The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, August 10, 1877, Image 1

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The Meriwether County Vindicator VOL. 5. THK VJV’UICATnn.' W *’ * kfiViLL, At *d#r rfo ,\?.n rii, in** ft a sen uau*e s< ath *ll** H thfCwrt n<w " .-".-g, "• —r- wt~-* of ArtvtrUMttg. Hpafle | 1 wiu 4(Wka| 3 nw>| 6mo j l tear ISliMints ! 00110.901 R.OO OO 1 1>\ j 5 M > j® oo I *0 or saw I ;tr. no t ■ Llifll $• • .OfnHAW t ftn.iHJ 1 tlPwi # 001 % noJoaoO 1 *Aoo *• *&Jto<.Wen iP u*s or maw SOFFIOERS. ‘.7. 7..7.0 8. Florence W. 11. Keller t... n 8. CTrnmiN >0 J O ObljMjiin f , T V A Aflrtfony 1 BUHVKYOB. U.t'.SlKUrs CORONER. 1 Jonn It. Jbm* COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, K. A Chonu,AAron r on Sibley. C. J. HteVe*. .J. K HicWoi'i, Anen ft WS , d board of kiu\atu>n. ttoti ti W. ftsrte, W. J. Barnes. Madison H-.-v#, It. A Fa. kef,. A. H. Freeman, Bee. SENATOR 3fl!b Distrirt,l'. It BiewsfCr UIU'HEsENTAT^.'i;.^ John a Roper, J-ukh W. Taylor BUSINESS CARDS ~ joiix f*aunr, A TTOKHEY AT LAW, will practice In Men wet Iter q<l the a i wining ounntlr*. A 11. KHKKM VN ATTORNEY AT I AW ■ ' fiKRtiSVIU K, Ga. All b'Wiovea eotiuale 1 t<> lib cute alidad ej Ul prom fitly and falthfoL). nruTlTuin, m A TTOTIVItY AT LAW J*Y liUUUMUI:, lA Wltl practice m Sf.'TtwFttmr Amt ttir r-uunUrt c<wti|'<>lng Cltr C'• ' I'ti'vli*. ~A \i Ki.< <V I \ 1) I) *. Rr.Hff<rvT r^NTTMT, <>HKI NVU l.f ( (i.s Trmif t/Mh. All work W*rrnlnl, IMt K. It. TtiHKtU* / KKF.RH li l*rOttW>!>ml imuni t* * / It,* I’ubitc—*)fllr* wlili hl l*tln'r, IVr J. K fl. Tsereß, a the Drug Mtrrrr. \m n *AB*amn\ OKKI Itft UU Prateastaual te’vkw* toth< rl'irru* ol Greenville And viol nil/ tf OIIW at O. J. Anthony ■% We l'ir Hiofr. SeTO Til K u;.li JKWIXUT *ud FaXC’Y iiTOIU ALBERT LEHMAN IF Ai NOW, Mi l will k* p nl vuyp **ii i b*rj.| ftl f>i* oij ®tnn<i E*t *K‘ Ii lh pil9k t it I win UEUscrrKt; urge* mm JKW'fetur anu r A vert'. cotfi* OousitOng, in part of, taruoM •n't Hii,v.:tt wnh—,jgi f ; t*w and K wtfio'•, off f >** '* 1 tunk#* 9Mm4Vf *n4 buy* r W*i , Oj!i CLOCKS ol *ii Hie*. mtkof Ami pries Hold Pen* aud nil kinds of holders; Hold Krlvwr 4 steel bpect relay Jj .... fIOIJD MLVB< TA t)iA VVAHK Silver Plato Were <r racket, TMfe Cil*-rr. Aftay.nn by tee vteyriltowDe j makers, JObEl’tj ItUDOEfiH Wd OEOIIGK WOBTEN HfHJfP JRJSJPAIJRIN O I run adit rapairing all good* In roy iior Too many dthwos oi Meriwether ant ad busing cwnlw hare tested | work In a woyj row nw t the charac ter erf K, 2 wilf, however warrant all my atnpifflar. tSe ptlro<a£fe 1 hare receive 1 from ay f deads to Meriwether ALBERT LEHMAN ®OQQ he made by every ages' ntr :oe " we iuralah, Cqj those to wetff pan easily ena * dozen doiiart a (tey SO Utair hem Business plsasan: u 4 honorable ‘WbaNe.wedhopesndrsrlsdo u wen i, ml We wffl fsmwti you a complete Outfit free. The buwneas ptya better than rjibing eter. We will beer npamt | tar>iatfywe. Particular* free. Write and ’em Fmmm sad mechanics, ibeir toot If werlr at ft—*a. aheutd write tone end' the time, fccrt May. Add.-tea Tnt *(> Aagcata, Maine. (IREENYiLLE. MEimVETUER CPU, AUGUST 10. 1877- WBVr I*4 EAItTB I What is earth, *cxt >:t ? A ftUee to t% graves. What is earth, net; -man.h A i laee to sunk slaves. What is earth, gray bear cl ? A place to grow old. w hat X earth, mtser ? A place to Jig goiJ. , VVtat .* earth. schoolboy T A ulaar for my play. A Uat is earth, maiden ? A place te be gay. What la earth, seamstress ? A place whore ! weep. What is earth, sluggard ? A good place to sleep. What Is earth, soldier ? A place for a battle. rtVhal :r earth, herdsman ? A pla<rt> to raise oaHlO. What is earth, widow ? A place*l true sorrow. What 1* earth, Ua-iesuiau.? you to-morrow. What is eai lb, sick man f in nothing to me. What k earth, tailor ? My homo is the sen. W hat is earth, statesman f A place to tola fame. What is earth, author f , I’ll write there my name. What is mirth, monarch ? Km my realm ’tlsgiven. Wrhat is earth, Christian T Hie gateway of heaven. The Family t inle. li there is any hat 1 m lilo dial ought to be sacredly guarded lrom everything that ■ran pal it In peril, t*. is that which u ill too the member* ft a faun y. ll them tm a fH)f npou eaith kont which discord and •info abfVuTd let bairtstiod, it is the !i m; to There centre the louJ< st hopes and the most ti and ’er alleclloua. How lovely toe spectacle presmiXeu by iltfct lamily which is governs 1 by the light spirit IKaeii Irivos to nvoi i giving o.L rcu aikl I* at tdlo isly c Jiiw-ltrate id the tbers’ ha;>|i!mw*. Hweot loving dnjiosttioiis uro eultivslo I by all and each ti ins to surpass (lie oTtn r in his eflerU lor the common harmony - Kaeb heart gin ,s with love; .ml tile helled let ion ot beivelily |ieaoe •emus to abide U(kiii that dwelling with snrti }>ower that D" black fiend o( passion date real hit head within it. Who would not real I.n tlila leVnly |)ic rtit*- F I* may lie ris ! ir“,l ly J| who w ill ,n,ploy till n pointed meant. leil the fir*. f,is .it 1.., f, 10. applied m they an >l, sigM .1 to he, ami they will h loun A Ui alied a h>dy charm upon the family oir ■de, and rn • k<• ll wbal fl >d design*! N ahouM lie , till. 1 mo* heaven Ilk" fii-n ori earth. Be Uiiid to 111 latum* It i all very well to glvatnen fin* futur ilt whet, tin y dir, and to write long obit iniy u tie,-a pro ring them anint* tmeanon ’ynd it Is a good *.Mng lo ps* we who musl all ili<> nmno day- lor a ilUle moment 10. da honor to tlu and >*t and aatnrr that v ere ycawrday a man. lint while si do thhr, eatt w* frf>t a'ao gtvn a hllle kind nc*a to the living f Gan we ait tie gaiM-r --otta and Juat and lorglviug Vo those wh*' afiall have ear* to lumr and bearla to tbroh whh pair and anilety f How ninny Ie arts uilgfit litre liann sav < and liotu iKeakysg lij* perns*! •J f unr o‘, Unary notice,; Low many liilglitliave been comforted by ante* nnrlwii penraaia of lb* verse* tv their tipulialoiic* ! il 1* alter he is lead Ihnl we tnay ay of the mil, "He was brave all t I* f the WdtTtn, “rtlie •eaa pure nnd pretty.” '.The sbess, the anesa. the mnuo ido, the malicioii" wbiap'ir ttie coarse oarvat ira —tbcaa are lor living. t>r athlng. deeding human bosoms. Auv aOMMitAof tooabafooa prie and fonarsl pag> auU that you like ; but wou’d it harm us to be a litlia kinder vi tue living. A ninake Often nsal. Boys and young men ■ometimaa atari nut !-. life wHh tbe idea that one’s socceaa depends *yn his shsrpoeva and chicanery. Tfcey imagine ’( a man la able always In “get the ’test af a Irargaiu," do matter by what deceit and mean nans he car r lea bU point, that his prosperity cannot be found ed on cunning and diebooesty. Tbe tricky and riscehlul man is sure to fails victim, sooner ot later, to the influences which are forever working againat him. Qta housa ia (Mill open tbe asud, and if* fouMtetfoa will be certain to give way. Young peo ple cannot gfoe '.frees truths too much weight. Tbe fowre ot tbe young mania who eedicsrs every phase of duoble (tea \r r „y sod diahoneaty. aod lays the louuda p-m ot ids aaceer id the endearing pnnei fflaa ot erwiaating truth. A Startling Mweiaf. Eve* ateee 1171, raalroed* in th> mod try hare been xomg late bankruptcy, and thw ie sow going oak at • nue which lew people suspect. The Herald atetea that daring the aix mouth* ending the let ot this month loredoaere aatee here been or dered oi fifteen roads, with a capital stock at mb forty-seven aUftons. During that time thirty-two roada, representing atari/ fifty millions ot aioch and am sweaty-* fire mißtoes ot debt, hare been eold; and aaeetreea hare been appointed tor sixteen roads, with at ck and date aoaotraticg te over oat haadred and fifty militant. j Tlc fJory lielil of Honor. Tlfp tiretoduel in the Coiled StaiM was ' Tviight in New England. Ed ward Doty' aril Kdi-n’l aarv *rt+s eu Hopkins, at Plyinoa h, Attic, had a qnarril and settled it with sworl*, like geutleme i. Of eourae tueir conduct was a heino.rt ofltusa in Ilia eyes of the colony, ami, at though there w.h no law on the statute book lor the pimlaliinent ol the of lensc, the colony acvu Pnfirovlsod one. The duel si* wore ardwed to he tie I together, hand* and laet, lor twen ty four houi, without food or drink. Dj !ng the Kcvoltuionary wit Cas'.to Omen, now Fort Independence, in Boston harbor was celebrated ns a dueling grouud. Kir ly in the war with Tripoli otw offlifcrs fought many duels, an I ilia tit tot ice wa* on ; y *l,q|)d by Ibe r ringtail orders ot Commodore Preble. In 18I!>. however, American and British officer* so often fought at Gibraltar that o ir vessels were lei bidden that pert. There have been many famous duels in the l uitol Btats, but pra-n ninemty that ol Burl and Hamilton leads the list. The pron.iiwnee of the parties, the irivlility ot the ea tse, the fatal result and public sym palny for Uamilton'* widow and orphans, aircdnsplftid to tnißo It the sensst'on of the early days ol the (Pst century of the re publie. The duel was fought at Wcobaw ken, N. J , duly llth, lfkM. Hamilton had jus*, been appointed minister to Fiance, and Burr was Vice President of the United State’. The Immediate esuse of tho difll v.uLly was Us* publication of a pamphlet by a l>r. C.vipor la which occurred : Col Hamilton and Dr, Kent say that they con sider (10l Burr a dangerous tu in, an 1 one unfit to lie trusted with the reins of govern merit. In another place ; Gen. llunlltoi has mprassod Of Col. Burr opinions still more despicable This last pass .g* irrits, ted Hun, and lie daman lm] an bn no lit'* retraction, lfamiluiu considered the pas enge as at lies! voiy iinfefl ilto, and ileal in e,|. A Jong eorrespon fence ensued, rosult log In Hamlltoa’s death The and iet between Henry Olay an 1 J-rlin Randolph was Inrtunslo in i< ending. The duel wna tnughi in 18-10 n the Virgin ia shore of the Potomac. Both pat tic i pants were friends, sllenated for the time blng hy the political tpiastl ma of the day. B.tndotph deiiouace.l the union ol Adauit and (!Hy, and Glay chatlenged hbn at ■ me*. Thn strangest psrt ol this dost Is that th* parties *t llio i*at in-nneot enter lslno.l no linsllto fooling for each ntlinr. ITSndstpli, wlien told ot Cl.y’s wife and glnntilua Cbll.l aaij ; I shall .lo milium, on the morrow to dittorb tile atet-p of tlir child and the repose ol the mut'rnr , ■! alter the duel, on the ground : I would not have seen Mr Glay I*ll mortally or eve doubtfully wounded tor nil the bind that I watered by Bit King i f’l hi.|s kii-I III* -Uibul&ry streams And Cay, when lint (! ii ' v. a• ' led, raid : I hurt in G.xt, my dear *fr, you r untouched ; altor what to.*. iMwurred 1 would n<t h*e harm.| you for a thousand worlds. iR-nry Olay ba t Indore, .n JHOB. l-'Ugllt Humphrey Mir itiiil wtirn they were both in the Kentucky .LegTsJM'iro, The duel of Decatur *nf Barron trans pired March 22, 1820, at Wa.lenibur*, and ia one of ibe moat* In American bis tory. Ommodore Doeamr of the United btatal navy and Jam.-* Barron, • p-wt cap lain In the navy, were b* | Hartley Tliev fougUt with fibitol* at eight f>ac<: Both felt. There really was no cause lor this -1 ■ ic 1 Barren iiad not apjwoved of Doca -I'ir'a affair in the aa oe ter- Hii't ha I fomented Iroutile by alleging that Decatur wa* previritlog the re'.m ployinent of Uarrorj In the service. Decatur wad one of the [duskiest trim, of the dsy, *nd wo* a duel ist by prol.jaai'U. He had fought three ' fore thi* Istal encoouter, and during tbc war ot 1813 be profXMed t Htr Tnomai Hard/ * duel ot ship U> ship, but the Eng lish admiral dwßned UtU toovei mode ol fighting. DeWitt Clinton, in 1802, lougbt John Swsrtwourt, an insignificant iiollticiao, , about wnn petty difference l and Nerlllc ’Houle, a ton <ii him re H-mle, United State* minister a' Madrid, in 1898 tougbl tbe Duke D’Alba tor ao inaulliog remark made about hia mother at a ball given by Maiquis and Toreot, Trendi ambassador at tbe same place. Tba duke said that lira. Souls leaked like Margaret of Birgundy. young Soule was ;>reaent, and be took Ua remark to mean more than, wae probably intended. Tlie gentlemen fought with sword’ lor thirty tainutea,and then seconds interfered. The next day i’lerre Houle, ibe United Minister, took tbe tffair up sod ea'lateeUon ot Mans. Turgot, at wboae bouse tbe bail wa# given. Tboy met, end tbe marquis was wounded la the leg. Ot course, Mr. Soule wae recall ed.' - Senator Dick Broderick oi California was killed in a deal by Judge David D. Terry In Sen Fraocfeoo in 1869. Tom Benton (ought with Locee ot St. Louis, ami received a horse whipping bom Gen. Jackson at Nashville that nearly coat the general hia Ufa. Senator W. M. Gw in, kaowa as Duke Gwin, toaght a duel with rifles at thirty paces with tbe floo. J. W, MeOorkle, meafber-af o—3*—, la tMilfirr nia, May, 1808. After exchanging shots it was found that the whale affair was the ru salt at a mistake Illinois baa osver baeo a vary healthy place ier duels. In the year 1820 oar was | fuoght uhfbellfTiile, St. Cl.iir county, be ■ ;ween Alphnsso Btewr; and William Hen c.ett. ThOgof* its made ft up for a (ham (lucl. Stewart was U ibc secret, hut Ben nett was feketoj jsstrneal. it was eviptmeed that be a hall into hV guu alter reviving )fi| second, itif oupt neot tell nMte% rotmdtd, and Hra ieti wa* sntstoi, Mad, cenvetwi, aenintced, and hnagtolklrirTnorder. This atfak was planned asa>abe>kiu kt fsia! termiaaiinn I'ut a most ftotlow faoe on the sffVr. Gav. Blind rufusad to pardon Keenet*, thongti great eft irt* were nude to kidauv him lo do so. Perhaps ike ssrwt riJieulout story is that told of tJsni.Pnlenm ftf HeviMutiooary aad wolf fame, known as’X-Md Peb” During the French war U# was challenged by an English officer. U ptoipoeed tUt tiuth til on n keg of powder,lnto thabnng of which was a lighted lose. Alter urn fuse got welt under w ay, * Wae >n( m tatoweafarta bly near the If-!e, the officer ran. Hold on. ray triend ; it 1 * cnly *oed J (aid Putman. A Ckolorfc ♦'.wlier’s Hcvonge. A (cnthueatal yeunj gentleman in Gal veston, Texas, was paying his addresses to a pretty daughter ot a choleric Frenchman and was drifting genii v Into the t mouth haven of wedlock. Suddenly h ran across a shut A Jealous liv tl tiilrt the young l i dy that her affiynced lover lmd called her lather “a snappish, snarling, gouty old frog-eater,” anti litd described her as "a flirt of ilia first wslor, with a temper equal to that of Uoaiaebuh's spinster aunt.” Tht young lady was angry. Shu told her father and ho was also wrutd. Tnv doers were closed upon the lovo r ; tho old gentleman even threateend to b'ain linn. A few weeks after Ward tho joung lady discover ed that her lover had been malign'd, and forthwith ho w*s summ incd. with prayers, promise-' and lean. Hoc died ono even ing nnd everything was *nti*r*clon’y ex plained. Tho choleric old Fcsnch nan did not know that the cliargs* w*r<t false. He hapooned to pass through the ball an.l saw the happy lover* alltwig closo to etch other and holding hand*. His ir* was in tituled lie want on tip-toe to the watm cooler st (he end of tke hall, caiiied tl to the p*r|..r door, sud suddenly reversed li abovu the liesd* ol (ho devoted psrt. Ex planations and dry clothes were soon in order. The Origin ul 44<‘iiln. noiumhe* ws the son of a we iv.-r nnd a wravur htm * ' , Gu.m. txirraine wa brotignt up s oartry *ook. M inter**, lln> great French comic writer, was the wifi ol a tapestrymaker. Uervante* served as a common soldier. Il.imer was a b#gc* r llestod wa- the ion ol a small luriuer. I).- mo-tlioncs, of a tuttur. TeieiiC", tiie La tin ■viniln writer, was a alavc. Glivei Gromwkfl was the son ol a brewer. Mow ard, tint pldiautliropisß was an npprsntlee b> a grocer. Benjamin Franklin, Bm son of a tallow cindler. f)r. Hishoii. ol Wor <:lie*Uir r K'in of ft linen 'lrnrier. DeFoe, the, grrst le.btical writer, w the *<in <•( • buii-tier Wlittfleld was Bio mol an tun keeper at Gloucester. Cardinal VVoi laiy, the eon of a bnlc’ief Kerytiaon wa* a shepherd. Vlrgfl was th* sou ot a (inlet tib ikespuarH, of a wood denier. Horace, of a shopkeeper, Lucian, of s stations' llogarth, an apprenlk* to au engraver. Dean Tucker, ot a sir.a!l farmer, nnd came to Oxford on fool. Blaliop f'ridi aux work ed in Ilia kitchen at Eietcr College. Ed mund Hailey was the son of n snap holler. China fairly r*vcl in capital punish ment. In Canton alone no lon Hi art %‘l, 400 executions for crime lake, place in a ini;le year, A Be'gian who recen'ly vis l ! ed that city visivetl tbe prlutipul prism yard and witnessed Ute execution ol tw;?i ty-four persons at one lima—two hend*- risii gotay about and alashing oft beads with as much Indifference a* though they were cabbages lo be severed from the the stalk. There, too, ho saw the Imple ments ot torture which *he Inquisitorial mandarins use to extort testimony from re usetaat prisoners, who are used to linpll ca<# others. There is do cruelty omitted. All the devious of torture to b found in tlie museum* and prisons In Western Eu rope, and whleh fill the aoui <rf the tourist with borroo, are employed daily in the prisons of dautou. Chicago luter-Ocean ; The tax payers of Allegheny couoty,Pennsylvania, will have to pay the loasss ($5,000,001) caused by the rioters in Pittsburg. This is Pennsyl - wanla law, aod tha a*mo law exists In New York. la 18*1, at the time r,f the draft riot. New York City had to pay mil Done oi dollars (or damages to property. In 1844 the city ef Philadelphia had to pay all the ioaeee, amounting to millions, caused by ■what ia called the Native Amer ican riot. Tbe New York Tribune office wae gutted ia 1863. The city paid Hor ace Greeley several thousand doll us dam ages. in 1841 the Philanthropist, a Cin cinnati Addition paper, waa mobbed. The city footed the bill. Will the-tex payers remember that all property destroyed by rioter* moat be paid tor bf the tax payer*, And wilt they, remembering this,- frown down the eftotts of noisy aad irreapoosibls agitation iaia la create a disturbance 7 Ii the people af New Orleans are "ban dits,” what art the people of PUiabarg ? Tlc Ti litis of Nenspiigrr Illeii. Rev. OeWittTotuioge isM reaantiy in one of hi* sermons: Oua ol tho greates' trials of tit* newapaner pr otessie. i is that tti membera are varntpalM to see morn ol tlw shaai* of the wrutd than any other prof yen m. Through every newspaper ol tine, day attM day, pvt alt lbs wtakueases of the world i all the verities that want to be puflfiM ; all the revenges (kit want to be matwd ; all the m ttakes that want to he corrected ; all the dull speakers who want to be thought tloqutuil ; all the meanness that want* to get its wares no tVcvd (fiat!* in (ho editorial c lumn* In or der to i ave the tax of the advtiriising cr t umns; all the men who want to he sei right who went never right ; all the (work ed brained philosopher* with st.irie* as lone a* their hair, and a* gloomy as their linger nail* in mcprnings beemse heretl of *6 ip—all the caret who coni* H) sUy Sve minutes, hut talk five hours. Through the editorial and , room* all the follies and sham* of iht world am seen day after day.snd the lump tsiiun is to believe In neither God, man nor woman. It is no r.urprino to me tna* in tins profession there ire some skeptics I men , l only wonder that journalists be lieve anything. Mi** wan Iwim only two year* earlier than her brother Tom. tVlmn To n w.ia ton years old she ghniud because the waalwolvo. IVhen Tun was known to be fourteen she confessed to sweet sixteen. Win a Tom prou lly Imaated of eighteen she timidly aekuowledjied hen-ell p*ai nineteen. Wlien ho came home from col lege, .v Ith n mouahiolie and a vole, ami had n party in honor of Ills twenty-first birthday, aim said to her ftiandt, what h Ift.y.ih lullow he is ; who w mid think h is only a year younger Ilian If And when 'l’om declared he was twenty five, and old onoiiuh to get married, alio sskl : L). you know I feci ftavftfrely jetloui to think ol I'otu getting ma'Hed. But then I *u|ipoc twins ara always more attadird to each other than othor broilier* and sisters And ’.wo years later, at Tom's melding, al e said willi glillsli vivacity to tlia wedding guests, dear (dd Tom; to aeo him ino rift benight, and then think how, when tin was only five years old, they brought him tu to son me, kta baby sister. I wan der II ha lliinliS ot It to night. The following rules should bo rtiljtly observed by person* having occasion t< visit prthlt rg i ftl ;.' ; Enter ho'tly. rtiiuowu qu.uiiy. Bub*crib" (or the pnpar, i’.iy tor n in ft tvanec. ffiin't touch the type, Knap six tent front Hie devil. Hands off inamiscrlpt. Don't tnlk t<> Bin compositors. D n't furry oft He- exchange*. Never Iwg a paper. Gentle.nan ohsn. ving tliese rule, when enturiug a printing office will greatly of • llgctloi n-litoi, mid need have no /ear ol the devil. - ■to ■— ii i -a*MM UMM - - to —— A yonng larly q| itochostsr has a ptt dog snsweriug to the name o I “Nigger.” The other day It chased a cow which was pausing In the street, and tta owner palled ibe dog hack, shouting : Nlggei, Nigger, Nigger. To her surprise, a (tone came ft In* s* r her head a moment or two after ward, and looking up site law that It lis<l tieeu thrown by tha man who was driving tha cow, and who was almost wild with rago. Il<i wu a colored man, autl lie u ao ungry dial ha r.haaad liar into the houae. and waa not appeased until her brother explained Dial It was tl.n do/ alio calling. A nx;:nt lilaiory of A mar lean uniforms brings lo light thti fact Unit the gray ol the Southern Confederacy waa the regulation dies* of the American armies which fought at Chippewa and Niagara in 1813, and was adopted at Weal Point in com memo ration ol those victories. It is still quilt extensively worn by northern regiment* and is the prevtiling Color in all military schools, ami for tcoootny and (jtifctoraa is douhllcsA preferable to (he hide. Prlnd|>al Loe, of Edinburgh University, a hypochondriac, waa met by I'rof. Kobertson, wfeo expressed a hope tha' lia was well. Far, far, (rota well, said the Principal; I’ve had no sleep for a fort night. Titan, Priaelpei; said the Prof er ror, you’re getting better ; whan wa last mat, you, had not slapt for sit weeks I Every affect must hava a aausa; so Boils, Pimples, etc., arc the result at poor bloo l. Purify tha blood by using Dr. Bull’s lilootl Mixture and banish such eruptions as those named. Atlanta l?ar>er Mills. \ Atlamtj Gsaoaia. BUOKJIEWB4 WBIPPIHG Paper All Bfiei and Weights OFFICE. 48 BROAD ST. ATLANTA Add revs JAS. ORMOND Preprtetec Reier to this issue as a Specimen of ais paper. (U.) REMOVAL ... o— — '-’.m ■ fiw ftiH>} & 'Uutoti * •'*-*' flf A* ) ' l f > . or Phillips, Ciew & Frtyer kasbtc-i removed frem 2 A -1 Miriett Sir col, Atlania, tioorgia, to 8 & 10 Marietta -B’rm t. F.veiyrtimg in their fine, BOOKS, Sl'A noNEIfV, M USB’. MUSU'AL JNSI'HI .MEN I'B, PIANOS au.l ORGAN?. ‘ Hold >n ih mo, i roasonablu tnrms. PIG TUi JS FIIAMES of every atylo a apswjal ty. The imtroutige ol the cititehs of Mef n’tifbwr re*|*e.'ll tHy solicited. Ordors hy Mail will always nouivo prompt attehtiOn. PHILLIPS, t'KEVV A rkBYRIt, 8 A 0 M i. letta lit, Atlania, Oa. EVERY I,ADY SHOULD ImvM ope of our IMPROVED PLAITKRB, adap'ed to all kind* of gootla, and to all Bin different and fushionahle style* of PialE ing. Hlmple and. catily managod, ft is jgst the article every fatty flet'ds. Sent by null, postage paid, on receipt of in iee, •a. Bend for circular, * Address N. Y. TREADLE M'F'G CO., 04 Oorllnndt Hirtot, New Yoik. Ayer’s Ague Caj’e, For Fever aad Ague, latennltUM Fever, Chill Fever. Remittent Fever, numb Ague, I’ortodteelorUUloue Fever, Wo , and indeed *ll the aflbetfoße srhleh arise from malarious, marsh, or raise matlo poisons. This 1* a fomponinS rwntdy, prspsrsd toUh •<-l*nUnn ahlll from vi-gauhl* ln*i-dlmta, wUMh rw*ly telle hi can Ui* meet we of ChUle and Fever ai.4 lb* •uiMoiutiant 4l*orlor*. ttsch R,rtwk i 3f,.*.n?sswtt'i vf.Rm Twyiv ~*rt •ny other mudltiiM r*t dlaoowmf tar tho ears of Intormlttonhi la, that naitaln* no qiiloina or rnfnanf, and (baa* who take It an fr-o teei Uaugwr of qulnlmn or any tojurtoaa afTaata, and aru >• hnllhy after tulng II aa MbVe. It tew haon rrlonrtvt-ly eetployad -luring (h# laa thirty ,-at- In tin iritaimant of ihn# ilUtraaalne fk or don, and to unvarying baa bean Ite aacaaaa that ll haa gained thi ri-pntallail uf being lufaUl bia. -It tan, b aafuly rtrommandad aa a aura rrauady anil -yicldc for Ihn fW'-r nnd A |tt* of (b Waai. and th# Chllla end Fever of die HouUi, whlab, ono* h rot an up by It, do etf ratara unHI lit* Ulan**# la *e*lu contreoted- Th* *rai vartady of dlaordara which arte * from Ui* IrrtuUoii of Uila polaon, aaah a* Mew •' rslffte, tohaeaset*—, Ummt, Heedeehe . JBllnrtruaa, Vaalhanti*, Mere aha, Ce terrtt. Adthean. PaJpitaUon. hU*U ASMieai, Hyetortaa, Fein In the •la, Celle, Vanlyala, aad d-ran(want of tba Tl—netih. all of wblab bosom* Intermittent or porlodJcal, bar* no apaedlor raaaaily ftian Aran** Aec* Ocas, wMch car** ib-m alt allkt, sod pruteru th* ay atom from hituro allscka. As a prvvrnUv-, It la of luimona* aartdeo In thoao ooreoninmca whar* Paver and Aga prevail*, aa It staya tha davolopmont of th* dlacaao if taken on th* flrl appruarb of th* prwnonlViry -ymp loma. Traveller* and temporary rcaidante ar* Ibaa onabl-d U> defy thua* disorder,, and |vw will en ■Ulfvr If they avail lliemaslvM of tha protection tht# remedy efforde. Kor Lirw Complaints, arteln* from torpidity, It la on egcvlient rcoi-dy; K •ttrnulate* this organ Into bceltliy ocllvlly, and prodocas many remarkable curia where other mad!*l as* Ml. Prepared by Dr. i. C. Ayer & Cos., Prantlaal and Analytteal ClaemlaU, tOVJUI MAB. •011, ar jclc oautMUT* xvxsrwakia. SOMETBINCi YKW!!! w- 1 ’ *■* 1 In 111 iuuh be yrqmnt 4- eeeonle SncV work in the p&luling Ho o lo uiy (I op s* OILDINd, POLIHIIING, HTAININO, OItAIMNO, VARNIBHINO, FRAMING PICTURES, MakJog Fit A MLS, , ' ’ WHAT-NOTS. BRACKETS, TABLES, DESKS, ETC. I will also eentlooe contracting for house and sign PAINTING. I’vu apast tbe past year in GresswUle aad am prepared to give satisfactory refer wees. WORK SOLICITED, PRICES LOW and SATISFACTION GUARAN TEED. Cali oa or addraas. 9. H HARRIS. Gieer.vUk-, i k NO 34.