The Hawkinsville dispatch. (Hawkinsville, Ga.) 1866-1889, July 05, 1877, Image 1

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VOL; XI. Professional Directory. attorneys at Law. ISAAC L. TOOLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vienna, Ga. Will practice in the bounties of Hous ton, Dooly, Pulaski, Macon, Sumter and Worth. Also in the Supreme Court of Georgia, and in the United States Circuit ittd District Courts within the State All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. lebl-tt O'. C. HORNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAWKINSVILLE, GEORGIA. . The Criminal practice, a specialty. Jan. 4, 1817. jan4-ly WOOTEN & BUSBEE, ATTORNEY £ AT LAW, VIENNA, GEORGIA. * aprlß-tf C. G. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, And Solicitor in Equity, McVILLE, --- - GEORGIA. Refers to Hon. Clifford Anderson, Capt. John C. Ruthertord and Walter B. Hill, Esq., Professors of Law, Mercer Universi ty Law School, Macon, Ga. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to my care. mar 22 6m EDWIN martin, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY, GEORGIA. Will give immediate and careful atten ton to all business' entrusted to him in Houston arid 1 adjoining cotinties. Office in Home Journal building on public square. aprl2 tf " ROLLIN A. STANLEY, attorney at law f)ifblin,-Georgia. Will practice in all the couhties of the Oconee Circuit. From long experience in the Criminal Practice, much of his time Will be specially devoted to that branch of his profession. feb24-tf JACOB WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hawkinsville, Georgia. WILL, practice in the counties of Pu laski, Dooly, Wilcox, Dodge, Tcl fkir, IrWirt aiid HopSton. Prompt alten tJoii'giYfia ter all business placed in my Hands. apr Btf* LUTHER A. HALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Eastman,- Ga. tXT ILL practice in all counties adjacent VV to tlie M. & B. railroad, the Su preme Cdtitt of the State and the Federal Corin'of tiris Southern District ot Georgia, (for parties desiring, will buy, sell or lease ray ical estate, or pay the taxes upon the same in the counties of Dodge, Laurens, Wilcox, Telfair and Appling. Office in 'he Court House. aprlotf j' H. WOODWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vienna,-Ga. TXT ILL practice in the Superior Courts in the counties of Dooly, Worth, WllCox, Pulaski and Houston, and by spiriial contract in other courts. Prompt attention given to collections. mch itf f c. RYAN. .T. B. MITCHELL. RYAN & MITCHELL, A' TT ORKNEYS AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Hawkinsville, Ga. -iXTILi practice ; n the counties com tV prising the Oconee Circuit, and in the Circuit and District Courts ot the United States for the Southern District of Georgia-. ■ feblltf J. M. DENTObf, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IjTIACTICES in the Brunswick Circuit l and elsewhere by special contract. Office at residence, Coffee couuty, Ga. P. O. address, Hazlehurst, M. & B. R. R., Georgia. fbb4tf W. IRA BROWN, Attorney at law, Vienna, Ga. ORACTICES in the Superior Courts of I. Oconee Circuit, and elsewhere in the Stale by special contract. Collections and other business promptly attended tb 3-13-ly JOHN H. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Hawkinsville, Ga. ORACTICES in the Courts of Pulaski, L Houston. Dooly, Wliocx, Irwin, Telfair, Dodge and Laurens. may-tf CHARLES C. KIBBEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hawkinsville, Ga. WILL piactice hf-'tlie Circuit and Dis trict Courts of Ihe United States tor tbc Southern District of Gcorga, and t n the Superior Courts of Houston, Dooly, Pulaski, Laurens, Wilcox,' Irwin and i Itxlge counties june 291 y JOHN F. DELACY, A* TTOR N K Y AT LAW, EASTMAN, GA. Will prarititfSih the counties of Pulaski, Dodge, Telfair, Laurens, Montgomery, Wilcox, and Irwin, of the Oconee Circuit, and Appling and Wayne, of the Bruns- Wiek'Orreuit. Prompt' attention given to all business entrusted ttebtscarc. junl7 tf DR. TANARUS; v. WALKER. DR. P. it. JOIiTtAN. DrSi Walker & Jordan, Having associated themselves in the prac tice of medicine, would respcetiully offer their professional services To the citizens of CochrWt and vicinity. Office on Second Street, next door to postofflcc, At night Dr. .fordatr can l><* ffMtidUri his room in We-tOftr of hfa office. mar 22 ly HAWKINSVILLE DISPATCH. The Fourth. The Glorious Fourth. 6ur nation’s natal clay. How are you enjoying your fourth of July ? , . lio yGu belong to' Dan’ Ice Water Club ? Our printers are returning from their Fourth of July holiday, and the Dispatch will appear in full dress next week, , A semi-annual dividend of four per cent, on the capital stock of the Hawkinsville Bank and Trust Cos. was declared on the 2d inst. See no tice in another column. This half sheet of the Dispatch is only issued to give the required number of insertions to the sales of the sheriffs aucf official notices of the ordinaries of the various counties advertising in our paper. The law requires a certain number of publica tions, and this is to complete the number. Going Back to the old Schedule. After Sunday next, Bth inst., the Macon and Brunswick Railroad will change its schedule between Hawk insville and Macon, by returning to the old schedule in force for so long a time, viz: The Hawkinsville train will run through to Macon and re turn the same day. Tito train will leave Hawkinsville at forty-five min utes after six o’clock in the morning, and return at fifteen minutes past seven o’clock in the evening. It is a very convenient schedule for any of our citizens who have business rela tions with Macon, and we doubt not will give general satisfaction to the public. Departure of Several of our Citizens fer the Springs and Cooler Climes. On Monday, the 2d inst., Judge C. M. Bozeman and his son Charley left for Porter Springs, Lumpkin county, Ga., to sojourn there for awhile in the hope of regaining health. The Judge has been suffer ing for some time with rheumatism in his arm, and hopes by a short respite from business and the aid of the pure mountain atmosphere to recover. Charleys health has not been good for several months. Mr. Henry B. Marr, James E. | Laidler and H. Clay Brown also left j on the same train. Messrs. Marr and Biown will spend the summer in Kentucky, and Mr. Laidler will stop at some of the springs in East Tennessee or Virginia. On Tuesday evening, the 3d inst., several more of our citizens left for Porter Springs. Among the party was Maj. John 11. Pate, who had been confined to his lied from a seri ous spell of illness tor several weeks past. Also Dr. A. R. Taylor, Mi'. James 0. Jelks, Jr., and Mr. Wil liam A. Ferguson. Mr. Jelks will probably favor our readers with another of his interest ing pen sketches while enjoying the beautiful scenery of North Georgia. Accident to Mr. James A.- J.* Phillips— Thrown from Iris Buggy and his Leg Broken. On Friday evening, June 29th, while returning from town to iris home beyond old Hartford, Mr. J. A. J. Phillips met with a sferious ac cident. When descending the hill near the ferry his mare became frightened and attempted to run away. Mr. Phillips was peculiarly unfortunate, having last year lost his eye sight from sore . eyes, and was unable to manage his animal prop erly. He grasped the lines in the hands of his daughter and pulled one rein so strongly as to draw the mare to one side of the road. This threw the buggy wheel into a ditch on the roadside, and threw Mr. Phil lips out, when the wheel passed over his leg, breaking both bones. The accident was additionally' severe, be cause the other leg was lame from rheumatism, and Mr. Phillips had been compelled to use his crutches for many years. Being both blind and crippled, Mr. Phillips’accident is one that is peculiarly sad. CARD OF THANKS. I take this occasion to return my thanks to the citizens of Hawkinsville, white and colored, for their generous aid and assistance in saving my stock, vehicles, etc., on the night of the recent fire. Being absent from the fire, I feel the more thankful to my friends for their timely aid in saving my properly. L. J. 11l VERS.. Hawkinsville, July 4, 1877. J. D. Choate, Agent Singer Man ufacturing Company, i prepared to offer extra- inducements to the pub lic in the way of first-class sewing machines. Orders left at Willcox, | Co’s shop, or with any of | the merchants of Hawkinsville Wilt receive prompt attention. Julys tf HAWKINSVILLE, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1877. FIRE IN HAWKINSVILLE. Destruction of Several Buildings—Ar rest of Frank Manning, Colored. On Thursday night, June 28th, about eleven o’clock a fire was dis covered in the rear of Louis J. Rivers’ livery stables, on Jackson street. The alarm was s6on given—. bells rang, etc., but the flames spread rapidly, and to those who hastened to the scene it was apparent that the fife could not be extinguished in the stables. The horses were unhaltered and driven out, and the buggies, wagons and harness drawn out as quickly as possible. The fire rapidly spread to the ad joiuing two two-story frame build rings, owned by William H. Hendley, and occupied by A. V. Raleigh as a bar and restaurant. These buildings were soon enveloped in flames, wheri the fire extended to William D. King’s jewelry and gun shop, and thence to the post office building, all of which were burned with most of their contents, except the mail mat ter. Here the conflagration was checked by the fire-proof store house of Adam McGehee. Had it not been for this building Capt. Leith’s store houses would have been destroyed, and propably other parts of the town. The stables and two two-story buildings were owned by sfr. Wm. 11. Hendley, who had an insurance of fifteen hundred dollars on the two story buildings, but none on the sta bles. Mr. Hendley’s loss was proba bly between SISOO and S2OOO. Mr. Rivers lost a small amount of forage and sundry articles to the value of three or four hundred dollars. Mr. Raleigh lost but a small amount of his stock, bar fixtures, restaurant, etc., and his billiard ta bles in the upper stories. Mr. King’s loss in buildings, tools, materials, etc., amounted to about eight hundred dollars. All the buildings on this part of the street were burned in January, 1875, and the loss falls the second time on the same parties. It was firmly believed from the first that the fire was the work of an incendiary, and Frarik Manning, colored, was arrested on suspicion. On Saturday afternoon he had a commitment trial before Justice of the Peace A. C. Pipkin. Several witnesses were examined, and the circumstantial evidence was so strong that Manning was committed to jail to await trial before next term of Pulaski Superior Court. He would have been conveyed to Houston county jail, but for the fact that he has been making some revelations in connection with the fire that make it desirable to keep him here for awhile longer. He has made dis closures that seem to implicate him in the plot to fire the town and there by relieve from the guard house Buck and Julia Fuller, whose arrest was announced in last week’s Dis- PATCH. CARD OF THANKS. I return sincere thanks to the good citizens of Hawkinsville for their efforts in my behalf on Thurs day night, 28th ult. Their kind favors during and since the fire will ever be remembered and fondly cherished. Very Respectfully, W. D. King. Hawkinsville, July 4, 1877. Box Rent Drie. All parties indebted to tlic Post- Office for box rent are respectfully requested to call at once and settle, as my quarterly payment to the Gov ernment is due to-day. This July 4, 1877. W. D. King, P. M. Closing Exercises of tlie Hawkinsville High School. The public examination of this school will take place at the school house on Wednesday, the 11th inst. On Wednesday night, at the Court house, will be a debate, reading of compositions and declamation. The question for debate is: “ls the mind of mail superior tt> that of woman.â€~ Four boys take the affirmative and four girls' the negative. There will be a conceit, declamation and calis thenics at the Court-hcuse on Thurs day night, the 12th. To all these exeicises the public are cordially in vited to attend. M. T. Hodge, Principal. Public Debate. There will be a public' debate at the Court-house on Friday night, July I3tb. Question —“Was Macbeth more guilty than lady Macbeth iu the death of Duncan.â€~ DISPUTANTS. Affirmative—P. J. liodge, Rev. G. R. McCall, Rev. A. M. Williams, Ja cob Watson. Negative—M. T. Hodge, L. C. Ryan, O. C. Horne, Dr. E. F. Way. 100,000 pounds of wool wanted at roarlO-tf. Ferguson V Co’s. New Crop Turnip Seed. We are just in receipt of new crop turnip seeds, all kinds, at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to sow rut a baga seeds. J ohn Fale & Cos. July 2, 1877. julys tf CUT THIS OUT—IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE. There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Dis ease, Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure them Dr. A. Boschee’s German Syrup has lately been intro duced in this country from Germany, and its wonderous cures astonishes every one that try it. If you doubt what we say in print, cut this out and take it to you Drugists, Jno. Fale & Cos., Ellis & Cos., Hawkins ville, and Y. 11. Morgan, Cochran, and get a sampfe bottle for 10 cents and try it, or size for 75 cents. june7ct C. T. LATHUOP, J. D. STETSON, ' President. Cashier. HAWKINSVILLE BANK & TRUST CO., Hawkinsville, Ga., July 2,1877. A semi-annual dividend of four (4) per cent, on the capital stock ot this Bank has this day been declared by the Board of Directors, payable on demand. J. D. STETSON, julyo-td Cashier. No. 1417. Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Geor gia. In the matter of Cornelius M. Bozeman, Bankrupt—ln Bankruptcy. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Baukrupt Act of March 2, 1867, notice is hereby given to ail persons interested to appear- on the 18tli day of July, 1877, at 10 o’clock, a. m. at Chambers oi said District Court before Isaac Beckett, Esq., one of the Register’s of said Court in Bankruptcy at the law of fice of Lanier A Anderson, Macon. Geor gia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted, And further notice isgiy cn that the second and third meetings of Creditors wifi he held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 2nd day ot July, 1877. james McPherson, juiyo-lt Clerk. PULASKI COUNTY Notice for Leave to Sell Land. On the first Monday in August next, ap plication will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county for leave to soli at private sale all the wild lands belonging to the estate of Needham >V. Collier, deceased, late ot said county. This July 3, 1877. L. F. COLLIER, ytdm’r. E. L. COLLIER, Adm’x. July ltd Notice for Leave to Sell Land. On the first Monday in August next, ap plication will he made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Pulaski couuty for leave to sell the real estate of John Blue, late of said comity, deceased. This July 3, 1877. NORMAN STATHAM, julyotd Administrator. Pulaski County Sheriff’s Sales. FOR AUGUST, 1877. Will be fold before the Court House door in Hawkinsville, Pulaski couuty, on the first Tuesday in August, 1877, w'ithin the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed property, to wit: The north half of lot ot land number 136, iu the 22nd dis trict of Pulaski county, and further known as the homestead premises of David Gar rott. Levied on as the property of David Garrott to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of A T Burke V3 David Garrott. The lands to be sold being 101$ acres of said lot. Property pointed out by Plain tiff’s attorney. Also at same time and place, lot of land number 232, in the 29th district of Pulas ki county. Levied on as the property ot James Cowart to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of Charles C. Kibbee, Assignee. Property pointed out by Plain lifl’s attorney. Also at same time and place, all the i ight, title and interest which James H Goodman or iiis estate has or may have iu reversion to lot of land number 283 in the 21st district of Pulaski county ; the same being tlie fee in said lot after the termi nation of the homestead estate. Levied on as tlie homestead property of James H Goodman to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of Charles C Kibbee vs said Good man. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s attorney. Also at same time and place all that tract or body of land, numbers not known but lying in ilio district of Pulaski county, and described ns bounded on the south tiy tlie lands of D G Hughes, on the east by lands of Willis Allen, on the west by lands of estate of J R Coombs, and north by lauds of estate of Mcedy Lamb, and containing seven hundred acres, more or less Levied to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of J N Liglitfoot vs J H Lamb and WII Lamb, and property described in mortgage. Written notice given to David Garrott, James Cowart, James Goodman and J H and W II Lamb. Also at same time and place the follow ing described property: All those tracts or parcels ot land situate lying and being in tlie 24th district of Pulaski county, numbers not known, but known formerly as tlie John C DeLamar place, and now known ns tlie plantation on which Wright II Lane lived at the time of his death. Sail! lauds adjoining lands of E E Philips, formerly lands of \V P Head, the Black sheat plantation, ami tlie lands belonging to Kibbee and Philips, formerly estate of Orran Clarice, and containing 500 acres. Sold aa the propi rty of W II Lane lo sat isfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of John T. Reeves ya said Wll Lane. Property de scribed in mortgage deed, Fi fa obtained in Pulaski Superior Court, May Term, 1877, upon judgment foreclosing mort gage. Notice ol levy given to Mrs. Lane, Adm'x, and lenant in possession. July 2, 1877. 11. W. TAYLOR, jnlyStd Sheriff. County. Whereas, Robert fi Marchman, admin istrator 011 (fie estate of Alice Lee, late of said eonnly, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission Iron! said trust. These are, therefore, to cilc and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September nest, to sWOrr cause, if any they Cl.ll, vby said 1-tferrf of dismission should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially this the 4th day of Juue, 18??. V T. McGRITF. Jrmo7 niiinv Ordinary. :a Libel for Divorce. W. P. Mathews vs, M. A. E. Math ews—Divorce in Pularifti Superior Court. May Term, 1877. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that tlie Defendant does not reside in Pulaski county, and it being rep resented to the Court that she lives be yond the limits of the State of Georgia. Ordered that service be perfected by pub licationjin the Hawkinsville Dispatch as the law requires, and that Defendant ap pear and answer or stand iu default. CIIAS. C. KIBBEE, Attorney for Libellant. A true extract from tlie minutes. E. A. BURCH,-Clerk S. C. may3l-m4m GEORGlA—Pulaski County. Whereas, Mrs Emma L Collier and Lawson F Collier, apply to me for letters of administration upon the estate of Need ham W Collier, late of said county, de ceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be anti appear at my office within tlie time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration should not he granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially this 4th day of June, 1877. P. T. McGRIFF, june7 30d Ordinary. GEORGlA—Pulaski County. W T hereas, James Hinson, administrator on the estate of Charles Hinson, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all persons concerned to be and ap pear at my office on or before tlie first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters of dis mission should not be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand officially this the 4th day of June, 1877. P. T. McGRIFF, june7 m3m Ordinary. WILCOX COUNTY* Wilcox County Sheriff’s Sales. FOR AUGUST, 1877. • Will be sold before tlie court house door in Abbeville, Wilcox couuty, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in August, 1877, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 53 in tlie Bth district of Wilcox county. Levied on as tlie prop erty of Mary A McLeod and D. A. Mc- Leod, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa in favor of James E Laidler, survivor of Love & Laidler. Property pointed out in fi fa, and notice given lo defendants iu posses sion May 19,1877. Also at the same time and place forty acres of lond, number not known, but known as the place whereon Stephen Bowen now lives, in the Ist District of Wilcox county. Levied on as the proper ty of Stephen Bowen to satisfy a fi ta is sued from Wilcox Superior Court, Sep tember term, 1875, in favor of John W. Coffee. Notice given to detendant in possession June 23, 1877. Also at the same time and place onc teulli undivided interest ill lots of land numbers 210, 211, 212, 213, 217, all in tire Ist district of Wilcox county. Levied on as the property of Mary Hutto, subject to homestead, to satisfy a Justice Court fi fa in favor of M D Willcox. Levy made and returned to me by Wm Statham, consta ble. Also at the same time and place lots of laud numbers 203 and 222, in the first dis trict of Wilcox county. Levied .on as tlie property of T C Mitchell to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Wil cox county at the September term, 1870, in favor of A L Tippett. Property point ed out by Jacob Watson, Esq. Defendant notified June 80, 1877. Also at the same time and plaec/lots ot laud numbers 212 and 202 in first district of Wilcox county. Levied on as the property of T C Mitchell to satisfy a fi fa from Wilcox Superior Court issued at the March term, 1877, in favor of O C Horne. Property pointed out by Jacob Watson, Esq. Defendant notified June 80,1877. WILLIS CASON, july2 td Sheriff GEORGIA—WiIcox County. Whereas, James F. and William L. Holt apply to me for letters of administra tion on the estate of James Holt, late of said county, deceased. This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to" be and appear at my office on the first Monday in August, 1877, to show cause, if any they can, why letters of ad ministration should not be granted the- ap plicants. Given under my hand officially, this the 11th day of Jane, 1877. JAMES C. LUKE, junc2l td ’Ordinary. Guardian’s Sale. By virtue of an order fioin tlie Court of Ordinary of Wilcox county, will be sold before the court house door in Vienna, county of Dooly; within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in August next, one-eighth undivided intercstin lot of land number 210, in tlie sixth district of Dooly county. Sold as tin; properly of Lena Hoggsett, minor of W. W. lloggsolt, de ceased. This June 14, 1877. G. A. CONNER, june2l td Guardian. IRWIN COUNTY. Irwin County Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Ait fust next, before the Court House door in rwinville, Irwin county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: 245 acres of lot of laud No. 80, in the 4th district of Irwin county. Levied on as the property of Eldridgeâ€~ Mixon, to satisfy one 11 fa issued from the Justice Court of the 432nd District, G. M., in fa vor of John B. Dorminey vs. Eldridge Mixon. Levied on and returned to me by Jesse Hesters, Constable. Thi3 June 15, 1877. DANIEL A. McINNIS, june2l-td Sheriff. Notice! GEORGIA—Irwin County. Mary V. Shafer, vs. Lawrence Shafer. Divorce—lrwin Superior Court, March Term, 1877. It appearing to tlie Court that the De fendant resides out ol the State, it is or deled Ilia' he bo and appear at the next term of this Court and answer tlie above stated Libel for Divorce or in delaiilftbe Court will proceed ns to justice shall ap pertain, and it is ordered that this process be published in the Hawkinsville Dis patch in accordance with die Statute. March SOU), 1877. L. E. LABTINGER. Plaintiff’s Attorney. A. C. PATE, J. 8. C. O. C. A true extract from the minutes of Ir win Superior Court, March 31st, 1877. R. W. CLEMENTS, aprlff m4m Clerk. A fresh lot of beautiful picture frames and molding*? just roccAKA at F. 11. &C. C. Bozeman’s. Aftf ,4ize and style ol frame made to <infer. lUiie2U-tfi- DOOLY COUNTY. GEORGIA —DooIY County. Whereas, Wm B Cone, administrator of Bright B Herring, hue of Dooly county, deceased, appliesJer letters of dismission lrom said aidvoinisliation. These are, then-forty to cite and admonish all per sons interested to bo and appear at the Court of'Ordinary to be held in and for said coqnfy on the first Monday in Sep tember riyxj, to show cause, if any they can, why.sard application should not be granted ajiji Said letters issue. Given riiitier my hand officially this 4th day of (fane, 1877. ' \ J. It. HOLMES, june7 td Ordinary, vti _ GEORGIA— DooIy County. Whereas, John E Lilly, guardian of -Anna G and Missouri I Hightower, ap plies lo me to be discharged from his said trust. This is to notify all parties inter ested to he and appear at my office on the first Monday in August, 1877, and show cause, if any they can, why the said John E Lilly should not be discharged from ids said trust, Given under my hand officially this June 4th, 1877. J. R. IJOLMES, june7 td Ordinary. GEORGIA— DooIy County. Whereas, Richard Lindsay, administra tor of J J Lindsay, represents to the court in his petition duly filed that lie has fully administered said eslate. This is, there fore, to cite all persons concerned, (kin dred and creditors) to he and appear at my office on the first Monday in Septem ber next, then and there, to show cause, if any they have, why said administrator should not be dismissed from bis said trust and letters of dismission granted to him. Given under my hand officially this June 4th, 1877. J. R. HOLMES, junc7 td Ordinary. GEORGIA— DooIy County. Whereas, John H Pate and J J Jelks, administrators ot Thomas IT Gordon, de ceased, represents to the court in their petition duly filed that they have hilly administered said estate. This is, there fore, to cite all persons concerned to be and appear on the first Monday in Sep tember next, then and there,â€~ to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis trators should not be dismissed from their said trust and letters of dismission issue to them. Given under my hand officially this June 4th, 1877. J. R. HOLMES, id Ordinary. GEORGIA— DooIy County. Whereas, Wm B Cone, administrator of Wm Herring, late of Dooly county, de ceased, applies for letters of dismission from said administration. These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested lo he and appear at tlie Court of Ordinary to be held iu and for said county on the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not issue in terms of the law. Given under mi hand officially this June 4th, 1877. ' J. R. HOLMES, june7 td Ordinary. GEORGIA —DooIy County. Whereas, J E Adkins, administrator dc bonis non of A II Piatt, applies to me that letters of administration on tlie estate of Charles Powell, late of said county, de ceased, should issue to tlie Clerk of tlie Superior Court of said county, or some other competent person. These are, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be bold in and for said county on the first Monday in August next, ito show cause, if any they can, why said letters of admin istration should not he granted as prayed for. Given under my hand officially this 29th day of May, 1877. J. H. HOLMES, june7 td Ordinary. GEORGIA —DooIy County. Whereas, .Jesse B Willis and L M War field apply to me that letters of admin istration on the estate ot Richard Griggs, late of Dooly county, deceased, should is sue to tlie Clerk of tlie Superior Court of said county, or some other competent per son. These are, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned to he and appear at tlie Court ot Ordinary to he held in and for said county on tlie first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters of admmistrglion should not be granted as prayed ior. Given under my hand officially this 29th day of May, 1877. J. R. HOLMES, june7 td Ordinary. Notice! GEORGIA —Dooly County. Wm. 11. Davies, AJm’r oi William By non, deceased, vs. tilt Heirs at Law of William Syson, deceased. Petition to the Court of Ordinary Sir ci tation to the Heirs at Law of said de ceased for settlement. • Whereas, it is represented to tlie Court by tlie petition of Wm. 11. Davies, Ailiu’r of William Synon, deceased, that the Heirs at Law of said estate are not, resi dents of the State of Georgia, and are not fully known to him in person or by names and that he is desirous of settling with them as soon as practicable by law. It is ordered that they be served with a copy ol tlie above citation for a settlement by the publication of this rule in tlie Hawkins ville Dispatch, a newspaper published in the town ot Hawkinsville, in the county of Pulaski, once a month for lot r mon'hs be fore the Augii3t Term of the Court ot Or dinary of Dooly county, and that tlie Clerk of said Court pUre this order upon tlie minutes of the Court of Ordinary of said county. In Dooly Court of Ordinary, Vienna, Ga., April 2, 1877. J. It. HOLMES, Ordinary D. C. A true extract from Hie minutes of Doo ly Court of Ordinary, April 2, 1877. J. it. HOLMES, Ex Officio Clk C. O. oprl2 m4in ifOVSS, Tinware, Hardware • —AND— Housefunlishing Goodis! O 1 lake Hi is method ot informing the cit izens of Pulaski and surrounding counties that 1 have occujml my new aland on Commerce street, opposite Jno. Kale & Co’s drug store, surd am prepared lo sell first class COOK STOVES At Macon priced Mf stock of tinware, hardware and hmiseumi telling goods is ample and complete. All kinds of tinware repaired at short nntJfce and upon reason able terms. Call on me it ychi want clicafi slovetMml tinware. Terms sJHrtiy cash. „ C. E. ORANGEY. 17, I fft7. ‘ rtWl‘lo tf.* MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Montgomery Sheriff’s Sale. Will ho sold before tlie Court house door hi the town of Mount Vernon, Mont gomery county. Ga., on the first Tuesday in August next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One tract of land eontaiuing three hun dred acres, more or less, lying and being in tlie 51st District, G. M , of said couuty, and hounded by lands of N A Adams, Joseph Palmer arid others. Levied on as the property of Asa Adams to Satisfy one Justice Court ft fa in favor of I. L. Falk & Cos. against said Asa Adams and N. A. Adams. Levy made and returned to me tiy George W. Mclntyre, constable. June 5,1877. W. 11. DUNN. june2B td Sheriff. Leading School of the South! Dr. IV,'E. Ward’s Seminary for Young Ladies, Nashville, Tenn. Forty-six grad uates stood on the stage this June- Ad vantages many and all first-class. Dress simple and expenses moderate. .Average grade ol this Senior class 947. French spoken daily. Caliithenic drill daily. Care ful matronage and hygiene. Fine clmrchcs iu the city. For new catalogue address the principal. june2B-lm Notice to Debtors and Cred itors- All persons indebted to the estate o John Blue, deceased, late of Pulaski coun ty, are notified to settle up, and all per sons having demands against, said John Blue, deceased, will present their demands in terms of the iaw to me lor payment. This June 16,1877. NORMAN STATHAM, june2l 6w Administrator. pi A MfjO 7s-octave, fine rosewood (not used over six months,) only $l3O ; cost $650. New Pianos at whole sale. Great Bargains. ORUANR Nearly new, S2O; 2 stops, $45 ; 5 stops, SSO ; 6 stops, $55 to $75. Rare opportunities. Now organs at wholesale. Beware imitations. Best offer ever made, read. Sent on sto 15 days’ test trial. Money refunded and freight paid both ways if unsatisfactory. Est. 1856. Agents wanted. Discounts to Teachers, Ministers, &c. Address DANI EL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jcr sey. db O a week in your own town. Terms qp O U and $5 outfit free. 11. Hallett A Cos., Portland, Maine. To Rational Invalids,—ln sickness eve ry portion ot tlie body sympathizes with the seat of tlie disorder. W Hen tlie stom ach tails to perform its functions, the liv er, bowels, nerves, muscles, veins, arte ries, Ac., are all more or less affected. These delinquents require a medicine, combining the properties of a stomachic, an alterative, a purgative, a tonic, and se dative to bring “them back to their duty ; and all these elements, in their purest and most effective forms, are united in Tarrant’s Effervescent Seltzer Apiiricnt, the great Saline Remedy for Indigestion, and its concomitant consequences. Sold by all druggists. jtrr . a Week lo Agents. JKQQ ty Trj / / $lO Outfit free. P. v * * O. VICKERY, Au gusta, Maine. sl2 a clay at home, rigents wanted. Outfit and terms Iree. TRUE A CO., Au gusta, Maine. Drunkard Stop! C. C. BEERS, VI. ])., (formerly of Bos ton) lias a harmless cure for INTEMPER ANCE, which can he given without tlie knowledge of the patient. Also one for tlie OPIUM HABIT Permanent cures guaranteed in both. Send stamp for evidence. Ask druggists for it. Address BEERS A CO., Birmingham, Conn. 2- Extra Fine Mixed Cards, witli name 10 cents, post-paid. L. Jones A Cos. Nassau, N. Y. rs da y at llonK: - WW £ 7T> 1 Samples worth $5 w free. Stinson A Cos., Portland, Maine. June 21 td BROWN HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA Kates $2 per Day ! The Largest, Rest Ar ranged, and Most Thoroughly Fur nished Hotel iu the South. Directly opposite tlie Depot, and Conven ient to all portions of the City. The Proprietors, thanking tlie Public for patronage during the past twenty years, respectfully solicit a continuance of ilie same. No charge for transfer of Baggage to and from tlie Depot. Barber Saloon, Bathing Rooms and ail modern improvements. Relerences—Our patrons throughout every State in the Union. E. E. BROWN A SON. junc2B-tf Have Music in the House hold. The undersigned have formed a copart nership for the purpose of repairing all kinds of instruments, and Pianos especial ly. Wc have supplied ourselves witli all kinds of materials Jfor trimming pianos, and putting them in as thorough repair as the same conJd'be done at tlie manufac tories. We solicit patronage from tlie cit izens of Hawkinsville and tlie surround ing counties We guarantee our work, and would be glad to bavc those who have pianos needing repairs to give us their patronage. A. JACOBY. CIIAS. H. KING. Hawkinsville, April 14, 1877. nprlll 4t. The Kennesw Gazelle, A MONTHLY PAPKK, PUIMJSHKO AT ATLANTA, GA. Devoted to Railroad interests, Litera ture, Wit and Humor. Fifty cents per year. CHKOMO ft) cverjß iibperitier 1 . ‘ Address KENNBSA W GAZETTE, K.'trH Atlanta. oa. NO. 27. WOOL CARDING f Cedar Creek Wool Card—Season 1877. Pulaski. Dooly, Wilcox, i!in, Telfair, Montgomery, Laurens and Uodge counties arc respectfully informed tlmt I have again taken charge of the Ce dar Creek Wool Card, (Fountain’s mills, 5 miles south of Hawkiusville,) and wall run the same for the season of 1877. I want the patronage of all ipy old customers, and I pledge them good rolls, full weight and satisfaction in every particular, i rices the sftiuc as last year, as follows: Plain wool. 10. cents per lb. Mixed wool 15 cents per lb. Parlies shipping wool on the railroad, arc requested to write their names and stations plainly on the sack. Bo very par ticular in this respect, to avoid all trouble, bend me your wool, and get your rolls in tune. W. L. FOSTER, Cedar Creek Wool Card. mayßl-tf L. J. <#ILMARTIN. | J. E. GAUDRY, Late cashier South ern Bank State of Georgia. L. J. GUILMARTIN & C 0 5 * COTTON FACTORS' —AND— Coinmission Merchants, Kelly’s Block, Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Bagging and Iron Ties for. sale at low est market rates. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to us. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. - june!4-6m JOHN FLANNEKY, JOHN L. JOHNSON. Managing partner late firm L. J. Guilmartm & Cos., 1805 to 1877. JOHN FLANNERY & CO, t OTTON FACTORS —AND— Commission Merchants, No. it, Keljy’s Block, Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Agents for Jewell’s Mills Yarns and Do mestics, etc., etc. Bagging and Iron Tics for sale at lowest market rates. Prompt attention giverl to all business entrusted to us. Liberal casli advances made on consignments. Our Mr. Fi.atweuy having purchased tl.o entire assets and assumed the liabili ties ot the late firm of L. J. Guilmautin & Cos„ we will attend to all outstanding business of that firm. juuel-l-Cm Baker’s Bread, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. o This is to inform my customers and the public generally that I am still able to supply all demands lor fresh broad, cakes, pies, etc., upon short notice and at low prices. X also have on hand a full line of Confectioneries, etc., which I will sell at prices to suit the times. Remember that I have fresh: bread eve ry day at 4 o’clock p. m. , FRANK IIERZOG, feblO-ct Hawkinsvillc, Ga. £ Clark Johnson's nSTDIAU Blood Syr i) SURE CURF for Liver Disease, Dys pasia Nervous Debility, Heart Disease, Scrofula, Kinney Jiisease, Rheumatism, Chills and Fever, Dropsy, i.Ve. Keep tlio tountainsof blood pure and there will be, no difficulty with any organ or part of the body. Dad blood makes those diseases. Cleanse the blood and the disease will dis appear. Thousands have already been re lieved with the Indian Blood Syrup. Call and get a bottle and try it. No cure, n< ay. For sate by JOHN HENRY & SON, Sole Agents for Pulaski cofmty. may4-tf Harness, Saddles, BRIDLES, ETC The harness manufacturing business' formerly conducted bv J. F. Humphrey, Agent, in rear of A. R. & R. J. Taylors store, has been moved to H. 8. Taylor’s old stand, opposite M. D. Wilfcox’s store, where will be found a complete slock of home-made afcd Northern manu factured harness, saddles, bridles, etc., which will he sold as low as they can bo bought at any market in the State. Mr. Humphrey will he found in the shop ready to serve customers with anything in our line. Repairing neatly and promptly execu ted and satisfaction guaranteed J. B. NEWMAN. mayl7-3m The Convention! Now that it is certain a Convention will’ he held, we take pleasure in announcing that the proceedings oi lliat body will be reported for Tire Constitution by a mem ber of our editorial staff, who is acknowl edged one of Ihe most accomplished short hand writers in the eonflliy. Considera ble interest will attach to these proceed ings. and those who desire to read or pro se, vo a verbatim history of the labors of the Convention will do well to send in' their subscriptions at once. One I>ol-' lar will get the Weekly Constitution till January 1,1878, or Five Dollars the Daily Conatltntlon the same length of time, postage free. Address CONSTITUTION, june2l-lf Atlanta, Ga. GEORGIA —WiIcox County This is to give notice that no levies Ag sale of property iu Wilcox county will be advertised until the printer's ffre is paid. WILLIS CASON, mar 23 If Sheriff W. V