The Meriwether County vindicator. (Greenville, Meriwether County, Ga.) 1872-1885, October 31, 1879, Image 1

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The Meriwether County Vindicator. VOL. i. THE VINDICATOR. RAILS OF ADVERTISIN'!;. s (^,v l 4 wks !3 mold UK) , 1 > r 1 nu ll 100 250 j-1 >0 ! 0 00 1200 2 in, hr* 150 500 60 1000 ,15 00 •, . Ik- 200 800 .1000 1 1500 25 00 5 00 ]lO 00 i 2000 2500 .85 00 , ~,i TOO 00 13500 is*l 60 00 j ,*.) [ ft* 00 ;u WO 3500 (StMK) ♦ 100 ' ■ i A liN-ral deduction made tho advertising by the month or year. ntlVn OFFICERS. OHHINAHY V .1 Hinton >IIKIMVF O 8 Florence CLERK t . " il Keller TAX REC&IVEK... .11 K iVnstnu*. TAX (.'4>t.tTf>!t 1 O t brist ian tuhvsfreu ; ,i. Anthony. St !;\ KYttli.. o. F. Mutthew*. (OUONEIt Jobu It. Jones tOl NTV K>M MISSKt.NKKS. 1. .) Mihpu. Aaruu *il4rjr. t .! Itiow J. K Huclwil.,*,, ,1 IV Km**. , HOAHII OK EDIT VTION .!•■> " Hark. AV, T I Urn, s. M.t.h*,, Reeve* K A Parker. A It I itvuiun, S* SI N A T<li .kith Dint Ctrl. I’ '1 Human HKl'lti. I \ I \ It \ I,' > ,1 William* < \\ " illittms in SINKSS (' \ RI )S. inMti i; n Aid; Al ii >i;\i:v . .'pswtvj •; *. * j i-< . . .. ; ' ••' • “*?**. v. -• ' \JU 5 i ’iMHipi Utl'i I itl? If t-i * Mtl’TnrfrWl pmt} t'- "1*44 VijrtjlU t tl fi till* ( Hi* i> U Ki ll!! A I C L\ 4 V I. A \A (.lit il ' IS,nil V.. hi AL tmHIl, I I lie ~ i, , t < - S < ,il\l t, t C |H lit. ■ , ! M l M i.lil IN, A o <;, ■ j. , i ' f • i. i * l: pi.miptH- jrnd tiUlhtltlly iltl< ndcd I! A FAHKI It. A IV", ' x t., Ij . •! t I • < . j,,,i tn. courte-of tin t'owet* ,~, tit tin i., it‘ ■! i tntiimlt ami Jusli" i ~ ~ .... \ti r; v. itln r* • unit N t'S'-( MU, • la ~;i, ot th< |mbit* „ . w . n. ;■ -.- 11,1- 1 *tMj* 81.-I, !)!! I !S TERRI I ! S' \ I l' If I'rottn-lmia* "I'l' ll * I 1 -|' *MI i . Tt til- I In r V l*r .1 I. i. I■ - M I*• \ 5 I*s •*, •' IE J\ i I !-l iil 11. i V I, ' raii'f v •J. ti, I oil 'll work aariunli il. MILLIITEEY. Mrs. A. Lower, ■A tin . MlirtMtt <ifMi' IT-icmv f y Jl’o joit <ij*ir , ?ii-*l tars' *’■- f WHl’ l .nrvUiobaflln, xAr.-t *"lf- !ii< Ii .hi t* |tr< |r.-l tn *•!! f *1 !"*•< |r‘i>>l< 'A it It 'hi O" -’a '< "! 'l'** Mimif .Ink fan; ~,<l Mi- Kal<- K-.-tuf *h< WtU l’*ai . ; ~•• "'.ih iri -I V i.l. anil ifHli I-' Mlts A M>'VKH <Am ut. The people s wu;g store, r.A UK ESVIIAE. ( '^- I>r Wm. .V. Wright r-tiirr ttiank* to hi* I’atrorw for p*t f*'*!* nil hj#* in U**' fut art to be able to furniMi them with ftjtto-. Medi'ixe.-. Paist*. all otiiTr artkli-* g<wm!!y in hi* lim- 'i laThtr u-nn-s Unit, beret'for*-. Thiwe pritrliawng tin-ir Drum from lam will I*’ fijrTi!*li with [irencription* Km of eliurg*’. Patronage of the People of Meriwether respectively solici ted. Wm. A. WKIGHT *26bm. BRING YOPR JOB won K TO THE vindicator office. (iKEI.NYILI.K. MKUIW EYHF.Ii tIOUNTY. GAj aCUtpEU 31. 1879,, The Ileeonviliation. A. tliM 1 thi hm*l at tvr wm wi-nt Ami p.utkfii the riptiual oir^ Wt .fell out. m> wifi ami i. Wi fell out 1 know n ■' why. Ami k’ascii Sintiti with tears Amt libssiiias mi tin falling out a;! 'ln: niort emieill’s. I When i I.ill mi! with thus* we lev* Amt his- again with tturs ! i For wlu'ti wi eariit v Ia n Hes lilt vhiUi W*■ l.itJ in other years. Then lnr the little grave, i Hi I iher. aUive the little grav* e kisse*! agmii with teats. Praise Your \\ ife. Praise your wife, man : sal>t ' giv, ht v r a liUle tnuxni i,i£vn\viit~ i t w ou’i | hurt " h*' y*ir hcHW jWHtf h* art aYt.l inir | hhJ *k-. -M** >'• *aki\ L’ll iifi \ t*ii lliaitk Si. if ihillilnti iui *S| tt ‘ tkm’i \}mt l n it Atii iimkv in iim > ojh v\ iiltt limit tfw \ liitAt fa Ii; 51.118 Imit it 5 will * I* hfc'i lln i, ;*iv iniiiis w.iiiun I* * iia> t liir-HliiiLf I I'rtT 111* Vk * r t *’l |Vi t.x . iht I ..’U,t;t .'1 i t ininiu r ' iiu ut I'iH •i: i siimimala-at uinl \x uiLij > ii 1 iJa ' havt-' itnulm'il uufmui • fly !"'i : I.' • • ■' t'Ft il t'f Hit I- . .ti !iilf' •.11M 1.8 I‘t-i lira In !}h ii it;* Mt* •' i laht.r.B. ilia? ilirV Itw-k !* l ami iijit > j i tht t.i a a \ L • *tj> *; t Urn < i n>s; ; y <-I Ha Min. ai *t n> tlaih *ii• p ? - lilt.lit i\ (Vi IN i.i N lili It .t N !** 11 lt*4l*' I llli fill lt\ aj t ajtjtitt i.tli' it -1 iix Ip> \ i ii| kit' -a that i! Hi ll< * m Im ta a{ iiia.Pl tl i |.iUr Ii i8 laa ii jM’iJ • .in il Pi u s i t■ - K •'•*.<? 1.'..', •...< .4;, . i.. I ill ,i \I I t< a .*• .-ilil I\A i . <N • ; N‘Ml w .:! if. St amta ml\ s fitiifi f • hriNi ;tt LI t f in (lit ItMi ; I makllir* it Kit Infill anti .a .'jv-tabjr. fit) firjiil ami 'ia!it mi IN ti \ iitill;.f flint pa tif-'m t<M tN i Jia.l ; s has Iki a pi <lm H I\ * >ll if mil -if! |)ilM ii 1 lit grt*af t a;< Of till ii ;n - I JL>t . ft. Im*t 11iN aial lmn al* I it. if, ■ i Lala an |(.< 'a.; fi;t flit ii:,) Up 411.1 l**KU'#-WHi .ij.ttlt Gin ■! ia !icl*Mt sf amt tn if .* 1 Si !*iit llit \ .*i ~ >4'. nii in Hat? lt'lin .' lin n lm’f 1 ! l l; • Old Vi l! Il alna* ! \ W iIN . ii< VN pil ills t'i! N• • t! • U.HIPM Itiifk, W ilt ...UL, loLLL. ti.ucti ii t you fm laUinv Him ii pains I imfjiuiiik tin Ciiim lm *lvI ; 1 'f tin tii fit;* eaiAu ) Sit-t'ik ;ia iii.m- in a ! all <vNraLuN u !i. i.n v*m tlm.n n •■■■ nt .- i 1 !,, \ : • • i>HH2 lad \ ' 1 IIP 'V* ; a’irt. ‘if ini u 1 it in *!a if! tfa \ thank tail '.Doth ami w t\ tiling <>m < ! thnr r 1> < allfM 5* ii* till <UFti||i. mp 4 !ll N OONIP llOtia !1!-1 M* I! V )i_: If :Ia 1. fi!,(! J* ■ up. jjhd *■* * t Mi. ma • ; * v a* pfiMtlil* if ,;c a-ir fit* n 1•. ?ilv M< KM v. m ~M If ftp- ?M‘f !.!**' 'AJfa— I .- -a Mta nfln 1 \f v f ! f ;di' ! ji< if f utii v> ilk P aat \ > f 'ail' It P iifVPT r.TV Til Iff 1 i Tt.t-iI,-- •> nil ll* i! Ntf VN l).i! i' ( VfHHKp iHal **l*l "il •i * til did iHI sM'iV* ,1 I * • MS\ !> N* at |# the *"* *<f If fifv ki fj - !> - \ i Mlf al l ■ i? ftll ;"1..i til* f*m linn i l < and oi*i m\ Ml par' f Hu- r... j .n* ti -. N'HJ i*-■! ‘lf? dOn hi stsjl Hpv vvi ' ~1 f * i•• • ! -<! * * *| N i *tn4.M •,! * ■ •.d*ml vH) N*> lat "*'ii " ** * lalVt Ulifli : lafl M ft I M,* ;V da*| aa!* f ill Jl'.'A 5N I\•Ms II i.l N \ ianjfli id iiP f li' N Mnk ‘lft p nt *1; ;*! iup ■> ‘: f i ‘Hi V-. ><’dd ft I a In >}* ak I tjf jl la iit:-. Mi- I\\ < •t ! -afilm jrijd5 lt f **f * dll* I► 1 • ' w I : v.iiiiti-ii vuril'l wi 1 f'f oHff ►*lf < * ■ of Inippim M, • • vvk/f 4‘ f* r A 4 ! .- fF4t np..nfVf lit!. tjndp’Hfh! Im'V fi* i> ii rit ~11 J;iiS N < < .<* J fit* 1 ‘ •n<* < i 11\ v< *Uf I Of till I'll!:: 1 k ll< 100t.,-,! uki ,i lull’, who tu.iglil havehiiT t)|i„lli , i f,lh t.urf f>.ll. tint who 1,,,.1 u**e.| 11 *■ ' of it wi 'k" . U hen 1,. ,itijm*'. ju al,* restaimnl TANARUS,. vi.i.tii. j*i<l no le ■■ ■! to | him. me! ie ri,j,je.| s* vigil 11ri < Is foi< eolore,l no,!, H 4 that V J waf t fried oytrtet* said t|,i nee. h< !oik<*l over tf MU of fut l ' Iky j. j.-'t out, fried oy s'- e, if. n J.ii'-'j the w after Print' in'- ti ehii keii,then.' -~.. Il'f - ie!.'! ,i < l.i' kin in and“ ]<!„' - any v nison ' iwjilirui lh‘ 1 <8 an irn |i. vah Any bttrit and ■ No. will. ‘•hi* htstii," iit ilk- man. .ei-tting vr*l I want a *jutr: m'al. , I've g'B—the due a<* riglit here, ami I ran [ray for my din <t ami buy your "Id 'miksbofi le -id'.-H. ’ He iil’ad av%'/'fii/4 jrreeribartoi out of hit* pcck's, sb'fik it a* riM- dark'-v auii uoi,. timitsi , • Have y'Mi a ehiekeri i 'Y'-v. *h, I ru'-av w>. salt ; I have b -bigo'-K* kiml uVHef diri Mlif.i; w eon,, rm-wed to talk a elm ken ha* blown into de kfctti'; mi is'n rooked And now alewi! flat venison and 'low. fried oy*t<-rs d'-v lm ail arrived " 'John 11. -Janies, tjanker of Atlanta, adver tises hewiU continue t'i loari inws v at 10 to 12 per cent., thu* openly defying tie- law ! We like plan ticti'-r than secretly .ii.ri gariing while pretending to ole y. A word to the wise. If you are troubled with f 'sighs or Coid‘. pnxrure a bottle of I>r Pull sCo igh Syrup at- Once. Its m> may save you from severe siekness. Vmtr dniglrist keejis-it. Pri'<- 25 rent* i The New York Obelisk. The World of Tuesday prints a ilisjaitcli "f tin 30tli from Cairo, amumm ing that the la niiisMim of the new J\hedivc to r*--1 mov e the gveni ola-lisk of AU-xantlria hint 1 Nth •-Named and the work ot removal wBl N- ciHimtepo-d at oik*. The message le from Commander (hieing*-, the engineer ->! Iht undertaking. Adding some comments on this oN-lisk, tin t orld says . ttf the monoHii’li itself it may mg Ih> out 1 I of pin*'*- here to statetlmlisisiaUonly (am of tlw'USlSt IBtelT.sring hilt -Ml nil ttet-otmts ii, i-Wmlly tin 1 most infeivsting of tile obelisks ot i.gyol. It wits otiipnidly ens ti-d on the original site under tlm greatest of Kf P iiau priute* lUt* < dvmisiy. riio;inm.B 111 . tin hrolhcrnml HU4Vt‘>stkH* “1 liatiihpu. (in* kinc’.” namt 1 iiv twj UiKTiwn smm! etf 'AuictY * <*nv HiuHaUyf *uh! m flip immo (ifTlioffiiri 111 Is u|nmi tin* U* j Itsk uonv irivfii tNi nn N ork ami ujhnu Jlk tHi " pitts rat<? tjnin|)Hn|t>i\ wliir’i was last Nvar biVafellt (c l.otulon, Tlip inserip ik as \\ !i iii have Ihsi. tka iphe r tl iLf New N. k oU!i>k as it ir.a\ n‘.v Im imilUtl, lake us bark, ihciv bi lt> i \h nmi tmuv I ban hHaan (a*iitiniis bfj.Ht i biisl am! tn tin Aruaaa’aa in Up Ins >in i•! tfic 1 bl\ !.;m<i which vva> in- YUiict)'am! (cmjm h\ '!'hk>imc< 111 Jhc j Uinnnlith wliirh WT ma\ h >ju ili lt x b st ml irulny th mt'lrnpnlis of tin m*w 'nITH \\;|B y:|/et! UJ>o‘l b\ |i NN.lsa.l ( a i< tl iiHlaium al Hu si<riiiti< a ht tt nn hic li hii v*. > nn .i (hm vs iih Ha mis:s <| tiim* win u -Vu .'a*-:us (-'a ar ami Anlonv <>uf ‘.tin a c*J u-iis* >1 tin v ilaptu 'us um ti uli isd ii.i jif -/Ina a •'fen ju i. i-a.ikf !i, ni nh ii known ihronuh •41 Hi. i .iTTfi T*a I7i7't; |vtii ms pas! Mitrin’* t lie wiiub •*! ibis Inm , j ! be *)'< lisk liMNV ijivnit b i New \*>rk has I v 1 "l rfri't as ;t lv it! Ilf Li vanl, | ,< af \)t N;i nlriii win!. Hs fnnpa;ti<in, .ions | cis< i it. L'*mln, hi \ halt btn u.l in lh<- j samlnf if** [< i l A Mll < tit ■ : it.( 11 vvliii II was au “hi | < ■ w hen .Mtistxs w a ;t wail in iht Imjlimhli ! • a Iu t * Mi a j t , i *,| 4ii*B rlnhlhnn l. i : ; ! * an inb rcMf Int* Hps * lacl< m a , miiili v j I will, )*il 4 arl ani jiii!jfs n|]ir|,| | \ !.tit*. \ pi!i itlfii win. had lwan tin terms l •!t iis- u< N wrl,a*' as ;i 'd* ;> if fs|s is •;, IhII ! y jrb'NaVd I" mi iinjiuifaiit tilllrial p*Mlion 1 *■ ' M In It ictab .a din!itipni died ai '., , "f.. s hi fail mm him ami * Kj Mu* t Ije m'!D •- “'U! 4j 1 V j ‘ 1 iitUo, o|<l f*dl)W : liONV J • y*' I bi • y<M,f paiduit ui ” MFV:t 44n*-i7dji iaL in ;i p'a* M in.turn i, I am m < upi and I•, a ill I it- si> ••■phl as lt take a seal ' f< , f u r : * . ■ in ■-!'■{■! .- ■!..;< |,iu ; Ipf u! w In" fin ’ and Nays • Now sir, i w ha’ an J df fui ym r \\ h\, fi*m 'i Non kiMivv ,t.( l an i liu not pn * m •!v ♦“!!--w nou, ’■ fays i|p ■ ‘ ‘-d, \ itj tat vf ftinr 11> lih ( air, wav Umar!or in t tciriblr u ja"',M’ ' Ins d>Nvn <,i |,iw la ad. i aim >n, 11 ) vi v t son soul* lifnla as It, and potltmaif ra.w that von an a publn **lll • *nd but lin Ha riiia rmls nhi and pi’l m< <1 •i \ ' t *sh! miminp ab 1 " lli’ Is ui-tv nil AI it j 111 I Jus, | U hen ii i, nn nholiii- I-1 the M -| INa - ~j , " "ell i iilioorinnlly mspi, j.,ii* of bin .'ftililt 1.-' let* ', fuflv nr,,,. ,| Lii,, i I ' i:ii I belli, blow* <ml Ibejfiisat n,i,| M'it'bl in bi* rm.ln ut tin hotel, v. I,t i„ t|„. I w orld , ilnM,r,(v, ,* porter i„ the v.orld lo Jdo si'li liim - Air <lr< suMnnnm of T. \a* Mnt4*C 11. and In N I /Mil* l* .-!< It ;* ~ :,n j Wh, the (rorti r lighted l.nn t., I* ,|. |,< * wn* i T..d it ■- *ftuler*l.**l jui* uud replied ind.g auUy SN *il J f lendd unit, " Tao hour* hit't the .slnf ,(,.< ~,* pf., -*sl*.l nit if hi* rmitu into tin 1ml!, mid ti port* r rapp' and him up Hskiny him to turn t- IT l*"or thin lln- |*>ner v*n*ord, ,i .luwmV 'vJt II lilt'll' of *(.-*ttil(r but lie iilt'mte.l I hut th< giisfcijouldN t.imi-il ~t Pm.g” wenf n ptsp.l *hot followed *.*,„ by tinolb lit* proprietor y.:ii oilM for* every entreaty he mm hr WM rmt by oftir-r chof* unto fourteen hud is-et. fired At In, t o,ne l*/li"ioen burst o|*m t!,e d,*,r ~f tin- rm/in H’,d found Mr <lr<-“'iu,umi fittirig o , If,, it'd loading Ida pistol for umHlu-r rttOi' k lb- hud in hi* {*■** **iii ulssit tjr,ii ur.rl, rt n< eould r.<B tn elf, | < fcr < * rurthinp . f the escaping ga>. /i<k in tigiiM-d Mie [ < ~p!r-oulsid' oulsid' were trying to rob bitn of hi* tno/n-y Mfsliiaitfsl Jce. Ir Edwyn Arvlw-w, of Hlfrewsbiiry, L„- fland. ban [Sunt'sl out the U'lvantugc* rg certatn surgical and m-llca! r-rtw-v of r-in plovi rj; nesiicaUs] ici ff thought the. <tM was rcud'-rwl ni'rrc eff'vtiv. Irv luring combined with t)*<- ’ar tire prfnrriplr.-a of drugs, and by freeditg vari'ms medical w,- i ition* In that manner toe might (*: rvn 'Jerwi higltly anli-sr ptic, r anatic, or sty pic. In medical caaes, iw)* cia)ly of the throat, stomach, and hemyrrrliages from t*v gan* ice Nr thus pleasantly uwsl U, relieve symptoms and at tire same time con vey medicine as foal to U*e stouut'-.h w hen ’ lie latter would resist them ia any <gN-r way. Large sales imli'se the n riu of ait if*A arti'ies. HrnggisU r*cii more of I>r. Hull’s Jiabj Syrup tlian of all other Bahy IH^'ffkri*. I'ifty-soN'Oil Years Ago in Washinettm. m 2 Briolly open site gallery of the gnat Amer icans who 11 Wo #nd laNinst in Ih-eendvr 1824, when John fi|H Athipis, Andrew Jackson and Harris Crawford w ere Usiking If president of the Fiji led Start's, ugmitvi 57, Jackson 57* aud t 'raw ford 53,Afeil<’ the most intfieiloiis and ambit iotw *rf ItW Ute aa{irnta Henry lav. ,\i this VA Wip. e.iuip n t tiv.*4/1 Md Jt 'leJa, iniserahie ic-i-ts, iKsw lk’W*fiper*. ami the d.-pnrt. mints ,4 th*% igovertimeai itself sent tend sN ait Jn hat|st‘s. Hut It was, m-ver. tlieless, the BtUt tW attrai 'ted the fashiomi' ble and politi,"*! world, and tln>.*, who moved ju stiSiSy aud sutinagod puhlie affairs w ere Daniet t rttster, of Maasaclmsett*. *“d -W. SwV K wepeeauulativa ia eoiigres* from the eitv of Boston : Itielmnl Bush of I’ennsv tVHiiin. aged 55, fnerieun minister at London ; H Millln Dallas, of I’etinsylvti. i nia, t-ged 33, 1 uih-d State* I list riel A lteriu v a! I'liiia,lel|,|iin ; Jaiue* Buehanan. of Pen t sy Ivania. agi’d 34, repn-m-nta'ive in eon glen* ftniii i.aneast* t. t hesti-r and Dela ware di.sltiet . Biehai.i 51 .folinrstn, of Kt titueky, aged 05, scuul.a in <smgiv** ; .i.'ittt i'. ( .tllinun, ot Soul], t'aroii.m. aged 31, rS'eielati will : Kufiis king, of New A.-ik a-ed titl, former t iiitisl Stales sena Ini . umi at let vv aids miiiisler lo Knglanil ; VlN'rt Ualhttin, ot I'ettnsv Ivaitia, aged tl3 M irlin \ ,ia Burt-ii, aged 4'.’ senatoi in eon gtvss Edward liveietl, of B into.i, aged 31 opt. atu:ivFsJ,n emigres* John 11 Eaton, aged 31, a-iialoTHtt e.m'imsw from Teiines , sun I lot i .ton, :V'e. I 37. repr.senialive in eemetes* fiMin 'l’entThasee I liese men 'vviuy< * viUcs, 3 * e. .i J J,. ye.pu.Uii, . "lit I, and a* you .'l.’llil tt tlk ron' hl' ion of my lasi * iui]iti-i ( leiienil Jeil 'av elte and Ids s.n i.tas'al \\ asUinglon I ,tt t'av ell. . vv.-o al that lime the gilt -Is A n.i ri. all I" ‘ph adriuiiiig go al atte.inNsia Wash, ington, where lin y vv. re reeelve.l "B*4J| all tie honor* ot Nr-li It.mis sot eont-t. ss. TSJ It tudsofiui v ent. ilalile.l Ip !'p aid. al M,ll s p" mid (Itmember* of hi* .-niiinel | laiFan-lie at that time was ii years old, and Ills sou l!ini ge j.i .1 | |,e three . andiduh s lot president, lo lie vn c,i |.,r in hatiai i I trt.pli acuta!iy e* on lire ttth ol F.-le iiiitiy, 1825, having tnile.l ol ell c,ion bef.ip the people in Nov,, ot TW4 wet.-, Audi. v. .i.r U.oi, ..I ii iiiMAj. w |,o ha./ !tl) eleetoral Voles . John AdauiH.yfil 'Ce :li ijoselta, who Imd 81 and ' i11,,0n I lul. is 1 i a ,Moi. I vv., . hud 41 flee sal voVs 'i ht , aieluLp+s-wliiyrec, ivi-d ~ Uiajoitty of tin. *-t i-uhe )*■ .se of repn'si .nativ es tn tie < outing 1 , '.-l)niiu; t wm in (nke his a.-iit on da -lilt "f March, 1835 its presiil. nl |,.r I nil \ ears. A III! now la .pin the most . - . i 1 i11•• inlet vill of elei-tiolieerin ■ ainoug Tnen,N-rs o| ' lle'P * llnjl ha-ev.l 111-,,, witll. >se.| lull,, ■tty of (A’asliin, I'roin t hn-tinas dav liaiil the full of I'eliruaiv 18 *5 Ih- nnlion it! ' ttpifal w-tis lit, siiii. ot in,. ,*!,„! |,a, , " lining bartei, bo. I-, hilite' and manage I n.i .1 of all find I!, iy ( la, held the lialata of pow el 11•- < i(||d ni.l he voted j lor in the house ol n pit *cnlaliu ■ although , le- 1.i..1 3V ehs votes in ii,.- previous | \ n aib.-r, mid jt ->as uvid'-nl Hull whalev I, i I aullulaU' 111- 1av,,1. I would la llu- chief .-J tl,,- Kcptlblle o-vet was in mote al [ tra> live and ailibn intis than at that p.-rj *| . lie WHS Sfa'lll ' I of the hoilsc. Ef ie| it, sent at j v iSo ji.ipnlar and enpti i ' litiff/ was thi* voiii... politi, j.-111 tliiil 1,, was Mbs' .-host'll ajM-lik. I 111 1811, odllieflpa dav jot Ins ,ip|M-a,mi,. in Itu lions, and fly, j time* P r-|ect,-il to that |aa>itjon. In th, I Inleivnl l-tw,-en 18) 1 and IBfs i |,t as*i*l ed to negotial'- tl,,- treaty ~f p,,,'.- wilt K tglntid, aud w h.-n le eati.e hut U was in, | incdiatcly rea-h , t.-d to congre*-* wle p |,e dtaplayed ti,<- lU'a-t tun onnuou gifts of elo. 'l'teni-i . going info the s|a aker a chair in 1833 a f*isttion 1,.- iu-kl when he was first culled tu de< i,|(- between ll,e three I president ail aspirant* The mini who had i bitterly deieanie, and him was .John (Quincy 1 Adams, at hsuit s n fur m hi* diary was eon. '•erned. and there was far more atllnily la iwTen flay arid Jackson and ( rawford, l tin- other emididnP *. Ns-uukc all three w< re sout! ern met,. Adams was a J’uritan from New England, having none of the aouthfin act ,soplil,tiitiit. Mr Adiitns. a* we have rwid, frnijuenlly applied to (.lay h, h * private diary a a man without edn'-utiou or ttchojarahip. And yet tltia dualling Irrilltant. daring wrutla-rner, wtlh his tall, noble form, fine gestkuiijiions and flowing speech, was tin idol of hi* ow n |>Hrly, and partif ulnrlv of tie- women, tual the day./iing star in all so cial circlf* 4 ‘itt. Forney's I’res* Hon. Steph.-u A. Corker, a |>rominent lawyer slid |*liti-iaji, died suddenly last Hafurday, at his home in Burke county, of paralytic < a[rt. Corker was .. gallant isil dier during the war, serving, if we an: not mistaken, in tire third Georgia. He wa* elected to congress f,,r tile sliort term in He. lemia-r, 1870, and served till Marrh 4th, JB7J. He was eNaa-n u, the legislature fr<rrn Burke county in 187 k and 5877. re signing the latter term to become the green back candidAtc for congress in the first dis trict in which race lie wa* defeated, receiving 5,031 votes to 8,477 frjr John C. Nlcte >ll*, dem'jfrat. ' apt. Oeker waa a gentleman of much iie-re than ordinary cajw/ity and of exc edingiv g'-niai manners Wlmt the South Wants. Ist. Wlmt the South needs is fewer elev lions and less |*.lilies. 2ml. More fanners in 'Mir Iwgisla'.urvs. 3rd. More agricultural aclnsils so its to make agriculture, th*- chief source of our national wealth, more res|s-(‘fiiMe thrivugh more intelligent culture, ami wiser systems of conducting our fmms 4th. We want more sheep more cattle more hogs more and Ntler breeds ofafts-k of every class and variety. sth. v'e want more graas aud clover more grain and Usw cotton. ttth. We must cultivate less laud and more thorottghly. 7th. We must raise our own supplies aud Nvome an exporter of provisions and agri cultural products, instead of Importers <vf (lies'- artleles. Bth. We must understand that we have <hr> l*et ngrieiiltural country upon the face ot the earth, and that we need more bruins and muscle to develop it. bill The brightest soils should he t-dtlea ted for the farm, and the loveliest, prettiest and snnirt.-sf girl* should N- encouraged to marry farmers, and so lend a special eluitm to enuulry lib- mill add mote dignity and honor l<> rum] pursuits ♦ • ♦ Concerning the evils of illicit cotton liny mg the Early < outilj News says : • -The K K * or Seed (’otton Regulators paid Sugar Tit a visit mi Tuesday night last, poured all Hie whisky on the tloor, set lire to it anti left They curried Mr (jreen some dis lanee into the woods, hut did him no h.sli Iy Imriii lie soon relurneil, anti in eoinpa nv with 'll .1 mm * t ollins, Wh,, was at the sfore yyhen the parties came, sneeeeded in eMingnislitti* tLj tin- While passing .> .bile well to gel jvati I to pul out the lire, Etiflilis Tils silVs'fii; .iiiit?, tuK-'kaliol passing I lift ot-i li lln- call each leg. 11 to wounds are not serious He thinks In- wits shot at by a tiegt-ti who t.M.k him lor one ol tin gun." VS e regret to hear of su.ih things bikini-, place ill mil county It the evil sought to he remedied is so meat its to tie i,Hind haiali measures, eott,e ill il 1*.1,111 and Vmnnsked. Fill rnmiliy will then hack Join' efforts, but the ii.P t, *t* ot soeiet.y ih* ■jand the puiiislimeiit <,f such transactions I- tie- one i. ti lted to aliove.; .. I I! Ni-i 1 out (‘it (inA 11 >:i 11 v. , \ •> wi ! 1*•r:|11 <I. I \ •! t'Mj UI1!T II Mm Mil Ill.iJl NN il V 111 AIIhIUN HI l| r<|l||tli NN’,'! I*l4l' H ’ mi<*l ’ I*) <k> * gaged in srsUat etml with tin- proprietor', when the scene was su.ljenly liaiisfortned into one of intense exeiti nienf. The nlii't j nitoUH trl litii| hoy ot the estiibltHlnitent, yvas. wlmmi tie Mae,-mite ,-nlered, c.-iiTusing tte front ,|.*ir post and gazing anxiously up the ■Creel He suddenly i-allie lushing ill iiiml htealhleSMlv HUllottiieed tlint f‘4 i fft-r was "titling liistautly the head'of the hottSe 'lt ppe.l Into the iron vault, and the heavy do,a wint to w ith a thud, the chief clerk wo ind hi length npiii the empty hut friend Iy box. and another partner dived lion, nth th, . outlier teal was eIT.-elitallv hidden front view , while the t'enutinder of lie' force fled precipitately out of the lawk door The Mayo 11 I mot tic-nil to think tiie.'i" wits so it,- . iijii-d timdtmtu or ilesperadu, vvlio win- spoiling for a fight and after t'liieliiiig for the phi" ol pistol on the hip, and find ittg nothing lint a tin k Imltuner itiitl a laim h. of keys, to |,*,k for a place ,| safety, anil enttetii lied Itiins -lf b.-hind a bail- of sheetin;/, 'lie * mill hoy went out to meet Iht- enemy, and tis in- was a lineal deseeu dant of tile original (f. V.. answered the lut''i-|-oga!i',n pi'.enptly Our informant *)U found iliat tls- enemy was an inn,sent bailiff on a wild hunt for Juror, 'I lv .pc Htion was askisl, where is th'- proprietor '! H<-luel jiittl gone to din ner AA here is Air '• lie was out of tile Hi'- city and that small Isty with the fertile I iutagina'ion, I'outinued lo |,sute tin- mem lu rsof the firm in a manner w hich did him great honor Al last "Greer" sorrowfully took I lie pud. and one hy one the ahsente'-V returner! and fell on the neck of tie- small hoy ami wept. When all had refnrnid they Joined hands aud earolled a little song lo the small boy. who can cut a ( berry tree and lay it on Hie frost, and who can meet a bai liff face to face and fpiui! not before liis g attic. The Wasliiugtou I'ost fHenswrai; says of tin- Ohio election : ‘ ’l’lie result is proimltly due more than anything else to the unfortu nate stand of General Ewing on the fimut eial (picstioe The jxtopk- of Ohio evident- Iy do not N-I'u ve in s-ift liairs v. On the whole, we thitik it uNntt. tune for the Hetn ,s ralie (wirty to re(ogtii'/e Mi!'fiiet that this is a hard money country. Let it rettiry to Hs aid time principle* and set in every <•- iTtti" jM ' ordinglyj” H|s ak'f Banda!! states that tla: eoinmit tec ‘ iiurgeii with lia: revitaon of the rules of t le- 1 louse of B*Ticeicntth-e* have comply tcrl tfclr tak, atnl Jiavc reduced tN- nuto •s-r of flu rules from one hundred and sixty. six to fifty, and simplified them so ffremc court has decided tlrnt tin transfers ,/f the tax tl. fas. i-am-d against lots of wild land were ill<-"al from the first. Tho mtilo aud the small Boy. FiiteinnaM Enquirer. A Niy, tkppareiitly va-ry much agitated, rusla il into nls awe yesterday and said to the lady : ‘‘J don’; want ter alarm ycr, hut I’ve got big new*. The man sent me up front tho livery stable lo tell ycr." "Good heavens ! what Is ft ?“ * "Why, yon know ycr little boy Aieek what the man can't keep outett tlte livery stable 'round the corner "A cs* well J* "l told Alcok just iHivv not to go. In tlwr stable among the horses, hut lie wouldti’ mind me " "Oh, dear ! W hat has happened "He said tu-wanted to see wltal a undo 'ltd do vvljcn yer tickled its lus-ls with a s traw. u "Olv, heavens 1" gti*i*'d tlu> lady, and dung to the mantle for support. "Well, sir, yer boy Aleck got a straw, smick ut) belilnd a airrel mule, tiekhsl him on tin- heels, Ain " The lady stalled for the d(*)r. "Ait* the hla ueil critter never lifted a hoof."- called tin boy . ’'Never us much as sw itched hi; tail. It’* a mighty good tiling ter Afeek that lie didn't 100 j an’ I thought 111 e.inie up an' tell yer." Ami lie dodged out at Ihe aide enl i uut*>. Htfito Bights. Tie- Boston I'ost very opportunely brings i* puhlii alitMilioii an arliHc of tin* Hill of Hiulil.s *1 Milshik liumfllh an uiiiclr Nvhirli \N ia 11 I’ll NN II ll| l)\ lilt* pUI liot Ulul Rt fit <‘HII Util Sjimiit I Adaiiih it ih uh tollowa : “Tlio pt opli- of iluk coiiimonwi'allh Imvr the holo ,(,*) exdtj ss-ywniwvg^ttirehesf as II five, s.ivep ign iimFllide|*,m|ettt Hlate, iiii<|<l<i, iiid idivvir hrrrnftiT nlmll, i*x<*r~ 1 lf ' r nj.tN f\i N poNvcr, jurlHtlit tlon ami Hint nn lid Ii i t not or may not luivafh r Im liv Hn hi • XpiVHHlv lo llm (Hi h and Slah s, in ( 'oii'/it KM MKHrinhlrd.” nir uiHfct ‘\th im Stall* rIKbU nmn, or H'HU'lmmi n<* < a!!i and of tho South tloi’H not < liiim an\ tliiu ,r more than lltin, and rllUHf llf* NN'oidd Ho! Jirrepl fof IttTHelf any* Illiu- lews rile ih nv party cry that Hilh Ih .v nation nvlUi all political power (’oiHHinlra leflin ilie povcnmicid at Waahlnjrton, Ih not om!n on!radii ted hy our political hlnlory ami aut nip a iInI Ie fo flu- Hpiril and Icllcr of tla* I cdernl con titiillon, hut. no Nnfthern Sta'e \>*• II acknowledge It when it \N . v jiuMrited ju oppohltion Ui ifm own ri% < rved I i^rhtE. WHY in: nkt;r drank. Il is n lat.-T hy a ( hes'er hilly that when \A illiatu t < nry I lait ison vvas running for 'll,- IVesidr-ncy, h. 'topped ill the old Wasll h" oh 11 1 in* in t 'it,-' it, for dinner. Af ter dinner, vv im- wiiH nerved. It was notie "l Hint He G.-iera! pledged his t,i*ts lit ' Vl, ''|', I Hi g-mlemeti from New Ymk, i.i o'l'-ri i- ai , !e-r, said : "Uimeral, will von not fm ,r mi- hy drinking a glass of wine j fi.. Gem ini declined in a very dcrldi-d imeeier .A gain lie was urged td Join 'h'-ni In a "la** uf wine. This was tr*> "•mdi 11. f,".- fro n the table, his tall I,nin creel ail in Ih" in >it. dignified mitti m-r, lierepliefi Genii, nu n, I have refused twice to purl nke ~f tin- wine mp that “ho,ild have Ii tii suifleicip. Though you |ir,-“s the cup to i,ix lip*, not a drop shall pass the poll i!n. | mu I" a resolve, wlutu 1 started out in life, that 1 would avoid strong drink, ami I have never broken it. I am one of a obi" ol <-vente"** jo*uig melt who am, in,neii and tin- other sixteen fill drunk, aril' grave* al! through the |wrmei<MlH liuhit of Ms-ini wine drinking. 1 owe all my heiilth, Imppiuess and prosperity to that, resolution AA ill you urge me uow i” lit. \7s*l \ kING.~" I'iltslnirg-has seventy two glaan fuctori'ai, eovertiig an iiggn-gate area of two hundred acre*. The wages now paid to first-cluss men riing from 4tß*ft lo (f 130 a month. Fee nild ( las* mi'ii get t<l-5. In the making of Nklle glass, from a half drami vial to a twelve gallon cartsiv. Amerl'-an mumifuc. turi i-* claims lo Nat the best foreign Jiro ditela, with tin-exception of one particular style of wi x* bottle, in w hich Germany ex cels. In the manufacture of fruit Jars, rep resented hv i -n factories in Pittsburg, tin- American article is ati|s-rior to fin- Eurofic an. The ni'Mihh-d ware is g(**l and elienp, so tbt a considerable tpTantfty is -x|sirte<l. There are idsnit one htlndre<l estiiltllt-h incuts in the Fpltfsl rifnt'-s engag<-d In win* d<w gloss mamifaeture. The plate glass fm t,ries nr-all in the'fi '-sf. At Sew Al bany, Indiana, there is a concern which has a capital of al-ou) 11,250,1KK), controlled hy W. F. Hc|u-an. hiul w liidi is running night and day, with js-vu u liuiuintd nail fifty hand*. A\ b'-n editora attack immorality, aud the win of those who sin ak under cover of trap**, darknesa A'., the guilty onus stand lieblnd their !a*eka and curse and sbuae ttuan. Little ik> wt- cure for alntae, <xntng from wm h a source. VVe prof*)*- to handle meanness wi ll gloves off, rcgardleaa ,A what poofik' may say. [ Franklin Jicwa. — , uf t —i —i A tutor of a college a young man on hi* irregular conduct added, with earnest natbos, The rc|*m of your vice* will bring your father's gray hair with sor row to llu; grave." "I M-g pardon, air," re plied the pupil, "my father wcara • a wit'.’’ Ni). 46.