The Hamilton weekly visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1873-1874, November 21, 1873, Image 4

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■IJoL ■** 18m. petition i h. de ! to tvi to oxe # Spi md No. [y, uou peatiu/ hi- lit * to an land, or by itiing Micrtfor. aA'.J it *kt TKoima. Spivey t of Us pmc-kaae and B<ki Thomas Spivey krail 10 direct Charles * upon tiie evtote of deee.iwd. to execute ind in con tot toil y to concomi .! are lifcietiv i file tbHr olijccti- lit ofiicc within tee time y Raid adruin'wtrator Bi xoeiite titles to MiJ t said bond, dered that copy of ifi the Hamilton Vi •s ef Haul* Cotnt of Ord'y. dtninistiutor of Eze harisig receiiily de °f 9UU ‘ 1 they have, by the first or some other fit end and Dot he ad^ UotiKTV. takes application for let • of ISli Davia, lute of Bive, by the tlret 'hjr Bid letters safer Sarah rtiilUpm. for letters of y ppi ffigS?,. Afl person* roacri nwl arc herediy noHfiwj Iks lINIM Wt be (nmied. L..,, - Qlja Cullkß, .{ KUblia William N Hale, admtnistmtor of F M "Wxrx. 3Sf. H&wjss, 3C* mmm in isu estitb west, COLIMBVS, o*. Win give attention to purchase and sale of Bml &t*, plating !k *a*o In first-clars CoatpenWa, and will tnvuM fundaoi negotiata KrS,,l-.^^. Tn'iS^ ssrss>! virsspztfAi tons. RhM been snlsuted to 82 long column*, inj {g no w the ebeupeat paper of the kind In the world. Ts* PetSAW In greenlacks given Cimrn copies eeot free. Our Book Oat tOcftoe rent free. Bend cash order* to |>pJonathan Pcm-mnxo 00., Stflkples sent by anil for 6<fc. Chat retail quick tor *lO. R. I* Woieott, 181 Chattel! square, N. Y. REVERSE YOUR PLAN." Leave ofl purgaUvev and violent me<lUini> that prostrate the trial powers, and for Blood Purifier, try Hamilton's Bnchu and Dandelion, which sets on the Kidncta, Liv er oqd Bowels, and removes the impurities o! the system, bv operdue its otitlete. ‘W. C. HAMILTON A Cos.. R >v; ... Cineimsati, Ohio. (limine Waltham Watehes sent C. O. D. The best and cheapest In (he woild. and the most accurate. Illustrated pi ice li-t and low est rates sent free. Address Fuller k Cos., US Bond st„ N. Y. fus Manic Comb —Sent by mail to any one for sl. Will change any colored hair to a permanent black or brown awl contains no loison. Trade supplied at low rates. Ad dres, Magic Comb Cos., Springfield, Mass. A Watch Fees worth S2O, given to every live mas who will act as our agent. Fond ness tight and honorable. S3OO made in 0 days. Saleable as flonr. Everybody boys it Can’t do without it No Gift Enterprise, no Humbug. KENNEDY iCo., Pittsburg Pa. Fob COUGHS, COLDS,HOARSENESS AND ALL THEOAT DISEAMS, Use WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS. Put up Only in Blue Boxes. A TRIED AND SURE RESTED*. Sold by Druggists. jgXVOMgST/^M Agent* wanted- send for Catalogue. Do mo.tic Sewing Machine Cos, New York. The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deob struent known to the medical world Is JURUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restorm via or to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, removrw vesicle obstructions and acls directly on. the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., N. Y. Rev Dr Deem*. Factor of the Church of the St rangers,* am.' Editor of the ‘Christian Age,’ New York, has written a work entitled “ JEBUB,” complete in oneoctavo volume of 788 pages, beautifiilly illustrated. Thisbook is meeting with a large sale. Dr. Deems be ing a (roe friend of Sotrtla rn people. Ms book , will be eagerly looked for here. Sold only 1 through canvssstnk agents appointed by the Publishers For territory for this uud the Grand Pictorial Book of Travels “All Round the World” addr*s United States Publish ing Cos., 11 & 13 University Place, N. Y. C. ETABLE^^^W The only known madicino tlmt at tbc same time purges, purifies and strengthens the system. Dr. Tutt’s rills are composed of many In gredients ; prominent among them ure sarsa parilla and wild cherry, so united as to act together—(be one, through fta admixture with Other substances, purifying and purg ing, while the other is strengthening the system. Thus these Pills are at the same time a tonic and a cathartic, a desideratum long sought tor by medical men, but never before dis covered. In other words, they do the work of two medicines, and do It much better thus any two we know of; for they reihoue noth ing from the system but impuritis*; so that while they purge, they also rtiungUien, and hence they cause no debility and arc followed by no reaction. Dr. Tutt’s Pills have a wonderful Influence on the blood.. They not only purify without weakening It, but they remove gU noxious particle* from the chyle before It hi converted into fluid, and thus make Inrnure blood an utter impossibility. As there U no debilita tion, so there in no nausea or sickness at tending the operation of thl* most excellent medicine, which never strains or tortures the digestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner; hence persons taking them do nnt become pale and emaci ated, but, on the contrary, while all impuri ties sre being removed, the combined action of the sarsaparilla and wild cherry purifies and invigorates the body, and a robust state of health lathe result of tholr united action. Price 20 cents a box. Bold by all Druggists, Depot 48 Cortlundt street, Nsw York. Planters' Warehouse. SWIFT, MURPHY & CO., - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, * • * COLUMBUS, OA . liberal Advance on CoadgnuenU. opswm sowrurirv ourvin, n iwwiww. WORTH AND BEAUTY. Wood's Household Magazine and the Chromo Yo Semite. Having control of the magnificent oil chro mo, vo kkmit*. we aw able to offer n combi nation of Uttrary and artlatlo work of genuine worth, and at prices unprecedented. Thin flue oopy of a pleoe of Nature** grantl eet work, U not preueated in the usual lim ited style—lts dimensions, 14x20, making a picture of very .desirable slw, in itaeif an or nament to the room graced by it* presence. few oople* of this beautiful Chromo will be allowed to go to the retail stores, ami those will be laid at their actual retail price, SO, while, If ordered in ennueotion with car Uagasiuc, both will be famished for $l6O. Asa Premium the picture may be obtained by sending us two euhecriptlons fbr the Mag adan at $1 each, or by subscribing for the llsgasine two yean In advance, at $1 per annum. Address, Wood's Household Magaxine, Newburgh, N. V, S- E. Shut**, Publisher. Cuorr, 'Kaokciht' *CVct&>n el M lU* TNSOAT, until ir.i>ii^ruo.)|Tr wVHi dodtncL dry up • en-iyh *•! hoe* (ho arose brhlnd, to t kMtr** It, clouim the hue* Ai l Allay* tmtaUto, ihos rumoring th*o*<ief tlwcroujJaint. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CHUBB hf* Hourly rwort to lhl standard remedy,a* la Move) hr hundred* of toatiuunUla II Iws rcedred. - The mm*** Is •trned “'/. Jinttt" o* tbs wrapper, BKTU W. ruWI.K * f OX*. ranmnmmJßot sox. Maw- PeUhy OoiianniuKASy. HARRIS COUNTY BARBER SHOP, Kaadolph Stmt, Colombo*, 6a, Pries* reanonaWa—mthfocUoa guaranteed. Call and aee na. BANDT ft HEN BY ALEXANDER. J. R. SCOTT, WHOLESALE OBOCER, WAREHOUSE AND Commission Merchant, Soorr’s Block, Gilmeb Steeet, WEST POINT, - GEORGIA. Would c and) the attention of the farm ing public, to the BROOK’S COTTON PRESS, and the following justly celebrated COTTON GIKTS, WTNSHIP'S, BROWN’S AND PRATT’S, all of which arc guaranteed, and sold on EAST TEEMS. Seed in orders by Auausrr Ist. p9~ Circulars sent free. j u2onovl (WITH LATEST IMItaOVEMENTS.) FOR 20 YEARS THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Over 800,000 in use. If you think of buying a Sewing Machine, it will pay yon to examine tho records of those now use, anil profit by experience. Tho Wiikuleu & Wilson stands alone as the only Light Running Machine using tue Rotary Hook, making a I/k:k Stitch alike on both sides of the fabric sewed. All shuttle machines wests power in drawing the shuttle buck alter the stitch is formed, bringing dou ble wear and strain upon both machine and operator; hence while other machines rap idly wear out, the Wheeler & Wilson lasts a Lifetime, nd proves an economical invest ment. iki nut believe all that is promised by so-called ‘cheap' machines: you should require proof that yoars of use have tested their value. Money onee thrown away can not be recovered. Send for our circOlate. Machines sold on easy terms, 9/ monthly payments taken. Uld machines putin order or received in exchange. Wheeler & Wilson Mf'g Co.'s Offices: Savannah, Augusta, Macon and Columbus, Ga. W. R. CLEVES, Gen. Agt ., augl-lyr Savannah, Ga. “ b^OOOlliW-A ILL FOrTB74T Established 1888—A circnlotion of 60,000 reached in 1872-8. Greatly enlarged and improved! Universally acknowledged the largest, cheapest, finest and best pictorial paper of Its class in the world! A million subscribers wanted! NOW IS THE TIME! DON’T WAIT! but Hrnscftiitn for a yrar on trial, and re ceive READING AND FINE ENGRAVINGS KOVAL TO A $75 LIBRARY, FOR sl. In order to increase the circulation of the Illustrated Record to onis mi won, and to in troduce it everywhere, tiie publishers will send it a year on trial, to too, xueadkb,.if you aie not a subsorllier already, including a premium of thirty attic lee, or choice of four Chromes, or two large Engravings—ruse— all fo( |J .26—far lees than value, hh all who receive pipers and premiums readily admit. Sample copies ten cents. Subscribe now, before this great offer for introduction is withdrawn. The Illustrated Record is a 16-page, 64-col umn paper—devoted to literature, fashions, household etiquette, polite education, travel, stories, aoventures, etc —free from politics— keep* up with the progrees of science, art and discovery, and is a mammoth encyclope dia of American and Foreign Literature, of which it publishes th,< lest—the “cream”— richly and profusely illustrated. It ta uni versally admitted the Largest and Cheapest Firet-clasa Pictorial Paper in the World! Save mi wut by subscribing while such great inducement* arc being offered, and Maks mown by showing papers and pre miums to others, and raising a large dob. Send $1 for subscription and 26c. for expenses on the premium, and by retain mail you will receive the paper and prim. With these to show, you can easily raise a club. All snhecripttolM must be addrened to the ILLUSTRATED RECORD, 33 and 34 Park Row, N. Y. Post-office box 2141. Take Norum— Any of the $4 magazines or papers with premium, etc., will be sent with the Kecord for $3.50 extra—s3 magaxinesfor $2.60, and $2 magaxines for sl.i. Bcnd au, vour subscription# for aix your papers, and you will save from 25c. to $1 on each, if rou take the Illustrated Record. sopVJ GEORGIA- Hawns Comcrr. Albert nd Ellas PavMson. executor* of John Davidson, deceased, and administrators of ISIuMk Davidson, deceased, make appll o*t ion for letter* of dismission: AO pereotis concerned are hereby notiSed to show cause. If any they have, by the first Monday In December next, why said applica tion should not be granted. Given under ruy hand and official seal. *nglfi-8m J. F. C. WILLIAMS, Otdy. GEORGIA— Haa at* Oowsty. Mrs. Ann B. lilchardson applies for letters of administration upon the estate of Pbill|i Richardson, lata of said county, deceased— Alt parsons concerned are hereby notified to show cause. If any they ham, by the fiM Monday in December next, why said appika tlon shouUi not he granted. Given under my hand and official signa ture. this 2Ed day of October. 1878. oct24-td J. F. C. WILLIAMS, Ordy. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vixegak Bittees tho most wonder ful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bit ters according to directions, and re main long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or gans wasted bevond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and In termittent Peters, width are so prevalent In the valleys of our great rivers throughout tire United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo rado, Brazos, Rio Griinde, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, Jambs, and many others, with their vast 'tributaries, through out our entire' country* during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of unusual beat and dryness, are Invariably ac companied by extensive derange ments of the stdmrfeh and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tire purpose equal to Dit. J. \Y>i,ker\s Vis eg Alt Kittbbs, as .they will speedily remove tiro ilark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at thocaine timo stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy func tions of tiro digestive' organs. Fortify tho body against dis ease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can tftko bold of ft system thus lore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Tain in tire Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dininess, Sour Eructations of the Stomach. Bad Taste in tho Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of the Heart, Inflammation of tiro Lungs, I’aiu in' the regie.u nf the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the o(Springsof Dyspepsia. One bot tle, will prove a better guurniitee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King’s Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Nee it, Goitre, Scrofulous inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. In those, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vin egar Bitters have slio wu their great cur ative powers in the most obstinate and 1 intractable cases. For liiftiiiiimniory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers. Diseases of tho Blond, Liver, Kidneys ami,Bladder, those Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases ore caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Uohl-bgtttenj and Miners, as they advance in life, aro sub jeet to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walker's Vixkoar Minims occaiioimll}*. For Hkiii Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Balt-Rheum. Blotches,Spots, Pim ples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring worm t, Scald-head, Bore Eyes, Erysipe las, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, 11 uuiors a:ul Diseasos of the Skin of whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up nnd carried out of the system in a short lime by tho uso of these Bitters. Fin, Tape, nnd other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thou sands, are effectually destroyed and re moved. No system of medicine, no ver mifuges, no anthelminiUcs will free tho svstein from worms like those Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, ortho turn of life, these Ton ic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the akin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell von when. Keep the blood pure, and tho health of tho svstem will follow. " n. h. ikcnmiAi.o & co., Bruptfiats &. <en. Agts.,'San Francisco. Califor nia, A. cor. of Washington ami Clmrlton Sts.,N.Y. Soltf I>y nil Dniggiits as nil Dealers. Th. recent test of Fire-Proof Safes by tha English Government proved the euperiority of Alum Filling. No other Safes filled with Alum and Plaster-of-Paris. MARVIN A CO., 865 Broadway, N. Y. f 721 Chestnut St., Phila a ‘NERVOUS DEBILiY'?:| XYFITH Its gloomy nttrnilnnSs, low "i iptrhi, aipirnlim, luvwtuuiury emissions, loeo of mstu. nixunna tOrrhcrA, lose of power, dtmzy hr oil, loss of memory, *u,t thminiml lui potenoo. and ImhrrUHy. ti vl eover rlancAre In UI JIPHIIKIS’ HUHK opaTiuc spt.nnc, ga. ttvk-yty- KII.IIT. raw BOVEKKHSN RUUOjY lone* up the. system, arrears the diariron*. awl uu pwts vigor tod energy, Ufa and vfluhty to th* eaur* man. They have cured thousand* of m lyie*. *5 per package of Bve boss* tod slug* ft via!, which is wry important in obstinate or old caws, or (I per oingle box. Sold by ALL Drur itKDlClNh CO, Mg Bsoapwat, N. f. R. R. Rr RADWAY’S READY RELIEF CUBES THE WORST PAW* In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after-readingthis advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. badwats kbadybelibfis a core fob It w* the first and ! The Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most racroctaUng pales, alleys Inflammations, end cures tangeetlons. whether of Uie LnnK, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, b j one application. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES* no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC, Bed ridden, Inflrm, Crippled, Kervoua, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF , WILL AFFORD INSTANT RABR. TVFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. IH,A INFLAMMATION OF THE bladder. INFLAMMATION OF THR BOWELS. , CONGESTION OF THR LUNGS. SORB BREATHING.^ HYSTERICS, CROUP. hkadacbk, BHKDMAII6M . cold chills, ague chills. The application of the Ready Relief to the frt or parte where the pain or dUßculty eiUte will alfordeaae a Twemydropeln half e tumbler of water will Inn few momentjeare CUHAMPo.SI*ASMS,SOUR STOMACH, W&E&SSS&iS/iffi&fiffißk water. It le’hetterthan French Brandy or Bitters sew ■tlmulaat. FEVER AND AGUE. FRYER AND AGU Reared for Ofty cento. Tbere'fe LIRF. Flflycenuper boule. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD—INCREASE OFFLRBH AND WRIGHT—CI.EAR SKIN AND BBAUTIFULCOMFLEXION SECURED TO ALL, DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparilto Besolrat THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOBT ASTONISHING CURES : SO QUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES. THE BODY fiNDEBGOESJINDRR TriE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDFL.r UL MEDICINE, THAT Everi Day as Increase in Flesh and Veicht is Seen aid Felt Every drop of tbe SARSaPARILLIAN RESOL VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other Fluids and juices of the system the vigor of Uf<\ for It repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound materiaL Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in tbe throat. Month, Tu mors, Nodes In the Glands and other parts of system. Bore Eyes, fitr umorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Sfcln diseases, Eruptions, Fever Bores, Scald Had, Ring Worm.salt Rheum,Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Wormsin the Flesh, Tumors, Can cerainthe Womb, nnd all weakening and painful dis charges, Nightßweats, Loss ofSpermandail wastes of the life principle, are williia the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days’ use will prove toany person using it for either ofthese forms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the waste* and decomposition that Is continually progressing, suc ceeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood—and this theSARSAPARILLIAN will and docs secure—a cure Is certain; for when once this remedy commences it* work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, the food digesting better appetite improving, and flesh end weight increasing. _ Not only does the Saks APAHiLLiAsr Resolvent excels Sllk'iown remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scro fulous, Constitutional, and Bkiu diseases ; butitisthe only positive cure for Kidney <£ Bladder Complaint#, Urinary and Womb diseases,Ora vel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, BriKht’sDls as*\ Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick-dust deposits, or tbe water is thick, clondy, mixed with substances like the whiteofan egg. or threads like white silk, ortheretsa morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there Is apricking. burning seuantion when passing water, ana pain in the Small of tbe Back and along the Loins. Tumor of 12 Years * Growth Cured by Itadway’s JResolvenU DR. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative & Ululating Pills, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet purge, regulate.purify, cleanse and strengthen. Rad way’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders efthe Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Ileadache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure- Purely Vegetable, containing no mereury, minerals or deletelri ous drugs. A few doses of RADWAY’S PILLS will free the sys tem from all tbe above named disorders. Price, 23 cents per Box. SOLD BY DRUGOISTB. READ “FALSI? AND TRUE.” Send one letter stamp to RADWAY A CO.. No. 32 Warren St., New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you, BEST PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE SEND FOR ITS RECORD. THE PARKER GUN. PARKER BR(fS ,W£ST MERIDEH.CT. A every one read this. # i S -J • N *R ; j GOOD NEWS FOR ALL. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE REDUCED rj. . i'4 v *' _ *> " i'-' • . i < .-■■*£ r i- : ' ■'in-*?-' ... To do away with the remark that other papers are cheaper than oars, as well as to induce every head of a family in Harris county to take their local paper, and thus double our circulation, we have determined to place the * .* /■ ' • *-s',. ; Settle • HAMILTON VISITOR within the reach of everybody , by reducing our rates as follows: One copy one year—payable invariably in advance. .# 1 50 One copy six months 1 00 Three copies one year to same post office—tl 40 each 480 Five copies one year “ “ 1 35 each 6 75 Ten oopies one yeac “ “ 1 25 each 13 50 Fifteen copies one year “ “ 1 15 each 17 25 Twenty copies one year f* “ 100 each 20 00 m ‘' f ' “ l I Under this arrangement, no name wiU be entered on our book without the money , and the paper will be discontinued as soon as the time paid for ex-' pires. Clubs must all begin and end at the same time. 4 * By the above reduction the Hamilton Visrron becomes the Cheapest Country Paper in Georgia! ip** and we shall look for large accessions to oar subscription list. If our circulation is not sufficiently increased to justify it, within the next sixty days, we shall return to our old rates; but if we receive the patronage due us, the reduoed rates will remain in force. So let all ewhrace the offer before it is closed—old subscribers, by renewing at once, and new ones, by sending in their names and the money immediately. Address * D. W. D, BQULLY, Editor and Proprietor, Hasuitoh, Ga.