Newspaper Page Text
Wn T I uvu hU'i i xnd Proprieto*
Ouiw Nfew -Be Mire ti# notice the i*rg
D.wocra'Jc gain-i mentioned else I"."
N abatement 1)1 jellow fen f *< M tn
IJlMilc Hilly Palk*, Uill'f iff fill llteilifrt
of the Georgia Colder* nee, db "I iwTlmu
<1 *y the 16111, at Oxfnr.l
Horatio Hcvmouf. tin- lA-mocmil' • mti
<1*1(1 lof President in IWT, Is a*ta!.didi|!i; loi
tin: New Y**rh
Jornex Dunning </l tin; Atlanta I'.*
Office 14 reported a* t* ililiiilUif. Win*
A writer m tl: UattsMlutinn dexilex to
Amur itlhc idncatiotisl limit ha* Is* n dc
poxitiii in one ol tin a*ix|icn>te<i 1} tnkx ol
■■ Thai llUyi—W should Hit—to Inmi* lT tlirii
tx any ground for Uni trrxiuoalious of this
•nonyniou* uurnwpnadi-at. We bojre lln-r*
l norm.
The nuwx I rotjiibeciiie* TiiTti u-iI with
yttUu.* lever lUiLvurabk It ii
Incoming evldnui tliat killing front l j
nnrmtury to wtoa tin: diw.m —fn >i-i <.i-
Ms continued progryax, wi! trust tint tiro j
chard iljly ttw[n rf;f I jnrujf wlm-m- will cmi
tribute ail limy cart to tint relief <>l the on
happy sufferers.
•Hale Monti*.
Trnasutrr .form* ha<* *Bi out another cm
itlnf nrjifrt|{ tlm people to inn at tti.-ii '
money In tin- frond* authorised fry tin- |,t
Kn them* liontlii hear 8 jmr <;• l. in ter eel”
nrtil nrn crjti|>t from Muile, lotiuly anil
m(lnii t|>nl taxes, they arc a T lit vest in rut
for capitalist*. 'Mm give* a Hut
of lliiMM) who |mn already purchased a
liortion of these bond*, ami In thix lint wi
anelhe name in only oim iiifiscii of j
wiflher county. Cau we"mil do buiieM Iran
- A Mr Branch, banker In 'Auguta. hay
In# attacked Col. Jonua' circular, criticising
the plan upon which tlm hood* an: matted,
•ml the I tail I axle and ignorance displayed
jn jba getting Up of xahl circular, the Tun
aurcr replica through Ui Atlanta Herald,
In s pithy andciut-tli urnr xhowtng that onr
people WgM Ui take all lltoac Irond* and
that they can xnleiy do rr Iw-t oor wntH-fry
men ** tn it, that tlm. credit ol the old
commonwealth lx not again |l*< •<1 iu Ihr
kind and careful kct |>iHg of -he trickxtfrs
of Wall mK
A Negro lon vcitfloia.
The aoul of tlm martial Sambo i* stirred
flc xayx that Urn tlovorour hiu out given
him hia pro|torUtm of the ipiota of arm*
allowetT to aoorjiTV, atuTTio ts very tmicti
arnuxrd alatut Ih A convention Imx la-on
r-allcd hy Ed win Bo ther of the ’ Central
lily Blue*, of Mit con, to irtvealigulc Lire
matter, andtimlmil "if not, why not ?"
That tlm (Invert or will at tame xoetttmh
to Hrta whirlwind # wrath txhleh wane
Marlog trout Alrlc'* aunny plain*, amt im i
mediately forwartl to llch-her every* pi-ce
of ordluaticc, foreign or domealic, that he
haa on ha ul, we have not a doubt.
If he dou't wo would advice Belcher to
make him do it. Smith i one of the
eaaieet men to drive we ever xaw, and if
Belcher want* reputation now lx the time
to go hi and win. Be firm, Edwin,be tint-.
—[Atlanta Herald.
Ifnai the ttavaarxli ttrv* |
A ( urlanx Error.
Among the argumenlx ttxed by those who
aeeaa lo view with dixlhvor the e.trlv rc
•Mwption of specie paytnenlx, and which
haa been uaed In qtiartors not etilirely re
mote Irom Savannah, ix, that even apt-cie
■ Jt onld he atibject lo the manipulation* of
speculators in such a way aa to increaxe or
diminish Its value at their will. In support
ol this argument the present fluctuations
in galrl are triumphantly referred to, and
that precious meUl, instead of being set
down as the standard or value, la alluded
to aa an article of commerce, subject to the
activity or depreciation ol other marketa
ble articles.
This view of the case involves • very
curfews omr, and one likely enough to
mislead those who give the matter only a
cursory examination The truth of the
mat tar la, there are no fluetnatioos in the
price of goM, nor is that metal bought and
•old In the common acceptation of those
terrna. A pennyweight of gold is worth
Just ao much, at all times and under all
dseumatancea, and It is not subject to the
fluctuations of trade and commerce. A
dollar in gold ia a dollar—no more, no less
—and all the aria of all the speculators and
gamblers in Gotham cannot make ft othc.-
wlaa, When gold ia quoted up in Wall
stiaat, it is simply a record ol the depreci
atioa Of greenbacks and vice versa. For
instance, when gold U said lo have risen
from non dollar and ten cents to one dollar
and fifteen, it haa not really increased in
value one into—on the contrary, the irre
deemable war script, known as greenbacks,
has depreciated; and the speculations in
gtda that wn often rami xlxwit are simply
•peculation* hi a paper currency that histo
ry will hereafter denounce as perniemwa.
A Lumpkin man who discovered a jxl
low-jacket*s aeat in hia garden the other
day, now ndvitaa his IHends from the com
fortable racemes of a mush poultice that a
woof hat, however artistically ft may ha
wielded, ia neg a sufficient protection against
the activity and warmth of those insects.
truxii tb Sx.Xfciixi. New*.
Iltr Prowp*- l Brightohlhk.
if be indications of a xjx-edy row.x-wtb.u
r .riAi-ii'ioxa af'inry anti rbe-t*?-*-*iaunxb
j merit ol ewuU l* ikx iu lo'
; to.H. xo-t Wot aoo d4y bccouiibg more
1 cucourigipg, atv-i tl.c cxoxcx tbal bn',
.jxiraicd to poiduct tiiix rt-a. ftoa t* otboi
viCtion* of tbe O'junUy u. .hi s -or. bxve U.<
s/iii.i; . flwot at tfro .Soul/i, O*r peopb; h i', e
(!• rcl f off) llit: ft txixio.*j
nd the <ttmgst.y lit .Ur rtf j, but l.avc
j ct t-ii*(ici.‘ t.) very litlir pt.-emti .iy dm
U'i; Iron) Ut oil.; fowil.ioi. In jt.ii., ol j
.nlxUi.tiai is-xtuif; * otiXpianbix nttj x.
ato I oil ax ifrot. xl tlife Vi txt, aid ox tfroii
t/Uor* tx not pci ioi.xbit! iiio. W beat smt
corn, fltoy can t*xiU r ;.!! <t lto wail at* bin
i t tin: tt.uai ol Hoil.i Which itluxt
j n< vttahly take p ace, mi I v*-r>
; oXHi The A!fr.nj-+M Y t Argo*, it. view
{■ of the qriickrlong niip o.e -H grau.
.ii./ycuicul from tfre Aval ;*> Koiojto, tab* ~
;an encouraging vi-w ol tfre pr./|aZti TT*~
... nli.i e , - •- XX
■-••iiui mrs wa— , ,
1 hat we ftgglold )X BOW colei ig to
-~Ttlr —A to tin 1 rewuioe* ol It.iijuixlvii.t-r..
.0 han't, Ho; Wot hix froxboh.
ut grain lo sell in K ‘"‘i*- Kw |*a >*aut
it and Kill pay i uml, tot it, t Tlta Hot-tfr box
wortkjof oo ton and UAmtru
t. xt II in Kutopo, and 1..ti0, t ;.(. it ann
ili pay <ti fot It. The df rn .nd f.r p
iioicniit toi .-H oil U.i t tr. oiy diiioouh..)
li|l (caving out.of a. count 11 oicutii and '
otherfottirooifriltix lot es|>.rt, HU eatuna
led fhalgtatn, ix.iou H7nl tofrarco —aionr ■
will lirlng u at.mtThing like f’(Vlfr'W.OW)
ol Ktro|H*ii i alt, and will put tin ■
vt In tU of comon roe 111 motion, and
lo activity tin: whole frtd ixtrint ritachlClTj j
of tln: toiiiilry in t very brie! tfrurL_J4vei>
"day xt7eh|Hh* I.X Ihn taifiDdi t.hid j
and if moth ration .uni wixdom eindlout to
prevail, t'.et e t HI. tm no doubt that Hi' I
Yllo. i0..! iha | fex/ii.r-pantc wrn i.ixin br r>-- •
rigid ol in the angnietited vigor and acini
ty which ItrlftrWx It " Ift every ttraneb trf:
Iniluxtry, n le and common h
What tins freell doee with im) a trnr Mvo.
of ihtrie rexolircex In tlm week paxt, and
wlial Ix hi follow for weekx to Colne, tin ;
, W, ■ .. . " * , ■ . o ■ • ’ - 1
following cSfMtrl talile xlrnwx
TlmtupoiHof tloiuMllC ptodnt.;
New York city. for'Tlte wrinr;.Trrpr • ■B'rrrr:
day. ttinounled in cum way valuation to j
$M,,i7H,1./fr, the hlghext ol auy week on
record, ami about 42,000,000 in ext. ol j
Monday. The to at exp uts ol Jitsjy York
f ? "IU Tdi'iiu y'T (I ’TTHrr," uY'-
a(ainv4lrt.H3-HaxCy*w ami fU-THdito,
cmrrmmrx Ognena ix a autul hcnefll U* Uui
trade of tbe wbote eovod+y.
Again, we xay to the xtoi k Jobbt-rx and
hallo, nltig Han dark eotmecle*] w ith tin
HrptthlK-an party, gat put of the way with
your watered stocks ai fletiitmw values;
let tin- fanner* cnmti to the front with llieii
HXeuia, winch Invi a solid gold value iu all j
ttie market! nf the world
ih> Allklilfl otmt I lUtlfilTl 7~ * 1
Thr Fieri Inn*.
—— —1
Tht?tit*w Kr*w 144 lrr h* Hr r'!uri* be
rmnn fuller Prrh*tx the l-i new- m from i
Old". The LeglkHMtrx la Drniwtultr fir
y7iSil all doirbT "Tfir ftr mfirratirTVtnnid
t* claim Unit Allen's majority l WH* Tin
Chairman of the Dtn-.otralic Cotnndtteo
claims tin- 8 tat a ticket, except tin r ■ |
Court Judge end Comptroller The O' m
ocra'x claim sixteen majority on Joint bad
lot. The Republicans rlniin uotlitug. but and"
mil give up. Tlie ■ flleia! reltttts, they
say, nrt- r* quired.
Last year Grant carried the State bv
87,631, ami Noyes (radical) beat Mit’ook
over JO,OOO iu IS7I
The news Irom Oregon is fully as signifi 1
rant. Nesmith's mnjoiity for Congress wi! 1 1
he 8,800, although the Republicans gave
the deceased (’migressman Wilson 850 fns
Jority, and Grant cnrriml the Blate by ov* i
4,tH!O. Tlie clear HemiK-nstie gain sine,
last Novrmbcr is 6,574 pretty strong
verdict against the fiimous Radical, IlippU-
A small vote was cast at tltc judicial
election in California, and it is believed
that the antl-aionoply candidate, E. W
Mi Kinstry, is elect* and. In 187 J Grant's ma
jority was over 13,500
The. Democratic candida'es are general
ly o o* tod ia Im! • ia. Duly judges and proa
oeuling attorneys were ballotled for, and
the election possesses but little jtoliiical
The change in Pennsylvania is very
great. Grant’s majority iu November was
187,648. The Radical papers in Philadel
phia do noltlaini the election of Gordon
for Btspreine Jedgc or Mackey lor Trvwsu
er by over 18,000 msjority
lu lowa the Democratic candidates
wholly wiilidrtw in lavor of the Farmers'
ticket, which was beadcdjby Jno. G. Vale.
Tbe Stale ia iulcnsely Radical, ranking
hardly above Massachusetts ia that unen
viable respect. Grant’s msiority in No
vember was 60,370. This lias been cut
down to the neighbothood ot 16.000 ; and
tbe Democrats and auli-Qiouopolists have
elected a majority ot the lower branch ot
the Legislature.
Surely the results indicate that the days
ot misrule, corruption and monopoly are
drawing to a close. The people of the
West, and especially of the P acific alope,
are evidently deairous of a return to those
old-fsahioued principles aa*l practices that
made the nation great and prosperous and
the envy of the real ol the world.
was well mounted, she
let go tha bridle, and soon c-tine tumbling
out of the saddle.
Hunger over taw bed bread.
(>V,iu ti.. Cavxßtwb Wevri! 1
Attorney fieneral Hftlllamif Eat
The New York B m cerfaiuiy tfwet not
d.‘oa na.i;y"f the TfaSnr.gfEirrffrwrs t'
<ieep u|> tieds <d r<*w>v And the w ore*
dfTt U, HUT tbr focln died haw wo ugly
look xle.ut theu*. Not xoretent with ex
je.tifjg the “noit" of cdy pint)defer*, the
S.jn ),*• lately bee-, filing at higher game.
La lax' hi' is at A.tofucy lito. Wii,!m
arhori) it ilenoui.cex a* u'terly me> Uifortt i.l
liic apim'ttw are w it eo hy hi* clerk*, or.
to Huju-riaul cascx. by xotm: oo'tii lawyer
The opinion* are win ten try BuWr. M-m
over, M: Wli ia toe t ame to M aebihgtoii
(H.or w... ii -n em) iHotie wife..and a Caitart. to maihlaiii. Hi* aaiary hiT dot
f'e-eu more then enough to eUjijrtin ho
<;ipCl.ei t, yrt he r* ;--o fCgartWd aaw ja i.
mi!, wor h, |.tofrofry, half a .ti lie
ha* lately f o eboxed * hooe aa4 tot in
VV - el. uytou foTdi.e h jodr..-; tto'/uaxu.i do- -
.j*. Ti.. Hon ■■ tk* the following fp*e*Jl .f,
1 11 1* (liar* it tiap|a-l. that the A.Uti
oey ficheral Tr omr fo*tfr‘ewnar to. the .
ftirtimmtH frrxmH*.tj-aae*tt T and line rft .1 il.
hap;a n that (he Bktitotifnl Ijianur
Com;.any *e hcl tl.e contra't for -
try tie materia * t-.f the new &••!"* Hepail
merit, a .oat building w htcfr ix cox kng the
rjo?ef7nt.eilt tntiiv.rix ——
i if iw dgnrfrapf'cn that the, A l! o.’’■ >
fie, to a> ix i.dt rested tn treat of tr**'Wax*.
,■ h > • ■. " p.i. ■<-- xl.a I. have > i urcil v.
catd. pa, mg i orilfat t f
,'! If > did t!. *; pen that the Attorney
Ucncrji! wax ti.en* on.d a* ime -l iba t*
fsllllann in BMlt frroojtfr' gxin*t ill*. R >
ni I'aviug < ompatiy a hoil I Pus ago *<••!
lidihexult <>< xu'- v quertHy abate o .
ed ?
" -W* kt,..uld ui'p.eir 'fra) * very alftpfr
.in>n to ih*e wejTd
Attorney •!' neral Wtllla • • la a u> tr. 1 *■ >
of in. lU'.i *: f.d.tnrt am! x *. h t* < t
ja'ilcif to tnak*' tl.e TTr'bw JHA.H- R
(h tirfal (If at.) l.aa el the examp a t.f ttxiog
i.u high offn e f..r tin-Toivx' tfn;ir <rf f*i
■ an private f.ftuae and fbxl of j.ia
<*ml chum* The truth ia, it hxi com. t>.
(I*l*7 niil ¥|CVHimefcf bffldat w to* '!<>
Ark ■Tr ftfn r ii.* i>*i’""ix IYgkftfcdrai'“*fti*‘ <
"damphoo;" or no true Ifvlk’al Im tcum
.o*lfv attar aat ort term >H office, WflkM t ”
a (1 .grant vIuU.IUI) ol o*e ruiaa at tWud
••rvlct; and Juat ground lor rra.oval
J 4 lx< -Liiii*.
rld iTkln I if. R-tn NO box opened
I ft rat ctax* TUt a) ft.ntrcn* wfa} -*t*n t
ta.,m corner of Iffe l'u)|ie IfihkX'i
nl.d will keep the lost britd of Whtxlty,
Peach ansi I 4'ttnac BratHly, Gtn
!t* hnail>v of alt kind*, Bfoevw wnff^BgSr
H* er Ihe finext
always on band
f bII li*iun, of Hum, Rftt*, Kf4*nru ab<l
EVfjr IbiiigfiluO tlihl fun Ih i.ti.ln#l l*
t< tlTpi ihrtP I IHP P tVf 3 OTI t. II
n-jin t’ U t M, vt
MOT con 'r.E
yon have ever tacted Give mi x l n
, 08l Tin W A HI,A t K
♦ ~
JCllis & Moore
Call att'atfrm t> tbelr large slock now
being received.
PRINTS "till yen can’t rest,”
DRE&vS GOODS in new cloth ah dea.
SHAWLS in grist variety and very cheep.
II AT S, the latest for Ladies
lIATS, lor men and boys.
KI’FFS for the ntek, something very new.
CORONfcTS Ahigh back Combe in variety.
We keep the best makes ol tad res’ and
children’s huxe “full regulars”in Schopier’x
B’s.. and ‘half regulars” in children’s lUo’
and W kite suipeu.
An unusuauy large stock ot
'--fe. f ’
Shirts, Linen and Paj>er coilars, of the very
latest stylus and at very low prices.
Blk* & White Alpaoaa,—
A large line ol
In addition to the above • have almost
everything usually kept in a genual store.
We are glad to show goods. oM-lt
fidVo N rTF.S oh H • N-hicv t}*-pv :
J one for s•&}. arvd <n: ff 42A t). Ts
■ wi.a Austin fur- • tjrl.t ( olj 4-5 each '
The fit der will t* litcuii; rewarded tf|k>u
leaving the xt*'*.: rni'e* at Ibe stof <•(
Ev -n- A ttoglxtnt. I. <irxi ge. Gx Ait the
•fro*-.- Mj ate tu.tuc . v-toa t- me
. v 4 if • j G K Wli.sO?f
Thjl Nol ie‘.
On ii■' *fO<d ro ii. t 1 >
SuiiAut brings Oct.
I.ft 1 l.t J -f -X
--—ktT” 1 a -I
.?.. t .fV M - ‘ ; "
Wstr.cvt'i ” St
T j ii- 7*l| TT-tr ' J - N- . . ’
a Mil. IfrHfiaJt " *
f(/ak' M o*l.l
Warm Dta-'i'U ®
t ii let Hti-lrt. \
I Q. tilßlS I IAN 1 <
| I K -N K IV G o O 1> S . j|
: T\
. | -
AVt* Propose losull C*lo\o[>.
CkllUad ie.
simon Lon & son.
Ordm*py‘ OlHrrv.
‘HWfRGfA )N*v.*tfr.t l. '4 li |
M 4fiW TTT>VTi f?ptTr"T’r M.f fi.l Hi me —
J f *4kf fill % t - ai.d. 1. Wi.i {)** -Up 1 .
*n same at my ofllrv tn Wieenvilt. •-n -* •'
Urdav tt.r fbti i.tay "f N -Tr-Tri*—-f —1 IX
o'clock k M.
2f JAB W BAN.NIN *.n VJ t
aEtmOIA C> 4 nif.
H** jm mi *>! ffftb r
HTW fr fr* f xXHk.'Uy, t
wilt jv 4 *** Bpnn tßr ifimr ~5T' *ftv . f
fJrnnv * Ir* *•' Af Uv ?li* h - • f ~
Ih inlivr a! ih -V M
t JAa W.fiANMNO.O M (
Ordinary** Offlw.
JIEII HOT A, AT rtWETftfr fV.myi'^T.
M• • V mkil I'uLlii ‘J !■ .O
f*M Itn f! Bp( !V n'vf "•I’7'f'irM? 1 fi'fW* 1 ? 81*"“
%MtnTjnTl nf of An*! prr
- I 4 ■ • - - , H
rrv (>f nt'Hr * n M thf^Olb
• Ujr f (irtf bf r ?**73 **• If rA v
f’j J V\ RANMNO f) M (\
' Ordinary’* Office.
Mrriwrthcr (’"Unty, f>ct. 7, 1 v 7\
W Z If'gan xppfrVx Im Hnmtktex.! of ;
pcrsonxl-v nad I wltt paxx up. ate xa.-nr
at my off!*-** ta Grwavfllx in Monday th
20th 3sy of Ortohcr at 10 >!<■* k a v
CT EOROIA Me-iwefl,*r f'.amty.
T R.-bt H. Buthxrl*n. F.xtr etx*e of
Wm Putusrlen deed, repfc**nts to the ;
Court that he has folly administered ald -
estate, this is fheref'-re to cite *nd admon-l
Ixh 1! concerned, to file objoetfoax, tf any
thev l.avp. on or before the first Monday in
January 174 *howlng whv said Exeiii-o
xh.Mild not be granted letters of dismission
from xa and trust.
CT F.ORGIA Meriwether Ooontv.
TT Wm J Barnea. M D. and Him A J .
Hintoo spp’ie* for letters of Administration
npon tbe estate ot A manual Findley dred
this i* therefore to rite and admonish all
concerned to file otJeeti<*na. if any thrv
hsvr. on or before the Ist Monday in N >v
dpi! i- how why ii letterx should not be
grsnUxt. this October 6th 1 a 73.
C l FORGIA Meriwether Conn'v
T On tle fst Monday in November
next I wiil aj'plv to 'be Honorable Court of,
Ordinary in and fiir said county for leave
to sell all the lands belonging to the e-date ,
of Thos J Bell der* this Oet th 1873
GEORGIA Meriwether Coontr.
On the first Monday in November
next I wil’ spplv to the H norable Court of
Ordinary ; n and for said county for leave to
sell all thV land* belonging to the estate ot
Ty re Reeves deed, this t et. 6'h 1*73.
43j C J REEVES. Admr.
GEORGIA Meriwether Coontv.
On the flr*t Monday in November
next I will apply to the Hon. Court of Or
dinary in and for said county for leave to
sell kit No. (Tt in the Ist District of sai.l
county, belonging to the estate of Ki'ey
Findley deed, fbr distribution under the
will of said rierd. thisOrt. ijtb I*7B.
GEORGIA Meriwether County.
On the first Monday in November next I
will apply In the Honorable Court of Or
dinary in and for said County Ihr leave to
sell all the lands belonging to the minors
of Baker & Mann deed., this September
33rd 1873. L. A- MANN, Guardian.
GEORGIA Mer wither G unty.
Wbera* Ji> F a* Executor of
tbets-late ol Pnrlctaon Ox-tehree died rep
react t* to the Court ' hat he has fully tid
muiixtimj the etstale t.f said deed, thi- t
: tin rctore tt. ei c ar.d admim sh all cooceru
"ct Tp ?timr TiTTer it any they loyve wl*\
'lnfers of <fi*u*i.-tc'H from -aid trust Sh' Uld
u.'i Se g'antea to u. ! J F Ogietree a* sat ’
Evern'or Giier. uniter thy hand *'•
. fficial sigeaturt *rd- 83-d <lxv R [it I<l
•GEOR.-IA MtG-witi.ei- C--un .•
J - F J i • *: : icx *.f !. to rs f * ! ud
*.!"* up>-! 1.. -■ it* *H Ci. 9 trii W -
‘f! .1 tj-Y. fc3El a.rsj *. r*. r< r* nr gyardiae.-
ulp of ;hr pi .' ' pr'.jwriy "I tl.e M
i uir i lul.ln n> f- <•!. Ft-* i> l).r. -
! ' < CX *d ’.■iui" > . xl ’ Oiw-Ct-I l- J(.
‘ -hi u , r X , •’,* I*' )! ...'lay in
, . n H r • , , - v i,. - . . ,*,.|
I■ *r. J . I ■ !'-• 1"!
4 : IVV INN I NO. 'Vi
i r,< > t'j.A A :T,i, f .<;! Gitaityv — ;J
VV’ ■ i- .fr- - tllr it" tne tlutt the
, - p.e J .iab th .. tfi, ;<1 dei'd.. tx
setr'.ei.l f-‘ ! in. M- i.'.rf- xpp’kid t>J lvlUlx o'
a.!u, -: . f ' -Xr-f cif , ;ci> i. ttyere
( tr . r ..d ’if H-T' r'-ur.-meri to
- bow t., x it any r iu-u ou i r bi-tore the
' tar'll- r.dky 'Ti-”?f.'-.eilitrt.TXt why ie'trls
—• a-*.?-" >" .■.,-*.■■■ to—.gran iiit
■-tr r. aii i j rs.per |irwiti Oiverv umter
ni. ' amt ..fJh 'xl tvonton- Oi uibetr l*t
trfff* 6+ J W li ANNING. OM t\
V .
I. rlfr.i A-Ale—aepher,Gatnly
-i. '■ ixhMi rcymaerilitr the
~C T M7i’ r 'r;u'. he " —(—r-cuenwi r'll-Ui
.- ft "I Mr- fxoiii-a Had x* Kxtcti'or td
-■. I > V, ; t —; ;■ , ,l, XI. ; a :
0.0 .h ,and) C" n i M.r-I 1" aii'.w cause if any
ci - - ". "f lad ri '!: I.- 1 11 unlay u Jar
't'.'l vv- r’- -r ■ -—■ s" ■ -.1 *' ■ * i- 1
:*t .CI;: "and '‘ I 11 iexX* h f- wror t.x
-afrl ’.ti*) t. ii ■■ i.iier .v likhiT-STid-xif —
C ._! . fcp.i*i.rr i) - topi *3<d f*7;i
4: • .! W BaN mm. <’i M t
4 * t (< fl \ Si l V )
H tyff *' T - \fupf*’tfe* h*
<iif r <k>tk r * : <?feXiiX'9sitlr -rJ "S tbr pSak
* ♦:.*** Uc.:.. t i-ita Ui? I* U*rTt It*r' to
u tl\ Bftvl fix j|<j fih 11 f Ita)t to *h<'*
' 1 -■'* Lk ■-?
i* rf 1 n t * to kW<f| BJ
♦fWa 1, A l*f ti '! r If* M 1 ?* NoVrraljtf#
~ write ' tyfwmr *irngT nini ■ wni hit
tI)M "rivlr fobir f (! iH'iJ
$i M. ... J VV UA NtM V Hi- M C;
Notice to Debtors and
t* K* riif f i \ i o.tUy
’%Tf i |fe f *• * J T*Tfi|f < la-itifr flir
r* *-*:'• )•! Tlt> .TIBI < #fM f %<! Z.’ ah t 'lt
:r. Itrl , %*r U f r4fd*fl< .t h- j.'iwtj'
‘Lay 'l*• ? tr if H'f'l, BtiH I 4|t| fr fWjf
tc Ifti *1 • Ir-x*if t-toixAlAf* itfr. j tli
>•!* f'.fwt *t<i Ait*! ttfrklfi* ja)r
•y: •77 ' - -
l 'St *• % t i A sll
r Ia Hi Ufor* nitft i mfitorw.
♦ j LOliOfA ** rt-.* i-a.toiai*.
\l.t !‘T!{ JOS J*H iiijjr t
|ir !!•< Jb.,i-i f>*' 'tf-ft* r|* <!
waXAf- LAiAiiFliMlIIkJ Vl .L9W* v hf in jhr*j
*t|f| Ui U !t jiff*
—a.; a.. .. , ~.i ..)■ wt g. t t.a ti.i It
'-m* - *
|’i T IM ‘ill |>t( MlrA^
uni MAtt V A—
iiihfkicla %t -1". .*• P!-•,-.
W4:be-- hi --'- ibe .ir? T==ex !qe •*, Sox.
tat'." it* limn H- Ia ifiaif in tb town ol
T7■ f!T:’f.r * rbTW nr--rri’ ft—rrx ot oa>~
300 acre* of land off of Nos. 24j Mid 2~£)
xdria'wt in the t*t ftixirKt of xatd ccmnty
or-gkisUy Tn-cp. !*>vixi! on *r the [irnya ny
"I <* If It -illr>* u> xotix jtHliin in 11 1
J- xxe P tri.jdgx fr o*rr.e H*i[wrror t . rr or
Meriwether o r ,-j • Wm VI Uarnea a>..!
Gteafi H Rcdiinx T'ria'd in (- .-ex.l.
no'ifiec! s<rotdiwg to law F.npi rtjr point
x| ou- tiy f'ff’x Arty *
ALSO at ‘he xarn* time and place wit;
if *>>; .VI acre* ot I,ml .fT ot N nhw.-t
owner of i.f No (tin tn 1-t H-tr .( xa>d >
ro.iinty, levied on a ’b* property of R P
Cobbed to atixfy x fi fx i*xne>l IroiTi Meri
wether Npperil if Court in favor ot L I.
Hardy vx jfd? ConneT, Properly pointed
"Ut by Pafetrff x Atiorjey. Tii-aa; iu
[oiu>x!on n -ifled arc. u ing to few.
ALffr) at the •am* time sad place will be
*<dd one !ot hr pnr**-i i t jawd xitcatcl in
the lltth dixtt'Ct ol said county, sberenn
VV II Robinson now rexelex, levied on ax
tuc property of VV ii K< Vn-on tp iati*fy
fi fa i'*ocd fr-'in M> rtw. her No error
Court in favor of WNet ( handier, Exr. vx
VV H Ro'iitMon. D'.feodaal no.ifl -d in
romp!iatice with law.
ssi per ievy J W FULLER, SMU. - j
Administrators* Sales
A-'refable to an order from the J/otut ot
Ordinary of Har is coooty, will lie sold
b fore the Court H *ue ibww in Hamilton,
between tbe legal lunirs of sale, on the
first Tuesday in November next, tbe ffrl
lowing property, belonging to tbe ax Sate of
John Westwood, deceased
Twenty acres of land, oa which is sit
oated a rriai mill, machine shop, blar ksmith
shop, xnd com fn, table dwelling.
The wa er power cmnec'od with this
prop*rty is superior. Tite mili has two
pair *>l s| tend'd rocks and new set ol iron
Term*, twelve months, with arearitv.
4-H JAM L 8 FORBES. Adm’r.
/ 1 EOKGIA Meriwether County.
V.T By virtue of an order from the Hon
(.'•on of Ordinary in and for said County,
iii be * Id before the Court House door in i
the town of Greenrifle between the legal ;
hours of sale on the first Tnesday in No- I
vember next the following lands, belong
ing to the estate of Andrew pleaa dat'd |
ViX: South half of lot So. 30 containing
101 J acres more or less. Fitly acres more
or Sees off oi lot No 31 North West corner.
One boudred and thirty acres more or Jess
off of lot No. 1. 3U)actes more or less ofl
of lot No 2—all lying and being m the
i fit** District of said county. And 88 seres
‘'** Of Ult anil Jfl aertw off of lot
N“. 2oi)—lying and being in the 2nd. DisL
ot said county. Ail of toe above described
lands join each other in one body. Borne
settlements on same. About 150 acres well
limbeied land balance open, and mostly
under fence, well watered. Titles ;rfect-
Terms one half cash ; balance 12 months
time. This Oct., Cth 1873
) Jso. B. Roper,
•1 A. It. Brows,
Administrators/?* Omit non mm kttammlo
GEORGIA Meriwether Counr.
Agreeable to an onler from the Hoa.
Cour; i t Ordiuary in and tor s i.f countyr
will be sold betiirf The Coor: House doer
11 the tow n ol (Jrearvii; between t e iej--. i
hours ot salt ou the 1-t Tai-Xk]' til N. Ten**
her next 'be liillowing projxrßv’ bel .nglrg
to the e.-!ie o! Nephen Tho-i as de'j.
vix 405 m tex more or K sx, well itnpiovei
land - . .i.g and being it; sio- 10 h District
ad tounty an wi. a-No.U it.No 5b <ingii a
, a-e whereon the .-aid M [Ultr Thom,,
ri-.-dtd i’i Batetctl at-d lunhcred g-x and
d'.4drg ad co' iiousxx.n )r , ’Ro ky Mot:.-
. 'i> part - • mfir iTTTTf Kitug Id aniT
mon '4 t" iyi'-g ad i" "g ill .'lie 0 *,
Hint -ct ol Carr* V i i'iiuty 4je T .
. ait T"!.> < *fi tfrn t*?4
42 ALEX NHL if mnM.'.s ,X
GE' -R'dlA Wuixiucf C- it ty.
By virt >-*ot sn orLef < -.n'ftr IJ■.n■ rxb'e
-f uif I 44 —* *x-htu.iy —hi 4 *.■.—U-r am. 4 l.uftl'y
w .1! be o : J txt. /e the ("out t UuiiS. •<> 1.1,
Hi Ta tun II ot (i.i- liv:i!e lelXvrii t..r leg
iiiitlixjil aa mi lilt Ist Tucsilsy !|l N
uelt and iaml Sr M ir, tin- 10;li I>!> ft 1
of aniil
• u less, fewtiging t > (be ex tale <t .1 i*
Etui, in i kiu ieou Mrs MarfxrrtSiTtrr
in- lesf le■ t tn-. iitauy yrxrs. 11 r., VI J auafr
A'N o Then is f> n fHMHliiitl ol this'
ian-J tn tin- W'O Ik the bnlaare in a big'i
xtafe OT 1 uithittoti, good awrtrr-g imr! os
■fru; c-.-rH-w-g—4*x44l. mwuj-ui C...1-U', u
Hiu' i-tiix add x*4wa.l- ;■ •* 1. r ■—d—*.Xah
liltie tartu IVriux one halt cash, fra an
find Novetiihei JeG4. P,-eiision given if,
tray Hi-carutief tu xl, [-1. l. Ihm I van fr...
I.e privilege of xouing wheat or dm
n 1 aUimr vxmkhe sixtw* to do during rnr
in -mil if Nnii-uihii or Dccctidrer T
a-*+ toh IHT3. _____
WM P f*F \\ V,
V i' I' ft. Id N T i>.' U I"
■ ri'ii'xo 1 —————— gay
Gt■dliO.i.A Mriiweri.ei C-m.ihv
Acru-ad • to all mri.r Iroir. ifre li*.
C or! f *terhiMry 10 aud lot-xard entu Mr.
•in la- --W Rl ue tl.e t curt House il.<r
.a tt.* ; an .4Green 1 die between .lie tig
b--uiw or ai lon flu !>t Tuewlay in Ni 1
IV 1 t.'fb.wti-g Ixuili tielullging to U-
I-Xtau "f N -ati Row 1- .-i and i * Fitly at :
i.-ff id lot N" 4<.‘ Si. -‘if i Itvhul Ili
c.xmdy, %*’d £!} x. t*- off of li*' N .. oi Si,i
IT.strut 'I titx and is w.ii wati V. . at*
tid,tx red, xia'al .toe hall ill tl.e \iih,i|
Mu n six u.iii M-.*t on tt.e sun •*,.d mi .
tll'U**-, I lil Uiiii h"*l.xe Will tw* ..--.111-'
T'-o— — 4 -Tcti 444.441C* t A IfrrWE to t..
*’• A
f** \ vno t & <*< mi onf* i iMrttt Ui'
) < * ifi ol OidiiUit) *>f T*lUrt. *v I*l U
-iiuuX tebfg tbr < >mrt U*f
: k. • ? < ti£fif mli.- Mr= ***! fltmirt) (
*! ,? i.fc* in .< |fni '.4 *imU' rt (l*<* f|f -:
ft. ,N'i• !:*Lttf <♦ •;
land tin r* (if > iwtijf ll>C <*r-t tih" >
• 1 *' . if: 1 ' I) t-'fill <>( \t( • *l*l. l
o unljr, an i ‘io ff' */f tli* Hmtb* nl j(<r
‘ft <4 to hi miit mrtiity, I't Olmriil,
l*f*i 7 i*f Ml *ft :• f file Kill i'll* ini di-v
1:. lit. I k. A J t'luiifty Tin- !.
>*■ i: g ***.*l !(if |H<i|Kth nf the nf
: li>*"■—i i.i i'i i 4*xot—uX "l*.:Lull (.'-*i:l*lV- ami
-' i'’. ! t\’ r *"** ‘"t 46* b*ii* *uit i-rt-i.
.■ if "Ii '■! ■".• 11511 1M li tin I I't
(111 flSl* K*f k I Hi 1 IK) tor I )!/!*# g: Trf:,
i-u 4 u ■>< Jut Lfkliui*; idjftUit'r nrnKT
tftkitl, | l!|r |*i
JOnKfll AU.KX, A tin
a Mi.i'.m itmnrt c.iui.j-.
A--rij (: *>t<J 1 i limn 1 In- H ill*, v
I-*- I i-J 1 h-.UHJ y Ifi (J lift ftfttil • Ifi
11 *- • - i*-.j-t if*-i**t* tin' f iitut )l - • In f
:t. ill- I- v* • ni (iri • f.i rti i-tiwf - n‘f/fit
ri r ~ i 1- * -f-m- * * v —-p —Vi —
i, 11 ti.e f iuft-fK’ ifti:->* I* InnjMr-g lit! 1 ■
r' (ft I*l -1 -11-i * A Hi liiiilf ill in . Vi/ 'll
bsi lfi| •>( >1 1,.| Ilf- i* •, nil Vi'-v Mil
J j I 1 tti the 'lowiff I* -t :
- 1 -r k,i H—l I’i-ui* i.t: ' t
j '"• • 'li .fir Ilf 1.1 "*1 4?. t?ii , x>'j "ftl f(t <
E-.-i >ni f 'it tm Ni tt. I0)| .1 ri, 1 n b •
iff i* 2t •'!'* T * Ift *'!■* lif III# I<-l III!
[>toiiJ f film m l tfiiffif %. ni l
iti • liiffti * ;*• ii( fcttiUtftti'm,
ftui 1 m ■ ctlimtufiil liifif), tin iiiifT
ilwft 11' itii'lH’, i(iftut offl t.lrtfUfft, i-wl f l* fill
i.i.-.< r*.‘ mam, (.nniiwii t f *ittfi).
mi! i**-<' r i in > hi; n| tin Inn *i J i.u. >,t
Ui*‘fittif:'l. r>!whl* ty A T-rin# lnl(
f * I/-* iif*if If Humfli* ft* f i-aln
UEOBiiIA M*riwi”U t-r ( anly.
H-, vifrift of n onli r fr iin (lit; II re-rr
l/li’ cotirt nf Ordinary in and f r i-iii) c<ii •
!y "til b*fi!il Imlim tl,e O*ort II rjnn do. r
in !li‘- Uiri 'it Ureentilic 1 w wu- fi Hi*-
Urifft! dtnUfft nf ftftlf*, 1-n Ibe lit I ii/mij Hi
Ninrewber t/fit, fo th hij-hiftt Iwlder, ili
li'- f-i' Mi l lut an'iwn • the retdritnc* *f
H il I’ Adair dr-tf-i. knnftß aa K H in
I*l**a ‘it -ail town, aiiaare and t/*-ii jis 'lm
l*k<tr-ingi* tnnt Ik-iii the Bull p are and
Dr. J VV Anlbi/ny’a, ('"ii’aimrif 2 acre*
mure Or letur. G r >>>d dweiunif and out
hi ni •#*. Afty p<j aos defftirmi* ol pnrcliaa
if.jt hoUH; wi t i boil |>lar *JI
riilii Ir a itaail laml’ v Tenna Caii.
H R D ADA I It, Adrur
-> 'v -a
GEORGIA Meriwether County.
Bv virtue of an order from the Honorable
Cf ort ff Ordinary in and for said county
will lie >ld in the town of Greenville on
the Ist Tuesday in November nest, between
'he legal hour* ot sale all the land* in said
•e-esnty belonging to the estate of James
Seay deed. Viz: Ore hundred one 2nd
ore-frMiith acres, more or less, south haK of
lot No. 117. And 1884 acre*, more or less
off of lot No. 118. Thi* lsnd has ones
been aoH and 'he purchaser, Reuben Seay,
not having complied with the terms of isle
it is now sold at the risk of former pur
chaser. There is about 100 acres in the
above described tract of lsnd if the weeds.
at the same time and place, the dower
lands, set apart for the widow, now deed ,
(theretorv purchaser will be put in posses
sion.) viz: Thirty six acres off of lot
Number 1:8. Lot Number 110, 202±
Forty-six acres off of north tide
of tot No. 120. Nine acres oft of let No.
138. Total doer land* 2s3j acres, about
100 acres in the woods, all lying and beinr
in one body* in the 7tlf" district ot said
county oo tbs upper LsGrange road
about 8 mfes bom Grtmville and 12 miles
1 Irora, ITpon the dower lands is
the horn* place, long known as the rtsi
dence ot dames Seay. The dwelling has
tee n burned, but the ow buildings of all
kinds are still ibere, anti good gin bouse
and screw. These lands are well watered
and timbered, in one of the best sections of
the county amv-nient to cbnrcbes and
: schools. Terms One half Cash, the ot! er
: payable in 12 months. Full titles made
! upon payment of last instalment. Th'
123rd 1873.
\ 7i fJO Wm. A. SEAY Adaur.