The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, December 26, 1873, Image 3

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- the vindicator. rcituuu ITIBT na*T, mr #. t. Kzvnx. a t rui anscm. m advance. i-.A !JU *f • ■tir T 4Ai rftMa |m II wk 4 wk*. 8 e lU‘l. ! vrti l lack I 1 oo! •w; 4 #o* 7M IS 00 l.ckn l *o' • 00' *' IOOHj JS 00 ■XiW*** 4HH OOM.O 00.18 0o 3 00 l™|l R-’io 001 to oo m 00 7 00 15 00 t# oo S3 Olt 0 ■ 0 {MI 110 00 itooo nr A libera! deducli.mi mad# to thuee dnnMu>| by the month *f JfW. noricc r the PC*tu . AlUr thi* dale.'*li'legal titwtwnmt* ta, lb* wuatv of Meriwether, will bo p*V IMw4*m tfe M*nt warns w OotmTf Vimh- Mban. .IAS W BANNING. — Otdir.*ry. JoNFSW FULLER, Sheriff A J HINTON. J*. imffrtTS Clerk Snp'r Owiii FRIDAY PF-C M HITS L O CAL TOPIC 8 OT Correspondents tending u* o.mntu '•ttctafona-wnttr* Ml both sides need not expert lo have tLrtO published Uni*** ptaffoy prtttrn thr) *Ol *!*<> * H ‘ e.Hiit*gti*d •> the woM* basket. Titer* ill be■" ** ccj.t ion to the *bv# rule*. T ItrilftMN IV* J Jou* will prescb *t lb* Pro# byteriaa Church. near Urreuvilie, on lb* I.><irtb habtwth in Doc l* Jatv-Tbos Argrove* wa# lodged tn jtat ISet-week toawatt* l'i*l •' **<• Hff *t Hm rriflrt, ~ <>—On* of eur tiiiwu who delight* Tj HWhll Milk and tKi'fr sad b blj' 'up all 'b* row pro*. t.rler l £** flad *•* ***a the other day bargain ng lor • load of etiiag!** that b* might obtain I* > bun dl*a of fodfita b* *b**rv# lly f7>|Tr, top <1 tb* wagen. A *►** Uuruioi aiul .a .b-l'ji} New Year Wall our reader* 'Jng and •' 1 fi*li# IA Hm it B**uo l. W* cull (W<*t*l *tt**ik>a to n* *<]veru#cm*ut of rbe shove tnaiUuUoa, .a lbU nunruwf Tb* lafultjr lean abl* on*, an I (M irtnciw’a bar* 5 i>o*n thetnaeUe# successful toacbers: Ww * offimand the w bool to th* |r*rrwn*g* * f lb* ■' fW Mi*. —— •• A shifting Top bat*, j .4 trot* lb* facto n uraai* by • Hl* I’AHK. # r ” ~ Tfleeav# wy wh-w* |tfe**'.r wt> . fcf. .1 i*l. A last week. proceeded t* o H*tu‘.tua wh.ra lb* arr*i*>l lloba'i tt*ro. an* Ua I aa.rd .bat O.a * (*ni U.l b*> <rAf* whan arraaia.l for Uo unr rffatra, aod ar* at l>*a l un.lrfaiand |*gal ily of ihi* **c..n<l arr*al Aarryi Le.~ With the cad ot the rw *** that ail ymur M>t art HWlrt, Dun'l f -rget the httle debt*, j aoally tboaa J> *1 tbi* oflk*. I.aiißano* DiaTnicr 1*74 lt (juiun is PahT LaO range, lw P*tuoly *o*l Huaday In Jaeeary , Trwap rt , *i Hi Orovr Pr.iay befor* . Iv-ag * ** and at Avburj Saturday before , Chalybeate BpD*** . *t Betbead*. 2d &•''day and Baa-lay < February, OfaaavUi* u 4 T inivy, at Ore-arul* Krtdy before District •Inward* a vusg hr 1874' will le held at Latiranf* on Bnturday belo l 4 Bunds* ia January at 13 a'ch-ck ■ , a’ Dm Mukoilift Church If. J iuia>. P K DM in B#rinh*-r ruuaiy. <*a . on 'hr Sid uf N'oreotb**, of caecer Mr*. Elwabetb JeuMad. *c*#7a yf. 4 mo, and 33 day* Ommon We aadrrataed tkd Tb<> Wood weatu. Ike house f‘ Uncle Fishing' ‘Puter flboeie* oee tvrMag last week amt , threw rueha, breaking the wmdonw and frightening the old e>ipte so (bet Uy heat • batty retioet through the hack door. The yriaag Mao, who ke reported to have beea aaeaiapaaied bp a party unknown, ea'ared the hotter, *et Are to a A'e of eewt patera, ahd finding U neb* Peter’* vim and prieate paper* consigned them to the Aaaie*. Me-the* left -the boaae X W Hall, eea-ie Uv df Mr. Blioder, is the Mean tiat* eaAie in. citlnguiabed the tame* aad induced the old tjUp to retura to the flonaa. Met long afterward# the yoeag mae atade a mated appearance, aod apoo at taatptJaf te reaeer bit aaaeyaaces aaa tred ■pay and npusded as arrerely that it waa Thrnghl pradeut not ta move h.a* eke* ti e sfife r cam with a warrant far hie . a ta*L Major Fart bee beea Beat tor by eaaef the partiea aod we aappoae an ia veetigatioa will be bed. Bler the above-wa# wrlttee we beeribet the yeuag mm hae abided the vifiiaoce of the guerd ead Made bia aaaape mi T ententes Tan —Wa troet no ooe will arena* ueof asyjag too ataeh if we aaaert rbat the Christmas The am Wedaeeday ojght wa* a greed saccaaa. flee b*ru u both | aeeate mi e'uktraa were gladdened! by the please rial of thet evening it it not ia oar power ta tell. We trtret aoae weal *eaf dtoppahMfld. Meeeea Mem the little X 9 n a berpMn ia a toe tep baggy.! . * H F- PARK, * (A? Sin is Clam waa in town last nigt w* apiwad lb* following description of tb* .>id aaiai, clipped trom the Atlanta Cona'i n’km. tb* benefit of Mcb ol oor littli eai'rn a* failed to catch t g'im| an of tb* amd heartod old geolieinan and ala tia> reindeer. Two little *jea that twinkle with ftn; A heard a* white aa kitty'* paw*; An old great coat aa brown aa a bun, And a big fui cap tird under bia jawa Alwy* m try. Light bcartrd and chert *, A jo'ly uld anal i* Santa Hoa ll<- itvea in a little old but at ifea North, AU through etch long, long Muamer day, Wheo ('hria maa wua> be veulurea forth, And inward* thr Month he htee hie* away W itb nice n*w I .ya K<l go-d gir. at and ly a, Aad ntber ibiiiga with which to plajr. He halour ponic*. an.) can travel eue night Ttir Taded S*la.ea all round and round, Tbry fly by or dor like a fiaah of light, Altd Wave a<) t ech on the in ran ground Their b.ioia beep time To aietgb *e-lb chime, A' wcinljf prancingiwt ibey bound. 11a know* a here all lb* good children live. And -ernrtjrt trtth'irhrmra he al wave net, And fifeuty ol tiling* to them Vll giv*— Doll baht* , ■ in.tM - top* ai 4 bow#; t Atiu *ll l ltlc gtrla, Wub golden cuil*, Lovea idd Sant* writh 111. Inti* no**. Aa r rg*nt lop buggy lor *•)* cheap' Ap Ito H P PAHU Ot.c** lo tba brwacW dear Itienda , once more. Tritu* iwo dollar* la advance. A* we ptib'.iah a full sheet tide week wr'vc concluded not to twue any paper cell week, our foretnau twin, dawirou*, aa be a*)a, ol ' .tailing hi* lt. * Having trreu alceut liom b moiber nearly a year, we lake pleaeure in graining the little trllow* r|ii*i and giving biut a wetk'a bolidar. ltcnnw —As the substnpilous ol sTtotit * hundrwd of our trfood espir* with thi* issue we a*k tkrtu lo forward at oo.* ami gl ul.ten our liwart with a New Year's pi vent . f two and. ’l ata. mid we’ll sen I them -be YletMCsToM ..iioilisr yeal. 1' they tail to do ibu c beg tbs', uu blaiuc wiil hr attached Ui u* ior l.tlure U> ruccivu <>ur ci ceTßiut jpajvrf, K. t,#w i.t'MUipny. WkU* youi baarta are m ryy anti plaaaui* and almowg wn aver) band, d.n t forget the poor. Hetnembrg ttirtw nil, yar, even uuto lit* editor, toiling early ntid fo* to mtMfsSer ui )<tilT piro.or. and u, - pruvament Ttama .miy two doilu* a ytai. caali _. - - ■ ■*■■■ i a*'' —— Kir atl.ttUri uumber ot lb* V IW>U Sfl'nH reari.e. our rradrr the year tbfa wilt b* uutubrrrd wt.h tit* yran belovs lb* fl otd ibh r< extaatag lb* tbteth id ol tb* saw ya.o n will Ira Welt tor ail Ur hittftpeor tb* o i. corelully it-Htog ail i'a errors, a> a* b> .■void nu lar no-lake, ia ik* luluia \ ltov„ aJi Ur- am* y. u'vt paid lb* printer, aud rt aoiv# m tab. nogniy t aper thr balan.t * Tour aaiwr.l i.le for mote it Ire Mu (iiva —A built biraerlf an •1- la U luiui ol an Utnig-ii. o' "it a juart Tilt tTuV-'l) of U< *tr* !uir . • trecieo i4* auaoinxi of autue liialttuCß akv nara pataiug t<y , they wall a (all W>|**d y.ewed iba budding vary critically Tie la e ver uai -ligu-(• iat 'loir curio • Iliad up lli* wiu-iue, pi t tin ii*ad ou I an i addrvaaed than* What du you ata id rbei* (ur Ilk*- a pack u( blorkliaada, gr. ug at uiy oWc* do Jr- U lak it lor a < bur< h I Kali, anawa'vd on* of ilu-ui, ! araa lb in • ao till 1 Mtw thi' d< Vil pot* bia brad • i( of tb • tady ! Tb Kingatoa U-wU *aya A g voile tnau aa trluuy ttt a very antuaiog anac- dot* oa a niuii-trr ol bit M t|Uaißlai>oa, b >, on •ovaiel oceastvav a bra called a to many peraou* and Baked bia prior would aaawer—'notioug, and becoming l rad ot vucii tr aiaavul decided oa anew plan. Bring called no to many auotkei couple, br didao, and lieu toe XT'ran approacred bint to know bia charge b< ana acred L depend* OB lb* iplal lly ol wila U e aiau get*. Fur aa ordinary wo man l charge $0 , lor a medium good uu $lO, and fur one tint la both beautiful aad good, I charge $33 " lb# groom com pi a aending the aituatiea, replied, “l Uiiak 1 ate# aa good and pctiy a wife aa any mas to bate'* your $33 " Tbr EJecsueoal Mi, which U* bera adopud in getaaiiwee ot the lower ilwaae of Congress, would materially atd ibe A(*te* in establish lag tree school systems, eed it nil Coagreaei >naJ iuterreuUos ea eetd the appropfUtioe ot tb< fund cm Id be prevented, it woe Id doubt Wa* prove a salutary measure. U aeu apart a certain porcou of tbs pxKUeds at the aalcs ot public lead* Is the public schools in the various (Mates aad Territories One-ball ot the aet pioceeua are to be distributed as b yn*r a the tha a ,T r uotiaa *a . Dm Uta of Ce utuUa, yu (be *M of popula tes be wars the ape* of tuar aad tweaty oae.pwrrided that lor the Aral Are ye is ibc Jmahailon w to be made spaa k p baaa of a umber* wbe caaoot read aod writs. The thstas are to baaa aharge at Jwn individual f. ada, aad the Hit, which a carefully guarded, waa draws, K > Mid, by Geo. V. Soar, after eumspoedeaee waa the adacatmwai uttoere f tha Taituas Biaua. lea up lo Fbday; UGi aaga TJTO; AJbnay umb e •** 1 General Item* Tear* of rag* And taortifleation coursed down the cheek* of a newly married lady in Nashville, recently, when ihe beheld tb* preemte given her by her father They oniMad of a wash tub, age three flatiron* and a col led i*m of Ashing disks* and tauee •*o* lt waan.A ibetr value the depieed >ut the meaning they conveyed. .Out. T. J. Smith, at Sand ravllle, while ising aometblag about bia saw mill laat vyek had ike miaf. r'une lo have one of bir land* badly mutilated by tb* aw. The injuries, Uowavar, will not nrccealtala am IHitallon. CoL Smith is matter of the State Orange .•f tb# Patron* ol Hraitaodry. CopLon't Oih TH,Scaima*4 —Two boys ware ftghttng a lew days ago, wjier a gralleman. taring tba larger one .pummel-, iajrfte Other rather severely,aeite.l him and pulled him Into Ida atom. The boy In a blubbering tone said, *IAok, he ha* given me a black eye,' and start ad to re attack him. ‘Stop saifl thegantlsmaa, ditlining" him, ‘don't you know ws are comtnandad by tb* Scrlptarea, when smitten on one' cheek to turn tke other T 'Yes,' replied the bay, .till blubbering, that would be a great not#; ibee I'd have two black eyes' The Newton county farmer* have fe so’ved to curtail the guano feature of Ui*it operations ecu year. Tb* wheat field* al ready prom ire well. An aged coup 1 #, one day this week, t ioued from the presence of aodta displM* ed offspring, and went to Marietta, aa<L la one 1 our iwomtpaat atoraa, the', twain war* mad* in * fl .e , Senator* J.tbn Pattsrson, of South Csrp. linn, end Simon Cuueroa, ol are about to report a hilt for the condign IHintshmenl of bribery In atactious, "There Is one good thing ah.nit nkbieS,** •ava a la>* traveler; ‘Hhev never *h*nj. If c have girl* of the pcrlo.l, men ol the worlil, but the baby is the same sell port teased, frarlea*. laughings aoracinut ItUlc. 'imtiiwA aniMn .all^counirlea," "Tour future htuband seems very atari ing. H* baa been stipulating ‘or all enrti of tlilnga. “ aaUl a mother to her daughter ' who w ■ i*o the point ol lieing marrltul ' "Never mind, timmiaa," aaid the affection ate girl; “the** ar* bit lost wiahea " According to a pr* Uy well poeler) Waab< legion corr#|M>n.leut, Usur.ial Uraot will ■■4 tv* candidate for a third term (for very grnml rra' u*) bni that It* will Inn etit Hfcirtary Hamilton Fish for tb* suMOssioti a i l fl ;lit it suit on dial lion. , ’ ~ -■.-v-Lq Santa <’law*, i* laying in bia CbrUuun*. •tipplfe* ll# Ircysnply rrf tb ia* who ver i*e In the newrt(raper, and It is nnder stnnd that he writ pans by tiit itorkim of *H bed Ibtle boy*, aapeclally thdta who •ay aa* word.and blow Un borne in tbe street, The lfew York Herald think* that f|m ner “want* in mak* a double UiamofOen. * Ain ora ty endftfi Civil Rig'di," aad a*k, ‘ Are thev not alomg enourh to travel alone and In alngl* harnaaaf" If the crack ml damnw'i whip la a* potent a* It uaually la. H I# probable bn wilt drive the tram double; - The r *rt ('on* mi tee oa Padartea repor 'ed a 'dll flitng aalariea of mciwHara at $3 800 to be la futt ofa't allowance* axoap* arual iadlvtdaal travelling axpyvaaa. atjl reducing all other aAtarlm that wera l creaaad, except Judge* at the ftupraam. Court aad President. '* Why except the Pteaidaat, who I* heUar paid than any other oflher of_ the govegn meal? The .ehuke would be too grant for tbe Hoyal Ulyaeea, The bill to go lato efre* MarchAth, 187*. A lady of S***n county lout bar bat by aomaalaffular'miabae while going to at* lead aervtee at Proetdaaea Chych. I act Sunday Mb* di I not make lb* diaorvery aatil gettlag hi church, whan ahe (oond only avail faetened to her hair. Tb* saw f**htna attract ad atieatioa-th* lady led 'cheap,'* and let lor home Qer ayrnfia* 'hieingbuabaod tall* theatory. Taairive a Cat*. —A country clerk had a pet ealf which be waa traioing up in the way# of tbs *a. The calf walked around eery peacaably usder ooe end of Ibe yoke while Mr. Oft held at- the other ead, but la an uafortunate moment the mao coo ortred the idea of putting hi* owa ne< k In the yoke to let the calf *er bow it would •sent to work wbk a partner. Ttiie fright eaed the ealf, aad elevating bis tell and voice, be *tror k a “dead r tailor town, aad Mr Clerk went along, whb hi* plug kat le hi* hood, atraioing every nerve to seep up, aad crying out et the lop of hi* tot oe “SUM we eonae, drag our Perl aotrl*; bead *, Voaebody !“—{ Marietta Journal Mrs Attorney General William* wa* wtaptamd wl ca, tea days or ao since be reoatvad m ala,ant bougast from President Giant, with km compliment* <„ the aomiaatioa of the Attorney General as Chief Justice. But while “the Preai deaf i-rttpoae* ike Bmate disposes," and it i* doeGfel wbe (Mr the power of the ad ministration in tha SeaeU, marshalled by Conk ting, non tncare tie aomieaUoa Sboeld William* be rejected or withdrawn it re*a*latobe**-*n whether the President win fall back aa bin original eboieeof Celeb Catalog. Blab boa beea ter C deb Aon its start, aad ha amy aad bia eventful life as CUM Jamies of tha Uaited Males pat. But sour Wntlimi * <3 *•- —* " Hnaarcu. T-" ■l| ■ m , , . | —M MoOJtB—PLOY I)—Mairled la Uawte county on tbe lflth uiL, by ll*v. J. W. Me Uckac, Mr. M.rb T Mc6e* sail Mies Bea trice A. Fiord. Accoinimnying the above notice was-a larg* cask*; ah exceedingly large cake, baaniifulfy iced and tMtrfuliy trimmed, ci>nt wining tke follow tag m'se :■ Mr JUUar : Ton will please accept tke. hi ideet regard* of the above pailtee sad tbe cake ac dm pa ySdg: Of course w* acdbpied, tasteil, yea, tl* of "it, ami in rat urn witi tb* hspt>y couple “row/ gaily trof tog#, her in doabl* barn***, pulling whrea-t o'er life’s riigged path the ckrt of duty,” XoCflUtjhMißflfll MWtioWA, W Aar* did yau did gat nil thus* niue coohcUoSerKw FmdkT At 808 ADAIft • Nice Thim.h— Call on me and examine iny flue lot of .candies, apple*, onmgea, PW* r S torpedo**, flrc-cnu'kcrr, oysters, cracker*, jellies snd other nice things suited b> the ecaeon. J, H JamtELt. •Miwrc G WrfAdair.J. B. Wallace, and (1 (’. iLinptock, Real Rstate Agents of Atlanta, having been notiflent by Meears. Hemphill A Cos. to proeeed witb tbeir duties a* I'oramiuaionem, publish a card appoiat- Ing the flOth ol December (Isat day orlfl7f) for the award of prvwenl* to thaanhacribeis of TH* ATLANTA CfHISTITUTION, seas wot to Interfere with the Christmas Uwltdays. HemtihiU A C<>. anaownce that •uWitpiu.ii* will tie raceived up te that day —the Bhh. Now Is yhir chance. Stnglwaubicribers and club# have two more week* lor securing 0 ft' Cards BvbWkit* Bob Whits Smoking Tobauco j* Hie finest that any market can prod tier: Kept and sold by R D Atuts. Music School. i Tbfmndyt.vtgned desire, to return thanks for ibu p.H.mage an ih*Mlt'y eiU micd her ik U>* past, and reepecituUy solicit* a £unHuu*nc* of the tuuue for the nest yang ijh# will open at bo >1 t>u tbe 3d Monday In January, at h r reatdafree, (wbara L. M. .Adam., K-g., now residua) at $3 per month. No fharg* ft* umr ol inyirutuuuL Three Jeasou* given per week. Mna* fl. Adamn. ThfllsatOsU , .Wlnafow and Br-ckwilh have dissolved Aupartnenivip, sr>.| *• all accoltau are n.-w ,r|ue suuh as sr* ijrjt settled by tke let ol lab**. will lie plnced in Ihe band, ol r^vl ir-. ting offl.ais. Call and seifle *1 once. : • • : Jhwflre ■ —> —■ —— * P'of Wm. WKLIJf dcalrr* |b* ciifaanr of Ore* ifllle, aad Mcriwetbar county US know that lie I* prepared to repair and tuu* Plano*, Organa. 4a, ao aa t give #•- Of* aailefactbin, ll* i* alao agent lor tb yelling of l*l tno* and oilier muaicul iaatru ment*. Old Piano* taken in exchange for new one* at reaaonahl* price*. Order* foi work or imrrjiaa* of. inelrumcot* may ka direr ted to bit* at Hewnsn Oa. - JK*W*b—JWIW’WI **■■■■■ ■! ■ s===== vonczL All payaona Indelited to tb* uadarvlgnad tor aiirip work for tb* yaar 187* will Anil i hylf note* and account*, on and altar tb* lat pf Hoveimtrar in tbe baada ol Jobs L. itibarVion, E*g, who la my autborixad ageat and attorney for making collect km* and aaUJement*. Mr. Robartaon will be fenergliy fouod at my Mora. In bia ab mnea debtor• will pica** call on Mr Arthur rfoMnton. o*4- HR HARRIA. I'atvcnai Llfc Iwmranca ram- PM^v Tbe reartera of tbe YntOKATon remem ber tb* tragic death of Clifford Woodruff io September I eat. Tbe recall* below •bowr that tb* Uaivaraal Life Insurance Company la a great benefit to widow* and orphan* 'a each unfortunate caaa*. Let all y daur# in ttfla cempawy. k will be pleaeed u> wait oa all parttaa at nay time. V. L. Homo*, Agent, Mogabevi'le, oa. ~ Received from tb* Univeraal Life Inau ranee Campaay $1000; la fall payment at a'l claims under tbe policy terminated by be death of C*lt*rd Woodruff Deademana Woodruff VoUm. The B lok* Notes aad Aecnnnt* of Har ris A Adame baa Men placed In the hand* rl Jclto L. Bobvrteoo E*q., lor collection. We earnestly aak all who are Indebted to t’te Firm to call on oar Attorney aaa tasks settlement*. I Mr. ftohartanamny ha foe ad stonily se the store ofH. R Harris. H. H. Harris, 4 B Adsms- hcHoob ffortec.—The aa* of the school 'oom, which ha ha* nccapiad fur the past idee years, hae bean granted the uodcrahraed lor aao*Uv year, aad be wil! open school aa Monday the lath of Jaa uary, 1A74, with the sense rates *s lest year Y‘t aeariy Alteen yearn a genera js pub lic baa horse with ear errata, aad ~ flal| ed as with a liberal palreeaga. For Uii* we leader those laiialgah* thwda ear ai ea* thank*, and reaped ally solicit a coa liaueaee of their fiivurt the neat year.— Profiting by the experience of the pod we 'Btafl en leaver te Aeairvw the approtrai of iB. *"** * W,T Rnrtu, OBLOt ftnA - " . SBfI©ASS*A BWANBON Ar SON. - • -w 4 ~w ... • )H * ‘ • • taaOA HATH ON BARD AND ABB RkCIIVINa LAUVKIoi ol Fresh Gr*mi**,Dm prtSlsfl t .. fCat List’s C R. Bulk Sidca, r< •* limits Sure nor Brand* Flewr, 0 000 !ba Beat Bugar Cured Hama, 00 Him* Sugar-. A. H C IVmarara, Tobin and Navarm, 400 Tierce* and Kegs “O A." Lard, ,11*1*. Boots and Shoe*, Sad die*, BrnUss and tlarnssa Ttas* wk* ar* ludabtad to us, w* raflnsst cordially t * com* forward and Stall*, a*one necessities orsgreal I *1 those who sr* tart*tiled lor Quaso As preparad to stall* prosnptiy < BW4JVIOV Jfe SOS, LOOK ! LOOK / i TO ALL I HAT! G*acl*d*d to dirid* tny Boai area I will koap on band at my old stand, on tko Sontkwsta corner of Lb# 9 PUBLIC BQUARE AW. MIXM OF FAMILY OSOOEJSX SS SUCH At Mas). Corn. LH4UOHB, TOBACCO, LaAlTac., 4>C Wbtub. I Will altaud to myaoli; find wbara ail wbouw# mo for pag| aootaiaU, now due, Win *•> ma randy U ■*** tw •.ua, winch tnuai Is* tloua, or limy will awti Usew auhouuly gnu uuios Vanatorod to au Ait at nay tor collect 100- • A v ** * On ih* a*t aid* of b* Dm ImildlM kanwa a* Bart Adamr oo*, mr ■Englaad, tny agent, will beap-aU kind* of domestic uogn i. CONrECTH>NERIIMi BOOTS aad HiioEß, UAKDWAHR TUBS, WILLOW WARE HAlb t-Al'S. Ha will a’,*o;*lUadt* tba ruoioojura oallbmt, Ready aad willlag at all UaM* to Inha LIFE XJ9UE PZCTUmn ' r ' - • r 'I Prom M i-eniv np U> S7O JOHN 1. Kill TTLEc B. DEWIEKT °>D FELT/OWfi* H4 r i( ' * ' c*e aa j * i * Vi i K* ' P •> hand- * Pill llae at DRUGfi FWTCHT MBDICIMBd, WIMDOW |k , ' > ,• * ! Ohm, FaieotOto, ghamleaii, aad Receipt to cempgaadiafl #u nee’s, egual te other Com mercial Fertiliser*. At lem than half them cost. taraJsbsd hi nay qaaatiiles. UT I m FRTB STOCK FOW£>fi ami HHfchS.LLfI IIMMOT, a*jparial% iy. Tie' flock pflwdara era oaa af tbs,' vary bast rat dial to prevailing bone thdy, lOeueia’ fo-vch of Hardware. I .ock* of eeerv deerriptma, ■ Pocket end Table Cutlery, Blat-beniiiU * Hamtuen and Tong* tlnoa. f***tola and Cartridge*, Bimp Hinge*, Butts and Screw#, Hollow Ware, * great variety, Wooden War*, world wit boot sad ( TH* i y t 1 j IH.DJkWKI.RY and fANt'T IHMlfl ~ s? * I? t y - —— — — Ot LaUrcage, Beergia. ALBERT Uant t|r f •AncTmp eroc* ar V * W-- imiMt AMO ruiT aauw 1.. w. . ' * ■■. Ttasxfl flag, u sort, e , &*?*:** '* Watakes <un mam sod KayrwflsdSwuA fho td*did <Md dad Bllm Watch, Chan* OLOOKS. * k - •OUO ULTRA TAILS WARS t .1 at all Mad* aad atyiaa,. •> Prunt fb* vary ranowaaS makara, RDPRPR I’OOORItII aad Ml ORBS WOtTFE I t 18. REFAIMNa! I am dill inpsir'>h( at! feeds ia my Uan Too tnaay dtiaaaeo? Meriwether aad ad |< >ining cosaiiaa haws lam ad my mark to teqmie a word Irani me aa te the abends <4 h. I will, however warraal aQ my work, if property need, as l bars always Joan, aad rmyertlaily aak a eaotiaaaa of the palraaaf i have laadved tom my it leads ks Ifiartodher. tet}4 ly ALBERT LEHMAN. l SL WHITE, of Q Min, <ia, ; • •• ■/, Wtdfl ii * _ ‘ '- ' Hint ionriuT M—’■ flklfia * Mto a. VTA A • Broadway O* .m gn, Twk, -vijeev a. arar. uvanurr a