Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether Oounty Vindicator
VOL. 7.
Office north Hide of Public fetpUre.
Space 1w k 4 wks ,3mo j 8 ibo I1 vr
1 inch 100 *SO *450 1 6 00 j 1300
* inches ISO 500i 8 SO 10 tip 15 00
Sinches 8 00* , S 00 I 1000 1300 25 00
* ooi •' lil ' 10 0 3000 3318) 85 DO
1 col 700 15 0 i 3500 3300 ! 00 00
1 cut 10 00,30 00 i 3500 0000 J *IOO
A* liberal deduction made to those
advertising by the montlbor year,
< l-KJKfo. | ( ........ .....W^ALkchw
TAX RWEIVKK.. B F t h*tiwa>u
TAX J O < hrlltiau
THK.VSI HKH A....U 3 Anthony
81.KVKYOK O F. Matthews
L J Miiaui, Aarou Sibley
C. J Kcevua, J E Buchanan
J W Estes
Johu W Park, W. J ft.rues.
Madison Reeves, It A I‘arkel.
A It. Freeman, sec
Z\ at
/v. LAW, .
I’rompt ami faithful allculiou paid In all
businere entrusted to bi care.
1) It KEITH, / *
‘ A rroKK * l AT 1
r\ law,
Gn***'tn* t > kolii, IA
Will practice in Meriwether biml (hr
oxitiltee coiti|koaiHg liir ( ‘itnlii t irc uit
•! f Hi I At Oli) !'<
A ttoknky
biumtuit - o*-Kiiu
H'lnioi-iw pro.ii|tl> *|<l fi'hful ij aUeuded
s mmr tmm
V ill practice 111 y II mrtk Ilf lln t 11 is i 'til
rin Mil lli roort ij# i InlMiHit imt Jo*ti'*
courts "f MrfiailAw nullity
W 4 i Mill* on III* aullli of tin pillllii
aim-i dae to tin Drug talon
bi IW'-BfcintMii aTvim to
tiir I’uliln < >lh< < with lil< Istlier,
Ur .1 K G T'-rreJl at tin- Unix hlur*'
Kl-ovn, D
Rl-wuent rtEiwifr,
TermaCaab AH work warranted.
, " —■
GItOItGIA > Ordinary • <re.
Meriwether fiountiy.) Get 77tU, IH7U
Whereas T J. Ijuoian ed lit wy Har
tin, Ml A<iiiiinWr>ont of Tl p* oaJfek-inah
tale of said < -outy, dbctnuird, icpr**et,U to
the Court, ttiat tit/-} have full)' aduiinisU red
the I'Mtabr of mill ilrmial, ami afiply f"i
letter* df diwdfaai"** Un-ir **u<h
Administrator* :
Tbi# is tUm f'irr to cite sod mluaatwli el
to file Oieir objection*, ''if any
they hrej, yi w> 'dflcr, tm <t before the
Arm Moft-ln) in Fet/mary next. why letters
of dismission vhrmld n-4 issar U> sid Ad
nrnistrator*, a* af'<resei<l-
Given baolwnd gflVial fcig'**-
turt A J HINTON,
. 0. M. C.
AA A A WEEK in yoiif own town, and
JKQQ bo capital riKe< I Vo i-etn jfi
the tniin<- a ‘rial without <_•*-
pen*-. The beat opportunity e offered
or witling to work. You should Uj
nothing elm- until you ate l‘tr
you ran tin at the Itwtneaa we *►* "0*
room to explain here. Too nan derrjCe all
your time or only your apart tiiAe to *h *
bunnraa. and make great pay for every
h/iur that TO* w*rk. Women nmkf m
macfa a* men. Bend for specfitl private
erw amlparticuiars, which we mail fre*.
95 t rot fit free. Don't* complain of hard
time* while yon hare such a chance.. Ad.
drew. H HALI.ETiCO., MLtid, We
Girt, and Boy* paepam* f <*!#:. r
Pradkai Life.
Voice culture a apecialty in Elocution
Oratory, Coweenmtii* and Soqg,
Fur particular* address. ‘
X S. JOSEB. I'riti.
11-14 ui2*.
N r i Impair.
1 Saiu would impress on
The weary and sad
The truths of a iesaou
to metaphor elm)
Still iu life's journey the
lira re*t do liest—
Hull on fife's journey we
Ilauk.r fi>r rest
. i
Innocent i
Shortens the mile ,
Try the experiment
Once in a while
Face your foes fearlessly,
"Never kiv .Tie "
Trials, tak’n fearlessly,
Lightsome))' lie.
Our tear drops art' lenses
That magnify UU „
They cozen iair senacs
Till hill whs wem hills.
Ami faces grow wrinkled.
While tresses w ith gray •
Grow siK'eddy sprinkled
Win n Woojeis her way
Horrors may haunt you, hut
Foul may grow fair ,
Danger* may daunt you, but
"Never despair.’’
Verily, veitly,
Judge as- you may,
lie who t<>il - in > rily
( al lies the (lav.
The Ex-Eiujiresti of lho French
Visit js | 'it ns—'l Itv
YisitoiM Flic*
A *{**< i.<) fmm IlttriM if a* f.jl
Jo** :
A* ***n n tin nrwii iunvttl Inin* that
lUi <'ounlv* <!• Moutijo, in* In t f tlie* *
Etij>r** I ogt nU, wn D) ing at Madrid, it
wtuf tftfMTit tJ Ui*t I*#t iUtuj(hU‘j would }**
Diotl#li Dlift ril V on (Jj* v, uy D her
iXtUido II WUH I VHI HlllkOtitK 111
JJmt D would leave iTtiiw Dun morning
h|f*vrn Ink •**, lh< In pirn# linn Imm.ii EjM iid
Du uliotr dns ill Dm ii tid< ii< < of Di*
Jhikv ii< I'iiiin Mural won Jr *
tw, t*‘mV**l m*w4 tiV' t tic* !
Du< Imum iiutj Mlii Jshmumai. 1 *riu;
MaDiddi ull*d *n Ik r’ I oVIot k, tail vut*
not rui-ivt*! nuin; I Vine** Nujnilihiij
who iiiou n< < hi ohiaiiiiu: ml
luitUiiKt Tli* Cmpri mi Uilki’d with him j
huif hii hour m’ iold him ! Imd now
|Mil all ilkhi; ’ ,1 jeiliht m nui\' and hid lift
i nr* f*if MJivDiintf hu! the jiMTuory* of lor
diMivMi YYhi ii Umj I'rinc* n*tiir; dlo huf
utrriii#' l** wit* |MdnfiiJlv idT* f*d. At iiv< ;
rY!n k Dm* vx n of hjHiiri artk*<l ui/out •
l> Dial *h' tiiiouUi h Htlnnli'd i the* Km
jrt*w nn\ hh‘ m! on< adiliiMi and
Tin meeting of the** two r'Mt°nl inothi r,
one vt nlowi i| unit I'liililli na t)><■ other with
Imt son Mated upon a llnan o ami hourly
wailing fi jt lua hf ht*. w*a loijrlilug Ui
tin- fi w who were jiriylti fill to fcf If.
(juwii laal lln stayed rn’itrlj iailf an hour,
and ,at air till- F.mpri-ws diugd with the
I Uiiclxaa rl*i M"U<-liy, Mile Lin riiitll‘,f 'niil
ia <h* firmaai, nJ Vkiautw de Tiim*itu'
“flw Majiaty ainitnl for tin-<trh-Hna atn
tins at 7 Her aiiitfi fi|!'hod ia tbt-<- r-*i
H|e* 'f\v\ diova rapidly
natra-l, ami it wa* m aim I Unit the Kn:|iniai
wetjilns to Ire w alaurlx il in In r
thoujrlitai n*' v < r Klaneiii, ut 1 lnj tiui'iai
rjait* wluyi tin- happy of h**r lift wen
ajn-nt When they reached the at a lion at a
rjuarU'r la.-fore *, tlmir arrivaJ wtwt erfacted
by nobody, and not wti Dir nation maater
knew anvlhine hilt tin-fail that a a|e lHri|t
car hail I men otihrnl fie unkteiwn p*raon*.
Hut at mum a* thi ,' aHyliPiJ tip- iu w’( tlui l it
waatne Kmpreaa ran i<miikl th- atation, and
aii the railway rrßjihiyi-a crowded hi tile
dme <A tire 3.r Tin-) at'xl tle n ailently
with I **a ofiraiaed kfdM of them had at’im
that fcri- ia.firh' ait l<aikHJ out fr'an tin
rairriayi' in tlierr mid at on tfe day* of tint
Etii[af ir' fete. Mort iif them compared
iia beauty, an well remeinlierijd. with tin
wan awl Imyipiinl JmJt that it wore .. now fc
iralerSQlw* TiAt-rdk/ti chanited la-yymij die'
<%piHWiinbam- Her form i le nt.e.rid 5
ahe i* prematurely oftL No demonatratiiai
trw* rmtii by the ajrech.'ota At eijihl the
train atarted, aml hrur police agenta arruui
parried the Imperial [airly m fur w the
kpaaiali frontier/'
He Hhort.
■* "• ■ ■ t
Ivaig visits, ieng stoma, long eaeaya, long
• xbortaia'na.aod long prayer*, seldom profit
thnw> who have to do with the. Life r*
abort Tune it short. Moments are pree
kets. Learn to condcfaK. atiddge, aad in
tenmij. We ana lar thiaspi that are duU
if they are only atsart. We mm endure
many an arts If jffcWvefloon, while even
pleasure* grow lnShf'i'L aad pain
if the}' be protracted iwyoud the limits of
Hfart yht '-unvshHsiee Latow-toto
I>ip "ff liranche* ; stick to the main fact in
your rare. If you p**y. ak fdtowbat you
Iktok you and get through , if
y nb aprdk. W<l your message and hold your
peace- B'Xl <V/wn two word* into one, aod
then into two. AJwsvs l>x-Jiort.
The Former . Koudeace of
Waiiam Wirt.
OharkAUTitte > CUruou la.
"Pen Park"—<sr, aeeording to the ''testi
mony of the rocks” that mark the last
Ing place of iu fomuir owners. '*Ps'
Park " --is diataut flow t imrkittavilie, Vta,
alsiut two tuiles north, tn the >irs gotw
by It was the projKirty ot l>r. George Gil
mer, wln we daughter, Walker, was
the first wife of \t Uliaiii Wire and then* he
rest duel uuiii her death. Atl T the death of
his first wife Mr. Wirt removed from Allie
tnarta, sjamt sefesui years in Iticiinmiid and
WiHiamslmrir and sulsaspientlv liK*alisi iu
Norfolk. Alter his stuxind miurmge, to
Mis* Gamble, of, lu returmsl to
UidunoaU and nanaiuixl a msiiVut of that
tity until the acccsMton ot Mr, Ihssw s
die presidency, wlfen he was appointed at
lornev general .f the liiited Mates and re
moved to Washington. lie resided iu
Washington until IS3O, when, s! the close
of tin uilimiiisli'iitioii of .Mr. Adams, he re
signed Ins i IU, e and t,mk nj, Ins residence
in BMtiiiioi*, where he passed the remain
der of his life aud died oil tile lSth of Jan
uury. ts;;4, ig tin- sivty-Rnoitd yiar of his
age. Mr. Wirt twin not, asia sup(swed tiy
many a nullvjr of Virginia I its fatlH r was
ii native of Sw it/xirlaial, and Mr. W. was
born at llladeus'mig. Man land, on the Bth
of Nim mlvr, 1774 The pir'w'nl owner of
"Pen Park” is Mr W illiant llotopp, a na
tive ot Prussia, who came lo this country
in 1861, and, removing to AHkiimatle in
IHIW, puriliiiatil (he piojKTly of the late
YYliiiniti T I.ia’iy The tract of land now
einln ii ■ 4lO in h'e, and tin ireatci |>arl of
tin ' l( .iml laud la In ami.
'I lie Iditt* (irponlmi'k J’ttrlj.
\YaMWlit|(l<>n l'iw!
I awl year the I liwulmi k party polled
i.Y.i vutea in < olorado (hie year It Uwi 7 li
per cent of (hew
laud Near ill ('oniieeiinit il caat H. 314
Viaid . 1 1 1 in year the parly liiui not lleeu
111 nrd from there
Laat year lowa it fiwwl with (lie Deune
eeratH, mill the two pnrtiea tojjellmr eiutt
VAYOtIO vutea, from which aulitrnctinj{ the
170,1KK) I leri.m rnlie volca, left the tiieen
lan k at O().<HK) ; ihU year, wiili the
total voli' in li e SUile Inin aimil 40,1KK), Il
I'olli and lO.iHKI, or *1 IKK)
In Maine lua) yein it polled 41,(KM) vutea ,
in Maine tltia yenr it |K>lied Od.liUU, a tfaln
of 10,000
No i ompiiiiKou ran In uimle 1 m*l nun the
volea of llilk party ii Miiaanelima ita in IH,'M
null 70, on account of tin Ihiller Ueipo
i rnlie vole la iiijf entirely mired In with the
UKltl lop tied Itillier received,
l/ltat yeill ill Miaaiaulpprit polled 13,000
vntea , this year jt lm only laa n heard
from in llnit Stale in a jwiilteriiijj way
I awl year In New Yianv Ii |iol|ed 70,(100
volck 1 Ills year il |ailted 10,000'
Isiat year iu Ohio li pnlh il lis (KK) mKcs
this veal lihotil U.tKKI
law! vear in )'ennayivania it jmlled about
K| IKK) vote* ; tin* year aonle fO.iKKI
littat year In Wiseonafn it jmlil and Mll.OtK)
vote* , this year none at all
'Hie ijiii 4ion la, w hat him of
tin Giiwnhack |>urty 'r We think il i
ilead p
' "'■ 0 aw.- " w ■ -
A Hint tt (Jo.
A western man who i* hlcwsed with aevc
nU tlra/ tive dmiyhlcra wliow. cliurina wca
li<iadly detain tin-ir Mbnirwrof/i n late Inair,
ha* inventwl an alarm clmsk of an iugeni
ou* character It i aoinethlny on the atyle
of a “cm koo' cI'K-'k A ftrincipal feature
i tluil at 10 i/cl'iek it atrikea hmilly, two
little door* ojk ii, and u man with a dmaamg
K'iwii and 'yip on gjidca mil, holding in liia
hand a card inw rilaaf “jjgod'liijfht-” Tim
elf'Ct l* aaid t In ymnl, and aince lln- arri
val of tin- new i luck Ua.-re Iran liven no Ironb
hin getiinj{ rid of lOilicra. Tin- clock Ja
'lcetimil to prove a very ja/jnilar article in
hunai s eon'aiulng uuirriafp hie daii((ht
What nit OldgMitn hasNuticetl.
I have noticed that ail men are boneat
when well Watched.
I have,no)iced that pnrssa wWI hold j>en.
oh* as well a* pound*.
I have m/ticed that in order to he a res
aoual'k- creature, it is nccaasaiy si ah times
to be mad.
1 have uoticed Uiat when the florae is
euifKy and the kitchen cold, tiu-n ia the
tony ol flattery no longer heard.
1 have noticed that silk*, broadcloth* and
Jewel*, are often ttougtw with other people’*
J bsv noticed that tto prayer of the eelf
ieh mao i* : “Forgive ua our debt*," while
to makes everybody that owes him pay to
the utmost farthing
I have noticed that be wlm think* every
man a rogue, is certain to etc one when he
hewea hinaeii, aad hrwugfit In mercy to
hi* neigh! sir*, eurrentfar the raacal to jus
tice. <
I have eotioed that money ia the fool's
wisdom, the knave's mputaiion, the poor
man's desire, the oovetuou* man * ambition,
and the idol of them ail.
Ho# Lifts Became a Husband. J
Tht*. following tory ot the marriage of
LMHOhe pianist, U, If true, certainly very
reitMUtUe and romantic It is as follows .
LiaO was at Prague In the autumn of |
146, jjhr day after his arrival a stranger
ealkd gt him, and itipreaenletl himself as a
ImAJUf'lrtlM in distress, having tixpendtsl i
all hiaWeans ht an unsuee.esahil lawsuit,
ami stfidted aid lo enable him to n'turn to
NußtMßatrg, hi* place of residence. List*
gavctfjkfarty reieption, amt opened his
ileakjttgi t sonu; money, lull found ha only
1 Wilrtl throe ducats.
naiu the jriii rnn nrtint, that I
am aslpor aa yourae.ll. However 1 have
credit Std c*u oMu more me trey with my
rdklMk heau * mtiuature given me
by the Emperor of A list Ha ; the painting is
of little value but the diamonds are fine,
take It, tell the diamonds and keep the moil
The stranger refused the rich gift hut
last/ c<i,ntielled him to take it. and lie ju
ried it to a jeweler, who Huspeeting froin
Ills miseralile ap|s aranee that lie had stolen
it, had him wrested and thrown into prison.
I he strangor sent- for his generous lienefac
tor, who Imnieilialely called upon the Jew
eler and told him that the man waslnniHient;
that lie had given him ihe diamonds
lint who kiv you ?' said the Jeweler.
"My name is ids*/.,' lie replied.
, l know of no tlmineier of that' name,,
suiil tin Jeweler,
.Very |Kwaililc,' said
lint do you know that these diamonds
are worth six thousand Morins
•Mi nmeh the iH'tter for him to win an I
gave them.’
‘Hut you must Is' very rich to make mu h
presents !'
My H* I<* (>rMlllC of 11IIVI* (IlKTitM,'
sfii<l Kim/. .
Tin H you ri* n f< *<)!,* niUD Dir Jrwolrr.
‘No,’ HiiitJ KintF, I lihvo only lo movr niy
(lngt'in to ; r c! un Unit Ii lliotiry hn ! wiitil.'
'Tlicii you i' ii h*i< t i r,’ Hull llir Jt \%4*i
*1 will show you Du- kind of HorrcryDuii 1
IMU|)iO> , ’ Until I/IN ! /
Htving h |lhiio iu thr Imrk jMirlor of tin*
jrw |rr’ii nhoj), Dm* rrrruliir nrtint nnl Down
to it mat Imgtin to impiovlm* n nir.
A Ij< fiiii I fill young Italy inialr her npprnr
him *, uial Bruvo, Klnly. !*
You knottb him, then f aaiil the jeweler
to In* dililjfllter.
I have never Siam him laifore,’ ahe anlil;
'hut tlw.rt * ti" owe in )lte world Inal LUt/.
who ean pnaHici* aueh amttHla nil the fiia
The Jeweler was an tinned, the at runnel
wiot n'h'Hßi'd ami relievisi, tie report of Listr.
tndiiff In tin i ly Hew, mnl lie was wailed
ujKin mid feted by the nohl’a, who heKuiijflit
him to jtlve a eoueert In their city. The
jeweler. weiiL' the Innaiatp' that wim paid I"
the man of jf mm, .via un,bilious of fonm
liijj an aJlliioee with him, and remarked to
him :
‘How do you find my daughter ?'
'Adorable !’ wan tin- reply.
‘Wind do you think of marriage V conlin
lied the Jeweler
‘Well en otigli to try it,’responded J.ihl/
'Wind do you any to a dowry of three
■liilliouwu! frank* T lie waa neat asked, #
I will accept it,' WHt tin* reply, and titank
you, too,'
AT i'll, ut) likiHi ymi and you
like her,' aaid the Jewch.-r, 'the dowry ia
n-uily. t Will you be my *)i4n-taw ?’
•tJladly ,’ ii'plirtd Ll*t/. { ami the marrUjO’
w as i eWbruU'd tine week {oilowlng
X , traveling thrmyfli Uritinny, aaka an
old wdnitu who 1* i s-ddljng croaaati and mad
als at a Church porch the price of a certain
"la it for your wife or your awcetUcftrt T'
ahe iiakt.
‘Tor my tweetbeart," repliaa X., not
preeiacly aeeing tlx- drift of her <|Uea
ti'/n. - •
"Ten frvu n "
“Ten franca phew !” lay a X., ttirninff
on Ilia heel.
‘“Come tmek, come back." i rltit the 'dd
w'ltnan j "take It for tlir'i' You’ve been
iylog to meytliough ; you liavc no sweet
heart if It luwl Wn for iier you’d have
liooght It at once without any regard to the
"I'll take it—hero are your three
"You haven’t * wife, ehher—ii it to#
h*.vn for her you'd have beaum tue down to
two franc* 5 Vh. you n/*n, you men ! M
A Dutctmiall’s I'crlitiek
Ti lie f Of i DurfStar
Nil 1 iab are tare gi| idfifaMilfl*/
Tfafauceawd toJw aa haipsuefemeut and he
got indignant, aad la a buret of wrath iuxfa
floe<l hia position.
"I ain’t gut a* bohtias. eh 7 You bat I
got more wo aneh tolkfii ee you don’t dare
got, eb r
“Well, what fa four pot it ice. then 7"
"Vat ish my boHdli 7 Yy, I tell* you vat
my boHdlx Mb. Fetfdy eenta a boahef for
gaine gore uad dwo glasses of lager beer lor
nine cends. Duma totter bnNdix dan your
Uiu republican or demngrad bolidix. Eh,
, vat yon got to aay now, py tarn ?”
The Tender Paasion.
We all know there have boon mercenary
men. One of this sort hail the good fortune
to lie accepted by an heiruas. At tlie wed
ding when he got to the part of the ceremo
ny, “With all my earthly goods I thee cn
dow" “There goes his valise." said one of
the bride's relations spitefully
Another fortune hunter, who found after
: marriage that his bride's father would not
| settle am thing upon him. ivumolfsl him
i self by speaking of the old man's pranw
hins as “tny moni'v in-law, my earri*g*-ln
law,” inul so on.
A prudeut youth who went a wooln’ "
U'foro emnnci|valion wlstiing to know how
many slave* tirare were on the plantation,
hit u|sai the following ingenious plan of
Mnding out j After lounting thuae about
the bouse, ho made his ow n servant go over
to the negro tpottiet ami throw rocks at I lie
houses. Of eourae the ot'euivants rushed
out to see what the mat lor was, so the lover
hml a g'snl chance to Mud out their uumber.
A sad iustancc of the Meeting nature
of man's attachment is shown by
young a of conduct tho felllow,
the desiruble party in a small town
in Virginia: One night lie went to a hall,
and met a beautiful girl, with whom he fell
in love at Mrsl sight. After devoting him
self to her the whole evening and giving
her the lienrflt of many Inflammatory state
ments r* (nested pemdssion to s< e her honn •
It was grtfhted Oil f eostiioy i Oh! imv'ti
light, love and (lowers. Well, they set off
bigether when the ball broke, and went on
ami 'i, until tin y got to an olwcurft part of
tbe town, and at leitgth sto|iped at a house
alsait as habitat,lr a* the desolate “Walla of
ilnlrliilha” After ringing tin- disir hell
some lime without response, a head tied up
iu the reddest of red cotton Imndkerehiufs
was pul out of a window ami a gruff female
voice called to the servant in the kitchen :
“llullo, there, Matihly ! you old fool, why
don’t you git up and let Peggy iu f" The
headgear, the voice amt the language, wlmii
lielniigtng to Peggy’s mamma, nipped the
constancy promised liy the once ardent lov
er, and they j>,oted, adorer anil adored, to
meet no more.
There is n notieeiilile tendency among
hnxlifiil awnitiH to flnil their hainkt get my*
tcriouHly overgrown mid in their way. Il is
painful to see sufferers from shyness turning
over those saving almws fi>r drowning con
versations, photographie til In 111 in, w ith
nervous, awkward fingers, which seem to
llte unhappy owners to Itelrsy the story
ol their passion* in every Joint- K*|>w4uliy
U ilia fatlira or till' mheit execrate*l aninll
lirother is liy. Home of these shi-episii lov
ers I wine mid untwine handkerchiefs, Iml
tills is iamiellines daiigeroiis, aa iu tile case
ot a man in Virginia, who, feeling himself
id a lists for it topic, drew out the (urgent
si/j',l 'ki-reliief i'ulllng Ins Imnds helilml
him, through the arm* af a eluitr, In: con
trived iu an agony of emlMirrasHuient to get
tied in a liurd ko>4 Tin- aliirm of tfrevra*
raiai-il. In tin agitatiiin no one wimld
atop to lisise him He liiui to daalt <mt of
Hie house with tlm chair fastened to him
lie was not relcHMd until tin- tire was put
out, anil all ciiance was over of distinguish’
log himself iu saving the hen house, which
had lieeu tom lied iu a light, flame hy the
(s*ok wseling u little negro there wltc aliglit-
Wo.-s! torch.
A ismple ill Virginia liuekwnrd, wialilng
to he niarricil, art out with a uuutcroua fair
ly on horselinek for the mlni*ler’, Tim
hud wet up to la' a lilg man
among them, on the atrength of owning
feveittl acre* of hind, Which, however,
Would only yield br<*mi sage and pine lags.
He bated to let il la: known dial lie
did not have money enough to pay tin) ciet
gyioan, mid tlierefore sent on a friend in ad
vance to strike n tmrgain with the reverend
/at her The friend met tin bridal party
illamt half way, and forgetting tin; hnpor.
lance of atafneyr, (Killed out triumphantly:
"1 Kay, Jim, l.c Kay* lie will take tt In
duck*." Imagine the brldegroom'a discom
Mr*. (JruwJy.
“What will Mra. Grundy nay V’ baa paaa
crl Into an adage, and m4b frerpieTitly a* a
rcKtraiot upon thoae wlwam buoyancy and
light hearted net* might lead them to forget
or Ignore the eonventlonalitien of life. To
M'dlon'* clever comedy •Hpwd the How,'*
we are indebted for the saying. The fin*
•ecru- 'if the first act open* with a view of a
fibrm hou**, where Farmer Aahfleld fa ills*
covered at a table with ids jug and pljs-,
le.idinr uw imwim * mWw W
wife, who nguraa ia * riding fin** vfijtk a
basket under her am :
Aahfleld %n, db*<r, wt-h wboM<
What new* tinea thee firing form the mdt.
kel r
Dame What news, hiialauMl f What I ai-
Waya told you ; that Farmer Gnmdy’s
Vtu-at brought tlva ahllilnfia a 'ftiartar more
than oure 1 1 id.
Aahfleld- Aii the batter fur ha.
Darise- Ah, the am aoenia to shine on
IfifTp'se' f'x him
Aahfleld Lome, same, (•*- ua, as than
has I*4 the grace to thank V 'am preapea
ooa time* times, don't thee grumliie whan
they be unkindly a Mt.
Dante- And I assure you Dame Grundy'*
butter sea* finite the crack of the marltdt.
AalifieM- Be 'pdH. woolye 7 Always
ding dinging Datna Gmutdy .into my ear*.
What wifi Wra Grundy aay? Wiiat Jyi
Grundy think 7 Canal thou ha ifukf and
let nr skint and behave Urvaeff verv prat
tily 7
A TnMkStory. * T*
Two years or more ago, when Leaffrlfte
wm hi ita hifiincy and the fame to t It* rich
earlsmate deposit* had extended eastward
only *o far as the state of Kansas, an enter
prising young married ttVaa who had listen
ed to the recital lit cKYT'wnrwcinJarment, de
cide,! to emigrate at once to this new Ki
IVwado. Packing up hit slim stock of
hotisclMikl aunda, ha in company with Ida
wife, liegiui the tedtou* journey up tin
grand valley f ihe ■■srk.aneaa with tin wot
ta “LeadviUe or bust” lascrilsMi upon his
hamicni. When wtthha a daw aula* ot Pue
blo, liia journey waa Hitonpted by the ar
rival of a atnuig>t ; tmt, after tarrying a
few days aba form lama* to sue the wife aud
Itabv comfortably eared fur, he poshed for
ward alone to the wiM, aWagghltg team of
Lciidvlllo. Hi* purae was very Tart
his nerve and muscle wore in jilethorlc con
dition, and Iu- found Immediate employment
upon w indlass over the Little Eva abaft
on Fryer Hill. Ho know as little about
practical mining as lie did about the deli
cate machinery of the finest watch, yet he
turned the crank of the win, Haw, with an
energy and deter mination which rated him
as a full hand In the estimation of his ’pord’
who was doing the mining work down tn
the sural ami lsiwlder* lieiiontb the surface.
The wife in due time joined tho husband in
the comfortable log cabin hts Industry had
provided for her. ” This cabin, bill ft non
where Grant’s smelter now stands,contained
the llrst full sized w indow ever placed In
jvMilieu in Leadville. The wife was a trtio
help-meet for her lord, and Try lier cheerful
labor at Hie wnahtuh she siipjitled her hua
laind and the “pahl" for tnontlia with tha
fund* neeessary to eontiime their mining
o|STntlous until tlnally mineral iiegau to ap
penr in thu 1 1, itt,>m of the shaft.
The news of the strike spread abroad anti
created u ripple of excitement,until It reach
ed the curs of Ikicuteuaut Qovonuxr U- A-
W. Talior, who, hsvhig |iro(H’rty close by,
deuiaudud what price bail heon flxwl u{>ou
thu mine, and the nuswer (jUickly cams,
” "I will give you
r*sjs>ude<t Mr. Talsir, and Die sola was ef
fected. Thu money was paid over and In
ourroiicy, wrapped up In a copy of Use ltov
eille, taken by the overjoyed huslmnd lab)
Hie presents, of his wife anti Uailed kite a
chair, us though U was a ptu kitge rf cIoIImM
for tlie wash
"Did you make the sale 7" inquired the
"DUI you get the money 7"
"Where ia II 7"
"In that bundle there nn the chair."
"Do you mean It 7”
"Yea, | do."
Fifty thousand dollar* In that old pa*
jcr 7"
“Yes. 1 insisted nu tirlngtng It that way (O
you, who have *ofailliTiilly workml to ghra
me tle mean* tu Routintle ml ’A"*, that you
might rest your eyaa on tha entlrWstuh which
i* our joint pfoperty.”
YTi|it tis'iMhJiag hatul* the devoted wife
tint i<wt flw himrile amt for the flnrt time ifi
her life gn7.od u|wm fifty tkoiamnd dnllars,
aivl ilien till* plucky woman, who Through
all liurdhi|Ki of |Maverty and lalmr had Dm
strong ami rt-*)liii, now Ilk* a tnie dfikgh
tcr of Eve, sunk ii|ani (lie floor and wept
over fortune. * *
Thl* ia about all of Ilia fiofy, exA'pt that
insiead of leaving Imadvllle to apand thidr
wealth In some locality where In a lifetime
they iiiulil hardly luivc amaaand MCh aeont*
|a tmiey, the couple now o shle here,and tb
husband i a imunher of the city loundl.—•
fLea<lv|lk! Hcvt-ille.
-rmr- *
Governor Gsrcelou, of Mauute, twfiW a
gssi reply b; the roaring liiaipe - ami hie
crowd of c* Governor* gjid aupea who onll
<d at hia <4lU* with a rt*jueat that < fit ay bo
allowed to exumine llte fetnqia and wwdaa
Ute taliulatioa wjiieh the lawful offioera were
making. Ihe Governor told them that ho
was aurpriaed that mou post
does which ttiey occupiutl jn society ahcaild
make aueh a request ; and lie could not un
derstand. he aaid. how tiiy bad. arrived at
the c/meluaioii that the officers doaifliHtled
hy tlm law to UliuiaU- the returoa wera
about to raiuut out any officer, “uideas you*
guilty conseleacva prouifHo'l tha idea. ’
lflaine and Ida foiio were (etlml.' 'ink) a cor
ner.” ~ ,
W. W. Hnlhnap Whoeoe one of the oon-
Ififiicuoua flftrea behind Grant ia the pro
ewaaion In Chicago. Buck will continue to
follow the “old man" wherever ha rtdaa la
proapertty. <
' m a r.
“It's a vary micaaa thing to to aamtot,"
aaid aa olfi Indy to tor niece who k Just
about steppfng '4F. “Tea, but It** n great
deal more aolctnn not to be," replied tha
Ctrl wriouaiy.
a. "
A peaky pfekwr fa n htoftkf Mektflg and
well tgimfl for toby. By tto v </ Dr.
Mull's Baby Rjntp you can kpeg 4* hpljh
of your Byby in eplewlldooudtonm Mto
Mcwstoatokfa. , '
iih rfa g * M r' ''
Purge out the morbid burners of* tfaa
Uoud, by a dom dr two of Ajtwrk Plljy, a*fi.
you wOl tore Meaner totoanakuß a* fah