Weekly Gwinnett herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1871-1885, January 03, 1872, Image 4

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FAItM VXl> HOUSEHOLD. From tho Souihi 1 n Faun and Home. Skippers in Bacon. Mr. Km roil - The season is ap pro aching when we will kill o n lings and save our meat. They may not lie ms numerous as in ohl limes when "1 lie disturbed neat ol vipers’’ dwaifcl our energies, Ir.t when we con'd cor tniiilv have fuller smoke-houses than in 'lie present halcyon flats which Mr. Ben. Hill hails so admiringly; hut that is all the stmiger tea-on win we slioul I take pains to sure the lit le Imeon wa have left. L«*t me eontrilmte to this good result b\ bv living von my experience as to how to protect bacon against the ralages of skippers. I have read numberless receipts on this suhjest in the agricultural juirnals and in aim macs, prescribing r.-d pepper, costly spices, tobacco, pennyroyal, etc., <fco., blit 1 have novel found a single instance where the nre criptions were efficacious. Many a fine hint) and side of good bacon have been destroyed utterly by vora cions and penetrating skippers, not withstanding a most liberal applica tion of red pepper, “sugar and spice and all that was ni> e.” 1 haveiuvaii nlily saved my bacon bv a much sim pier and .ess expensive process. I smoked my meat every dav with tin smoke of good hickory wood, until it was sufficiently smoked. I then packed it away immediately ir bog - heads or barrels, taking care that they hil l no clacks ol - hides in them sufficiently large to permit the. en trance ol the Hy which produces the skipper, 'these barrels or hogshead need not be air-tight. Hams put up in good sound hags immediately after the smoking process is completed, can he kept with equal certainty. I have tried this method and know it to lie good. F'lkar Kiu. Barbour Co,, Ala., Nov. 10, 1871. Spring and Fai.i, Planting ok Trees, — f l'lie Hardener's Monthly carefully discusses this <| nest ion, tak ing as h text, Findley's opinion lint tin? fall is tin: host lime to plant tr es, hecause. as I lie i roe’s loots glow all winter, the transplanted tree will have restored its injured roots’ and be in a better condition than if i: had to restore its roots and put out leaves at thermae tin c. Mi. Meehan says, in hi-, monthly, that it is true th*t-t .riieir way aid of their internal rapid e\h from the bark He thinks this point —the large evaporation front the stems of trees in winter, in our dr> e.limeute, was ik appreciated by l.indley. Were it not for the moist ure absorbed by the roots in winter, be thinks some of our hardiest trees would .lie in a few days. The most of the moisture is taken up by the the young growing rootlets, which are most apt to bo destroyed in trails planting—and this he conn s one of the greatest troubles in fall planting. He tecoinmeiifls planting very early, so as to t>i\e time for these rootlets to grow, lie does not think it important to wait for the fall of the leaves, thinking man may as well strip them off in the dav, as the frost in the night. Cutting back immature wood, from which evapora lion is greatest, is also recomended. Flour Pudding —Wet a teacup full of Hour with cold milk, and stir it slowly, and by degrees into a ipiart that is boiling; let it boil up until the dour and milk swells. Stir in six well beaten eggs, (leaving oat the white*) and sugar according D> taste while it is hot, and hake it half an hour. When it is cold, beat up the whites of the eggs with three table spoonfuls of white sugar, spread over tlm top of the pudding and lor a tew Jig* ■k fcs! ' w ,] lei* jp ; lie . _- -m. I hv J. Wai.hkS, Pnrj'rtoor. R. H. McfX’«*!•» A Co., Ifrngg.i* * Gan. Agent*, Sun Kr*nt;Ueo,Ci»l ,nm<l 34 CdWiWfl St., N.f MILli IO.YM Ilrrtr Tr»f iiuony to their Wonderful €' urn live KflTrcl** Vinegar Hit tern are not a vile Fancy Drink, Made of Poor Hum, Wkinkvy, Proof Spirit* nnil If rhino Liquor** doc tored, * picul and sweetened to please the taste, filial “ Tonics,'* “ Appetizers." *' Restorer*," dttv, that lend the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but arc a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herb* of ('nlifnryiia, free front nil Alcoholic Stimulant*. They are the GREAT BLOOD Pl’ 111 MBit mu«l A LIPK GIVING PIC I NCI PLK* a perfect Renovator and I .viyorator of the System, earry ing off .11 poisonous mat tor an 1 restoring tho blood to a healthy condition. No person can tako tlie-e IMttort according to directions and remain long unwt 11. provided their Ikiii. i are not destroyed l y in in? tv. I poison or other irw.su*, and tlio vital organ* w ilted li yond the point of repair. They nre «t (•culte I*ii rgruti v« it* well n*u Toiiii’t pOMi Minr, also, tho peculiar Merit < f acting as a powerful a ent in relieving Oongws lion or Inff itinnatiou of the Liver, and of all the Visei rsl Organs. I Olt I r.H A I.F. COM PLAINTS, whether in young «»r old, innrriwl or sirirrl**, a* the dawn ©f womaulioo 1 or at the kirn of lif*-, these Tonic R't t ws ha7e no equal. For I nflii ninF&tory nnd Clti'oiilff Kltrn vtinli*ni it lid Gout, Dv*iM*p*iu or la iligc*i ion, ItilloiiM, lleminent suit Intermittent Fi'vrrN, llisrasrs of the ID nod. Liver, Kidney* mid Bladder, these Hit ti*r* h .vd been most successful. Such OiM-iiM's are c:ius d hy Vitiated Blood, whii'h is generally produced by duraugemoot of the IMirrstlu* OrgMii*. DYSPEPSIA Olt INDIGESTION, liraduelir. I*miii in the Hnmlde s, Coiiglts, Tight neas of the Cho-t. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tlie Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks. l’.il;>iratioti of the Heart, lufiammati* r. of the Lungs, Pain in tlier giotisnf tlie Kidneys, and n hundred oth* r painful symptoms are the off spring* of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach nnd stimulate the torpid Liver nnd Bowels, which render them of nnequ lied efficacy in cleansing the blood ofall im purities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Erupt ions. Tetter Malt lihcuni. Blotches. Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-Worm*, SciCd Head, So* e Eves. lvysijKdas. Itch. Scurfs. Dm* ol oration soft he Bain. Huniorsand liis'asesof the Skin, of what ever name or nature, are literally dug up and car ried out of thesysic .1 in a -hort time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will con vince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins: cleanse it when it is foul.and your feeling* will r.ell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the s> stein will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, urking in the sxstem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed altd removed. SOLD BY ALL DftUOGtRTS AND DEALERS. J. WALKED, Proprietor. It. H MCDONALD A CO., Druggists and lien. Agents. San Francisco, Cal., and 31 Commerce Street. New York. A . <t- I!. Air-Line It. It. 1 injiiul after Thursday, July 6, trains will ruhsfe»"i this rond duilj, us follows, Sundays excepted: Down Passenger aiul Freight. arrive i.eavk Gainesville 6:00 am Flowe y Brunch 6:41 a m 6:43 a m Buford (breakfast).... 7:06 a m 7:2!) a m Duluth.". 8:10 am 8:15 am N'orcross 8:34 A m 8:39 am Goodwin's, 9:13 a m 9:15 a m Atlanta 10:00 a m Up Passenger and Freight. arrive leave Atlanta 3:00 pm Goodwin’s 3:45 p m 3:47 p m Norcross 4:21 p m 4:26 p m Duluth 4:45 pm 4:50 pm Buford (supper) s:3lpm 5:54 pm Flowery branch 6:17 PM 6:19 pm Gainesville 7:00 p m B. V. SAGK, Kng. and Snpt. EUMELAN GRAPE VINES, The Bast Wine and Table Grasse 0/ America ! The subscriber is prepared to furnish a limited supply of this 11 w and very supe rior Grape at $1 60 each ; sl6 per dozen, $125 per 100. It is earlier and more productive than the Hartford ; hardier and more vigorous than the Concord, equal in quality to the Delaware Superior, aa a lied Wine Grape, to the Norton. Com petent judges, in every section, have pro nounced it the best Black Grape and the best Bed Wine Grape of America. Send stamp for a circular. TURKIC SUPERIOR OOUTHKRN SEEDLING STRAW- D BERRIES, SuUTIIKRN ExOKI.«IOR, UeNPKAL BEAUREGARD. and Stonewall Jackson. These varieties are vigorous and hardy, very large, immensely productive, firm, sweet and su|K‘i ior flavor. They ure, be y nd doubt, the best market and garden si raw berries before the public. Sent by mail at S t per dozen, or one d"isen of each for $lO. hkx-uv 4. pities Eh melon Vineyard and Nursery, Central Plains, Fluvanna Co., Va. mar 29-ly THE ATLANTA SUN. The Atlanta l>aily and Weekly Sun, besides being one of the spiciest and “ newsiestjournals in the State, is also the CIIKAPFST. The Daily Sun, which is published every day except Sunday, is $7 per annum, and the Weekly $2 per annum. For clubs of ten or more subscribers, L either edition, a copy will be sent fire L the org tuiz-r. mar 15—ts WT lt.H.'S WANTED. fc®v.;|| pay a i.iiif.hai. 1-kick for C, thin ami Linen /iays-. ML ]{. K. STRICKLAND. |S"' ' July 2CI. 3m Immense Importation or FANCY A It T ICLE S. CHUIMTMAS & HOLIDAY PRESENTS BY Mcßride & co. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. NEW ARRIVALS EVERY WEEK Cutleu y , Crocker y, glass and fancy goods, To Merchants at regular 1 mporters 9 Prices. <lee 13 Me BRIDE & CO., FOUNDED IN 1832. Ctl VRTERKD IVY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1.A., Is removed to Nos. 164. and 166 Canal Street, opposite Christ Church, and on the same square as the Law and Medical College*, the University of Fa., and the Mechanics’ Institute—the Head* quarters of the Mechanical and Agricul tural Fair Association—thus concentru ting the leading Educational Institutions of the Stale on the same square. It is the oldest, and most efficient and successful Commercial College in the United States. There is a full faculty—and a special Professor for each study, so as to save the time and money of students. Students begin at anytime. There is no vacation. Hka i.th. —The city is perfectly healthy. When Clubs of three or more enter i t the same time from the same place, ten per.cent deduction will be made. Board and Lodging §25 per Month. Any graduate can at once take charge of any set of hooks. An education that enables the student to earn SI,OOO, §2,000. 53,000 a Year, is the best fortune parents can give their sons. The South must now educate all its sons practically. Those who still send their children to the North for education voluntarily pay their money to enslave the white people of the South. TERMS —PAYAIII.E IN ADVANCE. Penmanship—lessons not limited, perfect course §25 00 Book keeping—double and single entry, etc., a perfect course... 50 00 Arithemetic—including all com mercial calculations 50 00 Lectures on Commercial Law... 20 00 Stationery, Book kipping, Blank books, ic 10 00 Do. Penmanship 2 50 Ornamental penmanship 5 00 The above constitutes the. Commercial Course. Usual time for the Commercial Course 3 to 4 months. English Grammatical course 50 00 English, French. Spanish, Ger man—full course, to learn to read, write and speak the lang uage correctly, not limited... .100 00 Latin, Greek— full course 100 00 Algebra, Surveying, etc 50 00 Geometry—full course, not limited. 50 00 I Teacher’s course in Penmanship. .100 00 Ornamental Pentn’ns’p and Flour- i.vhing 25 00 i Agric'h i Chemistry—full course. 100 00 Life Ticket in all the Departm’U.soo 00 | Perpetual and Transferable Schol arship 1000 00 A studene having paid for a course in | any branch, as above, is entitled to a Life I Ticket in that Department. He can J attend such branches as he may desire. | Persons from 12 to 60 years old attend. A£js“All the Graduates for the past 38 ; years are now in good business so far as known. Teachers —We will qualify ten protes sional Teachers of Penmanship and Book keeping this season. Caution —Beware of Railroad and Hotel Runners and Drummers, and apply at once at the College. Put your money in the hanns of vour merchant, or witn the President of tlie College. For catalogues, etc., apply at this office or address, RUFUS DOI.BEAIt, june 28-910* President ! SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR THE ERECTION OF A MONUMENT TO TIIK Confederate Dead of Georgia, , and thoxe Soldierx from other Coifed • crate State« who were killed or died in thix State. the .monument to cost $50,000. The Corner Stone it is proposed shall he laid on the 12th of October, or so soon thereafter as the receipts will permit. For every Five Dollars subscribed, there will be given a certificate of Life Membership to the Monumental Associa tion. This certificate will entitle the ow ner thereof to an equal interest in the fol lowing property, to lie distributed as soon as requisite number of shares arc sold, to wit: First. Nine Hundred and One Acres of Land in Lincoln county, Georgia, on which are the well known Mugruder Gold and Copper Mines, valued at $150,000 And toSeventeen Hundred and Forty- Four Shares in One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United States Currency ; to wit: I share of SIO,OOO SIO,OOO 1 - 5.000 5,000 2 “ 2,500 5.000 10 “ 2,000 20.000 10 “ 1,000 10,000 20 “ 500 10,000 too •• 100 10,000 200 “ 50 10,000 400 •• 25 10,000 1000 “ 10 10,000 8100,000 The value of the separate interest to whieh the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be determined by tlie Commissioners, who will announce to the public the manner, the time and place of distribution. The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will either by a committee from their own body, or by Special Trustees, appointed by them selves, receive and take proper charge of the money lor the Monument, as well as the Ileal Estate and the U. S. Curren cy off'red as inducements for subscription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription thereon, the site therctor, select an orator for the occasion, and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when the Corner Stone is laid, to-wit: Generals L McLaws. A 11 Wright, M A Stovall, W M Gardner. Goode Bryan, Colonels G Snead, Win l* Craw ford, Majors Jos B Camming. George T .Jackson, Joseph Ganahl, 1 1* Girardey, Hon. II II May, Adam Johnstone, Jona than M Miller, W II Goodrich, J I) Butt, | Henry M <K>re, Hr. Win K Bearing. The agents in the respective counties ; will retain the money received for the sale j of Tickets until the subscription Books are closed. In order that the several amounts may be returned to the Share holders, in ease the number of subscrip tions will not warrant any further proce dure, the agents will report to this office, weekly, result of their sales. When a sufficient number of the shares are sold, the agents will receive notice. They will then forward to this offfee the amounts received. I. <fc A. 11. McI.AWS, Gen. Ag’ts, No. 3 Old I*. O. Range. Mclntosh st., may 31-5 m Augusta. Ga. UK. O. S. PIiOPIHTT’S CELE BRATED LIVER MEDICINE! A UTS with gentleness and thoroughness upon the Liver and General Ci dila tion—keeps the Bowels in natural motion and cleanses the system from all impuri ties. Never fails to cure Liver Dis ease in any form, torpidity, enlargemeo 4 , dyspepsia, indigestion, loss of appetite nausea, sour stomach, heartburn, debility, low spirits, cold feet and hands, costive ncss. iistkstnesg, colic, chronic diarrhea, and chronic dulls and fever. Compounded in strict accordance with skilful chemistry and scientific phar macy, this purely vegetable compound has, after the severest test of 20 years’ incessant use, been styled the Great Res torative and Recujierant by the enlight ened testimony of thousands using it; so harmoniously adjusted that it keeps the liver in healthful action; and when the directions are observed the process of wuste and replenishment in the human system continues uninterruptedly to a ripe old age, and man, like the patriarchs of old, drops into the grave, full of years, without a struggle, whenever death claims his prerogative. Adapted to the most delicate temperament and robust consti tution, it can be given with equal safety and certainty of success to the young child, invalid lady or strong man. DR. O. S. PROPHPIT'S ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT. NEVER KAII.INO! Kills Pain in Every Form . Cures Pains in the Back, Chest, Hips or Limbs, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Coughs, Colds, Bronchial Affections, I Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint ; Colic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, I Pleurisy, Asthma, Heart Burn, Tooth ache, Jawache, Earache, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Contusions, Sores, I.a cerated Wounds, Scalds, Burns, Chil- I tin ins, Frost Bites, Poisons of all kinds, vegetable or animal. 4taJ“ Of all the Remedies ever discovered for the relief of the suffering humanity, this is the best Pain Medicator known to Medical Sci ence. The cure is speedy and permanent in the most inveterate diseases. This is no humbug, but a grand medical discov ery. A Pais Kii.i.kr containing no poi son to inflame, paralize or drive the in flammation upon an internal organ. Its efficacy is truly wonderful— Relief is Instantaneous. It is destined to banish pains and aches, wounds and bruises, from the face of the earth. L. 11. BRADFIKLD, may 31-ly Proprietor, Atlanta. For sale by Spence «fc Gordon, at Lawrenceville, Gu. CHARLESTON - HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. e. h. Jackson. may 24-lypd R. R. R. RADWAY’S ready relief Cures the Worst Pains In from One to Twenty Minutex! NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any Soffer with Pain. It was the first and is the Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays inflammation, and cures congestions, whether of the lungs, stomach, bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application. In from one to twenty minntes, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheu matic bed-ridden, infirm, crippled, nervous neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer. Rad* way' x Ready Relief WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the bladder Inflammation ol the bowels. Congestion of the lungs, Sore Throat, difficult breathing, Palpatation of the heart, Hysterics, croup, diptherin, Catarrh, influenza, Head ache, tooth ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold chills, ague chills. The application ol the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists, will afford ease and com fort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will, in a few minutes, cure cramps, spasms, sour stomach, heartburn, sick headache, diarrhea, dysentery, colic, wind in the bowels, and all internal pains. Travellers should always carry a bottle of Rad way’s Ready relief with ihem. A few drops in water will pievent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Fever and Atjne. Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other malarious, bilious, scarlet, typhoid, yellow, and other fevers, (aided by Radway’s Pills,) so quick as Radway’s Ready Relief. Fifty cents per bottle. Health! Beauty! Strong and Pure Rich Blood—ln crease of flesh and weight—Clear Skin and Beautiful Com jdexion Secured to all. DR. RADWAY’S SaRSAI* ARILI.TAN RESOLVENT Has made the Most Astonishing Cures—so quick, so rapid are the changes which the body under goes, under the influence of this tralg wonderful Medi cine, That Every Day an Increase in Weight and Flesh is seen and frit. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER! Kidney and Bladder Complaints Urinary and womb diseases, diabetes, dropsy,stoppage of water, incontinence ol urine. Bright’s dis use. albuminuria, and in all ctses where there ar briek-dti t deposits, or the water is thiek. rimidy, mixed with substances like the w Lite of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance. and white bone dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensa tion when passing water, and pain in the smell of the back and along the loins. DII. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative Pills, perfectly tastele.-s, eleganily coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Rad way's Pills, for the cure of ail disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, biudder, nervous diseases, head-ache, constipation, costiveness, indi gestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious fever, inflammation of the bowels, piles, and all derangements of the internal vis cera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable—containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A tew doses of Radway’s Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by I )rug gists: Read “ False and True.” Send one letter stamp to Radway & Co.. No. 87 Maiden Line, New York. Informa tion worth thousands, will be sent you. july 26-ly DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. This invaluable Family Medicine, for purifying, cleansing, removing bad odors in all kinds of sickness ; for burns, sores, wounds, stings; for Erysipelas, rheumat ism, and all skin disease's ; for catarrh, sore mouth, sore throat, diptheria ; for colic, diarrhoea, clfolera; as a wash to soften and beautify the skin; to remove ink spots, mildew, fruit stains; taken internally ns well ns applim] externally ; so highly rec ommended by all who have used it—is for sale by all Druggists and Country Merchants, and may be ordered directly of the Dakiit Profhtlacth; Co., 161 William street, New York, or Dr. T. K Mitchell, I-awrenceville, Ga. apl9-lyr LAWRENCEVILLE CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP. Having Several Nears’ Experience, I would call the attention of my friends, and the public generally, to the fuel that 1 am prepared to Manufacture, or Repair, any kind of Wagon, Carriage, Buggy. Cart, Wheelbarrow, or any other vehicle Prompt attention given to all work in ur line. Having skilled workmen, and a full supply of the best material, I guarantee satisfaction J. W. WILSON. lawrenceville.Ga., June 21-Cm J. Walk kb, Proprietor. It. H. McDonald k Co., Druggist* k o*u. Aj'uw, sab Francisco,C«l.,»ud St Commerce Sb.N.Y. MITXIONS Itcar Testimony to th«lr Wonderful Carutlve They are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Hum* Whiskey, Proof fcplrlt* and Re fin*© Liquors* doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called “Tonics,” “Appetizers,” “Restor ers,” Ac., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but aro a true Medicine, made from tho native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A. LIFE GIV IXO PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condi tion. Ko person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They arc a Gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic* possessing also, the peculiar merit of act ing as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and all the Yiscerai Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at tho turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism and Goat, Dyspepsia or Indiges tion, Bilious* Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood* Liver* Kid neys and Bladder* these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases aro caused by Tlttatcd Blood* which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Orjrnns. DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, DizMncs.% Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Ilsart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in tho regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms arc tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate tho Stomach ana stimulate tho tor pid Liver and Bowels, which render them of un •qualcd efficacy in cleansing tho blood of all impuri ties, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR AKIN DISEASES* Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Ring-worms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature arc literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitter*. Cine bottle in such cases will c-evince tbo most in credulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its .mpuritica bursting through the skin In Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; clean o it when you find it ob structed end sluggish in tho veins; clean.su it when It is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and tho health of the system will follow. Pln.Tapo and other Worm*, lurking In the l»y.stem ofso many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed, bays a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the cart.i whose body i * exempt from the presence of worms. DU not upon Hie healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits tintt breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERa J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. 11. McDONALD & CO., DruggLsUaud Ccn. Agent*, San Francisco, Califor nia, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street* New York. DUFFEY, STC KEB & CO., ( UM MING GEORGIA Mannfaet avers of HOOTS ANI) SHOES, Keep constantly op hand a flue assort ment of I .rat her. Sin e Findings, Fiench Calf Skitis, and Northern work. All work warranted. Repairs promptly done. Prices moderate. si p 6-1 f JUIt Uli E It A , it is not a Physic—lt is not what is popularly called a Ritters, nor is it intend*d ns such. Is a South Amer iean plant that has been used for many years by the medical I'acnJy of those countries with wonderful eflicacy, and is a sure and perfect remedy for all diseases of the liver and spleen, enlargement or obstruction of intestines, urinary, uterine, or abdominal organs, poverty, or a want of blood, intermittent or remittent fevers, inflammation of the liver, dropsy, sluggish circulation of the blood, abscesses, tumors, jaundice, scrofula, dyspepsia, ague mid fever, or their.con comitants. Dr. Well's Extract of Jnrubcba is a most perfect alterative, and is offered to the public as a great invignrator and remedy for all impurities of tlie blood, or for organic weakness, with their attend ant evils. For the foregoing complaints Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jnrubcba is confi dently recommended to every family as a household remedy, and should be freely taken in ail derangements of the system. It is not a physic —it is not what is popularly called a Bitters, nor is it in tended as such ; but is simply a powerful alterative, giving health, vigor and tone to all the vital forces, and animates and fortifies all weak and lymphatic tempera ments. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., New York, sole agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for circular. dec 6-4 w WelVs Carbolic Tablets, For Coughs,Colds,Hoarseness These Tablets present the acid in com bination with other efficient remedies, in a popular form, for the cure of all Throat and Lung Diseases. Hoarseness and Ulceration of the Throat are immedi ately relieved, and statements are con stantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in ca.-,es of Throat difficulties of years standing. Caution. — Don’t be deceived by worth less imitations. Get only Weills Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 cts. per box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18, Plattst. N. Y , sole agents lor the U, S. Send for circular. REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES. Great Saving to Coxsumprs kv Getting up CLUBS. for our New Price last, and a club form will accompany it, containing full directions—making a large saving to consumers and remunerative to club or ganizers. GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO.. 31 and 33 Vesey street, P. O. Box 5643. New York. W ATIH 1- REK to Hgeuts to llltio.j U( v.. - 8 O’CLOCK ' »‘ 2a . A asTSSpk t e Sewmp Machine ih the world * , •' * Payee. Or,, pi KiJ- LKS, Shot Guns, Rovolverl> tnalcriiils ol every kind. Write for list to Great Western Gun Works p bnr P Fa. Army guns and revolj honglH or trad.-,! for. Agents want? SIOO to 250 per month guaranteed*, to agents everywhere selling onr seven strand White Plutinn Clothes t '2 he!’ s readily at every house. Address the Girard Wire Mn rep. ads lphia. Pa, ’ ** $lO from 50; itS.nn.cn iwnMppndrfm-PifteCnib £ *r>r T-n T- ! w,-f' i ins is no Humbug. — By~ienjjjk 35 et nts with age, height, color eycsijj hair, you will receive by return mail, correct picture of your future husbaq wife, with name and date of mnrria. Address W Fox, O. Drawer, Full* ville, N. Y. CTiOLUGIG Fascination~or&j (’hunting. 4CO pages, by Herb! IT*.nxiltt n. B. A. How to use this po», (which all possess) at will. Divinalia Spiritualism Sorceries, Dtmrnologv.w i thousand ollur wonders. Price b’rm $1.25 in cloth; paper covers $1 00 run lice to agents only. SI,OOO monthly £ sily made. Address T. W. Evans, Pul, lisl er. 41 S gili street. Philadelphia, ft l- BhL iu a<Jevis7 A hound canvassing borkol the riCTOIMAI. IIOJIE BIBLE! Contifiningovi r 300 ll!nstrali< ns. Will,, eompreln i siv< Cyc!o| rditi exj lamtltanj the Sciidliin s In the Plngltsh and German. Wm. Flint k Co ,Philadelphia. 17 PllOFl l AFLE E.MITJ YAffjf Wi d( site to engage a lew n on ugcil to sell the world renowned ini|.ri,vJ BtcKt-VE Sewing Ma< iiine, at a liVsral salary or on commission. A horse i*| wagon given to agents. Full f artieulan fortiFhed on application. AddnssW, A llsNiunsoN A’ Co. General Ago*, <'!• vi-land Ohio. A- st. Lou’s. Mo. _ hm* the del !<• Ate And refreihlft \JQ> AgrAaer fttiulMFirlm Cvlvene Water, adh u - the TAllet BOA* •eery Lady #r ( lIeABB. Said by Mid Dealer* In I’KHriMERV^ THEA-i\ECT/u 1 • a pure Black 'lit with the Green Tn flavor. Warranto! i| suit all tastes. 1"', r sale everywhere. in if ‘trade mark’ poundanf half | onntl paekagisa ly. Aid ftu salt* ula>|t>ait » ill) ly lit Ai'dp’ c fVrifu* Ten f'o.. 8 < ’lmrtfc St., N»\\ YmK. P. O Hi .\ :*»;*( G. Sf! ?f»r I lit*;! Ni rtME c : rt ulsir. GO Ol) MAPS. Who Willi Id not have clean. *nmi! w’ in- TeetiY AI may. hv uup ’liaa r n*s Ivey I'kai i. '• • orH l‘< WDM;;i is the I" >1 denirilriec known. ’! ne.,v pson's Pom.-df. Oftsme \vi' tush it so; its i fa els are wnidi rliu. !*oM bv druggists Erie,-. 25 nml.M cents per h< I' e. F. O. Wki l,s & E 192 Full, n street. N< w York. $1 287 148 i In Cash, (lifts to le distributed by lb MERCII \NTS’ ANI) BANKERS ASSOCIATION, OF NEW YORK. Daily Drawings. A PRIZE FOR EVERY TICKET. 1 Cash Gift §IOO.OOO. 6 “ each, 50.000. 12 “ •• 25,000. 20 “ “ 5,000. 75 “ “ 1,000. 300 “ *• sl>o. 200 •• •• 200. 550 “ “ 10*. 400 Gold Watches 7.9 to P 275 Sewing Machines, 60 tol^'- 75 Elegant Pianos.. .each. §250 to" I' 50 Melodeons “ 50 to 200- Cash Gilts, Silver ware, etc, valued at §1,500.0««. A chance to draw' any of the alw ,e prist s Inr 25c. Tickets describing prise* are sealed in envelopes and well niii«. On receipt of 25c a sealed ticket « drawn without choice and sent by rcas to any address. The prize named n|i<* it will be delivered to the ticket lioliit on payment of §l. Prizes are ininied; atcly sent to any address by express* return mail. You will know what your prize is I* fore you pay for it. Any prize exchange for another of the same value. No blank 1 Our patrons can depend on fait dealitf Opinions of the Press—“ Fair dealifl can be relied upon.”—N Y Herald. A»? 23. "A genuine distribution.”—WotH September 9. "Not one of the humbug of the day.”—Weekly Tribune. July• "They give gem ral satisfaction.'’—Stas# Zeitung, A ngiist 5. References —By kind permission * refer to the following: Franklin S L»# l.ouisville, drew §13,060; Miss Ha |,! Banker, Charleston, §9,000; Mrs. Loai* T Blake, St Paul, Piano $700; V Raymond, Boston, §5,500; Eugene' Bracket. Pittsburg, Watch §300: Annie Osgood, New Orlian«, ss4^l Emory I, Pratt, Columbus,Ohio,s7.^ One cash gift in every package of 2# tickets guaranteed. Six tiekets for §l4*' 13 for 2 00, 25 for 3,00, 50 for 5.00,2« for §ls. Agents wanted, to whom*' offer liberal inducements, and L'lmranW satisfaction. REED. PORTER £ ( t 42 Broadway, New York. " FREAIi Composition Stone. For 1 ioust- fronts, Docks, Piers, culver# walls, fountains, and all building pun sea, harder, more durable and one hat dri-d per cent, cheaper than natural »tou For State and County Right* to manufacture, apply to Ciias. W. IJ4 ling. Secretary N. Y. Frew Stone (j 1,238 Broadway; N. Y.