Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vlndio^toc
VOL. o.
1 tow site ef !he C ourt Hons*
l<nt A4vet-IKiM*.
gear* II |4 wk|S n.r>J6 mo: 1 vcai
1 inch I 1 Art 1 2VV4 W. 7 00 1 12 IX*
* inch.!-* j 1 VI i 5 (XI NO | 101X11 1,1 (XI
use Ires 2 001 S (Xl|lo 00|n.00 21 00
j oil I 1 (XI 10 (X) * 20.00 _2l 001 VI (XI
4 cnl !T 00 11 (XI i 21.00 1 WOO 00 t<
1 col I1000!20 00 I 25 (X) i 60.00 #IOO
fjg- A litier&l deduction tuvle to those
h \ v*rf faltur !>v lUr iivantK or %t**r
MtY • A. J lllm-e
&IIF.HIFF <> ft .Florence
t.'LKKR ft. C -• W. H Keller
TAX KKCICIVEIt rt.ft. Cements
TREASURER. G i Anthony
Hl/UVICYmt O. F. Miff hews
CORONER John K. June*
CO t’ NT Y COM Ml ss II >N K lift.
It. A. Chunn, Aron ftihlev.
J, iUcves, K Buchanan,
Allen 1!. Wa'soti.
s<dnr W. Dark, W J Barnes,
X al non Hi'cvcs, H. Ar Parker,
A. It. Freeniau fteC.
(‘KNA i'oH •to*ITDWHct,P It TireiW
; i,u B. !l*q**r. Jamc- W. Tailor.
~..■. ■ 1 " •
/\ t i >iim ' ‘ tl.l I-. <i.
rti’l prst 'e hi Meriwether ami the ad
omliif 4t*'t'li w -
tt min P i a r i \ v‘*
* \ itHK ► N V 11. I> . ( A.
AH !.m>!*••* c< i -1* 1f tlr imo
f\J I*' pr-mpilv mil f lliln'U
1) li K 1 I 11,
a ITORNI 1 \T I- tW
Will imi'lf in Men.! liter ami (le
.. In; r,ct.ll-lfl C'ln'llt,
A ( t 1.0 j I), D i' ft-
I I- ID) SI DIN n'l .
1 a i*triri nyii i.' ,< *
Tt-f m. Oih 4*l k Wai-otcd,
im i, it i, tion,
t . vFFK.II ‘ to-* "r .0 **.■■■ i
* / tile |* 1 1 h * I (Til e wC ll *I * I l,
IK ’ r ‘ V*i'v. *iV
i Y I T'l’ll ft 111- Pfoj'-" l , *<ml* , t' |ei' In llji
" *i (iltri nt G-eenvdle ami vicinil y.
rwr om.* i o. J. Ami.oii) a tv* uni
i...,, .. ,m
, IMV El.lll ami I Y M V 1011 l
Of Isf-inur. (ji.'i'i:ii.
I I A * lull', an ! -ll hl''Xi ~i w) mi
i * hami : j.r. ..; -i .. 1 ~~r -I.:. ct
ry J—bli. 4.'ugj_Ja-ltimil itl I ~
w i |o 'i 11.1 kii a I"* i iw
J .MLLin AND LiM V < ixy c
* } *f itg, in -|mft pf 9
iff' MUUI hml hllVtM
’ m e ♦>•, *4 iin i► l <
4 . * H ’ r i'' l f*<l huvrr W Clihiii
<>l ii i, maker* anti pm. *
'4*l.t r** *ll.l *ll hind* <>( hoMem; (inl,t
Stiver A .u*d H.-dlacb*.* A Ky i/u Yf
P)\.\M f*lL\ y *( TAlIi-K WANE
Silver Plt Wajre
l an kind* air! W.) !■ *,
r* krt. Twltlr * Ml !<-*. AKixor*
l<v III* * r jr renowned pufkfr*,HshKl'l
iNffxiKu* and <o i/moy. wo kten
I am -1)11 .•e(air(n* alt g.tttti* In mj iinr
fTv> many citizen* of Mdrrtvether nn( ad
j'MiiiiJk' CMBtiaa Uav* tested my work to
r- .(litre a word ,roi me a* to tl*e Charac
ter of it. 1 will, however warrant all my
*<k, if prop*i!y use J, an 1 hare always
t"W, aod raapanfall> **k a continuance r,
tie [itrona-e I hare received. from m
. ! nu#d* in Mt/itattber
If If I Can't he mad.- by orery
'*) eraty month in the busiues*
• furaisU, bet those willing to work can J
■.m'lj •* * dotfco dollar* a day in their J
own iocalitie* TU?e up room to explaiu 1
her*. Unarm-** pieaSapt and bo ,rab • !
Women, and boy* and suru do a* well ,
men. We wifi yon a complete
’hutn tree The btuioesa pr.y* batter i( t in
nytbQg eh* WtfwiP bear expense, oil
lai'ing you. I'ariicular* free WYrte and I
see. batmen and mechanics, their l
and daughters, stud dam In seed of pt)-
yjl noth at home, should nrite to a* anj
ieara all about the wot* at ocee. .Now i
:fet time- jis! delay. Address Taut
jt-Co Aogaste, Blaine.
Tom Darcey, yet a young man, UaJ
eion to be a wry haul one. At heaf:
he riiglit have ticen all right, it hva head
• nJim will hat) been right , hot theaci Ih
ing yvu)iir llie w hole machine was going
to the twi very, lirbitfih lliere were
:lines w hen (U hert lei', soiaetliin; ol its
■ ild trulhlul yeirnlitga Tmft lost his plae.
as I.,reman in the great machi ue shop, aud
whatmouey he now earned came l oin
dil j bs ol tinkei.n ; which lie was able to
do, lime and there, at private houses ; tor
Tout was a genius as well as a mechanic,
and when Ins head was steady rtinugli he
could mend a dock, or clean a watch, as
w ell as he coni I set up and regulate a
steam feßg;ne—ami this uutr he could do
twtler 'haii any other man ever aniploy. cl
by the Scott Falla Mauulacluriug Oompa
Ojo da* 't'um hail a job to mend • bro
ken mow lug inacliii# and rrMper, lot Which
he received lie dollar* j and on the pl
-towring monitag be stalled mft to his o’d
haunt—the triilagc tavern, lie knew that
liu two little(dliiUlru,i were-alia ilulelv iu(-
termg from want of clothing, and tlml
morning he held a debate with the Lette,
part ol lilniadi, lint tile lieltef part lia.l be
isnne very weatf and ah iky, and tUu >i<
mo i api>etitp carried Htr 4 iy.
ft,i away to the tavern Tmi went,
when-, t ,i two or tiuee hoilrs, he fell the
cxhila* allng ellecj* ol the aic ill die and anglij
and ianclcd In,used b Hl*y, as he could
attic and lan;h , liu*, a* us’:a ; , sftljK-lacl .tt,
set in Kiid the man died but. lie dtank
while lie io dd tiaud ami then lay down
ptn —a—corner, tvh, iv ii a —cumpani fi, —b-tt
! him
! |( WIN Intr U't'lvf, Ulillll^lll,
; v%htn tlitj I gi t* 1 h>**h wifi* t aim into Uh
;Im Iu >m l> M* V i.ikl k• •; \ lit J ll|>
Ml • ftli** i >l< N!kV '* 1)1
I*. Ilf, Mil Mlu\ !•♦ hi it ptr tMUIf til '
wfiy il'Hfi't y*i ft n I (It J i**iMt*rh | r Tmii
nh‘ > flu Im hf*m
fOtil -li U* < 4 **! ) I ’f .
ft Mil'll Kti|H'Utl|.>l| \v 4ft MH S Mil) l slrf,*.
• Iff* 4-44 H !♦*•*! U*U |||H l*M 4*4 1 H lit) UiP
(■rxUiiitf of I • limits l-htf st'ini* hW t>
h••*/* rtil* ik< m i H< ii *4.1 an u Mli* I"Vm f*• r
l4ii <iitf not luip t!> j hiuMrfl. 1"
’ ii t yt*(• r*• IV i r Tin Imi :itl lmiu If l'H!
| mii>l Hit* uiilf!*n !.lU*i 1
|U * s'* *441*1 In* won fi*r, Vavilin l l * u*
Imt' U| wm .h llt rimy vft x|hiN!*r who lan<l
dll lj<ill ft if IF Uk4 M'lfi III* k I >4.* \
Irt J* \ ti'.t l A fix' Ii 11..! p.h’l Iff! *V< I til* ylx
♦ \ 4>l th i util 4il '> ti* im t I4M* til m .if l (I
I ♦ aiirfi tl Vii* wil t mi imp itlcui
j tump ti, ttrr for-;
H fi, lt • ftv 'Hi '* c*n ii‘ i*y, Lt*f Mm
avkl J *1• |m i H li,*To'c It*
turn f '| | iv*- Ilf kflfl) I til (lit*
l* ,f . fti" Hjlc III*4V IHVr tli UuaU.
W Mil h Fiolf t,J ,t riHp It 1<) flirt.rtf
<t|y, dtl4 U '• - V IliUllA ,|'i I * .f|*
iiMm) Ii >' if*H II IP • -14
Al', T-#rii, \uyno ± W7i'.T~f
V' •
I in n mu r up and It tve s w srin glas*.
N", I'l-n.r, i won't linns suv ui i, : j
I l nil I h’.HI v, 1 y Qua , !s-r.
Ii nos u w n't ssnj 'l 'n, h nion ti ; u,• j
ni- c >( by the oui* hut'oa lull. 1 know it
wr.nT. “
Anti with Hits lie <nt out in<" the dull
of o, inntidgliL XVI im lie hal go' nvyay
Ir in Ills shadow nl U |k sLop(M and
and looked up s' llie wtu'*., sod then lie
to ked down iifs"l liu earth.
, A) r. Uc muttered. alluding hu he h in
iln- i m ini i* Ukiu.; the ker
nel ami pool .mini (he worthies* hn*k—a
hiik I'.'/if than w. rtiili* ! an<] J am help
j Inf him to <td it. J am NUini my ai e of
i y, robbing >uy children <4 honor anil
mi ii fort, tt’h'nn’ uty-elf of lore aud
llh —)n-t that fete* Tinder itiifjr ImV* the
j ki-rutl ami klleti the bnk I t\e’ii *ce !
I* *j< a reveiati-u. to the man. Tte t
j i ni keeper * Intel . ineunt not lor hi*
ear*, had OHne upon hi* u nae* < fell tlie
mice ol tin It wen ijfie Man 1b ml ul fat
We'U ace t he replied, wiling hi* hoi
firmly npn lire giouod; and theu lie
wended ha* way homeward.
On ihc ksiivwkug ipci'uiog he Mini to hi*
Litem hare you any cuflu; ip Was houae ?
Ye, Torn. Him did not tell him f|mt her
mV;! had given it to her. Kbc nji glad
to hear hitn aax far coffae lunlead ol old
i wi.fa you would make me a cup—good
and rtrong
There a< really m uic 'ti Tom’* voice
aod the taiieMt about ttie work with a
ftraxige Jlu'.ter at the heart.
Tom drank two.cups oML*. Mronz fra
grant C'lffee.vnd then went out—-with a
r*nluu; tiep, amt taike<l alra'gh; lo the
great manufactory, wtrete he found Mr. the uWot.
Air. Scott,! want to ;eam my trade over
*rin. _
J£h, Tom t Wlial do you mean
il mean that it’* Horn JDarcey, com*
back ho the old place, asking forgiveness
for the |a*t, and hoping to do hetiei in iu
Xons' cried the manufacturer, starting
forward and grasping his .hand, are
you io varneM 7 1* it leatly the old To(n?|
Lj what is left U Win, rr, sad we wi.l |
have fdru wUeie aadeuoug.ityou will on
ly rat him at work.
AVvrk ' Ajc, Joui, ap J Jv.te jou, .t*ao!i
There is an engine to lie Mil up khd tested
to-dav. Come with me.
Tom's hands wore weak and unsteady,
but his brain was clear, and under his
skillful auiiertlaion ile engine was set up
an I leafed, but it was mil iverlcct. There
were ims'sk"t Ue had lb correct, aud it
was late iu the cyenlng when the work
w as complete.
How is it now, Tom f asked Mr, Scott,
as he came into the testing Ip' l '-*®
loun l the workmen ready to depart.
Sire is a'l right sir. You may give your
warrant without fe ir.
God bless vo i, Tom I Y nt don't know
how likis sw*t music the old trnlcS sounds
Will you take your place again f
WP till Monday morning, sir. if you
will offer it to me then, l will take it.
At the little cgtage. Ele i DarccyV
tiiPUirina heirt was sinking. That morn
mg, alter Turn had g me, she louod two*
dollar bt'l In the in‘tie -enji. Stic had been
wilt and bought toa ami sugar an 1 ■ >ur
and hu tor, a bit of tender steak, an I all
day <**•> a ny ol light had lesen dancing
and glimmering bet o'# lut--,i ray from
me iiiwl lislit ol oihsir day*- tVith pnv,
ef i ild ho|* she had set mil the tea table,
mid vyaitrd, hut tu< sun went down mid
no Tom came. Fight o'clock-and almost
tttic. <>ti, was ft but a talse glimmer afto
nii r
Hark the old sb p 1 quick, s'rong oagci
f.u home. 1 os, it was Turn, w iili ißfl old
grime upon Ids hands mid the odof ol oil
upo t his garments
! hate licpf you tyatling; Ncl'l .
Tout I
! didir’t mi ni to, hut the work hunt!
nil '
Tom ! Tom ' V m have Ihvii to tuc old
sli p 1
Vi s um! J am to hxy.c tA* old |ilic (
mi 1
O , linn !
And she til■ cvv It r nulls around lilsnccU'
n,l i "Vi ted Ids taoe w ith klsaca,
Nellie, diilmg, wall a little ami yo"
st,all hvc Hu, "Id Tmi hat k agsl
On, Turn, l'v>: got him ii >w -bless tilin'
bless him ! My si* u Ton t my timsband.
my dailmgj
Ad Hun Turn D.ticy ruali/.cd Hie lull
(towel avl b)*,vdus**i" nt woman's love.
It Was a banquet ol llie gmli*, w-ss that
suppet ol the hotiiseliold gods all
-with the h'ighl angels ol |a>c,j and love
end joy spieisWug tlietr wings over the
<)n the |,dlowinr Monday morning, Tom
I )un ey res" uied hl pla< e at the load nl
tli 'ton hiy knj' V him It id no fi'ir id his
.ning back I alp t||i' slough nf J lyli'.snc-s,
A lew days later Tout met Peter 'I indei
on iin In it.
Eli. Tom, old boy, nlmi's up ? .
I am up i iglit *1 In tin.
I••", I TANARUS" , hut J hope you havc i’l lor
•akeii us, '# nii l (
I have loi.skun ~uly *he e-4i yon tiav
-m si. an, Pulut,—Tl.e f .c' is, I eonuiMded
my lh and tin Utile ones had fed on
h i k • long enough, ami II there eras a km
net in my heart, or in my innnhoou, they
ti miff Invent. -
An. you heard what 1 said to my wile
timl night ?
1 . p tor, m l | slm'l hr nulelijl lo
iiUl and It ft* t .Oijurt tIV“. Mv rmiTfßT
hrsnee of you will always Irr relieved lyi
'lint tinge ol as' inth siiyl l,.Jghiue*s. Ne-
Tier- .W.yftl’a Dog. Hurgewiif.
Tint atorv romoa to ns nil tti way from
Vlo* the Wilt on. jt I*'|Vlit top good to
b<- lost
It *n dnrlng-the Kra.iiv ■'Prnsrian wur.
Rargeant was a grent, strong-llinlied, clmn
*y fellow not patllcularl/ handsome or
dfshdetlly ugly, yat with a gleam of intelli
gence shioipg down In htfi.tlierwlaa sleepy
eye*, and a itectillar upward carriage of the
bead wliK.-h insrWed H.rgemit at once a* a
dog far above the average.
The drurn-m tjor of the regtn ent was *
eaiehair, good-pit P red old t recrhinsn,
loud of his pi|ie slid medal glaa* whit his*
lellow cfficers, tint iondel *lill ol tin; di*g,
rtargeanf, who fapi'g propntl the major like
bis fhadow, content only when led from
the lukJirr’s plate, or glten a friendly pt
Irom the major'* hand.
hftri4<-nV wu a.regular aut-and-ont aol-
Jii-r. llk wan w hrawe and determined •
any in the jeg i merit. lie wm someth lag
of a hero, too. He was ftfat to warn the
ca..ip of the *p[ir'>';li of the Fruasian cav
alry, when the diowny aen’inels had (alien
aaieep on duty, and there waa po one to
guard the caaap hot Ka'goaiit. Jtfravc dogl
he waa oo the alert He gave the warn
in ft hark jeat ip time. The French aol
diery spian/doaripa In a'o.iayuut. Witb
a deaVmng shoutad ringing war-cry of
La fVlir y raooe, they charged info the
trndat of the approaching enemy. Victory
aat upon their banner*. Than upon Bar
gcaot had hi* bravery recommended to the
general. He, the general, waa pr.'lecti>
enthuxiaatic He forgot hit jigoiy an far
aa to shake the braee leilow \jy the paw,
at whtcb wonieWut mark of oondeary-a
aiop aargeant no Med bin head "pprqringty
and yave a knowing wink. Tito general
ordered hi* eupe ppt oo the rolL A col
lar with the name and coat of arm* of the
regiment waa.placed ahont hit seek Al-'
together, FArgaaot waa 0 per ion age of
much importance. He now marched >io
regular order with the leg iuivut .evgry
whore, always keeping close at the side of
the ensign bbo bore tUo colors, which It*
had disticguisli amid a huadrod
others. L,
At length on# day Sargeaul l uad him- J
sell in th ifttsist of a ii rr.c ougkgemrnl.
The eurigi wu soou surr.vumled Ivy ad -
lasthinciil.Jj Uio euatny who bore ihiwn
iqw'ii him. He dclende-1 bi cinnli>’*
banner to the la-’, Wb* n taken from him,
its silken were crimsoned wPh the
heart's hß**i of life brave young fellow,
who '.ay With his blue ej w uptnrnesl to
the miltn#rifle*, dwd / Sargeanl saw the
colors he knew and loved borne awray by
the exultiny Prussian*. He once
'o lue rescue, dust then a tempstsUnf grape
•hut tore wroia tlie (laid. The trinrffphant
Prnssisna ytr# l.nrlfsd Ivki ausmlty, and
ftargeaot lii tpnd up from a cloud ol sntdke
and dust with one paw missing. Them lay
the n*?,with Hie at ad still clasped betw en
the of fhe bwrty soldier.
discmgagnD, o*t the aokliet held it in his
death clasp.' Finally Bnrgewat tore the silk
from tlvs tuft aud made his way back to
eamy, limping, bloedir.g, but waived In
the crimson folds of his wiqtitry's gmrlons
el*>r. How i(m nftlcera Wkso-d llitir
swords and the nine cheered till the very
vault nl heaven rang again a* the wound
ed here Imtped luto their midst and laid
tl.e Freeh eolors at t.lso I net ol Ida general.
Ol course,, the major was proud and Jnb ,
Hunt ; id c*yr, bu gave SargcifL'it a ilnr. in
approving puts, aud of course the general
wa in"te then fSV'huslastic.
'foil, how did it nil end f The honors
lieapc 1 iqi Its ftnrgeaiil were enough to
un ti the bead ‘4 airy 4 -g less mini-ildfc than
hi, lie was pminitnl In due style. lie
w.* no liiiiuer s ;irwle be was an .ttfrer t
HU old coilhr was taken ad a*d a bunutl
-1.1 gold medal Jun g alngpi UU neck. The
gem ral InKfcti is lti-crl| tiou placed upon
fl :
•' J'hf herv ,*4i ryuaU, i tho 101 l n i r*e in'
Aw nmutry’i wri'u'*, mol I'onrfil knntflj
iriii f/i*>4y ukilt rnr./jy lh* i-olori of hti rnji
lilt's WuH’lded piW hoilln I quickly
He lived lo limp through many nl the
sharpest eU](Kgeiilentl of his ruglimu't, to
Cover In m-dl vs it li continued ghiry, hut on
hlie d> field dft a ouiiiioii ball swept
111- brave let ow Into oblivion. Ilia re,fi
nieiii give him a soldier's hiV'lid, "and more
than oil* ttfsr .iropped Iron hroi.twd
cheek Huff dsy on Hargoaut’s new ly-madu
•In JH.iW-ttl tl WHS I* hl|l*“*'-
A Hiipill in n with a lia'ehel laeo, on
"lie s| le o( wlili h w s a large swelling,
ealled t Hi” police office li. gju. Frpm isen
me day la ely a id inn ilrud :
What can you do lo u mail Hint lifts yon
and rajM S a tump like ibil?
Have him Up lor batlerv, If he struck
W illi Ills Ild. ll lie ,aiuiukd >MU with u
oiilbi y-H* mUffd-ui.ikn h*S ,'|ll oiUo4U, re.
plied Hie ollicinl in cliargi'
Pretty bad Igcv, alitH H f said llie small
Pietty good well, ns-elited the official.
How did you get (' f
Wall, said tlie snmli, 1 Mil in to
tske a swim at Jtiurtli heat h n little while
nml the vratet was cold and n little
rough, ami somehow l tell I going
down, and hollered. A UigdSihtw on shore
yelleii to inn to kei(> sliont, and the;, threw
otl Id* clothe* *m! *wsin out to me. kotl
tsn Just hut, mis'er, I lial a close npieak
When the big lellow got bold of me I was
w e) tg star* and drinking silt w ater, and I
Jo>( grabbed >the man Ihu uerk to
save my*ell, gpd Wi* went down togWhor,
I was out art wind and had to lot go, aud
|gt Idled up *iiielioir. Now, wnu'd you
tielieve H, mister, tlie minute my bead
come atiove water, that trig brute bit me a
fearful Wow nglil htga on the ci.evk leine
—me„ dying, a* yopouW*t wyb 1
never liner jpf such y ynwre u( ururlty.
Did you f
. Well, impilrei the ofllcia!, wlial happeu-
t next f
Ch, said the small map. ten fatly palling
In* swollen j'sw wilb his iiaodkeroiiief, 1
timin'*. The brute knocked roe out o' my
senses. VYils* 1 corpe ,to myself
.1 wg* l*ymg on tlie sand,
and as my In ad leel* sore, 1 U|c
f><** I was poitwi in by the hrir. The
crowd was .diskin' tlie big brute |iy the
hand and |ipldifig opt flask a-to him. Just
as *.jop to, J■grrt.Hyr *H*ugVb h'lji mi,
chrthre vn.d lit out lor.bkre to have ll ai
woiuidrel arreeted. Me might settle though
mighn’t lie. if I wa* to bunt bitn up snd
let him know that 1 meant to put him
through ?
Two minute* alter ward the smalt mao
was rulibiog himself ou Kearney street
with a startled expression, sod oorpplaiu
ing to son.e citizens that-it .was au oglragv
dial a ipnii shop Id Ui (inaptly Usiiu at
North beach, and then kicked out pi the
city had wbtu’lM irqpt to complain jtbout
it. ' i
All BtbUss are diminutive Cafe tin, aince
Urny come, they **, they conquer, aorat
timea by tbaif geo tie (til I near but ofiener
by continued ahd nproariopa crying in-'
duced by Colic, Teething, Flatulence, etc,
Ur. Boll'a Baby Syrup by ,il jjetjUi; yet
tpeciSr. hiflueawa <|g*la the little one*
without ever luast tqjuriooi
itdect. I’t/Oe pnly per.hpit:*.
How XMinniy Wits tHivd.
Our 8 immv was a very bov. but
lie was o'.l eno*r;h to k'rnw he ought not
! io pin Itis into the sugar-howl so often.
Hfishlc*. liis mother ha l add til tlim more
than once:
Sfannuv, don't take any more sugar With
out I Bive you leuiil.
lint, like many oilier children, lie did
not always mind when Ins mother was on',
ol sight.
ll was one ftu inner wherj
were very plenty. They t ime in Hie liouse
and crselvif alruut into al) tu umcr ol
II you were reading a now paper yon
might expocl, when you turned it over, to
And a caterpillar on the other side ; or ii
you took your hat down to go tor a walk,
It was safe to shake out the Caterpillar be
lore yen put iu on.
One night, at tea timv, the rest of the
family had all ieH the tab's before Hammy
climbed down from the high he
happened to be ieU eJuu# In lie roem a
few momenta.
The augar-bewl was in reach, and as
quick aa thought, lie popped in Ida llllle
dirty hand lor a lump of sugar : and Just
then he Ivuard his tuutbkr coming.
Now It happened that a caterpillar had
got on te the table and into the sugar-bowl
unvecn by anybody, which was not at all
strange that year, and as Hammy anatclied
out lump, the caterpillar oatne with it.
Hut iu hi# hurry he |Mipptt twill into Ids
mouth, not t ‘pping to look j and in try
ing to swallow the attgar quickly, both su
gar iiin,l c vlespillar stuck in hi* throat. (
tyby, Hammy, what is the matur 1 ask
ed Ilia mother, as she came in.
Hut ftsmnty could only cough and clthko
till his nose bled : and ti'ially he vomited,
which cleared out the caUtrpllDr
knt the bristles whidi ,v/ero left In hi
throat made it sole lor a long time; blit
tl ere was no turllr-r trouble with ftaunny
and the spgar-l> iwl. Youth't t'omjxinian.
J)er nfuUtlf.
y.ilgo time siiice, on one ol the Hndsou
rivi r boats, a In ly who hud attracted much
ntletillim lor the m isculluo turn ot her man
nnrs all ) conversation, was sealed at the
table upp'witu a gentlumau, who, in taking
some Inittur, in llie nbsenco ol the usual
Unite, used own, sfliich the lady ob
serving, called alou‘,l, VV,,Mt® Wiyiler i
Wall lad bring another plata of ImtUM ;
dial man (pointing to the geullemau) had
Ins kmis m this.
>uv moiiiiiiiisit; wigui aunoat sank uu
der the curious unapt ol the company, lult
snid nothing, dotermmo J to watc(i his (jp
iiorinqiiy lo tclpru. (orflin cruel iiiorlillua
li in, i jiaugo iii licr I.wp cnl'i. Ibj wsip.Nl
lull a ni' in on l, ere a |*i tie <d pried heel
was It it ii* 1 1? I to Hi# la ly, who tincemmuni
mialy look some iu her linger* and placed
it upon tier (dale,
“Walt taT exclaim and llie In
Inrn, liri'ig a i"t|mr plple el heel ; l|iil wo ,
man lias Int i her ILigert ill Hits I
A inns' ting-Knot roar (mm all tlic enm
paey lalriy turned the table* agonal the
lady, and the had the good *ci *e to HC
s now lialge its desert, aril jbin ;b*ariily jp,
tlin nilr,tii 4',created.
Hmm aWtWftwrt t oom
(ptwntUftl with tho CArt. . ,
IU effect* ere as womlterfui nkl
m inti*fftctt>ry M,*ver.
ft rcatoree Kr%yn r/bded Unix tp
He youthfkil color.
,oooling, soothing seniatlon of great
comfort, end the scalp by Ue ttM
becomes white and clean.
by its tonic nropfiftifcAjJtjagtowe
the capillary pa tills to their normal
Vigor, preventing baldness, and
making Utc MU V P w UtUJt Add
Asa dressing, nothing has bees
found so effectual or desirable.
i. A, Afajcs, M.(U.,SUUt As
sayer,pf Massachusetts, ssys, “ Thr
constituents are mire, and carsfhli’
seiecteil for excellent qualify ; gpr
J consider it Die pqiU'AAAWO
fifr .its iptepded p/uposes."
TtLs*, One AMUfkr.
Buckingham's *7
Thl* elegant preparation nifty
.relied on to c|iang the color of t
beard from gray or any other >
desirable shade, to brown or bla
.at discretion. It is easily sppl
beipg in,one preparation,and qu
iy and effectually producea a
manent color, which will Qe>
rub,or WMh.p^f.
*~rm**t fJ.mi *
M( 0 •> trtjfuu tat SMSM te p*ti
ri Eok A Mwie
OF i
Phillips, Cia# & Frarar
i • /
lias Im k i rvni >vil from S A 4 Marietta
fttrcct, Atlanta, <1 virgim, to k A 10 Marietta
ft'rjN-t Every thing Iu Ikielr line,
MUSK), * ■ ■ ,
S' lJ on tli- mo*t reaaonahie Uli'lM. PIO
TURK FIl VMEft of every style a •penal
ty Tlte irntronacnot thaciUem*,<4 Mgr.
wether ra*]MHStt dly mUcifod, Order* kg
Mail will always receive prompt ettMltem.
(j A V Martetta o*.,
bare one of our
adapted to alt good*, and t 9 all
the dftforent and laahiooabie ttjrteeof Plait
ing. Simple and easily managed, UJa Juat
llie article evory laiiy needs. _ f
Sent by mail, postage paid, en receipt of
price, $2. Bend for circular,
TIIRAdLe 00,
04 Cortlandt Street, New Ynik."
UKOIUfjA, Muri writer County.
Whcraa*. the i-ststa ol I’sodleton J. Rob
erisuip, (ioorge W. Wright and Otsment J.
A.l|,eu, sil of said ewoty, dapsassd.
re the letters of Andrew
Minion, tho former administrate? On
•uld nttale, having ntiatod by msiton U big
election ann ijualiticatlun as Ordinary of
said county, and said estates, not being
tlkiily to bo represented.
These are, therefore, to cite and admen j
iali all part ins inline tod, whether kinufM
or creditors, l > show ceuse, If any they
Imve, on or by the lira* Monday la Augqal
next, why tlie admlnletretiOQ of aatd os- t
tn'es should upt bp vested In the Clerk of
live tjn|HtrJor Court of said county, ant) tet
ters granted to blip.
(liven under my bk'tV and official slgna
lure, iht* June JWllqidTl. ,
/ ***Ttsr
OK'iltiMA - | Ordtnary’eOffioe,
Mrl .vi-itior Cottpljr. J May Teigr II TJ
tv’ll, roas it K Mall, aa AdminUttater •'
the estate ol Mu isou N. Jackson, deoesssg
.eprirsenis to the court that he has fttiljr
'iifiniiilueftiij tlte oat ale of 4 said .yleosased,'
and applies Tor letters of dlemissbffi JfW
hia trpi pa sgld Admluistrnter.
Taj*u , tWei<i‘r,u> cl|o and admontab'
all cotiueriimi to
they have, on nr before tlie met Monday
August t ext, to show cause why aak) Ad
minlstrspir should tot receive lottelii r
ilMmhudoii from fltld^(gkt.
tli ven under my hand aud offlcktl slgna
'lure, this May 7th, 1877.
I will oi.ii lie prepared to execute such
work,ln Up; (Alulipg |iu,e In ply slojf
ffiTd ..
I will also eoqtJpns ooDtraeliog for hens*
aod sign
V i
i’ve spent the pew year jn direvll|e'
snd am preperiwt |o give eatlsfaetory refr/
Aicama Uumu.
All Sixes and Wairkia
OFFICg, 41$ JtHo.v l> BT, ft.TLAJf'iA'
i Adda** a JAB. ,OKM(tjfU
Ite-er to iliix fcwue aa a BpeslgHt dt Hi
V*9**' " (ttj
NO 33.