The Hamilton weekly visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1873-1874, March 14, 1873, Image 4

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mmE nsnsufiiyißime , OF THE CXITKD STATES. 1300 PAGES & 500 ENGRAVINGS. Written by 20 Eminent Authors, in cluding John h. gocgij and Horace GREELEY. This work I* a complete history of nil branchi-a of inilnstry, pr<K*fes of muntifac tinj etc., tn all (gen. It in a compute cn cyclopedia of ait* and manufacture*, and l tbe moat entertaining ami valuable work of Information on subject* of general Intercut over ofteiefl to the public. We wnt agents In every town in the United Htatc*, and no agent can fall to do well with this tiook. One A|cMlt aold 133 Copies la eight day*, another cold 368 In two weeka. Our agent In Hart ford wdd 397 In one we k. Specimen* sent free on receipt of stamp. Agents wanted for the FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Paget, 250 Engravings. An Interesting and amusing treatise on the medical humbugs of the pa t and present ft expose* quacks, Inipostoia, traveling doctors, patent medicine venders, noted female cheats, fortune teller* and modi urns, and given Inter eating accounts of noted physicians and car* ratlvea of their lives. It reveals startling secrets, and Inst'ucts all has to avoid the ills which flesh Is heir to. We give exclusive territory and liberal commissions. Kor cir culars and terms address the publishers, J. U. BURR & HYDE, Hartford, Conn,, or Chicago, 111. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION for IS'T’O. A Democratic Newspaper, DAILY AND WEEKLY. The Favorite of all Classes, Lawyer*, Merchant, Farmers, etc. Twelve Reasons for Subscribing. I. The (Constitution la published at the Capital of the State, and contains proceedings of the legislature In full, together with con stant ami accurate Information of the actings of all deportments of the Hluto Government. 8. It has the sole and exclusive tight of publishing the Decisions of the Supreme Court from tbe reporter of the Court. These decisions are delivered on Monday of every week, and aiu immediately published In the Constitution: hence every lawyer In Georgia should take the paper, and the great propor tion are rttbxrl Iters. 3. The Const!tul lon Is tho official journal of the State, of the city of Atlanta, and of a large number of counties. 4. The Constitution publishes a weekly cotton editorial, embracing remarks on lire geld premium and all matters affecting the cotton trade, with statistics difficult to be obtained elsewhere. Producer* end dealers In cotton, not ahm* In Georgia, l at all over the. oonntry, procure the Constitution for these si tide*. 6. the ivmdvtHtjori fornbhe* telegraphic dispatches and new* hefts, all quarters of the glob*. Including iuurk*t.v.domestic and for eign Hence the paper la popular with mef* i tonic* everywhere. . 6. IkvJii, * our and rily associated pres# dis patcher, the t 'onalitution has specials froru Washington, tho National Capital. 7. Its correspondence de|Mu tenant Is un surpassed byf-jSouth, having sneeisl mm*. pondenti at YTSshliiguin, New York, and In various pait* of the country. 8. Tho Constitution publishes a monthly fashion letter from New York, written by the must celebrated female fa diloo writer In the Hulled bides Tho ladios, therefore, all want the Constitution. 1). Anew feature for this year will lie weekly European correspondence, by w hich the readers of the < Ymsii'luloii will be taken on a tour through Europe. 10. Tho shiest writers and statesmen of Georgia select tho Constitution to give their views to the publlo. atid so do the people, and hctioe It Is the admitted leading Demoeratlo Journal of the State. 11. Ihe two great specialties, our Supreme Court decisions for the lawyers, and our cot ton articles for the merchants anil farmeia, make the Constitution unrivaled iu this part of the South. 13. For,.tho reasons given above, the Con stitution Is the paper fur nil classes —lawyers, merchant*, farmers, mechanics, and others ; circulate# In evety county ol (loord*. has the hog’ st State circulation, anil is, therefore, tho favorite medium for advertisers. Every Georgian should, alter taking Ids own local paper, subscribe for the Constitu tion, published at tho capital of his State; and we would hero return thanks to tho peo ple for a patronage that Ims culminated In tbe grandest newspaper success known in tbe Southern State*. The Constitution, not yet five years old, has attained a circulation never reached by a daily paper In Georgia, and has erected a inagntticeut live story buil ding of Ita own, as complete as any iu tho United States, giving employment to seventy or eighty persons daily, and running a half down presecs by steam. Visitors to Atlanta are cordin’ly Invited to call and examine the Constitution building and Its powerful pice sow, printing four or five thousand paper* an hour. EDITORIAL CORPS: I. W. Avery, Editor Political Dept. J. T. Lumpkin, Editor News Dept. W. G. Wllidby, Editor Local Dept. Howell C. Jackson, ) . . ..., N. P. T. Finch, } Associate Eds. E. Y. Claifco, Managing Editor. W. A. Hemphill, Business Manager. Captain Henry .Jackson, Supreme Court Reporter, is exclusively en gaged by tho Constitution to furnish the decisions. Proprietory W. A. Hemphill and E. Y. Olarko. TERMS OF SUnSt lUPUONi Pally, per annum, |lO 00 Six mwutba s oo TJitje months 2 50 Onetni’uih. 100 Weekly, per annum 3 00 Six luouib* 1 00 OUR JOB DEPARTMENT Is prepared to do auy work In tho printing line, Iroro a card to a Anely-bound book. On editorial matters, address, “Kdltora OoMituUoe; on business, address, W. A. UKM Pill LI, A 00.. Atlanta, Go. GEORGIA— Harris Corner. James A Hiding, executor of An drew H tiling, deceased, makes appli cation for JLi.ters of dismission: All persona concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, by the first Monday in May next, why said executor should not be dismissed. Given under my hand and official signature, this 3d February, 1873. J F C Williams, Ord’y. Notice. *ll person* nuVbtrd to the turn of Pitta A Kim!*vu I, ior Luiskr. wi'l plots* sci ]* tauundianly. PIPIS A KIMBIOUOIL U&uiilton, Jan. 9, 1873. North Carolina Store. The undersigned beg to evil the attention of the cHiv-us of Harris county to the mot that they have in stole most anything In the DIIY GOODS OR GROCERY LINE that can be called for. Also, Drugs, Crockery, Juo and Tin Ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, HARDWARE, GLASS WARE, AXLE GREASE, OIL BLACKING. In fact, nearly everything to be found in a GENERAL SUPPLY STORE. ■Timmle Jackson Is with us, anil will bo pleased to wuit upon bis friends. __ FARLEY & CO tig imi* psohsioi and gko (EliV STORE IS STILL BOOMING! CALLAWAY & M’CCBRY, GROCERS & PROVISION DEALERS WEST POINT, OA., Have a large nnd complete stock of Staple and fancy Groceries on inind, and tbe cry is, “Will they cornel” They are for sale, unit must be sold. GUANO. —Head what tho Rev. II Car. mlchael suys in regard to the justly celebra ted Coe’s Bone Superphosphate, for which we are agent*. “Thiels to certify thr.t I have used, the present season, on cotton, from 75 to 100 pound* of Coe’* Bone Superphosphate per acre, and am sens It lias increased the pro duction fourfold. My land is gray, thin, aud worn.” To Debtors. Wo need money now aa* much as yon needed rations last Spring Your accounts were due l*t October. Wo bad rather credit rIOkPT fOOR RUN THAN SLOW RICH ONXX, iliPa BAB iUD RESTALRAXT 12 BROAD ST., COLUMBUS, GA. The undersigned lakes this occasion to Inform tho cttiacn* of Harris county that he has fitted up a nice Restaurant, nnd is now prepared to furnish customers with meals at all hours, consisting of the Inst tho market adonis. Fish aud oysters served iu the bust of stylo. I have a liar In connection with tho house, which Is supplied wltb“good wines and li quors, nnd keep hand a good stock of Cigars, and Smoking and Chawing Tobacco, which wo offer at wholesale or retail. W- H. BLAKELY, Proprietor. This truly VuluaMp Mrdtcinr hM won it* wwr Into ewry household In tho nation, aiul U conn* dtmtlv rooommoiuled for tho euro of DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, v ,1 AND KVBRY FORM OF INDIGESTION, CHILLS, FEVERS^ and all ilixt'H-t*ft aridinf from Torpid T.lvrr. For CWSSUFTIOH and CSSOHXG COUGHS, flt/S TASSB. BaONCaiTIS. Ami DEBILITY from any dis. civw'd, H i a ifttvfc, agrwtkblo, and reliable tonic. In al Kidney ami Bladder troubles it wiU be found bonefi oi*L Tim iHireet ami best Hour bon Whisky If rora. blue*' with matnriala in this article which A>rxa the MOST KTFECTIVH TONIO KNOWN. . ALSO waxjKhrw cm " ’ VUKK -T HOLLAND SCHNAPPS, AN INVIGORATING CORDIAL. tux BtST un amc x von*. NV. h. walker & CO.. Wholesale Wine sml Uqnor IVnlnm. OimemT Wtwiwski AJem*. is Ustn ilreet, between Hint siul mqsm, LouHvUle, Kvutucky. O. A. KZCfeIKCTsrEJ* MERCHANT TAILOR & CUTTER, lit Broad St., Colnmbßs, Ga. Oonti, Pautb and Vc#t# cut and m do in tin* U-fii manner and in the latent and most fashionable style* no DR. ABBOTT’S trsiUOM,vniD LIVER RENOVATOR CURES ALL CASES OF LIVEE DISEASES, Sucl) as Chronic and Acute Inflammation of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sourness of Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Colic, Costiveness, Heart burn, Diseases of the Heart, Chills and Fever, Intermittent and Bilious Ke mittent Fever, Neuralgia, Colds and Coughs, Constipation, Chronic Diar rhoea, Piles, Flax, aud Bilions Diseases generally. ZW* Don’t fail to use it, for it will cure yon. It is tbe cheapest medicine in circulation, because it is the best. It is perfectly harmless—composed of Vegetables only. Full directions upon the inside of each package. Don’t fail to try one package. Price only 75 cents. Prepared only by I). ABBOTT & SON, Newnax, Ga. For sale by druggists aud dealers generally. IFIEOTnSffiDSyiI&EjS 8 Abbott’s Liver Renovator has cared me twice of colic. Hamilton, Ga., Feb. 22, 16?3. Branch Ligon. To my friends and acquaintances, especially the afflicted—lt is a pleasure and a duty to recommend Dr. Abbott’s Liver Renovator. I have used it for several years, and have known many others to use it with entire satis faction. I have never been prepared to commend any medicine more cor dially. As it has benefitted me, so I hope it may relieve thousands. V ery respectfully, a friend of the afflicted, Auburn, Ala., Mav 2, 1871. Prof. I. J, Morris. \ LIGON BROTHERS, Agents. We are regularly authorized agents for BENNETT’S MEDICINES, HALL’S LUNG BALSAM, Rogers’ Zviecilolxies, Scovill’s Family Medicines, Warben’s Tonic Cordial. SOLD AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES BY LIGOIST BROTHERS* o DOaSPT look the Groat RodLuotion of Prices t>y LIGON BROTHERS, DRUGGISTS. LOWER THAN CAN BE BOUGHT AT RETAIL IN BROADWAY, ISHEIW YORK, | , T | Laudanum, Paregoric, CaJtor 0)1, at 60 Per Cent Discount from Or dinary Prices—e. g., 25c. vials for 10 cents; 50c. vials for 20 and 25 cents 7fic. vials lor 40 cents. ’ Epsom Salts at 10 cents per pound. Guru Camphor at 10 cents per ounce. Bradlield’s Regulator *1 00 Simmons’ Regulatoi - 7 Hood's Eureka Vermifuges Worin t audios jl Ayer’s Preparations I.*!”!!.*."!!!!.***** rj7 And many other articles in proportion. SAVE MONEY Sk BY BRINGING YOUB CASH AND BUYING OF LICON BROTHERS, Druggists, Hamilton, Ga. prospectus _OF TnE — HAMILTON VISITOR. To-day (Friday, December 27, 1872), we commence the publication, at Hamilton, Harris county, Ga., of a weekly newspaper, entitled as above. In politics, the Visitor will be entirely independent, endorsing only what it conceives to be right, and opposing all wrong measures introduced by either party. Particular attention will be given to agriculture, local matters, and the general news of the day. In short, it shall be our aim, by strict attention to business, to make the paper not only a welcome visitor in every family, but also to the public at large. The business men of West Point and Columbus will advance their inter ests by advertising in the Visitor. D. W. D. BOULLY. IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY\ BY DENIS W. D. BOULLY, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS—OnIy s*2 a year; $1 for six months, or 75 cents for three months —payable invariably in advance. o Anyone furnishing ns with five subscribers and $lO, will receive a copy of the paper free for one year. JOB WORK X E A T L Y EXECUTED. @-SE3S:D iit your orders.-**