* against the estate of Jar- A. Render to premat them duly antheaßeated aevoetbag to law, sad all indebted to eaid estate to come forward aad settle the earns. Thi* August 4th 1873- 7t #5 E H RENDER, Admx, GEORGIA MERIWETHER County. AD person* having claims against the es tate o< Jno. P. Nickota, deed, are hereby antifled to preseat them immediately, au thenticated according to law. All pmuona indebted to said estate are qfao notified to 16 J*FLfcLANE, Admr. FOR SALE. G I MY Residence in the town uf Green- • viUe, Meriwether Ceamty, a good dwelling containing nine comfortable, well finished rooms, with six good fire placet excellent cook-house and extra out houses stables, cow aheds, Ac-, Al, ia for axle. A well ot pore water to convenient to the kitchen and ioC Toe garden rnamfm nearly an a£re and ia excellent soil. On the piece to a splendid variety of Fruit trees and Grapes vines The front yard to tastefully laid off aad to fill) of wed select ed shrubbery—oil under a good eodoaure. The premtoe*.contains fifteen acres, more or tern, with a large flash branch running through the pneaetiinri Don't ah apply at OBOC* ! marcht4-ffm D. G GRESHAM. | C J REEVES’COLL IN ___ Hobbs’ \ ' . . . - '■■■;■ ’ ■ INDIAN BITTERS. —— : — —•- ~ ~ Js_ _ . 1 p *Yt>eu I CM'ved to Pels (..unty -a*- vpeing *ouee3 a f" S** vat me Vx*cr ralted IJOBii a li L*lALi Bili Aha *u-H MM eorioff * §*# ntuuy eawe ot, d.flcmit dtoaoaei”~My wife beins CXI-coA with a th**< o-t iwwawth di.ew*a, I pre vailed on her to bo. * UUtie and U entirely cured her Tho- ud tUbef ' “** *edu<*d tne to purchaa* the right to tnake and *!) Um. tuoiM 'Hr ,n ihi. lu [Utliog i1... yyy—3tictore the |i*h>;4v tfi Mfi wethrr IVusiy, 1 teri assured that Is out pointing- 'M humbus auJ offer ao f*l*e lodutemeat*, lot wt'b * hit trsal and a rt'wa t^.yrwcfipttoß*. ) |! cure the w<*rl t aan of chin* and lever, too matter of how j"*g toondiog. and reu -aft ibe i fl't-t* attcadtny the *wue U will cuts HypHi'is, ftTrilfcla. Diaribw, lifpey Rntiutoua of the Ntlto, to "tor of 'hr brut liver iterulator. aow to m, ehd wfll cure Female Dtonm ev b to Irrrgulwr Nr* etrnsffoß. Herranor of the Wms. WBw aweiftog of the u-g ami fori, Hick H *d ache, OetMtral Weakoeea. A< Thm Rf Ter. Wire pwteatod to Jue*. VriP*. “and have stoa.l iue test ot xtm is* twV.i* fw. hr* ~n , Pg the whfow. and lor oft mkwo aaodwe ni yaora aototeg the Cbcrofo* dtoa* They may "be taken wal. uwfxioi'.v uiwJrT arty UrttatC*n. ea, being oupwl courtly of fad* and borha Tbto BMlh tw wnt b* .top-v'tod *"*l public place in b* eoutoty Diieritwa* are gives on the tofcrl which tool acf*w*peny earb tujttfe, but ttTbe tar-txiw act* frito mrix, mdurw the rtow. if oot mfßrieirt'r lacnjoattbE 4tm.1l atewMwa* ibeVr* vi* note or lukv • day. VVb-n I nv vvd berk to hh roeu'y ia*' •foil, 1 Umv4 my myriirr ia iwy i-*-I 11l l tL her t-4 a g*>A pr-nato ol ht rime for nine month*, Irr'i'W to : JL ri d‘ ir f u “ !, f Terrell- She cmbmcnc* I II(*IUlO INDIAN HITTER*. and before be need one botll* waa 'to good health I 'hal* ffi* tmiy iwo tux tifleete* at prewot—cue tiom practicing physician aod one from a xk'r lady : C. j. REEVES. Viswwrr, Foia Ce., Ga , > Octobvr 2, 1873. j • I do hereby certify that I have used Hobm’ I jotas Birrus, aad I am satisfied ft will come Beam curing what ft preffesms to cur* Than any patent medicine now in use. Hundreds ia PoUt and adjoining counties can intHy tu the name. Ilia pore ly vegetable—l know every root and berk ia it, aad they are so combined as to move morbid and ui.-ta.tcd matter, strengthen the stomach, create pure aed healthy Wood Ladies abooM use ft two or three week* prrrfooi to confinement; they will find it beneficial _ IL W. ALLEN, M.D. I • #. r. ; B.VkTOW CorSTV. Ga_, ) Sept 16,1879. ( I canity that my ma, 13 years old, wa* cured of Fevrr and Ague of over one year* standing by the use of Howm’ Irdlau Bit | ma. I waa in bad health at the same time, hardly able to be op. 1 used oae bot; tie which restored me to good health. I feel proud to be colled ea for a -certificate. want the aWicted to know the good of the Btttera. Mx* S. A JORNbO#f. 1873. 1873 V Ti* Wfc t urn l CKM Y \indk;atof. IS NOW IN FULL BLAST A i ■ ~ *■!£■*,-# i Uor-'u. .. . I r' -—-r- ■ 1 - —r- • / ■' ' ONLY la A YEAR r— ” ’ ’ 7 c. rijs 7, VOC *\.J J * srrroßT i*rt P4f *>rj maii in rferiw ether fmmm *r KNhMTlItr r r lb* VWDK'ATO* at onrr I ♦ - '|*.‘ r> l ,< ijs s '-- TT ■ ~ - . i ‘ r% • ’ <=aa N , Only $2 Tear IniDTAHfE ’ * * ,S < ?' * * - . > r ' ' • - . ■■.— ... -)~l^tc=rrrrr-' ■crcalier nil the Leyal Mi rr> ****** •* wether Cmmmt wMI appear la fbte paptr \ ‘ < ■* * , * ■'#*V !&- VS ; „ / J 0 Now friends. we eek one wad alt b •otteia n a the enterprise. The paper to "nty TWO DOLLARS a TEAR eed ®Tery family to the county ahoald here •dress, gr call tad eee *TM.T. RTYILL Kditn Gremeiil* Gap