The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, August 15, 1879, Image 1

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The Meriwether Coimtv Vindicates- VOJL 7 THE VINDICATOR I runi.iaticn wkmt Friday-, BY VM. T. REVH.T S AT *4.00 HER ANNUM. 1I AUVANr-E tv OFFICE SOUTH >IOB FOBL'C KQCA.UK - —• — -- ~ ~i r ' Ri t * <f .tilwrihins, ti ac 1 4*ks a root *fen j Iv* r 1 inch 100 2 V 4.50 >At 0 |l3 00 Sf niches 150 500 (3 50 |K)OH 15 0 S ocUo* 200 SOU 10 0C 15 U 025 O 0 , cm 500 10 CO 30 00 ;25OJ| M 0) i coi 780 15 *5 M> •3500i JOO cut 10 00 20 00 35 00 1 6 ) 00 I *IOO Q tT a liber *1 deduction ma le to tit •* ad writ-mg b the u quih or vent. COUSTV OFFICJ E.l 5 OKDINiRY. A lii ioo ►IIKKIFr’. th S. Fiotnii t Cl £l<K . C W. U Ei.ct IAX htCKIV Eli 15.8 Ji.n-*ot* TAX lOLX&LTvtt .. ..J.O. Chi baton TKXvMJKEH A). .1 Sntlionj .'lh\ AYOH... >. K. M'Ub w> t0H01i1.1t..,. J• >lin It Joi.i* CUIKTY C(>MMM*lONKlfc>. 1.,<. MiUIU, A IFfHr iHufcV, C. J. Reeves, J A. HoCUaillll J. W. Akte*. HOARD OF EDI CAT loN. Ji.Pk \V . I’alk, vs . J. Ukl> Cl lit bur Hicvu, It. A. F'tiikrr A- H. Fn man, Etc. 81NATOK Bi*li fib’tltl, K. M. ! uucau UI.IMK>KNTATIYI t F J. WilUaUiv, C. W . SS tilo.o * fct&lMEbfc CARDS HENRY E. VVAUK. v_, AT.OUNKY a I LSVV. H OaM VII.I K, I) A. Prompt and lalibiul attention | aid l<> Mil I UlllW tnlMI-Irl to i. Mr inf. !>. K. KiITIJ, ATTOUNKY AT LAW OHitaavtu it (.1* Will prartW lu Murlwseli. r awl tin counties cotnpoonig the CumU i liv'd'. IIIO!* A AIKINMJ.N, ATTOKJIty AT LAW OIiKKKV tT L*. l * 11 K. Mel.Al fiIILIN, A TTOUNKY AT LAW, Um-.ithvii.i x, Cl* lltidness I*iou.|>tiy and Kailbhlltv •< tO. H A PAUKtflt. T lOHNI Y AT I AW. J\_ OUKJ.KVII t,B, UA. Will practice in the <oil. la nl the Co*. U rlrctlK. lt. 0 ..Ml .1 <nr •ltd Jo. tier Owns <* MN<tier county. OgPe .ill tb* aulb *1 e "I lb" I'oWb WqtiaM, II *t tint! In the L*Ug litcl* 0. IX l) - I j MIDKKT 1)1 -NT.hT J 1/KHKMfIUJt b* T.rmi t Mil. All "*•* * wriulH ’pR k 11 TLUHLi.L OFTKPB bbi Pt'leasi'fiel to Um public— *l b Ill* inner,l)r. j 1,0 Terrell, at the Drug b.ofc. film’s M’ROl’tLA MKII' Tb Great Blood Puri fier. - T f tfM "} t Partly vegetable with a*t e part*'* 'A Motary ur wdule Pteeh IttoiakT '•* .> i>v j. r o. ruiuau. * to, K(( yurtba A- Farr, baa applied fc ' amop ibs ol pern natty and tatting apert SS^gsgo <W team f- M , jEanQ. rL^rsyr^r!n-- ftproAn. ■ J #** for • wofffrmrn m **** a sock in itiisi r? Hftlfcrf' of HSJTmJiS tSS?# 00 , Angtoto, Mato*. ■"* * * J * ■“■ C.REENVILLK,*MUtIWF.THKIt COUNTY..'I6.-U79. HENRY CLAY AND TRC I THEVTY OF OMKNI'. A Piece < Forgone** Ui*<rt- Hrmr Clay Il|. Pal Her of im. iiniii N.ivi gutluM oh rite Ohio. Cvptatn IklSe-.-ee rat In Mi* aide rnfliw ol ll*e U.amj Jluiel—an old fellow, t! rid ol c utile mitt, plc'.lvoric ol be I y nu: g.a*u nutu.Ted generally. SS hv d>u'l t tnc cl yen news pa er mao do dett'y City Jo-dcs t \5 l.av ik'fhto u.e in t MTliy,i>t*i iUs; Tm Oj* River, il.< M..-*ia- tpi' liver and all it* liiouurfc 1 * would be to-day navigsbie by tlnV • i.l|*, i lur Hi* ttliiHl ol a lorgotleo slU*man—Henry Clay. How an f . Hire you got liui* lo SvaUn ? (i, )• , tlx ol tire g<e*i A i ciicmu Uuil.-teih.tß lwy* b a tim* to iiteu. H ell, tin MhD*!ppYttv"r >it It# Till.u lark* were opcii to Brill-h navvail. nu, In lt>l4.ciid tv-Jay, bt I r Henry Clay , yuub bll* huuM Ihiul at }our t'in.jin nati wbarv.. Kxplaiu youru'tt, liy the treat) ol | eace tbal cloaed tin iUvo'uliiHiaty war' Hie riv. i waa iijidi to uuvigitlT üby Kiij*l*nd, Tlii neat) Will sigmil In 17S0. In 1803 Ih< Uoitfit Stale* puulUMivM l-cuitiiatia. and coiiuqneutiy all tb<’ pnvioua liglil* ■ • S ( >ain ill rrgard to the M * ikii)'|)t. U c wuf <JI Itidi Caine or, and allll i,, t Mwas open to llnusli sbi| s. •Ivi wtliim Utiascll, Ueiiiy Clwy, John Adams, Albert (lallailn and Senator U.y w'.i *. tc the c. iihiilbsU'li. i# wbo settled £ tbe wlluir. Tim i .mr li e time lin tic >r> Clay (bowed In. uv. lion to \\ ••- tern Inter. *tr. Upon t.-kln** tin V'L w bethef the navigation of H o Mia Isalppi aliOti it! be oftere Ito Ureut lir ttnm # an <<jul*wlci l bn tii* (label lea, Mwsir.Adame, (*jniuu and UayarJ woo In IHV,r l it, mi l M.asr*. t'lay and Ittiaix !1 ayahi-d l'. l*!>rtt pen livliijj tile Hiatts ol tlie vole Mr.|i Inhumed l.w o.iil.i gin* Unit bo If it in i* il.n IkmiuJ to aay to them that In would ufl'i* Ids aipnaUire U no treaty anlcl. • ontalned such an <4lef, A lie dtill*.•'toil Mr. Itaynrd i. It tin. 11l .Jo ity , •lid uniting *it I. 11' iny wild Ituaaell, Vißlie • liujo.llt against lue luiK'l'liilU l tun piopoied article, and tltoud' re it wav tuaorud. Tima It will be •eon that Innry Clay'* decided kUiu.l that tin- Missbeippl “wd tia titUiiajick fbojild b /MiVTVf 1 i/yV A nun iran navigation tv m * oih. in in rewl achievin' ut* ol Ida Mb. and <' wl.icli Hie .U-iii*un l <**e bwiiM* ol lli tjjiVi tau never be txi jj.aiidul lot.- (fdo Kt'j- - _ A NAH'IV IHaHUIAWI A corr.■a'vrtid.'Mt,wrltlitß lrr>m .Ml- ram. (Leeoe <o n'y, lowa, send# "a “ d'lte <d loir preut-UUCIe, Ulluatrative ol ibe irfoniptiia** will, wbich tbe mou ol lb® lUvaluli"U roapmldid lo tbe cal! ol their t ourtlry At tli* U fUHilnr of Wat ol nuce, Mb).ttauiue. L*t 0 ‘ i,l Duaiuvla twy great inuvb*nl*. Amoa n.uj Abin.ll Law/ant ®. lirml In Ototoo M .• !I w tlit commaudct ol • con<- |,ony •(‘‘iniuule in ii,' wbo l *ld tb®*- •elve* ready b. in rcb ugatu t U*ti eiieiny at a momeiii’a mAice. rJT' Tbe Major an c i.gaga.l to leMafri*ti J* Mi* Wnaacna Parker. 'Tbe lady'a inotnlr 1 .Omitted tba', In ol ti. uncertain lorliioeard war, li.c mairiage Wiould Uke plaie forthwitl). • bad better be Biui’a widow,* ab ••Id, 'ibaai bia lorlota daia>tl.’ oe and tbeM-J if blu< willing, ihf pafaoo wat calieJ In. Wbile be wga ty m| tb® napkalknnt. % mounted orderly ii taar-ipted tbe omn.o® by bantling tbe aetled ofdera lo MaJ. Lawrence. They di iceted blm to martli bia tnen immediately lo tbßimßOlßiWlW*. °L lLe Ameritan ar_ T!i M*to# delayed obedience long <rw*agli to complete toe ceremony, and then, firing U* bride) end ton Uiewell kiM, eeeembied hi**en aod matched. Ob reportio; kißldltobli eouiuituidUig offc-r, be wa# mrnfWmmtmi upon hi. 1 prompt o *** - Learning oftb* eirtswxto*t tMff "W* fclm nurtbe *’ ** otter pawaredM** tetoagk. for a je# dky* ■#*>** h*e*W*to <flß*ftt*beffHf. --i \VmKfaigjkJf *■ t*** * American Independence, and to i“afe M honored lem fly.—j Chicago Ledger. 1 ' . !■ J! ‘I. “ '■"'" Wifi BaM The Fort. w*n**MHr ¥**•■ ! i*pf Gubernatorial election come* ofl on toafir% Wednesday in October, IWI- The people oiMaKlß>aa manage to ■M*' Ctetrfftwfcl’floMibe Fert” or m are nacb jabaattn. A flule gfal aaat oqt ta boot aggf °a***' book Bctocceaafbi.aamplaining that “lot* 'of beat wore atmio* wand doing •<**>- tog" * * ” * ’ItEAD THIS BOW H.'n. Jo, U;* okjA* vvt<> ffX !k iittl* bey a pair oldies’, *fitb a nice |vair. jp' Ye*, str, saidJku. Yety bMaiu cwtao hf. \...t'i *<> , rr*uk. * m ifei* 4 imkf I Hood luormtig, Mr, 8 liilli. Nice uav, air. Yi j, lU*u. Itv r.iT.ynu to allow me n j nir ol aliocs . lot Frank, Nmnlx r tt,**‘C--. ‘ • ‘ Y ■.•<, sir ; lice tiny tut; jast tiur i ac* bill). Wliat * the price t Two liollaif, Hr. AU, rather bidler than I cam to c*‘- How lire those 1 ee bauginj; up there ? One doilai aud tliiet'-qmvrlere, sU lieu; but tidy are much poorer Uoe* than l h e*e. N*i r .u iid ; lo t me rdflHK said Mr. Smiib. T'iio <>!n ev lioorer, a* Hen hail mkl. jrr K*Hti k’* eye* were a iatlully tastened on the nled pair. I nvnlr! advise you to take the pair Ikn 'bowed you at first, Mr, Smith, said the orckeepi r, coining Horn belna.i his desk. They ar very m ien u-i er, mul tv ill pitive in the cud, tor Mity wl l wear lon iter. No, tbit pair whldo, laid Mr. Smith, and lie laid a two- lollgr 'jiti <'ll the O.ciuu -1 ter and received hi* q iaiter an change. Frank, laid Mr, thuiih, day linn a tilth , 1 i\ ill be lawk lor you lu a lew min uter. It c slotekeeper knur Mr. Fuutli'i hat it*, and so iti.i Hen. Through the window i they raw him go hi the Imt-room opj ovitc, ami they hit that he hail lelllalily denied hi* litlh lor something valflKtili , simply Ih iante lie must have (or drink. That wnf the pneu ol a dt ink Iheli lor it win jnat alter the war • nearly ti tit let n jenra ago. Ihe stm cheeper t dead uow. Mr. Smith ia dead, 'oo. 1 am t<.l4, lud they aay he did uot hit light; hut diijd, ol cou tu, at he livid. Hoys, lhis is a Iru t ahoy nil but tilt* name ol Hi .' null). 1 pad a glint mind lo pot down Mi. —, so Hiut you will lid the i:t,ii <■ will) tome inao (oat would suit. You know *U,“I) in CO, don't you, An Ai>|M'iil I’.ir I Ur. Hi <i. Tiie L ulavlllcCotnUr <d Mat urdny conlelua m lull atenogruplilo repoit l U".ylk. l bwibliirldge, m in. pled lour bouia In It* dellveiy. The api vcli uiiracivd great uttentlon, and *0 regarded an llot evanl of tbe day ■ I lie •I - ttdvocatij doclitiii J tln.t “Igw bus In-cii aaraakluaUd, )aaiUr nud law'* B-lmiiiUltaUun InUn.klatßd." ilv id that molber Jive nud tirotber Cam wrui butte mi Miaane aa Urn man who abol Judg'i Li.ioll down- At lli'i cloe ol lit., apeccti be raid ! “Uoullciiiun, I ay to you that II I could bnug tbe lardy ol Urn dead Judge belore you, wi ll biaa'ayfi gaßluj, mi Dial kindly I icc, 1 would appeal to you lor y.,ur outy. Kentucky tunica and aU you Unit you Will do J ialice, and juaUcc tv 111 boa kaw-ti I rnf. SJ Jo fined 1 at' y®f utv®, plowed tiuce a Judgo*!. uio vv,ci lukcii, ftcalucky com e auJaaka ol you a.itb aii uminple tbut two iiuudrod >tia 'inert [ urs , (tbe loi.-’cit and any. to you, 1 Sid lb.; law to | ■roltct tbe Uihibtera ol 'lie |w i 1 wai t tbe Juriea to ace to if that the law la ample to protect my aervantr end ymtTMTWMta k wapkbtfJpV"'# *|d Inulll.eul lury, gauierotf Irnin rlirs boiJy ol tbe community to stamp with tbelr vrt 4let lb'; pl®aa of maudlin acutlmentality, ( Iffleued pbiioaopbjr that a mttti wbo com mit* & crime 1* losarfc. lu tbe name ol yoar conscience*,a* Uud gtvea you atrengtb do yoar duty, y<mr wnole duty, your lull duty. - Wd£St> a ‘" tK .< One ot onr dry gouda cletka called around to tec uta girl tbe like* evening. Hhe obeerved Ibat ta JMWMd very teat let., Mid u be be* •*'■' r "*•* ,um, Mfo.v>**,auaaotßed a propnaah b* determined lo help tbf: young men. George, dear, tbe atld to a wi*t voice, v*b.f.b eveu ' tog. 4 . There ain’t noth tog toe matter, remark ed George. twUling uncaaily in hi* chair, u 1 think there is, she aaid, with great iu -1 t#lCNte there ain’t, returned George ■, if bat maker you think *> ? 1 Yon nppeer au ie*rlea>, aha exchdmod ; you act aa it there waa aomelhtog on your (fciode It ain’t 0° my mind, obaeTYed George ; bimeert and etopped. If bat ia it—where i* it, dear ? entreat ed the young Mia*, won’t you tell-your darling T It's on my back, blurted George with an eflor*. On your back ? repeated tbe young Hiaa, in wtooiabment. lea, aaid George desperate Ty. It’r a po rona piaster, and it itchaa to l can't keep koi. The young lady htotod.—RockJand 'Cjorfw, * * * ' TTibPKel*, ii ■* wmfr. m VVgLin|ilMNnjia|iuiiiliiii ol toe >n Journal (fA aliudea tw**r*>rkMiit, oue el the old a(j| the otbar ol the tnoifr ern school i* *At| *, ■ **s Harm* Oitrdmk#, who U rhk')*d by kuAw trim aa a hatidaomey cour aian, wMArasm imo a duel vy lteu be was here n# YRptveat.itivo k*n to* Ulster Di'ii WTvKY|((ia Y'*a \n I*3, on account of a liteh he made at> ut Mr. JcffefigtoV perwnhiloea. It t),ought that dtakutt-! waa moilail) wounded, bfitiMneoverod, and the Fed cra'i.'U ol UAtHibistiicF fi-elentnt 1 . him| lie sub* iiMnitfySlfliied the Kxaminur, a ucn spnpcr pubApitiil In ttitfl.'ity ol New Yoik, mid be dijgat Elngdou In UWd. On* ol bit dnttMor* mirtiud l Innaloie S. Fay, ote ol 'lbop hleraiy teilows" ilai has cietiitably (wroaea'ed tots opantry ot H.rlli . Uis hmJjfunigt in iho duel, Hoorgc 'YotTi^iHwVfs sinwaij Miuya|rTn. Jluyailu ‘ nUu bk ‘• r, J.oqg|^j9ppf Oimru) Eaf&flK Cot)lcdemic ai my. -' ■ s.s- Ev-3cnotor 0.815111 in, who mny now In sem at tile almost cVciy day, dis played great it duel wliidi be looglit with Bpte*inlntfve Yancey, ol Alabama, CluMtiun had a* 'lids a c.mJ Uliarhs Lot- J IK "I ihi, cite, who is the rc< l uytMroy c i Corning; the **co U* oi holier,' sud jnnt'oy liad Sli. Huger, m SuulU won U.e gu lug ol the word, andjßtcr the pftncip ilu had Incn | oiled, litptobHneuced ; but no goon er had he sdldJkre you inuly f ilih.ii Vai;- Ce.v laiged hlt.jlho'. Till* el :ci led n pe remptory •iralt l' lioui June*, ntid the per lormance hcyptiyp second tin,) . Hi t Ihi gcr, as well a*fnncey, was flush rial, and he did not you ready V but bin !at whlcj| they popped #wy. No body was horltfCd the dlfll h'ly was liOh oiably ndj'**lo& Jones yvna afleiward the otnl <d biauky, ol Noilh Caiolinn, an.l .Ml O.ivL tlmjeoiuid ol lug.', of'Alabama. 111 a duel wlile| tt'iw lougtil In 18A1, and amicably aett%d alter an exchange) ol abut*. A Ti n veiled Cat. V, u ;o noil prepared lo hellava any soil ol cal HUHjf you might want to tell in , let It lie wlialii hiay - that (buy have nine live a or <!tiiMgiil.e. Tb® I'd.’o vIAb are tails lepurle.l by re apouilble pA lady In town baa 11 good laige c4p#bidi kilo r ilaod trout a kitten. tb'nwlMtftiily Its lltri.m" a‘*en. ment lor IliaStkce was ve.y great, but eegc, uie m> v— ihliiiud'. 'Mie 11 at eUoit to curry out tbe .fiiU.icvi a >ou provuil lii' lloitual the cat being pul In a bat{ win carried <ll lliu e.irs about aixteyn nil'ef b a point near llai iM.ll, and put down by the aide of the rail' road track* That wits no Hip at all lor catsbip, aud *bu wii* back homo In a little while. The next time, which wu la.i tVeducaday, the vv;i ink. n lu a hat bo* tij Onuycra, on lb (Jeofgia railroad, more than a hundred mile* from tin* pl iCe, with th ice 01 lour river* cioatdn? the .mou. and ou last M> iulh/ morning llvw day* a ! - ter warla hn arflved tt flWTTnmc. Tb® .{Ueatiou now la, il b lind acn*e enough tokno.v Ihe roulo have . .'Use enough w* da back aLd/mCM ' Kh e had objeda atfjhff #• rdoW by wilen ilia \Ve ircMl Aiggra gentleman took iiinl tbe/ came utclt rTi tneir own acccirtf.-fJHTglhlngton Otutte. A Wif* *' ’' k I o mi'' So* ~ syf In**-.-* - b v l*f. ’*■ ? Tii Ohtegd Tribune aaj* that a young Wile of that dry fho It ajbftoiit' to keep her huaMnd at borne eveatog*4|* him about to* MqoJaitely ttototf propdFUoaeoi ha l<te Bad iadMM biakrih Wui*U>tt ■ ioufawgbi(toa‘toe nrfP 1 , lw ”im. -i i ,oa hig toet all day Idog to to*6, *Ud when he comb home atWgtrt eb* bae it aott a pair ©J loom, coot app*m tor him, god by tea Itm be, with great, drop* ol agony pearling on liJ|ioir, haa got of his hooia ha cmne* to tii# conciuaion trial 'heroeamaiptea Mia all, and urn no deaf* to or 10 til up ekhjajitoh hlogy , Wg, Ymf fa ato* to in, i j lan tol jwKijMK Cana^lgpy anvAClitifu (Fpoonkr *7* (iOO m tap Je itl,anufftlOjOOO’tn'llie frl*h w® Cafe*. Other mUpmm, "OUipife wl ‘ i f b beatyr aojopalp fvx paid, In toe vailooe liatebabtmte gwrmrfiltoto latter dhy i^aocyac^ tve Apply Ilka any qtow . Aadjoglbortetegmtefbfblateacher how b?fcMHWri!af?W|f*d, Ir yon pieaaeair.on ttoJialf|/i of pen (manahip, toe haeey aUokea upward, and WTTN^yfraarr.j Uauaty rrmiiuK. Wo out lee too Mkaae ha* pMod a bid telling out county tnotulHiir, to the lowest balder. What SBe prveti,iou? ol U) bill ate we do ant know, and we opine lew yp to* alate do. The nuusure is now balme the acuala. fh loa* it bt dvs;use.! cl Hide would it not be well for the imapl* to krow 4 want it* (sruvUliMi* c0n,41 1 Id*"Hit taoaa a paper w.4n hnidi, any t titedMldß can t.y iiudci-blMtug mmiiie' that aii reatl.. nbiaui to* ptiutuyg t Ar. newsie|eis oKp*vt!il U**oile4ni natuing. whi e the iegi'Utor, .site does worse jUian uothh g by making a bad law, gets very good 1*) f Cau a country wiekl/ tome mio the cities, and by a cheap oll.i lor the 1 .ot | ego of getting a fyw more addilitioiu. rjlxcnbera take away Uie county pti iiing dr* tu the dailies. Take Fulton couqly, loi insUnuf, where eterybody read* the Cun .stUulion. The pioprtutor* would hardly take tbu printing for the sum vvbluli a Hutnal in iMdgbborfog county might. W,* Ml o toe tetter, it would b* 4y*Hog away the .information from the parties mosl Iniereatcd. Huoii would bd lire cuv m nil otber cities. I‘apers that have bci n. hi.tit up by energy and eutvrpiiai', and have extensive lists ol subsetloeis, wi i not veil their space ivs Cheaply as those that uavn itmiud numbers ol leaders. An ndveithicmeut In u widely circulated Journal is worth more because it com mauds a larger class ol nalert. The ulu mate rinult ol this bill, il it Is ns \vy Suv pcct, and kindred measures will bo to re movo nil notice* (root ncmpapei columns lo court hotite doom or Hair e puvalonl*. 1 bis is 11 pluayunitli loriu id busimss un worthy ol a Htolc. Public piloting should •pay a legitimate pi ice as other buaiueas do. D.dug 1 very thing die.ip la poor economy. Instead ol too icgfulnluM! binding its cnu.- glca to accom pllak amne great uud and worthy pittpnse, the inaiuboi* aro coutlnu slly piddling abunt coiutunu phicu. In stead of saving dollars they will talk nli day kl> ml 11 lew chiilh mid expend bun dud per day to save a uicklu or two. Wo think they liuv* hud IcMuma enough in rucli pitiable sliugliiebs We hnlieve In pay mg good salni in* ; our public olllcer* that aic Imiicat tlu-ervc good haUriu*' uml by getting tbetn probity la advanced. The country haa lurnUUed stillh lmt tea. li log. VVltcucver system *1 llg.U ccom - my U advocated, It Is never to cut tfo vu the pay our patriotic loglaU'or*, but they attack Utile bid* and ilimu* ol uo moincnt, tire saving of which ur* uvu bu'am.d by the Huns wetted on them. Jt) county advotlUiug e(.eU ly, eir.ula -1I01) should be taken luhi account ua ol low ronlsjmr annum, itsirruiit no pac ed where tint people can road It and uol everal Indlvlilual*. A good many tiling* luginbituri!* slwmld not meddle with,—l Columbus Knq -Hon, Keep Smtlplit A lieu <l. Pay no atteutlon to alandereta and gor slp niongora. Keffp airtight ou *ln your ouurac, and let tbelr back-biting die tbe ilMth ol neglect. Wll.ll la the 11 . or lying awake a night* brooding over tbe remark of amne la la® friend, that run* through ytnr brain like lightning t What It tin iMo/'f gutting tut. a worry aud bet over goaalp Hint baa hem ad afloat by some n,c{J(f!eomo buijrbody who hua more time iliiurcharacter T Tbe tblngi e.anuot ilhiy Idjure you unleva, Indeed, you iaß>- nolice ol them, and in eoeiba'log you give tU'iin atanding and charader. Il That I* aall about If line,' act youi aell right • II It iaTalaa Id It g" for wbai ii *vill wtch. U a beo atlng* you, would yon g.. to the hive lo dcHtroy It I 1 Would not a thouaand c< me upon you V It I* wl dom to agy lilt I® rcapocHug the mjuriev you jbuv® received. We are generally ioaer* In 'the end If we atop 10 rclute all the back biting and goiilplng we may hear by Uio way. 'liny aroamuoyingdl I* true, but not daugcroua, *0 long •• we do not flop hr expostulate and wold. Our cliaradci* a<e formed and guatubied by uuraelvca, by our ownAetloua aok purpose#, aud not by oUi®r. L®* Oa alivnya baar lo ,nlud “calumnfauir* may tiilly bo Uulod to iiuM aod tbe alow, but aiei ly juatico ol jvubllc opinion.,* .' When (he late president Lincoln wa* a lawyer In Illinoit, be end a Judge n nee got Lt - I —iiailiaidiiiLMfffllri H v**a egrted Jbpt^he, ac*l muggtog at 9 o’clock they tiade, toe lioraea to le unseen up totoat boar, and on.fotleiture ol lweniyflTa dol lar*. At llie h©nr appolijtet, the judge came up leading the eorrbWl look ttrft pec i m'jii oi a borne ever seen In Ut<i*e parts. In a Aw min ©tea Mi. Llrcoln wa* a*ac approechine ami a wooden ew*io*ee oa bis ibou'-dera. Greet were tbaahoott end laughter ol the ©road, acd both wem ii.- cieaacd when ilr. Lincoln, on summing tbe Judge* animal, aeldowa bia saw-horse and exclaimed : Well, judge, tbie la the first time I ever got tbe worst ot it 4a a horse trade t An old-taabtoned miniate In paaalag * fubloneble charch not long ago on wiiiclf anew spue waa going ap, way asked how much higher It waa going to tie. Not roach, be answered, tea aoagrfiiitoa dween’t own much higher in that direc tion. Warned jo sec lire Kduor. . A on tin: cars was offered a newf jmpc;. lie took it, luoktei-At-IJB head ing, an I thru threw it aaide with dispel amt iciaarUud : , *'l limit Want nay news from that pa* per." .. I suppwc that everybody re id it in to* sc put'. I answered. -Has it beets pitching lo hi you ? Polling In to me t Grout Ctetar! r jfcgy|j| ibiok tliey bad.—Hut just lot. ute . *‘V'! the edit r ol Unit ptpor.. You ndv.*r m iac uiyihuig by strdWHr m 1 diior, l said , better grfu and hen la \ I’D, that’s 111! light lur you tp say ; but .juyt let me inert that man ! I’ll show him how to full a tieWsprifSer. W hill Ilid he do ? , , Do? lie dp', a g*H)d deal,—Hero’s howr It is ; l ol.tcii want to Sprtujffield ou if)* last train t night, did my bfaiuoas in 14.) evening nud came homo tu the morning. WeU mm night I mot an old crony, and we went tu tig? Yfd||p IfJl im J (he theatre. When we caiue out ive met some Irltmds. —Ol c uit *■[ c .11,M not jjet right out 10 I treated, ami the others Jive wero having 11 good lime, when tomu fell.Y'jrj i*iithe (ii aii.f begun to 1 awe a row. In Ice* limn no time ibo p dint were lu and hftd Ino next in-ruing 1 was hauled bo lore ihu coqii uml lined S7AO. I did not care nu l| toy 1 gave false name, *“d T know my w lie couldn’t flud/t out, hut the next m>l nijo, 1.1 bo cterually confused If that paper didn't Imvo rt a’l in and tny inline, too, D..1 your wlfo see It ? 1 alio iU -ay site did. Did she milk ; a loss y l’us* ? Godfrey, Elijah ! Arc you mar- ricd ? Vcu. 1 hen you know how it is. 1 havo to go •o Upilugliolil in the day time now. Just lot me see that editor unco.—[Lx. I.*l III!' S ill'll ('OHIO Ollt. Th.' t'olumbu* Knqnirer-Him Imi pro •imnii'ed views to which every honest man In tJ oipla will Buy unieu. Wdcudiuxeev* ery word ol It- Thu iiivaatlgailbn cannot Lo t. 0 deep nr (carolling. No 1 1 uncut mail linn anything to lour from it, for like pure gold lie will he Only refined by the fire. Tbe Lnqtiller say a ; Our pipßcni leglalaturu is a body com posed of men who can neither lie bullied nor bribed. They Imvo already shown neither leai nor favor. The diaposlllon in t>. spare none who Imvo bean guilty ot „u,.. IIL r ,i n mlUM and it there lie anything lOttuu, the peo ple will know it. The whitewash but ii l:ae been thrown away mid the tar bucket anlistituto h It 16 time lor iliom who havo become rich on snmll salaries m n lew your a to trcmblu. If there be any wiong doing let it be known and (iiurfgla dymooracy will Im punldn l. The want the truth ot the ugly riiinii r* are afloat, and do mand the truth ol their repreaentativee, no matter whom H may hurt. A mistake which Ift a iuuicl t. au ofllwr’a no cuulary iilvaulnga and against that ol tho slate la ns giicvoui aa a willlul jauU. Let the exposures oeme, il Ultra ho any, con c* ruing high or low. Iteiiig a democrat glv. a no cue license to rob tho slate 0/ (jll JrtsTmckoti, n and il any Imiui even couukred or w Ink. and at wrong-doing, tboy ahottld ba dn graced and puoiabed as though tucy were the tcean.’al radical*. Let rigid lu- V'Sligatlon be iif.|dio 1 to cverv depart ment, tlmi old Ucmgig <uay p9t be dla lioii'iie.l even by a wlibper. A certain editor was taking a walk on®, ending with his wife, when she, wlto was romantic and an admirer ol uaturo, raid, Ob, Augnafu*, Just notice the moon. Ogo*t think of It, niy dent, lor Itaa than Twenty cent* a 'line. / My drar, mid Mr#. Bnodfraea, thuddcf- Ififily, ‘hnw do ttieao mon aurceed in enter lop; dead people** van to t WWh akcleton beys, I prctiimr, tmto ltnply rep.iedt.Mr- H. ■- gpi inline Landlady, said he, the cofiee is not act* tied. Jfo, ahe repMakl, but It comet aa near It n yoor teat monih’e board bill doe* . and that man never apoke again daring the meal. ~7>; V .. - , • „,i Home men advert lag their live* an 1 tb© public are generally diet ppm* ted tienn>~ tbe advertbpmaeteyrnaaiaee Jga jrU*>U other* let their Nvee and vast be tbma. and thepoidlj alway* yet mon tbeb-bb proiu tfteft' *te* ** aw seat * 4 wsmk <4l * era, A Yaabeewho baih naher .paid more than twerty-flra eaate te.MbiftexbiMtlon. went to a New York IJjeatro one night to •VltoJtoV Thieve*.* TtTe%(SHw>Wfcr ch*rge j Tjjm "cvinQ-rtre leifW MbaAMteta- I'awlug the pane-boatd L ack, h f tomarked s iff* want ©> eeoube oteei tbiatpgtooj.and cat he* walked. te < Before marriage a mentegcamfQPfiPMt et by hi* aweethea t wlfh, "My dafllagv la it youj” Mu' alter nJarriege ahe general ly makes to dyr and tUcmto, Heaty, wipe yoor boot© I , - *