Newspaper Page Text
* "*
THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 1«04.
GKO. I*. WOOI»*.
Kkv. a. n JL (ALL, Aci- .t
Weihdisi l»##ior.
We are requested by Rev. W. F. ■
Dolmen, tJ»« pastor in charge f<»r
this year, to announce that be will •
preach in the Methodist Church in :
this place on Sabbath neat, the sth ;
of January, thus eommeech g l ■
work for the present year.
General **«!>«: Itemoved.
While gloom and despocdancy
are aettling down «}Km our jieople, i
unw'wnA ilitm there occurs an ejeftt
which is dedJedly enCoitragtng, and .
otho . ‘>* merit a i
’ r ; nSfeuuig«.
has been re
quired to vacate a position which
he has used as a mfttna not for aid
ing and strengthening a broken
down people, hut for riveting upon
them fresh fettcra and making them
feel more keenly the weight of their i
oppression. The Third Military!
District, iu this regard, has a happy ;
new year.
We welcome Genera! Meads to
his now position, hoping that lie
will, like Genera! Hunoitck, show
the statesman us well as the Goner
a!, and make the military subset vi
ent to civil authority.
Cohvkntioh.—ln a few days more
the “ Convention ” will again meet
iu Atlanta to pcifcct their work.—
It has been enggestid that as the
money is not yet forthcoming, many
will have to remain at homo or ap
ply again to the Stij erintendent of
i lie Express Company for transpor
The Macon Telegraph says that
“ 15 of the negro delegates, unable
to got away, have gone to work at
die new imi racks at £1 50 per day,
while three or four others have bird
waiters and boot blacks. These will
bkoly bo on iiaud to take another
chance at the st) per day.”
Diems Hocsk.—We recently vis
ited Macon, and during our soj urn
there wo concluded to test the faro
luui lodgings of the above named
hotel. The former was excellent —
tar exceeding our a ticipations in
these hard times; while the latter |
w all that a weary, care worn true
t ier can desire to take repose upon.
For an affable and clever proprietor,
polite and attentive servants, sumpt
uous fate, soft, neat beds, with well
ventilated rooms, we cheerfully re
commend visitors to Macon to the
Denso Hotel, assuring them that it
is unsurpassed.
Snbbulb Hrlioola.
As promised in our last issue, wo
give in this an interesting article
from a member of ti e bar of an ad
joining county and n gallant Colo
nel in the latu war. It is gratifying
to note the interest which tide sub'
I«jct is exciting among all classes of
our people. Ex-Governor Wise, iu
a recent speech, expressed senti
metts on this subject worthy,of the J
great heart of that Old herb and
statesman. There are hum!reds of
children who must go untaught ex
cept what they may learn in the
Sabbath School. And to huut up
these children and induce them to
attend such places of instruction is
a work for the philanthropic heart.
The hope of our country is in the
young of the land, and the forma
tion of tlieir character is committed
to our care. We are our “ broth
er’s keepers ” in this regard, nor
can wo evade the responsibility.—
We are bound to place them nnder
all these it flonaces which will check
their youthful past tens and aid in
fitting them for useful tie, a iu life
and the realities of the life to come.
Admmikti aters, Executor*, Guardians
and all others sending us advertismi ids
(except County Officer# and Agents)
are hereby nctifi<d that to aecure the
publication of the same they must for
ward the money.
The new year has dawned up m m.
It W big with events whose influence
will be felt through nisny coming
years. Qu* a'tons or vast tmgnitud--
arc to 1>« discus, and and #eU!#4—qu®-
tieos which involve the prosperity, hon
or an i ha| pines* of du* whole people.
Kre another Chrisueaa comes, the de -
tiny of these ten South tin Stale# will
be fixed. It Will be known whether
they are to fill iliefr position in the
ITnlmi #« Sovereign Commonwealth*,
as they were regard' and by P e fathers
of the republic, or continue t-> he held
i as go many Territories —dependencies
, nnd -r the control of military appoicl
| ecs.
With the settlement of this gae.uou,
will como that otlier one ; the relative
position of the negro in the Government.
Will tire Drei! Scott decision of the
Supreme Court, that this i* * white
man’s Government—that the negro Is
i not » citizen, and asrueh, baa no right*.
! he maintained ? or will it be reversed,
land the orpins! const action of the
Government he revolutioni/.- and ? are
fit \ ip.v *i r jJ& '
e,»t year.
Other questions pertaining to the ft
nsnow of tlt« Government, will furuirh
their quarto of agitation.
B«il a|l of iLuso [Mints,will h<- settler!,
to S greater or less degree, by the set
llunrnt of oue other which, cvviug ( »
! present complics’.hat* will he nil i»h#or
■ijfeg, We refor to the I’rt «iJf'«cy.
Platforms of principle* will be form
: i'd in direct and irreconcilable antago—
; nism with curb other, ami the Govern
ment will, of «■ ers-ltr, assume in its
futnre, the cotoph ction of
the triumphml (ilstlortu. Who shall
tie Prcsiilcal; is a quiwtion, then, which
should awake the most intense interest
throughout «U tanks of society. Al
ready the ooAte»>ants »r« marshalling
their force*—their bugie notes are al
ready sounding the alarm frunt M ine
*0 Texas, and bom ocean to ocean,—
The canvass will be long and desperate,
nn > the i sue final.
Our people must, and will study the
progress r f * vents. To do this, they
inu-J icad, cod p-per« will he in demand.'
Whoever neglect to toad will *>**ii
find himself living iu the midst of event#
witli which he is most intimately cou
nseled, but of which he is most shame
fully ignorant.
Having thus far w. i » r i th • stmu,
ano rmviner -iinm-rnrf TfTa ' TTfiTf TA’
tered sails, wo begin soother annual
voyage, hoping that the brerxe* of pub.
lie patronage will lie suflluknt to bear
us through successfully.
While we propose publishing neither
a religious nor political, but a good fain
sly newspaper, we shall not exclude j
mtides t n those subjects ‘rom our col- i
limn*. All shades and vuriwti- aof opin
ion may find an ou let, provhted they j
he ftuo from per*nudities, and shall re
spect (lit* moral sense and good taste of
the virtuous and intelligent. We shall
endeavor to All our column* with selec
ted and original matter of a ph-asing
and profitable ckirlttM, and thus turn—
l»h our readers wiih a paper worthy of
their patronage.
Proceedings ol lUe CsawrVßitve
Vlecitiiu held iii llnnklnavillc.
Tuesdny. D«*i , eMil»s*i' ttllb.
A meeting of tho citizens of Pulaski
county waa tins day held at MuDufile’s
Hall, for the pu'pose "f considering iha
action of the Convention at Macon.
The meeting was organizer by tho
appointment of Judge I* mid llhwla a*
President, and B, N. MiichfU as secie-
At the r.quer of the Pi anient, Cel.
jc. 0. lubber, «ao of he delrgatß* fioni
• rJ.iV mwi. in* St..te Otsrtsosmtisa
!(A nveiiilon, vvplatncd the piirjxisa of
j the meetmgyo be t>> organize a Conser
vative Party in accordant!, with the
j read mums of 'he M icon Convention.
! On motion of (VJ, Kibbee, a corn mil-.
Itee of throe were appointed to drtifs
a reeoluti u expressive of the sect' of
the meeting, Cols. C. 0. Kihbte, 0.. C.
Horne and W. 1. Once, npi oinud at
| such Committee.
C pt. A T. Boilte hi ir.g called upon
address the m.e titig i-riwHy, but with
effect, during the absence ot the com—
mittep, u ging ergunzlUmi and activi
ty tortile safe y of Ihe c umry.
The committee having (ftarued, off
ered lhe following preamule and resoln
lions, which wore unanimously adopted:
Regarding lhe late Rvconati uction
' Aci* of .Congrcrs, the vindicative and
ptniaan administration « f tho<c acts,
and the assembling of a C invcniion in
the State uL ch is not of the people, as
all trading to the supremacy- of the ne
e. j fact', I'*' do-truclioCof fivv gtiVeta
iiMNtt, thr p> ace of s wsi‘ty, and volslive
i of the dignity and chir ict r of repre—
| tentative institutions; and believing that
the only way to seeurr Successful eppo
fit ion to the unconstitutional measures
which we know will toon be submitted
to us, Rod to avert the danger and ruin
threatening us is by organization and
action, we, the Conservstiv" eftixeua of
Pulaski county in meeting osesembied
do, therefore,
Resolve, That we approve an t ratify
the pr. of th* Sue* Coo-Tva
live Convention * bi(m_ a-*, tabled in
Macon, and fdedge our cordial and
hearty support to any iim* of polio?
which may be ihdieated t»y the Kvccu.
live Committee appointed by s id Con
vention, to main air. in set the Cons'it u
tion t f our falherr, and the rights of th<‘
State* iheieondcr.
Reroivcd, That wber.-as the late
Conservative Convention did earerstly
rceomnend to the Coaotmlivo men »»
each couaty to tho State to organ!* < at
cnee, and report their organization to
lhe Sutc Evcc itive CowmiUec. That
in order to effect an organization, the
CUirmm of the dmWg apiijnt a
county C ntral Coatraituc of sevoo,
whose doty it ilmU l<« to oorreapond
with ikf 4 "nlii iiT'’"ii— -• u "
ap|.o!Ui respec
tive militia districtsiSrtfci v arty, and
to c»il county mie'wgs of the party
when in their f pinion |tfc<uwsry; and
forth' r, to ad.ijt auoh Mh fjm sas for
siic 'f saful« .povhico w-to fb. m may j
seem best, t%
On motion of Col. Rtiiktc|§h« meet
ing proehtded to complete the orgini
ration of a vatire parjrin Pulas
ki, f>y fleet*! i iGnijillawU *■*
periwanent President, X, M(ff|fli*‘ Vice-
IVesiiletit, B Iff. Mifcln !!Svc Itory, and j
LC. Ryan A**i«unt ff-dieulyd
The fnlhtwing gcnikmeti were np
poinud l>y the Preri lAit, oiwUr rc.iolu
tion second, adopted liji the nnclmg a*
a County Central ComindtMf
C. Is, C. C. Kihboe, 0. C. Horuo
W. L. Grice, A. C. Pate, C«p’. A. T.
Burke, Hon. C, M. Ik*.iua# anl ft v
(ko 11 McCall.
Co 1 . Home being csllosi »pnn, ad
dressed the meeting in his usual e'ear
and (>: ciHe style.
On mot*on, the si dietary wa.s reqm st
cdto furnish copies of the prow*, ding# of
this .me. ting to tbs llaw hinsvilh* I)n
I'ATi'ti. Journnl A Sitjvseegsr anti Macon
Teiegfnpii for ) üblicatier.
The meeting ti.en adj oirwr-d, ndjict
in the Cos nt y Ceftt ti Cr-fliuivi^.
DaKtKt IGwta, I‘resi.letit.
B.A’ Mm.'sii —a
Oitbauk liKW.vKMcr» —A fcarfnl
outrage tv a* coßjstitfvil n|>o:i the
lierson of a young !a*ly by n ix pr"
man, aWttt one anile from L tiisville
in Jefferson county, Gn., on Hatur
-1 day, Deo. n!t. 8 on nf v r*e
j grovs and n nambor of wliifcs rh
| ecmhltd on Mot.*lay when ho wae
! oanghf, ant! having ‘hd him to n
j htako, burnt him alive.
—— • - -
I !’*v Yoon I tunes —S • '*l p.-i »nii,
in Wilcox, TeHatr »tid i ■ eauntios
arc oaring u* sin.di bid* for .dreiii ing
sali-a of !sml, node * to J, bio • am)
creditors, die, of cs fctif»-mi which tin y
have administered. The !a« rcqitir* •
such (W' pay for iseae adverw-i’- j
meets ul of the cat ate# sod they will
be ron Turing a fav >r at-1 discharging
their duty by settling iibme- iisUdy. A
hint to the wise is suffleient.
•’ Siliter liitje to -mie twito me,
and t«n bid them not. for of-w li is the king
dom of lictiven. ' l.ftHe EauttJ hi jfom*—
yes. ;:on« to that “ bourne ftam wheucu no
irsvctei ever reiqjA,'
M r. sad Jt i- t#n\.«ms the tow
of their little Kimt, w)io w». bora
Aur.wt 9t»tb. IfWU.MKt dtef Dscwmber SOd,
lStST—apHl ? yams. S tout tbs and 08 days,
fte snip i-eil vwei.e d«y»
pet-vions i t > iu* -h-.iih. bin boiv Kith unrea
sonable patksnee stt his suSei inks.
Truly we nsav w»y gist iu toe midst of
Hfo we aw iu death." AYe-ympatUize e ju,
the much «|U: -wed itn! > tteved parents
•• Life i- but » fietritogilrew,
The shi'doar of a ]ik'iirtd sky,
Tlte atry ptumt mos n stream
That flotteHnsdy smiles and hurries
ha r"
tlawkinsvllk*, Ihv SO. iW.
Timber Ivleroliajat,
Darien and Brunswick, 6a.
Jan o—Ora *
Sixty liiy* after il. ie aoplteaiion wli!
be maiic to the I oiirt of Ordinary for have
to sell a portion of the leal estate of John
Lee. dec'll.
Dec 31. USdT—3od Adnt'rx.
\\ TION in Wilcox e<">my. on VVKD
t» NKtSD.YY. the l-llli day ol January,
alt the Stoek and Produce on said place,
consisting of
Stock Hogs, Mules, Cattle, &c.
Also, Farming Implement* of vatt*na!
kinds, including
Plows, ll" <, Cotton Planter, Oae
Four Horse Wagon, Plow-
Gear, T'ols, Jtc,,
and in bet ewrvtblii-r requtshe for carry
ine on *«r*t class Farm. Sale p<*i«vc.
Ca-U. ,
VYltcox Cos., Jan. Ist, l«n.
xcf.xi s WVSII.D roll TUB
ASP now TBF.V UVKB, Foci n r a>d died
Incidents stud Hketchcs of Life in the j
Compri-ißg Narrraftve# of Personal
Adventure, Army L'fe, Naral Ad
venture, II one Li e, IGrtisaa
XW—O, tASe to «I» Jfamp,
Field Old n >, T'-cth.
er with the Hongs,
Balladp Aaecdote* and
Humor «s Incident* of th®
War for Southern Icdepewdeoco.
There t# a eer>' m portioo of Ui<- wsr that
wBI never into the regular bhieiitu, mrr
tw- t-i.tlK>die«l •'mi nce o peotry, which laa
very tea! pert of K, amt w'ti, if preserved,
cottvev to surerefin-; genciwlimis a better
Wear#dm piirit of dm coafitet th#B many
dry reports or eawrotf Warrs ives of events,
end 3m pari may bo called the y.oisstp. Iter
fun. the •■frill war. i'jjl ittnsl rates
the ebfunctet oftbe vder-. the hiimrtr of
th* soMieis. lire dcv.vikm of the women,
the hi.l very of men, the pluck of on ,
the roowuc* ami haril-bipa of the -ervh e
The V«if't»i *nd Jhsvc He-wted, the
! PUturcopls sad Prumirtic, the Willy and
Mart doe*, the Tonde rind Paihelic. and
the 'wools fhlu sots of the VV. r are here
thiimngtv iwnrersd in a westerly meaner,
at one. Uit.o nr I end rom. nl*e. umMlx
it the wnoi aui'ite iiui'|tw h 'Msut and
nvdsbkt Ironk the wa fias > ■ Heat so lb.
A nosemeni a* vr<dl fm*ruci«m m'T
be found on ev.t. f |ws''. !>hic del "if.
Irtllt'aßl wit end aetheuti' li : *U*iT ere
!u|!y !nierwovf<i tnfbb wwrfcoftUcra-ynrt.
Send for i irca'a s amt -eeoti. U iuis, au<t
a full (V ioth.n of lie- work. “
Atlanta, (la,
Georgia— Pl’LAhKl c V N TY.
Whereas. VYm. 11 Helms applies to me
for ieltStsof adttenMrwlimi on the mtateof
J W. JlvLca, fat" of asid ettmity. deccised.
Tlie*t ;ire, d’ciefote, to rite and atimon--
Mi allcoiiceitied, to fa* and apiK's- at lay
office wilhin lhe lime prt -cribed by f.»w. to
show i Mior, if n«y tbey bnve. why -aid Ict
ler* should not la* grwiili-d tin* a-i ilioml.
This Jau. is .DWP.
Jau. 2 —UOd OcwPnary.
* FVtrswKtrroTlßts .
r| 11 1 K Exercises of the Aemh niy will I).
M rc-unmd on MiTidsv, Jannorv IMh,
IR6H J. K. McDON Af.n,
Pi bit ijial.
Dec 10—Ini*
\ I T ILL Ite sohi on the first Tuesday in
l y pehniiilry next, before tlie court h'tmse
• * door in the town of Vienna, Dooly
county,.ln the lersl lionrs of sate, Ir>l of
fatad ntimtorittoeiy.flve (hot in the second
District of ftoelv eo'inty, ns ih-- propm ly of
Newitt XV. Martin, late of said coimty. dc
e» nsed. for the iicnetit of the heir* ates cred-
ItOisofsnid deoies-d fold under the in
( Utnbfuive of tire wi-lotv's-tower
’] ersts ( itsb. Dec. 13. twfiT
Dee tS—tils Adtn’r.
Will tie sohl 1»-fori’ the Court House door
| in \ i) nna, Dwly comity, on tie tir*t Tno
day in Jamiirv next, lot of Lied No. 11l and
north half orfot N, ;ry, in the Jnl District of
sahi tonnty. all twtonging to the refute
of Abram Y. Peavy, licee.xscd, subject to the
Whlow> dower.
Terms of sate one half, and die oth
er half notes with apprved sccnntU's.
Nov 3t —ids Adtu’r of A. Y. Pcavy.
GEORriIA— TEirsint'orsTV—Whcri'-
**. L. If Clemens. Administrator on
the estate of ( hartre N. Ctemcns, late of
said omnty, deceass-d, applies to me for let
ter* of dl*uiift»tim from said adtuuusi ration
These are, (hen-tore, to cite xml sdnion
bit at! uwenie! to is- and ap|»e»r at my
eliiee v, ithin tiie time prwrtt**! by law t">
show cause. If any they have, why* said tet
wr*< stsouhl uotK' zrant.-d
(liven tnuier nr hand and official signa
ture, this December Sd,TSt!T.
Dee 12-mfon Ordinary.
Administrators’ Sale.
BY virtue -»f an outer of the Conrt of Or
dinary of Pulaski ctnutty. w ill be s<dd
ircforetfie ('ouri Honsedoor in die tow* of
llawtunsvitle. on the first Tuosiay in Jan
uary next, the f-diowing |mij<i-riy, lo nlt.
one Shore bouse, in the town ot Hnnkin*-
vilh-.kiwwii n.« tlie N. Y. Powell Store, on
the MHiili siite of Cianmerre Street. Also,
the Dwelling Mouse and lot. •a’ciipicl t>v
N. Y Rowell at the time of bL death Sold
as toe pro]»-rty of N Y Powell, dta-easisl.
Xenix- eash Ort litlh. tfhi?
Dec. .*>—his Adm’ra.
ALL [-ersons liavimr claims against the
estate of .lame.- Harris, decerned, will
present them duly attested within the time
ptoserilwd by law ; an.) tone indebted to
said estate wdl make payment to
Dec s—tUl Executor.
GM KORGIA—TEi.r.vtß Coirty.—All
persons indebted to the estate of .be
seph Williams, dixcasi-l, also to the late
finn of I. 1.. A J. Williams, will couie for
ward and make immediate payment n, the
umlcrstoned; and those ha vine ilrtnand*
again-i sahl estate aiid firm will present
them in forms of the law
Nov H —KYI* Executor
Would respectfully announce to the people
the late arrival of
Oysters, Butter,
We sell low for Cash, j
At tin* sign of the big
Hawkln*vllle, Oct 3~:kn
Marshal’s Sale.
WW be wild fa-fore the Court House door j
in the town of II tXvMn»rille, on the flint
Tuwday hi Jawws*, tntw. between the le
gal hour.of ale two Spring Mntrr»»«nil
two Bei bleed*. all new and in stood offer i
Levied on t»e the property of Dr Wm. 8. j
Johnson, to'wiiKfv one Ma in favor of Town j
Wonm-il nf II iiwabuivHt • vs. Dr. Wm. 8.
Johnson. for TownTaxe*.
Not 21-til* Marshal, t
Cxeculor s Sale
UJ ILL fa- Hold the Court Hour* In I
the tow 11 ,f A! 1 Hl.*, it ile * "11
IV. on tie :u rue-lay i*i Jann >t ’
tietwwn the Uyal hour* of *al* tbrr<- !
■ ired and three arm of laud Ivin - ami V -
In« in llm county ot IVDtnt—impmv u.
Sold as the property of Kn I riels Kaireloth, j
•lercu wl, for the heaeSt of the trim end
Terortueanh. tbi* November Jtir*., igilT. I
/ wm. T. t .ttni t.irrn. .-
Nm It hi*. Lviv ,*.«•. j
SIXTY day* after date uopitextiur, w(H j
tie made to the Honorable t mirt us Or
dinary of Wilcox county for leave to t-*l|!
the laud* bebwurin? to the estate of Wi'oon I
Mill, litctanai. TliU Nov ♦>!<, 1- it
Nov 14 —OO.I Ad nYx. )
Ts If ur heriffs a e
WILL !«• sold fa-fore theeonrt house
■ door In tlie town of JaciM WHffllc.;
Telfair eountv, on tin* tint Tu-- !.»v in Jar.
nary next, the following property to wit. j
*kv h>t iif land No not known, lint lino'.vn j
n» the lot eontniug tin* rceHenne whereon
tie' widow Eugenia i' tl- *n now lit* *, lex
ted on a* the property belongin', to the t-»- i
I lie W. ff. Vi ilwm, to xatfalY the emit os 'J 1
I .fa*, one In favor of 11. L. d'ilh* ' * Euge
nia Wilson and John K Mel Ur, Admlnis.
uwloM on the crtr of vv. w. Wileon, d<-oc:t- |
«ed, one In favor of Willi* Hall v * Luge
j ula *' ifami and liiliicrt Mettae socuritv.
I'rom.fij- pointed out by plantW, this
November 4th, tattT
Nov. H—tito Miertir.
SI XT Y il«v* after date application will,
he made to the Court ot tirrliaar - «f
Telfair county for leave to well all the lauds ]
IwlotWitlJ to the estate of John C M" I lie, 1
late of said eountv. dei ra-xL December !
*. IH«;. ‘ L H. CLEMLNS,
Dec 13—kb Adm'r. j
Administrator's Sale.
IT. 7 ILL Is- sold before the court house j
U donrlti the town of Jacksonville, Tel
1 ’ fair comity, on the first Tuesday in ;
March next, between tlic legal hours ot
j eak, all tile land* fa longing to the estate of
John C. Mettae. dix e*s,\], to-wit; Nos. 1:13
and IK, each containing 206.*; sere* more or
t b*». alt in the Bth district of said nmnlv. —
Sola for the faun-fit the heirs ami credit
; ore. Terms on dav eg" «u'e.
Dec 12--i.U Administrator.
Wilt he *oW mi the firet Turwilay in Jan
uary next, Iwfore the court house door
In the town of Hiiwkinsvillc. th. following
|in>|*rrty, to-wlt:
t Lot of Land No one hundred and eighty
rixe (Iff.) Levied on as the property of
Thomas F Walker to *n tisfv the coat «n
sundry Snperior Court fifa*. Also. lot No.
two hundred 13001 Levii-d on aatliejirop*
erty ot Timothy N. M.-vom, to snoiTv the
cost on three Snis rior Court fit'a* 'Said
lot* in the 24th district of Pulaski eountv.
Also lot of land No 834 in the 15th dis
trict. Levied on a* the properly of Jerrtn!
ah Bowen, to satisty the coat on a Superior
Court fifa
Also, at the same time and place one lot
of land No VS. in the 21st district of Pula*,
ki eountv, known aa the property of A J.
Hofatewd. to sathtY a justice court fifa 1»-
•ued in W7th district li M. Lcvieilonand
returned to me hy John T Nicholson, Con
stable. Thi* De’i-ml er 10, 1887
Dec 12—tds Deputy Sheriff.
Longstreet Academy.
rPHE exercises of this iaatltutiosi will fa-
I resune .1 on the first Monday in Jann
* ary. ISBB. Term*. sls. S2U. far, per
term. Board can fa- ohtaim-d in the com
munity m N Mi-call.
Dec 19—8 t Piiucipal.
A New Era in Literature.
Jill FRANK LESLIE, one of the l nited
Slates Coumils-ionere to the Univcreal I x
position in Paths, I in* avaSof hiru-elf of hi*
visit abroad to Introduce some new and
verv* interesting features hi hi- popular puh-
Btalhlu Hi- has arranged with a mrntK-r
of the leadingaiithon. and artists of Europe
to fiiml-b Novels, Narratives and Entrr.t
vings, which will appear originally in Ids
public iiinns, insti-iid of at second hand, )>r
throuxli the *Utte exp' Ti.-nt of w Uul are
oaHen ADVANCE Hlll'.ETft, thus preeti
caiiy scuhitg tin- copyright uuestion by
pure bitting Id* literary material at first
hand. Till* Is a bold iuoreimut, xml will
prove to Is- a reR-.untwaiive one, sine
“ Honcsdy is the best policy." The first of
them- ovellie* hi
by i-ir.nct: xoxx, k*q.
a narrative of Adventure* in Itafly, hr that
|v>puUr novelist mid iiwiimling writer,
which will Commence in No, till of Frank
Lkmsb’x CntnOtv Cornkk.
Willi No. 12U will also bi- fgven away a
Magnificent Original Engraving,
From tlie famous and pofoi'lir (tainting of
that nany in tie- Paris now lll
metff irfPtttx 9rmrt»fo, Sir New
Nov 14. .
jQEOIIitIA -li-xji.v CoawTT VII
• I son* iadebti-.l io toe i#v.ue of J-fsitfi
T. Lock, fate of ssid county. •!••< f-.-is-X ;i r»-
hereby rc'incsfrtf to wake fmmnliab- pov.
r»-at: and those HO’din- flem;,n U urniii .t
the same arc notified to ,w«xu the; 11 to
tin- tiodersigned in tenn* of to.-
Nov 14, ltfoi " J.. Kor.
XT V days after date a|>|i!!<--.iiion will
t*o tasih* 10 the f’ourt of Or're-it-- of
Wlkox eoiwtr for love to set! tie real c«-
bite hckmgfng lo ' estate of f'hxifre A.
Sprndler, of said count*-, ibr’d Tfi- to-n*
tub. INI!’. PIIH.KTr." IKtSTBR,
Sept 30—Oft! Admin!«rr,tnr,
EOItr.I .t Dooi v (YM-KTr —Whereas,
-~X John W M atte applies so -ne f**r let
ter* of adminixt ration on tlie estate ol .b>bn
P. M'tate. deersred t
Tlicse ar*. (hereforc, to cite and sdtntoi
ish all ahil -liißiilsr the kindred and credit
ors of *»! t sir.-- i#td so |e- ami appear at mv
1 offi* e on < r le e>re the first M-tndxv lit f’.-.
cemte-r next, li;.-n and then* t« show ,- .
if r.fti- " - have. vr!i,v rai-i letter- should not
t een o4r-r mr lem I -nd-.1i.-i il- t- V
lure, this 2THh dav of October. I*«i?.
WM 11. DAYfrS,
Oct 81—:«H 1 *nii .ry,
Cl RORf-T ’ -Ttri'to* "'oi XTr,— * r here-is,
M B- njamin T If.*e, adminretrareir with
the will Diitev-d. on the estate of I!,
ltfly. late of unlit synmtv, deccasr-i, jo.A <
npolii aii-ni to me for dismlwlon i'rom bis
«tid trust.
The e fiic. therefore, tocitennd -J -.i-nrsh
all pentUM inter. ,-».-d, to |w> ami r jfie-ar at
n r office w ithin the time I'ri srrtlvd 1 ylaw.
to .»hmv c,--«e, if 01 v ttiei have, why said
it tiers «.*ec i-’fiotb- on-
Given )|>- 1-r nr. bnftfl and off. " and signa
ture, tbL July 2-"di. >-(!?.
"•!'"> tin Ordinary.
t ?ttOticc. t
feJfXTV.IArs nftvrd)).. xpidi-pfon rill
i L , A"- • Oft ... Orvliansv of
! • «H. " Iff fog iesre II > , n -1«
; N-lon-rmg to to.- <- 11• ,/ n* v ;.t Vs, Wood.
1* C 'v-d, tidw No'-em-s , ill, ■ ;T
N .v. 7 Ui'l A-ini'r.
Cotton, Cot*on.
A's r-• . w-shiiig to -hip f ) --n to
*» (liri-ti.m, KcnncsL- ft. ( "-•’. i-.t ; ivalt
: nah. etui I-, . toe Revenue T:\ a.;ungeil
: ft*r by cailing on tlie umlers! -.- 1
M r> wm ft X.
„ . J. J. 6PARI!' >W.
j flaw! i:; *IP,., Oi tl7 ts
F\!:(TTOli\S SAIiE.
vv doot in the fora II of U,iwki;>»vii|e,
I itk-i-W onmh. on the firs’ Tin . •-,* in |>-
eCmt er next, within toe leirelfitou i of sab*,
t Lot of Land No. If,; In she 4fft district of
• ■in cotiftty, t(. flu* » «(;*|r of .las,
,S. Dank is. dic'd, Sold for distribution
amahs' lb'- Mrs of- d.l tfenwsrei. nnfi A
i the risk of (dork - Clarke, fiinner pur
-1 (tawr. Tcnn« cash.
it. N. Ml'T< HELL
j Oct VT—-tdv Executor.
OlXTYilays after hits application will
XJ Is- mad) to lhe Court of Ordinary of
D-edy enunty for ieure to std] the mfn
i tale belonging to tlie cstnte of Ifnrdv J.
j Ti(ij*ett, dccc-.i-iisi.
f' l't 19—fifhl . Adnvrx
\A#ILL lie soli! hv virtue of an order of
j ww tlw Court nf Ordinary of Doolv
I connly, Is-foj e the court house' iloor at Vi
i «w»». Booly county, Os., on the fi,-«t Tin- •
Ido* in Dt rcn. her hex*, the e<->i<l> half of lot
, of land numls-r fteft eighty-ai v in the four
fos-nto (14) district s»f li-siiv countv. Sold
i as tlie property of Nixon Dollar, I'otewal,
1 J4»r Hm> Ismefit of the heire and credintr* 'if
I mid deceased. Terms of salt—twelve
months credit with inter* st flmh ilat*- -mall
1 »*>t*-s with appreaved sccilritv This *lh
- *fcu ofoi, t.,lwr, )*te7
Oft 17—ttfs* * Athninistretor.
ALL persons irid-t.K-d to the rotate nf
Wiley CoM>,*!. are rw.'iwsstesl
j come forward and make immediate par
ment Tliose having demands against said
estate are reouired to present them prop* rlv
aiithentiiafosl, nitiiiu tin' ;in;c pnreeribevl
Oct 17, ISO 7. Aiim'r.
SIXTY days after date npplic.iti*m will
te- made to the Ocnrl or Ordinary of
Wilcox county for leave to sell all the real
estate of Frederick faiml. late of said coua
tv.dsc’A This Dee-.3. ISH7.
JAMEs j, LAND, Ag't
Dec 13—t*l* of. J. M, Luke, A-im'r.
DIXTY day* after date app&.vion will
*~ tv maor to the Moil, oouriirdiu-ry
; of Wil*-*>x eoimty for leare to sell tt*e lamb
lob-aging so. the estate **f Joseph S. Or*-
iiatn, ifovase*!. tht* Aug- Ist sth. Itte7.
! Atr-l*—WVl Adm'r