The Hamilton weekly visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1873-1874, February 07, 1873, Image 3
TOWN AND CftlNTl “ Chukch DIRgCTOHY. - ■*!>“■ * I Pfrvic sat ilie Biptist Clinfob on the first 0 i„l i bird Slimin' 8, and SHturdy Before the tt.iid tun<ly, in wwh raouth R- v M .1. Wellborn, p-islAr Similay-tchoo! at 9a. m. Soi vices at the Methcxi at Church on the fourth Sunday, and Saturday before the 4th Suridav, in each month. Rev. D. R. Me Williams, pastor. Sunday school at. 9A. M aX*- * The Cash Sy-tkm.—As wt have th pay the cash for every thugwfe ram alKiut uttr house and office, we are c.4U|uJl<sl to-do a lUictlv visions. at market pj i< es, in )ay for sub ■criptions. Although anxious fiu' patronage, we |infer a limited eaeh bubilf#|l to au ex tended credit one. jjK, . gg” Don't steal me, for I am piivate prop erty; bough* and paid lot l y a subscriber— tne who sustain, the press, and wishes to rrad me. ■ Don’* borrow roe. fin my owner den t like it; and, besides, the mao, ino will tnru you out a copy just like mo for :cu ten is, ana yon ought to sustain the"press. Subscribe fortne, nnd keep your ronfcieuce caS y. Hamilton Visitor Dr. Joint W. Cameron is our authorized agent to receive and re ceipfetfor this paper. Wood ! Wooi)!—We need a few loads of wood at once. 1 ijdi'g it in* and | thus pay your subscription in advance. , Kisgsdoko.—' Thjs statioik. at the preset terminus of the jHyfth and South Road, is vapidly aSiitoing the appearance of a town. A./ffcat and commodious depot has comple ted, as also Cnpt Jobiy* 1011 ’ 8 S'tuio warehouse. Mr. BeacL 11 l ,as e, ' e( %;d a nice store roomf, an<y j us t Ngrtli ol the depot, an ea^.S d ‘?e life keen located, where feoffee and oth cr append ag* 08 arti scrved % a P ca V style. T>" ° co i ,a S eß tor the accom mffdatP® 11 °t tlie railroad' employees tb° present status of King| boro, y .Attkk to t' HIS *—Wo started.this| paper to living, at least, Ifffl more. T 1 fe-tlo, if we take subscribers oifa credit. Several names have got on our mail book by the promise of paying in a week or two. Much as we would like to have our paper visit every family in the county, we cannot-let it go on a credit. So if any one who neglects to pay up within the next week or two, should fail to receive the paper, he can guess the reason. Eggs, chickens, butter, wood, etc., will be taken in pay for subriptions. Hell's & Chance!— Anj one send ing dr bringing ns the names of six subscribers and $1 2, will receive Ks a premium a copy of Tbe Great Indus tries [of the Unitcil States—a new world written by twenty eminent au thors! and containing 1300 pages and 500 Gigravtngs. It treats upon aTT branekes of industry, is a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufac tures, and sells at $0 50. You can obtain six cash subscribers in a little time, and secure a valuable book for nothing, 53f“ Our subscription list is stead ily increas’.r.g. If each of our present subscribers would prevail upon one of bis friends or neighbors to t ike the paper, our list would soon double itsed. Let them make the effort, and not stop rt one, but keep ou. There is plenty of room on our mail book for the name of every man in Harris county. So have no fear of crowding us—but let the money accompany the names. Spouting N kws —We heard of an impromptu bird-hunting (not dear) party, the other day, on the premises of one of our prominent citizens ol the lower 19th district, consisting of both ladies and gents. One dead jay' bird was the sum tptal of their game. AH the gents say they lost their hearts, and the story g6es that one of them came near losing tbe end of his little finger by tbe accidental discharge of his gun. Ouu Jail BikPs: —Six persons are at present .enjoying rations gratis at the boarding-house Lin illy furnished by Harris ‘county, and located here. The parties are all negroes. Three are charged with murder, one with rape, hue with an attempt to rob, and one with iliooting a hog belong ing to somebody else. A Fair Offer. —lf there is any one in Harris county who desires to take the Visitor, unable to pay for it, and lie will convince us of the fact, we will send him the pap> r free of chaige. Wtf’are,determined you shall have no exeip? for not tak ing your local paper, if in onr power to prevent it. Remember, farmers, that you - can pay your subscription to your c >nnty paper in butter, chickens, etc Other papers require the cash. JEST Who so poor hut that h(*can take his home paper ? If you have not the mortey, you surety can pay in wood or provisions. What gives all the home news and official advertising, which cannot he found elsewhere? The county paper. LOOK HERE! no rcu want a good watcii cheap? We will give a good English lever, silver, hnnting-case watch, with a handsome chain, valued at $45, to any one furnishing us 100 yearly sub scribers and S2OO in cash. Or, we offer a good single case, .-ilver, English lever watch, with nice chain, valued at S2O, to any one fur nishing ustiiO yearly subscribers and SIOO in cash. * , The peiatm or persons accepting either ei the above propositions will jiot be restricted to any one post, but are at liberty to get sub scribers anywhere, provided they keep account of every one furnished, and state that they fr-e for the watch list. Two six months’ übscribers will be counted as one yeaiVr one. No name will be reeeivCekwithout the cash. The time for getting up these sub scriptions is unlimited, but tlnj. first two persons handing us the requisite number cf names will be entitled, to the watches. Any number of persons can club together under the above proposi tions, but, to facilitate matters, and prevent confusion, we prefer receiv ing names from only one member of each club. ~ Died* in Hayultou, IJairis Cos„ Ga., on the 4th inst., after a loegaiyl painful iTincss, Mrs. Mary E. Oainer on, wife of Mr, Henry O. Cameron, aged 21 years and S mooths, 1 She died in the full triumph of the Christian religion, implicitly relying upon the promises of her Saviour. J. W. O. ■ . Cte BitiNeNps Yocr Rags —The high est market ice will be paid in cash or subscription for any quantity cf clean col toh 'rags or old bed cotton aßivered at this 'office. 1 A few lhmd r expounds of old type, suitable for and ma chinists, adtthis office. TtrL Fullilove, au thorized agent to receive and Veceipt for this paper in Columbus, G;|. Notice. —l take this method of in forming my friends and natrons that 1 have removed to the fesidence for merly occupied by C/ It. Prichard, where I may always be found at night, when professionally en gaged. OffietT with R. A. Russell, Esq, —,- John W. Cameron. J6@“lt is said that Schuyler Colfax wanted to be an angel apd that bis w’ngs were actually sprouting. The Credit Mobilier swindle has taken the last particle of this angel out of him, and he is notv regarded the chief Mobil /iar on*he continent. A Troy voutli made his be trothed a holiday present of a piano, p ying for it with a cheek which went to protest on its presentation. The r p ; ano, tler<-‘f.ire, true 1 <3obuux,>,l, lull the young lady makes as much music as he wants w i hont it. 23?” The Phihiih-biia courts have 'e ':<!ed that the 11. wing of strain whistles within the corporate limits shall no longer be eiidu: ed. Some of the workshops are putting in gongs which can be heard two miles. HARRIS SHERIFF SALE, Will be sold before the Court house d' or in the town of Hamilton, on the first Tuesday ■in April next, within the usual hours of sale, tl e following property, to-wit: Lot o, land No. 240 in tbe 2d Dis trict of originally Troup, now Harris county, containing 2104- acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of Thomas Hickson, deceased, by vir tue of an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county in fa vor of Win. 1\ vs. Geo. 11. Bryan, administrator of Titos. Hick son, deceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. 15. H'. Williams, Sheriff. GEORGIA —Harris County. J M Davis, administrator of James G Davis, deceased, makes application for letters of dismission : All persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, by the tirft Monday in May next, why said administrator should n .t be dismi -scd. Given under my hand and official signature, this 3d of February, 1573. J F tl Williams, Ord’y. GEORGIA—Harris Cuvnty. James A 1 ruling, executor of An drew Hilling, deceased, makes appli cation for letters of dismission: All persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, by the first Monday in May next, why said executor should not be dismissed. Given under my hand , and official signature, this Stl February, 1873. J F C William's, Ord'y. --— -— -— jgj '* " . " copies of the 'AVoc/f and- Jb\tvrri Journal, pages, and 3 packag< s new firm s_ Is free, by enclosing 2 stamps. Address N P Boyer <& Cos., Parkersburg, Pa. “ ' ' a ■ ' Wanted.—lf yon wish to fifty a Sewing Machine for fa nil/ ask, or act as.. Agent, njhlrees Wushirgton Sewing-Machine Cos., Bosfcjm, Maas, ■"—■■■ ISI Sung c.s Si nt by mail for 50<f, that retail quieft for sio. R L Wad* cott, 181 Chatham square, N. Y. Euiploynent. —#loo per week to agents and others to sell It iTtrvvartr cle, irdispcnsaLlc to merchants and manufacturers, Add res- 1 , with stamp, E B Smith & Cos, 95 Liberty st, N V. Money easily* made with onr Sten cil and Key-check outfit. Circulars free. Stafford Manufacturing Coin p iiv, lid Fulton s.reet, Xew York. Hamilton Female College, HAMILTON, GA. The Spring Session begins on Tuesday, the 28tb of January, and closes on Wednesday, tbe 2d day of J uly. Tuition is from $2 to $6 per mmtb, ac cording to griitle of studies, with an inciden tal fee-of 20 cents per month. Music on Piano, Oman or Quilar, is S5 per month, with a charge of 00 cents pet month for the use of instruments. Pupils will be charged from the beginning cf the scholastic mi nth in which they enter, to the (lose of the session. No deduction will be made .for absence, except in ca.-es ctprotracted sickpess. One half of the tuition will bo required in adV.nne- the balance ay the elnin of se*s.ou. Beard can be obtained at sl3’per month J. H. LOVELACE, Phes’t. | IL\N TCITST HOUSS COLUMBUS, GA. pH* J Frank Golden, Clerk. RUBY/REStAURANT, Bar.and Billiard Saloon, UN£>U the RANKIN HOUSE • J a,ll ° J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. J- i TBIFFItV, 106 EROAD ST., K)LUMBUS, GA. - Imported, ’ ’’ Wholesale and Hi fail Dealer In DRUGS and MEDICINES, AND SOLE AGENT VOR EPPING’S EXTRACT BUCIIIT. This store is open all night. Sign of the Crystal Mortar. Mansfield & Hlgbee’a wonderful family medicines constantly on hand. no 2 ly WM. H ROBARTS & CO7, DEALERS IN STOVES and GRATES, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, CROCKERY, ' CUTLERY, nnd House Furnishing goods generally. Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Coppfcr Wate, of every description. Agents for the Domestic Sewing Machine, and Charter Oak Stoves. no2-3mo 109 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. CHANGE OF SCHEDULED NORTH AND SOUTH RAILROAD. Supebintendeni’s Ofkice, Dec 6, 1872. On and after Saturday, Dec. 7, the passen ger train on this road will leave Kingsborn 7 30 a u Ca'anla -. 7 55 am Blanchard 8 25 a m BETVUNINO, WILL LEAVE Onlumbus (Randolph street) 3 35 p m Depot, on the North Commons. ..3 50 t a T D, agent at Blanchard, G A. Granb rrv, agmt at Cataula, W C .Johnson, agent at Kingsboro, will rereive and deliver goods, cotton ami other sli pinents. Cotton will be received at, other siations by the conductor. W- D- CHIPLEY, no 2 Acting Su, t. NOTICE. We take pleasure in announcing to the jmblL l!mt we are opening at our old stand a COMPLETE STOCK of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats. &c., which we offer at wholesale and relnil as low as the same quality cun be bought in ibis market. Call, s re, examine and buy. Those indebted to us prior to September, 1871, will pletii-e come tor .raid, pay up, and commence anew. __ 1102 JNO- M’GOUGH & CO - Dozier, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WAVERLY IIALL, GEORGIA Special attention will be given to all busi ness placed in my bunds. no 2 Jy ~~0-. " MERCHANT TAILOR & CUTTER, 134 Broad $(., Columbus, Ga. Coats, Pants and Vests cut and made in tbe best manner and in the latest mid most fashionable style. U o 2 N ORE 98 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. Parlor, Chamber anti Lihraiy Suits, Wbi dow Curtains, Shades, Mirrors, Looking Glasses, Childten’s Carriages, and every ar ticle kept in a first class Furniture Store. no 2 T. T EDMUNDS. GEORGIA, ll arris County. C J Cash has applied for exemption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of horaest. ad, and I will pass upon the same on the 20th day of January, 1873, at my office. JFC WIl LIAMS, Ordinary Dissolution. Tlis film of Cowseit & Pitts In* been diu aolnd l>y mutual consent All persons in dehted will please call and settle within the awUgm days COW8I1HT& PlTia. Hamilton, Jan. 9, 1873. r*r police is hereby''given that, front Hus date, the legal advertising of Harris county will be published i the Hamilton Visitor. r B. IT. Williams Sheriff. ’V"F. 0. Williams, Ordinary. X. 11. Barkex, Clk. Snp. Cl. Ga., Jan. 29, 1873. THE JpEKLY SUN? " ..OjLY $1 il TUB. 8 PAGES. Tlw-Bfist Family Paper; The Rest Agricultural Paper The Rest Political Paper ; 0 The B<st Story Paper; The Best Fashion Report# %■ The Best Catlle Market Reports; 1 The Best Paper Every. War. The Weekly New York Stm—B pages, 50 columns —$1 a year, or les# than 2 cents a muHver- Send your dollar.. Address, The Six, Xew York City. 1 TRY MITCHELL’S PAMILT PILLS, For all diseases active corrective Cathartic. For sale whole sale and retail by . £ , For office uae ihE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA BINDING INSTRUCTIONS *SO Letter on Back TYPE Author Buckram ur \\ I•• Cloth | ~JL — MUKXT. Maroon Blue qL Green — r- Black )■] , | i • ' s ‘ : SAMPLE BACK , L j "', . \ r S. Month ..■< its for Call No. itaovilTs Tamily Medicines, . I *> .viytAti U>'> ij. . • .' . Warrens Tonic Cordial, Hall’s Lung Balsam, Bennett's Medicines, ''l v ; • ; Rogers’ Medicines, SOI,D AT MANUFACTURERS’ TRICES RY LIGON BiIOTHEES. DOaSTT LOOK A.T TIIK G-reat Redluotion of Prioos toy M LI6ON BROTHERS. DRUGGISTS. LOWER THAN CAN BE BOUGHT AT EETAIL IN .r, " ; *' v '* f ■■ .. \ '■ '* f *l. WbmJE , ; , , v At., , ,/ i-iHWm ’ 1 y “ *"• J,: • lo *!* * Laudanum, Paregoric, Castor OR, at 60 PeCent Pwcoumt from Olb~ dinary PaiCEA— e. ff., 2&o. vials for 10 cents; 50c. vials for 20 and 25 cents; 75c. vial* Iwt <0 cents. Jipsom Salts at 10 cents per pound. Gt*m Camphor at 10 cents per ounce. • Bradiicld’s Regulator .$1 00 Simmons’ Rcgulatoi 67 Hood’s Eureka. * 07 Vermifuges 4 • • 17 Worm Candies 12 Ayer’s Preparations.. . 07 And many other arficles in proportion. • i f \ •' SAX.XTX3 MONI3T jm’ * . If. .■ : r-iro * .. : by BjtiNGfsa Ycvji Bash abb buying o* ' ■' a ' ■ tiifcJm-m- ■* ‘ .> >4i •• •* IrIGON BROTHERS, Druggists, Hamilton, Ga. PROSPBOTUS , \ 4.. i.Vi?' J*! '■■■ o_ r : —OF TIIE— * ... . . • .... . ]*; . HAMILTON VISITOR. # ' it ••• " O A. w*■ • ir, 9 c < H ■>• al A : a-a.. {i-nuuy, uccembcr 27, 1872), wo commence tho t publication, at Hamilton, Harris county, Ga., of a weekly newspaper, entitled as above. In politics, the Visitor will be entirely independent, endorsing only what it conceives to be right, and opposing all wrong measures introduced by either party. . ; . v Pjyitieuiar attention will bo given to agriculture, local matters, and the general news of the day. In short, it shall be our aim, by strict attention to business, to make the paper not only a welcome visitor in every family, but also to the public at large. The business men of West Foiut and Columbus will advance their inter ests by advertising in the Visitor. D. W. D. BOULLY. IBS MAUL!SB WBfiELY 1 KlTiff is i* uti l. is urn* eve nr Friday, by DENIS W. D, BOULLY, Editor and Proprietor. *; '•* • • . . -J TERMS—OnIy 62 a year; $1 for six months, or 7* cent* for thro* months—payable invariably in advance. ’, # • cn tl’ A. M, w , -V , -*• . Jr ,-. X v; ■ ■ ; > A I. J 2 ..'i t**.• .. I, , ./ ( if i. o atjo-viMYc r’-tc*iTojr/jiaßto'A'-O . ■ - *■■ • t Any one furnishing us with five subscribers and 610, will receive# copy of the paper free for one year. T ,‘TnnTTWf! td - v r n*y* * . and. -- ui Yk fdia 0 *T. m * .• it, * -- tTiTT'"^ y • i “'ll TPfflrnll fi'.i' -o > . i/.\ ■(T i)il_ ••-< ■ ,‘f xt r - 'Y JOB WORK . . . M B ' A, Hi AVEHir ,|L IdiM ’ f .V E A L Y EXECUTED, ' v:> HHvuu .is. ±km stmt r£'.- fdosmU t . v ■ . tarBiSND IN YOUR OHDERS.-S,