Newspaper Page Text
Meriwether County Vindicator.
Tins vtmi*dSor.
rmuHio mu IMkT, *
BT tWM. *. BlfllA,
thlS I 1 !*
lißdhM. lAO *•*• T l •*>
t inch**: flj £
jcoi * *mo ooia*4wri 5
Jcol 7 g’ Id t*fooo *9 0
I*4 ItMft! M
•v a utena d*iocti. to t? toiue
advorttetag by to* month or yeac. ♦’
■JI.-J. . M—SMpMCg
nonoi to tie rruac.
After toi* date, all legal ndvortifemeet*
<*—" — ~ JAft w aonrow, 1
JOXftA W. FULLSB. Atertff
♦botfdu J. HINTON.
Jen ItA'ipt CtekßoprOmri.
Buroresa cards.
J\ Umutuu. Oa
CLOCKS A jewelry
• h *>*V'* of _
a: teml &and Mil to Otto, sod engraved
at short Hotter. Aloe, a fail Mr
of ■>* ralebmted Diamond
f,-tacW* M alar ay* oa
giumi,..., ..oa
AT lUpa*ng of alt kinds neatly Mora
trland Warranted. ... . 1*
Cum iMRi
umntii • •
SWH Depot. M*<sb Ml— 1 i%
■ -—tug It —mi :
J H CAMP........ Fropttotor
ojttrrt*. ®*o*ou
| PPJtRB superior twMMwJrtkw to
r*v*'en r d*xM eoaveaitmtlytamtat.
*ad good iWI to tto** ®wg*j
give m scan. ■■.- * y _
johr w rot,
Wl 1 grasliee in W-riWriner *ul thee*!
]n)l| —U*
Hcliftuba Oallory
(int&o G*.
Awnns. ltt *d* fli* iW"-
grsnht of in tire* sod ktarix ob*-i
kinds of jwottirwi of ererv dtaCrtpttou
ld ptolarm wipied. tmUrgwd ad
is 4L My htonda ara rrnprtH
ft)Hy isvitod to call •>*
oKxrrar amo.
mg Ok. lim4 full v** 1 ” _‘ '•
t/hrm Irate Patau, < tk> BBt rl r, KeraMM, Cos * , *■ * *”
**••; Pffhwn
v-rv thins WMify tap* • Anutat
Drug Htorr sad which! pruymt to sall St
<b lowest atrtwt rOu ,
tri>R T.U R AJ*THORT k with ms
will take H•• a apeak! tevor to ha*
. . ineod* and KqttntMM doll o* hia
; .JmEij i. . bajuoa
* * WttlWMMtata,
- f :;,?; ~* #
" ' I * * ' A
ClotUaf at Whol—1•
. A TO Broadway
/*. £“¥* ■* ■"
cost wHmsTji JKOW Tfflfk|
* WW S-mM 3M- ** t * J - ' *
. %*- t ogt/LmOV 2T 9 ’’4.
; ; . *f Mr
wfLsox •. rorr. iaoiorr a
Tba idrmtwrc of at Co—try
IlMWIiiWi —We Gal. “
Dna&nromn w. wc.
I ott her on the abody aldo
Of Broadway, pasting bt At Paul•;
Her ear bod might the Crotou lido
Thai lalo like fr< an toe fountain Adis.
Bar atop wutlfehtett of tbo band—
Bar —iin tba ****: of (boat alt—
Ob 1 dark eyed daughter of tba load.
How many bearta doot toon enthral t
6be *tned tbo Park, poaaad thro’ tbo gate
Then *oo Ute to wad bar ooob <4 mow.
Like to— loot Wad, without a Mate,
That kaaoM not whore te torn or go _I
Mb# Mato*—tTtrjTtS^o,
V Mi m|poane of haort tM o'er
A Immn— votes la eeameu sighed;
For 1, ononoactouely, hod oowod.
And Mood aaebarroaaod by her akh
*Yo*ae— atraogar." were tho words—
Aad ah t tbaaaJaooeor her video,
Sweat ao tha chime of aarty btrde,
They aaada my wary aoul rejoice.
And through oyawo aba paaaad bar owm:
Bar wvtti was cosed with Jewels rw*,
Aod aoooy wondering aye* war# tbrowa
V, 90tld anyrcWmtry Maude hove acee
Tte oeogtiast I ted mode in town,
I thlok they ooWwaiU bsU aMgrook, “
Nor mho am for n ounnty clown.
: — i -—r 3 ——•
W* promoundod tbfuugb Broadway,
Then down a • treat I did not kaw,
And to a hen* too lad too wiy-*
B hero room worn numbered in o row.
At stood lettered tenpe hung o’ar tbo door—
“ Refreshments eorved te every way"—
Franck mtrror* from toe anrkt* door
Close to tte pointed oalltoga lay.
"Tig floru," ate said, and sweetly stinted.
"My beutoeif often ooma o tto m-,
Wteoopan teuaa hove tteawtaagxUed,
And appetites ora late fr Uto."
ft nufttoeidea, anfftoaated to# butt
Thai oniih* aos>w-cto<ted tabl* lay ;
A M|in| nga k ftl |gi,t Li Wi
* W" W *M*W Wto* trH
Of ail they ted, and what to pay.
My fair one ordered, ood there cams
foul gt*M •(Mlklilif with chftmpftf** ;
ttht and gT* ii*r raaldan naiua,
And ttas W# Sited ud pledged again.
A taw/ oU Oft o’er cay bruin,
Ttamirfwr* Sex mi before my eyes,
I AH My avow u j UM wane,
tfatoat ftt yawr to aw or rise.
Wbal pssilil. I know not fn.ui that hour
Whaa I aaoke I nusalooe;
I raag tor light to *** the hour
Ala* 1 raygoUTUpiu* araa gone.
I wMtfbt my paraa 'faaUxwa ludaad,
But O, aka I hoar cUangad and Utiu I
I left th* ptaaa with aoddaa apeo],
l OBfluced that I'd Urn Uikt a la.
Mp Mather.
* *.. tnumx
Taara, yaara hava paaaad, my mother dear,
Star* (ram thk earthly boot*
Thy apt'lt took ha upward fight,
la you bright keavaa to roam.
A* Oaatk hi* ahadawy otaatl* pr*ad,
Tat dtamthoaahwl aaorrowlng taar
For (boa* yaa latt habiadL
How o*wa ha aqr boytah *pru
*aM haam tap amf* af u*c,
Aad wtaa amhk waaweil parfanaod,
WMhokoariag wards approve
Did aarraw atom my yaatbful biaaat,
Aad fB my haart with pala,
Thy aaaOhagoataa aotad dry tha Wan
Aad brlataa*htta ggrie
Whaa fhf bright aptrh taak Ma light,
Taoyoaag waal total
Tha wooad taat DhatP* haaa arrow aoada
Which Urn* caa oarer haal.
I aaamot wish thaa back again
TA daily,"hooriy, do 1 iral
Thy to**, door mothar, mora.
fortaw, wkaapiaf my baait doth rand.
l*o brigkt'atag word* of comfort cocao
To rhaa* the doade •woy.
A wolkwli care,
Rot ttaaa wbo'T# bow by Ood ordained
Thk weight oi area to boar
Tta Comptroller Oeaerai aad the Cover
gut Otatom MS tHBOfi
CZZZ7Z State, TrtaJ!*
toe Tea Ritilnw Last year It wm toe
smxa, owty an addhtoaal teath was tovtod
• -hai-ta itaat am ■' ■ ' .
•staMPMarsm hm at Idw found oat that
tototaCakieMtok pnp to Mm Treasury to
R It took kim raaOy tat
The xotnaoea af tteoator Hosatou’a Mb
• banily koowo to tho prea* nt generation,
and yat it cootetoed eaough to fbraiah bm*j
erial tor a half aooroof eovete. H2*eanop)rj
r in hi* mother, whan, 01 tbo Offb <>f ae- 1
>teo bo foil toad I y lo lova with Mo Todteo I
•tdoo Ti-dooteo (Snn-tash,) and follow- j
< her hoeae, adopted tho habit* of tfe|.]
nfiikioin —teA-d *~A Lao thrar —oMb.
Vf’ '•Wtlj UIW IAU | MM owe* a 111 M.
wr tbo name of Ooionteho, hooted and
ntbod aod ft Ogbt a* o young Indian brave
and aohoowladgad cbtai; Ma unexpected
return tu bit buoiiy, grown during hi*
abeeooa, though (till wanting nix toootba
Of hi* legal minority, to that bhroic ale too
Which then, dretted in bunting shirt, Wte
caaluA blanket and bead-gen t, mid ewer
afterward, however clothed, mads him a
tens of mark ; bie abandonment, aixteeu
Tiara later ia life, wbii* Governor of Pei*
o noaoo, whoa hit anrly prank* bol teed
f rgottio in bit toaanaai aa a lawyer and
tritmikd ado pnllttolou, of bln young and
■ad tepkahod bride the Jay afUr marrtegof
bit mdgaatiou of nggrut, and winding up of
bmioanh and eettlement of oSai * with ibo
note antroadoa 4 irhmdtand Joan of fiaoai
hi* aacortn( by dard all bla not laoonatdar
•ble projterty to bit mother: bit return, on
an Indlen obiel, to the wlldornoao, roci aim*
log bie notire wife, and dwelling throe
year* longer with hie trite; and hi* a addon
doportue, ot lute dir Texas, for tho pu puao
of becoming o terdsman on the prairie—
oil dhow oieorty enough the large donate
of aevagrtnu there wot la bit character.
And yet ho wae euperbly endowed by
teotaanted; poaaoaaod aa axacuUra ability
unaurpaatod wbothar nr Goreruor or ton
dtor, waa tba mote popular of man; end in
poliahod aotedgr Wddita oraomem and dr
This te um of the most uaiuppy errm
biontlona oror affootmi by tuau. Fteot*
an highly objscliunabh In clviliaed society
—end whisky te o * much bettor, tops
rate Item aod let them alone severely nod
they will hut do much term. Bui stow is
a cargo of whisky before ond a brace ot
•booting iron* behind, and your cite ntfe lor
Dostraetioa, Kern one and ktoof ten
good a* e Georgia Jana for black—,
Whisky makes on* half of maafefbd
good aatured, and lb* otter halt captious
and guarrote m*. With 'te tegfor mutely,
tba conscious posamaion o< deadly weapon*
tea pereitriont temptation to ltem m
aoon a drunken 111-tempar bagiap to
■— Tte mtearv and—g— atokt* HmM
have experienced tor rieida of Mood par
|x-t rated during the medu— of Inebriation,
•bouri mote the** Corel**# yonog meu who
carry piaiol* In tbeir (xicktits when they
drink whkky taraphla o*r tha practioe
Wa _ tail taowa away rlatlma of thu
wratcluMl iUifiily pTirmtd Into
etaraily throogb yaara of aatold horror h>
tha pliaahHM of tbs murdered—with no
rest day aor night—waklag or ateeping.
aver followed or oou(rooted by the Moody
piheaiom. We bare waa aorn rtroag, bold
couragaoos raw redaoad almoet to gibber
lag tdl<>to by the aaaaatoee gnawing paag*
ol that guilty “oooaokac* which taake*
cowards of a* alt,” a alii to bs afoaa or to
alt to Iks dark waa la tolerable—aad pro
traded Ifoiowk killed them or
drorathom late the madhoaaa.
If the boy* would kt wkkky aloaa they
weald do thameelyaa the great eat kindness
la the world, tat If they will ara both,
never, If they raise their owa happlaem,
attempt to oerry both at the agme time.
Be ante to mpkate them.—Maaoo Tela
r— w
Mmrntm I Thar* I* a Wt'#r oooteat for
the Radical aoraiaatioa for Qoparaor te
MUskaippi going oa betww A . the
leadarof the moat TMeH foctioe, pod
Prrwen, tha repreewlailra oi tha anaairra
tir* elameaL Pramoohory dletarhaaem
hare airady taken plaoa hatweoa thaad
haraau of tha two. aad tta goarral k ao
(force sod Implacable that neither k dk>
p*ed to yWd; II oae aecores tha aotaaa
tloa, the other will probably ran m a* I"
depwdeot caodtdaie. AlcoCa
aui poruffowan, aad many <•( the loadiog
Ptaotmi la the State strongly urge that
than he ao Demogralk nominal mg. made.
and that Deoxocrste coat their vote* 6r
Powers. The matter i- one of great im
portaace to the p*-oplc ut tb*- State, a* oa
It may depeud the qUestloD whether Mlseb
dppi. under A asm, shall rel >pe Into ioa
oosditfoa of Ixmitams as jer Kellogg, nr
bo rest iirad to peace aad prosperity. The
Democracy ere too weak to cany the State
aad the wkssf thing they caa do k to give
JS9H for lb* quamf* elect aad
tbae secure the defeat of toe rtoaat sad ir
raepoaatbie toctioa lad hy Botle-'v son—ln
A maa who had mlamd hi. way overtook
aboygoiag wftkapotot tar to mark hk
m>wsr*s tossy. Be asked the road, to
Baita, hm Wm dtfseted by so away tom
to# that he agraad to lata to# boy aahtod
kim oa kk tana fladtog tta boy part
■dvtoa, adding nmadnaetly: “Mark ma wsM
toy bay"! “Tm,ta, I do.” Ha repeated
tta totatattoa Sa totoa that tta boy at law
■Madam: “1 eaasw amrk ye only mak, at
Mm Atehw MmelA
Wo norm foogkt omiw (bon dad.
It Ws with amae oiteod Mood, who wa*
•ittetoioad tontake aa flght wbothar we
WMded to Or not. When wo got oa the
jgb>dnd, our aaoond eaM to oa; “Do you
StetokM ynar manr “Of oomrtte ooi,"
WttNfMoA **Mconc If you do," urged
at m*t tree, thron hundred
Jltrir MAn right ot Bl > *d, I hat* earn
JdMlwei your style " Hnt we
dnn'l want to kill him." we sH “Ob, Oil
rigid, then, aim directly at bie loiart. Tot;
arodeoilly with a pLto) w lien you w .ni u> j
ML .1 and B ood'.. nwMml in- g>rig down j
jiJMSfMMsybe bill to b-j ual oi itae.
Bgre iif fiiu feiiur* *• -alter too much I
fePdß'-WnH tt* will- 1 you ere through " I
Tl*n Rood •tij bla enemy bee*’. -It *
wa* #eoM in the rooming, and the rtHfe
raged nntU noun Beeou hundroti and
Ihttepfoor about were And, and <be bull'd*
hit Oil ihe born* in tbo ueighbt>rbood, killed
•any pig*, perfumed eeeeml o>w In the
Awlxlte Igmiiil i nlowßin in thf
hM Rg. boshed the teem In tho wood* to
Ibirtgn l of no. brought dowa a m>no on a
towpteb oload by, riddled the fences until
there Wa* hardly • whole board loft lo
ill—L had flattened them* tree aval net the
rookfe but ueither Bl.kxl nor we had a
toratab. anaptiog a alight wound which
Bteeftget by abooting himself in i'io coif
With m* two hundred and Uoty-fourth
Sbgi we began to gw hungry, nod wa
aehod Moo<l if bo didn't coo elder hi* duel
nlinote too monotoauus. Hw Mid he did,
and ppflpooed that wothould atop abooting
■wd both go and Jump off of a practice to
BBT Wlllgte I bit precipice* dWly*
••do M iixxy, but promtaod to tea him
bttriod —torubiy If be Wanted to taka the
tsorMte alone. Then tbo eocouda came up
and tttdaft ao— a bit aurpriaad to aaa u*
unbnrt. Thou they propoaod that wo
•bnuM aetUa tbo matter with o gome af
poker, to mcartain whether wa wan wrong
or Blood Mend hold (bar Jacks and wot
do wo teotoglted and eul bo—. Tba
neat day Biood called to aoy toot be was
sorry about tho nfhir, and lo oak na to land
tit* aaawtiy flfr dollar*, which ardid, and
wo rug— that Wa didn't aim at that tma
thro# MMred yard* to toe right ol Blood
' ■adaatf.
TStaUltW'. tpragae, la sobm advice
•a hi* daughter, has tha following paragraph
Wht|| nMU not Mtfora young ladlM to
[Jana point, my daughter, whlnt
to be omitted: i rater to
*M9 *k• la •• -tar
maiauiA Uivaida Uu other sat Tha lm
porunoe of thH both a* it raspacuyoarsalf
and othma, yaa aw hardly estimate too
klghV Oa oat head It baa too muoh te
do with formloayow owe character; sat
I scad uotaay list say lack of pradeao* In
thk reapsot *T# for a atogl# hour may **-
poaa you to arlk which ao aaiaegaaat aaa-
Uon ooald aoaba you sOhciiMlly to repair.
Oa tha other Mod, tta conduct of every
female who k 4 any consideration, may be
expected to a*ft an Intuanoa oa tbs char
acter of every feotkaMa with whom tae
aaaoclataa, aad that iofueaoa will be tor
good or evil, stabs exhibit* er toil* to aa
hibH a daporttaht which hawMMs bar. ta
commaadtog I this tafuanc* that it k mb
to calculka apm tta oharaoter of every
ooramualty Aim kaowiag tta prevailing
standard of Jhlaia character aad that aao
hardly ha ragadad as aa exaggerated mas
lax, which detoraa that “woman rules the
“Let ma nobaai yog ttaa, never to utter
an esprasekaoa do as act, which even
look* Ilk* aSMtiag a gentlemaa’a atteation.
Ram—bar tkt every expraakoa of civility
to ha ef aaffalaa, mast ha perfectly vol
aatary; aad jay Wtah aa your part, whether
direct!/or Rdtrsctly, cxpraaaal to make
yoaraaif a baonta, will b* oartaln bi
awalwnftaa dagoat of all who kaow it”
lafwtooairi ow Oafkouo SeaooiA—
Wa aajrwith nfoßiaace that tta Catholic
schootowbtok i for gwaraleducating*! ad
vsut*ga tor aiddto etoasm ara the
to toe tarkt Saws la this oountry, where
the aomtxktas at aabook modeled upon
the Prateta* Mb ef ml latoillgeeoe and
batter to* toktaftop hat* sot a
•choel thataa aay rapotetina for tckolar
•hip. Tbaracheok tor girts aad yoaag
women arhaora worth lea* than those t*
can sot h oMabatf la ttaaa They ara
aoadaetata ftagghjM Idas of toe sob
Jeettoa <d iw wamao to ma aad aoctofy •
daaelopmit of ahanater k atsdkra-ly
avoided, a I ta* toaat amowat of kaow lodge
la provide! 80l ao fia/ai <f *p*rad to
ha pram t pikWv ralgioa* act ore <4 thaw
pupil* *1 the dogma* end formal woauht:>
of the Ch ch a* the fovnui n ol all aagkor
Ity. If ta school* wan* uaaactariaa, a*
it k praaded they e*e, II SMkt wilt tar
sold tkaliey are tta mom worWfaoa la tot
eooatryWaaworthy PrmoeUnt patraa
ead toLy hmgtalsa aaadtot ai tata
It would appear a* If a kind Rrorhtaam
b'd specially Intereonod to pmteot in—
pweorty. mlslurtuno, and Ike otter Ilia of
i fe, those tiun and gall— oMoars who
risked their ail u the *troggjk for the hade
ths Southern Vitßitan W know
f > >i * * *on ne *ou*utn umttog >* a uUtna
few of tb— who knee not Isproepd
their worldly oaodMon since toe war, or
who o* not ha butter drcumatoncaa toon
th*y worn paoaii— to that annul It Ji a*
Ug—nkjg raiajtjon torn, in tbiana ia other
| acta of Atactica an dWy and pteriotiam,
b-naatg bo* ptwood too b>te poWoy.
The inteonao Of Ben, fl. B. Buckner ia *
Z*Z TLZXL awror
majority afßopaapfea ware oppoeod to too
moTomoal AH Mi OW aod hta wife**
prniteity mute bo Ml *o tho tender m rtim
of too ouamy, in ooao ha aboMd jote tba
Ooofeteoamn Bwteu teOgaMnit poop
arty, tbs targa looome of whloh anohted
the Goners Ito tore in a stylo a—d lo kte
raflned ond oiottotel la— Aod JB Off
this ha riakod when Impelled by hie spun*
path lee nod conviction*, bo oboadaaoi Mb
beautiful bom* Joined too Ooohd—lm bnl
fought through Mo war with dltelagiattood
gallon try and anfltoebieg tdeltty. At tbo
clow of Ibo Wsr Bona— i—%rnr g—g
himself stripped of afyiMng.
Looming In Ifew Orleans, bo to wete
Ant aa a Journalist, eu tof- Csessesß- —ft
afterwards engagad In too bnotnaw of Bte
Insurance, wherein ho aohloTod * htUilMt
imCCOBf*. 111 ttipb HMHMMCttI li M—v**
er hi* property In Kaatoflby Oteft Ml wMbb
nronrtv In (IhlcMo m—bm bmLmm
" “•* V *** Ot Utew WMT obeteT—
obstacle* to tho aarp— of tb— aibna
Lsrga suits bod booo br ught agol— him
tor dimagai tnffiatiii fey Mo ONfedorMo
lor— ondar hit oo—ond. On tbaaa aofte
bla property bod bean awoebod and much
of it acid. It area o torero, todtona, and
•xpcSfiTk litigation, in wbuii k# iMHHHft#
inroirad; hot fete afforte wore Anally
crowned with vlcfory. Bla paopmty waa
rateoiad to him, and too cfad— ter d—off.
•a agalnte him woro oil defeated.
Bon o MM ilol.d prootofflaga to reooror
bl* wife’* property. And ten woo dovoi-
Mm. Bnoknor bad, before Joining Mr fepo>
band in the Couli dnracy, ktf
property to her brother, under * Ami of
truat. Tba obtigntiou —tod npon bla feoaoa
to praaerro and roeoarey toe proparty to
ter aftet the war In toe png— of tho
war tote brother married and a—pted n
commlsalnn in toe Fadarnl Mrvtoa. JPtenkar
SSSCX’tSS’VX.'V&i s*s
obKgatkm to kte tea—, tfete aMM wouM to.
terit o Urge fortune.
Bar* woa o groat temptation to tba yonog
man Whom natural affactlon* for hi* Mater
wore ontogentead fey hla ardent inw lKty to
tteaa— wfto srfehili she wo M*nll>oi|.
aod to hla poHIMi Itistlncta end sßMtooa.
It waa —Wm alone to deteimlnt wtetter
thtetelga property should accrue lo too
Wtte of o r.’bol, In preference lo bio own
afteprmg. Honor end brotherly Section
4lt true, demanded o certain CWM| feat
how rarely, la tteao aoiiish aod motarieltetia
time*, do to*** principles control the onto
of men I
Tbk yoaag maa, however, recognised
their ohligstloa and oa the Bald of haute hs
made hk will raeonveying to hk skier tta
property which aha had ooafded to Ma.
Alter amklag oo# of thee# Wills ta waat
forth with lb* iouapidtty of a maa cog.
mfoua of aa act of high mlt-ooatrol, to aa
rouutcr the aaamv, and met tha fate of a
brave •ohliei at the belli* of Sharpxbara.
The Oeaarsl of hk carps knew of tot will
be bad made. All hooor to hk# that h*
kept the aecret, aad, after the war. comma,
ntested to hk aid oamrada Is anna, hk ta
seat foe, bat now hk Iriead aad brother,
tta toct*. aa t gave every aid to ragaaer tta
toetrwmoat. 'fkk waa Oeaerai Boraside.
By hie gooeraos amletoaea, aad tkrwgk
the ludotattgaMe devottoa aad aaargtoe eg
one <*t Ownaral Book ear's staC, the gsllattt
a*d gifted 00l Wootoy, ot Levlagtm, Ky ,
the tests OMBtary proo s wsts procarad aa®
tta thk of Mrs. BoShnar to tar pahtooay
w* fully estsMktad, and atom s kgal ami
test sta wm reinvested with tta seam, aad
now k la full, ondktartsd sofoymsat of p
megalioaat aWeta-aad aa oawpto sear
more justly aarßed thk happy tottaaw
thk vktory aver too most formidable did
tlealtkx aad parlk which coaid ark* la Iks
path of doty sod honor, bat which mw
to a moment dWmsypd er eywrvad dtom
Iroia tta lias wbkto patnoXfom sad saw
science had amrkad aat for them.
Advaraity tMp uiiw foola, mm
aida, draw* aat faealttoa of ha wlaa, pMa
itaJMhdiitthaßiaiwter rf Wm thWf
•kill, awaa the opalaat tad make* tka kßa
ladaatriooa. Much may baaatd in law •
arfreratty, bat tha worm of it la that It haa
do trten<l
“Uokaaayoa five aaa alf,” atM A ImCkr
U> a baeevoWnt old lady, “1 mb afraid I
•hail hafe lo faaort to aoawthtog which I
greatly thflht to 4a. Tha lady haadad
bimadatlar. aad aampamloaataty tafeod,
‘'What la M, yonr ata, that 1 have aavad
yaa fhom f •Work," mm the voamAU
Mi Bt
The Lard doaa sot •!/* ai jo kata at
(Fom too Otentet TmoPMtoJ
Oanoft by at Mn—g —M
a ego' to buy 0 apM
horse*, which won wuaaMly * fea m
ate city. Ppon rwMMng tfea ter*|teteten—
o otegttoor unite—i. *fWlib tAodter
tanoa be cotoaroM tola, bdLfffp noon ad
bovine which hod dw na iff a^—Ta—
•old. Tbioking or bate fee wwr goteß Sb
gte ibet quo of bor—fo>fty dote—ten
oortw* tteßold, which bodOlMAflihnten
two or throe rod* wide runaleg —B Wtf
oarun A Then were s few oh—pe and
tegs, ooi -all tree, but ooMteg wfeteb
prey—ad any owe fron Mrip.
which way tte stewar was oontag. About
toity todaawny teteteM tooeM teafeoa
aontog Aw kin, teed d—A MgR op —ft
aynfeteteng Btendans wabatetefted tool
tewaattenmn^s te wanoMtote nofekag
Bi tlKMMMtfct ImU rri rtt
annod tte atrip, and wan atetelod aste—
toaoldfeAiirMMilii a# ——fete
trail, MfUfelibdMp "fen—i" a—f to
this maA
bnttoteitoatenriaaff ofttep kin,
—orihi—hni— GfellMftofflMte —d te
bind him, sod talc too teg wont •—4—*,
■loo tedh—a too a—
aa too log ood ripped off a knfeeA f *to
te tte Am desk. ThcopaMagkte k—
ooder it te
•poo rouod lite o dltei ftet V a.jffto
and ovary —of kte Ufc psaaod feaa— Mn
Mteovtetoa. "W-o-b-hT MBn—ft ton
booioo, aa te
•—to wWM Tw f j
kite, tal It tori! Ogood hong &.J 0 *•
klate out of kte t—k, ted tte* neMrWMft
A— kte aura aod ayes''
WP MfWta
lota a mate uf aaktawmt aadaatawhtaaata
by thgatxtaaaaagtotaaf ttaasMta •"•k
oi Mr Ptomaat foawaaa, MghM
chkaaof ttaaaighhefhaoA Jta
wrn la —haw taakh tad had totahta ta
rtof the dap todaWriamJyM MtaMf
him daring tta dap swart teak
hk tomity la fttog aaawta Ntopto —*
laaatastthsehk adtoamtatataltota
trotted to tab bp tamMp Mto
whaa toe aattad Mm. Sk* ■*
aaswsr, tasymsmtasßMtai
•dtotatatPta mm g*
Mytai ysam si mM stota, MwA towa
gmwraUy. Tmy
malm si Bto wwamisdwdk.*
poeed mmaha agaaaloiMaaMiaWlaMyor
aotat atTatawrar. 1 -
kaawc that tha Wnhhara liadjy hn fry
baraa w*> have thalr Maw HfMe ta*
aga (hay ja pat oa Uneia tan fay foil.