The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, September 26, 1873, Image 2

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T;Jhv VtMHt.'.VTGIt Wm. T Hbvsi.t.. Kdtior and Propti etot til-KK>VII.I/K, KHIPAY HKPI 2<i X 73 . The C.C rungs failed to come to hand IliM *osk. Itel. thil'. l w •iMßMlioualy itetealcfa in ronvet.lhui nominating a candidate for Covcruur of Mttmcknm -tie. rune for fwag rude* Inf loa. How happy our condition compared with that of lhr |*or >uftefliig White* of tv,ulh Carolina, and Louisian at W have a democratic governor, while tl*y are living under lh tyranny ol ihe lUfalcala. Of a in.ih the tend m<>om when fba wich ui are in | wer. A f>< moeraih: ad n> mistral tea wen hi place our prostrate oik, mote on tlia high road to proa |rily, |<err and < luter.UuebL Oh that w had 111 , Mkrt orient Mhinkra. In llta Hef item her number id Harper’e Magaalae, teMMdauger" give* wliai ha Mytea Oea. Taylor’* account of the battte of Buena Vista. Tht* account is given to Judge Butler, a senator from Mouth Caro Has, by Prmhlent Taylor. Judge flutter, any* “old Stager,** waa aostoua to itava, Taylor * veralon of ffcrflght In order that ha alight obtain fie pertloiUf* of hla hrothar'a death, iria brother being hi eota Mad of Iha t'ehwefln regiment and losing bti Ufa In tht* great battle “Old Stager" mahaa a readaMe artlele of hi* atory, hat oar recolleetloa la, that fol. Butler wae not la Ihe battle of 0m Vt*ta, tmt, if la aar etc* at the time, waa with the army uudt Oea. Menu, that ahoidy after f apteral Vera Cm* Again, wa rhtah 001. Butter we* slain In one of the hattlaa Juat pre ceding Ute capture rd tha city of Mesleo, Barn a Vl*t*. We aboald not have called attention to • hi* itil.Jrcl, hut h.i the fact that wa *ee oar eachange* are aopylng the article wfrh out comment. “Old Stager’*" letter* In Harper are n*natty hrtereetlng, hot we think he M.inetime* draw* epos the report* of other*, or hi* own imaglnHiloe, for Id* " personal" mid lection*. Home Ittn* since ha batl rome personal Incident* relating to Graham, of North farollnn, with whose history In- M-cinul personally familiar, tmt altangcly enough, represented lilm n* run Vice pTFsTTUnt wTth Kilt more ini lMfl, when every welt Inhumed eehnot t*>jr know* lie wa* on the ticket with Hcott In IWW, While (Ida corresf .undent would have aa believe that he wit* tori male with all the great men of the nation, Irom Gen Jackson’* lima to the present, we begin to •aspect him to be nothing but n penny-*~ llner drawing fmm other* ami taking crc lit "Wenoth, Henry a Poot*,e*-C<.nfe.k rnte ftongrcaaman, I* writing lilsh rv Among otlirr Rtarilmg amioumsonent*, ho nay* rreahirnt Davit .llrrcted tire to be opened upon Kt. Umtrter, tn order that ikoeUHttew might liegin, and Davis thu* sarnie the Fraskteney of the Coufoderau. Htntea. Now Ihia would be hb.fa.rlan should know that bVtnlur wa* Brad tbmi the middle of April. While tha elect Ina for Pr width l waa held ta November. A* Mr. Ponte vary well knows, Mr. Davl* had no opposition, and a* •arlv ** April nothing had been raid about Mr Davis’ successor Let u* be catefn'- leal these writer* of history, 'nstcad o* represiintlng event* a* they happened, write them down a* they think they might to have occurred, Ihut *acrifrliig truth to a desire for notoriety, *ud a repaint ion for lading out thing* that have aa eiiattace rave hi their own fertile imagination*. &K* {. I Communicated ] r* CxMMilm. Mil Kditom: IVrbapt It will not lie uninteresting to jamr readers to hmr from the exhibition of Mi Andrews, at Cedar Rock Academy, which came off on Friday evening. The aedience wae large, end, Judging from 4c frrqeent bonis t laughter and applebae, their anticipation* were tally realised; the exerciae* being very aadafae- Cry sad highly appreciated both by the irons and visitor*. The dialog* e* and rpeechaa were selected With Math Mate, and the children deliver ed then* with sa much ease and grace that thgy deserve much grabs. Many deserve “hoaorahie mention," bn aa we failed to get the names of all, we refrain from giving nny. v The prompoeaa with twhich every one responded demonstrated tally that the dis cipline was excellent, and the manner of leeching thorough, practice] end ornetr; The pleasure of the evening was enhanced by musk, wrought by the accommodating hand of Mr R M. McCaefcn. Time will not permit ns to enlarge upoa the facilities afforded by this school, bat we would stats that the high qualities both of head and heart of Mbs Andrews merit the esteem and confidence of her patrons. The exercise* were closed by a short speech from Mr. Henry R. Harris Jr., giving ex orllent advice to thoac who bad children to ducate. C. • """ J< tiers on is busied on his aid estate. MonticeMo, near Charhmeaville. The aim-' pie shaft that eoven the grave has been ached and chopped by relic hunters, and gut nd weeds are allowed te grow al>cu i t cxdietuibrd. liuporuiui to Tat Fatycr*. . ~ } •• c j The luifa/wiog official dreuiar from the j Oompf rotter General U the Tax Colteeterv j •JCeoiela will U interesting tetter to* ] U* |ay.*r* Thnaa who do nut |y their | i*x* in lime for Ute c /Aieeftor to make til* ‘ return by liie unt tfjoutkxi the i penalty, Cotrmun.SK* gkm- Own k, i AnguAl let f Tn On lam C'MrMnrt of Urar-fOt The law rryW/c* me to have the tax** cnlfeciad by Humnber Wtb next I nhal) Ihcrcfore e*f*ct and poUi*#iy re quire every Ta* Collector ia the State to ■ante with Him <dSea oa or belore that ilme ur they mu*t Milfer tha paMklty Ckwe your hooka, iaMMt II hM .etc., tn ample unm to saka aatitemanLa* abovat Very ItaapoolfoSy, W. L. Oo wwn, Ciur.ptroiWr Ometai, Mmmprmmtmm mf Jmy Caaß* S <*■ Th* < 'otm Htrttmt aaya : Te*tiday fyitU end vaertement waa eraatad la SimmUl itbelaa oral UW talagi—l b taa mtmmmm CoaortTV-noM aanooaciag Ihw aaapaaahm of tht* great UaMilog Hoorn. Tb llarald *ay* ; Tha Sr no of Jay Cook* A Cos. baa baaa rogaedad aa >mm ol lb MWiagw* Soanclal omcaraa ia the word. Tha aentusmaoil*ar la aapjeaeU to Wirftb Irota tan In twirnty rnlllimi lan, white bw patta* fa an proportionate ?y waalthv. Hff ttawh*g in th* Unftad Stataa baa aagagod tn more glgan Stt operator**, and non* tint baa baaa a* bernerl safer. the efteat of tha •upo**U. wilt have- upon the mmiey mark** retrialn* U. ha aaaa. It lira aa*fMmk>n la parmanent, II te Ukaty UraSrwt a large number of New York hmmaa dtaaatla*ly amt to pf'tuc# a MUf na> In twewy which may aguauLitL lb South. It may ateo deprtwa lb* price of nothin, Iml wa douht tf auch A*ptc*ion will he either great or long eontiowad Here In Alloa In, the Mtepeoaion b mil likely to pr.Mtoeo awy marked raonlta. We bar* no hire that tha wMpenatwi id Jay f.K.k A Cos will tie more than of a temporary rl.ara. ier tf.A only do they priVgcM _lbu- uniMinr* f Um* Anwnelsl world, but 1 1is lr avail* must be rnov* than *.l< to me*# lliatr UaMlitte*. It la out ■l all unlikely that tbvy have attpiandod tu avoid Hi,) uncovaMy ol aacrtfliting avruritte* .. ponte tea* the httmedie'e rftert of ttiO *i) pi nalon will bn to canan a frightful loo> hy | holder* uf Stuck, and tt may Ire that a mm Ikt ol Wall ltel lioumi* will go down, bu we tiara nn Idea that It will pr.nluua nny wkUvprnad flnaiietal 'liair, we tirtluva that in A lew dayslhti Uoulite i| nil Ini over and tha wonlod confidence <4 the fliißiiclal market* restored. w— llor ih Negro ( omnlwtenci of Emignuhin bepev to <Tii*n Owl the Nfafanlppl Demur• Ml*. lit* name I* Griggs and h< mtde i>jwi h at YlchSbßfg the other day in which In very frankly dsy sloped lie Hbarhn*i) programme Jo “enuli ont" the Dt'raoontihr ho|es of tarrying lbc 1 .pgislamrr. Hr • ml; Some of the eastern counties were iloubt* ful ami >mn were Democrata, and he un derstood the Democrat* were going to ear ry the Legtailature, and to that end they would bend all their energies, He, CoL Griggs, held a eery promlnsnt position a* t'ommlaakiaer of Inmigratloa, and he thought the MKare prosperity of the Htet, depended upon him! The Democrat* expect to carry the Legtalatnre, but If he ooald get the necessary npprnpriatio* he thought he coaid Ail the eastern part of tho State with good Republican rotea, im ported through the medium ol hi* office, and forever cru*h out the hopee ol the Democrats. He was going to try to import all the Republican voter* Into the State that he poeelhly could. “You hare got more politicians In this county than 1 ever ■aw anywhere else.” aakt the accomplished Otigga. 1 meet one at every lamppost. You ebould work let the Legislature I Lla the most importanteetat office in the State.” Col. Griggs “was ao ipesher, bat a wheel bone when yon pnt hku in the trace*." Ha got hi* office—he wanted that distinct ly understood—by skillfiil wirewcrklng. It wss hisopiulon that “Gen. Ames was go log lo be elected Governor by acclama tion." t >iggs hnew wbst wss what. Ho had been at Jackson for two yean ami thought ha aadantoad ‘ his business as • legislature” Some qoesftc* had “arised’ when he got hit office, but be “was too sharp.” He meant te have sn sgent at New York aad Aoed tbs Stats with Re publicans “Them was the sort of imni grsats” he wanted. And the property owners ol Mississippi have to pay this black scoaadrel s salary for thus using his office and Ihck money lo swindle them at the ballot box* This A h> one of our loving brothers oi yaokeedom call “a disaiJsclad spirit" among uie rebels which is very naughty indeed. L almost make* us weep.— [Macon Telegraph. \ A Georgia darkey gives the foilewing ri&son why the colored race is superior to tiif white : All men are made of clay, and iikl the mtersham pipe, they are more vtlutle when highly col cm! TFibe lb-;wib ican cu of Artita buia o.tfcty, Ohm, which suet < u Mowdy o laat week, the foihrwtftg readaaioo wa ouaututbusly adopted: ll vahaf, That the tele act .4 Oxtgret.' | cotßTiiity OiTle.r Cba'Sstery bid mccta with i our must hearty C'rtutewoaU.4t, hutb h i) ! rctroactn* aud prcapaetlvc iaereaae of **i i nrier, arri we moU condeian the author*, ,f aigrrr* of the bill, and we nail off or oar repreaeufaUve iu < >grma to aae t.U bed eflon for the repe*. ol thf same. It will be I.bseivcd tb,xt the ; "I AahrabuU coonty do not fbiaa it arc*- nury for the Preahtent to hare |-Xi t>/J a year in ad-iitum to the great iJtrrjaisiic* rid aiiowsucet now givgm him by Ootigret* rney arc tor the rapaal of (tec wb de bill t and they are right. in .7TVr.i.aCas. I 1. mII ■ a. •weciml MMSw. JtT Joy te U Wortdl Woman h Tic Jtt Among the many moderu dtac.vtnc* on king to the bap|inM and amltera(io of tin human rar>c, mm ia m.lilted to higher erMi*h)errt*is Umw tha rem wncl remedy—Dr J lfra.ffleld* Female Itegt! tai>/r, Woman’* Heat K.iead By it woman a eimncipalcl from SUdbcrWh Ilia ymoo lar U. her sex Bhfon IU Moie p./ wer alt j irrrgutnrtshia of tha womtevanish Ii core* j whttea. ft newMt|iptMg<te of Ihe *w. ac*. It nmovn uterin# rHtetract otm. It i curea on*tipali<m and afnagthrcM the •yacewt. It m*c* The Utrvm and porlfte* the blood 1 1 never fails, aa ihouaood of wnamm wHi itstlfy. This vain*’ e toe!i etna t* prapacud ami odd by.JL M HratUleid Drugg'-W, A'.an 1 a ftet Price, $1 iO per te.uia Alt fe.'pactahte druggist* keep it. Beptlk'h ty NEW (iOODS BL .iiilt INiMJfsn'M. lIK.kVV lin.wn th .pa, Ity.A Island Brown li>.llM*tn> ’ While and ( <Herod Const J- .•*•, ’ Winter Print*, W'urulr.g I’rtfSe, rhMi White rtaMwis. Ptne Silk finish Blk At|mrca Juat leccirwl bom New York, ter sola by •> ti KLLUt * MOOKK ir ’ ' CROAT, ADVKHTHtRMRNTrt .i—. i ii ' MWnr - GROIUiIA M> riwether Ceoaty, Where** Ttm*. Magmder applies lw teller* ol a<ia>inisir*iloo wp*> iht trslnti . K Isstioth T)e*t|.,a 4cd f Ul file nn'l 11 rymßhb& i—lu. ' ause. if h,*, wiiy Ittferajyl aduen hitraiTdn alirdlltl not be giauted tWTti -.p plicael upon Uu. la Mmolsy l November ne*t Uivan 1111 I*r my hand *|J frftt' l*! sirnitTTT*' tht**?iTnfltißT TiH ISM. ♦4At J W MANNING J H C._ DKQRGIA Meriwether vutdy. _ Wb, rear Jos H Gusiott rcprethnit to <he < i'urt Ui.l Us liim fully ‘uliniHfiwgvil the *i*-4 *-***♦ hr there furt lh ills and sd !>itinish U i Vr nfrirw rants If any >'*isi*, *. briers the )<i M -mTsy in Jan 1M74, why >etrer r iti<i. : irm sii**elil tvH- T o grsn'f-d to j II Gaston a* Kl itnor for -sliTirutt. Gui njjnder my hanrlaiul-*4— ftlTsl danaltilr Uu* t*oj.l I -+7J #7 iiui J tv BANNING, om e UEWWIfA MefiwGhrr <i mi'y. Wlieras .fas F m Hw l ' l ' ** ■ 1 the cslsln ol Philemon (hriotree deed. rep resell t* to the Court that lie bus fully ..! itiTiTWererTihe esntVoir saTd deoil, this is th< relore to cite sud admonish all coocerr ed to show cause, if any they have wh> letters of diainlsdoii from mid trust should nut be granted to sab I J F Ugletre* as *aM Executor Given under my hand and official signature inis Hard Ly dent. IB7J J, W BANNING, O M C. GEORGIA Meriwether County. On the Aral Monday In November neil 1 will apoty to the Honorable Court of Or dinary ta and tor *aki County for leave to sell all the Lads beloeging to the minora ot Baker fh Maun deed., this September •3rd 18TA L A M ABN. Uaurdtao. urn Notice lo Debtor* astsl Creditor*. GEORGIA Meilwctker Couat/. - ALL PRRNON? holding c'*iins tgaiust the estate of James IVoglas deed, are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated according to law, and all in deblad to said estate ate recjiusted to maka immediate payment This N*pt 23rd 1973. | 71 HUGH DOI'GLA3 and MARY A. DOUGLAS, Admr*. GEORGIA Meriwether County. By virtue f an order from the Honorable Court of Ordinary in and for said county will be sold in the town of Grenville oo the Ist Tuesday in November sent,between the legal hours of sale all the lands h add county belonging to the estate‘of Jeans Beay deed, via: One hundred one aad one-fonith acre*, more or leas, south half at lot No. 117. And 1634 acres, mors or less, off of lot No. 119. This land has oace been sold and the purchaser, liueben Seay, not having complied with the terms of ask it is now sold at the risk of former pur chaser. There is about 1M scree in the above described tract of land in the wood*. ALSO at the same lima and place, the dower land*, set apart for the widow, now deed., (ihereiore pnrebaser wiH be put in poases sion,) visa Forty-six acres off of north tide of lot No. WO. Nine acres otLfll-fol. No. 13th Total duWw mails Juej seres, about 100 acres in the woods, all lying and being in one body in the 7th district of said county on the upper LaGiange road abort 8 miles from Greenville sad 12 miles trom LaGrange. Upon the dowe* lauds is the home place, long known as the resi Uence ol James Seay. The dwelling has bet a burned, but the out of alt Rinas are still there, and good gin house and screw. These lands are welt watered snd limbered, in one ol the beet sections ot the county convenient to churches and schools. Terms. One half Cash, the other payable in 12 months. Possession given and lull titles made upou payment ot last instalment. This Sept, ilirti 1873. • i fit) Win. A. sLAY, Admr. C~l KullGiA Meriwether County. T Wtil !* *<,W ou the Ist Tuectey- in tJclober, britere the Court Uottse doer in j the tow* of GreeaviHe, within the legal | tours of oat* the east bait of Ur* <4 land [ No gt*h_jutuyied ic.lhc-l.ltb D.eiivo .and wird couoty. J>rvie<t on to oat iafy a & ta trom ■he Sepencr Otart ot *rel etnaiy, ie favor of tt. V-Boddie v* David Woedroof aud Knock aecoftty. Trear.t iu , p<we*ioß sotitied according to law i'tep . '.-rty pout'eo out by Pia-ati 3. ALSO at the same time and plane will 14 sold lots of .and No*., ii, 2W. *54 He *46 situate, lying and hc iag in th'- llfck Uc:ju ;-A .q o’jaily Troup now M.nwether County , .-kcli '.<* centaleing &U\ acre* levied mi a* j tlw propartjr o# Atodnc’te fCchtr adtutifti * trill IX un ihe relate of Waitotl Ector dec’d, oi a*u*ty a a ta uoed 6mb Pie Mcriwetner dopariar Osm u tavor of Jauvea Lsxig at.J t,i Wife v Anuncctte JCcV r atiihioietra- I trix of the estate, of Wxitoo Ect -r deed, i haul i*o<t hold, luhjeet Ut the : dower Tenant ie poft*a>ai notified ut I term* <A the Saw. A LAO s the same tune and (Hoc* will be *o!d *. if am of land, nrojs or Itoa, c imtmung lot. So WA; Tti acre* of UX 141, the *atoe taring ..a the North W'lc uf the drteh or ..reek, M mtgotfiery cvack tieing th* line ; >r acre* ,4 the 8./ii|heavl-'Jitiict- c4-i-it- X*,. KT2, aTi itr**li'i, Pifjtm-f hf g in the I Ufa .Wiki f Tnrwp, now Merlwet la, ismnty terTiwf7gr~a*~n>c (T'.periy uf Jma W.aajr tnA, to a titty aft ta Iron. Troup cotioty tki|*tw Otiit in tavor of I<J V Botlfie vc. Jams* Woudioof .4 Meft * etii, r tuna/ aud David Woodf‘*>f of Tt •nip Tenet ut puaataaej* not. ! Se.j acuerdiug tu Jaw, Fioporty pmatrd a tty l*i*liititt Aljyi ■ at the wane UM Md 'piCtt atTi be *dd digit act** of load, more or teat, ooeaaihg jjl i ami tkrWot tiITT yfOTl ' fh, lying and being in ifa* ihu dhc/ut of mu! tiranty, vvfasl on to aii*fy a fi ia Imo rtf Irom M i*n wrtbs* SoiwrtucCuart i tmot ol lilH try Ciraul f*. L C. amrib <t J W PtLLRH, tk M. C A>| pwrtevy r riUury’kSOflM. Gt KOHOIA Martwether Coomy. f On tha la Monday in tJctotrer u, if L wi.'l apply Q> Hr* lion, t.imrr Of TTrariary“ tn and u.f e*id trntaty tor wave to sail aii lilt hin ts balorigb.g to thaeaiatc of Jo* If Earth deed Tl.i* Meptamta i la th'. i 4tid, * Wm T I’I.AV Y. Adai K-)Bl.lXsl*riwel u*rt CoofllJ r On the la M-ifc ly in October next w will am.ty U.the Hon, Court of Oidtea ry iu and for mU eouirty h r lesva to ~ ! ; all tha lands b'l.".gtsj( tn rtie es*a* of An j draw l ies, do .1 Tbw rfatptewhe* lt tu,.i j 4t— Jawr-M-HoEfcit; —1 |.l, A Hlt HOW Y, f Ad,ms / 1 E< >1(1,1 v Merl •• ilier • ■ ~ V r On the tti M nday tn !lr ul*l u*i i rrfo appty tr. Tfn Hdu C-VuTTuf TJf,tin*r & and ho u l cmftity bw hwv to sell aft i 'the UUlitrVTr;",jrw,<“Pi the eata v of Stephen j fin Jinn dWe.T Tt. j HcUcmloit 10. j |3jTi AI.KXANDMIITHOYUA Adm* \ iTKultolATlerlwcih'.i County. J - *p Tsr for lat ] te* of At. uat 1 4 w ;, nt eat ate o j Tit. Hf it* itc-1 TU* te ite etofc to; rile *n l aduhJ jUL all coucs;i.#4to fit* wfa | .aKdi#, If any't!.y have, on or bcimv the |* Monday tt. u ; der tuh, why ahid -f rwT~ / 1 K<MViJA MtilffciHufi(ltßiNiyr V I Wimrea*. Wm M Mm r<nf ifUfT rmiMoTi Mi4m*( ’Sw jm J♦ • I f A‘Crr4 ll+utg* Marchmuii-J nf A i v i'Trr^j it fi < r* nfid •#) ft**t | *riHfi! Ui ftlr thirir U *nj Vi . ’ I n®TTf hef 'l* !li€ lwt Mf ly ,11 Oi l | tit;at, why **td teams stumid n-'t ’• gran'cil { *1 'J W HA NN4ND. tr Mt- j OTORfil V Mertwethar Lotuiiy. WUerear J D. CaruiicUaci ppi-e“ for letters of Admmhtratiou /jy-n tti* estate ol Tboa. J, Deli deed., Ufa* tv 'her. f >re. fa. ti'sand admonish all ruo erind tj D! iheir objections, if any they have, on or before Uie Ist Monday tu October oext ft J. W. BANNING / t BoRGIA M. riwrth ,r r'.mnty VT TfjTvirtue ol an order from the lion. Court of Ordinatfy in and for said c tin’.y will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Greenville on lbc Ist Tuesday in October next the remainder follower be longing to the estate of Juo. See deed., now occupied by Thomas McOouirk, tbc same being (J*R acres mrtre or leas otf tbc Southeast corner of lot ot iaad No 40, be ing in the lat district of said county near the court ground, about one half of saii land timbered. One halt acre reaervod for family burial ground. Upon the place are two settlements with dwelling and out houses. Terms Cash. Jno. SEE, Admr. OrtUwtry i Office. Meriwether County, Aug 20, 1878. Mrs Amanda Ligoo, widow of Tbos Ligon, deed, applies lor Homestead of Reality and Personalty out of the estate of said deed. 1 will pass upon the same at Iff o'clock a. tL on the Ist Monday in Sep tember neat at my office in Green vide. s**- J. W. BANNING, O. M. C. GCORGIA, Meriwether County. By virtue of aa order from the Hon. i Conn of Cfrdiaafy ta and for said county will beeoM before the Court House door in the learn of Greenville between the legal hours of sale, on the Ist Tuesday in Oct. Deal all tbs lands belonging to the estate of Thomas Conner, deed., consisting ot 317 acres, mors or Iras, the same lying and be ing in the 10G* district of snid county. 217 acres off of lot Non. 86 and 86. And 100 acres off ot lot No 73. There is about 200 aefes of open lead, leaving about 117 acres in the wood, good dwelling and out bouses, well watered, in a good section of country, about two miles North ot Rocky Mount on theFayetlrrilfo lead. umuiiMhiTtT churches and schools. Now is the time to purchase a good iarm. Terms Cash. JOHN KEY, Administrator D* Burnt mm rum tnUtmenio axmxo. ffl't ALSO at iho same time and place all the lands .belonging to tbs estate of Ztllab Conner, deed, viz, 50 acres off Northeast corner ot lot No 73 iu the Iffth district of said eountv only two acre* open land, the other 4d well aud heavily timbered, pine land lying only a few steps from a s tsm saw mill. Said land being oo the Fayetteville road about 2i miles Noith of R *ckv Mount. Terms Gash. 'JOHN KEY. aug 3Q-$-5, Admd, Administratork Sale Hate U valuable property, by <i‘e .Wlniin traUira ot Ati-rtw Park, Lte c*l Mu: a ether , couuQr dec'iir ~ " ' ' w , yr rirtsie of K decree. Jn ChtLtMXlf, wd! • be sold before the Court House dour ie t-c the town of* Greenville, in Menwctbe: County Georgia aa the first Tuesday ia , i Sortszixr text, w irhfa. tte- tegoi tmarv ot i sale, me fo.lowing >tescribe property far wit i Lot*of iawd, Nuiutier# Three, Tour, iiu) j*Bt—tKHf of number P’ve, ai.d ctniis rr Thirty, Thirtyoae aud Thirty tw •!■•*. 3. 4, and {uf 5, N*.0.3(1, 31 & #2/; -aii situate. ! iying and bc-ing in the ttevt-ntb Divnct tti . i.ri/iualty Troup bow Menwc-thcr h-m nv ***i Number# Two huirfared and <e*\y ;fare ; r.u i Two buudie-t aad V-rty Ssrr i No*. !!43 wad 441; iu tlie Kgfalh Dkfa/tet u! origin* ty T r uup now Meriwether Comity. Ah the] I,'H and parts .4 Loir aforesr and, ctuhrac j | ,ng in the aggregate alt tat Katoen Uuntlred j i• 1 r *JT}j aciißs, more or Itoa : and ibv whole tract oouaut'ttUig the pixutatioa upon w hich i>r. AnfatoOt- jftak—Traded at tbs ‘ uute of ha> death. Tnere hi so e vodieui 1 ' Daeiiiug up>ij the ptentatioc, a go i Gte ! i bouse and Screw, and ail the o*o*l out • ' building* The plantation t* well waterod : and ha* from Four LuoJred nhj Cky to ! ba-dred acres Ip liitt xufar, a large ; prop.ret toe ot which is fi leiy tin . tarred Tr* plantaitow he* >trt rtw row; teadins to ■ W’o*; Poim, Ehd between teur and s.e mites :i ui Giethvttlc. .—AG", rli* bniijwtnf’Toii~'pr'ipr.y, lo- I cainti ia the Town A Ore. trviik ana f C.ruirhr '.u. : l Tli .■ 1 ~+ii i.-rt* * Max TU' : ! known*, situated ou the fioctl. site of the j -ttebftc Square, lying between th® Drug' ~tu.e of Anlhoay A ftfifei! aud tfas Store jofJ. W Bayfa, U)M*U w hit fa lit SloH ; House u . Docto.'a OBw ot the *iid Au j drew i'arr are situated. Aud move Tow n ' : tjxt ia Unfair., a iS-a u A known; ■ i whicJ. tha Dwr.iiiig House ot the said Au draw Hark ia local®t known a ihe res ,thme UM M jrTy . ,-w f,VT by 1 asw oeeupted by L W. Arta*. Kaj Alan, tUe Uhwiu* Wild .ante, to wit,' : N- Trni the m, HfaU net Id" Ware ' Cousiy and aatd Stout, uuata.aiug 4JUscrn j wort or teas . and tfaSa 344- 3*. ana mtt ty big A ia (M l! tOA of orsgibaily kteriy inn* lc<*.ui Coow- j • iy,*ch o7aabl fate* atuitauujg hoc. ,cm i '.kvj or tea* Air", !■ shares id |ltel,t#i rtdi I u the OiatUlmea bea Manulv luriug l.'oO;u *l AG si I*. >int Ge<f .* | A Is; tlse l'faiuWtMg lowHvrt.t ut doubt tut : . *l fit" * * JMjses- ... s**--"® —JUllgllteriT ' W 11 ituoteu, W W I’rsthci and *1 11 Mortfajy, tWiy, oirtsiuesl August Two., ; irtfw, Kmisc.-u hupartot Coart t’.iu*. j ! p I f .iMJo 'J O thm Ju Igrccht vs J.ssn l*artr Igr *ud K. I* Iteau. bsuip, obtained August Term j MWfa, Mc.iwrihfV fau.stnor Carl I'.inti ii s!•**)<*) with a cads of !oi Ist*. j 11 n ynlgto, i * i \f (' and N C 1 1 amprs it fa, Y, •"• ■ ""- -A ■■■'.. ti—Csimr- Star it, btniiri r.B, Tmu ltofa, j M< ft,Wfil*' Hu;wr."l 1' ■ rt I’m liJ 14 i'l 1 If* judgin' nt v, Wm M it, Si, ! 'W !' and N Carnpte F*■ otor. of] ii axrrtt * wtiti.bei', iW t. v.J Jos fT. flc-aro ' Slid Il'iM IliM* V A ll"’ ■! W it tiUMi y 1 jd' 'U,’ ty *. ■rtTYTTX '.TV •Ii 1 *4l ot . war rtmri 15 u f-tnl w4it-.; —!•<— ii •UP it W K I, ii h_—; tins J. If met! ! v* vt'iwri and it tt ' lawd-JV-i MfaatatUliit auTTir W TTT; [ta2 > J>A.'t*.,c4As-we.- Aog . I—m —rrr, • am r-itl i OrMi J r,l v IV rr, t lirav, .rws... : . M Ao t Tetfc. ni *fci;ii f t l 4 *Jt. —. bs. te tetw.nt V*. frijau tfagl >#lt i -B--T .oaf ~tiCtiitT r • •. Tt o ib.TT • u i ! oiiri - I‘tln g-4-a [ (las i.iil*rfu wssJ- Jt 1®,...* a* Re I It. Ijjrrun. ,h, s. ! K rl l . t ‘' ,r t*u - same • "tti -ft 14h Ut A ! ot the *t..,_w*-ol ; •■lji'.inu te te—r-1 a An IriwT.rlr, Ala. "i. .. tv vr J 4=" ' •V VI y.VI, fie, Ifartr, I’dp.fTAUU i * >..s i ■••t‘ 0.-i H i’ I* .rk.’la'eci is - l—v iMi, r r*ci|M MOjttk j i i.-e note- xrrjoy- iv *1 u <■- n an,* It W fi in in. n ot.’lT. tew! , la r -4 {'rtEL. s3l,® ah*. <t vg„’’, s ■ vtsn-.i * mua— iTT ;n.;e •*) J* I Glider, tooted 3AU, Jne, IttM, f t ♦ mu in sperte ur no t fu .• *:• c „ i>„,. Itecsipt of R J Mv* attorney a) i*, for note "f I’VVI iyi pnrt< qn!, againa the If isr ird Vtanufarturtng •.•unpacy All •! ! m the property >*f fare lte' a: ol jkndrewr I’srk, tele of Meriwether County 'e and , l' t tbe pnrprier of paying <4l ;.erl*i:i tegac:.)* wnder higlait WiU*4 To-Wwetrs no*! F>r general faiatrltei'low of • t-• Jo.-.* Jrmrnt*' J.tcnmss. Sept loth 1973 Jm Wiida* I’ii-.k. AdromtM retort /A Ami* n m earn UM tnenUt unarm. Notice to Debtors fund Creditor*. GEORGIA, Meriwethgy County All persons having claims agains* the estates ot Thomas Conner sod Zu’ab Con ner, deed , are tiereby notified to presen: them duly authenticated, and ail persons indebted to said estates are requested to arms forward and make teamed!sir pay meat August 2d, H7S |5 JOHN KEY. Adm Notice to DeMsrs Jr CrcdHem. I HEREBY notify all persons holding claims agunat Ike os late of Jas. A. Render to present them duly authenticated according to few, aad all indebted to aaui estate to com*- forward and settle the same This August 4th 1*73. 7t #5 E H RENDER* Admx. Notice is DsMorMtH Creditor* GEORGIA MERIWETHER County. All persons bavin/ claims again! the e* fate ol Jno.- P NickoL, deed, are hereby noli tied to present them immediately, au thenticated according to if*. Ail persons indebted lo said estate are also notified to make immediate payment ja22-7w $-7 /. P. McLANE, Admr. TOR m&- MY Residence in the town of Green ville, Meriwether (County, a go-ei dwelling ooniainiog nine comfortable, well finished rooms, wi.h six good fire pltcet excellent cook-house and extra out Wises stables, cow sheds, &c , Ac, is for .sale. A well ol pure water ss convenient to the kitchen and lot. Tae gardes eoeuriii ne..riy an wt- atnl da trsceilaK siu. ' the place is a spier; Jid variety cf Frui> trees and Grapes vines The front yard is tastefuliy laid off ;.nd is fuw of weii select ed shrubbery—all under a good enclosure. The premises contains foieen acr-a, mote or less, with a Urgfe Bush brai ch rusnim: through the possession. Don't ail appiy at once. ffi.trcLH -jU D. \XGRErifIAM. Kducatioiuil. • r n . 1 HE EXERCISE’* gV THE SCH OOL | under the control of W T. H-vill will ba rt-rr?med on Monday, the 11th of August. Mr. ReTni uHrtitoCy Sobetste a coiuia ; uatige and inciease of patrcwaiec fn>ia tha citmow of Green vftte *ad —vicinity. Ha 1 aiitrtJ, UMlioilf fear <rf surrtaeTftti Cr’Stra- I diction,fnat the pcpii* cn ,cr hr* e 4 inige w.;l be teuud a# writ mf.jnwed ’is i:,c . Urea urxte* ifaa iaAruetio,. of any teacbfaf or teacher* last June he faded sto- f’o-ba ; ikhonte .uf that city, an 1 wu# ermamcad ! with the cbiidrttr under the thsrge <4 ’ M.Vlg and iris asaociutea. lutetvl, vasnrM . jrsturtag, !w tbit ttefa the b-ys -od girt* ■ Gmmrtfle were far ahead of the Ol .jc A iauut publi, sotemlo. If the public ttenk loui a competent au4 sUo.sw.-loi iiastructjr, be would be pl.-aMvl ■to see H.e mate nwcfacsted by au iaeveased p^truoagv fits teni.r art k.wer, tt nr baiieved, than .4 any V-lterte wiaa A<4 cspcG gnete in the State _ Rmtei uf Tuition. tteadrug, Wrlfiu* A Spctfmg. Y 94 AritfarnetiC, Geography A<l raini-k.? .. MB T>lhe* Cti t , --!i ltrauchfs 4fa ( Cauguage* ■ lawidvtoai Chaff* —. . .. “k ' rt ■■■■-#> •* I Clfal bvu ckargeri trotu dais <•(* u,ed ot th* term, Nodwiuili.m made exivpl tot protrw ted utiat** , ! Child tea stanwhl h# in alteudaiiev ll.t tear Lrt fail educate their chiiitivu at ruurtuage then leaehr-i, atal build up th* inU’feal of tfaeii li>wn ah 1 toon <y For Other mhifltialkrti |*t>'y to W T HKVII4., V M l’i "tetpal tuk t Ol U jl. k Ki.UV loid FAN- V "IGUR p 5 . - .._. # AL3i:H.r iiU‘/ —-watt vh:>_. no 1 ■ •!* 1 r j JEWELRY AND K.t.V . '■'M’D,4 w_ i—~ ’ m (<i * iftf. ? on* V <il < lo *' ■ -it/VrsH Wnuffii, i •Di Huy Jrtc iNI! * • ;i*!i>i s 'ainJ !*■> v r W*.*. . .'kifMi { * o. CLOCKS' j ■ I , ol zii s*ae, makers sod prions :, M.l Psas and kinds *>t bolder*, Got 1 Btlver A tcei Apectadss A by Gtsw trOLlD SILVER TABLE WARE I t I I Silver Plated Ware jf, a.t XiSuf and . ftsekri, fuble f utiery, AKarsr* From the very renowned makers, Hriftl’H RtWvORS and GEGUOK W'WTES HOLM. i.— c REPAIRING! I am stiii repairing aii goods in tny out. Too many citir-ensof Meriwether and ad tinning'.ie* have tested my work ter require a word from ine as to the character of It. I wiil, however warrant all my work, if properly Med, as I_. have a!waya_~- ■oue, and respectfully usk a conl.aoce of •.lie patronage I have received from m/ friends in Meriweiher. •cb.d ’ v ' —*** .•‘.LDERT LEHMAN.