The Hawkinsville dispatch. (Hawkinsville, Ga.) 1866-1889, January 03, 1867, Image 2

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Ek fH is paid*. HAWKTNSVILLK, : : : GEORGIA THURSDAY, JANUARY a, 1* t3T W-c have received an official ' latter from S. F. Kalter, F*. Af. at this place, slating that from the Ist of January, 1867, he will charge ns the small sum of J&7 66 for his ter* in delivering the “ Dispatch ” to those whose mail* arc taken out at Jus post office. We do not intend '}bn.a.y imsc hjkjii this «t' j ct except quote tbd*saw itsvjf. Dj* v F. has been, tip to this time, very obliging to ns, but as hu is grmvji ■;* in his be uevolonco as well ns kindness to waiv! - the “ l>'.kpwi«d.,"’ vrt* w " Writ 1 iu«bt i.pi'ii iimrn i»enig, eoinpficd with tiifiu the foil which m ■ ypi the pla'n law ; u TVis‘,»ge on Daily 1 ’npcir* tof bu tverib i- whou -paid quriiteity or yearly in folv«iiee, eitlmi at the inallifig office or ollice of delivery, per quarter 35 cents » a’x times pm Week, per quarter, 30 cents; for Tri-weekly per quarter, 15 cents; for Bemi weekly per quarter, ten cents; lor weekly per quarter, f> eonts. “Weekly newspapers (one copy) sent by the publisher to actual sub scribers within the county Where printed and published, Flint-: ” As the “DL patch ” is a weekly paper, wo think it conies under a portion of tho above recited law.—- So good-bye, Mr. Baiter. AlaimiialLaxv.—As Alarshal Law has been suspended for a sow xvka* kv weeks, in onr town, we nro of the private opini'-u a re establish ment of the same, by the municipal authorities of tho place, would lie to the genera! satisfaction of the citi zens of tho place, rs well as to tho credit of tho Town Council. There is something lacking on “some body V’ part, and that fault must rest upon those in authority. Look at tho general mis behavior on tho streets, and within the incorpora tion, then you infer where the cen sure sh-'tild be placed. We alluded, in a milder manner, to this subject on a previous occa sion, and regret this nocissitpr. Cobbks pondknck.—* Your com munication on Christ mua will ap pear next week, Much oblige.— Write again. Tkj.kaib— Your correspondence is unavoidably left out this issue.— Will appear in our next.. Von sug gest Oartrell, of Atlanta, ns a suita ble person for onr next Governor of Georgia. Gun. Gartroli was a gal hint soldier, and is, undoubtedly, one of Georgia's brightest intellects. p.nammif,—There was no election held here yesteran, c r Juduo and Solicitor of the Buporfor Court. The inclemency of the weather was the cause. JCgf” Wo have received, and are /■lad to place upon our exchange Hst, tho LaCresso (Ww) Democrat, edited and published by M. AS. (“ I’rick ,r ) Pomeroy, at iM'rosse, Wisconsin. Tho “ Democrat “ is net only a largo and neat sheet, but is truly a democratic ('a; or, battling for justice and the rights of an tm-j happy and hppressud people. j It is a bold, meritorious paper;' one adv* eating dt-tuoctatie princi- j pies. Wo Welcome it' to onr ex-, change, and would likewise: bo hap | py to receive a visit from our dis Siugnishod cotcmporary, 1 Buck,” when hb makes M* visit South, v which we learn will Ik> In February. «sr An election for Town Com m teal oners will beholden Saturday next. . We presume there will bo no opposition to tho re election of tho present Hoard. Pndor the circum stances, they have doue exceeding ly well. Let’s try them, again. —2 ♦ » * ■ - We are under obligations to our worthy Representative, Gel. 0. C. Kibbee, for late Acts past at the last Legislature, a lew of whicli wo publish ; our space will not ad mit of ae many of them as wo.would like to give room to, but will give our readers a few of tho most im portant. Our county could not have made a wiser and more jndi ci.>n« ■=. u-etion in a Representative tbn- > Kibln ,■ «r re IrtHl a Legislator, will not he lorgotten * in future. Nca Venr and its DCHitMtd^, Another chapter in the taotsfrni*' has t een cb s. and. s'alctl in f laid sway among tho iceorJ* of the past, for the examination of the last great day. The diameter of tint record it varied. Up* on a fi.-w of its page* will he found an account of Mercy's deed*; of tears wiped ; broken, bleeding hearts hound up ; the erring reclaimed, of pallid want and wanting disea**) cheered by tlx- presence and smiles of Gmulnuw.— Hut those pages am too few. Like stirs, they peer out, here and there, ainnl the surr unding gloom; or, like oa»is, which, only now and then, dot the tl. s- r- want-. A* we turn . from ps%-<! to psge, the b'aeit -ejprd of ain, of l>!c->:Uhr<l, vioioHvte, robbwry, di*hon >•>»*, falsehood, crimination and recriini n iti us—a rccurd of broken vows, ruined future*, blasted characters, blighted hopes, crusfe e - joy*. lodor.lng with convincing power tlie dovino nwnset, ustoderth.' - fiat it is t lit' 4tter ryiliug tide ■ r ;;m"Si :>• ! !- a. and ommaj, ti-. 05.-. imaginary lines which me-tpUpf: mar! fbr their convenience. Anew year L upon ns. With it come new duties amt new responsibili ties. Wimt are it* d'-monds t P toper % to Itr-gin this new year, a noble, man !y tesolvu is needed. The times are discouraging. Many who, in days past, were went to be de’ef miffed, in the < x*- cut ion of'heir purpose*, arc sei'n faul tcring naif yielding to despair. It wens w.-ll us pause, I ui not to consult for a retreat, not to sit down, with rnitvcu hearts to mourn over the di-asters of the utid the ruin of the present; but to view the situation, to gird ourselves and to determine whereto begin. These are times which try men*’ souls—which de mand a strong, unbending will—a fixed! nesN of purpose to surmount every dilli eulty and defy all opposition. Con neoled with thi-> strong resolve must ire persevering energy anti industry. Sim* j ply to rcralra will accomplish nothings There must he execution. Having cho sen our sphere of action, we must invoke the apt tit which will make us riao early and toil late, keeping even In view the devinc injunction, that whatever our hands find to do, do it will) onr ni'ght. Sloth will loiter, and t-igh, and complain and die, while energy and industry, pressing forward vigorously In the)r own dibits, will live ami-prosper. Hom-siy snd truth must not he ig norotl. Society is demoralized. What men once scorned to do they now excuse mid practice. Kadi feels that lie must not trust Ins fellow. Conscious of his own want of .strict conformity to those cardinal principles, ho suspects the same dc liutjiKiioy on tho p.irt of others.- Tho now year demand* a change in this regard. U calls lot a return to tho old beaten path* of our fathers, tho path* of strict indu*try which led thorn to honor, prosperity and happiut ». Tho spirit of kindness, sympathy otitl gt nvrmdtr must bo cherished. Tho land is full t f poverty umi misery. Tho wail of widows ami or| ban*, wl is borne "|*m «--*y Ur •a*.,, mils', not pus* un heeded. Many of them are the repre seiita'ives of that noble band of heroes whose !Hines are now mouldering in some unknown grave-hole, or Heed ring upon some distant battle plain. They fell a sacrifice to liberty arid their coun try’s cause. Who can think of their toils, ib< ir sacrifieos, Uieir patience in sufferings, their cheerfulness ami hope fulness in adversity, tlieir almost scif forgeUuUiesr. in tboir devotion to tho g’oat Onusc for which they bottled, With j oat having some generr-us cm,nion stir» ; red within .Lis s->ol, snd some desire | awakened to aid ih so «V Uxtc been beggarwl by -their fall ? W& are their gnacdians, ami iu our tbirrt fete g*in we must not tiegket their wants. And why -Houid waVroi odltWp spirit ol genersTgood-'v’iii f Out hopes, our fear*, onr situs »fn sil one. Why shall we HO*, he one in feeding ) Wby nol bury Old Fends, old amnio-Hies, and old divi-lons in the grsve with tlifejoid year? “To err i* humans, to forgiv? l is divine who will fail of that feeting, and in tee future cfori-h these passions wliich wianglein fallen natnrcsf The y sr calls for all that makes the gian. The suppression of those pass sion*, which, it felly gratified, would msko this earth tif.p ar ns if hell had disgorged its fiery content* upon its shores ; and to cherish those other feel* j inga whleh ndt« men like a> g. !*, and i earth like heaven, should he the work lof thi* new year. To do this we must tl ’, feiget tbc relation wo sustain to the Great Giver of all g- o . We must not ignore tire flethat we are II a crcatu es —that in Him we live and move and have cur being, and thtt at Hi* bidding w< enter ti e spirit frorlA Let, then, a f, cl. g of r ntrition for past t?i*oba ■it **— -I v raticide fi r jiasl Uesiui a brut rwluv-ce ujhiu Jiu protecticg care, > and an hnmlde submission to the txccu tiiti of wi’.q mfPt mir Hinrsnoe opon Mjfeb saafi aftns in view, l ififiiia«pm principfe*, n*»d con* trollrd by »Sii motive*, it may bo »ca m m l,!y hoped that this new year, which ttc now i a : l, wifi close mere auspicious ly tliac tho one ja*t convigntd so tbc shades of the pnl. [FVr th- Dispatch. Enivosi * Diap.vrcnOwing to the rapidity with which business was dis patched towoid tbc c'tKMMstf’jJie last ws sion of the Gc nc at Ji itfm&T*'***'! cotisequent pi-s ure upon the clcrfea force nioplayed, I wa* unable to fulfill my promise of giving yoq copies of cer tain importaul public acts for publicft tiou prior to tlio adjiiimmcnt of the Legislature. I iiasU u, however, to make amends for my unavoidable delay in lids respect, and hope that the copies hefpWMltaohed b*> o(ler*d'too Ifiteto be acceptable to yourwlvcs ami reader*. An Act to amend an Act entitled sn ; Act to legalise an.! make valid cur- j tain tun of Notaries Public in tbc : State and for c«ti*r *; proved * 17ttf March, Wn, . j Bkc, l. Th - G-urd .Wmhiy of! theßtafe of'Tlitit in' afiidsvits to hold to"', or for th.i pur- j |kx>« of obtuining any olhrr log-.! pro- ' CM*!, nnd all h ;>.ii profts-sca to hold to j hail, Or for any other purpose, taken j before or issued by any Notary Public i of this Stale after di« < x jurat ion of th time fbr wliich said Notary Public wo*, appoiuisd, and hefore tho passage of th »a<d. hu uud the * me arc hereby de c!a:cd legal und valid, as is now the 1 custom and usage by law in this State. Sk* . a. Repeal*conflicting laws. An Act to tncourags filwcp Raising in thisStito. Six, l. He it enacted, Ac., That from and after the passage of this act ft shall nut be iawfel for any person or no root. * to hunt with dogs, ti'i'urtn* or other iin plemeftta, In or through uny enclosed lauds, fie! Is, walks or pastntr*, wher in or whereon sheep arc hep’ or confined, without life content of 'b- owner tie re and. Sfia 'i. He it further onneted, That fi.r every violation of thi* net, the per* son or persons so ctlemlmg shall, he deemed and liel t gu.lty of trespass and tiiis.lemcanor, and subject to indictment j in any court having jurisdiction then of, ami upon eenvioti n shell lie fined oi 1 imprisoned, or boUi, at the diaoretion of, tile court ; tho fine n t to exceed fifty I dollar*, the imprisonment not to exceed thirty deys for each offence. An Act to amend tho Rond Laws of this State. B*C. I. It -it r nneUaJ. .Vo, Tl.nt from and after the passage of this net, that so ninch of the 15 ;ad Laws of ihi»S:a!c a* give to overseer* of road* the sum" of two dollar* par day for their * -i vices, br and the *anie are hereby repealed. 2. Ami he it further enacted, That *s much of slid law* a* exempt commissioners fronwmttl d.ry after tin expiration of this 'oaii of service as coni niissiomsrs, be and dty simo is hereby : trpealid. An Act to repeal an Ac! a*s atol to Mill of Df-comb- r, in relation to an rase*siiHut of tax ou cotton as umr chandise. Hkc. I. The Gt-tteral A*.sem' ly do enact, Ac., Tlw! at> much of raid act nsfwti a tax ou c >tton held as mcr chanffise be find the same is hereby re* Pd- and. ' , Art A;t to require' F.xeeiitors snd Ad m nistrators to aJiertisc till- term* of j llseir sale*. fisc. I. lie li Arc., Tt-a' hereafter Executors und Administrators in advertising their oaks, dial! state to such advertisement tlio term* of esle. An Act to exempt persons actually < n., gsg.d in otfeuding to a g*j»t mill' front jury duty. Ste. 1. iln it enacted, Acc., That nil j pe:sj;?s actually engaged in *t ending - to ti grist mil! bo exempt fr>m serving ss juror* In tho court* of justice in this State. See. 2, Repeals cotfliefijugJsiwic An Act to 1-utiifor on tho Ju siette u < uie. itUur.or l emrt of the several countse* of the finals the pow -r to fix the fees ofjailo; far di ling urieyucra. fate. 1, Roil enacted, Ac., That the Justices of the las .for Cmr& of the several oouritits in this Slate, -hall have and arc hereby invested wife tlic power to fix the feesof ia lor ft e dieting prison •I" in J..:! 00 an f ground wh-.t ever. An Act to allow d.sthb and soldiers in th* Stale to peddle without Hcens*. Sac. 1, ifo it enacted. vVc„ Timt it shall be lawful fir any disabled soldier of tiie State to peddle in any eoumy or cauiitiae of the out# .without paying for liei n-A fee the praiiegi? so and .-uvg, «u.i a certificate twiiccs oftSe Tn terior Court of any tonnWTs aiing the I tact of his being such disahk-d soldier, sliail b3 s iftic ei.t evidence thereof t proviJc-d, that thi* act slisl! not author ize p-. d.liing ardent -pi lit-, and the priv ileges confererd by this act shall not bs 1 transferred or used by sny othe • pcr.«on. An Act to repeat all laws forbidding •liens to hold end own lands in Geor gia Sec. 1. Bo it enacted, *efc., That all ’.i" s ami partacflaws foibidding aliens , trotn owmng land- so this State be and the same ora hereby repealed, snd that j »*> couveyancts of land*, tens* uiPiits nud heu,': hereafter made to or by an uli. n, shall he as valid and i legal as if made to • citizen. An Act to protect the rights of married w omen in this Slate. Sti. 1. Ho it enacted, Ac.. That ; from ai J after Uie passage of this act, ; all the property cf the wife at the time ; of h«r marriage, whether real, personal, or chosen in action, shnii be and i amain the separate property of tho wife, snd , that all property given to, inherited or aci tired bye the wife dunni coverture. 1 shall vest in and he loo? to the wife, and shall not be liable for the payment of any debt, dcfiult orcontractof the bus band. . Ait Act to provide a mode to fumtsli tran*port»!ion ty soldiers in travelling • to and from their homes to the pi nor or pla es designated a* places to »Uj>- ply maimed xoPJior* with a teg or an arm Skc. 1. Be it enacted, Ac , That whenever any maimed soldier who may . b* • milled to an artificiai atmorlrg, ; any act passed by the General • A-H.-imfoi, shall desire transportation l.y i-itiftosd U a:, I ' .. rt> such HvfHfeHlfL'" ri 11 ' procure tjw ordinary of fe* c-ountv * certificate ttader seal of his office th .t be is so t misled, and such number of duplioatcx a* there arc different roads over which hs may P*** to going and returning from soi l place, which certiti •nt.* be talon «p by conductor u( said road, and sneb dup'icotc |i:a ■ !»• a sufficient voucher, when presented to the Treasurer of thi* to an'.iUc s lid road to rcit ivc the *tno»af. An Act to make the emptlqpwp of any- «C' yfitfr. whut-wT, >tufiit|P@jp| t. r#«f service tlii-ff »1, end d-.CHfc " the same a misdemeanor. rase. I. Ho i< enacted, fti\, Tli.t Niom and after th.ivparsige of MlW a c l “ i shall not U lawful for any p- r* n to , employ mty s- rvantin the efflpfoymi nt i of ertother for and during lit* term *.f ! x. rvico, end if any pe-sop, by luin*elf | or agent, shall l»c guilty of ttnpluyi l f j the ecivuut of anontef during tho time ; tor which 'te, silo or they may be cm- j l p'oyed, knowing that such s. rvatit was j tsn employed, and that his t rm of a r- j vice wn* not expired, or if any person or person* shall entice, persuade or decoy, or attempt toentiee, m rsu nfo or decoy any servant to leave hi* employer, tiiti er by offering higher wanes or in any other wav whatever, doting the te tn ot service, knowing that said » rvant »i> j -doemployed, shall be guihy of a muslc : rrwaiinr, and Uftott on tbereo! I shall be lined any sum not more titan ! two hundred dui ito, or confine i in the S common jail-of the county, in the di.*- j I orclfon ol the court, and not to exceed, tl.ree monlils. 1 Feating hst I may trespn** up n j your culuntti.*, I po-tpone drafting cop* ■ us of otimr puhlte law* pa sui, until the neat issue of your paper, a which i time, if itjßMtcl* with your v .»■ and j those of your patrons, I pr p**e giving : copy of Tax Laws, County Court bi1l ( new laws of evidence, omi the act to! I regulate the mar ner of giving tn land | for Ux iti.ui. I'u.xskt. UV.tSEfeIAI/. Were miUTted, on Sunday en nitte the 2dd feat, at the l.t Uie'* nwideaei", by I lie Rev. Mr <1 & McCallCajtl.P T V to Mrs. Kakxik. Cowts, nil >i Pninski comity The hippy l.r’tdc and {. id.g.iom have onr best wishes tor their futur. , happ'nef* and onr many llimk* ty, tlieir k'n l r. mcrul'r trtee of the i.t-iciu *f. this uffi-.e. » May their lives he long and of unin terropkd hk*-edue a ; may they eon liano as n— •• Two -.nils with a «iiv.U' thou*l,t. Two bunt*'dull in .-I tisolto" M.iumr.n. Otr the evening of fee STrlt nit.. l>y lt<-v. K. A liun-lt, at l!.e rertdt'btv of the hrid*■ - faUi. r, Mr. J, W Cartulhl-r*. Mr. John W K*t'i* t.» Mi- Ns'cv J. rt;ur« vs. idl of i’u biski . («mtv, (t» NEW AI)VF.RTISKMKNis. Election Notice, An Ejection will tie bold at <». C. Home'* ntVn-e, in ltd- plaeu, on Snturtiay. tin 1 dtli inn , tor seven Connate,tojer* for the town of Uhw klitsvllle lot th<- prosrnt year. I foil* will tie open hum nine o'clock. .V M., unlit twe’.vt t,. By iiiiler of Town Conm lt. 4. n MITCITEI4*. ;lt Mortice. Ail per»m ■ ste SeNhy forewarn,*) b*>t m trade tor a CertaittJ|jj|M' . 'Mr - ts-ased —;p ve:: same ufne dwt Uw ftr«i or tvuO; to ad, V* nil. ban.lre,! -!> Mnr*. an- f.a.i.i,: .Van \.i - d<! .xu. * , !|o.:. 1 WhPfsaw, Bars!. Jane Martin applii* ter nu* MHtot. r- of egartihinshfo <<f the person* 'teSfHtioperty oftleury E.. Oirile- A Ajiii Jafoy C., i ieoc?,- W„ FrankUn ThoraOs. and- Fivdrri.k 15. Martin, Riiuors of Alex. Marlin, dee’ll * These are. tiiere«>r»>, to cite and admonish all pe sou- concer. el to tv and appear *.: my <>!!Ks>-within tiie lime pr.—erils-u by law and show cause, if any they |»vo. why said letters should not lie granted. Given trailer my hard and seal of aUtee, this January Ist. ISdT J. J. SPARROW'. Jnn. 3—3od Ontlnary GEORGlA—Filxskj Cocxty. Whoreaa. Wa S. Firming, Guanlim of Nancy K Re-ran. applies to me for letk-r --of dismission from <etid trust • Ttiese ary. therefote, to cite and admon ish all persons e.mrem. I to Ite and appeal at mv ’O'* e. within the time pr'sal bv law and show e.u ■. if am they c • n said letters slmiild not Is- yran oil (Hveh under my hand and sell of ofljer, thi* Ist ■lav January. lwtT J. J. SPARROW Jan S—foil Ordlna-y Ijtloi'lt (various hrandsl. t ami Powaleit-d Miyars, Coffee hu^-i.r*. ' Itruwit ffuyars. At “ Ol’H STOKE." I Augnst -11 is,),). SIXTY days after date applfo»«nn will he mad. Onlhwrjr of lelftur co!irifv for «?!! tt»«- had bclourtwr lo the • !*.’• tnig >icKinii«u, late of said county, deed. . f _ Deei-mb* r y'>Ut—i.*-* Notice. persons indebted n> the estate ol Henty ilailow, lab- of Ifola-ki county, dceeaved. are requested to make imtnnljate psvment, ..lul il.ose liavinjt claims against the estate w it! present them in terms of the Uw. ELI .SIX A lI.VKLOW, Dee. 20th—41d Administrator. • illt i .. Notice. 4 i >, persons are forewarned fVom trti Jt, ding for a eertain rawniaaory note glv «i by Htnon Merritt to Jno 11. Rrantly. Jr., or bearer, wlvntt January, JHffii, and for atjom One Mitndtetl and Ten l)*>llars Raid Xote luc* tven lust or mitdaid, and the maker notified not to pay the same to any prrsott tail myself. Ifoc. ft. WM. JOHN J WATKINS. ! Dec. 13th Notice. AM LI. [H rson* indebteti to the estate of liiltory Metvhimnt. (teMtmsd, will come forwurfi ami make inmu-diuU- (.ay mutt, and those bobHn ;• demamU njptiust said estitto will present them wilhitL the teji»» ui the law I JAMES T. HENDERSON, Di--. 13— «! Evecntor ... WHEREAS. Jn*>. A. ftemtly. pianlian of'lie minor heirs of Jamb Sajiper, late of said county, <!<* ‘d. Kppties for fottepj ljrdi«Ulli>lu)| tVom saßi trust: ' Tie *.- an-. Ue rcfore. tocitcbndadmonish all pet—.ns eottn-ntml to lie and ai>p.*!ir at my "ite-'- withlu the time pn -erl'ied liy )tw (.niT show .seise, it any they have, why said hut.-i-s -lioulil not l«- granted. Otvi'tt umb r my hand and otlicial -l.'iiu title, this l>* . rilh, tsfid J. J SPARROW, lb-.-, I3th- bkl Onfinary. Gocrgia W I LX t»X <:« ri'NT'Y. \\7 HERK.krt, .1 l Luke applb-s ip me « * for |. iter- of »dmi)ii*traUott ou tin estate of-Martin la-e. of -aid county, dic’d: Tie *»• ate, therefoii', to cite »ms ndutoii- Wt nil p-i-on- '-"in -i .it-1 to !" an ] at my otltcc witJiiti tiie time pie l rites' tty law and, |f any they luive, why said letters sftouM not Ik* -ranted. (iiven nnd'-r mv h ind nnd ofllelal sijrtm. tnn-, thi* Dec. l.t", f *n<: .1 W MASHBERN. I Dec. llth—.'KM Oolhiary. Ge.rgit - wild if >X Ot riNTY. WHEREAS, !fo:.or llroun. ,'v mini* tratriv on the esi.ilc of Samuel - Drown, liee’d, applies to me for letters of dt-ints-iou trout s dd trust: j iiu - *re. thi reiore. I*. * ib- r*n.l tnhitori i*!i the kindred and emlil* . • of ;id dw VI U. fife tiieir .d*j.s-;i«.ns, i ,: y . , iu.v*, why letter* should not lie ;paaiY»j the !tpi*ii etnt < Rv.-tt under pty iatttd at ofth-c, tiii* Nov .*,tb, JKdtl. .i xv mashhehn Dee, ldiii -dm Ordinary. Painter Wa*tted, WHO amhwfo'Mla the mdiwenu of lie l>u.iti*'*s ituil will ulbnd to it. will timt eon-!.tut employment und li! era! wutrvs by apph injr to SIMON MERRITT. HiiwUasvUU*, D.S-, Stii GEORGIA-pT'LASkTcoCnTV XVtirr.bAs. T ta* L- Taylor njiplt* *to toe for left* • fntinist. ttiott. and. Louis tun., <ui die t»t :• It. N Taylor, I-1 if raid county. de.aa.**d : “ These are, Uierelon , to . !"• nnd *!>.tt4tt»li all. and sitypdat the I*, i; and Creditor* *jT su'd dvc.Wd. to 1* and »i.,»*;.r«t ...V ..»«••* within thalhne pr.-scritH l iby law at:d Stow cause, if any tb r Imve, why suit) letter.- sltonhl tud rim ed the applicant fiin*ii muter ntv hand amt odieiul rigtn ture, tilts .Ui day ikceuilK-r, !S«C. J. J tiI’ARROXX. Dee. 6th— OOtl < >rdi:tttry. GEORGIA-IT" L ASK I COUNTY TO W Host IT MAY CO ! i!.S Whchk.vs. .fn<**Ji Whl-*ui npplit * to nte for letter* of ndtninistntttoa. de t-mis mn* w Ith the w {limin' \ed. on the t—i'.te ..1 R. A k we. bite of said . ottnly. These are, tl.. reftw, tocit. .Did .-tdmmtt-h all nar.te* iiiii n twf t wliMliur kiiulrx 1 or creditor*, to -1... V, i. n it any tle-y Slave, vtilltht the time pre-. rilie.t by l’-.n , vvhy It t ters should no. la* gruntcl tlieauplk utt. Wituess my hnntl, Uti* Dc end er 5. |n«4, J J riI»AHRt)XV. Do-. 6th- '.Wd i Wdißury Tobacco, (igarSj \ AHIUI S r.;tASU3 AN i> Qi VUTIKS. .Smoking ToLneco. jr ' ' * At "flint tiToRE.” THE ’jndf fviyK*! wjll make liberal nil- Tnttces us Money tfllTiite on Cotton *hippeit U' Mess'- K W Sims A f».. t-nVnn- B.di, for tettent sule, or to to- held « ret.*.in w'detlntc. J M KIBIILK. to p.o»nf*f Wt fp'Vo UKSMhs after dufe uteiXientfon will Ila- lode to tie- uUW"I aid.- Cl.urt of Or -» dinary <d Ttlinlr l«tve Jo sell the land* ot John A. Powi-U. Ime of w id ..uuttty. .|U‘<N SBlTtt. j. Novemeer I*;—•UKI A Iminixtrator Geofgia— i County. XV ukukvs. Fame* rti.hlinjrs .'ippli.-s to me btr irtters t.f ttwardiwnship of th* person sad property of Ahrahoin. Ma/.m .di, and John Uhkltag. minors of A. f,. P Ohl.ling, deceased ; Ilu -e are. Ihen-Sire, to ette and a.luiottteh all. ,*-nwm.s cmcemwl. to Ik- ami appear at my ..fltee within tin- time pre- M-rtlKal by law and show canoe, if uuv tiiey ran. why -aid h-.u rsuf miardian-hip «t...itlil , ntn lie srant.-t tie applicant. OiTen under : my hand and seal ot offl.-e, this SOth .lav of | October. tw«i . JJ. SPARROW.' I Nor. Ist —dod Ordinary. !—• l . Notice. 4 LI. person- inde!it**i to the . state of James S Ibiiiiel. late of Pnii.-ki tarun tv. deceased,are reqo«dp<t to make itmnedi* an payment, and >* ■ having demands against said .state, wit; present them in terms of the law B. X MITCHELL, j Dis 6tli—toil Ex**-titur. CiXTY day- a- ppli, atfon wit) Is made to"tl. ho i )rdiimrr of Pu laski .-ottnly for leave to sell a portion nf the teal estate of A II iKUim, late of said coun ty, tlec'd. Nov end wr 80,1*66. JOHN XV WALTERS I Nuveatbcr 22—«M.t Executor. S. D. SCHUYLER* WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEA? I.ii IK and Mantillas asi lIiiOADWAY, NEW YORK. Dee. ldtii—Dnt* Houston Female College, Ferry, Grab. THE next term *of Rds lnstijation will ernutto nee on We*lue*dav.'the 16th of .Tsntaiy! IHO7. Otrriajje* win r„. at Fort VtHtey during) llte opening wc k of the Term, to convey -pupils front (lie Railroad to Pern FREE f)F I'll A ROE: and at foe close ot the Venn pupils from a di-.tonoe w ill te returned |b||i* - UttUroa.l without chary* For citcrtlatst. to., address a, . MAJ >N«. V. ItH tI.VKDsnN., A BAILEY,or W. T. SWIFT, TXec. fete Hawkinsville Academy. WILL Ik- opened *»u llte second M,,„. day in Jtmtiniy next. h i tit, PtnrtfC ol Mr. .1 E. .Xii-Do.utld. Principal, with comm tent ntetetrois. Thlliott asm-l, fry the Hoard snd Teacher. *!'*. *-,**» titld ♦a*, per Term. Mr. McDo.tnld emus well rwonimut ', •! os » Towthcr anti» tJcutieman. TRISTFFS (.' M llorKvivv. John H. Pati;, J. XV BitnW It. X. Mrr. it*:u, Dvsict Raw i-, Jtm.s li Wai i v. t Sihos Mfnittt r. Dl*c.-I2tli, IbitO. [47] SHERIFF'S £AJ,E. WILL te sold on till* first Tuesday ill Jantmry next, within the 1.-j»| I.Am of sale, in the tow nos frwiuviile. Irwin e.ranty,Uie foi! tujf.rMn.-rty. to.»|t <n.<. lot. f lan.l No. it?, in the Ttli .li-uir t. 1.. *. ied <>« as thc-property of Joint F. Hilt - In favor of It. a it'. Metook v-. Joint F. Itilt- Titt* Novendicr 2«fo. |s<!«. E. <; PKIDfiEN. SI,eiIII December 6th—tds | t7| Dissolution of Copart nei chip f I'Hi’. Firm of A ILniison is tl.i. I da- di— iilvci Alt indebted to th.! with llnrtisnn. :tu*l ult that let.,* el.Jais a-ain-! the flint will rl-n * .ill HD Mr. tlmiison. I Bill n*. toil;, r It-pell. si' le. This the 12:it November, i-ia; Dee. WUt —2t M. <.LASS. For Sale in Sawkinsville. YtiliuiMe Ilim-i- and Lit now « ..ant'd mi l .tempi"! by If. rsi-'it ed. The Lot i -<4M.:(Dk Wv sere-, <.ii ultteli lire two <-. nt. TVs * t,.L!" Frint* LitSldin- . on.* CiuilaiulnTfour nnd tl:.-r two to. u - Also, two-moke In w- s. nue pitnlrv,.title Funis I with two li.".in-.'n ( ar rin'e Boils**, t'.ttf .-httdes and one crd*. All of ilieso Imi'dintpt are m w Tin r.- me m. two w.! - <nt the pn n.iscs. A -*>« Ya tteb'i 4’ ant i.a **l . tin l-nn** drt-.J aim. of vt:k and l lick nr, I .•; * Sill' -f: nit <*> cv's station , Maeon A Itnin*- wick Hall Hoad. On t!ti- p nee i- a c-"*I Frjmed DWe. Ittjr. .-onlnlnlny five r»e tit*, two - k«I Wei - c water.splendid Ft u-t. Or vdinril and a'l neces ary outbid .lin-s and fences in e *< il t* p::ir. Thi- 1 is:— s'] wih :el* Hu* pi v de-i r.d.'e j-.r pem* . !.cap frra h *..i : . as wltUlttr l* ptfndMH* such nw-w-tiy il'.ti * If n t di®p .-*d fro ' r* th,. li'-t Tte-sday in ft. ‘ * u will.'it that dnv. t. - 'd p*tt*i.;,- i *.( i. the . tut it •! ■ rin lias-: ' T to i; ASKEW, iiav. kilt--, i )e Via. VST ''ft" «n T< .; iai'l. t py two week* aid .•tv.-awl i'i.i t*. this OtiV.e, N , ■ »;l*r OU. !!. 11. fVTK. DH. JOHN I Att'l 1 It. If-u-ton r.K (J H . Hawkins, ft’.-,Ha Drs. PATE & LAiDLER IY FO Itavr to in!- r*tt tit. ir ami* ■v tie- puJi'i. a.-ri...liy, that they have »- t so. iat. ti thi-m aKcs buretlsT in the practice of medicine, nn.l tvill Is' prepared I*. enter ti] on ti..- tit.ti.-s of tlieir profession on the 1 Novemt* i T‘i.-j ttmnk Hitiroldlriem’-tori" ir pa-t Jtati-'.irep', amlfro-l lin y w ill rrt eivr tin' sun.' en.Knnriu'entent topmeth .-itsin fotttier tla Vs. i h-to N-t ??tth f4(.| GEI MiG I A—Wiu ox C- .i vr v. •K' f'OL'NTY. WltKBKAtt. XCnnlfK k Simmon- applies to me for tetter* "l ennotiartship of the peraott nud protK'i'ty of Alarttm J. Shtiinuus, ttttttor ol B G, s. Simmons. detSatutli Th. se ate, to cite and admnttMi *u fterton* eiun enivsi to Iw and ap.Ha.r at mv dtt!< e within the linte prf-erited by htwr and stiow cause, if sue fbev bave. wlty -aid lei ■ ter -h. itkl nut te drain'd ti* npidUant | Id Veit umbr my hand amt -cal of this :!0«" day of <K-W*r DflO. | N >vnntKT Ist.—ttfo) Ordinary | Georgia— I’l" L A SKI lul Nix. Whereas, M D Wilcox,administrator of die i state of J. C. >fevv.rmaek, «ppth-s »o me f." rs of •iirmis.-it.f I Tlti--«ie. therefore, to ciu* and *onior,e>it i uti com etuei! !■> appear at my oßi.e w .dun | tiie time allowed by law and *h»w cause. It Hiiv Uw? ewfl, why »«3‘t ™ , uT.m.eth Given Under fny hand «n.l stad. i* J- J.-SPAHRDW, v Hxty June?—tint Gotrgia-WILCOX COUNTY. \l7"riEßE.Vri. Sarah Rainey appli.s to TV me fur Utters of administration the CBiate of Mark.- Rainey, late of said enuntv. tie< ( :isl-d : The*-! arc therefore, to <l«e and admonish all persons eoneerrnd to Ik and appear at my offieo witldn the time invseritKal hv law and show eattse. if any they can, why said letters should not te Giv.-n under my liand and t«*vil ot office, this tK liilkt 80th, ! -66 J W MASHBniN i Noveutter Ist. —UO.l Ortlbtary. SIXTY dsv* after .late application wilt 1., made'to the honoralde the coart of oolinarv of T.-tfair eovuity for leave to sell all the lands telonyingr to the estate of At ten Uav, dts-ta*ed. JOHN EARKF.Y, Nov ®—2m Administrator. Lost Note. ON or alsmt the Ist of March last, a Note given tty N H W Gil’K-rt, to the un dermgwed. for 0405 «*r *i to All iteix>ns art- w im.-d :<eain-t trading for -aid note, a* it lias been setlietl. F. R tHEBERT. i!.:w kia-vilt". N..V loth—tit