The Hamilton weekly visitor. (Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga.) 1873-1874, March 06, 1874, Image 2

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CjipHamtllonfrsiior BY P. W. D. BOULLY. FRIDAY MORNINGJttARCH 6,1874 Matter* in Beorei*. Tbe P*pecte4)lA.itthcA , bns bar-keepers was not made last Friday, and 'ftrtir n^SfflnfflfTrnbuided. Several persons from the coon try complain robbed by gam blers in Coltmfeu. >*< -- '* BrMzi'lton/ tho AUfliita policeman wbo was w ith Bedell’ when lie was killed* bas boon Wttspondctl rt it thirty days. *4%f u.i(VKir t -', ■ >*■■■■,-,w Gaines GWitotWi wr c&mmkted' to jail without Wiil. Hi* counsel are trying to gA tour 6ut oit a writ of habeas corpttt. The Home Commercial stales that a cow in tWst f.lsoe eat a quantity of horse-radish, and then jumped into the river, and wawjko'wwt-d. on 11,0 The Geojjjtf? #tStgfn "Railroad Cos, has brought Amt against the Georgia I^iilroad'Oo.'fd'?' , the by the latter to the former. * t> * > , ’ *^ r 9 ™ Barron, & TSfews," says that A.- S. jfiyon it Co f)( St. Lonis advertising agents," have swin dled him odPbfffoJ HeF&nWiok A Lyon, anofhef K fgtibey the same pKc< ** us for $45 while we were publishing the West Macon, afedMpciwwtfrin r refuse' to make advanlMHKW all s cotton farmers tmless they give first class security. This will h*<bigo<gl;f>fiet. - ■ The Franklin* Jfawc ia illustrated weekly wiUtf;|tofj l itfgro legisla tors, as am Miducement to new sub* aortbera. An Albany. fir,i..d)Blipa to make advances t* p%*er„whq (ailed to pnii oats lat year. s iOiw 'we Tlie Frai^Mg> T # . m c9tg,ain a„pjc. ture which jt*aipks .V*tUo of iho Talley.” Such EtaM*" may, grow in the “ valley”, 4 wither that is), but it beara po yeticmbiMice to the com '?*' torn *r Ad Illinois ,{ prophet ” preached a sermon in Augusta, the other (lay l in Which he {yrfiotVfl’ccd that the world would, comedo on the 7th of Captain Wfien, of Echols comity, killed five lafge gobblers at one shot recently. They weighed lu the aggregate about 04 pounds. ' A preach hi county. Parson T*lNH*'ti sAldto fee the father of thfrtyH<ro nhiTdren. Mr. of Butts county, who is 80 gears'old,* made this year, says the Indian Sprtiig* Echo, two bales of cotton each weighing 625 pounds. wort bf cul tivating an® the or6p hhn- The lien ifWrfynilvfl it; the late The Lcg&fifthre a' bill ex empting thV dthumbaw Gnnrda and City Light Gdifdt duty. Several dgssqn egga lipo been shippaJ to ihw season from Jackson Wuufy.’Fla. Hie same county also sent a ColuinbuifbiH 3WO bushels *fhb Mifferis there say the market with it, lihfl , 'irie'hey‘ to jpiy freight, ih. Ah ojf Thomas supcrft>r Court ia no w oeftig held. There are scveacmuiual cases to he tried—six fririNEtwlWjia® dncfTOr’lncendiariam. Van Gunn and.Johusou Gunn, liv ing iu Co!csftWuty, near the line of Brooks, rei’unMttbonie from Quit man drunkf one day lak week. Van raised a fuss witff hia fhtticr, and ran the women off, iucludiog’johnsou’s wife. Johfil&Tlf&sa'hittwhen tJaaiffCls knife Kta fibbed Van in thirteen placet, causing his death. A "bad character named John Fant, living neat Factory, Floyd county, attompted fo assassinate Judge A P. Allgoot}, of that place, lately. Fant had Been tfned #2O ft>r disturb- ing the pcac.f, ifia after wards rode np to a store in wMcS Judge A. was sitling, mid firod at him with a pistol, but missed him. it? then rode off % J§ ana escapea, .. . j/ncy Davis, lf*e mother, and Mary William*, fiie'sister, of a negro girl who died ni* Saturday wn d r suspicions were •Treated for-ca*Miug the death of the girl. The <*roner*fi jury found that the (litM'Bwfc Kiica Williams, name to her death by iH treatment at the hands of tba'ftgMM* treated. They treated her oruelly beeavae ahe wa* encietUe. |>< *. *u t Daniel O’Conner has recovered five thousand folium damagesfrom Ed ward Lee, iii Chatham Superior Court, for slander. Lie called Dan a daylight robber.** im General. r y by over a tntilictn ingifid in London. Iti tbe Lima (Peru) barracks, the night of the 25th ultimo, the deter pihluation of some of the soldiers to have an “evening out,” led to an affray, in which thirteen were killed and thirty wounded. The inuniiy was suppr< s;ed. The Brewers’ Gazette continues to advocate the substitution of corn for barley m the production of malt, and believes that the objections to the change hava been fully overcome. - !u,thb Subsidiary Crown Conrt in Liverpool, on December 15, Martin Walsh, a young laborer, who had knocked a draper’s assistant down and rubbed him of his watch guard and locket, one night last November, upon conviction was sentenced to live yesrs’ penal servitude, and to twenty Italics, * JSaUimore will not admit girls, to the high school under twelve years of age. It thinks that below this limit the children would have to undergo a process of mental forcing, which is very injurious, aud quite opposed to Gis complete! development of their minds. * At Nottingham, England, a large bundle was brought into a pawnbroker’s store by two, men, who left immediately after placing it on tbeicounter. . It was afterwards dis covered that, the bundle contained a njigi.iiLj,, bopehefcalate of iutuxica ii°n. Iti , ' The New Orleans Picayune pf Thursday reports the arrival of four barges with fifteen thousand bushels of coal from Arkansas, said to be equal to Pennsylvania anthracite. The mines are on tho'Arkansas river near Spadra, and the coal can be laid down at Now Orleans at five dollars per lon. | , The continental memorial building at PhiladnlpMa will cost $1,500,000, and will be paid for by the city and State. , j,, , ; t 'v A. McGencly, a citizen of Robe son bounty, N. C., died at the Purcell House, Wilmington, from asphyxia inhaling gas. lie extinguished the gas arid failed to turn it off, and •retifod. The trial of the Tiohborno claim ant iu London, on charges of perjury committed during trial for the pos session of the estate, w hich has Wean in progress upwards of 180. days, was brought to a dose on the 28th, and result i din the conviction of the acouaed. The jury, after being out, a short time, brought in a verdict of “guilty ’’of the charges, and claim ant waaxentCJKed to 14 years penal servitude. The Montgomery, Ala., liquor deal ers, too, have been servbtd, through the post-ofliee, with a warning, pur porting to come.front tbe ladies, that l[icy will be visited and prayed for. ' i Miss Dugary, a milliner of Mont- gomoiy, Ala., fell through a trap, door of her store into the'Mlar, a few day# ago, and broke her neck. She arose hastily to open for a servant who knocked, and did not think of the uncovered aperture throflgh which she fell. Tim steamer Sols wanna, from Cam den for New Orleans, with about one thonsaud bale* of cotton, has sunk at Hylaud’s Baft, in Ouachita river. The,boat is probably a total loss; val ued at |16,000. The cargo oau he saved in a damaged condition. ; ■ A man in Leavenworth, Kansas, who married and buried three sisters, is about to begin on auoihe'r family soon. Three pounds of butter is the usual marriage fee in Vermont, but a groom is occasionally found who will add a jug of buttermilk. Fourteen fathers in Quincy, ID., bavo sigtA'd a pledge uok to allow their daughters to take music lessons until they know how to make good* bread. i A newly-married lady, iu Hadden fleld, N. J., “just for fun,” bid n toy snake in her husband’s boots, a few day* ago. The result of the joke was somewhat peculiar. The hus band, on disoovering the mock rep tile, first took a critical look at him self in a mirror, and then, going to a closet, seised his demijohn and threw it far out iuto a neighboring pond. Twenty car loads of tea arrived at Omaha, lately, trom San Francisco. At St. Patrick’s church, in Gam bridge, Washington county. New York, on Sunday, lately, during the services, several persona were over come by suffocation by cal gas in I the church, and had to be carried in |to the parsonage. The congregation | was dismissed, and on reaching the open air some of them dropped down •long the roadside. They were all resuscitated, however, and no set ious consequences followed. Ottr Atlanta Letter. -ga Ga., Mar<MY, 18740 w Kj*. ViproK.—Since my last, ||- lifnta hasmen the scene of another nf those tlfrible of which have marked hef history for the past few years. One week ago i o day, Penn IJcdfcll, a young, stout, fine-looking mail, Walkfcd onr (hfeets in all the vigor.of rubuat health, and elasticity of step, with apparently nothing to retard his enjoyment of life, and with as little expectation of death as any in our midst. Tq-day that manly form sleeps beneath the cold sod of Oakland Cemetery. You have read the sickening details of this terrible tragedy in the daily pa- pers, and hence it is useless for me to dwell upon them further than to say that, while Bedell was a sports man and a gambler, that, outside of his profession, he was gifted with qualities that should and did secure for him respect and esteem. Had lie chosen some more honorable profes sion in life, these excellent qualities would have been more fully devel oped, and he might have been an honorable and honored member of society. 1 write thus of Ponn Bedell, because I believe it just, and because I believe the profession that b 9 fol lowed was more the result of circum. g'auccs than inclination on his part. He was generous and kind to all in misfortune, and no appeal to him for charily was unlveeded, and this accounts, in a great measure, fqr the respect shown him at the funeral last Saturday, when thousands atttended his remains to the cemetery, and witnessed the burial. lie was first lieutenant of the Georgia Zouaves, a volunteer military company of this city, and was highly esteemed by both his brother officers and the men composing the organization. I might fill this letter wit h the details of this sad occurrence, but it is useless, as yon have by this lime seen thq evi dence as adduced before the commit ting court, which is. published In the city papers. Suffice it to say, that Gaines Chisolm, who stauds charged with the murder of Bedell, has, after a patient investigation, covering two days, been committed to jail to avyait his trial before the, Superior Court of this county, TUB I EGISLiTUKK. The Legislature closed its labors Tuesday, night) after a session of forty oneA>r twq days. . That there has bgen a great deal of business gone through with there can be no doubt; but it is believed by many that much unnecessary legislation has been done, and that if the General Asscm bly bad confined itself to matters af fecting the welfare of the people of the State generally, and not have de voted so much time to the considera tion of looal matters, that the busi ness of the session could Imvo been disposed of within the forty days, and several thousand dollars saved. The fact is, there are too many mem bers for the rapid transaction of busi ness, especially iu the House, and the only to put a stop to the in troduction of these unimportant lo cal bills, is to cut off about ono half the members of flic House, and give those left A larger number of consti tuents to represent, —thus foercing them to look more to the general in terests of thu people, and less to the local intereetaof individuals and com munities. 1 would like to know what the people of the State care about a man in some county in the State be pig allowed to praoiioe on “cancels,” „or whether or not some other mau shall have the right to peddle with out license, or practice medicine with out license. And yet there are hun dreds of bills of this very nature in. treduced into the Legislature at every session- and have to go through the regular course of three readings on three separate days, before they are disposed o£ The fuot is every meiu. tjfer thinks be must do something, and if be can find nolking else to do, lie will iutroduoe a bill of the descrip tion above alluded to. It is the veriest folly to pay inon seven dol lars per diem for such services. And speaking of the per diem, reminds me of the sharp action of the Legislature on that question, by which they not only refused to reduce their pay, but very adroitly managed to •ever- up their tracks in such a manner that their constituents could never find out how they voted. Aud this is the way they did it: A bill was intro duct'd to reduce the per diem. When it came up for final action, the yeas | and nays were ordered, and the bill | passed. On the next morning a rno- S tion was made to reconsider the ao tion on the passage of the kill, aud the yeas and nays being called for, 1 the lionse refused to sustain the call, and the motion to reconsider was j cart ied on the call of the ayes and noes. So yon see how the thing was worked. Comment on such action is unncccs ary. Reel]/, fe en.s Atlanta is un ftfer I hive (earned of another >n, which occurred .Saturday night, about 1 o’clock, on one of our principal streets, find in ttys very heart of the city. It seems that a man by the name of John Whaley, wlufe walking down f’eaelA.reeslreet, opposite the. National Hotel, in com pany with two friends, wet a party goiDg in the ojrposite' direction. Upon meeting, the partiei must have gotten into an altercation, for soon afterwards Mr. Whaley fell back upon the side-walk, remarking that he was stabbed. Upon an examination, the wound was found to be very seri ous, though Whaley is still alive, aud some hopes are entertained of his re covery. There is something vtry ttfysteri oiis about this affair, and I fear it will take a good deal of vorking up to discover the perpetrator. But perhaps 1 may be able to* give you further particulars in nfy best. As yet, nobody seems to k*ow anything about it, and the wounded man, if he knows the parties, hasinadb no dis closures, so far as I hate been able to learn, further than to exculpate the parties who were with him. A BIG SENSATION. The Atlanta Herald has at last */ - 1 1 scared up a big sensation. It has ac tually found a inan hr the name of Camp—or his heirs—who says he has a good and valid title to land lot 'll, wdiich ** takes in ” about one-half the business portion of thii city, includ ing the Kimball House,' the Rejiublic Block, and mnch valuable property besides. The Constitution treats the matter ns a tremendous hmx, while "the Herald maintains .that lawyers have been retained to. prosecute the claim, and that it will certainly be tested by the courts. For myself, I attach very little importance ti? thfi matter, and will await further devel opments, if any are made. ' * But 1 fear I have already taxed your space and your ! patience too heavily, so I will close, —promising to write again, and occasionally. i, M, iff A ' • , ■ > - . fj. ■ .it Novxt Tkxatmknt.— -The Rome Commercial publishes the following extract from a private letter recently received by a citizen of that city from a relative in Boston ) Willie has been sick' fsr more than a year past, just gone iuto consump tion, but had an operation performed, by having an incision made through his back iuto the lungs, and from which, were drawn out at the first operation, nine pints cf matter—in credible almost—but such are the facts, as his mother told me she meas ured it. After this his lungs were washed out with warm Water and carbolic acid. The washing has been done day after day. The lungs are now healing. He has gained in flesh from seine twenty to thirty pounds, can walk a mile without getting wea ried, and is improving finely. Horrible. —The New York Sun mentions the death of a bpy only fourteen yegrs old -in Brooklyn, frpm the excessive use *of liquors of the vilest kind. At the posft-mortom ex amination the organs of qie body were found to be absolutely eaten away. J@* Admiral Semmes has been in vited by a post of the Grand Army of the Republic at Home, N. Y.; to deliver a lecture at that place. This is a gratifying evidence of a better state of feeling between the sections. The Siamese Twins. —The autopsy of the Siamese twins shows pretty conclusively that any attempt to have separated them would have proved fatal. Fecit Trees.—A few more of those choice 4nrlt trees remain un disposed ef, and trim be bought cheap by at this WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS, CHOICE FLOWER SEEDS, NEW SEED CORN, SEED OATS AND SEED FOTATOES, HEDGE, GRASS. AND OTHER SEEDS; ALSO SELECT GOOSEBERRIES. RASPBER RIES, CURRANTS, SI RA WHERRIES, and other SMALL FRUIT’S, by .ut, postpaid, to any post-office'in the United suites. for Illuttrsted Descriptive Priced Catalogii'-x. EDW'P J. EVANS A CO., Nurserymrn and Seedsmen, York. Pa. LOUDENBER & BRO., MANUF’ACTUUKIiS, T TTioltsah and Detail Dealers in OIOAR.S, Ox Doom Wsst or “Sim” Ucildixo, Randolph St., COLCSBVS, OL, Have rvduml the prices of/lgnt* as follows: Cigars that we have twen selling fur $2.60 per i.unified wc- now offer for £2.25; Cigars formerly at $3.50 vrw now offer at $3.25. Genuine Hsvaua Cigars at $6 per hundred ; former price $5.50. Remember, you can’t buy such goods sny wheie in the State fur same money. We are celling cheaper than anybody. Call on us if you want bargains. Country trade solieitcd. SsmoVs of any of our Cigars will bo sent to any merchant or dealer on application, free. Ordeia by mail promptly attended to. Columbus, Feb. 11, 1874. jsu iO 3m i.rtnliij. 1.-inu' p.rt the town of- Hamilton, and dv-tinguisluxi in the ptah of s lid t< 'wn as f. Hows, 10-wit: Parts running hack to the alv in front of the sta hb)c lot;-; also Nos. Pi and 43, cont,ini:,K ln,lf and linown r§ (tie Blame iota ; (dip lot No. 60,-)yir.|Mt : -vf lots,- Conliifr.imr ah acre, more or tc,s; *Ls<tJot No 85. lyiUU broauside to and due east of said lot No. lid, containing one acre, more or Jess; also Jot No. 41, known as the Gorh-un stable Jot, east of the. lack street, one handled feet in front and running ha k ‘wo hundred feet, adjoining a buck lot of Junes M Mobley on the south t alroiJpt Np; OH jothihir Haivl ifob ley on the w..*C; aisb HtNWJai;i|yin*ietft*4t; Jbt No. 08, each containing about one acre, laorc oi' less, two hunitred feet square. Alt of 'ots Iving in the town of Hamilton afortsuid. Also a ccitain lot in said town known as iot No. 11, formerly known as the Gorham lot, fronting Main street one hun dred feet, and ruuping hack two hundred /ect; alls?** certaiti btlit-r part 6f lot No. V 2 in said town, fronting on the public square about'23 ft-et more or less, in front, aud run ning back to the hack street —the same for merly known as the Murpbey & Crook store lot, and now occupied as a store by Gamble & Copeland ; also a certain, other lot, known in the plan of said town, as lots Nos. 32 and JJS, wivnnk vwrk uf *ht> r.lUnnn rxt NJI Ha'den, tmw occuj>ie<J by S R and R A MtirphWy, as well ns the other lots. Als * one sorre: ni rc, one black horse aud one hi clc bo se wide one rockaway and one two-hors-v wagon. X i levied < a as. the property of S R and R A Morpliey, to satisfy several % fa< is sued bom the Sti| eridr Court of sa;d dfWttf —one in favor of John H V Arnold for the use of the Ninth Natfonal Jftrtikof New t'ork; one in favor of R t’B K'mbrough Jt Cos, one * in favor of the E’gle and Phenix Mtmufarln ririg C'o, and one in favor of Evans, Gardner & Cos, v. 8 R & B A Mutphey. At same time and'p ace, 40 acres of land, more lies, in the southeast corner of lot Nov 212,in th- 18t:id strict of Hnris county, levied on as the property of E T W Champion to sat sfy i'wo fl fas issued from the- Justice Coart ol tpe 07-d disttlct GM iu favor of John Mcfjh ugh & Cos vs said Champion. Levy made and teturned to me by J H Moore, LC. At same time and place, 50 acres of land in the northwest corner of Jjjt£ii>. 107 ; also, ten acrt ftln ndithenst corir4also six antes in noutheast corner of lot No. 108— all lying in the 19th district of said county — the fifty here, levied .on as the property of Peggy May. toXsitisfy issued from the 707th dis rictlG M in Aavor of Asa Nuwsomw Th.' Pegiff-Mtijl; the pthcr two parcel* of laiid-*- one of ten .-utOs itndf tfte other of six—levied on as the property of Wm May, to satisfy a ft fa issued from said Court in'favor of said Newsomy- Jts. Wm May. Lvy made and re turned to me by David finell LO. At sciiie time and place, 20 acre s of land in the fi. 'irtdfWcht corner of lot No. <SB, in the 20th district of Harris county. Levied on as the property of E D Pittman, to satisfy a tax fi fai-tra-d by the TaxC llector vs. said Pitt- Lumi. Levy m-.du aud rcLurue lbyL, C. POSTPONED SALES. At s-tYne time anrl pTare, east half of lot of lap j No. IJ6, cont-.iiiing 100 acies, more or less, in tlie lower l'Jtli district of said county, jdhrijri the lands of Richaidson and Riegers. Levied op ps the property of Wm T Smith, to satisfy a Hart is Supt rior Court fl fa in favor of Jos. E Brown, Governor, etc., vs. said Smith. At t(p)| time nd place, one town lot in Wldtesville, in afij courtly, containing ten acres, more or less, known as the bouse and lot whereon Dr iRH Nqnvootl now resides, 'levied on and foil ns the property of said Norwood to satisfy two fi fas—one i.-sued from the Superior Court of Harris county against Thomas J Fears and Edward H Nor wood, securit'es, and one in favr of Jctso McLendon vs. Edward H Norwood, of Hrrris couhty, maker, and H Sells, of Fulton coun ty, endotser, issued from the Harris Monthly County Court. marfi-td B. H. WILLIAMS, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Hahkis County. James t) Moult l in makes application for letters of- administration upon the estate of Dorliska Moultrie, dec’d, lateof said ccfltnty. All persons concerned hre hetehj notified to show oattae. If any they have by the first Monday in April next, why salt! ai-plica tion ahtfhltt not Ire granted. (liven unde* my hand affidAHy, Mar-h 2. 1874. impfl-td J. F. C. WILLIAMS, Ord’ y. ’ Si 1 a—; 2 -.n.i .n It —i. i GEORGIA —HarrisOouxtt. - - Whereas the estate of M W Hattox,' dee’d, TafC rir said county, is unrepresented, and not likely tafcc represented—s ■AU persons concerned are hereby notified tci show etui-d, if any they have, by the first Mourtavriu April next, why the Cbfk of the Superior Court Should not be appointed. Given tinder mv hand officially, March 2d. marli-td. J..F! C. WILLIAMS, Ord’y. GET THE BE§T. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other Dictiojjpijes.— SOOOengravingpjJgfOpagesjjuaitd; price sl2 We coromeod h as a. splendid specimen of learning'.tnste and labor. ' ; • • *■£.. (.Montgomery hedger- Every scholar, and especially every minis ter, should hve this wblrk. ’I \)t [Western Presbyterian, Louisville. Best book for evo-ybody that the press has produced in the present century. [Golden Era. Superior, incomparably, to all others, in its definitions fit. W Mclhmuold, Pre*. (Jamtt-Ufftf )r. r I 'he reputation .of this work is not con- X fined to America- [Richmond Whig. Evi ry family in the United Statue should have t bis work. ( [Gallatin Rep "Depository of Oic/ul information; as such 11 it stands without a rival. [Nashville Dispatch. A neeessitv * for every, intelligent family, studeut, teacher and professional man. What library In complete without the best English Dictionary ? ALSO Wehsfer’s National Pictorial Dictionary 10-10 pages octavo j COO, engravings; price $5 The work is really a gem of a Dictionary— just the thing for tire million. [American Educational Monthly. Published byG.&C. Mkheiam, Springfield, Mass; sold by nU booksellers. IHIiILTOS FEMALE COLLEGE, ILAMII.TON, UA. The Spring reion will begin on Tuesday, the 27th instant. Tuition is from $2 to $5 per month, ac cording to gr-wleof studies. Mush- on l*imo. Organ, Guitar, etc., Is $5 per mOfith. Pupils will lie chafeed from the lieglnnlng of the scholastic month in which thev enfhr to the close of the session. No deduction will be made for aleence, except in cases qf protracted sickness. , One-half of the tuition will be mjpired in advance—the bslsiice at close of session Board in g--od falsities, is sls per month. jaa23 J. H. LOVERACE, Trus t. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO IwrK W£i ■ i f i. fc John S. Reese & Cos., Baltimore, General Agents r; : -W -j[ J —o 37 CASE PRICE, $56 00 PER TOE. ALSO, ON TIME, FOR COTTON OR CURRENCY; [fi'lHoU :-J f‘ .-U ■>*:"* L /• ' The Use of thiq Giiaoo for tbe past eight years has established its charac ter for excellence and reliability. I need only assure consumers that the Guano brought into market this season is precisely the same lb composition aud quality ad ; that heretofore solo, ’ >-*.• If The large fixed capital mvested by this Company in this business furnishes the best guarantee of continued excellence. The Company has a greater interest in maintaining its standard of quality than any number of OofisUmers can have. , Orders received, and information furnished, on application to my Agents at various local markets. • —-o COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR 6@SSF@SFLSIS WIVB GQYYOHf SR39. PERUVIAN GUANO, DISSOLVED ASMOJiHTED BONES, LAND PLASTER, it., fcc. W. H. YOUNG, 12 Broad St.. Columbus, Ga. W. C. JOHNSTON, Agent at Kingsboro. feb2o-lm J. W. PEASE & NORMAN, a, COLUMBUS, GA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEALERS IN SMKSa ]?nAKr©® 3 ®is©^src 8 oaiißißff mtsrsnOi, Rosewood seven octave Pianos from S3OO to SSOO. Geo. Woods & Cos,, Mason & Hamlin, and other Organs. Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Banjos, mouth harps, sheet music, etc. We make orders for sheet music and musio books every few days, and anything wanted and not in stock, will be ordered ana furnished at publisher’s prices. nov7-ly BARGAINS! BARGAINS!; MILLINERY ASD FAXCY DRY GOODS AT PAM PRICES! ISO! .Fl S . LEH IS NOW OFFERING HER ENTIRE STOCK OF &s!fis) M ®A?? m J>jLfß a® IFmn(SIS£ 8 The ladles are respectfully invited to call and judge for themselves All good* must be paid for on delivery., [Columbus Ga., Nov 21 st —3m W. 3. CHAFFIN, BOOEKBX,I>X!Il cb STATION mXV y AND DEALER IN . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, cumoasos, frames am© moulbinss, NO, 92 BROAD STREET. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. A- WITHCH. * C- M- KIN3EL. WITTICH & KINSEL, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS, JEWELERS £lO BIMIVUB, NO. 67 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WATCHES m*rm JEWELSY **£**• All of tlx© Latest Manufactures- An entirely new stock of the best goods and the latest styles has hoed recently bought (ft New York, and is hereby offered at the Lownrr Gasit PnrCM 1 ~ Diamonds, gold and silver Spbctacijs nnd Eve-Glasses, gold and silver ThimbMs, ladies’ and gtefita’ Chains, plain and fancy Gold Kings of beautiful workmanship, and every variety of article found in a First-class Jewelry Store. Stencil Plates of every description cut at short notice. Sofc Agents for the celebrated Diamond Pebbled Spectacles and Eve-glasses, and Agents for the Arundel Pebble Specks which are slightly colored, and in high favor with every body using specks or eve-glasses. , 3 Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing In all its branches. Hsfr Jewelry, Society badges, Diamond setting, or any new work made to order at reasonable charges. j?®'Engraving promply executed. oct24-ly "L FALL AND WINTER GOODS. 1878. 1878. 1 • CHAPMAN" & VERSTILLE Announce to theiiv friers and patrons that their stock will be kept con stantly replenished with Seasonable Goods at Lowest Market Prices. JST Wilt receive in payment Eagle A Phtnia money and Cotton at highest market rates. *