Newspaper Page Text
Jfiifolunskille gispahfr.
-wauHHUißy -
Mawkin«piHf>, Sbpt. 2J, 186 U.
By Denis W. D. Boully.
Any one having a second-hand Xo.
2> or 6 hand preen, In pool order, to
e.UsWMe of, nhouHJ communicate with
ras ni on-:.
Wilcox Scrimou, Coujit.—Weurc
indebted to Rev. Air. Garrison for tins
following i
This Court convene ( #t Abbeville,
*w CheUStli, Judge Alexander jircsid
ing, (UJtl adjourned on the i 6th. Our
•entire bar, oacej.t Mr. Taylor, wero
,present palso Gen. Warren, of Perry,
anil CoL Dawson, of Wilcox. The
•caWMliepoerd of were: Stanley m.
WKrren, Confederate debt of lsfil,
•'crticd to two-thirds without interest.
■State vg. “G. O. Adams, for murder,
• deferred to neat Court. Roger* vs.
MitoUrtli, dispossession, thrown out
Jifarfi m. Davit, tar wife’s part of e»-
•inta, thrown out. State vs. Mitchell,
l urrying concealed weapons, finer! SSO
und cotta. Mat. Bishop, assault with
• ritcnt to murder, fined SSO and costs.
'The Grand Jury made eighteen pre
From Wa»Hixotosi. —We have en
tered into an engagement with a geu
i irnian of oxporience In Washington
City, by which >ve shall be enabled to
furnish our readers with a letter from
•that point in each issue. The first
Jotter apjwars this week. The writer
it vtell posted in the affairs of that
*city. As those letters ore paid fur,
veUnuit that .the, additional expense
incurred in our 'effort to increase llie
interest and iisefuliiets of our paper,
, will bo duly appreciated and amply
repaid by onr patrons.
'Ooixtby r«ODie*.—Have our far
mer* entered Into a league to bring
lo town to eat, or have they
anything to sell besides
•cottonJ* lOnr proviaion /mi Act is as
•<!ry of country produce as the weather
—and everybody knows that's “ very
much dry, if not more so.” lias the
•dry spell caused The bens to quit lay
ing, and the cows to ceote giving
milk 7 Country butter, chickens and
WST market stems to have
•itried up.
'Cottox Market,—The price of the
i taple lias been declining steadily and
I'lpidly since our last re|*ort, and we
• oubt If it will stop at 20 cents. A
j.ood article now fiuds dull sale at 2J
'< eiltt. llclow will Ik* fount! tlic /drip
•j.lent* by-railroad and receipts at the
.v arcliouse for the v.cck ending the
ratal Inst.:
thMpmcnls to date by railroad.., .177 bales
JT’.ecHpts to (kua at warehouse... .ICO "
•Totalreettpt; . ...Sbrt “
—'» ■■ •■»■•■■
Res I'M ed.—The Augusta Fits* htw
-v-sutncl its visits to us, uflur an ab
solute ©fotvr four monthythe itsjune
«lon granted Against it having been
removed. Wo aeo that the name of
Sim. U. Browne (the present editor
••f the Macon Journal A Messenger)
foot* at its nw t-h. nd u«t editor. Wo
think the- General viU h. v,: In., hands
util, a* it isali rroft editors can do to
.rnn one new. piper.
•ScNDUiEs,—Friend Thompson an
nounces for rale, in our columns, sun
dry desirable nrtielee. Ho is also the
Twouufacturer's agent at this place for
i 'eubmnV a vsO.eion Powders, a val
•rnblc nwdwdfate for dtr?ase« ot stock.
A few more copies <tf Dr. L. Picree'a
-vi mon on baptism arc for sale at his
■ crag store.
TtANOKKoia.—The attention of the
i< Vmimiseionsrs is called to the hole
where anew well was started, nearly
opposite Mr. Thompson’s. It should
•Te filled up, as any one hi liable to
full into it nt night,in Its present con
dition, to say nothing of the danger
Vo children and stock during the day.
AK*w Book.—Col. Clew art. of Rome,
•• mis us the prespectus of a work soon to
Iho published by him. entitled, ,- Tlie Gas
v uuitnt <Jf Ibe Putted Stales— tVlist Is
Ur?* It Will Wake somr -40 or .10 papes,
n.«H contain letters town lion. A 11. Htvph.
«t os and others Price SO cents "per vwpy.
In Puo. Bl*CT.—lt will be seen by
rthe advertisement of Messrs. Findlay,
a .at their iron works at Macon are
t ow making to order every deacrip
.t.on of iron and brass eastings and
<#• J udge JUley, for many years
a irdinary of Btltbwoonty, died at'his
c -vidaiicenear Macon last Saturday.
sjf Tbe Imperial lot newspaper has
botirr front Itoraa,
* K<wk, fU , ftiyt. it IK?,
M Z>*mk W. 1). /hfcj ohr .-*••' to
day's mail brought meto toyy ut itas J>*Bv
I'Atcu, full (.fli.i.mtlr; n.ailf.r In nftr
eu«e to the Pres Exrtirsiim, for which
- cceept many thanks.
'Tim Rowan citizen* will ever fcal grate
ful fur dm many kiadand ftleani. allusions
Kr us, and tha caprosotone of uau»tfatic».
fur our tawirtMid city, which hnre arT-ared
is dm ' otunrns of varkaw new »|mp*n> rep
reaouiad by uur no nt visitors ul lhc pioss
eu urskm. in closing this bibif note, i
cannot do so w ithout a word or two, os
one of the bn of Stewart «te Austin, tn ref
erence to j nor good opinion of llm ilonr
we arc manufttP-tariiig here In Roni«. foil
pronounce U the ties! la Georgia; and this
places us under’ obligation to sustain your
reputation aa 4 Judge of good flour,and we
iatewl to do it. Voui- very truly,
J A. Sti-wanr.
Note.—Col. Stewart alatai abovo,
uud also in a communication to thu
lot Grange Reporter, that wo said his
mill turned out the l*em flour in the
State. This is a slight mistake. Our
remark was qualified. If Col. St will
rc-rcad our article, he will wee that we
stated that bin mill is mid to make
the best flour in Georgia. Col. S. not
having sent us a sample, we could
not sputk knowingly.
The following composition
is by oue of Mr. Wynne's very young
scholars, and is very creditable to the
youthful writer:
Tlic use of pthseen, (n njy eoneepiion, t»
ons of tl»« mo*'. nnd tis^b’—
I habits in; yet, It U one of the
most speculative operations of the Unite !
It Is really surprising to go to Macon, or
any l.irgn city, and sec the large house*
filled with such mwlntg alulf, and sold at an
enormous price, when tlemssuda of |«H*r
wouicn and helpless children could be fed,
cl • Umd, sad educated on the money paid
•Tor Unit which k uot only uselotS lait in-
Jurlona to Ihe human race.
How unbecoming to see a geiiQomsn In
emupany, with hi* mouth stretched out of
shape with a wad of Oils ofi'.n-ive pol n.
Wo even fioiuct mao see bays ebewdng
tobacco, sud l have imagined thst they
think it mnkta them look like men. Jin
their places would become disgusted, and
quit it.
To see s Utile boy with hk teeth suined
with the juice of tobacco, and can see it in
llie corners oi' bis mouth, or even on hi*
bosom, is surely Look on our
seJioolUmisc door, in great stains ami pud
dins, by both young and old men, on
preaching day.
Jit look* like they could do without it
sleep w'lV.’if In i!.'cir' no>uin''Vf/17ii ! {
have heard of women going loekcp witli
snufi' iu Uutir mouth-, aud it in unulc of the
ust les* stuff. I believe some women are n ,
bod afwr sn ufl; a* iho men arc ibr toh.tcco,
) have been to church ut Itvt a great dis
tance Horn in ro, w here they socuicd M*mc
wh»t ho , tor 1 nuticnl they sat all ihe while
during service.*, with brashes iu their
uunt-oi, and nothing else they could dig
would limit warn. 1 uni}’ mention mis t»
show Iho impropriety and Ulthiu as iu 11. v
use of 'l ob '.cco.
1 know ol nothin,: but human, that can
cat, or even Dear the socutof lobauco, ex
cept a wotm called me 40d.. wj «.t.ra,
which would iiink * the flesh of ou
casts 1, to touch ldm. b. ah c.
■ l’iir.s* r.xitu-t .v.—Our Augusta
, correspondent, “Cursive,” in a letter
to us during onr absence on Uie isite
uxeunsic n, thus writes:
! Bepoils frmp tho "Press Rxeurslon" rep
! resent the puny ,'.a 'lie Inst of spirits, and
( most excoileat pll ;hn It k to be hoped
; that no aecktrid will W *>:»r the
| pleasure of any on«, and that «h’l wl!) rc
!urn to their tripod* easily improved la
bcal'.b nnd oikc: wise Ueuniitu.*! by the trip.
1 know Col. ill t.uciiT well, aud ant sails
find dial no affuri ofbii will be prep ntiiucd
to render the Qi. gia Pm« Rseuwaou i:i
! every re-pmt us jduasant and liistnii live
aa could be deaned. It was very naughty
, of Mm, how over, (was it mUS) to tuhe along
, with Lilt: uunj that '.Teat cxceuriv A’l.lhvi,
! wWcbbrtoSS* ~_l. . , ...
large majority of his guest*. Ld us uSjic
that the bovine's aMKH'iatititt with so large
: and rrs[tcctable a laaly of iitde)>eudcut ( l)
i iournaluU w ill at least have the dfcot of
I aorrectiug hi* mal-admiuktralkm.
| Th" Sitvaunoli paper* notice
Ibe arrival iu that city of our friend
and agent, Harry J. Xovilio, in the
interest of flic Disp.vtcu, cud other
pai*cw. May his energy lie rewarded.
| !■*#- The editor of the Caraou Aj>-
. peal rwcentlv s:tw a white boy and a
little darkey hitched np together nc
borsea, :uid s China boy was bolding
tiie reins and driving them.
Latk News.—AVe are in receipt of
a copy of the Saviumab .Daily Adver
tiser of the 4th inst. —only tirtnm
days old!
R.u.s.—Our hopes for rain bare
again been disappointed. We have
not hail a good rain in marly two
“Cntnvx.”—An interesting letter
from this correspondent w ill be found
on our first page.
Ac" a case of
WndilßEiun Cerrcqiamlencc.
WasiUMtioN I>. C'., kept. 17, i sfli.
THi. V.'UTlfXu '
Rut one t hewef Os rain before to
day, have we hud in Washington for
two months. The shower this mum
iu;(, ioathig more than one hour, make*,
all earth look glad. But we ’.vurtt
more, and it is liojied that through
the Providence of God, the “t-UI ae
i Equinoctial” writ ma*- the
whole country uronnd a vish soon
and supply a much needed waft. The
citizens say that fifteen year! since u
similar drought visited this (action of
tlic country, but earlier in tlf season,
and consequently effected enflt crop*
The Comptroller of ths Currency
is about to call upon each
Boult throughout the oraoify to re
port its present condition. Tie: law
as amended at the loot session of
Congress, requires the Comptrolkr to
compel the Banks to report a* least
five times a year, awl as ihm( tuoru,
and nt aucti times, ns th© tsM|®f*>lkir
shall deem advisable.
under the ohl law, quarterly rfportu
were only required of the hnnks.
The execution of the act will hove the
effect to kcqjj? pur National Biribs in
a healthy condition.
aittAStity liEPAXXMSnj
The Acting Secretary ©f tbciTreas
nry, Air, Hichardroit,has iteca iir.l.i.-g
the clerk* rtand about since 31r. Rout
well'* absence. Cine order has fol
lowed another in quick neCfrition,
lint I think not improj»erly,to yrctent
the interests of the tiaverarti ut Ry
oue order be forbid* visiting rtf the
riK/ui* of the, clerks by there friends,
which is right enough, to prevent
Interference with the uut if a of the
employee*; by anotlnag, tc ckrks
from cnumiunicuting any ufltUc ©i>cr
ations of th« Office to oatsif era—but
thi« is simph an old order revived—
by another, and wltat. outs ranch
harder, they arc to Itc clurgeri with
all the Hum lost during Odce hour*;
arid can there be anything tiara just 7
Ton large numl«!rofi h rhs,of course,
this would not amount to anything,
as they arc always found at their
desks, but there is a large claxo, if
not the larger, who arc in the habit
of lounging aliont other roosts, going
out under varioua pretences, or no
l.n4oiuu». At „!i * TV. 1.. ftlftl "lilft,--U. *tl
tuanncT of ways, nnd uidc feel the
effect luott ''Artalnly, as will Ic seen
when you arc luforißed that $1(1,000
was saved hy it to the Government
during i.'u<t month, Insider,, dt vibUcss,
saving a* much more in nu im roused
wuou'it of work done by those who
could not nii’ord to lose time when
they lose money by the operation.
notary, os 2s» atom.a'* orrice.
Tito rccond Auditor's Office has
yet nl etit 84,< ! 0fi claims for boerfty
nuu lmck pay still ot; hand.
Ibiring August, there were filed
nearly 4000 new clafimf of tiffs char
acter, nnd there were about th;- num
l>cr settled liy the Gflico, invclriug
an amount or about $210,000. Whoio
number of all kinds of claim* t tiled,
9000, and with Ray-masters’ aeeouuta,
amounting in all so some £6,000,060.
During tiie past month, at least 250,-
000 lettfr* have been wrlitcu to
(Uaimants aud Attorneys, r.uJ the
clerical force engaged has bees about
120 Ouiy.
MmtCCLTmAL department.
The AgTiculrur.-l Ifejmrtnwnt, that
great institution iu the way of dis
tributing seeds, cuttings aud plants
to file furtuers of our country, i* just
now in a state of quiescence, having
n ''"' to ia this way.
Ihe last articles sent ot:r ny-rnr
'Office, were samples of witcal , ;h1 tvo.
The former from Tousclle, iu the
■south of France, a white variety, very
prolific, and weigli'itgover 60 {Kiiinds
to the bushel, to the amount of 110
bushels; and the latter from Bremen,
of small grain, but heavy, weighing
09 pounds to tin* bushel, amooutieg
to UK) bush-la. The Department ex
pected to receive 500 bushels of each,
but was much disappointed, aud the
supply was soon eta, atai 11-11 £rr abort
of the detuned j and it may bo inter
esting to your rentiers to know , that
now nothing more of any kind wiil
be distributed again, it is supposed,
before **oxt February.
■or.inm.Ai. la.vd offict
Commissioner Wilson, of the Gen
m-al Laud Office, is engaged in pre
paring Ids eslimatcs of appropriation
for the Fureeving service during the
fiscal year ending June Sfltb, 1869,
which are to accompany the forth
coming annual report of the ■Commis
sioner to Congress.
This report will emhrac* n detailed
account of the foil operations in the
thirteen different Surveying districts,
with the reports of the Surveyors
General, tether witj» n stot«*-
meut in ragai'd't© the dhfpaH «<’ tl«'
ipnbiio laqfrfb the aaveraJFiatES and
Territories during tlm JnsHUoal yilr.
Through drunkennear and icalocsy.
a coio.ed man, about 7 o’qlo'4, yastw
day morninp, in tiv* city, coiaiAitted
the horrible criiaa of nMirderjng hi*
wife and her mother. He. tried, bat
did not ouod'. J, iu killing hi* little
step-son, about five year* old.
Os the number of jmtents Issued
from tiie U. 8. Patont Office during
the week ending Tuesday, 14th iusu
two were granted to Georgians.
• Lira.
For the Dfirpuch.
A i’aiir Ilrnue Xcrttid.
Mn. Ilnn*)’: - It in at the i-AUmct- of,
Many citizen* inteK«ted, Uist this i.oranxt- ,
nication k written. That there vhouiJ hu :
a pour-iuniMi in lltil county, nr. one. wi.o,
k « frit ail to morality aoil rc
figion, w iff ihmbt. fiouiv may say Mich an ,
.imdtutioa »‘«tl<J *crvc to mti mirage idle
jo*. To suck w* turner, that it the i>o>»r
--f OUST, or tamm-ir pauperv. w»»<*iwt;!i*h«l.
tti*r«: would no*, be a auilbrfn* invalid or
lazy vagabond in Pul»-!ii ninety Let ne
lee bow to bey-in Vim, Ut tna Grand
Jury, at the tletol.wr term, recnsimend the
Ordinary to tour** a tax Raffiricnl to pur
<liau«* a euiuihle fvrtn—any. firm, miii v.
pros- rion*, ete., to eml #IJTO Tlim* an
now already v>m.- patipi r. in the
w Iso draw from the treasury over
half the atru unt .tqtiirrd to patohaw a I
form, i’r.y this amount, t"-ether With a 1
itnafl (» rll nu«N* a- estod, and you bare a
home lor those una’ii. towolk; inrt Coot- j
pel nil who are 1- -iforhig and lUialiug, to
laU.r on the farm in n rhsui gang. It
would not ho wuaary t<- keep* :
and psupi-rs together. The law ha* wisely
provided for tlic w ork at criminal* in chain
gang#, and it k the duty of emir** Uvdr.rr
competent ]uii*d;.-ti..n to entorre u,< l«w.
In nosrly every city in the ritatr tlieov ar
poor-how*.**; also ir **anal of UWeiwntfcs.
There are many rhildrn edio aw bron;-!it
up and ed'K-itoS In tht-e bouses, vefca are
honest, and, •,• n p>-i r*l tiling. W< ike tlw
hcait of ciiaxen*; while those livinr where
no sueh an opportunßy i* aflettSeJ. grow
up in itiknia* and i,:i:Orsni e, whi< h i* said
to he “UiC parent of malty vi<-s.” Then,
j there is a ct.v»* of p.-ople who are not at
present WeficiarSca of iho ptttpsr fi>nd
atstve dlitiled to. Thi« dars ore probaW,-
able- to wink, but, from misfirrmiie "f ilnr
actsr. arc liimwn Ujs.n tbs world penniUta,
wllb. probatdy, a hnuai V.ll of Uinoeent,
litipiess rhildri-n to follow iu tiie footpaths
of Uicir j.-.m i *i. The county it i .i-ari,
tetponsiliW for litis, from the fact of la
‘ lain;: -a tiffin its reach to remedy it llturc
! s*ry. There Is learrtty a day pn»».-« but
' you oee-lhii! latlnr i.hvet on the street, Ug
j ffing. One mcreiiont inf'irmed nte> that ho
! twi i. out of hi* store, and born hi* taM
. the present year, to litggars, ijllOit; tlioogh,
| »» every one who knows him will :.*rte,
:he dht so stein t re n.otivw. But toU is
J **>!;■ ease, while it hi iffi iy the wtiote of
> tiie other rnetclual* foliin.. <1 l.l* example.
1 .V, buuMTMi woman c..n wuil mm
la j.recr, w- retched t«»rg ir from lintr lable
1 if you it- -i*.* to ;ri»r toeharitsble purjmre*.
! you can -ufil do *u ts we hare a poor-house,
and rot W dcvilnt to d,.*mh daily, r,- at
prtvtnt. There nre many jfiMwl men and
women who would cheerfully snhortihe a
libernl emeoat to thl.s much-tv cifed ••ntjr
prlse;tmnm qr.t-ntlr,ot,ly a nr.elt tax would
j Iwitrptlted; for, a* 1 ro*. ■.-I.t'd before, t!,m
! is already it p.iuptr bind, widch is i-uj.y-t-d
jby very few, compared wlffi tin number
* ff'ttt would he raUihd tn Uic '"On fits of a
j puor-housr, and in the courr of t.v<» years
|it would ha a l oualy pey i.,„ inutltilU in.
I aud would cat off entirely the tax for th.
present pauper fund.
CffifvnGlk FTATtI FAIR.
Secrelitry 'a < tee U for.
OIVtCB fiiAi : Aaniornn ': vu trccir.rv,)
fid Aiuiheny sin.-.u, Mur on. tie., .-
erptmibor 18, IvtiS. )
The hworotArr acknowledge* tiie
rowi;it ©X some two hundred and fifty
i©|*ieri of th© Agricultural DetKitV
uicut Repotu fur I*o7, froin tbe lion.
I H. F. (iovu; ukto, a like ntimher I'ruro
the Hon. Mr. l’ritioe. Members of
KVugress foint Georgia; tweattydiv©
directiv from the Dcitarinwul
of A gricit'tui.'j two trnnrtron vomme*
from tin; Dcpartuiect if the lotciior.
tijtmi the order of Hon. H. V, M.
, Miller, iu favor of the Society: copies
I of the transaction* of the Ohio'
Agricnlttiial Society, frfitn 1 sdj to
(IWI. /rim Mr. flow; twenty-five
eo-yiee of Mineral Resources \\ cat of
Roelcy Mormtains. from Mr. S. F.
firm ; twelve erjMWs of the Report of
the .trrii likctsl Society of Mnureiebu
•wett*. for 1 -'■•(*. from Mr. Flynt, Secre
tary; the eerie* of Annual Rejvort.-
«>f the Stst' AgrieuUaral Society of
1 -vr, in.ri Vr. Shaffer, Secretary;
f■v • topics of the Congressional Globe
nnd Anpcndir, Second Sess.on Foiti
©th Corrgreas. front Mr. Gove.
Th!* office is at all time.* open to
receive on exiitldlii n or for sate ail
specimens of seeds, impl<-tiienta ami
machines, which ore immediately or
indirectly connected with progressive
ngricultnre, or with the comfort amt
ornament of cultivated hot.-,**. All
producers, manufactures nnd invert
ers ere invited to finrwnrd them to 1
this office—freight pakL
Jlr. Stevens, of Baldwin eomaty.
has deposited in this office for exam
ination. «;>ecimei!s of pi;s-s for drain- 1
age of nil sees, from 1 to 15 inches in !
diameter, also Specimens of fire brick.
Parties mry examine and leave orders.
A» it fe Intended to corneet with the
office net entiy a museum of all im
plement.', machines and new inven
ti*ii*r*. But also Rj<gi iiaet.- >f all the
ore* •ad tnijprai* Os tfr. State, tiie j
imnMutr* of Jtte Apnc#-.:rat Society
awl qphe Cownty (■Tiiimjltiirnl Sccio- 1
t*9, Hr - r< pfc stud to bptg with them |
to tiie l air, if not a specimen of every
stone or mineral in their county, at
least, otie or two of the most interest- 1
(«. i Lfotf |ftUP*fd«P ate Mtestcd
to”fur.itsh t. rood' Ij Kt-uuen of the on ■
ia which they are operating, sud n
epeHTßen of the m»da) smelted or ex
tr. ted therefrom. ’
A ten dollar premiatu will be given
to tits County Avtscufturui Society
or ir.dirbiaai wfiidt will cutitrihuto i
the most interesting collection of
Itoncs o: mincr.iffi and ihsati* to be
found ia any oue county.
A premium oS’ ten dollars will
given to any individual or County
Agricultural Society which shall tring
the greatest variety of wood front any >
otic county—lac samples to Le to j
sections, sawed vertically to the grain,
obowin;: the annular ring* or annual j
gr<.wt‘i of ench tree, and of from one ;
to four incliga in thirknes*. according I
l© the dinmetet of Whj sample—each j
sample to ham tiie liark on it; the !
object I icing to ascertain how many I
kinds of wood) growth* there ate in
the State, aud tt»<- varieties of each, j
• At the HUgge«t,toit of members and '
corivaipondents, the following add:- >
tional premiums are off-red :
For the fastest single harness—
horse trotting $79 *M* 1
For the fastest jtoir barm «*—
horsoe trotting Ml 661
(Open to the world.)
For the 1 eat horsi-curiar, for
pbiu;-h and wsgon $lO 06,
For tlr© fufficst single barm as—
lior-c o(»rn to 'the world ... 10 00
Foi tire fastest pair harness
horses—open to the world . . 20 00
AHthealiovc premiums to 1* aul
iect to Die npjwoval of the Execu-ive
Tire inittce given in the premium
list is ti.-rc repi-ttcd. tiiat all article*
icf merit, of whatever kin3. will N:
car evsmined and repotted opi'H.
I evruW not mentioned or provided
for In the regular published list.
If an individual has an article to
' exhibit which he may sup]sec to !>c
i excluded because tiws publis'ivd licit,
: confine* the premium U< Georgia
j raised or Georgia manufacturers, stiti
let him aw them enter lor a premium,
for, under the regiiLitir- s, if the most
! taeritoriouK, the article will receive a
i prcntiuUk
lna fesv day* will be pubtlahfcfl a
t Bulletin containin'! in foil, the re-tila
tious rod the order for the opening
t and rannagcnjeiit of tt«» Fair.
David W. Lew is.
Sec. Ua. State Agricultural Fair.
jC<v* A TVitshington telegram says:
“It ia a remarkable foot, an 1 one
udd. h. fliau, rp.L'rjurv !
ettifolioii In dljiiouiatlc -errcl-M, tiiat
nil the available rcstkda, nfiun and
seamen of our upty now under
anten to Kill! at a mou.cut's notice.
The popular solution of this strung©
‘ : nice is that onr government
| repurod itself for active dvivTc-tra
tion rending Cuban affairs, if the
result of tlic {veading nwgnfiiorioits
with Spain ou that subject should re
quire it."
li.vrc.r'h’t ooktcv v G-'t,p.
The Na.-ocviitu Milling Cos. found
another fitjggvt of gold a few day*
ago, which weighed over two j—nnd*
imhl a half, worth nearly SOOO in coin ;
l>eniiles this it Is said that their Month
!v vieht will amount to sj,oovfi
Ch 'ronv le mul ik Mid.
Caron Ilolh. Jffid * fortune
wu« ■ aUeicd over the world, and tiie
anion■:*. «-!' it hs* just Iwn as. i rtainc 1.
It re ache; the figure of on« thou and
seven hundred million franc*, »r three
hundred and forty million dollars.
Itzvn thk» i.ixw vno P.jsor.Bsarv
tv km.—The fieri tests ul the mrrim «f any
i>- article l»,io a.-certr.ia v. fiat is
liie.'jht ©f it nt Home where 7: it tr ir.-Ae
ture.l ftceJj a test Lippman’* Pv-mfu,
can weii a. nd, ni to-4::>- Ir 1* il< it tty t: -
Cirorile iei i- i!y for < iritis »nd lever, <fi mb
ague nmi oilier disease* of a taahrh'Qt
origin, in the eity of HaVosanh where it is i
pre pared. Tire priocijiai ot rhe
city Mould a* merit iffiuk of doing without
cn-'or oil in ihoir stores as lo be •* ilift'Ul
till* i~.j -.Ui t»nU ill ~ rre.tlj- ,oj remedy.
ii ’* a >i / '.h. if prtpariLioc tree ft in dele
tariou* dr :?a ui l sets a* a tattic asm tlic
cutirosyHtesr. thereby irtvfgnrauagihe rye
tom, so u.iicb so as to enable it to throw off
disease. Pvrafag* does not nsusentc or
sicken the patient, sod can be into n bj the
most delicate persona without fear It
should always be at hand, as chibs and
fiver upon us *■• ,teai!hiiy dial we
nro not »w are of its approach until it is
upon us. A word to tlic wise is *i:!seh?nt.
—.S. JUhrni'ny may U-'.f
77at ton's Oil si" Life cures ail aches
ami i- to*, and is the m-at remedy for
Rheumatism and Xmndcia.
kg" Rsytna’s Pitt« extr Wck Haadach
anJ ail Bilious ui*?ases.
A iiaxusoWE IwBT! njresrr —Fvcry jer- -
son nhn sends fiA 50 to the yrt-crsrt i;r
Pi-Htcn'Ton fe., at Cbarh-ston. S. CL, re
cedes tuat super). Jfagazinr for one rear,
and a er-py of either &t the Waterier Kov
els or flo work* of Chxfics fKck> -is that
may be lies' -nated. P-v -teec u-imcrr with
Premium list 07 cent*. MM 3m
\gr The xrx iswmct }*abriv*tkja Cos,
att'totr'eatoa, tiavs l.cea so sueex-wtui in 1
literary rati ryrise. that they are cisaitm.
tine hundreds of choice standard works
Osw to the purchaser? of tm? . Tamazi: •
A»k for it of Mr It T ICitchell, as*ut. at
Dr A R T«rtor’s drug stort d*-4i
I; y l;.,«Ks*. (• > Wb-ksalc Dealers in
:« V|s a i Adnnta. Gs.
«rte IHL-"-'*)- P'"*" 1 - - ■"-*
f .so _
Cell Oil /ksla Grcaao.
r,.r V. :.ct-r s, Buesies, Cotton Screws,
and otlw • ii«at> ls-.u.n»k it bu» *ooq*a!
f u r*a. at TBOSIPSON*B.
Ko Xkcafle lor Bad Bread.
HoTiW wfc TTXSf PriWCRn «T
ways • • od. I warrant satisfaction,
or in memo- refufuM t
1 ' **** R ‘ Vnc'.<pstoK*H
Oils, Gut*, Oils.
Unv-e ! ’ban ers’ Keresene, Pi tro, f.ard
iz bri -atinx nnd Sf*. rre.tor Gin* an,d other
llsthi i ,ry, . or sal? 0t
Books and Stationery.
A supply ?'-«*yi on band, anjthing
Wonted, ordered at short notice by
Turnip Seed.
To close out my 7»r*;c stock, 7 offer them
at S cents and tJ c-tits per leqair. Uo to
THiJMPri".* n DRUG sT«<KK
_ • ‘ft- .w-'SC-ra. J
y;ri ’> f v 3
- -a- - - y
**— ' —■ J .Jw
Coadition Powders
Cattle r,f.d Hegs,
A* m • fff * onfh». (\M*. ot Ass
f *f s■. t' ’.c ?• mrl, Y* ? U»w W«t«r. Furcy,
.", t ? t. :• * f *•••** *4fr»c. ss»4 A*av*a#fiM
* • i • - * • MS • I. 5 r o .. % »-.TU.k'tl $> lis
.. . 5 .w-flc * I r f fiviut a*«crsUMs»
V.. 'in.ti' L?, ridt Srcali—
Th- p-ir* has i.crc re ju< cd to unit imn-
Mil. s > as to bs wlthia the reach of all.
r«f" K nw of imiup'.ou*.
lo ad -’v h'liowffii;: J&fc,
J. A T<< -*--.r ?fr to r-~ty to
vflsr request, 1 wRI MhU- Lint ! have used
V- ■ n'a ( • n PnwtWntl>* ji*»t year
v'Mi p «<t l. snlw, nnd wonM recommend
ail to give dsciti » trial.
It K A KBKRSOR, fir.
fold MkOlseelc and writ hr
.1 A t lIOLdPSON.
flee 33 :f MannuOtari r « Agint.
” i \iT •*'*■ •9. V -cAßtisum* ItttU
are .if-cri In full ands -er.vflil nperaUon,
and umM.:.u ,ur- to or h fl'rsm EHtM*
I- . .. MDU, V|qi <
: . I . .•! i rtl-s,
i, ... . Whci Irxi Rsiiiitg,
-i.«■ r * C.-’iimn*. Wtntfow
n-. un Vohif
I, 1. ..... rwl'too. Ac. ton. to
- H... n;,. a-»! iio* and Ili*H
t‘— • -* *• :•=:■ t .
A'i : ci..‘ <'f facidr,. ry Ttepsircd.
■ and • ..ttU't •,:tr» st tb'< L*nnt of Uie
evk-isruh J
IJI-'cy Cotton Press,
Bottom' ~:irm Tcr-cr,
?cz:.' liorgoPowor.
A',' Wi .k ' .-'a-"*'’..
p.. -s I, .W i* •».. »*•• -CSt
U. : IHTk>:./ J S Ml!**.
sept c-isa
WilCfrr Sal««.
Wi!H* * id iarii.rc ike Ci urt-koust’ d»vcr
in At . v, .issie* 'he t *t;ai i•«» of
» lie. C:i the first Tts.* !*j- in October next,
tie- Ilnmsg pogfc-riy
Oi •l. tol Nnd ,u ■' ~u dial, of-iriginolly
Dooly, now WHoex < «jnc>', lei.ed cu s«
tin j.;-., .-rtvof K. 7s ',{< .ai.ioMtistyafif*
in tamr of A L . A. Losit va. aa.d lb.jrai
*c|itt J. a. if.vjiK, IK .“n'ff.
GEoEGlA—Pulaski County.
so '«■ s k W*t'e nsf«p< /er 01
emprhorTriune*.*© hy** tseolMu .part iod
vali.-fifii, <J ipts. «•* i, *nd i **»;• p#s* up
• t!.e ..ei, on i',e J i -t day > f tlctoficr.
lxfih. at iny olffic in JlswktßtviUe.
-*c|C3-:t pr fo* $2 bmiin ity.
GEORGIA—"WiIcox County-
TANARUS! eorlown and tome for let'er*
of ißstnlvsicn f *.i Mp of the per
.'.nd hix-l .-:ty U the Ca Mu Orphan* of
etolirtjci ifionn. .
These ~re. th*»«>f„rc. to ci:c and ffitnr.O
i-h tnpar !. s i. «■ «-| m t«n and ap: cor
to ray ~fllrei it * - time aflnserd hy
las . tn shosi if any thiy iiavc, why
mid icti id r»-,t tc naated.
J. W. MAJUBDRy. Ifrp. Ord'y.
• 3-S-tt and pr so- dUD
TTUP.TY deyeaiwr date apt Ucatioß will
h to fre ftert >-f Ordinary of
AVUenx coonly ft r leave to sell th* Unit
■fieffiog;i.jc to Liu. minor ; -irs of C. Mcßae
C. AtiiAF.pi ordiu.
sept iS-ft pr f< c4«>
r2*KtjßC!A—#t-; t*w PorsvTr^em'fc
* T. Ad.ams appiit "to rac fi r rxemylton
of r -', en,l for and
x alusuott Os hiSttcatret!. salt! Twill pas.* on
the sad* at It o'ciuck. a. it., na thu Dt
day of O. tobsr. at ay <«ftk* ia iU-'lLim
ritu .1 I bFAIUtUSt. Otriiim^
sept 2i pr fee Fj