Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County V indicato c
• •*'•■* ( : * niDAY.
AT ‘•Vtxtl’K.H \W( M IN A. \ • vrr
K:it< > •>< tiimiWin,
Slue- 1 w 4 k j:; mn| Hit. 11-
1 uicli ,i 00 2 5 J4.AI '.* Ilifti
4 iiWut !50 ■') fl T4> ,10 011 i:>ut
4 mires , 3 <>• H(4) j l*M*‘ !. 00 i4) <H>
i e l 500 10 0 20 00 25 Di , :r. lA>
I cn! 7(0 li((t “W U} 1 Ho 00 dum
C> 1 jlO (10 *0 00 35 00 jiij 00 | Hkl
iW v fiber ii le net! n 't lr in ti
Hi|vrii mg ’>• tlii* it nii'h -w xear
'MU IN Ai< V A t<> (.!
SllKltlKe', .< . . Klmi in i
U KKK &. t v W. II Kelhn
UX 1 fci KtYLU B. IT CletnniO
lAX (OlJJit TuH .. ~J,4 t'fniiH.'
TKK tkIIREU U. J Anthem,
SI KYKYOU ...... ... O, K. Mirttbewi
(OliONEU, . .. .... J nil ti It Jniitn
cut NTY c< (MMISSIONi Us
1 . J. Milmi., A iron Kihloy,
C. J- Beeies, J. K. B iCUhiuii
J. \V. l’.(e•.
11, IA hi) Of Kill CATKIN
Jnlns \\ I‘sffc, XV. J. Unlit,-
i. )Mn> Kill if, |l. A. l’aihsi
A. 11. F . i man, Sec
P l ‘ A'l < I 11! 1 if ii i F. XT , I inn an
Itl.l'HKf-T.N I A I IV) f.
F I. U ilium-, ( A \\ limn -
n H Kirin,
W !:: , ia. (te> in Me*,„ ethir mil (In
to' ill r* i•n |" •!■ 11l ( ■ wla i m Ctrl'.
fliOS A A'IMNMi.N,
Cnei m ll.i>. <• A
\ <;. I'i.uvk, i> i*. i^.,
| > h,*IDKN I I>e;< I I
I V i#Hl KNVII.LI4 <*A
Trift • < n* l AH V% • t U " Itirm.l"'.
/ . IKi. IT Ij - I'* • iml nv t * I
* ) ii ( . ,<■—< ff, ' *iiiti lulhcri.D
J E < TVirrT. **i tin Dr v h *>rt
•l|> % •! I *>HH <D
Mlc t \l-! Ml ii f $■ Vl‘- ! t.. I
hu if.* |.i* <♦ ?i ♦to ♦* t;u\ um ! * I I* *
HU. C#in, M 111) K'tn‘l. **l,<l •• f If Hi'
<*! ITT I-* D* r I.E KEVOE VIN * *
(( t 'ins h ** f il*i •■i- I! * *'|Ml A
r<*itn ) n|v n> *tl iiiftil If i xiiilfMl* f.
VV> i"ntni !* <• ! h*-
(".n ’• I'uf* !* •, if> <v-iy |a'Uf> r
'I j h ji i* i w iV, ht* ff *1 hi-mikh
ir m. 4ooMi | a .V4i jll *hw • h <i. a f
m.: fl Zo /O- r iii K€*]* *•• I i
-1* r alt in !|# hi* 'Mii|'t)v mu < * .i o - I
liko• % ti tIA *i ’ •* 1 ■*l o t • u'l I. K ( t
|Tn\ aa it* IJ*<* * tlra j*ru -
< r ton* n i tn v- ' n ti.* it
O’ rl w, (Jo., Mi f ; 10, DU.
-'TTiunriN. <>A. 1, ifeV'J
V\ *, the un r.igr.til. aie un g the '> ul
tir*' itiqr'Vid LgLt Dibll C twin Om
Tin *<m i* <1 rll it wit W i>il iiiiimi. |.
Kir !kl K lltl tig, ml< ty in running ki ll
I) lit and al’, (to <b> the **ue mink.) e
think it hat no 'yuf , hut tiir ruil *.-
portent f-atur# !• Uie AttxChiiieut fir p i •
inn and improving tb aumple. tjy: I" m
cot ton'i* improved by it o .* to br:ug
!n iu i to 4 cent, oi> -is nex mud dry cot
iri.m 4 to 1 wiit' p*r p jMtii) more iu Ike
Oriffin market tb*u on i.ilt n Oms.
T. W. MAN IJ£ V.
J. 1. M >KLtY.
r.mrni, Ua-, M*y 17, W7H.
T- J A WlCKft, Arm i<r the Gulhu
(iio M*nVg Cs at Ui idiu. G*:
At jo or itqoett, **, plati'era ani deal
er.! tn cotton, give to the public our • pi -
i< t< I |Mt (in, W e tahe p enacre ip iaj
4pi !i in aoeii wt er Gtug, Hint it i
tb* a *tli-*-*t*bli*iiei fact that nmvw
girr.ed or. then; (*** bring a Hiohkr
1 KICK in ou; u aiael tba/i aby other. amj
the gift* are p*ii gin publ'ir favor, tot
Um ritiDtd in tin m mid at teaaou at
Iron, oi r-ijOatter of • cent to one cent fi r
|o> od afeote ti e m .iket price. Mr. t.til
ieti’* Att* bn et.t lot ii.ipiorii-g U*e lan.-
pie of col or., e are aatiifiod, U bat he
c.kiu>i for it. Tbt Gin appear* to have
itaciieci pi.tcti< io Gtt. Machinery.
A. C. 8< BItEL.
1> *. PA'l T ER&ON.
it u. sir.a -
1 am Aged U r the Celebrated fv Lll'.-h
POltl ABLE fc>Gl>E, inauLUctured b>
ktuM A C, k>t the coci tie* of Buev
Paj cue aoti Clayton.
atrri, CS
imkti: v
t in: ooi!..
A f MTAM lk. To f/s U.W \.
By !U .1 11. Ma In.
C nee (i|mm a smumer i veniiu,
V. l lav iejvi e.' lreMiu inf,
V Kile the l a inkling siaoi win !e mi •,
Vila lhif liglik H I.inlly (jie.oniiij'
Tbuniiili the vt .i-'W ol my room,
S iiKle; iy bckle my i>.ll" ,
l.iki- lbe murmur ol a libloa,
(): the -icli I wee, iuj{
Mtl ihr fiiail-i an i the I’liMmi,
Tkrew a. lo aitl au< ii le -omul,
F oalii g <m Ilia ir nr. mnl.
At mi echo Iroiti above ;
Anil I, waking, .aw a dove
f*i iofH upon the wM'efud luad
Ola fladie tn ai my lad.
And ii vetmed *i;h aolt, lew emving
My 1 • tit* hpiit to s*k hp with v\iMing,
LiKi* iit a p 1 Ifom U s*hy,
()i a ml i.ovoi nigh,
j Whi t I i: \ *Ktrh t <l (lit,
| Him t U i t\ t|,r rrlio
Tu be* VN l. isj * til lidiii hl>( Yt\
!•: tic stiii lit Umt-Jy gt. TomfiT-ti,
j W ill* ifr futin of hraittjr h
I l4*l i‘U! t! ■ j*i oh \ Jovr
'N fill rt l!inil * I Woiolof yn iiu*
lift Ho ' f il*i ; hi ?*. in*,
I *;< nun i!< ! SN -i ;ir \
Ami Ibt* m niT Mi.J <t v\ in m - t
I A\ tU< itr Min*y it'*t of br
AII:• X- < I 1.41 Vi fl Ii a cot i ;
“1 mu f* ii‘1 <* shfil, Iroiti AUt*n,
B> >\ t ui(i itivclv ij.nlJcn,.
\\ lTi h mil" (i re ,
1 Mil i 1114* t<> Nidi 1 tj 11. \ Mlllmv
Bbl I cf Mtmt dor*} nir In Ijotfow
Ii 1!! < 11 Ht( j, i 111 |; t. 1111 4 ;• ;, ;i t ,a , :
E i il y Uii i t.-licj >|:. i living,
A lit! lo r UjO' tTiitt 'o if.i t t giviiiu*,
o|t a i'ligld hi.ti diMtiml 'iioMj ,
; A ifd i rom* f ii 4 t oa iu \ ilnv. ,
vv iii hin a lit.ill thy jow ;
Who i* lhint,* lor miinioiu.
llv H*. joy b | u*Wfc \ it*
1 {aptoil ii t fMVi lc 1 mol tl* ijght* i,
l, tin- imw y l|r<| hdtlU' am/,
A*lr4!d VHtfjj lilU*pt Vi <• lu.pit |
j \\ toil my mo| w u* ii.i)k( *l*>oihig,
I lot! li* In m mi * *;•;* MO/,
if* illtj mi my hi nt at lot
It! hi th*' tun.oh in my bi fut,
A *1 tM, <• o*• ti nt my nothi* n,
Iu fi* tift lb iih- I A * u
Vv 0 4 * ? iol 111* * 11 tliUt rli ffc -
J VV o.J!* mM. |o| <v* llioli
l 1 fli I }T* \x J! It , tuul< f I. | v I,
I ’h* mnid* 11* hi th nt bvi i ;
D •my w nil j ,rt •II v* 'f"
(l*i 'hr h; Til if ha loti tl< a*- •: n( . *,
'V J i * my *hy 1 *)•**• * y>, ■, , |
K(Ho no 'lltrt ,o iij v )
:“I * i r , O ill i c rill *l* /v ,
>i ii.v u*>*< 111 <-hi* i*h< <1 iov*,
W loop I am v 4 m tJu>> "f ) tjtv ;
Mia 111 * | hm* *1 h r) > p'nal
Ist fb** b'oa l u <J imiiioiini,
f > b h ?hf"i. Ii 11.** g -.ilr . • Ji#.r ?>,
I) '* ")i‘: Hoiv in igi.l Mi I rpi • tj o.r,
I)' i! *• yi ■(* b i*b nl u ■■ dji r,
Uls li i*A iH I toll*] <j| lull | fcliofl* ?
w *M! 1 tnj tr>r:.#* mo! i-io/.n i v. a i g
Ai in v * I inwtl fre
Movotl.bH c '*a by my p • t img,
Ami my m xi >.a iport*m lo*
Tirth the* tl* v* . my noul cn.irig,
r ii. h !# , th* h*' r* turn in/ *
io t ii# *li• ! h* t ftrl in *if A ol*oi,
Oi a b if I t K v*- > n rlo*:*' t
D*\C*! * H ;H r Mdl hiv*' > ii uj'Jon,
A fl li* f i .4ii>4' l Kill 'd*) ;
Mi : ih‘ fl .wtis about hn bluomin/.
Mid the ' dm* -wilt (icrium tig
A i tbe bnimy air smund,
Btje, airsyeil iri rulic ol h t nesa,
VA *1 s an mgi I ,n her bri,htn>i*
A I'.ii a nrealli imm r'! frowned."
Then tiie iiir i, hit wig unfolding,
\y It me * I ,ay beh'ihJing,
HI ed ith tianspotl and delight ;
W.tli a mdt amioruu, i^/o,
N . ding, bidding me a lien,
j'hr /ugh the o|ie:. window flew
Out into the gloomy nlgft*.
IJ l bright en'banting vis n
OI the di-tai t fields K yrlan,
An] my iberiabcd K inore,
Asa lair a; and lovely maiden
l>aelung iu tbe land ol At '< n,
I ,ry dght !or evermore.
The e shall J tny I .vcl - ne , reeling
Al cur future eatly nietiing,
<ln that distant radiant shore
IVlth eotat ) y and gls-lneas
Piee Irom parti’ % pais on i sadness
Ciarp again my Klinoje
Call her mine lor ever mere I
The hVirage salary ol the Method! t
rriisistir in tbe Northern church is about
4700. Must ol tie brethren who dtaw tlt
iargeat ssla.ics are paid promptly and in
loP. Tne f-oor lellows whoe salaries ote
smaller are nut always paid bo reguiarlv.
The average back j*y due on aalarki t
twelve Ci nt. T.n t< e 81/016 finacciai
eflatra ate UckwarJ. The avtrags sals y
it oulv (970, and it it about twentj-five
per cent, iu arrearr. This /-Utc of '.biugt
calrs lor im; rovement.
Tuieve* broke into General
house, at Lowed, the ether eight, drank
treidj ol bis bt.i wine and carried ofl hi*
tifi twice, look* like :e:nbulioti,
t apt tin Vvx\ U'iiitaiior,
W l ii V Hi 'itiih I'ai Cyx wb 4 boy ht‘
lild a hoe iijlWr Hint gttivti itnx hiMurv n
tn ■ol M inmcc I*) whir!) Ue nuintr ol
AifUw ht n \ mi
Jlppl prlale ttiiH*. Wt>t*ti C*x whs ft
ming uiHii las UVUti dual, !avttu; u 4?-
\iv ol comm e able v-iltie anil Uir. f* *cbi •
r-n to tihaie 11.I 1 . Hu* t !rt ehiW, u got
name*! a Inwyer m attl her buy
am. bt aim* Hu* gt at cun o( (lw j.ttnit hi
vCdwHitl. At the tKM?tm;ln ol the Iti.
.11 m >! lN)h .*i Co\ llvuU’s llobWiir* 1 Mt *
I’tiiy Aciitumy. ai VV iluuhhlou, Ktlwaui
(. >4*# iiftim* up; e ii in * Ihc
i*H ot Ur? lOwtM cush. t)u * lit* soth 0!
May he i Hmhl to be m ktiub ut o| O*l M\-
mtT ,-cim 01, Hi**! it tu. Ihm ti*n the d*b
* I t. is ai 11 vA j al Wllu.lapou Hiiil Ibe '^Otu
l May 4*l the loiiowiug yeai ibat \m
on- ioHouMw to ut*u -
ry by lopl g .11 !he fuast approved aiyH
>hb u®. <t the pupiii 4>t tue Mims (June
fth** ’ll neltvi school lor young ludh i 10
A ihitii gim .
When >otitig thni C4uu* to Willi in*t >ll
lie w lie.illy seventeen )'<*(* ol Hge. lie
'Hf h gttaf, in mt .-ilio'iUiei eil n*ilo\, wliH
| iilliifUM' llldsCill.M ih'Vi lop tient , .1.1 I lie
|** It lug u ish* ii hitlise I uimoiM nil in m lc \
Lloi !-l* sbenglh by ill'.mg hmr httmtie
fpVuibkb dead tvoigot t* the
j i liu 1i• ii •. In *n ittuei he w.h ((til* t jih,
!11 fUMimitig, Ua 1j tick to aiuci who a In*
j I <1 u/uiu W* i, all t It * kie fol eons j n*o
* h mo it in '
v> .1.1 l ' 111 •! I I til*' CO! 14' je I! !•* Ib" I y ill 4;
in i>ii a-* lie 1 'tv lUdiniie ..I ~t lho !* i 1 .
.It is Isi.ile. C"\ Was li l hit si Vi cod |i.
J 111- ntodle . if) hi* I, b )'* v| U*. 11l .* able l
; 1 n!, I lie i*u.i \t< a .ht.c lo c c.u*' l.i ,
I (Mil Hi Hal to s,(i in com u - toll 1.14 lo** ii mil- .1
|id ta ti and .N • e: die * h/ \N .0* a ttoti* v
; U'du/v, with lii id rcilciiili lc mduial
ito the iSoitti eth )OHth, and tit* W a 11.1
t ii' Titli oil liltj twit .All lilt II 10l 111--* I . liU.
lot in and a 1 * a ,oin ;
t >l!h tl , l J t alii .J I*l *(>i| Isonl.i, W llt>y- 11,
Uvi tHlc ii V nghtla.. VV tit 11 young Cov
t ame to VV liming on liii yuHugm htalt 1
.Violin , t amo ..1- and diluted the mdo t
tv ilo* Jol tnt Mia*' 1 bt|iiioii<i)V, *v lit i■ .\.e
hnd I* t .a t>n ictlo .Hit E-/U i*a V\,-.
lioill h .Kl l eimt;.- -CC. .MiS* VV U*VIM, a
lii■ ) *..,1i not ahi n itil'il j* 11, I t *l * i ot <I as
being ou* ■l I lo '-/iyai.l \\i.on all
•oiu nil*; i hiiic m emtn* l vv liii w* re in*
iMiioy atttHvleil< Bii lit hml winy in
t tiutm t nib'll, grattl il nud j b aain * li*
t*H lit* ti 10 >(‘l lUll illt.est only io u like Ij 1* ti l .
icnjhu o? i/t and, us she .1 s m*iin g* net al
I) 1 *it •! aim I'Mii.mHc gul, ami Ini
1‘ M ll* ii * A 1 I*l * t dill I J(!*U * |, I hot l' ) '.\ Cl
dl* II lo # ,it< *;d iiia! th* pci-Usc ill*
ov* fw lhal a'.odl twiil limij icii h i ah 1
i*4‘dly 11 tv -li p< iil \ Min. I'd. j). 1/ N
.south Vi ‘ I !h, M iliOl lEll .Old aud t' 4011 *•
J.*A' ilt n /.. Mi > (>• -x , h* r 10./H1 .11 hk,
1 • a o and a lom *iit -c lm i .
Vo/ t ' A had ll' 'i • lit III* < n a vv 1
Ho 1. t r an had entice to the s l icily
/•* t ;(.||*>| o| lh*: Mu*' - (, * 1 mis ha a it 1 f
aus li.o Ii i*l *J an opjniinti.ty ol iimd
no- M hVV all. m as ulh 11 mh ho eh n* Jl*
< I mt- to in* 4? t lier at h * 4 * * t in l* 1 v 1 .
lltSi ihi!*o Hielihu iu iy ii*>*v m ibii a-dc
Ili 01, vv ho vv 1 h her 11 u a*, vv .tiili*' 1 1 , j*a
1/ ipiy giidi'de i Uicm; ml' ivje \H ml
mile ‘7) >. hhT * jHo i ! y. I'*i* v r a*:ted a
a* ouUn lJo* *a >-p igo *>! iov** an! v* r<
* utif.dy .U4;**/*.u( >1 m pidliCin j Hi if
Mn-j* LuU and I/jwar*J v. cm; Mraug
lo *a* h *<l h* 1 unlil ilo) met in tin; 1 lUe
paihff oi tin *l* c i*diool lor yo* 11.* la*ln r.
wi.ich ilo M; << and Otmi iiuw kept. lib
xjii i Uitil the C ute I'l Hue luvi; run
m< ti.i u nc day l lie THU of M'i .
iHWI y 'UK tot -walking With Gupta.o
N ' ut*. and ."I w m lit hi ■: bust ) oil
ivll . a secret tind 1 Want juu to give me
youi met i o| tumor as n gallllctnen tli•'t
) iii) Will n*vw d'Vtllge It.
We I, ii't tli'* C ipuin, amt.iug la till*
e.vrn eslneßß ol In* lavorit* pupil, a* 1 take
it (or graiit'd llmt you haven't murdered
or robin and asyb'idy unt cmmltUd Biwio, I
.i|l,■ I will have to promise rileoce.
On jour wo id ana pent eiriau prow *e,
insisted Ci i, Bud laugi.togly the captain
ptowuMjil nod Ci* went OB- 1 “* going
t" many Lain Watkins t" day.
Normei ae, you are Hoi gotug to do any -
long ol the . t and. Why, I han't |iC toil
you t > mahe such a!■ oh*'* step—at your
age, prepoßterou* f
Well, to ilop Wie you will have to* ted
*< tuehbdy, and you are a getitleman and
earinol freak y ur word, refried Cox,
doggedly, and all expostulation waa uc
-.1-1 b t i shake him Iroru hut lerolve.
11 you do try to atop me. why I will
like her on the train to I'.n a lelphia. .No
body can hiuo'.t me from doing that, ad
v. the h .t-'rlooded, impulsive youirg Ici
low went <>u.
Mil friend, seeing there was no Use oi
iflemp'ing to dix'ira ie hiru from bin pw
pw, wise!) concluded that II be ruui go
ou be would ice tbe girl tro[i*rly and le
gally rnairied hefo.e tbe couple lelt the
The iutfruePir and iris pupil walked up
tbe UreeJ^that day, iu May, 1800, talking
over the impoiiaut matter that Cog had
enraged iu, the hot-headed lover turning a
deaf jar to all retna stratice ol the older
and wiser wan. It Jots appear, however.
th>t the ex- army officer was not lacking a
pice of rum ance that iu tbia case waa a
lellow teehng snd made him wondrous
kind to but rapt!- il > r shall 1 get u li
cense ? rjuerriel Cor. I gne* you can
,_c'. it there, strd the ca, lain, directing tut
yvt(h to nn 1 prewmilv,
100 being j*rf.cuietl, thu ConpU
aiml’ed * u tip /Mug mnru
A Mule NHUinr (Oi rio y me! Ihe >nuut
!ady who 1, *o % I’ml , m 1 mi.
She. n>. Md()Ai ifilo tin, suiie nu.
Yhi lor llllA,bitd tin
I I an). 1 am going lo
-t-r (111* wtdwK (too iih.
I’.eontly Ihß *w. mol Mia- WntkiUf
and Xlhs Cu*t and the ,|uintdlf (hus font •
and pfoC, lne li.uisp ot hi. old tiiiii
w , l..Ah,)* u XoUiiklisl cin nil 11 .cr ol (ha
dny# T|i la, Will am Umu , liimel
coliy ti4>l*lh||R l*v Vh 4u..d< my
n.y a, w iiiKjPVi to KHotk womuvci
. <ud w'l.uuOHpn vould Utid Uii'Ol. ill
ii.J uc* cXAtHtk) Uut liuu*i‘, (KCI-I Uni till
he, itud VlSp" I*' 1 *' iu due loun, and .o iln
paw M(. aud Mu. ooa
Ofliiftt 'aTtihlX lo ltie 80. 01, #liu.'u Hip lm
nand wtH a mil* lo ihu Alia ts Gmui
•haw, ol 1 lit* mKM bcJiool to 1 young ladltn,
wTtiuh r.Ol in about lhii.-c word-:
1.0.1.A ; 1 tin mo 1 iml this altciuooi.
(o Miss 1,0 .IW, Walkins, one ol your pi.
pi!'. My wdotw tl I Ip.ivc on H,u nim toi
iin* Smil) on our wil>:i 1 1<i>. Vcy u
-pm fully,
Kow ah■. C ja.
I'ni, 1)0(0 lull *+kp .1 bo'Uljaii.- : I , llm ,-i
--lit !A. 1.0.>1 loi youug !ad.< i, aid a dh.pal, n
o llm u.mi ooildu. tor 110
nu v. r ih u Mr. ami M- m- Cos a im.l ic(l lln
ira 11 l Havre du lira. '. I he Clm i ol I’.
,ioe ol \Y n.ilingto.i w.t > w . 111. nltei . lh, 111
tu dtiad iitiny yuan, Uul bulnru lie
was laid away iu tinal ic.l ho ollcn ,lnld
lln ,-l o) ..| 1,,s iDPflma Cox ill ilaviu <le
lliace. Tub young Couple had united
ib nil 1111 u I nu.s ahead ol l!m . 1)1 cr and
iad occupied loom at llic hosteiiie ncai
cl l IC lepot. •
(' vie pooled ,I.i I’oUccinni M ml,'n
oil!, Mid nil Ii a suite on Ills lace, said.
5 oil me 100 li,t,, bc-ndi s, v, Iml bliklm fh
uttxu yon ad !. ii iilci lei c n till me il M .11)
Imi?V id h ,and icllttt );*i hmi . M od)
i tl,. uup ihu hi,dy ,le, . i In’l si) nolliinc
J Ii o'tud at him aid liu givtl mu a l.uio
soil 1.. Im.a' l ''i ■(> ' 1 !■* lilihidl, at - 1
~11 11 'id, 1 ixll 1 *i going ;o inlc. I, a . And
didn’i, and 1 i unu Imnn .
in a day or two Do* lulurin .1 lo \YJI
initial,,n will) his xvlie, aud Copped at Ai
uioi.d'k llolul unlit in gni mom y iioin
home. It,' (liiii ell Im (ho Hoiilh, and
~a* i.ijv i visit#d thu .Ninth < *eepl
one*.', ami lh xi wnc-xvlom', as a i uplulu in
Ihe Doulu lerali! army, lie Pl ight lit Del
lyahdia. 11 is m '!P i# le.mrle 1, lo have
la ii a happy one, hot ol all lliohu who
xv, , , ,lima a xvhli id,: very inily hi I r>
I Ins xveddod 111 n'd • in 1 liimtva aiiylliing
,h lio ilcly of bhu ni hi. all,jif, the
U a Mid tinry nl ihe bhoolmg uIIi ay Ini
which l,e ha- j id lx eu tiled.
t tlMilll.nllM VI,
We extinct the fui!"W'nig Irum the W ihli
ingt hi i’oai'a a. , ot a speech ol
BUiuc in the Mi irate in. wink.
Air. Il il He ilevn'e.l i illM.l'l.lbbt ill’l l
i loj to Hun. A, H. Hie, lieiiv' -War lb
iwicii Die hiali'k,’ den iibbig i' ux u ini
i liii a oub work, full ol mini pr< mill,ill 'll
,u l laluc diK; thr eighoui. lie and
it<:ii and a good deal ol Ida eiUieiam to Mr it, ad tight to in ike it n,;p‘ 11 Hi ,i
lie u <1 M . Mieplii u were ah r ug to lie
mote nilicbievoo,- piipme. Mr. Kate.
1 iriee'u I him r vei al line a, ouce or Mm
coiiipe dig IJluine In lead whal In (Kilnuj
had nal'J in lead ol giving hla impienßlou
I Ihe lung age used. Ifpon eu.rh 0.n.-
*l iu Ihe I lee iid elioweu Hint very great
iile lt.en had hoen taken Willi w ind w a
leally naid by Mi Hit n. Kiually the hi
ter put a stop to tbw px e edore in tli.d
.very positive manaer that i* iliaia iiii tie
ol him. Betaking el Benulor liill’aan -
tl ei dial Hie N imiieni iJ ni .erata
Uji' Union, M;. Dlafne raid he didn't think
the Bcnatur from Cmiiiaciieul helped die
war along much.
. Mr. Katou t*nine.vhal iudiguunliy)—
lives the beuator Iroin M tine dvsiru to
make n perron .1 attack ii|mjh me.
Air. Blame—Not at all.
Mr. Katou—Then don't infer anything ,
charge it penly and wilien yuy atie npt u>
quote me, read what 1 wild.
Mr. Blaine quoted the remarks ol .Sena
tor Hid in is recent speech, iu regard P>
liii connection With the secession coovei.-
llon "f Ueoigia, and read le’.te s the latter
wrote deploring the act ol secesaiou, und
s .ying lie would only c tiseul to i< ai to
the death ol hi* lathei. Ti eu takmg up
whal he aai 1 wai a report ol the proceed
ings ol the aec'-ssi'ih convention, .Mr.
Biaiue said he found among those vi tmg
‘aye’ upon the ordinance ol scc< ssion Hid,
o! Troup county. He prolesaed l i Ire vet)
much aciipirued at this alter whal Mr. llid
had Bait!, auii added that 209 men voted to
s< cede, wh'ie OT voted no. Bald he ; Tee
Oi ttuUir iron* Ouorgia had said tl 'Ufa ol
you want to kill tire old man (ins flail.e ;
I’ll join you rather than uu in tbe mluoiiiy.
It waa surprising that no secessiouhts
Ct/Uld ire lound in the BouDi ; they were
ail dragged into the war. There was tin
Senator Irom Kentucky (pom(mg to Oen.
Will'ants), who went out and hrught Ire
tause hi* slate didu’t go out of ihe Union.
BernUor Will Urn.—But] didn't hue a
mbst itute.
I his. completely fieoctJ Blaine; bh
countenance su a mixture ol rage, shame
and diigu.t, at :be Sudden turn lire n.aitei
usd ,’.akeD. After sileot and
jooking kheepisfa I.t several mourcnis, he
an id belli Senator* Iron) Kouluuky had al
luded lo dial üblttu!e ; he did biie ouv.
t conacripl law was pa aua wUiel),did not
exempt ii.oudfcis ~| C.ingi*** ;hu n* on
ot Ihu tied men diawn, aud he ,1 and hire a 1
Aohsirnlr. xVnal x.ouhi you have doue ?
iu (Jen. Williams. I'd lu.vo gone oul and
(ought ; tliatV) what Td have dune, wn
the prompt reply, la youi aubxlituio uovv
ran mg a penal oh f
No , lephed Blaine. IK; turned out to
be a xx nrtldes*, scurvy i>c utoutsl, aud 4
hm’l know w hat became ol him.
Bid you gel hi.u lor hail piieu? waked
Mr. Khm. i .Id
No, i laid imi price lor Util); mo e
than the average Democrat u wortlsf
( Laughter.)
J * llei'aon O.tvla a| II iiilxt.
Boston lie mid ]
Aligbliug irum, Die train a( Beauvoir
Station, M ißi., yo i (an ace two nr ihrw
smull brown stiuctubev, it grove ul pines,
and the.white visia ol vauiahing railway
track, g Intel ing with mil ion a ol minute
ictrucliuna ol the biiglit amishiue lor
miles til,mg iis humly way.
I'aking (hu liail , eioeplihle roadway to
yotii (iglit, leu oi illleeu minutes* wall,
ih o.hgh The pine* biinga you t i the l.eocl.
11, ie you sue a house built in iheaiiy lash
ion ol this legion ol perpetual nuimlti e.
t his i- the lesidenci! . I the H v. 0 . I.i
eock,an ngi and K| i'Ci)| alian, once Clmi
am to tin Duke ol Cambridge. Beyond
.l.c n vripud gent!,'s . slide you s. r,
.moling Uu he.ieli another estate, the ic- -
cnee ol Mr. l)a\ is.
I-iitu log the gale you p ,s aer ,s a
lawn .titled with live oak nod other tiee ,
lesloi in ,1 x\ ith Hie picturuMpio Spanish
m ns. Before you Is a loxv and spacious
m a in-ion, painted white, with hmad vi
land,is. At eithtii aide, a tiil|o i carer the
li'iici', is a *ui ill h ill ling, n ami ul puvii!-
ion. White i< •sllii!' ,ii the veranda, wall
mg toi your hitii id o tioituetion to I,c
liandii,l tu your master, your oyo lake, iu
the hospilahle ) tovi lons (oi ease all ndeil
try si vein 1 eomt rtulilo locking eliuirs, „
i xldo, and a set'UU
Idle In iu i, all *‘e in. The hruad Imll
which goes through lire liouae Is open I"
ihe hie, /.a,. put not tn the 'ardent nun,
w Ii se ray. mu Inleieeptod by the v> lands
lie.',, on the huul veiandu, sits ol a iiiorn.
ing the c<x-President jl thu rtoulli. I , lull
view ts thu (lull ol Mexico, that eaz/.tiug
ra liaut expanse of alilut iiQ. lug hluu. Its
suuuuei w ,ves glide roil y, lo biouk in
lulling snun 1 upon the white and* spark
ling sand. riie btii 7,c li bnloii with the
,ttalign pe,i,uuu~ot tire Hen. I 1 I- the land
nl me lotus Ctt’urs, xvlielu it is always (•
if iln rod. Hill ng oil—this Vermi Is, Into
xx hid lev, lies may not the Douledeiaii
< x i’le.ldt ul lull, as he gi.gits out upnn this
M x ituu UuTf/xt Irleli, trad Iko dresms ol
tl.i- B min!n Huti’Miii'ii li'-in i<mll/,mi
would have linen I lie 111 hind fin ol u mighty
empire, nticlch leg to the Iroplis.
1 was so ill sammoned to the ti lit ■ !
the minsion. This hmldlng Is divided
into Iwo parls. The rearward Is occuolml
try an ancient and luvnitu negro servant
win se Idea nl h itiseit(raping la to display
liik Im nil in'■ mid ton's mi his little
He has a tuition id ruining vegetable odds
and ends In li ms, mi I his vagaries exciie
hot a smile. Ni one diearns ol ir.teiler
mg, even lor tlm saltu ol older, with the
prlviivges ol His nut'iiul sirvilor. The
Irtuil purl ion ol the pavi.lioti is ireoe
pied liy M . Davis ns a deary and study.
Here f lound him, siiglilly Indispoved and
)ing upon a lounge. His manner Is geni
al and vury kiiulli, wi* Is Dial ilrtiiiilng
ei intesy elniraelerMile ol tlie iilgii bred
M-nr le rn gentlemao.
Heventy years 01-nge, M Davis has yi l
a fresh and vlgoo us look. His hair, moils.*,
tache and whiskers are white in part, but
His eye Is bright sod clieu I'll. ll>s lacc
in almost seven ly intullirctual,
but tile snide which ligh'a up his mouth
am] hm quietly elie' ile! laugh dispel the
Hist impress ol coidues*. Ko vof our pub
lic men have the quiet Insciuatiou ol rnuu.
tier, tire old fashioned grace, and Ihu
charming conver.ational powers "I Jetfvi
sou Davir. Ills memory is cspuelnus and
retentive. One might, with a photograph
ic pen, collect great shires ot reminisceuee
Irom his lips.
HlaUstks ol the mineral wealth ol Mexi
Cos real as though Curb/, had wriltin
them. Uis said to surpass all other coun
tries in ibe richness cl ' epodhs, espgcisl.y
those of silver. Metal is lound neater the
surface than m California or Nevada, and
mo t ol Hie mues are worked in a primi
tive maimer, w itb little machi rery. The
approxtmate value of productiou is shout
125,000.090 ja r annum. Although Mexi
co is our next dooi nngldror, we know
very ill tie aln u< her. It is quite probable
that the ex|iosilion nt lb#o mill make us
Letter acquainted with her resources, dtaw
Arnericsn capital to her mining regions,
and pul Mexican Block ou the United
jutes market, 'ihe mining laws ol the
country aie very liberal. Any [enoti, na
tive Of foreign, ury denounce a mice;
■bat is, alter tbe | ay ment ol moderate lues
to tbe government surveyor, be may claim
povrcsklon, and must go to work on It
within three mouth-, or 1 rleil his claim.
laOoi ir. cheap ; wood it lo l/e had In Die
mining localities, but the scaicity ol fuel is
j due mainly to the tael that the coal mines
■ ate LOt woiki.-[Wajhmgkiu i'oa’.J
N O 25
Cttubi ma-lITt
The boy Ut, m bis tittle bsd.
Though oft ti.ts uwt'.rer •ailed ;
“(let up I cornu d>wn to break hist, KredL*
"Oct up ." his f.tUc* bsxvlorL
Yet cjuiet s J,ertMie Ire lay.
As ihough Im htatd them noi :
Opnvsuia J,(J Bin youmjftor play.
Though things xx tie geHiog IkuC
Hie t|,n passed mi—hs did no* start,, -
But tnok another usu ;
His father up the stair did dirt,
A ,and gave hi) digyr nip.
He cried a’oud, Say, Friddy, say f
Why dnu’l yuu leave your bed !**•
But sduully y ung ft uddy lay,
A.) though he were tpiitt. dead.
• ■ V#|
•Speak, Fieddy,”once sgal t hr firMt|
, "F .r I must soon be gone ; *• -i
• •And"—but a lusty snore repl!(f-
I‘a's pstiume ueaity gone. •
Up to Ids lace quick ran thu blnct,!,
lie lure IBs auburn hair,
A moment at the doorway stood
In still, yet deep dtspalr,
And sin uted 'gale, w ith Udibderoua knock
"Y ting scoundrel, do you heir f
While in the lull loud ticked the clock,
That giated on hlrear,
Willi angry push In! opened the do >r,
Ain slammed it to ngain
\V ,in noisy strides acroHs the 11 i ir,
To Iml he w&lkcd again,
I'liea c one a sound like tl rushing wheat*
Or butcher teudorlng steak ;
Hem screams ! hear l hear sctiiip-
Ali, Uiud Iy is awake, [eritig feat )
A ringing hell, a moduli'* call,
May h nn iimus rouse a lad ;
B it ill • only sine thing alter all,
lx a l iiher when lie's mad.
The lollnw ing notice ol llnuaveuluio it
liu'ii the pen ol an aged curiesp iiulent of
the t\ ashluglun (la/.ulte :
1 hnd nil,m hesrd and Bouaventtjre as oh
nl thu Iu" lichl s/iuls Iu thu nelghltorhorHl
ol H ivuu xah, and ns a hurl tl-grnund wlth
ntil its ctpial iu thu Uulled Staler. A
hum I ul mine hum l liailestmi, then on a
visit tu our city, proposed ttrial we should
i ide mere lip other some clear alterooOtt.
lo this I stay;i led with the more plesiura
as |i had been lor some tune one of my
illicit w hins tu ski that great natural
Hi dug i limit pit a tilde gateway we
I mini ourselves within an enclosure of
about ten acrim planted with live oaks of
-n unusual rise, tbe branches ol which
ware thickly r eslonned with grey moss,
which, liom Its growing only iii sickly tn j
gimiß is a. ineiiuies called “Ihe rurtnlns of
death.l" A few yards from the entrants
our driver halted anil requested us to InuK .
liaising our c)os and broking as be ilireul
eil, we had a view nl one of the most im
presalve natural acinus 1 had ever witness
ed. Along one side ol the road was a row
nl live "nka in a sit sight line, whoae ovsr
liMigl e.' and lutertwinliig branches lormtd
a aeie ol gothic errl.ea more lieautilui and
gtand l.h hi ever seen In the 101 l last CalkC
dial nl tlm world. The long moaa hang
ing liom the branches and completely
eve lug the lower llinhs, gave a perfect
idea ol a temple shrouded In mourning.
No vet Ira! description can do Justice to
tlm in armful n| lendois of this spot, I3on
a vi. ntu j c iiwch pone ol its attractions to
There Is not even a graded walk Within
Iht limits. The lew funeral monuments
aie pits'll Mid uooßlentatlour. Bo grand
and Impressive is iiHtura here that any ar
tUlic embellishment would seem a mock
ery. Among the memorials ol those who
had parked into tbe mirurnfug land the
most simple and expressive was s solitary
red roM- blooming at Ibe head ol a maid*
sir's grave. Jn Ills rbe was heau'lful and
lovely, ant! the light ol tbo circle in which
she moved. What more appropriate em
blem ul so fair a being tbau a nse, tbe
queen ol the flowers I
. Boiihv nture wss once the residence of
the Tiitr.ah's, one of the oldest and most
aristocratic families in Georgia. More
than seventy years ago a gay assemblage,
who ha] been cnviud lo dine with Ibe
Lord.oi the Mansion, were strolling
through the flower gardens and over tbe
iciiacetl lawns in Iroiji’ol Jho house when
they weie summoned to dinner. ■ They
had scarcely entered tbe ba'l when the cry
ol “fire I rung through the building, which
in a lew minutes was wisppeil in thyne*.
The guilds were nearly fiaialjaeil With
(ear, so sudden was the slarm, yet it if re
ported that one ol them rafted bis voiee
above (lie din hod contusion ol tbe mo
menl, and exclaimed, “Be me lo save the
turtle soup I”
The telephuiii finds each day new Me* *
A popu ar | rc-acber at Halifax, Knglemf,
recently delivered a sermon, praiev, lec
sons, singing and all, to a delighted Sa
die nee at Manchester, thirty -six miles
Tbe prop ietr of tbe Pufluiai car is
veutb n reports tbst paper wheats bee*
i uii 409 090 miles under bis cars whhoel
ie,.sir, while the average ruaeiog power
•■I an oid ttary wheel is from 90 000 to 60/
UtO miles.