Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicatoc
VO L 7
A r 1.'.00 I’KK ANM 3J.IK ADUNi’E
IW OeKIC* SOUTH at'K l-ouuc 9QCAKV.
U i u* *'t Advertising,
s .ice I*V ,1 I Vllmo \6mo !1* '
\ tnth IUO i 5. I t >i' ' IDS' 1 l'J-00
uubts 150 >OO |(i Mi |IOOJI 15 00
iK itc.- aou 800 ;10 oe, ift oO |*s 00
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u> . ,no i inoUjrwi'abuo ti'ou
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1 1
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lh U. uulli I vrtof.
SHERIFF., O, B. Flmt ih-t-
Cl KKK B C \N U Kel>i
IA X KECKIV KU .15. 8. Clements
lAX IGLLEITOK... -J o Chiiutiau
IKK aSI KKK K J. Autbouy
&LRYEYOK ... O.F. Maubewu
IDRONEH .... Joliii IL Jones.
L. J. Milam, A trou Sibley,
V". J. Ket-ves, J l - BuchSWan
J. \V. Lite*.
H< -Alili OK fcUt CATION.
Jot ■ Wa Perk, W J Barr u*
Ei. ;iauu Ibevn, K- A. Parker
A. il. Fiecmtin, tc
Si NAT OH S>'li Dlsirict, K M. Duncan
K J William*, O " • W >"'>
o. 11. K KITH,
■ ri OUN I. Y AT Law
J\ lilUtxaviak Ua
\\ ii {t SM tx<-<- 111 Mull wet bar aud tin
, v*> I-1 t*.O’i>.-*ov t* ** ' ..wrt* r ircol'.
(iKEfNVII.U, <*
\.. i'i.oii*, i>. 1). ■''•i
| * EiSIDEN I IM..N I .I*l
I linsKNvir.i a t
Term* < svb AH weik warteet-l^
DK r li 1 E.HHKi.L
/ \EEEIHRis l’f. k> u> mi*..** l<>
\ ) ilo I’.jb n- <)flo' .fill hi* lamer,Dr
J I (, ft lit-'!, at the Drug E ..r
ull lt' Improved l.'oitow (•!
I'iar.U-r* bic ic*|>cc'tiully invite*! t‘* cx
*,,,in* Ur Dm Iwto *- buying 1 wll ku<*|
sari , '' 1.10, wMb K.udui, tkifiduneur atrf
( Off ON f’f I. B tdrspelising with*
ii,m * sy* in hand lor < xblbtllon.
t\V uot'ai t*-e me t*r wiuf'tt
D/am I urchareri, in rv.ry (>*ii|rulr
'llo p >* u )l> l*e red wed ro-xl waM/ti
lf.,m I't.W to fit V) j*-r saw i u the (iios,
an.; f 1 25 U f 1 CO on the J r*
t< r all In the accompanying cctlincnim ol
tll kt> wri plat.tns wl o *ru ulog </ul
i*<t‘. <7ii , a- to tbe * xtra price* obtained
or cotton gin tJ on llreic
J A lit KK - 1 , Ag. ut
L'iff n, 'it; Ma’cb 10,1850.
.(■ipfrrifl, Ga .
Wf, I • I igl .i. !-" Br g ’ ’< • ,
tell Improved L’gbt Draft Cotton Gin
1 fit Gin i* of Hujcrior Workman*bip
K"r fast g noing, sah-ty in running am!
ll fc bt draft, tto do the same work,)] we
Iblr.k H hut no eq’tai ; but tbe nuart im
portant feature is the Attachment lor *peb-
Ing and improving tbe sample. The lieW
cotton in rn.proved by it so a* U> bring
from i to i ceut, and stained and dry col-
Ht' m ti® 1 cent per pound urnre in tbe
Urifiin maraet than on other Oio*.
T. W. MANi.ET.
ICurrriir, Os., May 17,1878.
To J A BI Efciß, Agent tor tbe Ouiltlt
Gin MsaVg Cos., at Griffin, O*.:
At your request, we, planter* and deal
era in cotton, give to tbe public our opin
io* of your Gin- We take pleasure ip say
gto ail in need of new Gins, that it i
sow a wtli-eriabliabed (act that cotton
girned on these Gins bring a lliokkb
I sicz is our market than any other, and
tbe gin* are growing in publir favor. Cot
toe ginned on them sold last season at
from one-quarter of a cent to one cent ir
pound aboye tbe maiket price. Mr. Gui-
Jeu’s Attachment for improving the sam
ple of cotton, we are s&th&ed, is what he
claims lor it. The Giu®*ppears to bare
red perfection is Gin Machinery.
R P. McWlLLlAJlfc
JI am A gen t| for tbe Celebrated ECLIPSE
PORTABLE XLNGINE, mar.utactured by
Fnck * Cos., for tbe counties of Butt
Fayette and Clayton.
J. A. EEFKit,
march 28 3<n
Tlw* NeW Tmtaami.
We love tbe-b-Mik ol Matthew,
Of Mask, and Luke and John ;
The life of M our Savior
la what they dwell upon.
Tbe Acts aid then tbe Romani:
Two CkillutUiaas you aet> ;
Uai'atians and K.ilresUu",
tiling tTrrht to von aud nr.
iTiiMippiaua anti C lonian
■M, urXI ill oido bun ,
l a>.i Tub ‘tin ,
In iwuiu they '*olh appu.i ;
Tiieu Titus aud Philemon,
Aud Hebrew*, licit iu truth,
\S uh Jouio.l aud two ol Peter,
liia>tt urt !l age aud youth.
John writes to little children,
Aud gives epistles throe ;
While Jude discount's plainly
01 what we all should lie.
He last is Revelation,
To all the nations sent :
And thus we have computed
The wholefNew Testament.
A gieat many date their (alt to a period
when they oUobeyed their parent"., and la
gau staying out late ai night on the street
cornel*, whuie iille and tl nderiy boy*
would congregate logelhei Now hither*,
lei me uige you lo know wluieyour
drtm are after dailt. And then sgiin, do in their presence which you would
not want them to do. Home IntJusuce
will always tell be It lor good oi evil
Dime novel nndiug has done a great
to corrupt the morals end h sier crime in
ibis country. Aud just tier* let me aay u
1 word to y> u II M net) aud wcfoien Avoid
; had tonipai y, tor ll.c <>hl u.lagc always
! luilcis ;<iH)d, Ends ol a leather flock to.’Stb
lei. II wn lit had c ini any you will be
njgxrdod iu the same light as your bud a
social'a. Il you should go out to the ah
-la-x, amt pul your hand lnt>) the aalie*
llieie would he no Are to burn you. Never
ihe'es* the coal that you touched would
Ula< ken youi fligirc Bo la- earclul ol
the company you keep, aud select your ai
nti tab and Itlehils ol those who air
among 'he good aid the true. Il you do
till:. you w ill find It cash r lot lo cont act
had habits than it will In- lo alter yea a to
get tid ol tin ru. Liveable ol uselulnra*
~ud n ke the war'd Utter lor youi li vihg
lived in ti.
The Troup oouu'y graud Jury is down
on 'he use Ol intoxicating I quort a* an
. ieciioii'eiiug medium. In one of lu re
l ent pinsentuient* it espresso.) it as fol
lows. We deprecate more strongly lUnit
we >;aiig'X|ii<: the glowing evil ol using
intoxicatkug liquor* in electn in to fnllti
i-ure. VOICE A large potUoi. ol >ihl rUlbagc
i* ignorun'. That re ha I through , but in
lime it can be remedied. II it to this igno
,aoee is . l.ajily being sdde 1 a dcltaucbciy
ihrongh.the use ol liquor to Influeuo
vote*, whi h canuot Jr ti cause the giavesl
(oars to every true p..tiiot. We unroot
see tu tit is any has criminal to bribe a
voter with a jug, or a brum oi whla'xcy,
than with a dollar or a huudrel dollar*,
and yet the former i ooti>iatiUy done by
meu who wouhl scorn to do the lattrw.
A:i> tin* m..kos tbe evil so much greater,
that it is crmnUmancvd an I practiced by
mar y who are considered our trust am)
most Infioefttta! citizen*. Wears sapidly
tending to that point whore the candidate
who, Inmsell or thlOugh his Irmnds, can
buy tbe most votes, in one way or another,
is sure lo be elected. What our Iree insti
tutions will come to in such an event, we
need not aay ; it is apparent lo a!) who
think- We call opun our (allow citizen*
to create and maiutaiu such a public non ti
med on this subject that he who Iruyt a
rote with whisky—or anything else—wiii
be considered as disreputable as he who
sell* one. The present laws on using liq
uor to influence votes are not compreb‘-u -
slve or stringent em-ngli, and we aak onr
immediate Uepreaeotatirea in *he Legisla
ture to look into tbe matter and take steps
that are oeowwary to preveot the wholesale
debauchery ol auflrege, which is becoming
ao common In our country. We Inrtber
recomm> nd our Keprueeotatifea to ioaiM
ui<on tbe peaeage of e lew sompelliag vo
ters to cast their votes in the district in
which they reside.
A yocng man was bitten by a rattle
rnake at No. 6, on the M. A IL Kailroad.
It seema that he had gone into the yard at
early dawn to etlect some lumber lo build
a coffin lor hi* mother, who had died do
ling the eight. As he turned over a plank
on the ground the reptile struck him. Dr.
Thigpen was promptly on baud and treat
ed his cue. He it saM to have drank two
quarts of whwkey, much ol wbick, how
ever, be threw op. At last account* he
was doing well.
A will written by a colored citizen oi
Albany reads as follows ; This is the last
win aad testament ol dm, Writ. H. Cross.
1 give all my things to my reiali ms to be
divided among them Ute best way tbfey
can. N. B.—lf anybody kicks op s row
or makes a Joss about it be ishT to have
A t'haluiigr of Free Vuflfingr,
St. Louis Mdpubtk'an.
Ex-Socretary MiCufL-ch begins to din
trust universal suHragf. in his last lei tu e
before Howard University, while admit
ting that It has generally woiked well in
this oouutry, he ventures the opinion that
ii is by no means certain it will continue
to do sc. The time ol trial w ill come
q ln n those who have ao interests at staac
will tie a controlling majority ia the large
cith-e, and when, as may te the case, had
meu are (he leader* oi political patties. In
It -tm the i,\i* me | ah! and, ol cuui-<■>
tin- i lopiity owned by >.n :illli the popu
latio.i, the, .-I'll i toil tllttrk pay log on
ly v j.n 1-in\. Wnlle, llietelore, oti,-liltli
own me $ 800 ,000.000 Wealth in itoatou,
the olhet hiUi-tiilhs, owning Uo wealth,
own nearly all the votea, and may dictate
the legikiattou that protects propeity. At
picaeut ilila dangerous power ol the nou-
P'Oj erty-holdliig class It hold iu the ruial
districts ol the slate, hut alien the rural
population than \#cam dlvide T. lfke tfiSf '
of the city, Into a minotity of property
owners and a majority of mere voter*—
then, beHhu.ks will come the st ain. Um-
r*al still cage, he asseria, can be perma
nently trusted Only where propeily U
widely distributed, where a ini.Jonly pi
the voters ha ve inteteata to be protected.
Votes are a constovalive power when cast
By men who have interest* to protect ;
hi other hunt)*' they daugerou*. 1
should tivl that our repuhUcati institution*
u *U-J on a fii met basis than now, if our
agricultural Dials were divided Into air all
(arms. These stnlSmeilta arc indisput
able, but they apply only to one portion ol
ihi* country. In the eastern *tat. a the tend
ey toward* the notuclug coudilions which
the ex Secretary seeui* to approhntl i*
steadily going oie Ills the lural cluaet
who live on lamia, not tbe ttttisau classes
who live m title*, that migrate lo the west,
sort til's migration la gladnally shilling
the agticiilruial laud* ol those status Into
huge holdings, and diminishing the con
sul vat ive vote that now r< attain* the pow
ur ol the non-.'rjpoiiy holding inajoiity In
tittles. 1 i the weal, on the otl.ei hand,
land* arc so cheap that any in iustiloUa
anil llrrilly man may trecount a proprietor.
Tl ear laud*, purchasable at one dollar to
ten doltatt per acie, unite the very goii
sci valive ruial claaacfc who aie being rool
ed out ju the east, and o wistern society
grows airotig, r au>! pioie i.lalde by the
vy c.rusue Ural arc making cittern socie
ty more Insecure
The ux-Sm.iel iry recogul/a* liter impract
icability of
tbe east lo small holdings, and, therefore,
ho lum* for a remedy for the threatened
evil lo a limitation of mill ago.
The safety of property and of our form cl
got aroiu-M', ho says, can only bu secured
liy such a property qualification for voting
x* w ill prevent those who have uo in'ci
■**t in lire *t*tu front controlling |tg aflxlrs.
J Applause.j Next lo the boldm-s* ol this
clralleuge ol bee aufirago, thu mot cun*
ou* leatuio if t hat It shoe and Ire applauded
by a coiuiiiilYilly that I* lalmring to give
(lie control ol the southern siaies Into tbe
hinds ol tko non property lirldiog clsM
Hame (isos lo MTnrli I'nper la
The Western I’sper fra Is sums up the
folio whig list of urliclev manu'uclured ol
; apor, dtsplnycd at the ruceol Berlin Ex
IriblliOU , Animals, wal,basins, water
can*, carpeting, honacts, a ship lull rigged,
lanterns, bats, masks, skirtr, cloll.ea, full
suits, straps, ban llreichicfa, napkins, bath
tub*, buckets, brui ze., (lowers urns, win
dow blinds, asphalt rooting, material for
garden walks, coral Jewelry, window cur
tains, shirt*, lace, belting, and a house
made ol pine, but wl lh 00l only root, cell
ing, cornice, and luteiior walls of pa|>er,
hut all the lurudurc, bilnda, curtain*, eban-
I'elrcis, carpeting, ornamental do rrs, ou- -
rnmous man tel and table oniameuto, and
finally a stove ol a she to* p*{>er burning
away cheerfully, and not consuming itaeli
a* it evtdenlly ooght lo do. Ali these
thing* indicate some cf the possibilities of
tha adaptation ot paper. The question a*
prfMut D, where will these poMibiliiles
rad f
Gen. Bcfiuyier Hamilton, lu a speech on
Ikc*c*tk>Q Day in Kew York, used the
follow log malignant and savage language,
more fit Inr a snarling dog than a man :
Last year at the foot of Abraham Lincoln's
statue, I defended Ure practice of drx Plat
ting with fl >we the grave* of the rebel
dead impartially with tiroes of our dead
comrades. My heart wy not in those
gorda. They were spoken In sfU of sen
timental generosity aroused by rnlsrepre
sectatious of prominent rebels. I beg to
epologize for those remark*. I would now
urge that no member of Abraham Lin
coln’* Poet lay a flower on the grave of a
rebel. They were traitor* ia 186! ; they
are traitors now. All winter Jong they
have been plotting tresson in the baits of
Congress. The same hearts burn and the
seme arms con be wielded as in 1861—
and many ol us live again to wieid them U
c ■ ■ ■ i
A wag who thought lo have a Joke ai
•be expense of an Irish provision dealer
cold : Con yon supply me with a yard of
pork 1 Pat, said tbe denier to hie assistant,
give this gentleman three nigs’ feet.
Two boy* wmMO hunt grape*. One
was happy bocaaso- thep found grapes.
The other wa* unhappy becogge the gra t w
had seed* lajltag.
Two men, being convalescent, were
asked how UBWe. The one said, 1
am bet'er to dafc-Th c other said, I was
worse yorunday,,
When it r*lm,tmau y, This will
HMkonwd, Tui* will lay the
Two children Sfr'kli p through c>>l.>rsl
glasses. >MgMHthe world i, •him.
And tile othor WH is hriebt. .
Two boys dinnei. Om .-aid,
1 would nilhcr belter than
thl*' The |iikdHnhis is better than
A servant thii^HKAtari’s hon*e is pi in
eipally kiichan.Mjtteni that it is prlnci
lam glad Utgt a ays oue man. I
mmok h •**..
I am glad that It It no worse, sny* oue.
I am sorry that it i* no Dltgr, rays anoth
One man counts everything that ha hai
again. Another counts everything el*e
Hist lie conceives a loss.
Oue man spoils a good repast by think
ing oi a better iepai ol another. Auotln r
euj.iys a jroor re|raa. by contrasting it with
unue at all.
Onu man is thankful lor his blessings.
Another is moruse tor his tiifsiortuues.
Onu man think* he it entitled lo a heller
world, anti la dUsatislied l>ecau*e lie hasn’t
got it. Another drink* ho is not justly un
til led b> auy ami Is sathtiud with this.
One man makes up Ills accounts Ir.un
his wa tl. Another from lilt asset*.
If Tost Plcnsr,
li iys, do you evsr think how much tea
com ussy will do for yod f Home ol the
gr< at<at men were ever cautious in thl*
rrspect. When the Duke of Wellington
was sick the last ho look was a little ten
On hlajcivent handing it to him In a tau
our, and eskiag him il he would have il,
the Duke replied, ’Yes, if you pluaefc
rireae weio hla last word*. '* How much
kindness an 1 oouriuay ere expressed by
tlMmi I lie who had oomtnaudud great nr.
rnior, and was long acuuainioad to lire
lone ol authority, did not overlook tin
small courlueies ol life. Ah, how many
Dry* do I What a rude toue of command
they olteu use to rule thtlr little hi oilier*
n<i *ieters, and tomeden' to tlmlr moth
cm I They order eo. That Is id hied, mid
shows, to aay t|ie least a waul ol thought.
In all your home talk remember *ll you
please.’ To all who wult upon oi serv
you, (relieve thut'il you please’ w lfl make
you heller served than all thu cross word*
or oi dering In the whole dictionary. Do
not forget tbe three little words : If you
B, usk gently ; It I* better lar
To role by love than lear.
A IMuetcMiili s.'cniiiry Plliii-
One of the strangosl and moat icmxr kn
ble euro* that Ibe |ieople of Putcrrburg
Vic. lias evor witnessed, was that which
took placw at a colored baptizing iu lha>
city on B inday tfturnonn. During the
evening fDty-four candidate* were Immer
sed, one of whom wss a deaf and dumb
mule, named Harwell Lancaster, about
twenty- rno year* ol agu.wUo Is quite high
Jy e Incited, having received Iris schooling
at the college lor the deal and dumb in
Provldwnce H, 1, Alter being Impiizari by
tin: officiating minister, Kcv. llunry Wll
Hams, {orator of Ure OilfE-1.l Baptist church
in that city, tbe mutu lelurned (Your tin
water cured of hi* lnfi’initles, and gave
vent to hla feelings by a lusty shout ol
“Tbauk Uod," when he was again taken
deal and dumb. To aay that the specta
tors were considerably amaz :d, would but
feebly express it, and no little oooaieroe
lion was c cca*lotted among tbe large
cro *d at tbe miraculous cure which wa*
to last but a lew mioutes.
A tlngular story ewnet Irom the* Maine
Bute prison. James A. Lowell was con
victed in 1876, at Lewiston, of the murder
ol his wife, Lizzie, whose supposed skele
ton bad been found in tbe wx>dt. Lowell
eras sentenced to be banged, but tbe n
-tence was commuted to imprisonment lor
life. It is now ascertained that Mrs. Low
ell is living in Saginaw, Michigan, as the
wife oi a man named Spalding, and that
she doe* not deny her identity. Lowell,
when oo trial claimed that hla wile ran
away with on employee of a circr*. Should
it be Mists mod by legal evidence that the
woman in Saginaw it tbe wife for the al
leged killing of whoa Lowell wet sentenc
ed to be hanged, tbe case wll) prove to be
one of interest in criminal anoab.
Constitution ; Mr. Joseph b. Nall of the
Atlanta port office, ta a genius. Uo xoepe
house by machinery. He has a patent fan,
rone hie sewing machine, churn and behy
cradle by water power. He has a small
Backus wheel, and si ■ a cnnoeHy bow
uaetal be makes fr. There is not a man in
the city who will see his works that will
not bare them duplicated if beta able. lie
caa abolwb the fitaa, keep you nool, and,
in tact, produce wooden with his ma
chine . P i _
True.—The man that will take a news
paper for a length of time, and then send
il hack 'refuted,' aud unpaid for. wouhl
swallow a blind dog’s dinner, and then
(’.oue the dog for being blind.
lie would do woise than that. lie
would marry a girl on tiial, ami wend her
hack .i ith'lie words ’don't suit’ chalked
on her llie honey -moon.
Worse than that. lie vvbc.M *tei! the
chalk t.r write il with, and at inwards he
would use it on hi- shirt*, t > ive the cx
peitrc of .\ashl.'g, and tl.u.i sue hi* wife'*
iitl.ei lor a month's bom-ling.— SunJ rnl.
\\ orso yet. lir-’J cha c u sick rut ten
miles over a corduroy road, aid inslituu
a post-moi torn examination aliur lie had
caught him, iu order t > recover a stolen
grain of corn.—Montgomery S r.
lie would *tunl roUcn ac -ros from u
blind pig. lie would stoxl all tlm winter
moat of an editor. —8 urn-met Herald.
lie would sponge a living R un the hard
earning* of Ins poor old father until the
|H)or old geiit cmm became uuahlu to
work, and then let him die in thu poor
house, nun ailerwards 01l his rein mis tu
die medical students tor unalnutica! pur
purea.— Blufhmi Banner.
lie w ould dig up thu billies ol his moth
er and make clou ol them, and play chuck
n-luck on his granditrothm's tomhxtooe tot
a copiarr cent which a liorso thief hud *tol
on from thu eye of a dead tl lecnlb amuinl
inqnl—(Quitman Banuor,
A puppy's eye* o|w:n lu nine and iys. YVs
have wailed that timu in thu vain unde Iv
or lo add something ol*u to a man's clmr
ac'er, hut to use thu uxpicssiou ol a Ouor
gbi Judge, the E igli*lt language is insolv
ent. —Atnericus Hecordcr.
Brill woiae. No man In America would
lru*l blur till tlio anchor ol the Gienl
KuNluru aud Unit too In thu mid III: of lltn
ilunert ol Bahsru. Hu would HlicK pint in
a blind and crippled orphan baby two
weeks old.—Atlanta ill patch.
lfjoks and newspapers oun usually hr
lound on the table* ol the humblest clti
ztiKOf Ibis c.mntiy. The Drmui and hi*
•on* a'u mil Ignorant ol ihe transaction*
"I the day. They aiu a* well posted in
political, coinumrelal ami rullg| in at -
lot* a* mu the lawyer*, duel r* and mer
chant*. Often they uirdcr*'and tbe politi
cal lasiics ol llie day heller limn city pou
p'e do. *1 lie mother and daughters un
derstand the fuel ) nut ol I’stW and New
York a* wuli a* Ihe more fashionable
niuihers aud daughter* do of those clilm.
Eld* I* a result ol newspaper run.ling
liooks are ol lust use now than tlioy were
fifty year* ago, mid in lire next fifty year*
newspaper* will In a mi aHuru sup plant
books, Because each day, excli week new
Mi:i*c!oili>'il 111 anew dress w ill he pine
od on the tables, to bu the next
day or week with still Dior discovcilo
nod newer thought*. Little hoys and gill*
now read the newspapers In plate of bul
ling over 111 e page* ol old 'rooks. Our
(drool* in a aboil lime will suhncrlbo lor
leading newspapers rather Ilnur lor dull
old prosy liooks. Wc are advancing, und
our llturiiblie must keep pace with us.
Making it. Lively for tbe I'nr-
Daniel Webster hail an mrccdolo o( old
Katlrcr Hearle, the minister ol i I* hoy Irom),
which I* too grxrd to he lost. It was then
CU-tomary to wear h'tckskiu hieccbcs In
cold woalhfl. One Buinlay morning In
autumn, Father H uric brought Iris breech
us down from the garret, hut the wasps
had taken |>.eses*ion duiing the suurruer,
and were having a nice time oi it In them,
lfy Glut of efl.rrt he got out the Inlrndsis
sud dressed lor meeting. But while read
ing the Bcnpture to the congrega'i n he
(elt a dagger from one ol lire enraged
•mall waisted fellows, and Jumped around
the pulpll slapping hla thighs. But thu
more Ire alappeJ and daoced the more
they stung. The people thought him cra
zy, hut he explained tho rn tiler by saying,
Brethren don’t be aiariued.thu word ol the
fr<] is in my mouth, but the devil is In
my breeches I
A newspaper end a newstieper editor
that people don't talk about aud eome
limes abuse are rather poor concAns. The
rr,en and lupines* that an editor sometimes
leels It a duty to defend, at £ risk of ene
mies ol another class, are oMeu the very
first to show ingratitude. The editor who
expect* lo receive touch charily or gratr
lode will soon fin J out ids mistake; hat
be should go ou and say and do what he
conscientiously thinks right without re
gard to frowns aud emdea.—Ex.
The marked dally mo esse in the num
irer ol absentees in the House is a very
( trong evidence ol tho restivci cs* of the
member* at tbe protracted session. Al
most dally leives of abeeoce are asked, and
many members go off without the formal I
ty of asking leave. Nearly one-third of ihe
House is now absent. * •
Gen. John.B,.Gordon^ r>6 o<-n. Joseph
E. Johnston ore oorong Ure visitors to
West Point Academy. Gea. Gordon is
now sick, but will go as soon os his
health permits. Gen. Jobnstoa’s spjroint
ment is very annoying to some ol ihe stal
wart Rodicnta; who think that oo ex-Con
lederate officer ought to have auy place ol
trust or honor.
Duo Respect.
The young man just out of schxx often
thinks that he i* the wisest young man in
town. He acts as if he should Ire consid
ered tbe idol otsociety, anti aa for men of
age lie thinks them old simpletons. He
qvik. ns one of miTherttv, and all the oth
er young men of hl tormnr acquaintance
arc expected to do him honor. This
young man will in a year or so bo picked
up in the *1 eel* dtmE, r trried to the Mt
-1 lion 11011*0, an | flnnllv land lit the peirltcn*
ti ny, lie lor tin respect,l ir society an I
vcR-iy will very s >ou have uo rc*p.:ct for
him. The young mail who returned iroiu
sch ail the same- week that our sunrt
young mao >nmo home, who took olt his
coat aud helped hi* I vlhcr hi the harveat
hutd, and who ut church lu a retired mou
out. took hm seal and gave great attunliou
lo the sermon, won the lion ol the day
among the girls and boys ol hi* neigh
trorhiHid. All the old men and old wo
men reached out a warm hand of congrat
ulation. fie was louod a few year* alter
waid lu thu field whom he was master of
his trade and his advice was sought by all
the fanner-. Hu rcainctod his superiors
and they iu turn did him houor.
Our young leaders may take a lesson
Irom these young men. The girl or hoy
who has no respect for tmporlors and ftr
■bid. persons, can uevor become great iu a
ltec country,
Dsmiili of ii Boily Nui viiiii of
A lire it Nldiiry
J liiiston.
Evansville Journal.
Old Uncle G die Porter, a well-known
colored man, died at the poor bouse yostir
day. lie bud Htilfurud Ibo amputution ot
an ulcerated leg'some weeks ago, and lias
steadily declined. Ilia death was quiet
and It was not knowu to those lu tho
•nine ward until ho was cold. Old Gabo
wan ninety-two years of age, and had an
eventful history, Hu war a body-servant
. t tlic celt hralud Conlederate General Al
liert Sidney JohnaU n during tbe Tcx-s
troulih'S, and alterward In 1847, when
(funeral Johusl-m was upp'iinled to suc-
T.ced Houston in command of tha United
State* army In Texas, linclu Gabo was
with him when the duel waa fought be
lt ecu the two General*. Jut before the
war ot the re'oGllou, General Johuslon
gave him Ilia Ireodom, and lie drilled to
lleudeiloti u mnty, in Kentucky, whore he
murlcd a slave woman, and voluntarily
went iul i servitude to he with her, al
though liu was not a slave. After emanci
pation he tame to Kvanavi lu, and ha* liv
ed heie ever since, working at odd ohorrs
which Id* old age oltowed hlui to do. Hu
was the father of Gen. Jim Porter, the
dwillf, who died recently. Uncle Gab®
was a good old man, and III* *oul U ny.f
matching on with John Brown'*.
— . ■■
lialiulridge Democrat: Mr. 11. F. Gabbl
ing Im- u lilt In daughter eleven years old
to whose neivv and uourage he k* In deb tod
lor ilie lUm ot hi* tbr< -year-old boy. The
ciicumst nces were briefly these ; The
lioy waa playing by the rUtetn in Mr. U‘s
■yard. There was a | lank off, and through
this apciture the little fellow fell, lie
ccuglit a plank, however, In falling and
hu and for w-nic time *efore lie was dlscov
i red. Hut Ida hold weakened ami with a
.plush lie Id I Into the cistern. Ills sister
Kuw nod appreciated the situation. Most
giil* would have scream* 1 and run off In
<pie-t of help. Not to with dills little girl.
The scream* nn.l sti nggh-a lor life of her
bnbv brother gave her the strength and
courage of a man. Hue saw a ladder, and
with all her might aim dragged It to and
plaiod It Into ti e elder it, and then went
down into tho water, touched out and
caught her brother )ust lu lime to save
him from a watery grave. By this time
help arrived, and both were landed safely
irom their perilous position;
President Monroe iu hi* inaugural ad
dress Mill, “ l'lil* government 11 founded
by, administered lor, and supported by
the people." Daniel Webster said, "“Tuo
Ijeofdc’a government made (or the people,
made by the people, and answerable to ibe
people." Tlmodore l'arker In one o( hit
speeches said, “A government of all the
people, by all the people, (oral) the people.
Preside it Lluooln In a *|iencb delivered at
Gettysburg said, Government ot tbe peo
ple, by Ibe poopie, for tbe i>eople, ahall
not perisb Irom tbe earth.
Gentlemen oi the jury, said Mr. i'belpe,
to tbe twelve men ot Worthington, Minn.,
who had convicted hi* daughter of selling
cbler without a llctnse, “all I’ve got to say
m. yon’ie a set ol |ckasaee,nd you may
wave your ears over that aolernn truth.
Mr. Phe'pa Hoed $lO lor cotempt ol
lie wm about to kirn her, when sudden
ly he drew back in evideut alarm. Ob,
George, what la It f Mid abe anxiously,
Onions, waa all the reply be made ae be
glided on la the .wooulighu—Providence
A little leliow on going f<ir the first lime
to a church where tbe pewa were Ttry
nigh was asked on coming oat what be
did in church, when he replied: 1 went in
to a enpboard aod took a reat on a shell.